The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, May 17, 1870, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuenday, May 17, 1S70.
The International Yacht race came
oil' in England, last week, resulting in a
complete victory for the Americana.
Anotueu Prize l'ijiht ha3 disgraced
the country. This time it occurred near
New Orleans, between Mace and Allen.
Mr. Joseph II. Lewis, Mr. Golliday's
successor as Representative from Ken
tucky, took his seat in the House last
The Customs Collector at Corpus Chris
ti, Texas, reports to the Treasury Depart
ment that while encamped sixty miles from
llio Grande, he was robbed by a portion
of his military escort, of $12,810 in spe
cie, custom funds.
The McFarlaxd trial has at last
ended, resulting as nearly all murder tri
als do in New York, in a verdict of ac
quittal. It is not yet known who Mc
Farland's next victim w'.ll be, but as he
now lias a license to kill, it is fair to pre
sume lie may take vengeance on some
juore of his enemies.
PuniNa the past week considerable
trouble has occurred in France. In quite
a number of instances the citizens erects
od barricades in the streets of Paris, and
in several instances the troops had to use
fire-arms before the people were driven
away. Though the election resulted in
quite a large majority in favor of the Em
peror, yet it also showed that a very large
number of discontented people were ac
tively at work against him.
In the House of Representatives a
Special Committee are maturing a bill
giving a subsidy of three millions of dol
lars to five Steamship Companies. One
to run from Boston and Portland to Eu
rope; another from New York; another
Philadelphia and Haltimoro ; one from
New Orleans to Vera Cruz and Brazil,
and one from San Francisco to China and
Japau, but not to exceod three hundred
ihousand dollars per annum, and all ser
vice to bo done by the companies making
the best propositions to the Government,
and to receive full rates for all mail mat
ters. A Suit has been commenced in Balti
more, by the State of Maryland, against
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com
pany, to recover the value of gold over
currency, in which the State has been
paid its six per cont. interest on divi
dends guaranteed by the Company on pre
ferred stock owned by the State, at pres
ent amounting to nearly twenty millions
.of dollars.
The claim is "based -on tho recent decis
ion of tho United States Supremo Court,
that all contracts for money made prior to
tho date of the Legal Tender act of 18G2,
are payable in gold.
J6f3yTho good people of Savannah
have had a scare, tho like of which they
havo not experienced since that great
military lion, General Sherman, went
roaring through tho country " seeking
whom he might devour." A lion and li
ouess lately escaped from tho museum
-aud (traversed Hull street, creating a stir
.anion"; pedestrians quite unusual. His
majesty was soon captured and taken
home, but his royal consort, terribly
frig.hteued by tho pursuing crowd, leaped
a feuoe, and took refuge in a neighboring
kitchen, to the dismay and scatcermcnt
of the sarvaots. The keeper soou arrived
and Ly mcaim of kind words and a rope,
succeeded in bringing her back.
Mere Oil.
The Titusvillo Herald recently an
nounced the striking on the Scott farm
at West Hickory, tit a new well, which
is reported as producing fully one hun
dred and seventy-five barrels per day.
TLo well is situated about a quarter of a
milo from the Venture well, and is owned
by JJeyhart & Grandio. Tho Herald
3ays the excitement in the vicinity is o,i
tho increase, and a "city" will probably
hi built during the next fortnight.
Attacked by Roughs.
Last evening about nine o'clock, as a
gentleman from Mcchanicsburg, Cumber
land county, was passing down Raspberry
alley, and when near the corner of Straw
berry and Raspberry alley, ho was accos
ted by two men, one of whom seized hold
of his coat, and then said, ''I beg your
psvdon." The gentleman replied it was
not nceccssary, when the rough again
caught hold of him and said, " Lend mo
five dollars." The stranger replied, " I
don't know you, and have not five dollars
nbout me." " Well," said the other,
" give me all you have." The gentleman
from Meehauiesburg said, " All right ;
I will ;" and with that drew back and
struck the would-be robber a blow under
tho chin that sent him reeling across the
alley, when his companion started off on
a ruu. Tho straugcr, thiuking he had
gone to bring his friends to attack him,
thought it was not wholesome for him to
remain, and went into the European ho
tel, iu Brant's building, and after bathing
his hand, accompanied by Mr. Davis,
proceeded to the alley, but both of the
scoundrels were non vrt. In a short time
the gentleman discovered that his hand
was swelling rapidly ,and upon calling on a
physician ascertained that he had broken
two of his knuckles in defending himself.
His hand was properly cared for. The
gentleman stated that lie had traveled con
siderably, and had visited large cities, but
was never molested until he was attacked
in Harrisburg last evening. liar. Tel.,
of (he Will iuM.
Money well Invested.
A correspondent writes to the Fiffvro
as follows: Your correspondent, Adrien
Mark, in an article on the artit Bouvin,
relates that Baron James do Rothschild
once sat for a beggar to Ary Schelrcr.
This is perfectly true, and I writo to
complete the tale. While tho great fi
nancier, attired in the rags of a beggar
was in his place on the Estrade, I hap
pened to enter the studio of tho great
artist, whose friend I had the honor to be.
Tho Baron was so perfectly disguised
that I did not recognise him, and believ
ing that a veritable beggar was before
me, I went up to him and slipped a louis
infci his hand.
The pretended model took the coin
and put it into his pocket. Ten years
later I received at my residence an order
on tho office in the Rue Lafitte for ten
thousand francs, inclosed in the following
letter : " Sir You one day gave a louis
to Baron Rothschild in the studio of Ary
Schcffer. Ho lias employed it, and to
day sends you tho little capital with which
you intrusted him, together with its in
terest. A goodaetiun always brings good
fortune. Aaron James Do Rothschild."
On receipt of this order I sought the
millionaire, who proved to me from the
books before him that under his manage
ment my louis had actually fructified so
as to have swelled to tho large sum sent
Mountains on Fire.
Thousands of acres of woodland have
been burning in Ulster and Orange
counties, New York, for a week past.
The forests that cover tho Shawangunk
range have been destroyed. A single
one of the owners has lost, in tho burning
of 100 cords of cut wood anil growing
timber, $1800. Men arc fighting the
fires all along the range. The heavy
clouds of smoke that hover over the val
ley and cling to tho mountain side, and
tho lines of ilamo present a magnificent
spectacle. At Greenfield Briggsville,
and Oak Ridge the devastation has been
unprecedented. Persons interested in
tho huckleberry crop fire the woods to
promote the growth of tho berry, which
furnishes them a livelihood.
Bad Practice. You might as well
expect to relievo and cure an inflamed
eye by dusting irritating powders into it,
as to expect to subdue and cure Catarrh
which is an inflammation of the mu
cous membrane of the air passages in the
hcad-by tho use of irritating snuffs or
strong, caustic solutions. Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy cures Catarrh by its mild,
soothing action, which subdues tho inflam
mation and restores tho natural sojcretion
of the mucous follicles. Tho proprietor,
R. V. Pierce, M. 1)., of Buffalo, offers
$500 for a case of Catarrh that ho cannot
cure. Sent by mail ou receipt of sixty
cents. Address the proprietor as above.
For sale by most druggists everywhere.
$f Washington despatches say .that
tho Senate will not reviso tho Tariff laws
at this session, but will reduce tho Inter,
nal Revenue tuxes and get rid of numbers
of assessors aud collectors.
Tho following proceedings on Roads was
had at tho last term of Court :
Sol. Dower, Wm, B. Stambaugh and Dr.
Wm. Hays were appointed Commissioners
to inquire into the propriety of annexing the
properties of Samuel Ernest, James Gut
shall and Michael Gutshall of Madison
district to Sandy Hill district, for school
In tho matter of annexing J. C.Stewart's
farm of Watts to New Buffalo for school
purposes, tho report of viewers being fa
vorable thereto, it is approved nisi,
Tho report of tho viewers being favorable
to annexing Daniel Rider's farm of Stiller,
to Oliver township, for school purposes, is
approved nisi.
Petition for road from near Georgo Mc
Millan's meadow to near Andrew Loy's
spring house in Madison township Sanuul
Gutshall, Georgo II. Martin and David L.
Moreland appointed viewers.
John Martin, Robert A. Clark and
Creighton Junk appointed reviewers on
road from near Abraham Trostles and J.
Q. A. Moreland's to road between Thomas
Dobbs and Henry Bistlino in Jackson twp.
Lewis Gilfillen, James Whitmer and
Isaac Bartow appointed to re-review road
from Charles Swcezy's barn to stone quarry
of Ilaunaniah Gantt in Oliver twp.
Solomon Beniheisel, Geo. Hoobaugh and
John Dum appointed to view road from
Ickesburg to Newport.
S. Shellcr, Esq. John Jones and Jas.
M. White to view road from Kirk's store to
Kliucpcter's lane in 'Whcatfield township.
George Ilofl'man, Oliver Rico and John
Kough to change part of a road from Mil
ford to Donnally's Mills, on land of Jefl".
E. Super.
Dr. James II. Case, George Snyder and
John Deitrick to view road from Benjamin
Aumiller to land of Jacob Kline's heirs, in
Liverpool twp.
Samuel Taylor, Jonathan Black and John
II. G. Kinter to view road from near An
drew B. Tine's barn to near house of Fred
erick Grubb's heirs, in Greenwood twp.
Wm. Brunei-, David Clouser and John
Shearer to view road from near land line
between II. S. Souder and Georgo Kitner's
heirs to road on land of Samuel Comp, in
Carroll twp.
Abm. Bower, John Ilager and Wm. W.
Snyder to view road from near Abraham
Smith's barn to near Robert McDonald's
saw-mill, in Carroll twp.
Philip Huston, B. F. Hall and Wm. Bor
rcll to review road from land of Furguson's
heirs to lino between them and R. C. Clark,
in Centre twp.
The report granting a road from cross
roads near Jonathan Wertz's to public road
on land of Reuben Grubb in Greenwood
twp., was set aside, and a new order direct
ed to issue to Geo. Wilt, Caleb Grubb and
Jacob Gingcrich, to view said road and re
port to next term. Caleb Grubb was sub
stituted by tho parties for Henry P. Grubb
appointed by tho Court as a viewer.
Samuel Lupi'er, Samuel Orwan, Sr., and
Joseph Flickingor, appointed to review
damages on road from Ickesburg to Mil
lerstown, made report awarding road dam
ages, as follows : To L. K. Gingerieh $1500;
to Robert Orr ?200 ; to Miehasl Donnel
ly $030 ; Wm. L. Donnelly $125 ; David
M. Kerr $850 ; Wm. Kerr $200 ; and Sam
uel II. Kloffman $150 in all $3,475.
May 7th, 1870. This report is confirmed
as to tho damages awarded to Lewis K.
Gingerieh, Michael Donnelly and Wm. Don
nelly, aud set aside as to tine damages
awarded to the other persons to whom dam
ages are awarded, their petitions for re
view of damages not being presented in
time. Tho damages to bo paid by tho peti
tioners for the road and not by the county.
Tho order made upon tho report of tho
said road from Ickesburg to Millerstown, is
as follows : May 7th, 1870. This report
was confirmed iniprovidently, there being
orders issued for a view of damages at the
time when tho report was confirmed. Tho
confirmation is therefore vacated, and fur
ther action on this report is suspended un
til tho damages assessed nnit confirmed by
tho Court are paid by tho petitioners or
others interested to have tho road opened.
large Receipts. By a report of tho re
ceipt for premiums of nine of tho principa
Insuraneacompanies, in Hartford, Connect
icut, we see that the receipts of tho iEtna
are nearly equal to all the other eight put
together, thus showing how popular that
pompany is. Lewis Potter, of this borough,
is their agent, and if In want of insurance
for any kind of property, call on him for a
policy in tho .Etna Insuranco Co., of Hartford.
IJcessemcr Steel.
Accoiding to a Washington letter, the
following is tho method by which it is
made :
" Bessamcr, or Beessemer, was a Prus
sian, who startled the manufacturing
world in 18o7 by discovering a new pro
cess of purifying pig iron and mukitig
bar iron and steel of it by asimplo pneu
matic process. He inclosed tho crude
liquid metal in a hugo ladle and blew
upon it a violent blast of hot air whoso
oxygen gurgled through tho molten iron
and carried off the carbon and other im
purities ; this produced fine metal, which
was-agaiu passed in a puddling furnace
with frequent nozzles on both sides
through which air and steam were both
driven, to carry off the remaining im
purities. Thirty-five minutes by this
process will convert the liquid pig metal
to steel, whereas the old method of ma
king steel was shiw primitive and labori
ous. Bessenier's discoveries were accept
ed by all the great industrial nations,
and as patents in Europe are not pro
tected as long as with us, the patent soon
expired abroad. At present therefore,
all Europe is making steel rails by Besse
nier's process."
Miscellaneous News Items.
tW A singlo tree in Kentucky has been
the gallows of four victims of Lynch law
during the last twelve months.
t3?A man named Irwin, residing in
Maury co., Mo., iu a fit of passion, on Sun
day, struck his son, a hoy of fifteen years
of age, with a chair, killing him instantly.
13?" On tho 8th inst, a woman at Colum
bia, named Kramer, committed suicide
by cutting her throat with a razor. Death
was instantaneous.
L2?"Tho residence of N. O. Sykcs, in
Tippah county, Miss., was destroyed by
lire on Saturday night, and two daughters,
aged 8 .and 13 years, perished in the flames.
E3?" A terrible hail storm visited Phila
delphia on Sunday the 8th inst., doing much
damage to windows. Hail-stones nearly as
largo as alien's egg, were quito numerous.
C3?" Tho Cincinnati police aro trying to
enforce a better observance of tho Sabbath
in that city. Strict orders have been given
to tho police to enforce tho laws against
the keeping open of saloons and shops.
tST A young man m Coldwatcr, Mich.,
suddenly lost his voico on Christmas, and
ho has been unable to speak since, except
in his sleep, when ho talks as fluently as
ever. 12?" Three girls two daughters of Rob
ert Wallace, and the other a daughter of
Charles Wallace were drowned in White
River, near Whcatfield, Ind., on the 10th
inst. They were rowing in a mill-pond and
wero carried over tho dain.
C5P In various parts of South America
heavy rains have fallen and roads were im
passible. A terrible storm of stones occur
red at Las Playas, Peru. Gardens, orchards
and crops of all kinds were cut to pieces.
Tho storm was accompanied by an earth
quake. EST" The body of James Brady, a work
man in the Cambridge Glass Works was
found in Charles River, on the Dtli inst.
A wound near tho temple, and tho absence
of tho watch and money of the deceased,
warrant a suspicion that ho had been mur
dered. It is known that ho had ono hun
dred dollars in his possession on Saturday
C2f Quito a panic occurred in tho color
ed Baptist Church, in Washington, on Sun
day a week, caused by the gallery, which
was crowded with people settling several
inches. A general rush was made for tho
street, and several persons wero badly in
jured ; ouo or two it is feared fatally. Tho
remembrarico of the recent disaster at
Richmond made the panic greater.
13?" On tho morning of the 9th inst., at
about cloven o'clock, Amos M. Saeket.a tea
broker, a' No. 98 Wall street, N. Y., enter
ed tho ot'ico of M. B. Hunter & Co., at tho
corner o!l Old Slip and Front street, and as
ho iuqui red for Mr. Robb, a member of the
firm, ho fell upon tho floor and died almost
instantly. Mr. Sacket was about 57 years
of age, and was formerly of tho houso of
Sacket, Belcher & Co. Death was sup
posed to bo tho result of disease of the heart.
tW Joseph C. Ramsey having been for
cibly taken from tho custody of a consta
ble in Putnam county, Illinois, on April
10, by certain lawless men, ad murdered
by hanging ; Governor Palmar has issued
a proclamation calling upon public ollieers
and all good men to exert themselves to de
tect and bring to justice, tho persons con
cerned in said act, and offering $10,000 re
ward for tho apprehension and conviction
of said persons.
E3FAlargo quantity of anciont coins
have been found in a stone quarry situated
in tho forest belonging to tho community
of Schlaitdorf, Wurtemburg. Two men
engaged in clearing away tjio dirt to get
at the stone, struck at tho depth of eigh
teen inches, upon two earthen jars filled
with numerous small silver coins similar tq
those which wero found last year near Lust
nau. Tho two jars contained about 800 pio
ces, so-called brae-teates of tho middlo age,
of tho size of a cent, sorno round, some of
irregular shape, presenting a raised hand
on one side, and the cross of the Or
der of Templars on the reverso, roughly
made. Tho coins wero transferred to the
Royal Numismatic Museum at Stutgard.
Initializing Oil !
THIS Oil for Rheumatism In all Its forms.
Sprains, Hruises. Cuts, Wounds of all Uescrip
tious. Crump, etc., etc., etc..
IS UNEQI'ALLKI) by any now ottered to the pub
lie. It Is tor sale at 60 cents per bottle, by
Perry county, Pa.
'ew Wooinllcld, l'a.
Relief Riven almost Instantly, and permanent
cures effected. 4 l'J :.m
The Most Popular Medicino
Extant !
Is equally applicable and eillcaclous to younu
or old.
Is both an Internal and External Remedy.
used at the first mauitestation of Cold or Cough.
Is the tii-oat Family Medicine of the age.
Will euro Painters' Colic.
the pain killer
is good for Scaids and Hums.
Has the verdict of the People lu Its favor.
Ciives Universal Satisfaction.
Heware of Imitations and Counterfeits.
Is an almost certain cure for CHOLERA, and
has, without doubt, been more successful In curing
this terrible disease than any other known remedy,
or even the most eminent or skillful Physicians.
In India, Africa, and China, where this dreadful
disease Is ever more or less prevalent, the PAIN
KILLER is considered, by the natives as well an
European residents in these climates, ;A SUMS
is wrapped with lull directions for use.
THE PAIN KILLER Is sold by all
Druggists and Healers in Family Medicines, and
by Dr. Strickler, Kew Blooiulleld, l'a. May 10 lm
(r. W. li USSELL,
No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce,
Importer and Dealer in
French and American Clocks,
& Particular attention paid to Flue Watch
and Clock Repairing.
CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock iu Urn
United States.
Kir Inquiries by mail for information regarding
Clocks or Watches will bo cheerfully answered.
Philadelphia, Mluly
and a full assortment of the latest
Improved Carriage Hardware,
For salo by
To Shoemakers.
THE subscribers keep eonstantly pix liand,
li O AN S ,
and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe
makers. F. MOllTIMER Jt CQ.
American Walt ha in Watche
And warranted by the Company sent with fixsrf
Price List aud descriptive Catalogue scut free t.
any address.
Orders tilled by express V. O. P., with privll(
of examination before paying the money.
'Mi Chestnut street.
410 ISO l'lIIHUULl'lUA.
CHJGAP FOR CASH. The undcrsigne d
gives notico that ho has adopted the ('an h
E'lan, and now sells goods at very low rato k
for Cash or Country Produce only. No lo
viation will bo mado from this rule.
Millerstown, Fcnn'a
May 3, 1870131.,