The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 24, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    l)c mc5, New Bloomficlii, ftct.
Tuesday, May 24, 1S70.
Are One Dollar a Year in Advance !
Persons who receive a paper with this article
marked, may know that 1 hey should mail or oth
erwise scud the subscription price, if they wish to
continue to receive The Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will please bea r I n
mind tiial letters received later than .Saturday eve
Hint:, or the down mail on Monday morning' have
to lay over until the following week.
Acknowledgement is made of receipt's for
subscription sinco our lust issue from eaeh
of the following persons.
Mrs. Elizabeth March, David M. Rine
Miiitli, Annio E. Turliott, Solomon Heedor,
David lless; Wilson W.Gray; all of Terry
Dr. J. A. Armstrong, Waterloo ; Wm. A.
Stambaugh, West Unity, Ohio ; Clara II.
Zeigler, Carlisle ; Rogers Marshall & Co.,
Philadelphia ; Samuel B. Snowden and S.
A. Watson, Rochester, N. Y.
The Sew School House for this borough
is now being pushed rapidly along. It is
sin improvement we are glad to see, and one
that was badly needed.
p(To be Pitied. Tho young man who
stands at tho church door trying to sum
mon up courage to ask some young lady
for tho privilege of accompanying her home,
and the young loafer who stands around in
the way to see who has the sense to seek
such company. The one is to bo pitied
for his lack of courage, and the other for
his lack of sense. They are both nuisances,
however, which should be abated, Can't
it be done ?
V"A New Society called tho Junior Order
ofAmericau Mechanics, has been formed in
this borough. Wo learn that tho Knights of
Pythias are also trying to establish a lodge
Wo really think there are plenty of se
cret societies hero now, but belicvo a socie
ty of " Hod Fellows," with sufficient
brick-layers to keep them well employed,
would bo of service to the borough. Will
not some enterprising citizen try to estab
lish such an Association?
The Paper so long known as tho York
County Star, came to us last week in an
entire new dress, and with its heading
changed to The Wrightioille Star. Our
friends' selection of type does credit to their
taste, and wo hope their improved appear
anco will bring them many new subscribers.
V'lJailroads. Wo havo received a copy of
tftte Auditor General's report on railroads
and canals, for which thanks aro duo Sena
tor C. J. T. Mclnlire. Although some very
interesting facts are therein recorded, it
would bo still more interesting if wo could
see some report regarding tho Duncannon
Bloomlicld & Broad Top Road. By the
way has any ono heard anything recently
in regard to. the health of the commission
ers for that enterpiso? Any information in
regard to them will be gladly received by
tho friends of that road.
The Difficulties in Dickinson College, at
Carlisle, Pa., havo been satisfactorily ad
justed. Tho order of suspension has boon
recalled, and the members of the sophomore
and junior classes present have resumed
their college duties. As they entered tho
chapel Wednesday morning they were en
thusiastically received. Tho absentees will
return to examination on Juno 0, with their
Sudden Death. On Monday afternoon
last, Catharine Stough, wife of Charles
Stough, residing in West Philadelphia St.,
was suddenly attacked with paralysis, and
almost im mediately died. Sho was engag
ed in her domestic duties, in apparently
good health, during tho day, until some
time in tho afternoon, when she was, taken
ill and soon afterwards died. York Pren..
A Most Singular accident and narrow es
capo occurred in Ridgbury township, Brad
ford county, during tho thunder storm on
Tuesday evening of last week. Ap Michad
Conkliu, of that township, was driving his
team from tho tlold where ho had been at
work the lightning struck tho horses kill
ing them instantly. Mr. C. was rendered
unconscious by tho stroke, but recovered
after a short time. lie naturally feols that
ho had a very close call. Eeporter.
Citizens of Cambria county want an in
junction to restrain their county commis
sioners from erecting a new jail.
Dentil From Lockjaw. Tho remains of
Mr. John Blackburn, whoso death resulted
from rather singular circumstances, were
interred last Sunday, at Trenton, N. J.
Some ten days ago ho accidentally chopped
off the joint of his finger with an axe while
in tho act of splitting some wood. On im
mediately replacing tho disjointed member,
it clung fast to its proper place, the coagu
lated blood holding it attached. Having
tied it up in apiece of linen, ho resumed
his work, and foolishly imagined that na
ture would soon cfl'eet a perfect cure. To
ward tho close of last week ho felt a pain
in his under jaw, and a physician being con
sulted, the symptoms were pronounced very
I dangerous. His finger had become more
swollen, and inlhimation had set in, making
further amputation neccessary. His condi
tion became gradually worse, and ho died
on Friday night.
Military. The following is a copy of a
law passed at the last session of the Legis
lature and may bo of interest to our read
ers :
" Each and every person not now, or who
shall not hereafter become a member of
some military organization shall pay to tho
collector of taxes in tho city, county, bor
ough, or township in which he shall reside,
the sum of iifty cents annually, the pay
ment of which sum shall exempt him from
liability to perform military service except
under orders to prevent or repel invasion,
or to suppress insurrection, tumult, or riot ;
the proceeds to be devoted to sustaining
volunteer military organizations; and in
any county in which there shall bo no vol
unteer military organizations, tho money
received into tho brigade fund, aforesaid,
shall be paid by the county, at the closo of
each year, to tho school board of tho sev
eral school districts in said county, in pro
portion to the number of taxable inhabi
tants in said district, to be used for school
Coal. The Gettysburg Compiler says wo
havo long believed that stono coal would
some day be found in Adams county, and
the fact may not bo far from verification.
It is said that a New York party has leased
tho farm of Mr. John Collins, on Opossum
creek, Bendersvllle, and that in the slut ft
now being sunk they are receiving addition
al encouragement day after day. Prospect
ing is also going forward near Mr. Henry
Eppleman'smill, whero a small vein of gen
uino coal has been found.
V Official Visit. Tho commissioners of
Perry county, accompanied bv tho direc
tors of tho poor, visited Dauphin county
last Thursday for the purpose of inspecting
the alms houso of that county, preparatory
to commencing operations on tho new poor
house for Perry. In erecting tho new build
ing, they propose to profit by tho experi
ence of our neighbors.
C2T" A man in Montanna "squatted" on
another man's land, and built a shanty,
and declined an invitation to "git." So a
party went to tho shanty when the family
were asleep, and lifted tho building on a
raft without waking any one, and set it
afloat. Tho next morning tho old man
stepped out doors, and did his chores and
his swearing somo miles down stream.
Masonic Tho Masonic Fraternity of
Carlisle have a procession to-day, as part of
tho ceremonies towards dedicating a new
hall. Quito a number from this borough
have gone over to bo present on tho occa
sion. A Protection Against The Evils of Intem
perance. Tho following bill passed by our late
Legislators at Harrisburg, will protect de
serted wives and bring erring and care
less husbands to their senses :
Section 1. That whensoever any hus
band, from drunkenness, profligacy or
other cause whatsoever, shall for two sua
cessivo years desert Lis wife or neglect or
refuse to five with her and provide fu
ller, she shall as to every species and de
scription of property, whether real, per
sonal or mixed, owned by and belonging
to her, have all tho rights and privileges
of a femuie solo and unmarried.
Section 2. That it shall bo lawful for
any married woman, as aforesaid, to stto
in her own name upon all sucli contracts
as aforesaid, heretofore made or to be
made, and to sue iu her own name her
husband to recover the possession of her
real estate, or the value thereof, as if she
were solo and unmarried.
ft Don't think booauso snuffs and
strong or poisonous solut ions will not cure
Catarrh, that you, cannot bo cured. The
proprietor of Dr.. Sage's Catarrh, llomedy
offers $500 reward for a case of Catarrh
which ho cannot cure. It costs but fifty
cents for a package which prepares one
full pint. Sold by druggists, or send
sixty cents to Dr. 11. V. Pierco, Buffalo,
N. Y., and get it through tho mail. .
Church Notices.
In tho Presbyterian Church prayer meet,
ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on
Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock, by Rev.
W. W. McNair, of Philadelphia.
In the Methodist church, prayer-meeting
Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday
evening at 7J o'clock, by Rev. Geo. W.
Incendiary Fires aro again troubling the
citizens of Altoona. Several havo recently
occurred, which it is thought are chargablo
to that source.
An Insurance Agent at Cleveland, Ohio,
writes : "A lumber horse ran away with a
bob-tail wagon, and tipped in tho street
over a small woman and six eldorly chil
dren. Tho horso began to cry and the
wagon bled freely at the nose, but other
wise, the street is doing well. No insurance.
If your property is not insured, go at
onco to Lewis Potter, Esq., and get insur
ed in tho iEtna Insurance Company, of
All who examine tho Parham machine are
much pleased with it. It runs so easy and
still, and makes such pretty work, that a
person who wants a machine will buy no
other kind, after having seen the Parham.
See advertisement in another colmun.
Summer Dress-Goods in a variety of styles,
some its low as 12J cents per yard, just re
ceived and for sale by F. Mortimer & Co.
Now is tho time for bargains.
A Splendid Assortment of Shoes for Men,
Women and Children has just been received
by F. MoiiTiMEit & Co.
Troth's Sugar Cured Hams aro sold at
24 cents per pound, by F. Mortimer & Co.
If you want an extra nice article try them.
Parasols and Snn Umbrellas for sale by
F. Mortimer & Co., at from 73 cents to
$tl Mt)l
To Blacksmiths. Those wanting the
best quality of Too and Blister Steel, can
purchase it at low prices of F. Mortimer
& Co.
County Price Current.
Bi.oomheld, May 23, 1S70.
Flax-Recd S2 00
Potatoes, 25 cents.
Butter 1 pound 20 "
ligs 1ft dozen, 12 "
Pried Apples V pound, 6 "
Pried Peaches 8 10 cts. tfft.
Pealed Peaches .' 15 18 cts. "
Cherries 4 6 els. "
" Pitted 15 18 cts. "
Blackberries, 8 10 cts. "
Onions f! bushel, "
Corrected Weekly by Grtgilh Junes.
. Duncannon, May 23, 1870.
White Wheat SI 15
lied Wheat, 1 05
ltye 75
Corn 80
Oals, 32 pounds new, 45
! round Allium Salt fl Sack 2 i'O
Llmobiuiier's Coal
Stove Coal, S 0
Smith Coal 20cts.'ftbu9.
Iron V Cwt 4 50
Nails Keg 5 00
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kaugn t 011.
Newpout, May 23, lolo.
Flour, Extra S 4 50
lied Wheat 1 05 0 1 05
Hye 80
Corn . 80 0 85
Oats 1 32 pounds 48
Clover Seed 7 25 7 25
Timothy Seed 3 00
Flax Seed, 1 75
Potatoes, , 15 15
(i round Allium Salt 2 50
Llmeburner's Coal, , 2 40
Stovo Coal ' 4 50 5 50
Pea Coal, 3 40
Smith Coal 25 cts. l.s.
Cross Ties,8 feet long, 30 ii 40 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Janney fc Andrews,
No. 123 M.vitKET Street.
Puiladeu-uia, May 21, 1870;
White Wheat, $ 1 35 1 41
lied Wheat, 1 22 1 25
Hye 1 OGfDl 08
foi'n 1 13 1 15
Oi'ts (i3 uu
Clover Heed 7 50 8 25
Timothy Seed 5 50 7 50
Flax Seed, 2 20 2 25
Country Lard 13 ($ 15
KSK 10 17
Turkeys . 25 60 25
Butter, solid In bbls.' -, 13 a 1314
Siwi.Eit Mary .luiikln. daughter of John It. and
Mary Ellen binder, of New Bloomlield, died 011 the
l'.ttli instant, aged 11 years, 7 months and 12 days.
The funeral took place from the residence of her
parents at 4 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, tho 21st
inst. The services were conducted by Rev. A. It.
Miller, of Newport, assisted by llev. Mr. Bouse of
tills place. The-attendance and procession were
unusually largo, evidently manifesting great sym
pathy for the deeply alllicted faiuilv. Seldom have
parents been called to mourn a death so midden
of a beautiful and promising daughter of ten
Hummers. Truly, " doathjoves a shining mark. "
MAitsiiAiy On the. 21st Inst., In Ickesbui'g, at the
residence of Jamon Klllott, Hubert Marshal, aged
about 24 years.
Hams-Oii the 7th Inst., at Wabasha, Minn., Mr.
George W. Hall, formerly of this county. In the
45th year of his age.
Decree of Incorporation.
IN THK MATT Kit of tho petition of the Trinity
Iteformed Church of Marysvllle, Pa., the fol
lowing proceedings were had. to wit:
May 7th, 1870 Tim petition of Key. W". P
C. ltodrock, 1). T. Everhart, G. VV. Relsinger, Win.
M. Schools and other citizens of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, accompanied bv the arti
cles of Association, was presented to the Court
praying lor a decree of Incorporation, whereupon
the following decree was made, "and now to wit :
May 7th, INTO, Notice Is hereby directed to be
given in two newspaper printed In tho county of
Perry, for the period of four weeks before the first
dayof tho next term of this Court, of the wilhiu
application. By the Court."
Lewis Potteu, Attorney for Petitioners,
lilooinlield, May 11, 1870.
Decree of Incorporation.
IN THE MATTER of tho Petition of Christ's
liel'ornied Church at Piincannoii, Pa., the fol
lowing proceedings were had. to wit:
2d May. 1S70, the ielilioii of Kev. W. P. C. Hod
rock, C. P. (iclbach. V. Wahl, 1,. Sumner and oth
ers, citizens of the Commonwealth or Pa., accom
panied by t lie articles of Association, w as presented
to the Court praying for a decree of incorporation,
whereupon the lollowing decree was made:
"And now to wit : May 2d, 1870, Notice is hereby
directed to lie given in two newspapers printed in
(lie county of Perry, for the period of four weeks
before tin? first day of the next term of tills court,
of the within application. By the Court."
rrothonotary's Ollice,
Bloomlield. May 11, 1870.
Lewis Potteu, Attornej for Petit ioners.
Pennsylvania R. R. Time Table.
On and after May 1st, 1870, Passenger trains
will run as follows :
Pacillc Express, (Flag) 5.00 A. M. daily.
Way Passenger, y.13 a. m., dailv except Monday,
Mail, 2.28 1'. M. daily except Sunday.
Fast Line ..... 4.10 A. m., dally except Monday,
llarrlsburg Aecoin. 12.51 l'. v., daily " Sunday.
Southern Ex. (Flag) 1.32 i. !., daily " Monday
Mail (.53 i. M., daily except Sunday
J. J. BAIiCLAY, Agent.
On and after Sunday, May Jst, 1870, trains ivill
leave Puiicaunon, as follows :
Fast Line. (Flag) 4.35 a. m., daily except Monday
Harrisbing Accoin. 12.51 P. M., daily " Sunday
Southern Ex., (Hag) 1.57 I'. M., daily " Monday
Mail 8.28 M.. daily " Sunday
racllio Express, (Hag) 4.41 A. M., daily !
way rassengei, .J3A. m., uany except Sunday
Mail, 1.541". M, daily except Sunday
WM. V. KING, Agent
On and after Nov. 14th 1SU9 trains will leave this
station as follows :
Hiirrisburg Accommodation 12.10 P. M.
Mail 7.1'J P. Id.
W;y Passenger 9.21 A. M.
Mad, .U P. M.
W. J. JONES, Aenl,
Stage Line Between Newport and New
STAGES leave New Germantown dailv at four
o'clock a. m. Landishiirgat 7. 30 a. 111. Green
park at 8 a. 111. New Bloomlield at 9'A a. 111.
Arriving at Newnort to connect Willi the Ac.
commodaiion train East.
Returning leaves Newport on the arrival of lh
Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. 111.
Z. RICE, I'rojrietor.
New Ktfig-o DLiiiio
THE subscriber Is now runnlii? a li.'ck between
Bloomlie'd mid Nonoort, le.iviirr Bloomlield
! iu !) a in., arriving ut Newnort ia 1'iiie to connect
wiih Hie E.'.piess ira'n Ea-,.
Returning, leaves Newport at 2.30 p.m., or on
I the arrival of the Mad iiain Wet.
He has also opened 11 LIVERY in th Stables
belonging to Riuesmiili's Hoi el, where lie is pre
I pared to furnish horses and bi'T'jies at moderate
prices. AfliOS KUUl.NSON.
A. oiler at public sale,
Saturday, June 4th, 1S70,
bet ween the hours of 2 and fi p. in., the following
unclaimed freight, now at the several stations on
the 1. R. R. and Brunches, as desicnalcd, unless
owners or consignees pay charges and expenses on
the same, ami taku it awav on or before the d. y
of sale :
Description of Goods. Consignees
1 barrel. 8 rolls and 1 bag of
roofing malt-rial, . VV. Musgrove.
1 bag of salt, A. L. Summer
I mower (3 pieces), Anderson and Fros
II hay forks, .1. Grove
Lot of Reaper fixtures, No Marks.
1 jack (lor separator) p. Tresslcr.
1 wood horse and saw, W. S. Mitchell.
2 corn plows, B. F. Caullniiin.
1 slove and piece of casting A. N. Grayhill.
Lot ol boards, ,. p. lloutz.
1 bundle of clothing, Win. Pile.
Shingles, N. E. Bollln-rer for
Win. Bollinger,
Box drugs, Box medicine, S. T. Lineaweaver.
Superintendent of Transportation,
Altoona, May 2, 1870.
by given, that Letters of Administration du
the estate of Catharine Singer, late of Bullalo
township, deceased, have been granted to the un
dersigned residing In the same township.
All persons indebted to said estateare.requested
to make Immediate payment, and those having
claims against It, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement to
418Gt Administrator.
Clocks. Another new lot of 80 hour
and 8 day Clocks just received by F. Mor
timer & Co., New Bloomlield.
New Advertisements.
BOOKS. Agents to sell inn per
-V-f, 'V. Price 15. Address L. BTEH-
BINS, Hartford, Ct"
CiOPt A DAYJ 40 new articles for Agents
OtJ Samples free. H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me-
Salesmen. Send for circular, a first
elass business and steady employment. U. F.
HOWE, 37 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Unitarian; educates Ministers; sioo a year
to poor students; begins Aug. 29. Apply to A. A.
LIVEltMOltE, Meadville, Pa.
Lndlcn J'rirate Companion, contains the de
sired inforinafion. Sent tree for stamp. Address
Mas. H. METZUEK, Hanover, l'enn'a.
TlJ? WILL PAY AGENTS a salary of S35
' per week or allow a large commission to sell
our new Inventions. Address J. W. FINK & CO.,
Marshall, Mich.
"TITAN'TED AOENTS. $20 Watch, free, given
V gratis to every live man who will act as our
Agent, Business light and honorable ; 830 per day
Address It. MONllOE KENNEPV & CO., Pitts
burg, l'a.
BOOK AGENTS WANTED. " Latlien of the
Wiite Jlonne." No opposition. Slcel engra
vings. Itapld sales. For circulars, Address V. S.
PuiiUSUiNu Co., N. Y., Cincinnati and Chicago.
SALESMEN Wanted in a paying bu
siness. 8. Kennedy, 413 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
-L VHAHMIJS'G. 100 pages: cloth. This won
derful book has full Instructions to enable the
reader to fascinate either sex, or any animal, at
wdl. Mesmerism, spiritualism, and hundreds of
siiicrisiu, pu uuausm, mm numu cuH 01
ions experiments. It can be obtained by
iddress, with 10 cents postage, to T. W.
it CO., No. 41 So. Eighth St., Philadelphia.
oiner curious experiments.
sending am
column paper, Ialyer size, Illustrated. Pevo-
ted to Sketches, Poetry, Wit, Humor, genuine fun
I Nonsense (of a sensible kind), and to tho expo
sure 01 swindling, liiiiiibugs, c. only 70 cents a
year, and a superb engraving, "Evangeline,"
by2 feet ouatis, 30,000 circulation. Money refund
ed to nil who onk it. it Is wide-awake, fearless,
truthful. Try it now. 75 cents a year. Specimens
FREE. Address "Banner," Hinsdale, N. H.
u. rr is rx: h .
Inventors who wish to take out Letters Fatent
are advised to counsel witli MUNN & Co., editors
of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted
claims before the Fatent Ollice for over Twenty
Years. Their American and European Patent
Agency is the most extensive in the world. Char
ges less than any other reliable agency. A pamph
let containing full instructions to inventors is sent
gratis. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York.
One Million Acres
FOR SALE, at $3 per acre and upwards.forcash,
or on credit, by the IOWA RAILROAP LAND
CO. Railroads already built through the Lands,
and on all sides of them. Great inducements to
settlers. Send for our free Pamphlet. It gives
prices, terms, location; tells who should como
West, what they should bring, what It will cost :
gives plans and elevations of 18 diilerent styles of
ready-made houses, which tho Company furnish
at, from $250 to $1,000 ready to set up. Maps sent
If desired. Address
W. W. WALKER, ViccPresidenl.,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa,.
Being a cripple, I have made house planning a
special study. One built last season has proved a
model of convenience, beauty and economy. De
scriptive circulars of Plans, Views, etc., with gen
eral information of value to all, sent free, ad
dress (with stamp or script If convenient). GEO.
J. COLBY, Architect, Waterbury, Vermont.
HUNDREDS OF AGENTS make from S5 to S10
per dav, in selling our Patent Extension
Reel and Swifts, combined. Used in every fami
ly for winding Yarn, Silks, Worsted, &c. Winds
full sized skein, and weighs less than one pound.
Agents wanted. For terms, &c, address II. L.
STARKE & CO., Auburn, N. Y.
4 20 4w.
THE undersigned have removed.
their MEAT SHOP to No. 3,,
Westrtluin street. Bloomlield, Pa.,
where they will be happy to supply
ineir customers witn me
Best Beef, Mutton. &c,
the Market can afford. Thankful for past patron
age, they hope to merit a continuance of public fa
Bloomlield, April 20, 1870.
W If. Pit-nit.
W. A. Okbison.
Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags,'
No. 40 North Fourth Street,
(In Merchants' Hotel Building),
CIALTY. 4181yl0
Heal Entatc Agency for Perry Co.
Lewis Potteu. . S. II. Gauikaitu.
It c u 1 I! n I a ( c Agents
Now liloomlielil, I'jv.,
OFFER at Private Sale over OVER ONE
, HUNDRED FARMS In Pony ("lutyi
Pa., varying in size from 20 to 300 Aores, and
at prices ranging from )(10 to JH0O per acre.
All of the above Real Estate is located within 4!
miles of the Capital of the State, and convenient
to markets, none of It being more than 20, and
much of it withia 5 miles of the Penu'a, it. It.
Perry County is among the finest Agricultural
Counties In the State, The land being principally
limestone, red shale mid Hint gravel.
Persons wishing to view any of the above prop,
properties can do so., by culling at the ollice of the
Persons having properties for sale, would do
well In calling on the above.
Please send for a Circular giving a full de
scription of each properly 1 20 ly. V.