lje $iiM0, Ncu) Bloomficliir, $ri, 8 THE KIDNEYS. TpHE Kidney art twoin number, situated at JL the upper part of the kln, surrounded by fat, aod consisting of three parts, vli : the An terior, the Interior and the Exterior. The Anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tissues or veins, winch serve as a deposit for 4be urine and convey it to the Exterior. Th Exterior Is a conductor also, terminating In a ingle tube, and culled the Ureter. The Ureters -are connected with the bladder. The blndder is composed of various cover ings or tissncs, divided into Darts, r.. : the Upper, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Mucous, true upper expels, the lower retains. Many b ave a desire to urinate without the ability; others urinate without the ability to retain. This frequently occurs In children. To cure these affections, we muet bring into action the muscles, which are enirajrcd in their various functions. If tbey are neglected, Gravel our Dropsy may ensue. The reader must also be made aware, that liowever slight may be the attack, it is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh aud blood are supported from these sources. , Goct, on Rheumatism. Pain occurring in the loins are indicative of the above diseases. They occur In persons disposed to acid stomach and chalkv concretions. Thb Gbavk'l. The gravel ensues from neg lect or improper treatment of the kidneys. These organs being weak, the wuter Is not ex pelled from the bladder, but allowed to remain ; It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It is from this deposit that the stone is formed ana travel ensues. Dnorsr is a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, accord ing to the parts affected, viz. : when general ly diffused over the body, it is called Anasarca ; --when of the abdomen, Ascites; when of the shest, Hydrothorax. Tbeatmbnt. Helmbold's highly concentra ted compound Extract Buchu is decidedly one of the best remedies for diseases ot the blad der, kidneys, bladder, dropsical swellings, rheumatism and gouty affections. Under this tiead we have arranged Dysuria, or difficulty and pain in passing wnter, Scanty Secretion, or small and treqneut discharges ot wnter j stran gury, or stopping of water j Hematuria, or, bloody urine; Gout and Rheumatism of the kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase In color, or dark water, it was al ways highly recommend by the late Dr. l'hy ick, in these affections. This medicine increases the power of diges tion, end excites the absorbents into healthy exercise by which the watery or calcareous de positions, aud all unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and luUanintion, are reduced, and H is taken by men, women, and children. in 'rection for use aud diet accompany. Philadelphia, Fa., Feb. 25, 1867. 'IB. T. Hbtmdold, Druggltt t Dear Sib I have been a sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kid ney atlections, during whlcli tune l nave usea various medicinal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent f uyslcians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively Advertised, I consulted with my family physl Clan in regard to using your Extract Buchu. .1 did this because I had used all kinds of ad Tertised remedies, aud had found them worth less, and, some quite Injurious ; In luct, I at paired of ever getting well, und determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I kuew of the ingredients. It was this tbut prompted me to ase your remedy. As you advertised tnut n was composed of buchu, cubebs, and juniper berrieB, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with bis advice After an examination of the article, and con sulting again with the druggist, I concluded to try H. I commenced its usu about eight months ago, at which time I was con lined to my room From the first bottle I was uttonislieil and irrut Hied at the beneficial effect, and after using It three weeks, was able to walk out. lloituiueh like writing you a full statement of my case a the .time, but thought my Improvement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to deter and see If It would elici t a pertect cure knowing then it would be of more value to you and more satisfactory to me. I am now able to report that a cure Is effect ed alter using the remedy for live months. I have not used any now for three months And feel as well la all respects as I ever did. Tout Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant 'taste and odor, a nice tonic and Invigorntor of the system, 1 do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such auectlons. m. Mccormick, Should any doubt Mr. McCoruilck's etnte- nieut, be refers to the following gentlemen t Hon. Wm. Biqleu, ex-Gorcruor, Pensylvanla " Taos. B. Florence, Philadelphia. " i. 0. Kxox, Judge, Philadelphia. " J. S. Black, Judge, Philadelphia. " D. R. Pobtek, ex-Governor, PeuDBjlvx " Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. " R. C. Gbuck, Judge, Uuited States Court, " G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. " . W. A. Pobtek, City Solicitor, PhlladV " John Bmlbb, ex-Governor, California, " E, Banks, Auditor Geueral, Washing' ton, D. C. Aod many others, if necessary. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Uelmbold s, Take no other. Pbioh $1.25 per bottle, or six Dottles ror so.ou. Delivered to auy address JJKscxlbe symptoms In all communications, Address, H. T. HELM BOLD, Drug aad Chemical 'Warehouse, 604 Broadway, N. Y NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE up In steel-engraved wrupper, with fac simile or my junemicai warehouse ana signed n. T. BELMBOLD. 43 ly p W. 1L Tir-KB. VT. A. OitmsoN. AV. II. PIPiai At CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, UMBRELLAS, &C.f No. 40 North Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Building) PHIL A DEL Fill A . M. SOLID SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS A SPE- C1A1TY. 4 18 ly 10 THE NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Ofll EMPIRE 204 BOWERY BOWERY The extraordinary success of tlielr now and im proved manufacturing Machines for light or heavy work, has Induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a NEW FAMILY MACHINE of the same style and construction, with additional ornamentation, making it equal in beauty and I'm- Isli wuii inner i-uiiiny juaciinies, wucreu in use fulness it lar Outstrips All Competitors. The price of this now acknowledged necessary ar tide comes within reach of every class, and the Company is prepared to oiler the' most liberal in duceiuents to buyers, dealers, and agents. Every Alaclime warranted. Apply lor circulars and samples to EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO., 4.15.-6H1. No. 294 Bowery, New York. G. W. 11USSELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dealer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JEVELRY SILVER-WARE. M Particular attention paid to Fine Watch and Clock Kupairing. S- Airent for STEVENS' PATENT TURRET CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock In the United Slates. a- Iiinuirlcs bv mail for Information regarding (ylocxsor watcnes win uu cuuenuiiy ansnereu riiiiauvipnia, 43iuiy THE HINKLEY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. PRICE $30. Every family In the country needs one. It knits everything from a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years old can learn to work it in an hour. It is operated the samo as a sewing machine by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars and cuts and full particulars free to ev crybody. Agents wanted In every county. Apply quickly. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., ITS Broadway, New York or, Bath, Maine. 4.15-6m. Books! Books! Books! PERKINPINE & HIGGINS, 50 NOR Til FO UR Til STREET, Philadelphia, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND a full supply of the latest and best Liniuiir Books from the lead I n ff Societies and Publishers. Wo make our selections with great care, and guarantee tin moral and religious character of the books, cheer, fully exchanging any that may not be satisfactory, selling at Publishers prices, aud, wherever practi cable, making liberal discount to Schools. 3- A full assortment of MUSIC ROOKS. Spcllert, Question and Lesson Itookl, Maps, Med als, Reward Cards, Blacldoards, Jllbla Diction aries, Certificate Illanks, Library Registers, Secretaries' and Superintendents' Rooks. Mottoes, Scripture Pic tures, Infant Class Manuals, and everyUilug uew aud useful for Sabbath-school use kept on hand or supplied to order. Wo have been engaged In tills special branch of business for years past, and have acquired an exiierience which we think our customers uniformly find ben- etivlal to their interests. A Descriptive and Illus trated Catalogue, containing names and prices of several thousand volumes, scut free to any address on application. Philadelphia, April 5, 1S70. Bloomlield Academy! An English and Classical School FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! rxiHlt WINTER SESSION of this Institution commenced December nth. The course of study embraces Latin. Greek Encllsh Hrauebes. Mathematics. Natural Science, fu:.. and is designed to furnish a thorough English Education, or a complete Preparation for a Colle gium Course. Vacations: July and August, and one week at cnnminas. Turin: For Boarding. Furnished Room. Wash lK, Tuition in Latin, Greek, English Branches and Mathematics, for the scolastic year, except board in vacations. vau.uu. The Hnardiiiu Denartmcnt is at the Institution under the supervision of Willum Grier, Esi., by whom good and substantial board will lie fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict care ox in rrincipai. Auuress A. It. KIEFFKR, A. JL, Principal, or WILLIAM GRIER. UU) New ISIoomneld, Perry county, Pa. Perry County Bank! Kpoiislcr, Jim kin & Co. THE undersigned, having formed a Banking As sociation under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Banking business at their new Banking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over CO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, tivo per cent, for any time over four months; and for four months four er cent. We are well provided with all and every facility for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Bank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want und this being the first Bank ever established In Perry county, we hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. Tills Banking Association is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. A. Sponsi.eu, Blonmllcld, Perry county, Pa. B. F. Ji nkin. ' A. G. Miller, Slilppensburg, Cumberland co.,Pa. .Ioiin Woniikulich, " " " Henry Puny, " ' " Wm. H. Miller, Carlisle, " " officers: W. A. SPONSLER, President. William Willis, Cashier. New Bloomtleld, 3 5 ly NOTICE TO FAltMEltS AND MERCHANTS ! THE attention of Farmers and Merchants Is called to the following LOW RATES charged by the LEBANON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, of Jonestown, Peuu'a., On Buildings, Merchandise, &c, for a perpetual Insurance. Dwellings in town and Fur niture therein 40 to 50 cents per 5100 Dwelling In country and Furniture therein,. 35 to 40 " Hotels and Furniture there in 35 to 40 " Stores, Dry Goods and Gro ceries 45 to 50 " Flour Mills 45 to 50 " Saw Mills aud Tannorles,. . 50 to CO " This system of perpetual Insurance is peculiar to the Lebanon Mutual Insurance Co. Ample secu rlty Is guaranteed in a well established Capital of $200,000, which, together with a large surplus, is held for the protection of those Insuring in the Company. Losses are settled as soon as adjusted, No need to wait until the money is collected by Assessments. Ample funds on hand. tM For Insurance and othur particulars, apply to LEWIS POTTER, ' Agent aud Attorney for the Co., 416 New Bloomlield, Pa, To SliooinaJiors. THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, FINK LINING S, Ji 0 AN S, . MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, aad a general assortment of articles used by Shoe' waiter. F. MORTIMER fr CO. CABRMGE HARDWARE. c p i? t r n a ' BOLTS, MALLEABLE CASTINGS, and a full assortment of the latest Improved Carriage Hardware, For sale by F. MORTIMEU & CO American Walthmn Watches AT THE COMPANY'S PRICES, Aud warranted by the Company sent with every Watch. Price List and descriptive Catalogue sent free to any address. Orders tilled by express C. O. P., with privilege of examination before paying the money. Address, ALEXAN DElt R. HARPER, 308 Chestnut street, 4181 SO FUlLAUKU'UIA. in o r io 10. THE undersigned hereby gives public notlea, that lie will enforce the law in regard to trespass, upon persons limiting or llshlng, or oth erwise trespassing on his premises, iu Tyrone township, Perry Couuly, Pa. JOHN STAMBAUCQ. May 3, 1870-tt THE BEST IN USE THE PAEHAM NEW FAMILY Sowing Machine. IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET RUNNING . as well as the Most Simple Machine In Use. IT WILL HEM IT WILL RRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal oflice ot the- company is at 2fo, 704 Cie(n Street, PHILADELPHIA, These machines are for sale in Perry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield. KTTte public are imitcd to call at either of he above traces and see a Machine in operation. PHOTOGRAPHS ! Photographs ! Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. niHE subscriber would respectfully call the at X tention ot the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTOU11APHS in tne uesi styie oi me art. ins long experience onauies mm to produce PICTURES WHICH CAXXOT RE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at bis rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of decoascd parsons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. B. M. EB Y, Wholesale md lluUil DoaUr lu 0 B tl C S AND MEDICINES J ClieniiosilH, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY HAIR OILS, 13 It U S II E S , AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will bo sold at low prices 13T Orders from Physicians promptly attended to with great care. 33. 3vr. EBY, Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. The Most Popular Medicine Extant! THE PAIN KILLER Is equally applicable aud ellicacious to young or old. THE PAIN KILLER Is both an Internal and External Remedy. THE PAIN KILLER should bo used at the lirst manifestation of Cold or Cough. THE PAIN KILLER Is the Great Family Medicine ol the ago. THE PAIN KILLER ill cure Painters Colic. THE PAIN KILLER is good for Scalds and Burns. THE PAIN KILLER lias the verdict of the Feoplo In its favor. THE TAIN KILLER Gives Universal Satisfaction. THE PAIN KILLER Beware of Imitations and Countkiifbits. THE PAIN KILLER Is an almost certain cure for CHOLERA, and has, without doubt, been more successful in curing tills terrible disease than any other known remedy, or even the most eminent or skillful Physicians. In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, the PAIN KILLER is considered, by the natives as well as European residents in theso climates, A SURE REMEDY. THE PAIN KILLER each Bottlo is wrapped with full directions lor use. THE PAIN KILLER is sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Family Medicines, and by Dr. Stricklcr, New Bloomlield, Pa. May 10 lm KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. II O U S E K E E V E 11 S w ill II nd tlio KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. A great help In cleaning their houses. It is the Original and Only Genuine Paint Cleaner and Restorer. anH will clean more paint and do it better thau any other Swap Ever 31 add It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and orluliten I'tne israss. uopper una an aieiaue are, and will remove ail rami, ritcn, jar, urease, iuk. Varnish or anv oilier nu t from tne nanus, it is the onlv Soap for cleaning Windows or any kind of l.' a itTflKUN WAllli. All other Snails that are advertised to do the same are IMITATIONS of our Soup, and will not compare witu THE QREAT LAROR.SAVIXQ KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP I M-Try It and you will like it. Ask for Soap," and take no other. the All lv i tcne u urystai IlriutHl'M sell 1L. 1SASTMAIN fii HKUUKE, . 431 North Third Street. Philadelphia, Sole lroiirletors and Manufacturers. 3.The above is for sale by P. Mortimer & Co. New Bloomlield, Pa. 3313m. Professional Cards. T P. McINTIRE Attorney at Law, and DIs itv. Olliee will L. trict Attorney of Perry county. J. T. Algiutire. ft ew Bloomfield, Penn'a. WM. N. SEIBERT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry co., Pa, Bloomtlclu, 3 33 ly. "T7M. M. SUTC1I, Attoiney-at-I.aw, and Mili tary Claim Agent. J v". ii i ii .i.l T) n nun jjiut'iiuiuiut int. uu., i u. -onice Two doors West ol P. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly M. A. SPONSI.EU, Attorncy-nt-Law. Oflice ailloinliiL' his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlield, Perry co., Pa. 3 2 ly s.H- uALBlt-UTH, Attorney-at-I,aw, New Hloouillclil, rerry co., ra. njtr I elisions, Duuiiue;, phur j j, . Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. OIllco witli Wm. A. Sponsler, Esij. 3 2 ly. c. LICE MUKKAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Ileal .Estate Agent, Iew itiooinueiu, i erry c., in. S- Oflice with Hon. B. V. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New Blonitield, Pa. 3 2 ly. C1IAS. A. BAltNISTT. Attorney -nt-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. a. Oftlcc adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly , LONG, Attorney-at-Law, Vj. New Bloomlield. Perrvco.. Pa. New Bl Olliee one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CIIAS. J. T, MoINTIUE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. i-All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 i ly. LEWIS POTTEK, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry co., Pa. 4 Oflice live doors West of Sutch's hotel. 32 ly. JOHN G. S1IATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomlield, Perry co.. Pa. OT-AU kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the best manner, aud at reasouubla urices. Olliee over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly , REMOVAL! I HAVE REMOVED my Law Oflice to the build ings on Market Square, opposite the Court House, and immediately buck of the Bank, and I ask the business public for a share of its patron ugc. a II. GALBRAITU, Att'y at Law. Blooiuileld, April 12, 1870 ot REMOVAL! THE undersigned have removed.; their MEAT SHOP to No. 3, Went, Alain street, llloomtlcld. Pa.. where they will lie happy to supply. men customers wuu uiu Best Beef, Mutton. &c, the Market can afford. Thankful for past patroo ago, they hope to merit a continuance of public fa vor. UUKDiai Hi MICKEY. Bloomlield, April 2G, 1870.