6 ljc dimes, New Bjoomficlb, Jla. Tuesday, July S, IS 70. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS We invite communications. from all. iersnnswho are interested in molten properly belonging to IUU HejKtrlment. liaising Cucumbers. A correspondent of the Horticulturist writes: " I had a narrow border not more than two and a half feet wide, on the edge of a high fouce. I planted three hills in the border, and laid some brush such as is used for pea vines between them and the fence. As soon us they crept up to the brush, I pinched off the cuds of the vine which thickened rapidly around the roots, and in every direction, throwing out the most vigorous foliage aud profu sion of flowers. . I did not allow the cucumbers to grow, but I watched them, and such ai I wish ed to reserve for the table I picked as tsoon as they became of proper size ; and all the rest were guthered every day for pickles; pinching off the bud at the end of each shoot. In this way the hills con tinued fresh and productive up till they were touched by frost. Some judgment can bo formed of the value of this prac tice when I add thnt more than a barrel of pickles were made from three hills, be sides allowing a supply for the table. When a leaf begun to look rusty or yellowish, it was removed, aud the cu cumbers and leaves were cut off with large sois.sors, so as not to disturb or wound the vine. There is an advantage in having them run upon brush instead of trailing over the ground, because they are much injured by being trodden on, and by being kept low .on the bushes they can be easily and thoroughly examined every day, which is essential, for if cucumbers are overlooked, and grow very large, it stops the yield of that vine." To Destroy Striped or Cucumber Bugs. A correspondent writes to the Maryland Farmer : " I send you an item, if you think it worth publishing, which effectually pro tected my melon, squash, cucumber, and other vines from that destructive pest, the ' striped or cucumber bug,' the past season, with only one application, viz. : A strong solution of hen house manure say one peck of the manure to one and a half gallons water let it stand 2 A hours, and sprinkle the plants freely with it af ter sunset. " The above was suggested to me by a negro woman living on my place, who has some practical experience in gardening, and says ahe has used it for years, and has never known the first application to fail to drive them off, and they never return." Mange lu Horses. All the mangy part of the horse's body should be rubbed with un equal mixture ot sott sonp and ointment, ana in twenty-four hours it should be washed off with warm water and tho horse carefully dried and blanketed afterwards. If one application is not sufficient, a second one should be made, but eight or ten days ehould intervene between each applica tion. When you perceive your horses in clined to rub their manes and tails feed them a little oil meal, say from one to two quarts a day for a week or ten days, and at the same tunc make good brine, as warm as you can bear your hand in it.and wash the scaly substance out of the mane and tail, and mix about a tablc-spoontul of lard to a tablespoonful of powder, and rub it in well about thcrooto ot the inane and tail. Tho Sex of an Egg. Fersons frequently wish to have their Lens hatch only female lowls, and tliere foro the following rule will be of value : " To ascertain tho sex of an egg, hold it in the hand between the eye and a light: if the vivifying spec bo located exactly on the top of the egg it contains a male bird, but if on one side it will hatch a female. This knowledge is valu kble to those people who invariably raise a tour-linn crop ot roosters. BS?" A Few Hints. Iron rust is re moved -by salt mixed with lemon juice. Mildew, by dropping in sour buttermilk and laying in the sua. Ink stains may be sometimes taken out by smearing with hot tallow, left on when tlie stained article goes to the wash. Freezing will take out old fruit stains, and acalding with boiling water will remove those that have never lieeu through tho wash. Moths iu Carpets. An experienced housekeeper says : " Camphor will not stop the ravages of moths after they have commenced eating. Then they pay no regard to the presence of camphor, cedar and tobacco; in fact, I rather think they enjoy the latter, it any thing, more than humanity can. Nor will the dreaded and inconvenient taking up and beating always insure success, fi r I tried it laithlully, and while nailing it down found several of the worms " alive and kicking,'' that had remained under the pile unharmed. I conquered them wholly in this way : I took a coarse crash towel and wrung it in clean water, and spread is smoothly on tho carpet, then ironed dry with a good hot iron, repeats ing the operation on all suspected places, and those least used. It does not injure the pile or color of the carpet in tho least, as it is not necessary to press, heat and steam being the agent ; and they do the work effectually on worms and eggs, lhen camphor will doubtless prevent future depredations of tho miller." To Color Black. One ounce extract of logwood, one ounce copperas, one-half ounce verdigris; tie the verdijrris in a cloth and bi.il. Dissolve tho copperas in an iron kettle, and soak tho goods at a scalding heat three-quarters ot an hour, stirring occa sionally. Dissolve the logwood, and add the water in which the vera is; is is boiled. Dip the goods three-quarters of an hour, stirring frequently. This makes a beau tiful black. Always use water sufficient to cover the goods, aud stir easily. lunsc thoroughly. HOTELS. jAGLE HOTEL NEW BL005IFIELD, Terry County, Pcnn'a. TTAVING purchased tho hotel formerly oce.n Ai. liied by David H. Lunfer, situated on North Carlisle Street, adjoining the Coin t House, I am prepared to receive transient guests or regular boarders. To all who favor me with their custom. I shall endeavor to furnish llrst class accommodations. A call is solicited. GEORGE DERRICK. Bloomflold, March 9, 1869. 3 10 ly 5 TnoMAS Moore. S. 8. Weheu. GUEATIiY IMiKOVI2I AND RE-FITTED ! 'THE UNION,' This tine Hotel is located on Arch Street, Between Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MOOltE S WEBER Proprietors. January 1, 1809. BELLS. ESTABLISHED IN 1837. BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY ! CinillOIT. Academy, Factory, Farm, Flre Alurm Bells, &c, &c made of PUIIE BELL METAL, (Copper and Tin.) warranted in quality, tone, du rability, &c, and mounted with our Talent IM HiOVEI) ROTATING HANGINGS. Illustrated Catalogues sent Free. VAN I) UZEN C TIFT, Nos. 103 and 104 E. 2nd St., 41101ypd C1NCINNATI,0. The Cheapest Paper in the State ! PERSONS wanting a Rood family newspaper, Independent in politics, should subscribe lor " The Bloom field Times," published weekly at New Bloomfleld, Pena'a. Each number contains ehoieo selected or original Stories. Anecdotes. Local and MisrellaneousNews, Farm and Agricultural information, and sueli a variety of Interesting and instructive reading mat ter that as A CHEAP FAMILY PAPER, it cannot be excelled. It Is issued In Quarto form, containing Forty Columns, and is mailed to sub scribers lor One Dollar a Year iu Advance. 03" Specimen copies mailed to any address, on receipt of a two-cent stamp for postage. Address: FRANK MORTIMER, Neuo Moomfivld, Penn'a. BETWEEN BLOOMFIEID and NEWPORT! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TITE subscriber Is now running a hack between ltloomtield and Newport, leaving llloomlield at 9 a in., arriving at Newport lu time to connect with the Express train East. Returning, leaves Newport at 2.30 p.m., or on the arrival of the Mail train West. Mr He lias also opened a LIVERY In (h.1 Stables belonging to Ulnesmith's Hotel, where he is pre pared to furnish horses and buggies at i noil crate prices. AMOS ROBINSON. A Splendid Assortment of Shoes for Men, Woraou and Children lias just been received by F. Mohtimku & Co. Philadelphia Advertisements. Banking and Stocks. BANKING HOUSE Of Jay Cooko & Co., 113 AND 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Old 5-20 Wanted IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. t-COLECTIONS made ; STOCKS bought and sold on Commission. I5f SPECIAL business accommodations re served for LADIES. 3191 BA UGII'S RAW-BONE Super Phosphate of ffJmc! qade mark: 1870. Spring 3T .A. jR 1VL" 33 3rt S INCItEASK.TOUIt CHOP OF Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Wheat and Grass, AS WELL AS ADD TO THE FERTILITY OF YOUR SOIL, By a Judicious and Economical mode of Get the Value of your Outlay the First Season, main Butter Filled Ears and Ilearler Grain. Keep your Soil Freejrom Noxious Weeds. Make your Land Permanently IWilc. Over SIXTEEN years of constant use, on all crops, has proven that Haugirs itaw isone rnos. piUnemay DC ucpeiiueu upon uy riiniitis. Highly In proved and Standard Warranted. For Sale by Agricultural Dealers generally. BAUCH & SONS, MANOFACTUUEUS, Office No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. 4 11 6m 9 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. OtlAYKILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a tine assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 18C9. TO OUIi FRIENDS! npHE undersigned have this day formed a Co X i arlnerslilp unuer tne name oi SIDDALL & 3IARKLEY, and will contlnuo the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At No. 119 Market Street, Succedlngtothe well-known house of WEIGHT &SIDDALL. Trusting to receive a continuance of tho favori so liberally bestowed on the out arm, We are yours, Itespcctfully, FRANCIS H. KIDDALL, One of the linn of Wright & Siddall ARTHUR D. MARKLEY, M. D., J'hlladelpliia, January l, isu. 31 U S I N S ! 10 4 Sheetinjr Muslin, 9 8 Sheeting Muslin, 5 4 Pillow Caso Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Caso Muslin, 4 4 Sheeting Muslin, 34 Shirting Muslin. 9 4 Sheeting Linen, For gal at the lowest price by, F. Mortimer & Co. ?icw Blooinfteld. CHEAP GOODS! THE subscriber having opened a new Store, one dooi East of Nwener's Hotel, solicits a shine ot the public patronage. He lias Just receivei1 u luii supply 01 TV O AV O- O O 1 H , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, HA TS Jc CARS. Q UEENS WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, And Everything else usually kept in Stores. Mr Call and see my stock. ROB'T. N. WILLIS, Mow liloomUcld, Pa. 42 The Bloomfleld Times JOB-OFFICE! We now have th material to do all kinds of J O 13 - WORK Such as I?irtlio Sale IBills, rialn or In Colors. Blanks of All Kinds ! PROGRAMMES. BILK, HEADS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, DRAFTS, AND CHECKS ! P O S T E 11 S OF ALL SIZES, PLAIN OR FANCY I In fact wo ara prepared to do evsry variety ot JOB PRINTING, Uusually Done in a Country Office all onnmis Promptly Attentat To AT REASONABLE BATES. OFFICE IN POTTER'S ROW, OPPOSITE I. M. Itiucsmitli'M Hold! IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT TUIj LOW PRICE OP ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, I3ST ADVANCE. NOTICE TO SOLDIERS. SOLDIERS DISCHARGED for sickness or other cause, who enlisted before July 2i lfdil, for 3 years, will receive Kountv now due them, or their lielrs. by making Immediate application, cither in person or by letter to LEWIS TOTTER, .New Hloomlleld. March 22, 18"0.3t l'crry County, ra. NOTICE. MM. SAMUEL II. HECK is this day admitted to an Interest in my business. K MOItTIMEK. New llloomlield, January 15, 1H70. The business will be continued at the same place, under the Una of F. MOKTIMEIt & CO. THE KIDNEYS. rpitE Kidneys arc two in number, situated at 1 the upper part of the. loin, surrounded by flit, mid consisting of three purls, viz : the An terior, the Intel lor and tho Exteiior. The. Anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve lis a deposit for the urine nnd convey it to the Exteiior. The Exteiior is a conductor also, toiuiiimtinR in a intrie tunc, and called the Ureter. The Ureters are connect'.."! with the bladder. flie bladder is coinnoscd of various cover. insrs or tisucs, divided into lxii t". vise. : tho I'pper, the Lower, the Nervous, and t'.ic Mucous. The tipper expels, t!ic lower retains. Many nuve a desire to unnnte without the al llity; liters urinate witliot.t the nbt.itv to retain. This frequently occurs in children. To cure these nUVctlo'is, we inuFt brin Into action the muscles, w hieli are erirnired in their various lunctions. If they ill'.' neglected, Gravel or Di-opsy may ensue. The render must also be made aware, that however slight may be the nttack, It is sure to a fleet the bodily hea'th and mental powers, as our flesh and blood are suppotted from these sources. Gout, on Ri'ei matifm. Pain occtiriiti!' In the loins are linliei.tive of the above diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach aud chulkv concretions. The Giiavkl. The trrnvel ersues from neg lect or improper trciittncnt of the kidneys. These orpins being weak, ttte water is not ex pelled fiom the blnddei, but allowed, to remain ; it becomes feverish, nnd sediment forms. It is trom this deposit that the stone is lormcd and gravel ensues. DttopST is a collection of water In some parts VI of the body, nnd beats different names, accord- 1 Ing to the parts nllcetcu, viz. : v iien general ly ditluscd over the body, it is called Auusarca ; when of the abdomen, Ascites: when of the chest, Ilydrothorax. Tkeatuent. Ilclmbold's highly eonoentra ed compound Ext rait Bucliu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases ol the blad der, kidneys, bladder, dropsical swellings, rheumatism and gouty nflcttions. Under this head we have arranged Dysurin, or difficulty and pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small and frequent discharges of water ; f truu gttry, or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine ; Gout and Klieumat'sm of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, hut increase in color, or dark water. It was al ways highly recommend by the late Dr. f hys lck, iu tht'Be affections. This medicine increases the power of diges tion, end excites the absorber ts into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous de positions, and till unnatural enlargements, as well as ja, in and inllaination, arc reduced, and it is taken by men, women, and children. Di rections for use and diet accompany. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 25, 18C7. II. T. Helmbolti, Druggifct : Peak Sin I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney affections, during which time I have used various medicinal preparations, and been under the treattneut of the most cmiuctit Physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your prepatTtions extensively ndveitised, 1 consu'ted with my family physi cian in regard to using your Extract Bucliu. I did this because I had used all kinds of ad vertised remedies, and hud found them woith lcss, and, some quite injurious ; in fact, I de spaired of ever gitting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prom ted me to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of huchu, eubebs, and juniper berries, it occurred to me nnd my physician as an excellent coitibltii tion, and, w ith his advice, after an examiiu tion of the article, nnd con sulting ngain with the druggist, I concluded to try it. I commenced its use about eight months go, at which time I was confined to my room. From the fitt bett'.e I was astonished and grat ified at the beneficial cll'cct, nnd after using it three weeks, w as able to walk out. I felt much like writing you a full t tateinei.t of my caso at the time, bill thought my improvement might only be temponin, mid there foro concluded to defer and see if it would clIW t a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of more value to you, und more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure is effect ed after using the remedy for five months. I have n( t used any now for three mouths, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Bucliu being devoid of any unpleasant taste, and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such atl'ectious. m. Mccormick. Should any doubt Mr. MeCormick's f tate mcnt, ho refers to the following gentlemen : Hon. Wh. Bigleu, cx-Governor, Pensylvania. " Tuos. B. Flouence, Philadelphia. " J. C. JCnox, Judge, Philadelphia. " J. 8. Black, Judge, Philadelphia. " D.E. Pouteii, ex-Governor, Pennsylva nia. " Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. " R. C. Gkiek, Judge, United States Court. " G. W. WooiiwiitD, Judge, Philadelphia. " W. A. Poiiteu, City Solicitor, Philod'a. " Jons Biqleii, ex-Governor, California. " E. Banks, Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. And many others, if necessary. Sold by druggists sud dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Ilelnibold's. Take no other. Phice S1.25 per 'bottle, or six bottles for $(5.50. Delivered to any address. , uascribe symptoms in all communications. Address, II. T. IIELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 6U4 Broadway, N. J. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE up in steel-engraved wrapper, with fac simile of my Chemical Warehouse and signed H. T. HELMBOLD. 4 9S ly p J.