3 BANKING HOUSE HENRY CLEWS & CO. (United States Treasury Buildings) No. HZ Wall Street, x. r, rpiTfi business of our House Is (lie same. In all rcspecK as dial of an Ineorporate Hank. Chocks anil Draft upon us pass through the Clear ing HoUSe. Corporations, Firms, and Individuals keeping lSuuk Accounts Willi us. either in Currency or Cold, will be allowed Kive l'er Cent. Interest per annum, on all daily balances, and can cheek at s!j5ht without notice. Interest credited and Ac count ('uncut rendered Monthly. We are prepared at all times to make advances to our Dealers on approved Collaterals, at market rate. Certificates of Deposit Issued, payable on d lnand. or arter llxcd date, bearing Interest at the current rate, and available in all parts of tlx country. Collections made promptly everywhere in the United States, Canadas ami Kurope. Dividends and Coupons promptly Collected, We buy, sell, and exchange all issues of Govern ment 15onds at current market prices. Orders executed for the purchase or sale of Gold and Kxchantre, also for State, City, and all other lirst-class securities. Special attention tiivcn to the negotiation of Kail lload. City, and other Corporate Loans. We are prepared to take Cold Accounts on terms the same as for Currency ; to receive. (Sold on De posit, bearing interest and subiect to check at Right; to issue Gold Certificates of Deposit; to make Advances in (Sold, airiiinst, currency and ether collaterals, and to afford Hanking facilities generally upon a Gold IUsis. 4 1" lm Who has a House to 1'aint ? HEADY - MADE COLORS, Known as "KATIROAD" Colors. Guaranteed to tie more economical, more durable and more con venient than anv Taint ever before offered. A book entitled "i'lain Talk with Practical Paint ers." with samples, sent free bv mail on applica tion. M ASUliY K WHITON. Globe White T,ead and Color Works, 111 Fulton St.. New York. Established lHIifc Hewars of imitations. 1 17 3m A GREAT OFFER. HORACE WATERS, Xo. 4S1 Broadway, Xew York "tt TILL dispose of One Hrsrmrn rr.wos. J1e- V liDKONS and OnoANS. of six first class ma ilers, fit er.trrmplv low pviren for msi. ilurinn till mnntli, or will take from $5 to Sil monthly until mid. New 7 Octavo Pianos for ?.'75 and upwards. .New Organs for $45 and upwards for Cash. 4 17 ly WATER WHEELS THE DUPLEX TURBINE. -l Great economy of water. The only Wheel Equaled by any Wheel In existence. xttitnii'.e. to mrt'ihle ftrennis. Adapted to all kind of Mills. Illustrated Pamphlet with Useful Table sent free, 4 17 3m J. K. STEVENSON, 83 Liberty St., N. Y. TTOW SHALL WE PAINT OUR HOUSES.' A JL Hy .T. W. Masury, CI.. 2lp.. II Fre nv mail, on receipt ol price. Maaury New York. i 17 3m. & Whito, XTINTS ON HOUSE PAINTING,'' T?v J. TV X X Masurv. CI. )!.. 4h' Free bv mail on re ceipt of price. MASUKY & WHITON, N. Y. 417i!m Ii1 1 Jfi How I made It in inos.wlth Stencils. ainple mailed free. 4 17 3m A. J. 1TLUM, N. T. JAMES B. CLARK, MANUFACTUItEB AND DEALEll IN Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware New Blooinfleld, Perry co., Pn., T-I'I'IH' 1 1 , nil.. r.r.j n i.uiii mil i v t'li ilium t-vi-iv iiiLiuiu usuanv XV kept ina iirst-class establishment. 'EEPS constantly on hand every article usually All tho latest styles and most Improved EarIor ami Mitclactt Stoves, TO BU11N EITHElt COAL OB WOOD! flu SpoutiiiR and Hnoflnf! put up In tho most durable manner and at reasonable prices. Call and examine his stock. 3 1 JSew Carriage Manufactory, On High Stkeet, East of Carlisle St., New Eloomlleld, Tcnn'a. THE subscriber has built a larce and commodl- ous Shop on High St.. East of Carlisle Street, New Bloointield.l'a., where he Is prepared to man- uiueiure io onier C.'i i- r i :i (i s Of every description, out of tho best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and llnlshcd In the most artistic and durable manner. r. HavliiK superior workmen, lie Is prepared to furnish work that will eomparo favorably Willi the host City Work, and much more durable, and M mueu more reasoname rates. "i-ItEPAIUING of all kinds neatly and prompt ly done. A call Is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH. sitf OTICE TO LAND OWNERS I After the 12th day of Autrust of this year, (1870) suits will be liable to be brought in the Court of Dauphin County for money duo on lands In l'en y Count v. unnateiited. bur Information relative to the Patenting of lanus, can on or address H. II. (1AI.UKAITIT. Attorney ut Law County Surveyor, luoomueiu, Aiurcn , jbvu.-rii. Pried Peachcs.-r-A very fine lot for ealo at 12i cents per pound by F. JIoktiuer & Co., Jlloomfield, j0ftinri flections. WRECKED 'HOPES, Like, otio who was doom'd o'er distant seas, His weary path to measure, When home at length with fav'ring breeze, lie brings tlio far sought treasure His ship in night of shore goes down, That shore to which he hasted, And all the wealth he thought his own, Is o'er the water wasted. Like him, this heart through many a track Of toil and sorrow straying, One hope alono brought fondly back, Its toil and grief repaying. Like him, alas 1 I saw that ray Of hope, before me perish, And one dark minute, swept away, What years were given to cherish. A WOMAN'S STRATAGEM. C XT is utterly useless, Mariai In I most respects my father is a per fect old brick, a jolly good fellow, and he lias let mo have my way in everything since I was old enough to discard the short jacket of boy-hood for the frock coat of riper years, but ou tho one sub iect of matrimony he is inexorable. If I marry during his life, his entire tor- tune will go to found a hospital or cdu cate the bare-legged heathen, lie litis told nie so a thousand times, and lie al ways keeps his word. Why he has taken this uuaccountablc aversion to your sex, I do not know ; and I hesitate to ask lest I may hear what I have long dread ed, that my mother disgusted hiin with womankind, lou know she died when 1 was an infant, and since her death, her name has never passed his lips." Charles Osgood, whose words we have lust written, was the young, handsome, and wealthy, in prospectu lover ot Marian btevcus, the fair girl who sat by his side in the window of a little cottage in the village of C , New Ilampahire. She was tho daughter of a clergyman's widow, who added to her moderate com- netence bv taking in boarders from the ' .. , . ,i ..,.,. ,.,fl, ru,n..lna UlLV UUlllIll nUIillllVl LUVUkllD. vuilll.f had found a home in the widow's house and in her daughter's heart, and would long before have made her his wife but for the command of his father never dur ing his life to think of marriage Charles contiuued : " Now, Marian, I canuot and will not give you up. You have confessed your love for nie; your mother, heaven bless her, has approved of it, and it remains for you to decide whether wo shall have a secret marriage an idea which I abhor or whether I shall try to marry you and take you home togctmyscll kicked out ot the parental front door by tho paternal boot." "You shall do neither, Charles. 1 positively roluso to marry vou unless your father gives his full and free eon sent, although lor your sake 1 will never lvmi-rtr nnntlier " I J I .f,, r 11 , ,01. " Then I may as well set myself down for a life of celibacy. The old gentleman is as obstinate as a mule, and would fly nto a passion, if I should but mention 1 TT "11.1 your existence to nnu. now ne win tol erate the new housekeeper he is going to engage, puzzles me. ' A new housekeeper, did you say, Charks?" " Yes. You see. ever since my boyhood, he has only allowed one woman about the premises, iny nurse, a snufly old woman, who loves me like her own son, and has managed our household ever since I can remember. She has become too decrepit X- 1. 1 ... l...,. io wuiiv, u.m ...jr lao.iu. i.aa uuiiuu vj allow her an assistant. T . , , fi, , . pi,1.ioav v said Marion, nestling closer to her lover s side, whilo a thoughtful look overspread her pretty lace. my dear. Mrs. Wilson, our housekeeper, is almost as hard to please as the governor hniisclt, and ho has lolt all to her. She has had applicants by dozens, but most of them were too young and pretty' or otherwise incompetent, for ours is a well-ordered household. You say she loves you, Charles?" " ;iy own motner could not love mo better. The fondest wish of her heart would bo fulfilled if she could seo me sit ting by my own nrcsmo, and nurso my children as she did their lather." " Charles, you must start for home this very day. Convince Mrs. Wilson that you have got a very paragon of housekeeper for her, and leave the rest to me. My woman's wit shall accomplish what your blundering straightforward ncss never could." . Charles at once took in tho situation and comprehended that the intrepid Ma. rion had determined to try upon her father the witcheries which had made him the slave of the delicious bit of fem ininity he was seated beside. lie at once niado a lover-like demonstration, which she checked in a most diirnificd manner. " I'emcmbcr," paid she, "your father's housekeeper must take special care to keep your lather s son at a distance. lou must never by word or look, after I gain a loot hold m your lather s house, allow it to be known except to Mrs. Wil son, that we havo ever met. Now get yourself ready to catch the next train. Contess everything to Mrs. Wilson ; trust the result to me, and good-bye. Uric kiss, and tho lovers parted. A week later, the breakfast-bell rang in the fine, old-fashioned family mansion of Mr. Osgood, and in a few minutes that gentleman a solid, portly, good-humored- looking old gentleman entered the breakfast-parlor in his dressing-gown and slippers. Charles was there in his usual place, the fire was burningbrightly, the table neatly arranged, and the cloth snowy-white. Everything looked snug and comfortable, but an expression of astonishment and dismay overspread his countenance as he saw behind the coUec urn, the sweet, demure face of Marian Stevens. Her luxuriant curls were care fully put away, and her laughing eyes, partly veiled by their long lashes, but her loveliness seemed rather increased than lessened by her strictly proper housekeep er's attire. Mr. Osgood stared, took oil his specta cles, wiped them, "put them on, stared again, and finally burst out with : " Who the devil arc you ?" " If you please, sir, I am Mrs. Wilson's new assistant, Marian Stevens. She is confined to her bed with rheumatism this morning, and she. was so anxious that your coffee should be all right, and your muffins done to a turn, that I ventured that is 1 " " But, Miss, you are a great sight too young and a great sight too good looking, Miss. When I consented to al low another woman within my doors, I did not agree to take a pretty-faced, dain- ty-hgurod school girl to assist Mrs. v il- son. What tho dickens was the woman thinking of?" " But, sir." " But me no buts. Miss. I'll go and see her myselt. 1 11 not allow a young woman in the house for a single day not an hour, Miss. " Hi ght, father : have nothing in tho house under sixty, and get Mrs. W llson out of bed so that we can have break fast," shouted Charles, as his father stamp ed out ot the room in a rage, to blow up the elderly housekeeper, who was tucked snugly beneath a pile ot coverlids, laugh ing inwardly, but outwardly groaning, with fictitious rheumatism. In a few minutes Mr. Osgood returned, looking more annoyed than ever. " What am I to do Charles V he asked of his son. who sat ouietly at his break fast buttering u roll. " To keep Miss- Miss whatever her name is, in this house is wholly out of the question. would not, my son, lor worlds, cx- poso you to tlio temptation oi being in constant association with a young and beautiful girl." This Mr. Osgood said in a low tone of voice, but Marian had quick cars, and she heard enough to guess the rest. " Heallv. sir, she began, with one corner of a coquettish little white apron wiping imaginary tears from her eyes your advertisement said notlimg about ;e, and Mrs. Wilson seemed to like mo because sho knew my mother, and I have not got any other home, and 1 liked this place so much and was just beginning to feel happy, and now, to have to go out all alono into tho world when I was gon try so hard to please you and to do my duty. sir. Oh bo-oh-oh !" And she burst into such a capital imitation ot a L'enuino sob. that Mr. Osgood began to think himself a hard-hearted brute. Mv dear father," said Charles, with almost supernatural gravity, " 1 agree with you perfectly that the harmony of itural gravity, " I our domestic hie is not to bo broken up bv the introduction ot a young girl into our family, but your teachings, sir, havo impressed mo to such a degree that I fear no danger for myselt. and think the young pcrson can safely remain here until Mrs. Wilson recovers sufficiently to supply her ! place with some ono of a more suitable age. So cat your breakfast in peace, father, and 1 will tako caro to keep out ot the house as much as possible for the pres ent.' " Very well, my son," said Mr. Osgood. And he sat down to his breakfast with his apprehensions somewhat allayed. I suppose no housekeeper ever tried harder to suit an old gentleman a lastidi- ous tastes than did our little Marian, and her success was astonishing. The care ful instructions of Mrs. Wilson had prepared her fully for the task, and she was herself a notable housewife. Mr. Osgood was compelled to acknowledge that her muffins were superb, her coffee incomparable, and her arrangement of the table a masterpiece of taste. ITo was very careful, however, to take Charles with him when he left the house, and the young man, well-schooled in his part, played it to perfection. Dinner and sup per passed off most satisfactorily, after which Marian disappeared for the night, not daring to follow the custom of Mrs. Wilson and take that lady's scat by the drawing-room lire. Surely there was never such an obsti nate attack of rheumatism as that of Mrs. Wilson's, nor such a cold,stolid,ascctic man in the presence of a young and beautiful woman, as Charles Osgood. jJays passed into weeks and Mrs. Wilson still kept her bed and Charles his distance. Mr. Os good thawed by degrees, almost imper ceptibly, and his reserve vanished much more rapidly than Marian's. At lust he astonished her one day by asking her to take a scat in the drawing-room, and by conversing with her as socially as ho had been accustomed to do with her predeces sor. After this she regularly read the evening paper to him and he would have sorely missed her fair young face had ho been deprived of it. He accordingly chided Charles for the coldness and in difference with which ho treated her. How this state of things would have gone on it is impossible to say, had not the Providence which watches over the for tunes of youthful lovers contrived to break the old gentleman's leg ono even ing, as he was returning irom Ins count ing-room across a glare of ice upon which he slipped and fell. He was carried home and never did a man have a gcutler nurse than Marian. Her presence was ever abou t him. The sound of her light step neve r jarred upon his nerves, and her hand, possessed the most soothing influ ence when she bathed his fevered fore head. As he grew convalescent, he could not bear to have her out of tho room. Charles tried to read to him, but he would hear no voice but hers, and the young; man began to fear that his father would marry Marian himself by main force, and thus make matters worse than eve r. 31 r. Osgood had so fur recovered that he could bo lifted into an easy chair and sit comfortably with his broken leg rest ing on a cushion, when Marian one even iug, al'tcr arranging his position to his entire satisfaction as no one else could seated herself upon a stool at his feet and in a hositating, timid, but firm tono she said : " Mr. O.sgood, I have been here much longer than you originally intended I should remain. Mrs. Wilson is gett well enough to look out for other help, and I must look for another situation. If you. plea.se, sir I will go a week from to night, and and here again the little apron came again into highly effective play. " lou must look out lor what I gasped the astounded Mr. Osgood, as he looked down up du the little head buried in the dainty little apron lrom which sob after sob came convulsively. "Another situation, if you please, sir. " Wliy, my dear girl are you not well used here? No one is unkind to you, is there " Oh. no, sir, but vou told mo yourself that you ud not want young and pretty women about your house, and I don't think I ou.ght to stay, " luddlostiek, my dear. I did not know your value then; I did not appre ciate your modesty and good senso as I do now. I can't sparo you." " But I must go, sir, nevertheless." " You must go ? Then you must havo some other reason, i ou dou t mean to say that t'nat scapegrace boy of mine has been mak ing love to you f Oh, no, sir. 1 thought you knew that general rumor says ho is paying his addresses to Miss Wood around the cor- ncr. 01 course he would never stoop me." " What's that you sny ?" growled the old man, starting up so suddenly that his leg gave bun a fearful twinge. "Do you mean to say that my Uharles has been making an ass ot himsell. " wny, how should 1 know: inno ccutiy replied Marian, "lou havo seen for yourself that he is hardly civil to me; I only spoke of what I had heard from the rest of the servants, and they heard it from somebody else. I'erhaps it isn't truo, and please, sir, don ti quarrel with Mr. Charles on my account." " I will bo calm, my dear, but send Charles to. m thisinstaut. I'll soon him out of the idea of bringing that red headed minx homo as a wife, or I'll put him out of the house." Marian left the room in search of him, and as tho old man watched her graceful form depart, ho thought of the tender ness with which she had nursed him, the loving care with which she had watched over him, and he was almost tempted to forswear the hatred of her sex for her pake. " It will bo very cheerless," he thought, " to go down to the grave with no gentle woman's hand to smooth my pillow, and 1 think it would bo sweet to hear children's voices once nTore in thesff old rooms, l'cally, I am cither getting childish, or I am forgetting my old reso lutions. I'erhaps Charles is right in wanting to get married; it is natural that he should at his age. I was young once, myself. But he shall never marry the red-headed trollop never. Darn it, why didn't I think of it before? He shall marry my little Marian or he shall stay single." The door opened and Charles entered. "Charles, what is this L hear: ex claimed the old man angrily ; " have you dared to full in love without my consent, after all I have told you about the wiles of womankind." Why, you sec, sir," said Charles, hes itatingly, "you got married before me, and your father before you, and so on up to the time of Adam ; and there seems to be a sort of tendency in the family that way. Do you dare to tell me, sir, that you intend to bring a red-headed daughter in my house, and give me a parcel of red- when you know the color is odious tome?" Well, father, I am not very particu lar as to Miss Wood, if she is tho one you refer to ; but you see you have kept me so closely under your eye that I have never had much of an opportunity to investigate very closely into the sub ject of marriageable females. I feel that I must get married, but I am not partic ular about the lady, if she is of the same color as myself and not over forty." " very good, sir, as far as it goes. Now, do you mean to say that you need to look any further than my house to find the sweetest, dearest, prettiest and most loveable little gypsy that ever boro with an old man's infirmities '!" Why, surely, father, you don't mean to marry me to Mrs. Wilson f "Mrs. Wilson be blessed, shouted tho old man, in fury. " I mean Marian Stevens, the only girl I ever saw fit to be a good man's wife. You shall marry her or you shall remain single ; and if you don't do it darn mo if I don't marry her myself. " W hat do you mean father f You would not have me disgrace our family by marrying a nameless, penniless, friend less girl like her. lo be sure she is not ill-looking,and with a little cultivation " Darn your cultivation, sir; sho is your superior in every particular, and you may bless your stars if she will mar ry a self conceited young jackanape like you at any price. Marian, Marian ! he shouted at the top of h is voice. I do not mean to charge Marian with listening, but she certainly answered Mr. Osgood's summons with a most astonish ing alacrity. Did you call me sir : she said look ing prettier than ever, with her eyes cast down, her cheek somewhat paler than us ual, and her fingers nervously twitching at that omnipresent apron " Yes, my dear 1 called you. JJo you seo that six feet of lubberly humanity there, my son Charles?" " Yes, sir, said Marian not looking up. " Do you think you could love him well enough to marry him ?" " How can I answer until he asks nie ?" was her coy reply. Do you hear that Charles f Are you going to ask her to marry you, or am I going to kick you out of doors with my broken leg?" l "Well, sir, as I have no desire to put you to any such unnecessary trouble, I will bo as obedient as you wish luarian, to will vou marry me ( " Yes, Charles, to oblige your father. " Then, come hero both of you," cried the old man, overjoyed at tneir unoxpect- ed obedience " come to my heart my son and daughter. By Jove, I never thought to bo so happy again 1" It was not until Mr. Osgood held his first or second grandchild upon Ins knee that Marian told him of the ruse by which she had won his consent to her marriage, and the old man confessed that ho had good cause to bless the day he hired his young housekeeper. J5Qy- If you would have true friend put be true to your friends.