6 Tuesday, July 26, 1870. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite communication from all persnnswlto are interested in matters properly belonging to thin department. " For the Bloomfield Times. '' "What I Know About Farming. V .noTTi. Mr. Editor What I know nbnut farm ing has refcreuce to Small Fanners, and may not always be practical to large fann ers. I know that whatever is worth doing on a farm at all, is worth doing right. I know that soiling cattle, instead of pasturing them, both makes and naves. It saves inside fences ; it saves land; it saves young fruit trees; find it makes manure. I know that every good farmer is as saving of manure as he is of his money, and docs not believe that letting it lay out in the weather makes it rot better 4han when it is covered. I know that a barn and a barn-yard should both be covered under one roof. I know that farmers can learn much to their advantage by reading agricultural books and papers. I know that a great many farmers would profit by raising more fruit and less acres of crain. I know that farming rich land will make a rich farmer, and farming poor land will make a farmer poor. I know that corn is the most certain and profitable crop a farmer can raise. I know that the best farm lands may be made much better, and that all farms will sometime be made as rich us our Hardens now are. I know that farmers are only beginning to learn to farm. A Small Farmer. V. S. Smedley, Leonville, Pa., writes the l'armers Club: " hast winter we sav ed our coal-ashes, sifting them and keep ing then) dry till spring, which we mixed with about hull their bulk ot ground plaster, and when the corn was well through the ground set a boy to putting the mixture on the hills, at the rate of about a half-handfull to each hill, going over about half the field of twelve acres; and thought nothing more of it until har rowing time, when I noticed, in crossing the field, a very distinct difference in the appearance of the corn that where the ashes and plaster had been applied beinsj very dark and healthy, the other part pale and feeble. However, the whole field made a very fair crop for a dry season ; but I am satisfied that that part where the plaster and ashes were applied, made fifty bushels more shelled corn than where there was none and the ashes were coal ashes. Plaster alone had never acted so well for us." COMMUNICATED. Hog Cholera. A subscriber in Lancaster count', who says ho has tried it, gives the following as u sure preventative against hog cholera : " I have been accustomed for several years, to take white oryellow pine roots or tops, when wilted, and make a strong decoction, by pouring hot water on them and then mixing in that coi n-meal. This I feed to my hogs three times a week and though my neighbors have lost hogs all around me, I have never lost one, nor lias another neighbor, who tried the same remedy. If there is no appearance of disease in the vicinity, I still give it to my hogs once a week, and they like it. It is worth trying as it can do no harm even if no good is done. BSyTho Canada Farmer says that the attacks of the apple-tree borer may be prevented by washing the whole trunk of the tree up to and including the forks i . 1 1 1 v' ot tne main urancnes, wiut, son soup, oi a solution of potash. The alkali kills the eggs or young grubs as soon as hatched Insects are endowed with wonderful in btiucts, and it is very doubtful whether the parent beetle ever deposits eggs on a iree man is covereu wuu siruuir uiik.uu. Death to Hats. The following means are recommended to housekeepers as a cheap and effectual remedy for the rid dance of rals: " Take common cork and slice it as thin as a wafer, and fry it in the gravy of meat, but be careful not to burn it, and place it where it may be eat en, and they will soon disappear. The cork on being swallowed, swells, and thus destroys them. Signaling at Sea. An old naviuator, writing for the LiU'e Corporal, tells us something of the way ships speak to each other at sea. To the andsnnm, he says, who is in every day titercour.se witu Ins leiiow-nian, it win ppear strange that sailors, who are some times for months confined on board ship at sea, can communicate with passing ships on the lonelv waste of waters, both asking and answering questions, as well as if speaking to them byword ot mouth. This is done by means of flags; and when the colors and numbers of the different flags are understood, it is a very amusing and instructive recreation. The flags are numbered from one (1) to the cipher 0 nothing. For instance, No 1 is a square white flag with a small blue square in the centre. No. 2 is blue, white, and blue, longitudinally. No. 3 is a square flag. one half white and the other half red. No. 4 is a swallow-tailed flag, blue ground, with a white cross in the middle; and so on. Four of these flairs in line are hoisted- say 4, 9, 1,0 which on referring to the book of signals, mean : hat ship is that 'I" The ship you are asking may be seven or eight miles off; but with a good spy-glass, the flags are easily distin guished. She answers by hoisting 4, b, 1, 2 with a small pennant above. Uu relcr- ring to the book, you find her name ti be " America, lou then hoist .., i), U, - " From what port, and where bound to, She answered with four flags above What is your longitude i answered in degrees and miles, with a small flag be tween the degrees and miles; and so on Almost any question can be asked and answered, as : Have you had bad wea ther ! Can you spare me any provisions t My crew are sick. 1 have fever on board Heave to, and I will sendaboaton board And sonic hundreds of other questions and answers can he mane uy mereiy transposing the flags. And while sailin in company with a ship of the same speed, it relieves the tedious monotony of a long passage to be expert in the signals, the signal-books being transht ted into all the different languages ot all niaratime nations the numbers and colors of the flags, of course, remaining the same. HOTELS. JAGLE HOTEL NEW BLOOMFIELD, Perry County, rcnu'a. TTAVINIl nurchascd the hotel formerly occu I I iiied bv 1 :ivil 11. l.nnfer. situated on North Carlisle Street ailloninf! the ( omt House, 1 am prepared to receive transient, guests or regular boarders. To all who favor me with their eustom, I shall endeavor to furnish first class accommodations. A cull is solicited. GEOR UK DERRICK Bloomllcld, March 9, 1809. 3 101y5 Thomas Mooke. S. S. AVeheu. GEtEAJTXY mi'ItOVIH) AND R E - F 1 r T E D ! 'THE UNION,' This line Hotel Is located on Arch Street, Between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MOOKE & WEB Kit Proprietors. January 1, 1809. BELLS. f ESTABLISHED ( 1 1&U7. BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY ! nllUKCH. Academy, Factory, Farm, Fire PURE BELL METAL, (Copper and Tin.) warranted In quality, tone, du rability. &u.. ami mounted with our Talent 1M- PUOYEU ROTATING- HANGINGS. Illustrated Catalogues sent Free. VANDVZEN 0 TIFT, ifos. 102 and 104 E. 2nd St., 41101ypd C1NCINNA TJ, O. The Cheapest Paper in the State "PERSONS wanting a, good family newspaper, jl inuepenueni in pontics, snouiii suuscnue ior " The Bloom field Times," published weekly at New llloomfleld, l'enn'a. Each number contains choice selected or original stories. Anecdotes. i,ocai aiiUAiisceiianeousjscws Farm and Agricultural information, and such :i variety of Interesting and instructive reading mat ter mat as A CHEAP FAMILY PAPER, It cannot be excelled. It Is issued In Ouarto form containing Forty Columns, and Is mailed to sub scribers ior One Dollar a Year In Advance. S Specimen copies mailed to any address, on receipt ui a two-cent, sunup ior posture. Address JS'ew JUomnfleUl, l'enn'a. Summer Dress-Hoods in a variety of style some as low as 12J- cunts per yard, fust i ceived and for sale by F. Mortimor &, Co. Now is the tiino for bargains. Philadelphia Advertisements. Hanking and Stocks. . BANKING HOUSE OF Jay Cooke & Co., 113 AND 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Old 5-20 Wanted IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Xoles Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. tigr COLECTIONS made ; STOCKS bought and sold on Commission. SPECIAL business accommodations re served for LADIES. 101 Books! Books! Books! PERKINPINE & HIGGINS, oo you tii ro vhtii street, Philadelphia, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) a full supply of the latest, and best, LtiuiAKV Books from the leading Societies and Publishers. We make our selections with great care, and guarantee the moral and reunions eliaracler in uie hooks, cneer fully exchanging any that may mil be satisfactory, selling at Publishers prices, and. wherever practi cable, making liberal discount to Schools. - A full assortment of MUSIC HOOKS. Sellers, Question and Lesson Hooks, Maps, Med als, Reward Cards, lllaekboards, IJible Diction aries, Cbrtijicate Blanks, Library Rciiistcru, Secretaries' and Superintendents Rooks, Mottoes, Scripture I'ie tures. Infant Class Manuals, and everything new and useful for Sabbath-school use kept on hand or supplied to order. We have been engaged in this special branch of business for years past, and have acquired an experience which we think our customers uniformly lind ben ctlclal to their Interests. A Descriptive and Illus trated Catalogue, containing names and prices of several thousand volumes, sent free to any address on application. Philadelphia, April 5, 1870. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. tiRAl'niMi & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c And a lino assortment of Wood ami Willow Ware No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, ISO!). TO OUlt FllIEXDS! rpnn undersigned have this day formed a Co 1 rartnership under the name oi SIDDALL & MARKLEY, and will continue the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At No. 119 Market Street, bucceding to the well-known house ot WP.IGllT & SIDDALL. Trusting to receive a continuance of the favors so liberally bestowed on the old linn, We are yours. Respectfully, FRANCIS H. SIDDALL. One of the llrm of Wright & Siddall. ARTHUR D. MARK LEY, M. D. Philadelphia, January 1, 1870. 10 4 Sheeting Muslin, 9 8 Sheet:!)?; Muslin, 5 i Pillow Caso Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Case Muslin, 44 Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Shirting Muslin, 9 4 Sheeting Linen, For sain at tha lowest price by, F. Mortimer & Co. New lJIoomfleld. A DMINISTHATOlt'S NOTICE. Notii xY. Is hereby given, that letters of Adniinistni timi have been granted by the Register of Peri county, on t lie estate of Margaret II. Jacobs, late oi .iiiinaia lownsnip, 1 eery county, 1 a., to isiciio las .lacons, resiumg in 1 uscarora lownsnip, rerr; county. Pa. All nersons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment, and those havingelaiins will present them duly autheu- viuuteu ioi hemi-iiiriii. NICHOLAS JACOHH, Administrator. i-flwiB xOTruu, Airy ior Amu r. t CHEAP GOODS! THE subscriber having opened a new Store, one door Kast of Swegei's Hotel, solicits a share ot the public patronage, lie lias Just received a full supply of IV O V jc o o d H , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, II A TS & CAPS. Q UEEXS WARE, ROOTS t SHOES, And Everything else usually kept in Stores. as Call and see my stock. liOU'T. N. WILLIS, Jev Illonmtleld, Ta. 3 42 Bloomfield Academy ! An English and Classical School von LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I TIIK WINTKlt SKS'SION of this Institution commenced December nth. J lie course of stiulv embraces Latin, Creek, Knulish Kranches. Mathematics. Natural Science, Sc., and is designed to furnish a thorough Kntilish I'.ilucaiion. or a complete l reparation ior a colle giate Course. Vacations: July and August, and one week at Christmas. Terms: Fur Hoarding. Furnished Poom. Wash- inir. Tuition n Latin. Creek, l.imlish liianehcsiind Aim hematics, tor tne scoiastic year, except uoaiu in vacations. yjnuio. The Hoardinir Department is at the institution under tlie sutiervision of Wiliam (irier. Lsu.. by whom good and substantial board will be fur nished : and the pupils will be under the strict care oi the i rincipai. a on res-; A. li. i i i-.r i' i n. a. m., i rincipai, or WILLIAM (ilill.l!. 51tn Saw Hloomlicld, Perry county, Ta, Gil EAT B Alt GAINS III DRY-GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. A Great Variety of Notions, AT VERY LOW PRICES. A Fine Assortment of Hardware CIIFAF FOll CASH. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, QUEEXSWARE, STATIONERY, And a great variety of other goods, al! of which will ha sold AT CSI6KAT I5AKAIHS, F. Sloi'liiuer & Co. IVew ISIoomficM BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD and NEWPORT SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TIIK subscriber Is now running a hack between llloomtleld and Newport, IcaviliK ltlooinlleld at 9 a in., arriving at Newport In time to connect with the Kxpress train Kast. lieturniut;, leaves Newport at 2.00 p.m., or on the arrival of the Mail train West. - lie has also opened a LI VKHY in til Stables bcloiiKiiiK to Itinesmilh's Hotel, where he is pre pared to furnish horses and buircies at moderate prices. Alius i;uiiiiM3U NOTICE TO SOLDIERS. SOLDIKPS DLSCIIAIiGF.I) for sickness or olhe cause, who enlisted before July 22. 1801. for veal's, will receive llountv now due them, or tliei heirs, by making immediate application, either in person or ny teller to LLW1S I'OTTKIt, New llloomlleld, March 22, 1870.3t Perry County, Fa, NOTICE. fH- SAMl'EL II. IiliCK Is this day admitted XT.L io an interest in my uusiness, V. MOUTIMEU. New Bloomllcld, January 15, 1870. The business will be continued at the same place, under th llrm ot V. MOltTIMEK k CO. A Splendid Assortment of Shoes for Men, Women and Children lias just been received by F. Mohtimeh & Co. Clocks. Another new lot of SO hour and 8 day Clocks just received by F. MoJi timeu & Co., Kew Uloomlicld. THE KIDNEYS. IIIE Kidneys arc two In number, ditunted at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and consisting of three parts, viz i the An terior, the Interior and the Exterior. The Anterior ubeorbs. Interior consists of ssues or veins, which fcrve ns a deposit for be urine nnd convey It to the Exterior. Tho Exterior Is u conductor also, terminating In a single tube, and railed lite Untcr. The Ureters are connected with the bladder. The bladder Is compofed of various cover ings or tlesucs, divided into partR, via. i th Upper, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous. tic upper expels, the lower retains. Many have a desire to urinate without the ability; others urinate without the ability to retain. this frequently occurs In children. To cure these affections, we muft bring into action the muscles, which are engaged in their various functions. If they arc neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be mnrte nwarc, that however slight niny be the attack, It is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are supported from tbcee sources. Govt, ok Riif.vmatism. Pain occurring In the loins are Indicative of the above discuses. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalkv concretions. The Guavfl. The gravel ensues from neg lect or improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the water Is not ex pelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; t becomes feverish, nnd sediment lornis. It is from this deposit that the etone is formed and gravel ensues. DitorsY is a collection of water in sonic parti, of the body, and liciirs dilleicnt names, accord ing to the pints a ilected, viz.: when general ly ditluscd over the body, it 1b called Anasarca ; when of tire abdomen, Ascites; when ot thti chest, llydrotliorax. Tueatmf.nt. Ilcltiibnld's highly eoncentra cd compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best ri medics for diseases oi the Wud der, kidneys, bladder, dropsical . swellings, rheumatism and gouty a flec tions. Under thih head we have arranged Dysuria, or ditlicultv nnd pain in passing water, scanty cecretion, o small and frequent discharges of water ; Etran gury, or stopping of water; Hematuria, o bloody urine : Gout ana Klienmulism oi vni kidneys, without any change in quantity, bu increase in color, or dark water. It, was nl ways highly recommend by the lute Dr. I'hys Ick, hi these alicctlous. This medicine increases the power of dices tion, end excites the absorbents Into heulth exercise by which the watery or calcareous de positions, and all unnatural enlargements, a well ns Pain and Inllamation, are reduced, am It is taken by men, women, nnd children. Di rectlous lor use ana diet accompany. PniLADFXi'niA, Pa., Feb. 25, 18C7. i II. T. IIelmbold, Druggltt : Df.au Sin I have been a sufferer, forupwnr of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, und ki nev alfections, during which time I have usi various medicinal preparations, and becuundc the treatment, ol the most eminent Physician experiencing but little relict. Having seen your preparations extensive! ndvcitiscd, I consulted with my family phyt clan in regard to using your Lxtnx t liuchti. I did this because I had used all kinds of a vertiscd remedies, nud had found them wort less, nnd, some quite injurious ; in fact, I 6 spuired of cvergitting well, und determined t use no remedies licrcnltcr unless 1 knew ot ti ingredients. It was this that promi ted me use your remedy. As you advertised that was composed of buchu, cubebs, nnd junip berries, it occurred to me and my physician i an excellent combination, nnd, with bisndvh after an examination of the article, and co suiting again with the druggist, 1 concluded try It. I commenced Its use about eight mont ago, ut which time I was confined to my rooi From the hrrt bottle 1 was astonished and gn illed at the benclicial ell'eet, and alter using three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt mu like writing you a lull statement of my case the time, but thought my improvement mie.1 only be temporary, nnd therefore concluded defer nnd see if it would elici t a perfect cu knowing then it would be of more value to yi and more satisfactory to mo. I am now nble to report that a cure Is effc ed after using the remedy for live months. I have not used any now for three montll and feel ns well in all respects ns I ever did. Your liuehu being devoid of nny unplea: taste and odor, a nice tonic and Invigorntor the system, I do not mean to be without whenever occasion may require its use iu si utl'cctious. m. Mccormick Should any doubt Mr. McCoimlck's st: meat, he refers to the following gentlemen : lion. Wm. UioLEn, ex-Governor, rensylvaij " Thob. B. Flokence, Philadelphia. " J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. " J. S. Black, Judc, Philadelphia. " D.R.PoitTEH, cx-Govcrnor, Peuusj uia. " Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. " R. C.GitiEK, Judge, United Etates Co G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philudclp " W. A. PoiiTEK, City Solicitor, Phila " Joiin Bioleii, ex-Governor, Califoi " E. Banks, Auditor General, Wash ton, D. C. And tnauy others, If necessary Sold by druggists and dealers evcrywhei T) . -.......li. A A ,1.1 , ijcvtuio ui couutericiiB. jisk ior iicimue Take 110 other. Piucb f 1.85 per bottle, o Dottles ior su.tM). Delivered to any add Describe symptoms in all communications Address. TT. T. nTCT.MTtOT.TV Tln, Chemical Warehouse, 004 Broadway, N. w "VTONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS D L up in steel-engraved wrapper, with bimile of my Chemical Warehouse and si II. T. HELMBOL 4 M ly p