ljc Stimcs, New) Bloomftctir, flJa. 5 Tuesday, May 3, 1S70. LOCAL BETA 11 I'M 12 XT. OUR TERMS Are One Dollar a l'eur in Advance t Person wlio receive a paper with this article marked, may know lliatlficy should mail or oth erwise wml tile subscription prire, il' they wish to continue to receive Tim Times. CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In miml ln.it letters leccivcd laier than Saturday eve ning, or the down mail on Monday morning have to lay over until tne following ween. Acknowledgement is made of receipt for Hiibsci'iiition since our last issno from each of the following persons, Jeremiah 8. Anderson, Jocob Bear, B. Ilinies, Miss Margaret Fickis, R. Cnthcart, J. A. McCrosky, David Warren. Samuel W. Bear, J. U. Way, John 8. Bauglinian. An iulercstin? entertainment will he fur nished sit the Bloomticld Academy, by the Junior O. U. A. JI., on Friday evening of this week. Those wiio wish to be pleasantly entertained, will of course not fail to be press.'it. A colt belonging to Mr. Sanderson, of Centre township, while tied in front of school-house No. 3, in Juniata township, on Sunday, the 24th tilt, became frightened and jumped over the fence, taking tho bug gy wit h him. Fortunately nothing w broken but one shaft, and tho colt was soon released from his unpleasant position, Heterology. Tho weather for April as furnished by B. Mclutire, Esq., was as fol lows : Average of Thermometer at 8 A. M., 4 jdeg. 30m. " " " Maximum, fiodeg. 48m. '' " " Minimum, 39deg. 50m. Coldest day, Tuesday, the 5th, Ther'r. 33deg. Warmest day, Thursday, 2Sth, " Oldeg. Snow 2 Inches Kain 5 implies and 1-tentli. 011 frW Shad iu the Susquehanna. Tho famous fish billleclared unconstitutional by Judge Pearson, will be argued at tho May term of the Supremo Court. Theunconstutionality was declared principally on tho ground that it was a violation of tho chartered rights of corporations to compel them to remove or alter at great expense, dams they have erected and which obstruct tho passage up tho river, of shad, and other fish. Celebration. The celebration of the Fifteenth Amendment by tho colored citi zens of Ha rrisburg and vicinity, camo off last Ttte sday, and was quito a success. Everything passed olT pleasantly ; speeches being made by several persons, whilo let ters of congratulation were received from others. The procession was pronounced tho largest that ever took place iu that city. New Schedule, A change, iu tho sched ule on tho Fenna. It. R. wont into effect on tho 1st inst. Trains from Newport now leave eastward at 4. 10 a. m. and 12.14 and 1.33 and 7.53 p. m. Leave westward at 5.00 and 9.13 a. in. and 2.28 p, m. Tho fast lino west, which has so long stopped at Newport to tho accommodation of many persons, no longer stops. The new arrangement may be exactly suited to tho wants of tho through travel, but the local travel will bo sorry to see these changes. Runaway and Horse Injured. On "Wed nesday last, two horses attached to a wag on left standing near tho railroad, on North George Street, took fright at a train of cars passing by and ran away at a frightful rate. In running along tho street they came- in contact with a mare attached to a light wa gon. Tho polo of tho wagon was broken and splintered, and entered tho mare's right flank, making a ghastly wound from which tho entrails protruded. Tho parts torn out were replaced and the wound sew ed up. Tho mare may probably recover, but will be more or less crippled for life. York Prm. Cut Tills out and Keep it. Franklin Dy er, a highly respectable and intelligent farmer of Galena, Kent county, Md., gives the following as a secure remedy for tho bite of a dog. As will be seen he has test ed it with tho most gratifying results. "Elecampane is a plant well known to most persons, and is to be found in many of our gardens. Immediately after, being bitten, take one and a half ounces of the plant tho groen root is preferable but the dried will do, and may bo found in our drug stores, and was used by me slice or bruise, put into a pint of new milk and boil down to half a pint, strain, and when cold drink it, fasting at least six hours af terward. The next morning repeat tho dose, using two ounces of the root. On the third morning take another dose, prepared as the last, and this will bo sufficient. It is recommended that after cacli doso noth ing be eaten for at least six hours. I have a son who was bitten by a mad dog eigh teen years ago,and four other children were also bitten ; they took tho above dose, and are alive and well to this day. And I have known a number of others who were bitten and applied the same remedy. It is sup posed that tho root contains a principle which, being taken up by tho blood in its circulation, counteracts or neutralizes the deadly effects of the virus of the hydropho bia. I feel so much confidence in this sim ple remedy that I am willing you should give my naino in connection with this statement. hose iu favor and thoso opposed to the ictment of the Income Tax law, may be classed as follows : In Favoii Gcorgo S. Bout well, and his Assistants of the Treasury Department. Assessors, or tho licensed Paul Prys of the Internal Revenue. Collectors of Internal Revenue. Clerks of do do Politicians who believe in an indefinite amount of political patronage. Spies and informers. Tuose Opposed Farmers, mechanics, merchants, mariners and laborers. Professional and scientific men. Tho People generally. In this connection we may add that the tax itself, is not what is so seriously object ed to, as the inquisitorial examination to which every person is liable, whom the as sessor may feel disposed to call upon for a return. No matter whether the person may have an income exceeding the $1000, or not, it does not exempt him from the an noyance of having to make an expose of the sources from which it is derived. Thit, and not the sum to be paid, is what creates tho dissatisfaction with tho law. NWaruiug to Girls. Girls of fourteen to ciguicvn yuctis oi age, uio critical time at which they all think they are women, and want "long" dressos and chignons, should bo warned against destroying their own beautiful hair for all tho future by wearing tne masses ot ialso hair now in vogue. If it has been kept short, as it should bo un til they are twelve years old, it will bo of just the right length to braid and wear llowing ; if it is too long for that, let them braid it loosely, and tio it up at tho top with ribbons, so as form braided loops, but let them on no account mount a heavy chignon. perspiration Oder. This disagreeable odor, which is a source of great vexation to thoso who are subject to it, may bo easily removed. It is only necessary to procure Romo compound spirits of ammonia, and placo about two tablospoonfuls in a basin of water. Washing tho face, hands and arms with this leaves the skin as clean and fresh as ono could wish. The wash is per fectly harmless and vory cheap. It is re commendod on the authority of experi enced physicians, and it ought to bo tried at least by all whoso persons aio so flen sivo in this respect. Old Coins. Within tho past few days a large number of old and curious coins were dug up at Trenton, N. J., and crowds of people visited the placo whore they were found. Eighteen gold pieces were dug up on 1 nesday, one of which is valued at $35, The Trcntoiiians are now absorbed in spec. uiaiions on tno antiquity or these relics. Many believe that the Biitit-h nierceiuf nes in the war of the Revolution buried their treasures to save them from being captured by tho insurgents. The Best in Use, Tho Parham Sewing Machine is tho most simple, tho most com. pletc, works with less noise and will be found tho bpst machine in uso. They may be seen at the storo of James L. Diven in Lan. dishurg.or ofF. Mortimer & Co.,Bloomliold. Every person who thinks ot purchasing a sewing machine, should not fail to examine The Purhum Machine. Dr. 1). II. Sweeney, of this borouirh. ner- formed an operation lor deafness, in October, 1800, for tho Rev. John Wesley Derr, of tho M. E. Church. Tho Rev. contleman had beou deaf for fivo years previous to his operating, and had submitted to operations by four different surgeons previous to his treatment, and reply to a note of inquiry of Apru oin, iou, no states mac ins Hearing is restored, and his general health much improved. Wo relet' to tho gentleman, new uerien, ra. it Church Xotlcea. ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on Sunday morning, at 10J o'clock, by Rev. J. S. Johnson. In tho Reformed Church, nraver-nieetinff on Thursday evening; preaching at 3 p. in., on Sunday next. In tho Methodist church, nraver-rnp.p.tinri' Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, bv Rev. Wm. Shriber. In the Lutheran Church prayer meeting on Wednesday evening; preaching next Sabbath at 10 a. m., by Rev. P. Willard, of Loysville. Briefs. Dr. Stickler's Soda Fountain is now in order. Step iu and trv a irlass. A wild animal siiiinnseil tn linn ivolfiu troubling the people of York county. The first Thunder ullfiwer nf flin ennunn ill this vicinity was on Thursday afternoon last. 'Several nersous worn Laniirml in T0,,ncnn mill-pond, at Little Germany on the 24th nit. Tho P. R. R. Co.. will sell unclaimed freight at the several stations, on the 4th of Juno, see advertisement in another column. The May term of Court is now in session in this borough. A full report of the pro ceedings will be published next week. )fMr. George, L. Comp, of Juniata twp., was uirown irom a coit no was ruling on the 24th ult., and somewhat bruised. The Presbvterian Church at WnVlir.svilln. York county, was struck by lightning on Thursday, and set on lire and totally destroyed. "y The Susquehanna River has been iu good coiHiiuoii ior railing during tne past week, and the opportunity has been well improv ed by the raftsmen. PC A correspondent proposes to put a dozen live trout in the town Sspring. The boys who love to fish, would approve of this idea. If "time is money," as Ben. Franklin stated, we must have some immensely wealthy persons in this borough, judging by the time they are able to fool away. SWe understand tho borough Council pro ipbso to erect lamp-posts and suddIv hums in front of the business places, if tlie occu pants will provide them witli oil, and keep them lighted. It is a cood idea. A Newport correspondent sutrircsts that the law passed last winter, finniji boys for jumping on trains of cars, be enforced. lie Hunks it may bo the means ot saviuc some boy's life or limbs. LThe Rye crop iu this vicinity, proiniscs wen, judging by some which was shown us last weeic, by Mr. A. B. Clouser. The stalks were a little over three feet high and tho heads wero well formed. CHEAP FOR CASH. Tlfo undersigned gives notice that ho has adopted the Cash 1 'lull, and now sells goods at very low rates for Cash or Country Produce only. No de viation will be made from this rule. R. CAT1ICART, Millerstown, Penn'a. May 3, 1870 12t. Jfey" No Iluinbugiug! No cheating ! A pint bottlo lull of Dr. Sasien Catarrh ilcmody is prepared from one, fifty cent package and the proprietor olleM j0U reward for a case of Catarrh which ho canuot cure. Sold by druggists, or send sixty cents to Dr. It. V. Pierce, JJuifalo, N. Y., and receive it by mail. A Mammoth Concern. Wanamaker & Brown gives employment to about 1200 men and women, and do a business of near ly a million and a half at Oak Hall. S" Persons wanting PMQTOCBAPMa of any style, should call on J. COBLE, Newport. He lanes a good picture and Ills charges arc moderate. Olve him a call. H KLEFFMAN TAYLOR On the 21st ult., liv Itev. II. linker. Mr J. 1. Ivlellnian to Miss Lizzie Taylor, both of Altoona. Loy Lackev Married on the 12ih inst,, at Car lisle in the Lutheran parsonage, by the :ev. Joel Swart, Andrews. Loy, of Wheatlleld towp., to Miss Margaret Lackey, of Carroll twp., this county. DEATHS. HENCH At Ickesburg. on Thursday last, Mr. H. P. lleneh, aged about 25 years. " . Kmionton At Ickesburg, on Friday last, Mr. Joseph Siuiouton, aged about 0,3 years. W. II. Piper. W. A. Orbison. av. ii. iirKie &; co., MANUFACTURERS OF' Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, UMBRELLAS, &C, Xo. 40 Xorth Fourth Street, (In Merchants' Hotel Building) FBI LA DEL Fill A . - SOLID SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS A SPE CIALTY. 4181yl0 County Trice Current. Flaxseed Potatoes, Butter fi pound, Eggs ft dozen Dried Apples f) pound,. Dried Peaches, Pealed Peaches, Cherries Pitted, Blackberries, Onions V bushel Bloomfield, May 3, 1870. fi uu 25 cents. ! " 15 " 6 " SlUcts.lb. 15 US 18 cts. ' " 4 4 5 cts. " 15 KS 1 cts. " 8lucts. " Corrected Weekly ly GrlQilh Jones. DUNCAM.NON, April 30, 1870. White Wheat 81 15 lied Wheat, 1 U5 liye. 75 Corn 80 Q Oats, 31 pounds new, ,. 45 Ground Allium Salt ft riack l 0 Linieburner's Coal, Stove Coal, U) Smith Coal cts.ybus. Iron Cwt -I Mi Nails Keg 8 10 Corrected Weckly'liy Wm. Kowji it ions. Nuwroirt, April 30, Ion,, Plour, Extra, 4 50 Red Wheat 1 05 j 1 05 Rye Corn, Oats V 32 pounds, Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed, Potatoes, Ground Alunin Salt Linieburner's Coal, Stovo Coal, Pea Coal Smith Coal, Cross Ties,i feet long, 80 80 Q 85 48 7 25 7 25 3 00 1 75 15 015 2 50 2 40 4 60 Q3 50 3 40 25 cts. W bas. 30 40 cents' riiiiailclnhia I'rice Current. Corrected Weekly by Junnny tt Andrews, No. lit Market Stueet. PU!l,AOKi,iNiiA, April 3,), 1870. White Wheat, l ;(5 4i 1 40 lied Wheat i:yo Corn Oats Clover Seed Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Country Lard Eggs Turkeys Butler, solid in bbls.'.... 1 22 yj 1 25 1 OUtgl 05 1 1 13 t)3(W 7 75 tf 00 5 50 (i 7 60 2 20 2 25 13 15 17 19 18tfi 25 13 8 1PA Pennsylvania K. K. Time Table. 32 NEWPORT STATION. On and after May 1st, 1870, Passenger trains will run as follows: EAST. Fast Line 4.10 a. nr. Southern ICxpiess.tli'lag) 1.32 p. M. Jlarrrisburg Accommodation, 12.14 l m. Mail 7.53 i: m WEST. Pacific Express, (Flag) 5.09 A. M. Way Passenger 9.13 a. m. Mail 2,28 l'. M. J. J. BARCLAY, Agent. THE undersigned hereby gives public notice, that he will enforce the law in regard to tnispass, upon persons hunting or fishing, or oth erwise trespassing on his premises, iu Tyrone township. Perry County, Pa. JOHN STAMUAUGH. May 3, 1870 ot DUNCANNON STATION. On and after November 14th, 1809, trains will leave Duncauuou, as follows : EASTWARD. Harrisburg Accommodation Mail Local Freight, Y 1SS l WARD. Way Passenger, 8.33 a. m. Mail 2.00 p. ii. Fast Line, (Flag) 4.50 v. M. Local Freight U. IS a. m Note. Way Passenger West runs dailv, except Monday, all other trains daily except hunilay. WM. C. KING, Agent 1.12 p. M. 8.28 p. M. 3.10 P. V. MILLERSTOWN STATION. On and after Nov. 14th 1W9 trains will leave this station as follows : EASTWARD. Harrisburg Accommodation 12.1(5 T. M. Mail 7.49 P. M. WESTWARD. Way Passenger fi.24 A. M. Mail 2.44 P. M. W. J. JONES, Agent. I'UllLIC SALK OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT! THE PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAI) CO., will oiler at public sale, on Saturday, June 4th, 1S70, MTflt,?t1w .hVu.rf of 2 an.d ,p- m- t,,e following fi. v U u i i, l"e ;,,vcri stations on , the P. H. K. and Branches, as designated, unless owners or consignees pay charges and expenses oil the same, and take it away on or before the day Description of Goods. Consignees DUNCANNON. 1 barrel. 8 rolls and 1 bag of roellng material, W. Musgrove. 1 bag of salt, a. L. bummer. NEWFORT. 1 mower (3 pieces), Anderson and Frost. 6 hay forks. j. (Jr((Ve ml- Lot of Reaper fixtures, No Marks. 1 jack (for separator) . Tressler 1 wood horse and saw, W. S. Mitchell. MILLERSTOWN. 2 corn plows, r F. Cauirman. j muicmiii piece oi casting a. in. Grave ill. I jit. nf hi iiirilu i ii ;.. 1 bundle of clothing, Shingles, .1. 11. Ilouiz. Wm. Pite. X. E. Bollinger for P.ox drugs, Box medicine, 8. T. Liiieaweaver. JOHK KEILLY, Buerbitendent of Transportation. Altoona, May 2,1870. REMOVAL ! their MEAT SHOP to No. 3,t$ West Main street, liliiniiillflil ?i ""s where they will be happy to "i'Hr " their customers with the Best Beef, Mutton. &c the Market can afford. Thankful for past patrenv- nii-jr nuiic iu niciii a coutiumince 01 public fa- Bloomlleld, April 20, 1870 REEDER & MICKEY. BANKING JJOU5E OF HENRY CLEWS & CO., (United States Treasury Buildings) Xo. 32 Wall Street, X. Y. rpiIK business of our House Is the same, in all ,17" '',esl'ets. as that of an Ineorporale Bank. ( hecks and Drafts upou us pass through the Clear ing House. Corporations, Firms, and Individuals keeping Bank Accounts with lis. either in Currency or Gold, will lie allowed Five Per Cent. Interest per annum, on all daily balances, and can check at sight without notice. Interest credited and Ac count Current rendered Monthly. We are prepared at all times to make advance to our Dealers ou approved Collaterals, at market rate. Certiorates of Deposit Issued, pavable on de mand, or alter tlxed date, bearing interest at the current rate, and available in all parts of the country. Collections made promptly everywhere in the l uited States, Canadas and Europe. Dividends and Coupons promptly Collected, We buy, sell, and exchange all issues of Govern ment Bunds at current market prices. Orders executed for the purchase or sale of Gold and Exchange, also for State, City, and all other first-class securities. Special attention given to the negotiation of Pail Road, City, and other Corporate Loans. We are prepared to take Gold Accounts on terms the same as lor Currency ; to receive Gold on De posit, bearing Interest and subject to cheek at sight! to issue Gold Certillcates of Deposit; to make Advances in Gold, against currency and other collaterals, and to alfoid Banking facilities generally upon a Gold Basis. 4 17 lm A GREAT OFFER, HORACE WATERS, Xo. 481 Broadway, Xew York "1TTILL dispose of Onb Hundhed Pianos, Mb- t V umiiONS and Ouuans, of six first class nut. kers at extremely low prices Jur Cask tlurhw this montft. orwill take from $5 to S25 luonlhlv' until paid. New 7 Octavo Pianos for $275 and upwards. New Organs for m and upwards for Cash. 4 17 ly ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Ishore by given, that Letters of Administration on the esiato of Catharine Singer, late of Buffalo township, deceased, have beeu granted to the un dersigned residing in the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to mako immediate payment, and those having claims against II., will present them duly authen ticated for settlement f'i ' JEREMIAH S. ANDERSON, 4130t Administrator. Stage Lino Between Newport and New (jeriuautuwii. STAGES leave New Gcrmantown daily at four o'clock a. m. Lamlisburgat 7. 30 a. m. Green park at 8 a. in. New Bloomlield at 9'! a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect with tho Ac commodation train East. Ret urning leaves New port on the arrival of the Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2. n. m. Z. RICE, J'rojirtetor. Now Htsigv-o Xjine BETWEEN HLOOMFIELI) and NEWPORT ! " T-TlNTS ON "OUSE PAINTING." Hv.T. W -1 A. Masury, ci. 4Sp.. 4(ic. Free by mail on re celptol price. MASUKY & W1I1TON, N. Y. 117,;n Who has a House to Faint ? BEADY -MADE COLORS, Known as "ItAILROAD" Colors. Guaranteed to be more economical, more durable and more con yen ent than any Paint, ever before olleied. A book entitled "Plain Talk with Practical Paint ers." with samples, sent free by mail on applica- ',"V ,ri t , M ASUltY it WHITON, Globe Vhlte Lead and Color Works, 111 Fulton St., New York. Established 1835. Beware of imitations. 4 17 3m $1140 Uow , I1,ll,1c't 0 mos.with Stencils. ' V J T" Sample mailed free. 17 3l" AJ. Fullam, N. Y. American Walt ham Watches AT THE COMPAN Y'S PRICES, And warranted by the Company sent with every t, , . , Watch. n.LrL'Ti . and deae' 'ltive Catalogue sent free to of(ei!:,n1,!!lI,te!,&."vn:' wlt" Prtvllcw a i,iv .uU . K.'.yy y.-. vijii.viiii'.ii it. HAlU'Klt, Address, 4101 50 308 Chestnut Hire 1'IIII.AUEI.PUIA, Bloomliold Academy! An English and Classical School wwrwi AiiJt.ioiiJfE.yr. THE subscriber Is now running a hack between Bloomlield anil Newport, leaving Bloomlield at 9 a in., arriving at Newport in time to connect with the Express train East. Returning, leaves Newport at 2.30 p. m or on the arrival of the Mall train West. W Ho has also opened a LIVERY tn th. Stables belonging to Rinesmith's Hotel, where he is pre pared to furnish horses and buggies at moderate P'icos. AMOS KOB1NSON. FOlt LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 1 THE WINTER SESSION of this Instltutlcm commenced December tith. i.'1'1!? ."V!10 ,of Hl"ly embraces Latin, Greek, English Branches, Mathematics, Natural Sciene, ., and is designed to furnish a thorough English Education, or a complete Preparation for a Colk giate Course. Vacations: July and August, and one week al Christmas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash ing, lultlon in Latin, Greek, English Branches an Mathematics, for the scolastic year, except board In vacations. 200,00. The Boarding Department Is at the Instituting under the supervision of Wtlinm Grier, Esq., by whom good and substantial board will bo fur nished: and the pupils will be under the strict car of tli Principal. Address . A. K. K1KFFKR, A. M., Principal, or WILLIAM Glillilt. Sltfl New Bloomlield, Perry county, Pa.,