7 Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS Si. STATIONERS. SOWER, I1AUNES & POTTS, ISooItNeller & Wiuoner. And Dealers lit CUR T A I N AND wall-papers, Nos. 5:ii) Market and K3 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. tr. Publishers of Sanders' New Headers, mi.l Unions' Aril nineties. Aiso, Robert's History of mo liiiicu ataLv.?, s wmuiiu maps, XC. ZSJL.AXM: IBOOltM Always on lnvnd, and made to Order. 3H MILLER & ELDER, ISookseller, and WiaJionei'.s, HLAXK JIOUK MAXUFACTUllEliS, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL PAPEE5, No. 40, Market Street, 31 PHILADELPHIA, I'A. CHARLES 31 AG AUG E & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Nos. 30, 32, and 31, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. VS. Paper any Size, Weight, Color and Quality, made to order, at short notice. lulyii iiOt'iiiiAar'M THIS FLUID is warranted EQUAL to Aunold's, and is sold at imieli less price. The money wni be refunded to those buying it, if it does not prove entirely satislae.tory. VJl-l'oi- sine by F. Moriimer, New Uloomlleld. MILLElt & ELDEll, Sole Agents, 4JU Market Street, 23031 Philadelphia. Hankiyy and Stocks. BANKING HOUSE Of Jay Cooke & Co.,. 112 AND 1H SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, DEALEUS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Old 5-20 Wanted IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Xotes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. tiT COLECTIONS made j STOCKS bought and sgld oil Commission. SPECIAL business accommodations re eervud for LADIES. Bl'Jl Glass and Queenstvare. A. L. Kaub J. E. Fkeymhib. It 11 i; & FltYHIHE, IMI'ORTEUS AND JOUIIEIIH OF China, O 1 ix AND QUEENSWA11E, 801 and 303, Cherry St., between Arch & Race, PHILADELPHIA. JET Constantly on hand, Original Assorted fackasei. 3. y. ly io riiil.adclphiti Advertisements. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. SIDDALL & MARKLEY, Wholesale Druggists, AND DEALERS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. AH I.L STOCK of evevtliins ronnected with the business, of the best quality, and at very low prices. A good location for business, with a ow rent and light expenses, enables us to offer In ducements to buyers, and makes it worth their while to give us a trial. Philadelphia, 3. 8tf. John Lucas & Co. Sole and THE ONL Y MANUFACTURERS OF TUB IMPERIAL FRENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Puro While Lead ami Color MANUFACTURERS, Nos, 141 and 113 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. SAVES LAISOf I ! Saves Time ! SAVES w AINRIGHT & CD'S Labor-Saving Soap Will be found tho best in use. With tills Soap washing may be done witli half the labor required when any other Is used, and the saving in wear to clothes is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try it, and after that you will use no other. ft.D- For sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer. New liloomiield, Pa. 317 " The Red Horse Powders" T lllli IH2ST POWDERS in the World for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, OR POULTRY. Thev will not mil vniv vent but win I'nrn.ii..-,.., it alic! are the Cheapest, as well as the, best Horse 1 owders in use. Try them. For sale by Storesand 'KK m-iieiaiiv, unu uy r. jnioktiiiku, .New Hlooinllold, Pa. 3.S5tf Worth its Weight in Gold ! rjlllis is what everybody who has used It says of XESMITIJ-S LLVIMEXT. For Itliminiiitin Put and elleeta permanent cure in a short time. It is also tlie best remedy in the World for Cuts, prompt relief from pain, but' heals without leaving vvu nun iiayu incu H, say NO FAMILY should bo without it, for it is worth its weight in gold. 9- I ry a bottle of It! No cure, No Pay. 317 H- For sale at F. Mortimer's. Hardware, Cc. LLOYD, SITI'LEE, & WALTON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE No. 025 Market Street. l'hiladelphia. " E S T 13 Y S Cottage Orgjins, rjREAT INDUCEMENTS offered to Churches i ,-miiiu.iy rtciiouin. wi wtua aim JMtilOUeoilH lor saloon monthly Instalments. r.. iii. iiiiuuk. No. 1H North Seventh St., IWltf PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia A dvertisenicnts. DRY COODS HOSIERY & NOTIONS BARCHOFT & CO., Importers nnd Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Blankets, Linens, "White Goods, Hosiery, &c, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. John Shalfner, Jr. E. S. Zieglcr. Thco. Kuniel SKAFFNER, ZIEGLEll & CO., Successors to SHAFFNElt, ZIEOLER & CO., Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, S loves, ISiUhoiss, SusiSciiderN, THREAT) S , COM 13 iS , and every variety of TRIMMINGS A FANCY GOODS, No. 30, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Agents for Lancaster Combs. Boots, Allocs, Hats and Caps. W. F. KOiai.EJl, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Furs, AND t 1 Jl AV - Gr 00(18 153 NORTH THIRDSTREET, '3 9 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. H. L. Hood. A. Trimble. D. J. Hoar. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C23 Market St. and 014 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn'a. MISCELLANEOUS. JUADBURY'S AND OTHER 1 I A X O S . laylor d- Fancy's and E. 1. 'Xucdham Sc Son's OEGANS AND MELODEONS. Wit. Q. FISCHER. General Mliolesale Agent, 1018 Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 3 42 0m. PHILADELPHIA JiEXXSVLVAXrA ELASTIC SPONGE CO. No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A Substitute for Curled Hair, FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES. ' Itis cheaner than VRATiiKiiM m mm nn,l mnoi. superior, being the lightest softest and most elastic material known r FOR MATTRESSES. PILLOWS, CARRIAGE, tii CAR, AND CHAIR CUSUIONS. It Is illdesl I'lletuhlu fri f mi lnut. ititcr.w.tlv ilo.t, and for the sick is uuequaled.as if soiled It is easily cleaned. IT DOES NOT PACE And is entirely free from Moth "V )'! Jl . n lt reI. 1 0 ut ml tn a n I n il.m . .. J . ' .. Sponge at Vie office of the company, Feb 8tf No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET I S. T. AUGE & CO., J V Philadelphia, Pa., J Philadelphia Advertisements. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . 1. KXlCiUT & KHO'S, Wholesale Dealers in It I S I I , AND l3ioviion, 114 South Duluwaro Avenue, Below Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ayents for Collins, Geddes & CVs Canned Fruits. 1041t S. 15. TAYLOIl, wiTir WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Coiner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Philadelphia Pa W. A. Atwood. . Isaac W. Ranck. ATW00D, RANCK & CO., Commission MerehantN, AND Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pickled and Salt XT I S I I , No. 210 North Wharves, above Race Street, 3 40 GinO PHILADELPHIA, PA. WHOLESALE " UnUUiHi3 January 1, 1SG9. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. ii EA YJBSIIiffi & ! ., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a line assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1SG9. TOBACCO SECARS &.C. Thomas Ronn. A. J. McConkey. PtOBB & McCONKEY, Commission Merehants, Anil Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCOS, SEGAfiS, &C. No. 13 North Fifth Street, (Retween Market and Arch,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. 1041U A. B. Cunningham. J. II. Lcwars. J. S.Glelm. Cunningham, Gleim & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 408 MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOUHTII, PHILADELPHIA. 83310 HUMOROUS ITEMS. &sy The latest parlor game Sitting up. It takes two to play it. JOSiT Without the dear ladies, we should be but a Jiffy-nation. fifeg- One of the commonest proofs we have that man is made of clay, is the brick so often found in' his hat ! fifa!fI am going to draw this beau into a knot, us the lady said at the hymenial altar. fiST- " What is the chief end of man ?" asked a Sunday-school teacher. " Tho end what's got tho head on," replied a young un. BQr"IIow long can a fool live?" asked a lawyer of a witness. " I don't know," replied tho witness j" how long have you lived ?" ftcir" A young fop about to start for New Orleans, proposed to purchase a life-preserver. Oh, you'll not want it," suggested the clerk, " bags of wind won't siuk." JCSF " James. I fear you arc forgetting me," said a bright-eyed girl to her sweet heart the other day. " Yes, Sue, 1 have been for getting you these two years," and now want your answer. Said an ambitious youth one day to a young lady, "Don't you think I'd better dye my mustache V caressing the infant prodigy. "I think if you will let it alone it will die itself," said the lady. Jk&" " Look here, boy," said a nervous old gentleman to an urchin, who was muehiiig sugar-candy at a lecture, " you are annoying me very much.' " No I aiu't. I'm a-gnawiug this sugar-candy." Josh Billings on preaching I al ways advise short sermous, especially on a hot Sunday. If a minister kant strike ile in 40 minutes, he has either got a poor gimlet, or else he is boring iu the wrong place.' BQ? At a recent meeting of a London vestry a member proposed that " no ve hide or any other amimal should be al lowed to remain or stand upon any part of tho commons. BST"John Eandolph once on a race course was solicited to bet by a stranger who said : Smith here will hold tho stakes.' 'Just so,' replied the descen dant of Pocahontas but who'll hold Smith ?" figy " Husband I hope you hare no objections to my getting weighed ?" " Cer taiuly not, my dear; but why do you ask mo that question '(" " Only to see my love if you would allow me to have my welijh once." RSf A littte boy, some six years old, was using his slate and pencil on Sun day, when his lather, who was a minis ter, entered, and said : ' My son, 1 pre fer that you should not use your slate on the Lord's day." ' I am drawing meeting houses, father,' was the prompt reply. fiST" A housemaid who was to call a gentleman to dinner found him engaged in using a tooth brush. " Well, is he coming '("' said tho lady of the house, as tho servant returned. " Yes, ma'am directly," was the reply. " lie's jist sharpening his teeth. " Do you mean to challenge the jury '(" whispered a lawyer to his Irish client. " Yis," be jabers," was tho answer, " if they don't acquit nie, I mean to challenge overy spalpeen of 'em : I want ye to give 'em all a hint of it, too," BST" Eligible young bachelor making call "Well, Master Fred, you don't know who I am." Too candid young hopeful " Oh, but I do thoUL'h ! You'ra t.lin olmn tW. ma says would make such a good catch t . t ror wary. J55T Two well-d resscd shoemakers hftimr in tho company of some gentlemen, wero asked their profession. Says one of them : " I practice tho heel-a art." And I," gays the other, " labor for the good of men's soles!" J8Q51 Not long ago a woman entered the probate office with four little " hope fuls," and with a countenance that would do justice to hard days, commenced her truly affecting appeal : " l'laso your honor, my husband died detested, and left four little infidel children and ap pointed me executioner, and I pray your honor will allow me tp execute