8 APRIL, 1H70. B. M . E B Y, Wholesale and ltctall Dealer In 1870. 1870. THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES GREAT BARGAINS Perry County Bank I Kponslcr, .Itmliin fc o. oiPEixriisra- OF THE Spring Trade -IN WftNftMAKEa&BBOWS THIS MONTH OPEN TO THE PEOPLE THE GRANDEST Stuck of Xino Olotliins: For Men and Boys, tliat OAK HALL lias ever contained. Since last Fall wc liave secured the two large lots adjoining us. and have erected upon them an 1 101 -Front biuUling. emal m size to our former 1) Hid ing making OA li HAT,I. twicV as;avBas lWoro in order to accommodate the (iUEAT MASS Of PEOPLE who have become our customers. We Invite all our customers, with their neigh bors and friends, to pay us an early visit, to exam ine our Mammoth Buildings, and to inspect out Mammoth Stock ! WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, Nos. 530, 532, 534. 53fi Market Street, and Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA. Send your Orders if you can't Come. 4 15 lm 3NTOTICE TO FARMERS AND MERCHANTS! THE attention of Fanners and Merchants Is oalled to the following LOW KATES charged by the LEBANON MUTUAL FIKE INSURANCE CO., of Jonestown, renn'a.. On Buildings, Merchandise, &c., for a perpetual Insurance. Dwellings In town and Fur niture therein 40 to 50 cents per 100 Dwelling In country and Furniture therein, 35 to 40 " Hotels and Furniture there in 35 to 40 Stores, Dry Goods and Gro ceries, 45 to 50 " Flour Mills 45 to 50 Daw Mills and Tanneries. .. 50 to 60 This system of perpetual insurance Is peculiar to the Lebanon Mutual Insurance Co. Ample secu rity is guaranteed In a well established Capital of J200.000, which, together with a large surplus, is held for the protection of those insuring in the Company. Losses are settled as soon as adjusted No need to wait until the money is collected by Assessments. 3 Ample funds on hand. -S For Insurance and other particulars, apply to LEWIS POTTER, Agent and Attorney for the Co., 418 New Bloointlcld, Fa. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Board of School Directors of the Borough of Bloomlleld, UNTIL APRIL 25, 1870, as follows, to wit: For the laving of the Brick of a new School House, by the thousand, and finding their own boarding and tenders; Lime, Rand, Water, and Scanolding, furnished by the Board. Work to commence by the 1st of June. Also, for ilnlnir t.ha Milsolll'V. 70 t() 90 nerch. by the perch, and finding themselves and tenders. juuivi-ium luruiHnea Dy me no,uu. Also, a ciminniAnt wnrknian to work at. and su perintend the Carpenter work of said building, by the day, until it is finished. The building I to be 44 x 44, two-story, with two rooms ou e&cu noor. Persons can bid for one or all of the above jobs. y oraer 01 the Board. , . F. B. CLOUSEB, Sec'y. Bloomnold, April 12, 1870 3t REMOVAL! I HAVE REMOVED my Law Olllce to the build iugs on Market Square, opposite the Court House, and immediately back of the Bank, and I aw me uuamess puuuc ior a snare ol its patron ftge a H. GALBRAITH, Att'y at Law. Bloomneld, April 12, lB70-6t n ATS & CAPS of all sorts and sizes suitable for men and boys, for sale by r. MORTIMER A CO, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Oliomicsilw, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, B 11 U S II E S , AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices tW Orders from Physicians promptly attended to with great care. 33- EBY, Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. rilOTOGllABIIS ! Photographs ! Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, 2!E WPOR T, PEJW 'A . THE subscriber would respectfully ea!l the at tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take PHOTO! I RAP IS in the nest style ol tne art. ills long experience enables him to produce PICTURES WIITCIT CANNOT BE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Ferry Co., Fa, CLOTHING MADE TO OKDEIU A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on hand, from which to select. Clothin MADE TO ORDER. CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. J?. Mortimer 0 Co., March 16, '09. New Bloomneld, Pa. THE JlINJiLEY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. PRICE $30. Every,famlly In the country needs one. It knits everything from a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years old can learn to work It In an hour. It Is operated the same as a sowing machine by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and Is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars and cuts and full particulars free to or erybody. Agents wanted In every county. Apply quickly. HINKLKY KNITTING MACHINE CO., 17 Broadway, Nfc)f York; or, Bath, Maine. 4.15-Gm. caii:m)ai8. t: C: O: : H: Hi w: w, o: H: W O: o: S3: w : O: JANUARY, l 5: 6: 7: 8 12j 13: 14- 15 1(; 20-. 21 : 22 20; 27; 2; 29 2; 3; 4; 5 ii; 10; n ; 12 10: 17: 18: 10 23: 24; 25; 20 2; 3; 4; 5 o; 10; it; 13 16: 17: is: li) 23: "4: 25: 30 30; 31; ... l; 2 0: 7: 8: P. 1.1 : 14: 15: 10 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 27; 28; 20 ; 30 2: 3: 4: : 10: nj 16- 17; 18: SO; 81 i ...i i; CI 7: 8 13: 14 15: 20 21 22 i h as; . .... si ft: 1 8 13: 14: 15: 20 : 21 i 22: 27; 2S; 2j: ... lo; li; 13; n; is; lo 24; 25; 20 ; FEBRUARY, MARCH,. APRIL, MAY, l; H: 15; 22 : 2'j: "o": 12: io ; 26 ; 2; s; 4- 5; o; 7 0; 10: 11: 13: 13; 14 10: 17; 18: li): 20- 21 23: 24; 25; 20; 27; 28 30; 81- ...: ... i ... i; 2; 3; 4 6: 7: 8: 9 10: 11 13: 14; 15: 10; 17; 18 20 21 ; 22- 23; 24: 25 27: 2; 29; 30; ...; ... l; 2 JUNE, JULY, ,. 3; 4- 5 lo; 11- 12 17; 18; 19 24- 25; 26 81- : . 0: 7: 8; 9 13; 14: 15; 16 20: 21 : 22: 23 27: 28; 29 : 30 AUGUST, : 1 : 2; 7: 8- 9: 14; 15- 16; 21 : 22; 23; 28; 29: 30; 'ij' "5 'V "'; 11: 12: 13: 18: 19: 20: 25- 20; 27; 3; 4; 5; 6 10: li; 12- 18 17: is; 19; 20 24 25; 20; 27 31; ...; ...; ... ... : l: 2 3 7; s; 9; 10 14: 15: 16: 17 21: 23: 23: 24 28J 29; 30- ... 1 5; 0; 7; 8 12- 13: 14: 15 19; 20: 21 i 22 20; 27- 28; 29 2; 3 4: 5 9; 10; 11- 12 16: 17: 18: 19 23: 24 25 26 30; ...; ...; ... i; 2; 8 7: 8: 9: in 14 15: 16: 17 21! 22; 23; 24 28; 29; 30; 81 SEPTEMBER, , OCTOBER,., 2: 3: 4; 9: 10: II 16; 17; 18; 23; 24; 25; so; si ; .. t; c; 7; s; 13: 14: 15: 20: 21; 23: 27; 28; 29; NOVEMBER, DECEMBER,. 4: 5: 6 11; 12; 13 18; 19; 20 25; 26; 27 Professional Cards. TJ T. McINTIRE Attorney at Law, and l)is- J J, trict Attorney 01 j-erry couniy. Olllce with J. T. Mclntire, rse ew Bloomtield, Fenn'a. "TTTM. N. SEIBKItT, Attorney-at-I.aw, . yy Now lilooinlield, l'erry co., Ta. Bloomlleld, 3 33 ly. M. M. HUTCH, Attorncy-at-Law, and Mili tary Claim Agent, iw Ulnnmllpld. l'eVrv eo.. Pa. "()fllee Two Store 3 7 ly doors West of r . Mortimer s "ITTM. A. SI'ONSLFU, Attorney-at-liw, V onice adjoining his residence, on Fast Main street, New .Bloomlleld, Ferry eo., Fa. 3 2 ly SH. GALBliAITH, Attorney-at-I.aw, , New lilooinlield, Ferry co., Fa. -Pensions, Bounties, Hack Pay, and all Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Ofllce with Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLUE MUHHAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent, New Bloomlleld, Perry eo.. Fa. 9-Office with Hon. 11. F. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New Blomlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CHAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New llloomtield. Perry eo.. Pa. S.Oftice adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly I'jm New Blooinlield. Pcrrv co.. Pa. Ullice one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CHAS. J. T, McINTIUK, Attornev-at-Law, New Bloomlleld, Perry co.. Pa. -All professional business promptly amlfuith fully attended to. 3 i ly. r- EWIS FOTTEIt, Attornry-at-Law, J New Kfootnlleld, Perry Co., Fa. -Ofllce Ave doors West of Sutch' s hotel. 32 ly. JOHN G. SHATTO. Surgeon Dentist. New ltloomlleld, Perry eo., Pa. -AU kinds of Mechanical and hurisical Den tlstry done in the best manner, and at reasonable urices. unice over Mortimer s store. a z ly BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. THE greatest success Is attending the publlca tion of BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE of anv nerldlcal In the world. Each number con tainsONB HuNDiiEi) l'AdEsof the choicest stories. Poems and Engravings, or Twm,v IIi'ndukd Faoks every year for 81.59 being fully three-fourtlis as large as as miner or tne jour-uuuar Magazines, at a 00 ui one-imra their price. A'oifi is tin time to subscrlbe.Ht. Tbums.-S1.50 a year; 7 copies, $'.); 13 copies, $15 ttS-U'Uil stamp for specimen copy and propectus to SLLIOTT TIIOMES ic TALBOT. tublislitr,Bvston,MKii. IN DRY-COCDS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CROCEIRIES. A Great Variety of Notions, AT VERY LOW PRICES. ' A Fine Assortment of Hardware CJIEAJ' EOll CASH. WOOD & WILLOW WAKE, QUEEXSWAKE, STAT10XERY, And a great variety of other goods, all of which will to sold AT IS 10 AT ISAItCiiAIXS. F. Mortimer & Co. Xcw ISIoouificld. THE BEST IN USE THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY Sowing: Machine. rT combines all the best features of other good L iuaciuiies, wiiu New and Valuable Improvements, which make It THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET RUNNING as well as tho Most Simple Machine In Use. IT WILL HEM IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal ontce of the company is at No, 704 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA These machines are for sale In Terry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., New Eloomfleld. S-rie public are inrlted to call at either of the ahoiie placet and tee a Machine in oiieration. " Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the ae-l In the Orphans Court of count of (Jeorge T. I Perry Couuty ShcalTor, Admluistra- f at tor of Mary Sheatler. J May Term, 1870. NOTtCK IS HEKF.BY C.IVF.N, to all parties ill interest, that the undersigned Auditor, ap pointed by the Orphans' Court of said Coimlv, to make distribution of balance in hands of wild ac countant, among the creditors of the said Mary Sheafler, will meet them for that purpose, lit his olllce with Lewis Poller, F.so.. in the Borough of Bloomlleld, ON HATL'HDAY, the Kith day of April, isiu, at 1 o ciock 1 . m., 01 sain nay. Wtt U. SCTCU, Auditor. Bloomneld, March ID, 1870. THE undersigned, having formed a Bankings, sociation under the above name and slyleTnr now ready to do a General Banking business at their new Banking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. M'e receive monpv on dpnnsit nml nnv li-wir demand. We discount notes for a period of not ovemo nays, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and Oil time Denosits. live imr cpnt. fnrnnv tlm nvr four months ; and for four months four per cent. AVe are well provided with nil ami nvnpv rn.im for doing a Banking Business: and knowing, anil for some yours, feellnn tlm inwit lm.,,nv,.i.,,. der which the people of this County labored forth nam in name 01 Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to suniilvtliR wnnt-nmi tiiu tiin the first Bank ever established In Perry county, wa nope we will be sustained In our efforts, by all th business men. farmers and mechanics. Tills Banking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: Vi. A. Siw.-si.Eii, Bloomlleld, Terry eountv Pa B. F. ,11'NKIN. " " 11 A. (!. Mii.i.kh. Shippensliurg, Cumberland eo..Pa. .Ioiin oni)I:ui,icii, " " 11 Hknuy Hi iiv. " 1. 11 W.M. 11. Mili.eu, Carlisle, ' OFFK'EKS: W. A. SPONSLliR, President. William AVili.is, Cashier. New Bloomlleld, 3 5 ly Books! Boolcs! Books! PERKINPINE & HIGGINS, 56 NORTH FOURTH STREET, I'liiladcfphia, KV.VV CONSTANTLY ON If AND a fi'll supply of Hip latest and best LinitAiiv Books from the lead ins Societ'cs and Publishers. AVp malte our sp'ocIwiiis with great eare. and funrniilce th moral ami religious cliaracler of Hie books, clippr fnl'y exeh:mgnT any that mav not be satNTai'tovv, sell'iigat Publishers pvtees, aiid. v hpvevcr practi cable, making liberal discount to Schools. i- A full assortment of MUSIC BOOKS. SjielJrr, Question rind Issmn Bonis, Maps, Jfcl uls, Rewird Curds. PMvklioards, Bible Dicllon (trhv. Otrtlflaite Blanks. Library Rriiislert, Sncnitarlrn' and Sitjrrintendi nts' Bool:, Motion, Scripture Pic 1 furex. Infant Class Manuals. and evprj thing new and useful for Sabbath-school use kept on hand or supplied to order. We have been engaged In this special branch of business for years past, ami have acouirod an experience which we think our customers uniformly lind ben eficial to their interests. A Descriptive and Illus trated Catalogue, containing names and prices of several thousand volumes, sent free to any address on application. Philadelphia, April 5, 1870. THK NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. 204 BOWKltY EMPIRE 204 BOWERY The extraordinary success of their new and Im proved maiitifacluringMachines for light or heavv work, has induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a NEW FAMILY MACHINE of the same style mid construction, with additional ornamentation, making It equal in beauty and lln ish with other Family Machines, whereas in use fulness it far Outstrips All Competitors. The price of this now acknowledged necessary ar ticle comes within reach of every class, and the Company Is prepared to offer the most liberal in ducements to buyers, dealers, and agents. Every Machine warranted. Apply for circulars and samples to EMPIRE SHAVING MACHINE CO., 4.1.r.-fim. No. 24 Bowery, New York. KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. II 0 U S E K E E r E n & will 11 ml the KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help In cleaning their houses. It is th Original and Only Genuine Paint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean more paint and do it better than any other Soap Ever M arte! It will clean and polish Marblo. It will clean and nrlgliten Fine Brass. Copper and all Melalic Ware, and will remove all Paint, Pitch, Tar, Grease, Ink, varnish or any other tin t irom the hands. It is. the onlv Soap for cleaning Windows or anv kind or EAlt'l llI'.RN WA1!K. All oilier Roans that are advertised to do the same are IMITATIONS of our Soap, and will not compare with THE GREAT LABOR-SAVING KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP t(9-Trylt and you will like it. Ask for the "Kitchen Crystal Soap," and take no other. All (irocers sell it. EASTMAN & BROOKE, 431 North Third Street. Philadelphia, iSoie Proprietors and Manvfavtwert. KVThe above Is for sale by F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomlleld, Pa. 3313m. WATER WHEELS. the DUPLEX TURBINE. "TOT Eipialed by any Wheel in existence. --T Oreat economy of water. The only Wheel suitable, to rarlalile. stri-am. Adapted to all kinds of Mills. Illustrated Pamphlet with Useful Tables sent free. J. 1!. STEVENSON, 4 17 3in 83 Liberty St., N. Y. " TTOW SHALL WE PAINT OUR HOUSES,' A A By J. V. fllasury, 01.. 23)p 1 60. Free by mail, on receipt of price. Masury & Whltuu, new ora. 11 Jin