The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, July 19, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    vE!)c ffimco, New Bloomftclir, 3nu
It loomMb (hnts.
Tuesday, July 10, 1SJO.
L O C A L D i: 1'A 11 T M i: N T.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance I
Persons who receive a paper with this article
marked, may know that they should mail in-otherwise
send the subscription price, It they wish lo
continue lo receive Tne Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will p1cao bear In
inhitl that loners received later than Saturday eve
Hint;, or the down mail mi Monday morning Iiavo
tj lay over until the following week.
A Few Days since a girl was in town inquir
ing for "nick iUian hair manure." It was
subsequently ascertained that she wanted
Sicilian hair renewer.
rnralylc Stroke Mr. Levi Gable, of
Newport, was struck with paralysis one day
last week while at his work on the railroad,
lie was taken home and medical aid call
ed, and is now in a fair way to recover.
s "Stolen. A buggy belonging to W. .T.
f Kipp, and a horte belonging lo George
Maus, was stolen from the stable of the
latter at Millerstown on Monday night last.
A reward of 73 is oH'oicd for the arrest of
the thief and recovery of the property.
Curious Accident. Last week a woman
living tit Lcwistown was badly . burned
around the head and arms while making a
lire with waste paper, among which had
been placed a paper containing po.vder.
Very Saving. There is a man in this
vicinity who promised lo pay us a little bill,
before this, if alive. As we see him round
town occasionally, we suppose ho is dead
and is walking around to save funeral ex
penses. Matches. We see it slated in somo of
our exchanges that tho tax on matches has
been removed. This is not tho case,
there st ill being a tax of ono cent on each
box containing one hundred or less, and an
additional cent on each additional hundred
or fraction of a hundred.
Dr. Bigelow, who resides near Lewis
town, has delivered himself to the authori
ties, in consequence of rumors to the cil'ect
that the recent death of his wife was the
result of foul play. The parties had not
lived very pleasantly, henco tho rumor.
The affair will be investigated.
Altoona is troubled with burglars and in
cendiaries. Both are troublesomo fellows
to have in a community, and tho citizens
arc consequently desirous of having thein
removed and cared tor at the county ex
pence. Wc have received a letter strongly advo
cating tho merits of a very worthy citizen
f or the position of Senator. As tho Timet
is not a party paper, wo must decline to
publish any such letters unless the persons
wishing them inserted arc willing to pay
for them as advertisements. In that case,
persons c:.i have such space in our columns
as they are willing to pay for, without re
gard to the parly they desire to servo.
The Methodist Sunday School of Bloom-
field intend having a C'llchration ou
Thursday the 21st day of July in tho Grove
adjoiuuig town, a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all who favor (because of Sabbath
School. Come then without a personal in
vitation and you will bo welcome, all, per
sons attending the Celebration aro reques
ted lo meet at the Methodist church at
bal f pa; t 8 o'clock and from there proceed
in pro v.wsion to tho woods. Addresses will
be delivered at 10 o'clock A. m.v und-ut 2
o'clock : m.
FcHras Accident. A 'lad named. Tommy
Ifvll iigcd" 13 years while hathiiiir in the
mined. ict ou last Wednesday was caught' a i-assiiig boat and the dock and
Lad his leg badly crushed above Hie kneo.
He vvr.s lul. 'en to the residence of his father
in Pui keusvillo and Doctors McClure and
Warner were called to his assistance. They
1 bought amputation' necessary but the
htrennous opposition of tho parent to this
course, caused them to attempt to save both
life and limb.' At last accounts thoro was
a prospect of the child's recovery, with
out tho loss of the leg.
Visitors to tho camp meeting to take
placo at Elliottsburg, can bo accommodated
with board, and can havo horses cared for
at tho residenco of William Swcgor,about a
quarter of a milo from the camp ground.
July 8, St.
The ltoomcrnng. In answer to a corre
spondent who asks " what a Boomerang
is?" wo reply: "It is a weapon made
from hard wood, and is generally about 2
feet long, 2 inches wide, and inch thick.
It is bent to a slight curve, the inch faco
presenting a convex front, which, by ono of
the sides being rounded is brought to a
blunt edge, and it is thrown with this edgo
forward. The peculiarity of the weapon
consists in the manner in which it is used.
Tho person throwing it turns his buck to
the point of at tack, and throws tho weapon
with great force, as though aiming at an
object about thirty yards before him. Tho
action of tho air on tho curved edge and
rounded side makes tho weapon describe a
circle, until it finally hits llio object really
aimed at, which is within one to two hun
dred yards in the rear of the person having
thrown it. It is used with great effect by
the natives of Australia, by whom it was
invented, and it is said that they will kill
biids at a distance of two hundred yards.
A person not used to throwing ono would
be very apt to find it coming back, and hit
ting him on the head so as to badly injure
ail I?oud. Wo have received two coin-
munications complaining loudly about the
new road from Newport to Millerstown.
One of correspondents asserts that "tho
road is positively unsafe afler dark, and
even in day time it is unfit for use. llo
further asserts, with how much truth we
do not know, that Hie road never was need
ed by the public, and was only made for
the accommodation of some few individu
als. We do know that the county was tax
ed for tho purpose of making the road, and
it was supposed that the township in which
it lay would keep it in order, so that the
public could use it, if inclined so to do. If
something is not dono before the August
court, one of our correspondents says he
M ill have the supervitors returned for neg
lect of duty.
A Case of Almost Fatal Poisoning. The
Pittston Gazette says : An. attache of the
Gazelle, Mr. S. T. Mufily, formerly of How
ard, Centre county, Pa., has received the
startling intelligence that his two sisters,
a brother and brother-in-law had narrowly
escaped death by poison. Their milk cows
had grazed upon a poisonous shrub known
us the deadly hemlock, which had so even
onied tho milk that it required all tho skill
of a number of physicians to save tho lives
of all who drank of it.
Dr. Sclioejipe's ('use has been decided by
tho Supiemo Court ; that court sustaining
tho veidict against him. There is now no
hope for him unless tho Governor should
delay ordering his execution until tho Leg
islature should meet, when they might see
lit to rectify the mistakes of last winter's
Legislation. It is, however, probable that
there is no hope of his oscaping tho mur
derer's doom.
A Swindler. A man named W. C. Stairs
has been victimizing tlie newspaper propri
etors and citizens of York, by represent
ing himself as the agent and part proprie
tor of several papers, and taking subscrip
tions therefor. Tho publishers, however,
did not sec the money, nor tho subscribers
their papers. IIo has left that place,
and will probably attempt his swindles in
some other locality.
Life IiiHuranco is now recognized by every
good business man as one of tho best pro
visions bo can make for his family, and
tho only question is to select a good com
pany. For such we can confidently recom
mend the Continental, whose advert isement
cau be found in another column. The gen
eral agent for this Stalo is Mr. J. F. Eaton,
of llarrisburg.
A IleoTj Mortgage. A mortgage given
by tho Pennsylvania Canal company to
Herman 8. Lombaert, in trust for the above
company, is being put upon record in fifteen
counties in this State. Tho stamps requir
ed for this, amount to$5,000. Tho $."5,000,
000 arc divided into bonds of f. "5,000 each.
The Democrats of Philadelphia havo
nominated Sam. Josephs again as their
representative. A littlo girl hearing them
speak of him asked if he- was the Joseph
who was sold by.liis brethren ? " Not ex
actly," replied the father' "though it is
generally supposed he has been bought a
good many times."
A Tire Alarm at Huntingdon on Sunday
night a week, caused tho congregations at
tho churches to suddenly thin out. A coal
oil lamp caused tho alarm.
A National camp meeting was opened at
Oakngton, Md., on last Thursday.
Church Notices.
Tn tho Methodist church, prnyer-mecting
Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday
evening at 8 o'clock by Hov. Geo. W.
In the Reformed Church prayer meeting
on Thursday evening. Preaching next Sab
bath at 7 o'clock p. m.
In the Presbyterian Church prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on
next Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. in., by Rev.
John Edgar, the newly elected pastor.
DiiCQiuioi) Items. The Iron Works hero
resumed operations last Monday, after a
week of vacation.
On the sumo day quite an excitement was
raised by the antics, in the streets,of a heif
er belonging to Jones and Young. A ehaso
of half an hour was required to effect her
On Tuesday last tho reservoir supplying
water to tho boilers at the works, was
found to be empty, somo defect in tho
pumps causiiiK tho diflicuUy. The chief
engineer sncecded in getting matters fixed
beforo any accident from lack of water oc
A stono mason named Leighty, employed
at McMorris' new building, caused severe
injuries to a child named Shanb, on Thurs
day, by dumping it from a wheelbarrow
onto a pile of stones, because ho neglected
to get off when asked so to do. The man
was arrested and bound over in the sum of
?;!00 to await the injuries of tho boy.
Our citizens complain about tho side
walks and curbs. Many of them are so
high that a person walking on Front street
at night is sure to drop from under his hat
or snap his neck stepping off at tho cross
ings. In this respect I am glad to see that
the pavement being but down by John
Heftier differs from others, as it will not
have theso "jumping off' places,
Ppi'.nsj Ivania K. E. Time Table.
On and after May 29, 1870, Passenger trains
will run as follows:
Pittst-i'i; Expr's. (FlaR)f.4l A. ?.t. daily exe't Sunday.
Way Passenger, D.l.'l a. m., daily except Monday,
Mail 2.11 1'. M. dai'y except Sunday.
Fast Line. 4.10 A. m., daily except Monday.
lliirrisburii Aeeoni. 11.31 A. m.. dnilv " Hiuidav.
Mail 7. r;t e. m., daily except Sunday I
A mixed tralii Willi nasseiicer ear attached, will i
leave Uarrlshurt; at o o'clock p. in., und Newport
lit 0.4U ii. in.
J. J. BAUCLAY, Agent.
On and arterSunday, June 12th, lfiTO, trains will
leave Umieamion, as follow s :
Fast Ellin, (Flag) 4.3o a. M., daily except Monday
llanisinirg Aeeoni. 12.04 1'. M., daily " Sundav
Mail H.2S i. M.. daily " Sunday
Way Passenger, 8.81) a.m., daily except Monday
Mad, 1.4U i M daily except Sunday
Tiiro' Freight, Pass. Car attached, v. M.
WM. C. KING, Agent
Stage Line Between Newport and New
C TAG KS leave New Cermantown daily at four
y j o eioc.K a. m. i.anuisoni gai I. ..u a. m. uiceii-
urii'l.- ill K ii in iui 111. u mi tii.'.l ill III.' .1 in
Arriving at Newport to connect with tho Ac
coiiimnilaliou liaiu Fast.
lieluniing leaves Newport on the arrival of tho
Mail Tram from I'hiladclphia, at. 2.;lo p. in.
Z. KICK, proprietor.
County I'rico Current.
Bi, OOMFIEI.1), July IK, 1S70.
IX) cents.
Butter 1 pound
Kggs t dozen
Dried Apples pound.
Dried reaches
Pealed Beaches
Cherries ,
Onions "l bushel,
IS "
18 '
li "
15 ti W cts. "
0 0 cts. "
IS 6i 18 cts. "
8 ti 10 cts. "
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Koitptt A- tons.
Newi-out, .1 uly 10, Itwu.
Flour. Extra 8 5 2.1
lted Wheat 1 Z 1 2,')
Piye 85
Corn 85 AO
Oats 1 '.il pounds 60
Clover Keed 0 50j)OriU
Timothy Kecd 3 (Hi
Flax SSeed, 1 75
Potatoes 15 15
Cround Allium Ka!t, 2 50
l.imeliurner's Coal, 2 40
Move Coal 4 50 5 50
Pea Coal, 3 40
Smith Coal 2.5 cts. Klb.s.
Cross Tles,8;; feet long, . . 30 ($ 40 eeuts.
Philiulclpldii Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney & Andrews,
No. 123 Makkkt Stkkbt;
yiULADiaruiA, July 8, 1870.
Willo Wheat, i 1 48 1 to
lted Wheat 1 42 & 1 4.1
ltye 10761 ti8
Corn 1 06 1 08
Oats ' HO 04 .
Clover Keed 7 00 08 25
Timothy Heed 5 50 & 7 75
Flax Kecd 2 25 ti 2 25
Country Lard ! 14 & 17
Eggs 25 0 20
liutter, solid in bids.' 16 & 18
Washed Wool, 45 cents per lb.
Bowrk Stonr At the Lutheran parsonage
in Newpoit, by Kev. O. Shcatl'er, John A. Bow
ers of Manevlilc, to Mies Sarah Stone, of Sa
yllle township. 1
Pannei.l Smith On the 2f,th of March, nt
Oukdell, by Kev. B. G. Huber, Hanson P.inneH
of I)uucunnoii,to Miss Mary Smith of this bor
ough. BAYi.on Pahkn On the 30th nit., nt tho
same place, by the same, Dnvld Bcnlor of Iek
esburg, lo MissS. A. M. P.iden, of Raccoon
Valley, his county.
Rot-sf,. In Savilin twp., on the 9th Inst.,
Mrs, Mary, wife of John House aged 40 yearn.
Bouse. In this borough on the inPt.,
Charles MeClellan, son of Kev, G. W. and
Virginia Bouse, Aged, 8 years, 3inos., &13dys.
Asi'F.n In Juniata township on the24th ult.,
Mr. Henry Asper, aged 44 yours, 10 mouths and
10 days.
The First IJaw Bone I'll ispliato JIadc
All Others are Imitation.
tapes I'Sifpiiale ofUitic!
This Manure is made of Paw or Unburned
Pones, rich in Niti-ogeuoiii matter, dissolved in
Oil of Vitriol, presenilis; the Hone Phosphate in a
highly soluble and gnieldv available form, anil the
Ammonia in such proportion as lo insure a prompt
and vigorous action unim I lie crops.
Where Paugh's l'lioiph:ile was applied the past
season, the indicat ions, without except ion, are that
it will maintain its well earned reputation. Were
quest, all in need of a Feiliiiier to give tills article
a trial.
0co No. 20 S. Dohvraro Aromo,
4 2D fill! 9
Life Insuranca Company,
Awsots, t5 1 ,f50 ,000 I
Ifc-J'FS all the new forms of rollcles. and pre
seats as favorable terms as any company in the
I in It'll Mat s.
The Company will make temporary loans on Its
Thirty days' grace allowed on each payment, and
tlu. mi h.v l:e!ri ironil iliil-illir thill time.
Policies Issued by this Company are non-forfeit
No ext ra charges are made for traveling permits.
Policv-lioldeis sh . re in the annual prolitsor tun
Company, and have a voice ia the election and
nianagenieni oi uici; uipany.
No policy or medical fcetharged.
M. It. Wyskooi', Vice i'res't.
J. P.Eooeus, Sec'y.
j. f. Eaton,
Clcneral Agent,
No. North Third Street,
4.2!) yl J College lllock, llarrisburg, Pa.
Ileal Estate Agency for 1'erry Co.
Ei e n I .state AgcntN,
IVo-vv J31oinfiellt I'si.,
OFFICII nt Private Kale over OVER ONE
W HUNuHED FARuiS m J'erry i:ouniy.
I a., varying in sie Horn eo in aoo Acies,
at nrices i;iiil'Hil' from Pill lo ill U Del' acre.
Allot the above Ileal Estate Is located within 45
mihrs of the Capital of the Si ate, and convenient
to markets, none of it being mine than X and
much of it within 5 miles of the I'enn'a. It It.
Perrv Counlv is among the linest Agricultural
Counties in Hie Stale, '1 he land being principally
limestone, red shale and llinl gravel.
Persons wishing lo view anv of the above prop-
properties can do so, by calling at the otlice of the
- Persons luiv'ng properties for sale, would do
well in calling on ineaiiove.
.- Please send for a Circular giving a full do-
siTipllori ot hum properly I 2ii ly
CIII'AP TOU CASH. The un.lersigned
gives notice that he has adopted tho Casli
Plan, nml now sell;', goods at very low rates
lor Ciihh or Country Produce only. Mo de
viation will lie inndi) from this tide.
Millerstown, Pcnn'a.
May 3, 1870 13t.
New Advertinementa.
U l.ibei allly. ami (A Jlmt have for over
i weniy Years been ncciy used upon
Moore's Rural New-Yorker,
And as a result It Is now. pre eminently, the Larg
est, Hcst and Cheapest Iu-i'sruvruii ituitAL l.rr
KKAKY and Kamii.y W'kkki.v in the World, lens
of thousands of wide awake I'eople, ml over Hie
Continent, take and udiniie the Iu iiai, for Us su
perior Auatiy, ante, juiisirniums, Ntyie, Ac.
The Press nml People Praise It X
For examine, an Kxrhange says: "Till'. lit'RAI.
is tlie most jli'fimtt!iJ'riHU'il, Aitiy Eilt.tsd, Wittnttj
ClnuttiU'il anil Jleurtily Welcome. I'liii r, us a
v.lmte, irliieli now Jlwts it if'? aiitnnu the, 1'eoptr."
-Vol. XXll. begin July 2. 'liy it! only
$1 ftu per volume of yj numbers, or & per year.
lxss lo clubs. HiibKrrlne Aoml Add tens
4 24 4t. r 1). L). T. MOUKli, 41 I'm k Kow, N. Y.
f A n j Will pay for tho New York
JJ VVilltO fMjln w to. human-1. Wl.
ONE DOLLAH will pay lor the hhAil M-.LK1.Y
do. do. iid cents a luuuth pays for '111E DAU.Y
bUN. Addiess,
I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher.
4 2S4trl New York.
Advertising !.
V BOOK of 12.1 closely printed papes, la'ely ls
sued, contains a list ol the best Ami'i caii
Advertising Mediums, giving the names, i-in-u, li
tmus, und loll pailieuiais concei ning the lead.iig
Daily and Weekly I'o.iiical and Family Newspa
pers, together with all those liaviiig laij:e circula
tions, published In the intciest ot Kci.uoii, Agii
eulluic, Eiteratuie, &c, e. Every Advertiser,
and every person whoeoiileinplales becoming such,
will tl ml this book of great value. Mabel free to
any address on tho receipt of liitcen cents. .hO.
I: KOW'IOJ.l, .. CO., Publishers, No. 40 Park
Kow, New York.
The Pittsburg (Pa.) Tender. In its Issue of May
2'l, 1S70, says: "The tinn of i. P. Kowcll ii Co.,
which issues this iuteiesling and vaiiuili.e book, i t
the largest, and best Advenisiiig Agency in Hit
U nited Males, and we can cheei ful.y recommend
il lo the attention of those who desire toadveitise
their business scikni ikicam.y uiuIsystkm aticai.i.y
in such a way; that is, so to secuie too laigest
amount of publicity for the least expenditure ot.
money." 124 4w r
JL L. rJC iCS IV rX" H .
Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent
are advised to counsel with MliNN iS: Co., editors
of the Xt ti ntilic Auterli tin, who have piosccuted
claims bcfoie the Patent for over
ieais. Their Ameiican and Furopean latent.
Agency is the most extensive in Hie world, char
ges less than any other lellnbie ageing. A pamph
let containing lull instruction.-, to inventors is scat
gratis. M LNN & CO., :17 Park How, New ;uk..
Is Brighter, will not Fade, Costs Less than any
other liccause it wnl Paint twice
as. mueli surface.
1 J. 'IS rl? .
J. II. CO., Msau&cturisrs,
122 North 4th street, riiiiatleljihia.
Prompt. IIoiioraLle. Kelinblc.
AUENTS WANTED In every city, town and
village for the largest ana most, suceessiul .
Dol.l.AK HOl.SI. in the r ONLY O K en
dorsed by the leading Papers and Lxiuess Co'sof
cue i nilcil biaies. uiu goods give univeisal satis-
taction, our iiieiniunis 10 Agents cannot he
lii.i.KD, and our checks aie free, liaving two
houses lioston and Chicago our lacilities are in
KyliAi.KU, and our business exceeds in amount all .
oluer concei ns in this tiade combined.
, Sl-.N D FOR Cll'Clil.Aht) anil FltiCE CLl'il to
h. C. 'X'llUiMl'0 CO..
130 Federal Street, Jlonton, on
15a blute iStreet, Cticago. .
BltlDK AM liltl DKG'KOOM. Essays for
Voung Men, free, In sealed envelopes, iiow
AiiD Association, llox p, Philadelphia, l'.i,
wondei lul hook : il shows how eitntei sex can
laseinate any one they wish, instantly. (All pos
sess tins power.) It teaches how to gel rice, Alche
my, Miicciies, nieaniaiioiis, i;eniiiiiologv, Ataxic,
Mesinei Isiii, Mpirituahsui, iMarriage (.mile, and a
thousand woiuleis. Mailed lor 2i cents. Addiess
T. WILLIAM 6; CO., Publisheis, houlh. 7Lli slreet,.
T ATYIV? T! Euolnie Is the most Useful ar
""L' -l-LiO ticie ever invented for your use.
Circulars free. Mrs. Mm tan, i o. lioxit;!8,N.Y,:tin
Kamples 30 cents. A. Oiunt,P.O.Lox4:;Wi, N.i. im
ellJCJ llow I made it in 0 mos. wiUi-Ktenells.
tplilU Kainnlcs mailed nee. A.J.Fl-l.l.AM.N.Y.i;in
No. 4S1 Broadway, New York
"1T"1LL dispose of Onr IU'NmtKi) 1'iaxos. MB
IT I-odi'jons ami Oikians, of six Itrst class ma
kers, Including Chickeilng & Sons, at kxtukmki.y
X)W I'HICKS irOli CASH, IJH11INU this month, or will
lake t loin $5 to i!i inoiilhly until paid. 4 17 ly a
L 0 N G E S TR 0 OF
In the United States Is on Itinek'S Sons' Factory.
Loston, Pa.t one third of a mile long, and is cov.
eicd with
CHEAP. 1UARLK and easilv annllcd. Send for
eiicular and samples to the manufacturers.
4 23 lya
No. 04 Courtland St. New York.
Minkley Knitter.
For Family Use. price 1W0, Knits everything.
uses only onr needle, simple, reliable. Olroular
and sample stocking sent fkkb. Knits ten pairs
per day. A child can operate It. Acientb Want
eu. Address
Hinklet Knitting Machine Ca, Bath, Me,
423 3ma or 178 BROADWAY, K. Y.
ParnKols and Sun UmhrtlliU for sale by
P. Mortimer & Co., at from 75 cents to
$3 20.