The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, July 05, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, July S, 1870.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance I
Fersons who receive n paper with tills article
marked, may know that they should mall or oth
erwise wild the subscription price, if they wish to
continue to receive The Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In
mind that letters received later than Saturday eve
ning, or the down mail on Monday morning have
to lay over until the following week.
ltutker Hcnvy. A child was recently
born in Altoona which reliable authority
reports to have weighed twenty three and
a half pounds at birth.
Election for Pastor. A meeting will bo
held in the Presbyterian Church oii Wed
nesday evening of this week at 8 o'clock,
for the election of a pastor.
New Wheat is already in Philadelphia
market and the price of that grain has fal
len some 5 to 10 cts., per bushel, and rye
oats and corn are 2 cts less than last week.
A Sad Accident occurred at the Loch i el
Iron works in llarrisburg on tho 28th ult
whereby three men and a boy were terribly
burned, one of them having since died.
Tho accident came from an explosion of
hot cinder, caused by putting a wet poker
into the heated metal.
v -
Morc Census Appointments. Jos. Wait,
Esq., of New Buffalo, has been appointed
marshal for New Buffalo and Liverpool
borough, and Buffalo, Liverpool and Watts
townships. Geo. C. Welker, for Bloomflcld
borough and Centre township.
Tlie Croquet mania has made an attack
on this borough. It lias broke out right
under the droppings of sanctuary. We are
however glad to see that open space besido
the Presbyterian church put to some
use, other than a cow or sheep pasture,
for which it has generally been used
As we go to press on Monday
afternoon the members of tho Presbyterian
church and the Suuday school scholars are
enjoying themselves in tho woods about a
half a mile north of the town. Quite a
number are present, and the weather is
just warm enough to bo agreeable. That
witli a few private fishing parties compri
ses all the celebrations of the 4th in this
Missing. John Wagner, aged about
thirty-one years, six feet high, with mark
on left side of the face, left his home on
Friday, the 10th inst Ho has not been
heard of since, and ay information con
cerning his whereabout will be thankfully
received by his wife, Anna Wagner, Jays
burg, Lycoming county, Pa. Exchanges
will confer a favor upon a poor woman in
distress by copying the notice.
A Dog Frightened to Death. Tho Read
ing Eagle says : Yesterday morning a dog
belonging to 0. Orth, while lying on a
wheelbarrow iu front of Rainbow engine
bouse, was so badly frightened by a torpe
do thrown close to him by a boy, that he
died in a short time.
We have a fifty cent note (warranted
good), which wo will cheerfully donate to
wards buying torpedoes, for the use of the
worthless curs in this borough.
Weather Record for June The follow
ing is a report of tho weather for the past
month us furnished by 11. Melntire, Esq.,
of this borough :
Average of thermometer at 8 o'clock
a. in., 68 dcg. 04 min.
Average maximum of each day, 80 deg.
40 min,
Average minimum, of each day, 61 deg.
20 min,
There, fell in rain, 13 Inches and 8 tenths.
There was rain every day but one, for
the first thirteen days ; and also on 15, 10,
20, 20 and 27th days. Compared with June,
1809 there fell five inches more rain, and
the heat was greater by five degrees, ' than
in the corresponding month of last year.
There has not so much rain fell in one
month for fifteen years.
On Friday morning last, Mr. John Ebor
ly, an old and esteemed citizon of Mechan
icsburg, while sitting on the porch in front
of his residence, was suddenly stricken
with appoplexy, and died almost immedi
ately. Shippensburg News.
n Death from Lightning. During the tcr-
..ft-l L . t! l - 1
nuiu Bturiii wnicn jiasseu over some portions
of our county on Monday night of last week,
the lightning struck the house of Alfred
Corl, in Marysville, tearing the weathor
boards and plastering on the north cud of
tho building, and badly shattering the tlm
bcrsi In tho passage of the fluid through
the house, it injured his daughter, Sarah, a
girl about 14 years of age, so badly that she
died from its effects on the following morn
ing. Tho electric current appeared to enter
tho girl's mouth, though no external injuries
were visible, the lungs and heart were much
X.Soveral other cases of accident have been
reported. The barn belonging to Mr. Chas.
Bressler, in Oliver twp., was struck, the
fluid passing near a valuable mare, killing
her almost instantly. The contents of the
building took fire, but wore fortunately
extinguished before much damage was done.
Several other minor accidents have also
been reported.
"Runaway. On Saturday last, as Whit-
Newport road, a short distance this side of
Everhart's, the horses took fright at some
hogs, and in spite of all tho efforts of the
driver, ran off, upsetting the wagon down
tho bank, into the creek. Fortunately,
Singer, who was driving, was but little
hurt, and tho horse and wagon were got out
by driving down the creek to where the bank
was low enough to enable tho horses to
draw the wagon up on to tho road.
Stolen. We have received the following
notice with a request for its publication.
United States notes, series of 1809, Two
thousand notes, of ten dollars each, from
No. 113.520, 001, to No. II3,532,000, both
inclusive, were stolen from the Treasury.
No $10 notes, of a number higher than
113,230,000 have been issued. Please
look out for the stolen notes. A liberal re
ward will bo paid to any person through
whose instrumentality tho thief may be
detected. Hold parties presenting the stolen
notes, (if suspicions attach to them) and
in any case of presentation notify.
F. E. Spinner. Treas'r U. S.
Washington, June 14th 1870.
Feasting at Funerals. We heartily en
dorse the following remarks, which we find
in an exchange and hope the time will
soon come when the practice will be en
tirely abolished, as it already is, except in
a portion of this state.
"The practice of feasting at funerals,
after the burial of the dead, is one of long
standing in many parts of our State, but
its propriety and example of late years
have been questioned, and the practice is
gradually being abandoned. To those
who do not join in this old-time custom it
seems particularly reprehensible for tho
frieuds and acquaintances of the family
just afflicted by death, and mourning the
loss of a dear one, to have their sorrows
and afilictions broken in upon by a host of
hungry visitors, whose only motive, in
many instances, in attending tho funeral is
we doubt not, to feast at the expense of
the afllictct To turn a house of mourning
into one of feasting, is, we think, much
out of placo and should not be encouraged.
Duucanuon Items. Monday night of
last week, two chaps, while under the in
fluence of liquor took advantage of Mr.
John Wister's absence, and entered his
house for the purpose of having a spree at
Johuie'8 expense. Having received from
his private stock some good brandy, they
concluded to try his champagne ; and,
while doing so were surprised at the sudden
and unexpected return of Mr. W., who,
taking in the situation of affairs at a
glance, ordered them to vacate, which they
did without muoh hesitancy. Mr. W.
showed them to the gate, relieved them of,
and poured out the supply which they had
scoured for their morning' bitters,' and
sent them on their way rejoieing(?) ' Next
time they go on a champagne 6pree, we
suggest that they go supplied with the ne
oessary aparatus for opening it, as Mr.
W 's carpet (not his head) was left 'swim
ming in champagne.'
Any one wishing to see the very neat
est kind of a hall, can do so by visiting
that of the odd-fellows. If the different
associations meeting there, don't have good
times it will not bo for want of pleasant
surroundings. Tho hall has been entirely
On Tuesday evening last, while Mrs. An
drew Fissol was pulling some plants in the
garden, she was bitten by a copperhead, in
the hand. The snake is described as one of
the largest of its species, and of a very
rough, rusty color. This is the second timo
in the last year, that Mrs. Fissel has been
We were infinitely pleased with the mu
sic we heard, discoursed by the Duncan
non Band, on last Wednesday night in
front of the Odd-Fellows' Hall. The resi
dents of Lower Front Street acknowledge
a rich treat. Do it more times, boys.
Somebody's Hip-up-and-comio Circus
showed here on Friday last, the 1st inst., in
the afternoon and evening, to an audience
of about thirty. We saw the hip-up on
their old horses, but we couldn't see the
comic (hyppocomiquo.) IIeur,
Fiendish Outrage. A fiend in human
shape, named James Long, whose pa
rents reside in Mount Union, on Tuesday
of last week perpetrated a most diabolical
outrage upon the person of a little girl
about 13 years of age. He was arrested and
taken to the Mifflin county jail, to await his
trial, the deed having been committed near
the lattcrplace. Ho is about 18 years of
age. The life of the child upon whom tho
injury was inflicted was despaired of.
Huntingdon Journal.
A Warning. A lady residing in Charles
town, Mass., who has suffered lately from
ah inflamed neck, has been told by her phy
sicians that it is caused by insects called
borers, inhabiting the Hindoo bark braid of
her chignon. She has cast away her chig
non and has had her head shaved, fearing
some of tho insects had taken up their
abode in her natural back hair. Ladies,
take warning 1
A Large Panther is spreading terror over
Peach Mountain, Schuylkill county. He
was shot at by two gentleman on Friday
evening last, and on tho succeeding Mon
day killed a large bull dog which was set
upon him. On Tuesday last a troop of
men armed, went in search of the animal,
but failed to find him.
Church Notices,
In the Reformed Church prayer meeting
on Thursday evening. Preaching next Sab
bath at 10 o'clock a. m.
List of Letters remaining in the Post
Office at New Bloomfield, on July 4, 1870.
J. J. Billow 8, Philip Bealor, John Bear,
Robert Cameron, Geo. H. Decker, Michael
Foultz, Susan Fleming, J. W. Gautt, James
Hoffman, Chas. 8. Losh, Amanda Leonard,
George Leonard, Mary Marshall, Catharine
Muliahill, J. Mogel, John Orwan, Jennie Or
wan 2, J limes Page, Esq., Jesse Powell, B. F.
Pee, David River, Jos. Smith, Sol. Strauser,
Annie Sinee, F. A. Ward, 2.
Selling at Cost. Having determined to
quit keeping Queenswahe, F. Mortimer &
Co. are selling off everything in that line at
first cost. Persons wanting can now got
bargains. 4t.
CHEAP FOR CASH. The undersigned
gives notice that he has adopted the Cash
Plan, and now sells goods at very low rates
for Cash or Country Produce only. No de
viation will be made from this rule.
Millerstown, Penn'a.
May 3, 1870 12t.
Dried Peaches. Another splendid lot of
Dried Peaches, at 12$ cents per pound, for
sale by F. Mortimer & Co.; Bloomfield.
A Fact. Wanamaker & Brown have
spent more money and labor on their
present stock than any previous one and
yet manage to keep tho prices down.
Pennsylvania II. It. Time Table.
On and after May 29, 1870, Passenger trains
will ruu as follows:
I'lttsh'g Expr's. (Flag)4.41 a. m. dally exe't Sunday.
Way Passenger, 9.1a A. M., dally except Monday,
Mail 2.11 P. M. daily except Sunday.
Fast Line ..... 4.10 A. M dally except Monday.
llarrisburg Accom. 11.31 a. m., daily Sunday.
Mailt 7.63 p. m., dally except Sunday
J. J. BARCLAY, Agent.
On and afterSunday, June 12th, 1870, trains will
leave Duncannon, as follows :
Fast Line, (Flag) 4.35 A. M., daily except Monday
llarrisburg Accom. 12.04 p. m., dally " Hunday
Mail 8.28 p.m.. daily " Sunday
Way Passenger, 8.33 A. M., daily except Monday
Mall, 1.40 p.M daily except Sunday
Thro' Freight, Pass. Car attached, 7.40 p. m.
WM, O. KIJG, Agent
(Stage Line Between Newport and New
STAGES leave New Germautown dally at four
o'clock a, m. Lantllsbiirgat 7. 30 a. in. Ureen
park at 8 a. in. New Rlooinheld at 9lA a. m.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac
commodation train East.
Returning leaves Newport on the arrival of the
Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.30 n. in.
Z. RICE, lroprletor.
Botek On the 28th ult., In Juniata town
ship, Michael Boyer, aged 70 years, 7 mouths
and 18 days.
County Price Current.
Bloomfield, July 4, 1870.
Flax-Seed 2 00
Potatoes 00 cents.
Butter y) pound 16 "
Eggs V dozen, is
Dried Apples ft pound 6 "
Dried Peaches 810cts.ftft.
Pealed Teaches 15 18 cts. '
Cherries 0 0 cts. '
" Pitted 15 18 cts."
Blackberries 8 10 cts. "
Onions V bushel
Corrected Weekly by Griffith Jones.
Duncannon, July 4, 1870.
White Wheat $1 15
Red Wheat, 1 05
Kye 75
Corn 80 Q
Oats, 32 pounds new, 45
Ground Alumn Salt Sack 2 "0
Llmebiiruer's Coal,
Stove Coal 6 0
Smith Coal, 2Tcts.lbus.
Iron V Cwt 4 ft)
Nails V Keg 5 00
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kovgit Sc Sons.
Newfobt, July 4, 1870.
Flour, Extra f 4 75
Red Wheat 1 10 1 10
Rye 87
Com 80 85
Oats V 32 pounds, 50
Clover Seed 7 25 7 25
Timothy Seed, 3 SO
Flax Seed 1 75
Potatoes 15 15
Ground Alumn Salt, 2 60
Llmeburner's Coal, 2 40
Stovo Coal 4 50 5 50
Pea Coal, 3 40
Smith Coal, 25 cts. V bus.
Cross Tles,8J4 feet long, 30 40 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney fc Andrew),
No. 123 Mahket Stkeet.
Philadelphia, July 1, 1870.
White Wheat, $ 1 55 1 55
Red Wheat 1 45 1 62
Rye 1 071 08
Corn 1 06 1 08
Oats, fi064
Clover Seed 7 008 25
Timothy Seed 5 50 7 75
Flax Seed 2 25 2 25
Country Lard 14 17
Eggs 25 20
Butter, t.olld In bbls.' 16 is
Washed too, 45 cents per lb.
T.ATlTF.S The Eugenie is tho most Useful ar
tide ever invented for your use.
Circulars free. Mrs. Morgan, P. O. Box2438,N.Y,3m
GTCNTTEMEN The Grant Cioar Tip Is a
Ulll AJJIYIDII n,,velty and a pleasure.
Samples 30 cents. A. Grant,F.O.Box439o,N.Y. 3m
11 Aft How I made it In 6 mos. with Stencils.
paa.iv Samples mailed free. A. J. Fullam, N . Y.6m
by given, that Letters of Administration on
the estate of Catharine Singer, late of Bultalo
township, deceased, have been granted to the un
dersigned residing in the same township.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against It, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
186t Administrator.
Eight Per Ct. in Gold.
St. Joseph and Denver City
In denominations of $1,000 and $500, coupon
or registered, with interest at Eight per cent, per
annum, payable 15th February and August. In
(LI free from United States taxes, fii New
York or Europe. The bonds have thirty years to
run, payable in New York in GOLD. Trustees,
Fanners' Loan and Trust Company of New York.
'Ihe mortgage which secures these bonds Is at the
rate of (13 50 per mile; covers a completed road
for every bond Issued, and Is a first and ONLY
mortgage. This line, connecting St, Joseph with
Fort Kearney, will make ashort and through route
to California.
The Company have a Capital Stack ef 110,008,000
And a grant of Land from Congress,
01 1,000,000 Acres, valued at the low
est estimate, at
First Mortgage Bonds, ..
Total length of road, 271 miles; distance In
cluded In this Mortgage, 111 miles: price, 7
and accrued interest, IN CUUHKNCY. Can
be obtained from the undersigned. Also, pam
phlets, maps and Information relating thereto.
These bonds, being so well secured and yielding a
large Income, are desirable to parties seeking safe
and lucrative Investments. We recommend them
with entire conlldcuce.
No. 54 Pine Street, New York.
Ko, 40 Wall Street, Kcw York.
4223m r.
lIAlllUshuiiG, J'enn'a,
An assortment of these celebrated mails
Mwine 011 hand, for sale at the lowest market
1'rict; either nt retail or by the Kno, nt,
New Bloouilkld.
Real Estate Agency for Verry Co.
Lewis Potter.
& II. Galbratth.
Ileal Estate Agents,
New lJloomli;ii, in.,
OFFER at Private Sale over OVER ONS
v HUNDRED FARMS In lny County!
at prices ranging from 10 to Jltio i"r a ere.
re KuiMcnoti r.7uuiu in located witmn 4o
miles fit the Capital of the State, and convenient
to markets, none of it being more than 20 and
much of It within 6 miles of the renn'a. A. It.
"iijtuumyi, among me nnest Agricultural
Counties In the State, The land being mine paily
limestone, red shale and flint gravel. 1
Persons wishing to view any of the above proiv
Agents Ca SO' by cal""'5 at tlie onl:e the
wiiMn1?.rS? ni havlnK properties for sale, would do
well In calling on the above.
.rT.rlea;e "end for a Circular giving a IuUd.
scrlptlou of each property 4 20 ly.
yew Advertisements.
Advertising !
Advertising Mediums, giving the names? circula
tions, and full particulars concerning the lead Ung
Da ly and Weekly 1'olltical and Family Newspa?
pers. together with all those having large circuit
fions, pubi shed in the interest of Ke gioii, Agrt
culture. Literature, Sc., &c. Every Advertiser,
im y,e?iee0"1w'1!lePlates becoming such
Z !!! ? m ll"s b0,.,k of Breat Villue- Mailed ?ree t J
?i ,y,&S32.ou.thir5ue",tof ,ifteen ts. uko.
Kw, New York. CtN PuU'. Ko-
Jr'L?Fittsbur8ira-arfpr-,n,t Issue of May
29, 18,0. says: "The firm of (i. P. Howell & Co.,
which Issues this Interesting and valuable book, ii
i ',?i ar,85,9t.and b!st Advertising Agency In ii a
iVViwh." e9Valul wf,ca ''eerrullyb recmnmend
it to the attention of those who desire to advertise
1., .Li 9lneSS 8CIf:f,TH'ICALLYand systematically
insuch a way; that is, so to secure the lamest
mouey."44w r'y fr tUe least P"Stiw"i
1? -A. 1; iv h .
ointori-wnowlshtotake ont Letters Patent
Sf a2 v8-d ? oousel witli MUNN & Co., editori k f nt!F -American, who have prosecuted
claims before the Patent Otllce for over Twenty
a?.o1;.. i An""'lcan and Eurojiean Patent
Agency is the most extensive In the world. Char
ges less than any other reliable agency. A pamph-
DtI.?f,Jlta,IVi1.flii1J,V,truetio"s tobinveiitors js sent
gratis. MIJ&N & CO., 37 Park Kow, New. York.
3ai H1 o6' MowernUte Bent Droppers the
Best, self-Makers to be found In the worm are the
xff.'T'iS'i 1elial:e Uoub.e-Alotlon ?i?jf!2
TITWlNfi r,'("i.aJe by t!'e t-'lliA MANUFAC
SALESMEN Wanted in a paying bu
slness. 8. .Kennedy, 413 Chestnut St., Philadelphia..
Free for Stamp, TAKItANT & CO. N. T.
TJAY,?..:1 FI.f E "wove.
-"-1 ",U! w'"'ui pains price use. Sold at druir
and shoe stores. Samples mailed on receipt ol
price, and trade supplied by the JAPANFKK
COKN FILE CO. 34 Pine street, NEW Yo
No. 481 Broadway, New York
"yiLL dispose of One Hundred Pianos, Me
YV LODeons and Ohoans, of six first chYss ma.
Iters, Including Chlckering &' Sons at extkemeIV
take from 85 to IK5 monthly until paid. 4
In the United States Is on Itlnek's Rons' Factory,
ered with ''nB f a miIa lo"B' and 18 co-
CHEAP, DURABLE and easily applied. Send for
circular and samples to the manufacturers.
4 23 lya No. 64 Courtland St. New York.
Ilinklcy Knitter.
For Family Use, price J30, Knits EVEBTTHnio,
uses only one needle, simple, reliable. Circular
and sample stocking sent kbee, Knits ten pairs
per day. A child can operate It. Agents Waut
ed. Address
Hinklet Knitting Machine Co., Bath, Me,
423 3ma or 170 BKOADWAY, N. T.
will find the
A great help In cleaning their houses. It It tike
Original and Only Genuine
Paint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean more
paint and do It better than any other boap
Ever Made!
It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and
orlghten Fine Brass, Copper and all ftletaiie Ware,
and will eeraove all Paint, Pitch, Tar, Urease Ink
Varnish or any other dirt from tho hands. It is
the only Boon for cleaning Windows or any klndol
EAKTIIEltN WAKE. All other Soaps that ar
advertised to do the same are IMITATIONS of our
Soap, and will not compare with
..?1-?'r,!i and. ?(,u wm llke It. Ask for the
" Kitchen Crystal Soap," ami take 110 other. All
Grocers. sell It,
43 North Third Street,
Philadelphia, '
Bole Proprietors and Manufacturers.
A- The above U far sale by F, Mortimer & Co.
New Bloomfield, Ta. S313m.