The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, July 19, 1870, Page 4, Image 4

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ljc imcs, Hem Bloomftc!t, 3ti.
V Hi?
Tramimt 8 Cents per lino for one insertion.
i " " two insert ions
15 " " three Insertions.
Business Notices in Local Column 10 CcntR
per line.
Notices of Marriages or Deaths inserted free.
Tributes of Uespect, Ac, Ten cents per lino.
One Square per year, Including paper, $ 8 00
Two Squares per year, including paper, Yi 00
Three Squares " " " It) 00
Four Siiuares " " " 20 00
Ten Limn Nonpareil or ono Inch, Is one square.
Tuesday, July 10, 1S70.
.Admiral Dahlghen died quite sudden
ly at Washington on Friday hint. At
the time of his death he was in command
of tho Navy Yard at that city.
llox. JI. 13. Lowuv, of lOric county,
has been offered the Honolulu Consulate,
a fftaitinn where the fees are worth thirty
thousand dollars per annum.
The Wohkman in Franco are giving
tho authorities considerable trouble. In
fine department alone over sixteen thou
sand are now on a strike.
Chinese . Lauorkiis in great numbers
iiontinued to arrive. About live hundred
came last week in ono lot and were sent
at once to the interior of Tennessee as
fc!d hands.
IIo. T. F. FilKI.IN.illUYsb.V.of N. J.,
has been nominated, and after a severe
struggle in the Senate, confirmed as Miu
irfier to England in place of J. Lathrop
Motley, who has been recalled, because
he did not follow his instruction in the
acttlcincnt of the " Alabama" claims.
Tin: Expenses to the government of
tho recent visit of lied Cloud and tho
other Indians, was 500,000 which amount
was inserted in the appropriation bill.
Jtather an expensive luxury it seems to
us, particularly when wo consider what
a incless outlay it is.
" The Bee" is the name of one of the
niOEtf-picy of the l hiladcljdiia papers. It
furnishes any amount ot honey suited
to the literary taste, and its merits en
title it to a large circulation, which we
have- no doubt it has. It is published
every afternoon by McClintock it Co., and
is mailed to subscribers for only three
dollars per year.
The iMassacke reported to have ta
ken placo at l'ekin turns out to be a hoax.
There have several sensation dispatches
recently been sent from Europe that turu
out false which shows that there is some
ohap over there that ought to be massa
cred, or at least put where his talents
could bo otherwise employed;
A Skiuous ltinT occurred at Elm
l'ark at New York on the l'Jth inst., be
tween the Protestant Irishmen (called
Orangemen) and the Catholics. Several
hundred people were engaged in it and
it is estimated that fully two hundred
were badly injured. Five are now in
the hospital who arc not expected to ro-
cover and five have already died.
The War News had a disastrous ef
fect on Friday last, upon- Gold and U. S.
Stocks. The former rapidly advanced to
ll&J and during the evening at the Gold
gambling rooms at the Fifth Avenuo Ho
tel it leached1 1101, while tho latter fell
two per cent.
To us it, seems as though a European
war should have oxuetly tho contrary ef
fect upon securities, and no doubt such
will be the caso alter the first excitement
. lias passed away. Should tho war be
prolonged to any cxteut, we believe that
gold will demand a lower premium than
any point yet reached, while Government
bonds will be sought as an investment by
European capitalists even at a higher rate
than uny yet quoted.
On THE lGth the rumors of war in
Europe, caused the greatest excitement
in tho gold market at N. Y.
On the street at one rime the premium
was run up to 11(5. The highest point
reached, however, in the regular dealings
was 115J. The uoice and confusion
brought to mind very forcibly tho never-to-be-forgotten
spectable witnessed on
"black Friday." Excited individuals
tore off their shirt-collars, flung away
their neckties and got rid of- their hate
In the readiost manner possible.
Uomnfiflb (L
War has been declared by France
against Prussia and already both countries
are busy massing troops along the Rhine.
Very shortly the Cable may bring the ac
count of a battle, ami as both nations arc
possessed ot all the most formidable
weapons known in modern warfare, the
struggle will bo apt to be very severe.
German vessels have already been no
tified to seek shelter in neutral ports for
fear of French vessels of war, and tho
steamers of the German line did not dare
to leave New York last Saturday, tho
usual day of sailing. Tho sympathies of
most people will be with Prussia, as Na
poleon seems to have seized upon the
flimsiest pretext for forcing this war
up in her.
Further news will be anxiously looked
for, and the final result is not easy to de
termine the two nations being so evenly
Mits. Lincoln has succeeded in get
ting a yearly pension of $ WOO. II; she
been in indigent circumstances, there
would be some excuse for such a pension
being granted, but while possessed of a com
petency, there is no good reason why Mrs.
Lincoln should be favored so much above
others, who have actual need of Govern
ment aid. Among the many soldiers'
widows distributed throughout the land,
.ire hundreds who are certainly linoe
worthy of help, and to whom a small frac
tion of this amount would have brought
the necessaries of life.
The bill "ranting this pension is a bad
precedent to establish, but proves, that
for Mrs. Lincoln, " Earth has no sorrows
that money cannot heal."
A Tfrriele Chime has recently been
brought to light in England, a woman
being arrested for causing the death of
children which she would take -to bring
up. It is supposed she has utarvcd and
poisoned forty of these poor innocents.
Her plan of operation was to advertise
for infants which tor the sum of o should
be brought up with motherly care.
These advertisements, which were in
serted over different names would be re
plied to by those, who from various caus
es wished to be rid of their offspring.
Lately she had become so reckless that
four of the bodies of these little ones
has been found in the fields in the vicini
ty of he:- residence and wero traced to
her, securing her arrest.
3" The colored people down in Pel
aware have gotten into such a habit of
stealing rails that the farmers have bo
gun to bring their fences in at nights
It is a good deal of trouble, they say. but
it is not any harder than to undertake to
identify the ashes of tho rails when the I
thieves ore brought to trial. Personally
we arc not much of an agriculturist, but
it seems to us that perhaps the fences
might be protected very nicely if every
rail on each farm had a watch-dog chain
ed to it ; or if a fire-proof safe large enough
to contain the fence, wero erected in
each field. 31 r. Greely recommends lay
ing bank-notes along by the fences, so
that the thieves will take them and let
the rails alone; but he. doesn't know
enough about farming to start a two-year-old
orphan in the business of making
dirt-pies. Everyboy krows hew he plan
ted four acres in canned tomatoes, and as
one of his friends asserts, tried to make
his hens lay scrambled eggs by stirring I
them up with a pole! lie is not worth
?" Stories about the curious antics
of lightening arc plentiful this season.
While a man in Eiko Cal., was recently
at work on a telegraph wire, with the end
of it in his hand, a flash struck tlve line
some dis'ancc away, instantly split three
fingers, passed up his arm, across his
breast and down his side, darting out tit
knee, leaving a blackened orifice like a
bullet-hole, and plunging into the ground.
Tho man was knocked senseless, but
soon recovered, and confessed to feel all
the better for the little shock. The sen
sation, he said, was not very painful, but
seemed like the pricking of sharp pins.
JC&yEr. Sages Catarrh lleinedy pro
duces perfect cures of the worst case of
Catarrh "cold in tho head," Coriza and
Catarrhal headache as hundreds of testi
monials from well known citizens and
eminent physiciaus who have used it in
their practice abundantly testify. It is
mild, pleasant and unirritating. Tho
proprietor offers $300 for a case of Ca
tarrh that ho cannot cure. This remedy
sent to any address by mail or receipt of
sixty cents. Address 11. V. Pierce, 31.
D., Huffulo, N. Y.
For sale by most druggists everywhere.
Two Ladies Shut In with a Mad Dog.
Particulars of a Very unpleasant ad
venture, in which two ladies of Petroit
were recently the heroines, are furnished
by a local paper :
About eight o'clock the other evening,
two ladies, residing up stairs in tho block
on Woodward avenue, just beyond State
street, observed that a largo Newfound
hind dog which had l mg b"en in posses
sion of the family, was exhibiting strange
Suddenly, and without warning, the
brute sprang into tho middle of the room
eyes ablaze and his hair like bristles,
and he uttered u howl of rage and pain
that sent the blood from the indies' faces
in an instant. heading ff from the
room was a closet or clothes press, and for
this both of the woman instantly sprang,
'i ho dog did not follow nor attempt to
molest them until just as tliey were clos
ing the door, when he came near gaining
admittance, snapping and snarling savage
ly. 'J he male portion of the family
were away to market, and the ladies
found themselves prisoners, wiih a genu
ine mad dog for a keeper. 'J he animal
howled and barked and ran about the
room, biting at every article of furniture
and his heavy breathing and yells of in
tense pain would have made stronger
hearts quail than those shut up in the
little closet.
The ladies screamed, the dog howled
and for nearly an hour there was an ex
citing time within a small space, the dog
now and then scratching and toariui:
aw;iy at. the closet door. At last, alarm
ed by the screams, several men from the
street made their way up stairs, ami with
chilis, alter a sharp struggle, killed the
frothing brute. 'I he dead bodv tlir
animal was thrown into tho alley and was
carted off by the scavengers. It was
looked upon by a large numbers before
being conveyed away, and none who saw
the eyes and the foam-flecked jaws doubt
ed that the animal had been seized with
an attack of hydrophobia.
A Distressing Accident.
Emma Meiseuhe.ltcr, aged abnut four
teen years, a daughter of Henry 3Ieiscn
lielter, who resides at Kinding's mill, in
Windsor township, was seriously injured
u Tuesday afternoon last. She was in
the mill while it was in operation and
getting too close to the, machinery, her
dress caught in it, by which means her
body was drawn in upon the wheel,doing
her serious injury before it could bo
stopped. Her left arm was broken in
three places and her body was very much
bruised. Sho was taken from her peri
lous situation in an unconscious state, in
which condition she remained for some
time. We are pleased to learn, however,
that good hopes of her recovery are enter
tained. York I'rr.-s of the. hth in f .
JfSy On Sunday afternoon the 10th
inst., a young man named William Four
bine, an expert swimmer, began a varie
ty of exercises in the Morris Canal.Jtrsey
city. II is position was near the old wood
en bridge at the foot of Van Yost street,
and about forty persons of both sexes as
sembled on the bridge to observe him.
While the crowd was thus occupied the
bridge broke in the centre and precipi
tated about one-half of the spectators into
the water.
The greatest excitement prevailed, and
a sad loss of life might have been the
result, but for officer Foley and a man
named Kilray, who were inn boat near
by, and who jumped into the water and
rescued all. The expert swimmer was
arrested for bathing iu violation of a city
For The Blnomfwld Times.
Oliver twi, July 13, 1870.
To tho Editor of tho Jttoomftdd ti;mis:
Sir I understand that a project is brew
ing, and now on foot for the removal of the
County Seat, and that the Legislature will
be called upon to act on tho matter at its
nest session.
1 deem it nothing moro than my duty to
warn the interested citizens of the county
of these secret workings and urge them to
bestir themselves to watchfulness and care.
It is understood or talked of that the Coun
ty Commissioneis will soon bo consulted as
to the propriety of selling out tho Court
l louso for Academical or Hcminary purposes,
to parties who stand ready to purchase, and
to defer repairing our jail, putting useless
taxes on tho good citizens of our county.
Will you bo caught up in tho matter? Will
you fold your arms and lio down at ease in
a state of lethargy and anticipate no dan
ger? 1 appeal to every one interested in
this matter to wake up and look to your in
terest, for rest assured, unless you do, you
will regret it when too late.
Where is your railroad ? I had thought
that long ere this time I would have heard
tho iron liorso, and shrill whistle passing
through Sherman's Valley, but alas I not so,
and let me toll you that unless some move
ment is made toward getting your D. B. & C.
T. R. Road in motion, you may as well and
almost to a certainty, anticipate the removal
of the County Seat. For tho sake of your
own great interest, do look at the true side
of the picture, and come from your places
of hibernation put on the garment of liber
ty and improvement, and show to tho world
that you are a zealous, energetic people by
building your railroad nml thereby forever
put a stop to all this agitation.
Nous Vkruons.
Miscellaneous News Items.
Thero are ten Chinese Sunday schools
in San Francisco with !i01 teachers 'and 704
CETA Norwegian family, consisting of
father and mother and twenty-one children,
landed at Sheboygan, Wis., lately.
fcW In Providence, on tho 4th inst., an
old hen attacked a torpedo, and by persist
ent pecking raused it to explode and blow
otl' her own head.
tW Philadelphia has been indulging in
riots among the firemen to such an extent,
that it run hula one of 1 lie good- old time,
when riots were tho daily pastime of their
CUT" A Mrs. Council, in Willimantic, Con
necticut, enticed a little girl into her house
lately and foieed her to drink liiiuir until
she was drunk. On reaching homo the
foor child fell down slabs and bioko her
63?" The Hank of Louisville that was re
cently robbed of $72,(C0 having offered to
compromise with the thieves for one half
the sum without inducing a return, has sold
out to i ho Drovers' Bank, the latter assum
ing all the liabilities.
O" A lady at, a fair the other day, in
Springfield, Ohio, saw what she took to be
a very nice piece of candy, and quietly put
it in her mouth. It proved to be a minia
ture bomb shell, and exploded, lacerating
her mouth and shattering her teeth in nil
exceedingly unpleasant manner.
37" Cn Thursday last two men came to
the house of Mrs. Jackson De Ilavenner in
Covington, Jnd.. in the absence of her hus
band, gagged and brutally assaulted her.
When her husband returned he found her
lying in the yard insensible and still gag
ged. The scoundrels arc not ui rested.
iW Tho Census takers in different parts
of the country are colleciing some very cu
rious information. They find that thVhigh
est ago attained by an unmarried woman is
twenty-six years. It is well to have the
point at which they cease growing older
definitely lixed.
E37 An alarmed bachelor in Milwaukee
recently rushed in great excitement and
speed to his washerwoman, and was just in
time to arrest her hand as sho was placing
his pantaloons in the suds, lie had one
thousand dollars in greenbacks sewed in
the waistband, which he had forgotten at
the time of sending the garment to wash.
Ur The bones of about 1200 Chinese
lately reached Han Francisco, on their re
turn to tho Celestial Empire. They bad
been gathered up along the line of the
Central Pacific Railroad, and were all that
was left of a regiment, of tho laborers on
the great work. They are taken home in
pursuance of tho contract by which they
were originally brought into this country.
07" Mrs. Vashti Angell and her two sons
wero arrested on tho Uth inst., in North
Providence, for the murder of William P.
Angell, husband and father of tho family,
who disappeared some months since, aiid
whose body was recently found in a pond.
James Fagan, a hired laborer on AngeU's
farm, was also arrested. All the prisoners
pleaded not guilty and were committed for
EST In Philadelphia, on Saturday after
noon a merchant left with his bookkeeper a
check signed, but not filled up, for tho pay
ment of a bill which he expected to bo pre
sented. The employer then left his count
ing house to transact some business. Dur
ing his absence the bookkeeper filled up tho
check for $2o00, presented it to Jay Cooke
Si Co., with which linn his employer did his
banking, drew the money, and then disap
peared. The matter was referred to tho
Detective police.
EST It is related of a Western Judge,
who alternated his judicial functions w ith
the pursuits of an auctioneer, that whilo
plying this latter vocation ho was derided
by a bidder, whom ho thereupon fined $10
for a contempt of court. To the bidder's
demurrer that the Judge was not exercising
judicial functions at tho time, the judge
made lofty answer : "I wish you to under
stand that this Court is always and every
where an object of contempt."
OFOn the night of tho 8th inst., at
North Kingston, Rhode Island, Eliza A.
Smith, wife of Jeremiah Smith a fanner,
took from their bed two children, aged re
spectively a years and II weeks and drown
ed them in a rain water cistern, and then
drowned herself. The Coroner's jury found
that temporary insanity was tho causo of
Mrs. Smith's conduct. Tho father was
sleeping in another bed with a sou 5 years
old and was not awakened.
Extkkmkh. A prince and a pedlar
may bo equally well fitted out at Oak
Hall. You can pet a coat for two dollars,
or a coat for sixty dollars.
Summer DresM.oods in a variety of styles,
some as low as 1SH cents per yard, iust re
ceived and for sale by K. Mortimer & Co.
Now is the time for bargains.
Joseph Elolcy vs. James Flndlny, ct nl,
Chus. J. T. Mclr.tire vs. Hcnj. Cheesemnn,ftal.
Jacob Albright's use vs. Daniel C. Nnce, ct at.
Win. Sitzcll vs. Wm. A. llollonbuugu.
W. H. Mlllctt vs. Win. McKlsson.
Joseph Lebkichler vs. executors of JoB.Lebklch
lcr, dee'd.
Wm. K. H. Cook vs. Kcdscckcr J. Young.
Samuel McCord vs. Andrew 13. Smiley.
Wm. McClintock vs. Wm. Since.
John Kivcrvs. Cnitis Striae.
Wm. II. Miller, Esip. vs. Aaron M. Eirolf.
Lloyd, Snnplee ifc Walton vs. 13. F. Miller, ct
al, garnishee, etc.
John bliull vs. Joseph lloekcnhcrry.
James 13. Leihy vs. Win, Cumbler, ct al.
JiiniCB Woods vs. Isaac Stoke.
Henry Harrlck, sen., vs. Henry Barrick, jr.
Henry Wagner vs. W. Williamson.
Thomas Giliboncy vs. Wm. Smec.
Isaac Stoke vs. James Woods.
J. M. Miller, ex'r., vs. Jeremiah Einchart.
Margaret J. Miller's use vs. Jeremiah Kinchnrt.
Oco. Ycagcr, Indorsee, ifcc, vs. A. J. Ciouscr.
David Fry vs. John 1. McClintock.
John Shott vs. Alljiit'lit Ai Troiitman.
Jeremiah Varnes vs. Penn'a Canal Co.
Alexander Metz vs. William lieale, ct al.
Win. Diini, endorser, &e., vs. Win. lieale, etal.
1'liilip C. KeiMnircr vs. William L. lieale, ct al.
Samuel Hartmun vs. Wm. L. lieale, ct ui.
William Hays vs. George W. Troftlc.
Jacob Tyson vs. Nathan Colyer.
Thomas McCoy vs. John C. Loy.
Albeit C. ltiebhiond vs. Kcndlg fc Co.
A i licit C. I'.icbmond vs. John Ke.ndig.
Wilson Sluawder vs. Charles Troutinnn.
CHAS. II. SMILEY, l'rothonctarv.
Tiotliy's Otliee, tJloumlield, (
July lb70. S
Hnatl Soiho EnplMi Testimonials.
Gki:em:s Saii.oiis' Homk,
l'opiar Street, London, Kn'aiu!.
1 take this method ot making known the perfect
cure I have obtained from tlieu'e of your valuable
medicine, the l'AIX Kll.l.l j;. 1 was in-Red by a
friend to liy it, and procured a bottle of Dr. Ker
not, Apothecary.
1 bad been aiiiicted three years with Xeuraltria.
and violent spasms of the stomach, which caused
a e'liistiuiticjei tioii of food. '1 he doctors at Wcst
inii.stor Hospital, jtavu up my case in despair.
Then I tried your PAIN JUL!. Lit, which gae mo
immediate, relief from pain and sickness; and I
regained my stlengtli, and am now able to follow
my usual occupation of sailor. One bottle cured
inc. Yours respectfully,
Silt I desire to bear willing testimony to tl.e
wonderful cll.cacy of that American Lcmcdy call
ed Pain Ktllcr, which 1 believe has no ciual in this
country. I have been aiiiicted with heart disease,
and could lind no lelicf till 1 got the Pain Killer,
which soon made a cine. I am tjaile willing to
answer any iiupiines about my case.
Yours, etc., FANNY SILVLTIS,
Dudley, (Worccstcrshlic,) bngland.
(Ibsti.emex I can with contidence recommend
your excellent medicine, the l'ain Kiiicr. lor liheu
niatism. Indigestion, and also Toothache, having
proved its clheacy iu the above complaints.
Yours, i.c.
liridgeinan's Place lioltou.
Gentixmhn I have vciy great pleasure In rec
ommending your medicine, the l a.n Killer. I wa
sulicring seveiely a few weeks since with Iiion
chitis, and could scarcely swallow any food, so In
flamed was my throat. 1 was advised by a friend
to try your Pain Killer, and, alter taking a few
doses of it, was completely cured.
Yours respectfully,
T. WILKlNhUN, Bolton, Eng.
I'. S. 1 have recommended the medicine to sev
eral of my friends; and, in every instance, it luu
had the desiicd eliect. I Sold by
Druggists and Dealers in Family Medicines, and
Dr. Strickler, Kew lllooinl'.eid, l a. June lil lm
Eight Per Ct, in Cold.
$1,500,000 ';
liY THE ,
St. Joseph and Denver City
In denominations of )()() and t,-;n(!0, coupon
or registered, with interest at K-ght per cent. x r
uninnu. payable l."lh Icbuiaiy and AulusI. In
.oi.l) fico from bulled Wales taxes, in New
York or Europe. The bonds have thirty years to
run, payable iu New York iu .Oi,l. Trustees,
Farmers' Loan and Trust, Company of New Yolk.
The mortgage which secures these bonds is at the
rate of SL'i Miner mile: covers a completed road
for every bond issued, and is a lirst and ONJ..Y
mnitgage. '1 his line, connecting St. Joseph with
Fort Kearnwy, will make ashoit and through route
to California.
The Company have a Capital Stock ot 510,0C0,0C'O
And a giant of Lund fiom Coiigiess,
or l.UtitMUti Acres, valued at the low-
est estimate, at 4,ur,0,0(iO
First Moi lg:lge bonds l.Sou.100
Total length of road, 871 miles; distance in
cluded In this Mortgage, 11 1 m.les; pricc.irj l-a
Ulid accrued iutei est, IN t'l ltliLJSt'Y. Can
be obtained from the undersigned. Also, pam
phlets, mails and intorimit.on leiatliijs thereto.
These bonds, being so well secured and yielding a
large Income, are able to panics seeking safe
and lucrative investiuciils. iccoiuiiicud tlium
w ith entne contidence.
JVo. Dl Pine Street, New York.
Xo. 49 Wall (strett, Kew York.
4 22 8m r.
To Illiieksniiths. Those wanting tho
beat finality of Too and Blister Hteel, can
purchase it at low prioes of V. Mortimer
& Co.