tljc QRmtt, Hew Bloomftclii, . 13a. 7 Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. MILLER & ELDER, ISooSiseller and Niaiioiicrs, PLANK HOOK MANUFACTURERS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL FAPfiZl, No. 430, Market Street, SI PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHARLES MAOARGE & CO., Wholesale- Dealers In Paper, JLfcsig-js, !k;o., No. 30, 32, and 34, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. tt. Paper any Size, Weight, Color and Quality, made lo order, at short notice. 101y4l SOWER, BARNES & POTTS, ISooksellers & Stationers, And Dealers m CURTAIN AM) wall-papers, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, . PHILADELPHIA, PA. tS- Publishers ot Sanders' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, liobert's History of tiie United States, Felton's Outline Maps, &c. KLAXK IS002S Always on hand, and mado to Order. 31t ILOOIJIAX'S "Writiiig- Jluid ! THIS FLUID Is warranted EQUAL to Aunoi.d's, and is sold at much less price. The money will be refunded to those buying it, if it does not prove entirely satisfactory. 3-l''orsaie by V. Mortimer, New Bloomtleld. MILLER Si ELDER, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, S3031 Philadelphia. Glass and Queensivare. A. L. Kaub J. E. FltBYMIBE. KAUB & ritYJHKK, Importkus and Jobbers or C li i ii a , G-1 a s AND QUEENSWAltE, 301 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. ID" Constantly od Uand, Original Assorted Packages, 3. 9. ly 10 MISCELLANEOUS, PUMPS! riLMrs i FOlt PUKE WATElt, USE TIII5 CEI.K:!ATKD CUClUIUEll OTJ9IP Mado of wild Cucumber wood, en tirely tnrteU:, duriiUe anil rcliiMe : the good old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore Iw. perieci aim accurate in all its parts, "A raising an equal amount of water, U ""'IcostiiiR less limn half the money, j&'fi J-'w'ly arranged so as to bo non- IV 1 ;t4. iieezing, anu in construction sosim Si1',j lle that anp one vun put it up awl 5 . , It trial It is acknowledged the ft : I ' D j. l ni UritS "..-1 CHAHLES p. BLATOJILEY, Mawufactuiseh. dgsi arm i.nfisinec-. , Office and Ware-room, Nos. 024 and ti2 Filbert Street. 41o6mG PHILADELPHIA, PA. S-These Pumps can be ordered of the Maim aclurer, or F. Mortimer & Co., New lilouiutieul. I3STE Y.H Oottug-o Organs, GREAT INDUCEMENTS offered to Churches and Sunday Schools. Organs and Melodeons tor sale on moodily instalments. E. M. UilUCK, No. IS North Seventh St., PHILADELPHIA. rv."li' H Philadelphia Advertisements. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. John Lucas & Co., Solo and THE ONLY MANUFACTURES OV TUB IMPERIAL FRENCH, ANI PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Puro Wliilc liOad ant! Color MAFUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. SIDDALL & MARKLEY, Wholesale Druggists, AND DEALEKS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. A FULL STOCK of everthlni connected with the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to oiler In ducements to buyers, and makes it worth their nle to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. 8tf. SAVES I,AISOIl I Saves Time ! SAVES SEOSTEYX w AINltKJHT & CO'S Labor-Saving Soap Will bo found the best In use. With this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any other Is used, and the saving In wear to clothes Is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that you will use no other. 8- For sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New liloomlleld, Pa. 317 Worth its Weight in Gold! fJIIHS Is what everybody who has used It says of XESJHTirS MtflMENT. For Rheumatic Pains It will give Instant relief and elleela permanent cure in a short time. It is also the best remedy In the World for Cuts, Sprains, Hruises and Hums, and not only Hiving prompt relief from pain, but heals without leaving any scar. All who have tried it, say no family should be without it, for it is worth its weiirht in gold. . Try a bottle of It! No cure, No Pay. 317 a For sale at F. Mortimer's, . PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO. No. 1111 CHESTNUT STUEET PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPQNCE, A Substitute for Curled Hair, FOB ALL UPIIOLSTEUY PURPOSES. II Is cheaper than feathkrs or ii uu, and much superior, beiiiK the lightest softest iind most elastic material known FOR MATTRESSES. FILLOWS, CARRIAGE, CAR, AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. It Is Indestructable.f ree from dust, perfectly elean and for the sick is if soiled it is easily cleaned. IT DOES NOT PACE And is entirely free from Moth Pe.rmn are to examine the Cushion Sponye at the ojice o the company, Feb 8tf -No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET, Hardware, &c. LLQfP, SU1TLEE, & WALTOX, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE, No. 625 Market Street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia A dvertisements. DRY GOODS HOSIERY & NOTIONS John Shaffner, Jr. E. S. Ziegler. Thco. Rumcl SlIAFFXER, ZIEULEU & CO., Successors to SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, ti loves, SSihbons, Suspenders, T Hit E ADS, CO M B 8 , and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 36, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. BARCKOFT & CO., Importers rind Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Phihidclpliia. Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. F. D. Miller. T. Rlckcrt. C. H. Miller. MILLER, RICKERT & CO., SUCCESSORS TO GRAYBILL & NEWCOMER, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, FUHS, STKAW-ttOOItS, &c., No. 349 North Third Street, 2d Floor, PHILADELPHIA. 4 11 ly 10 w. f. !isiio:k, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, AND Stra av - O- o o tl H t 153 NORTH TUIRDJSTREET, 3 0 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. D. J. Hoar. II. L. Hood. A. Trimble. WM. AV. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C33 Market St. and 014 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. MISCELLANEOUS. JJRADBURY'S AND OTHER 1'IAOS. laylor A Farley's and E. P. Needham & Son'$ ORGANS AND MELODEONS. WM. O. FISCHER, General Wliolesale Agent, 1018 Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 3 42 6m. PHILADELPHIA "The Bed Horse Powders" FJMIE BEST POWDERS In tlip World for HORSES, CATTLE, IIOG8, OR POULTRY, They will not only prevent, but will Cure diseases, and are the Cheapest, as well as the best Horse Powders in use. Try them. For sale by Stores and DruKB stJi generally, and by F. MoiiTiwut, New Uloouilluld, Pa. iidlt Philadelphia Advertisements. TOBACCO SECARS AC. TiieotAB Ronn. A. J. McConkey. ROBB & McCONKEY, Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCOS, SIGARS, &C. No. 13 North Fifth Street, (Between Market and Arch,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1041U A. B. Cunningham. J. H. Lcwars. J. S. Glelm. Cunningham, Gleiin & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Scgars, &c, NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, riiiLADixriiiA. 32310 CROCER1ES AND PROVISIONS. 4'. I. & lillO'S, Wholesale Dealers in B IS H , Cheese AND Provisions, ll-t South Delaware Avcnnc, Below Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Collins, Geddcs & Co's Cunncd Fruits. 1041tf S. IS. TAYJLOI6, WITH WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner or 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. Kanck. ATWOOD, RANCK & CO., Commission Jlereliants, AMD Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Tickled and Salt i s. i-r , . No. 210 North Wharves, above Kace Street, 3 40 Cin6 PHILADELPHIA, PA. WHOLESALE ..tC hO nnfinnnn GROCERS January 1, 1809 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. iB: V CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1869. HUMOROUS ITEMS. Jy A medical nilOhtimv Ta nrtnninrv i dead letter a post mortem examination '( JBSy An UDDlcasant 1 " " v uiimi ui v vav Division among families. JByTho last thins a man lmnlil out of Temper. IQyTho game of old elcdge was inven ted by Nebuehadnczzar. lie got his living on 'all fours' for seven years.' A Troy newspaper ppcaks of 'a mau with one eye named Robert Welch,' but docs not mention the name of the other eye. A coroner's jury lately said that they were of " A Pinion Decest met his death from Violent Information in the lied, produced fron Union Cauz." BSyThe Shakers dou't marry. If young Shakers fall in love, they aro set wcedin onions which kurea them forth withly. fiIu Wisconsin there has been in vented a pocket stove warmed by alcohol. The New York Post says, "We have seen one of them. It looks very much like a pint-flask filled with brandy. J5Q" An afflicted husband wa3 returning from the funeral of his wife when a friend asked him how he was. " Well," said ho pathetically, " I think I feel better after that little walk." BSy A temperance editor, in drawing attention to an article against ardent spirits in one of his papers, says, " For the effects of intemperance see our in side!" During the delivery of a lecture by Mrs. Dr. Valkcr,in Kansas, a few days ago, a precocious youth in the audience cried out, " Aro you the Mary that had a little lamb?" " No,"was the ready reply, " but your mother had a little jackass 1" JO A singing-master, while teaching his pupil, was visited by a brother of the tuneful art. The visiter observed that that the chorister pitched the tune vocally and said : " Sir, do you use a pipe J" " Wo, sir." said Sen'iibreve, with admirable gravi ty, " I chew." fig? A sorry case was that of a Yankee tailor who dunned a man for the amount of his bill. The man said he was " sorry, very sorry indeed, that he could not pay it." Well," said the tailor, " I took, you for a man that would bo sorry ; but if you are sorrier than lam, I knock under." J8- A man who, on being told by a generous farmer that he would give him a barrel of cider, asked him if he would, bring it to his house. " Certainly," re plied the farmer, "with pleasure." " Well," said the grateful recipient, " what will you pay mo for the barrel when the cider is done '(" JO An elderly lady who was handling a pair of artificial plates in a dental office, and admiring the fluency with which the dentist described them, asked him : " Can a body eat with these things V " My dear madam, mastication can be performed with a facility scarcely equaled by nature herself," responded the dentist. " Yes, I know ; but can a body eat with them V JfrSrA Newspaper published in the regions of Lakes Memphremagog and Winnepcsaugeo says that " fish in Lake Ilolleyhupkcmunk, Me., are said to be tuperior to those of either Lake Weeleyo bacock or Mooselockmegautuo. Those of Chauhuugogungamung were very fine, but they all got choked to death in trying to tell whpre they lived." Zt An Irish boy trying hard to get a place, denied he was Irish. ,l I don't know what you mean by not being an Irishman," said the gentleman, who was about to hire him ; ? but this I do know that you were born in Ireland." " Och ! pur honor, if that's all, small to blame that. Suppose your old cat had kittens in the oven, would they be loaves of bread '(" Ho was employed. J565"La me," Baid Mrs. Partington, " hero I have been suffering the bigamie of death for three mortal weeks. I was seized with a bleeding phrenology in the left hampshir of the brain, whioh was ex ceeded by a stoppage of the ventilator of the heart. This gave me an influmation of the borax, and now I am sick with the chloroform morbus. . There's no blessing like that of health, especially when ' yoa are sick.