Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. Philadelphia Advertisements. HUMOROUS ITEMS. Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. MILLER & ELDER, Booksellers ami Stationers, PLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND t WALL FAFEK, ' No. 430, Market Street, Jl PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHARLES MAGARGE & CO., Wholesale, Dealers In Paper, JULag-s, &c, Nos. 30, 32, and 34, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Y 3- Paper any Size, Weight, Color and Quality, I' made to order, at short notice. Iuly4l SOWEll, BARNES & POTTS, Booksellers & Stationers. And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALLPAPERS, Nos. 530 Market and S23 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 3u Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and BrooKS1 Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of mo viuiuu OLiVLun, rciuiu imiuue luaps, &C. KLiK BOOKS Always on hand, and made to Order. 31t littOIMA'S "Writing: Xlnia ! rniUS FLUID is warranted KOTTAT. t.n Amm.n' JL and is sold at iiiucu less price. The money will be refunded to those buying it, if it does not VS. For sajp by 1 Mortimer, New Bloomlield, MILLER & ELDER, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, 23031 Philadelphia. Glasa and Queensware. A. L. Kaub. J. E. FiiETMiits, KAVIS & Fit ymii: i:, Importeks and Jobbehs or China, 3r lass AND QUEEN S WAKE, 801 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch fc Race, PHILADELPHIA. SD" Constantly on hand, Original Assorted racKagcs. 13. u. ly iy MISCELLANEOUS. PUMPS J PUMPS FOB PUKE WATEK, USE THE CELEBRATED CUCUMBEB PUMP Made nf wild Cuomnber wood, en the good old-fashioned wooden pump'. in.iuB uy inaciiiiiery, anu tnorniorc ill-- perrcctandaceurale In all its parts, XWy3 raising an equal amount of water, li keen it in renair. Afiwr tluirnnnii lliui i. to ovnuuvvjuuuu nig Best and Cheapest. CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY, Manupactureh. t..l It la ....l.n.....,...1 1 .... e Office and Ware-room, Nos. 624 and 626 Filbert Street, 4 IS 6m6 .PHILADELPHIA, PA. 9-These Pumps can be ordered of theManu auturvr, or c. aviui wmcr at ., ixvn xiiuuiueiu. E H T E Y S Cottage Organs, -I BEAT INDUCEMENTS offered to Churches VX and Sunday school, organs and Meloueons rial on mommy instalments. K. M. BKUCE, No. 18 North Seventh St., lWltf PHILADELPHIA, I f nmm'U nd costing less than half the money, t IvTi?TO?:f1 !'asily alli"leil so as to be non- I fcifi Vii 4 freezing, and In construction sosnn. I ff.T I JTJa lle that anv one can nut a tin and mi DRUCS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. ohn Lucas & Co., Sole and THIS ONLY MANUFACTUEEKS OF TUB IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Pure White I.eal and Color MANUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. SIDDALL & MARKLEY, Wholesale Druggists AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. A FULL STOCK of everthing connected with the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to offer in ducemcnts to buyers, and makes It worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. Stf. SAVES LiABOB ! Saves Time ! SAVES MONEY! -yy-AINBIGHT & CO'3 Labor-Saving Soap Will be found the best In use. "With this Soap washing may be done witli half the labor required when any other is used, and the saving In wear to clothes Is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that you will use no other. 8uFor sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New Bloomlield, ra. 317 Worth its Weight in Gold! rjlIIIS Is what everybody who has used It says of For Hheumatic Pains it will cive instant relief anu cuecia permanent cure in a snort time. It is also the best reinedv in the World for Cuts. Sprains, Bruises and Burns, and not onlv irivimr prompt relief from pain, but heals without leaving any sear. All who have tried it, say no family should be without it, for it is worth its weight in num. B3- i ry a Dome or hi ino cure, jno l'ay. 317 ttS- For sale at F. Mortimer's. PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO. No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A Substitute for Curled Hair, FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES. It is cheaper than feathkus or HAiit, and much superior, being the lightest sol lest and must elastic maieriai Known FOR MATTRESSES. TILLOWS, CARRIAGE, CAR. AND CHATH CUSHIONS. It la Indestruetable.f ree from dust, nerfec.tlv clean and fur the sick Is uuequaled, as if suiled it is easily uictiueu. IT DOES NOT PACK And is entirely free from Moth Persons are requested to examine tlie Cushion Sponge at the ojjice of the comiiany, Fob 8tf -No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET, Hardware, Cc. LLOYD, SLTPLEE, & AV ALTON, . WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE, Ho. 625 Market Street,, Philadelphia. DRY COODS HOSIERY. NOTIONS John Shaltner, Jr. E. 8. Ziegler. Theo. Bumel SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Successors to SUAFFNEK, ZIEGLEB & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Suspenders, THREADS, COMBS, and every variety ot TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BARCROFT & CO., Importers and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MAltKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Fhiladclphia. JSoots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. F. D. Miller. T. Rlckert. C. H. Miller. MILLER, RICKERT & CO., SUCCESSORS TO GKAYBILL Ss NEWCOMER, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, EURS, STKAW-GOOBS, &c., No. 319 North Third Street, 2d Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 11 ly 10 W. F. KOIILER, JOBBEH IN Hats, Caps, Furs, AMD Stra "w - G-oods, 153 NORTEL THIRD STREET, 3 9 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. D.J. Hoar. H. L. Hood. A. Trimble. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C23 Market St. and 614 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a. MISCELLANEOUS. JJjRADBURY'S AND OTHER PI A1V OS. laylor 6 ihrlei's and E. P. Needham t Son's 033ANS AND MELODEONS. WM. O. FISCHER, General Wiolesale Agent, 1018 Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 3 43 6m. PHILADELPHIA "Tha Red Horsa Powders" ARE rjIUE BEST roWDERS In the World for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, OR POULTRY. Thev will not onlvDrevent.butwIllCuredlHpases. and are the Cheapest, as well as the best Horse Powders in use. Try them. For sale by Stores and DruRi-lsts generally, and by F. Moutimeu, New Bloomlield; Pa. 335tl TOBACCO SECARS AC. W. B. METCALFE, WITII MITCHELL & WARE, Tobacco and Ci 2'arS. Philadelphia. S- Agents for Celebrated Star Navy.) 4 221y TnoMAs Romb. A. J. McCoiskey. ROBB & McCONKEY, Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in f rttJ ft ffrtO 0t?fftf5O -trf 4 VVUVVWWt Vi.WjiitUt Sso. 16 JNorth lilth Street, lueiwccn MarKei anu Arcn.j I PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1041tf a. u. unnmgnnm. 11. iewars. i.o.uicim. UUnmngnam, (jlGim i UO., Wholesale Dealers ik XOUaCCO, SCirarS, OC, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, FIIIL.AI1?LF1IIA. 82310 CROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . F. KlYItiUT & IlllO'S, Wholesale Dealers in FISH, Cheese AND J?iovisioiis, 114 South Delaware Avenne, Below Chestnnt St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, (Jeddcs & Go's Canned Fruits. mm S. It. TAYLOR, WITH WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwoou. Isaac W. Ranck. ATWOOD, KANCK & CO., Commission Merchants, Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Pickled nd Sal FISH, No. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, 3 40 6m6 PHILADELPHIA, PA. PATTERSON & NEWLIN, Wholesale CSroccrs, COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 120 ARCH STREET. ' j. nuuuetpnia. MT TVl Qa1 Vrrrra nnln nA TUI aHpftCiUlty. v auiw v "bA'l IVbUa. UIUIM MIIU TV WJl, x-iease sena lor a circular. 4 138 WUni rCAl r C WHOLESALE aSIP nnnrmnfi finflflnnfl UnUU.nD T.n... 1 1QAO Why is a lawyer like a sawyer? Because which ever way he moves, down must come the dust. US" A war on hearing that a man had Riven up chimney sweeping, expressed his surprise, as be thought the business sooted him. JT" " You say," said a judge to a wit- In ess, mat vne piuiuuu reaunuu to uu inircuous use of circumstantial evidence. ,1? ?u Tm1 by that." " Well." said the witness " My ex- act mean;n(, ;a that ha lied." HQf A singular genius dictating his will said, " I bequeath to my brother John, Twelve Thousand dollars." ' Why' said the lawyer, " you are not worth half that" " No matter for that, it is my will that he shall have that much, and he may work get it if he has a mind to". marvelous eseapo irom crowning, when twelve ot his companions were lost Dy the upsetting of a boat, and he alone saved. " And how did you escape their fater" asked one. I did not go m te pote, quietly re- i j tllfi T)utfihmaii. I In a recent description of Albany the writer says, " Albany is a city of ten thousand houses, and thirty thousand pe0ple most of them with their gable ends to the street. (Jan t those people be turned around r bot- A little four-vear-old child told l,o mna . A,l On Koinrr Ton. nmandedby his mother, and required ca y us v u dwi it aav vuuuivu ij the insulted parent and exclaimed, " Pupa I m sorry you se a fool. . B " Plaze, sir, would yez be so oblig ing as to take me great coat, hers, to Bos ton wid yei t asked rat ot a wagoner. " Yes ; but how will you get it again f "Och, that's mighty aisy, so it is: for shure I'll remaine inside uv it." J" Two friends meeting, one remar ked ,- " I have just seen a man who told me I looked exactly like you. " leu me who it was, that 1 may knock him down, replied his friend. " Don t trouble yourselt, said the other, " ior 1 did that mysclt at onoe. J" The only prisoner in the jail at Nantucket informs the authorities that if they don't fix up the jail so the sheep can t get in to bother him, he will be blowed if he will stay in there. 1 he prisoner is in the right, and his request should be heeded. JO- Said a cute Irishman to the tele- anybody lor the address in a message; " JNo. replied the operator. ' And do ye charge lor signing his name, sir ( said the customer. " JNo, sir. "WeU, then, will ye please send this r I just wau't my brother to know I am here," handing the following:" To John McFlinn -,at New York. signed rat- rick McFlinn." It was sent as a tribute to Patrick's shrewdness. Jt" A man in Michigan swapped his hrse fr a An old bachelor ac- uuuiuiaiiuc duiu lie u ucv tucio naa something wrong with the horse, or its owner would never have fooled it away that manner. B8f The last year that Davy Crocket was in Congress, a political jollification was held professedly in honor of the birthday of Jefferson. Davy met several of the company going home irom the festival, and thus graphically described their condition : ' They were so drunk, that I'll be if either of them coutd hit the ground with his hat in three times throwing: HQS' The following bon mot was started out West. A busy housewife was sit ting in a doorway plying her needle. Her husband lounging on the rail, his l00t fil,PPed and tl8 "06 On the I J L I uuuraiuue. oh -d hf. Lnanin t have I . . . D' I VlV&CU VUg UVUCj X UIU buic. I l.HnlrAn I A ItAnA 1 n .... (t Wall fKon mA 1 "cuiu, nnu no eye uroKeu ouii - you i ji :.. i i i. ii J tai and I have done very nearly the same aing. " How so ?" ' W Y XT ilnti vn baa " nwl cTia it T have broken the eye of the needleuian, and yo and you have broken the knee of the idlo I rnon