The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, April 26, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    l)c imcs, New Bloomftdir, 13a
f of
Tuesday, April 1S70.
LOCAL D E I'A li T 31 E X T.
-4re One Dollar a Yea r in Advance !
Persons who receive a paper with this article
irtaikc.l. msiy kimw that liicv kIkiuUI mail m-otherwise
send Hip subscription price, If tlioy wish to
continue to receive Tin: Times.
COS. RESPONDENTS will please boar In
mind lieu, loiters received iaier I Hail Saturday eve.
iunt:, (ir thud v,u mail mi Monday iiinmiu;: have
to lay over until the following week.
iiimctm mi. Tnrmmi in m n
Wc ncknowleusre the receipts of sub
scription price for Tuk Times (hirintr tlio
past week from Georgo Fleislior, Dtivid
Snyder, John Harper, Amos Ulioailes, John
C. Loy, Jys. K. Cooper, Perry co.
Andrew Lirfdick, North Point; J. C.
Moore, Philadelphia; Kev. II. K. McConili,
Macomb, Illinois ; George Fowhl, Urbana,
Oluo ; James McKnight, Pittsburg.
Kicked hy u Horse, On Friday evening
last Mrs. Grail", the mother of Cornelius
GralF, residing in Centre township, was
kicked by a colt, knocking her insensible J
and cutting Iter liead quite badly. Tin
wounds were sewed up and dressed by Dr.
bweeney, and the old lady was at last ac
counts getting along quite comfortably.
Presidential Nomination. A correspond
ent sends us a communication nominating
for President, Horaco Greely ; for Vice
President, Gov. Geary. It is rather soon
for such business, and besides, Horace is
too busy writing, " "What I know about
farming," to attend to any such small mat
ters as the Presidential nomination.
A P(mirl'nlilnriun T IV ..... -ton I J
-. X II jvuut muff lOUi,
s Mary Clark, daughter of Michtul Clark,
this borough, lost her voice from illness,
and since then has been unable to sneak
above a whisper. On Sunday last after a
hard fit of coughing, it suddenly returned,
and to her great astonishment, she was en
abled to speak as loud as ever.
7 ' -:'r !
VAnothcr slight fire occurred in this bor-'
VAnothcr slight fire occurred in this bor-'J
otfjh yesterday morning at tho houso of
Daniel Garlin. Sparks from the pipo that
passes up closo to the roof set lire to some
I oi tuo shingles. Jiad it not been discover
ed just as it was, that and tho adjoining
building would have noon been burned.
This makes the third roof which has been
on fire in this borough within ten days, and
if they keep fooling around this way, we
will soon have something more than a
elight lire.
Another Man Killed. On Tuesday even
ing hist, a stranger supposed from papers
found on'his person, to be George W. Mc
Kay, oi Ontario, was found cut in two on
tho railroad track in Harrisburg, It is sup
posed that he was trying to get on the fast
freight, which had just passed, as ho had
beside him a. valiso and umbrella. The
man was vyelUdressed, and had somo valua
bio papers in his pocket, and several ccrtifU
cates vouching for his capacity as a teacher.
An inquest was held and tho body buried
by tho coroner.
lauly Sold. A few days since a resident
of Centre township, had on his premises an
over stock of pups, which he was unable to
get any ono to take even as a gift. A par
ty of g'lsios happening to come along they
-wero given to them ; and at Nowport they
succeeded in selling them to different par
ties, at good prices ; ono of them being
actually bought by a person who had
refused to take ono as a gift. Wo think
those gypsies lmist have many a good laugh
at tho ease with which peoplo allow them
selves to be swindled.
Sfel. ....l ruj i-i
wan-ant for tho arrest of Abram Bird has
oeen in mo nanus ot tho sheriff, but Iiurd
has managed to keep out of tho way. On
Friday, however, information was received
that Curd was at home, and Deputy Slier-
.it uyjj yi uuiiui iiuiii;i4 yj iiuuiu Lliu lllTCSL. -
On arriving at his residence, Burd was
found up stairs, but 6woro ho would not bo
taken alive. Whon tho deputy, aided by
Mr. Win. Lupfer, "sailed in,'x and after a,
lively tusslo of about ten minutes, fhpy uc
ceeded in getting tho ' bracelets" on his
arms, and bringing him to jail, where he
now awaits trial.
Triplets. On the 15th inst., the family
of George Bigley, of Chambersburg, had
a large increase bU wife giviuj birth to
threo children.
Dangerous Oil. The danger from the
tiRO of tho new fluid recently introduced
into this part of the State, was shown on
tho evening of the 13th inst., in tho store
of Messrs. Bealor & McKcchan, in Pcrrys
ville. Mr. Bealor was in tho act of draw
ing some of tho oil into a measure, with a
lamp standing a few feet distant, when 4ho
gas caught tire, immediately communica
ting to the barrel. By prompt assistance,
Mr. Bealor succeeded in getting tho barrel
to the street, and saved tho building and
its contents from being consumed, although
ho was considerably burned about the arms
and hands while so doing.
Under the circunistanecs,Mr. Uealor may
consider himself very fortunate in getting
off so well. The only safety is to refuse to
sell any of these kind of oils after lighting
tho lamps, and in our borough tho matter
is regulated by an ordinance forbidding any
such sales under a line of live dollars for
each oU'enco.
IThc Wrong Mail. A letter was received
by the o(liecrB liercya low days sit'.cj, giving
particulars of a robbery of money, clothes
and a watch, from Mr. Albert Pike, of
Mcclmnicsburg, with a description of the
guilty person. On Wednesday lasf, the
Deputy Sheriff arrested a man in Newport,
who exactly answered to the description,
but after a little while, being satisfied that
ho was not tho party wanted, lie was re
leased. Mr. Biko was telegraphed for,
however, and on his arrival he at onco said
this was not tho man, though there was a
striking similarity in the appearance of the
two persons.
Sudden Death. Wc regret to learn that
whilst Joseph Browcr, esq., of this place,
was standing in conversation with a gentle
ytan, in front of the residence of Gen. James
Burns, about 0 o'clock on Tuesday morning
he was suddenly stricken down with, it is
supposed, heart disease, and died in a few
minutes. lie had fccen in good health prior
to the occurancc. Mr. B. was about 07
years of age, and leaves a wife and several
children. Leteistown True Democrat.
A Good Law. The last legislature passed
a law which may bo tho means of saving
lnu county treasury some money. Tho
lst RUotlo of law is as follows :
That the laws relating to payment of costs in
criminal cases shall not lie so construed ai to com
pel the payment of costs by the county where the
case has been settled or arranged by the parties,
and the parties to the case, the prosecutor and de
fendant, or defendants, shall be liable for tho pay
ment of the costs in all such cases.
An old lady living near Pcrrysville, Ju
niata county, can trace her descendants
down to the fifth generation. Although she
is ninety years old, siio was able to do her
own work and make her own garden last
summer. Most children consider them
selves fortunate to have ono trrandmother.
Unit tho youngest of her descendants, has
u luoiner aim inrce grandmothers.
Accident. Wc regret to learn that Mr. L.
C. Clomson met with an accident, on Wed
nesday of last week which will cripple Lim
for some time. lie is employed as engineer
in a planing mill at Danville, and in assis
ting to move a boiler, it fell on his left foot
orushing it badly and breaking two of his
toes, vast accounts say Col. was getting
along very well, Xeirs.
Leaders. No houso has done so much
toward advancing tho standard of ready
made clothing as Wanamaker & Brown.
They have compelled other establishments
to improve their clothing, but still they al
ways keep tho lead, having always tho lar
gest stock tho best goods and tho lowest
Dr. D. II. Sweeny of this borough, oper.
'filed on the eyes ol Miss Persus Hanson,
in August, 10011, for inflammation of tho
Optic nerve. Her disease was prononced
incurable by tlnoo eminent Oculists of
Philadelphia, and in reply to a note of in
quiry, she states ntho abovo statement of
,Dr. Sweeny is strictly correct," atthisdate,
my eyes remain perfectly well.
Dtishore, Sullivan co., Pa.
April 8, 1870.
Clocks. Another new lot of !50 hour
and 8 day Clocks just received by V. Moit
TiMKii fc Co., New Bloomfield,
Dr. I). II. Sweeny of this borough, opera
ted on the eyes of Sirs. Potter, wifo of Hi
ram Potter, of Wheatlleld township, Perry
county. Pa., in October, 18(M), Air Amauro
sis. She had been treated by others previ
ous to our operating. And at this date the
operation is perfectly successful. We refer
to Mr. and Mrs. Potter and family.
April 22, 1870 lt
Dried PcacliCB. A very fine lot for sale
at 124 cents per pound by F. Moktimkji &
Co., Bloomfield.
The Retiring Senators of this district are
thus spoken of by the Harrisburg Tele
graph :
Colonel John K. Robinson, from tho
Twenty-first district Blair, Huntingdon,
Centre, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry is a
sound, reliablo Republican. By most out
rageous fraud ho was cheated out of tho
certificate of election, and only obtained his
seat after a hard and protracted contest bc
foro a committee of the Senate, lie is both
honest and capable. Always true to his
oath, his principles and his profession ;
faithful in the dischaage of the duties en
trusted to him ; almost constantly in his
seat he deserves to bo re-elected, and wc
hope he may.
Charles J. T. M'lutire, also from the
Twenty-first dist rict, is a Democrat, pure
and undeliled, a gentleman of fino ability,
of genial nature and the most fascinating
social qualities. But, as tho district is
Republican, wo can seo no good reason, or
in fact any reason at all, why a Senator of
that political faith should not bo chosen ;
and nothing but a failure of tho party to do
its duty can prevent a result in all respects
so desirable. Nevertheless, if the Republi
cans of tho district think differently, and
we must have a Democratic Senator from
the Twenty-first, Mr. M'lntiro would be
the most acceptable that could bo sent.
For Thn BlaomficUl Timr.n.
millennium, April 1, 1870.
For sometime, there has been little to write
about In this locality. Mr. Derick left his horse
standing carelessly, without hitching, and while
tints standing, a train of cars coming along, he
took fright, ran away, and between the horse and
the engine, the wagon was broken to pieces.
l?y the recent storm, a number of trees were
blown down. ; roof carried from a barn, and a
instil pitched oil an Incline tree.after cutting oil' the
tops, without doing him any visible harm.
Tite river, after the recent rain, rose bank-full,
causing some damage to those living on Kront st.
A very considerable amount of lumber Is pass
down tne river, day by dav.
As to improvements we will notice again.
In the Presbyterian Church prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on
Sunday iiioininpr, at 1(1 J o'clock, by Rev
Dr. Murray, of Carlisle.
The negro who attempted rape on a lady
of Carlisle, a short time ago, was sentenced
at last court, to tho Eastern Penitentiary,
for a term of live years.
COM! In Juniata township, on the 18th Inst.,
Jacob Comp. sen., aped No years ami 1 month.
iMAKCll In Centre twp., on Wednesday the
2Mli inst., Mr. Jesse .March, hi the 30th year of li s
COLEMAN In this borough, on Saturday the
2.1d lust., Mr. Samuel S. Coleman, in the Sjlh year
of his age.
lil,ACK In Raccoon Valley, on the 18th inst,,
Mrs. Mary, wile of Muses ISl'ack, formerly of Ad
ams county, 'a.
nUNKLKHKliUKU-On the Uth inst., in Spring
township, Ellle liuthhe, daughter of Joseph and
Sarah Punklebergcr. aged 1 vear and 2 mouths.
ZIMMKKMAN On the 22(1 inst.. In Spring twp.,
SiHiinnnh. wife of Win. Zimmerman, aged o years
and to mouths.
THE undersigned have
their MEAT sunn
i rein()vcdrrT?,w
to no. a, gfirf3
illeid, Pa.;
to supply
Vr.s:t. i!iiii ktvf.nt ltli.,,mlf.,t.l
where they will be happy to supply
wiwi uu?uoiiiu(a Willi me
Best Beef, Mutton. &c,
the Market can afTord. Thankful for past patron
age, they hope to merit a continuance of public fa-
VIII. II l.'l.'l tl.'IJ .V- M1II.'V-
Bioomileld, April 20, 1870,
bljl.iyi.ll W 1,1 LlyllUl,
(United States Treasury Buildings)
Xo. Wall Street, X. Y.
rpiIE business of our House Is tho same, In all
-- respects, as that of an Incorporate Hank.
Checks and Drafts upon us pass through the Clear
ing House.
Corporations, Finns, and Individuals keeping
Hank Accounts with lis, either in Currency or
(Sold, will bo allowed Five I'cr Cent. Interest per
annum, oir all daily balances, and can cheek at
sight without, notice. Interest credited and Ac
count Current rendered Monthlv.
W e are prepated at all times to make advances
to our Dealers on approved Collaterals, at market
Certillcates of Deposit Issued, payable on de
maud, or after llxcd date, bearing Interest at tho
current rate, and available in all parts of the
Collections mado promptly everywhere in tho
United Slates, Canadin and Kuropo. Dividends
and Coupons promptly Collected,
We buy, sell, and exchange all Issues of (iovcrn
ment llonds at current market price.
Orders executed for tho purchase or sale of Gold
and Exchange, also for State, City, and ail other
llrst-class securities.
Special attention given to the negotiation of Hail
Road, City, and oilier Corporate Loans,
We are prepared to take (Sold Accounts on terms
the same as for Currency ; to receive (Sold on De
posit, bearing interest and subject to check at
sight; to Issue (Sold Certillcates of Deposit: to
make Advances in (Sold, against currency and
other collaterals, and to afford Hanking facilities
generally upon a Gold Basis. 4 li lui
XTOr Equaled by any Wheal In existence.
Great economy of water. 7Vic. only Wlieil
tuUaiM ta mrM stmtms. Adapted to all kinds
of Mills. Illustrated l'amphlet with Useful Tables
Bent free. ... J. E. STEVENSON,
4 17 3m 83 Liberty St., N. Y.
t JLJ. Hy J. W. Musury. CI.. 220i., $1 60. Free
by mail, on rece'pt of prle. Mwury I Wldtoa,
New York. 4 17 3m.
County Trico Current.
Bloom NEI.D. April 20, 1870.
Flax-Seed : i'l on
Potatoe 25 cents.
Butter t pound
28 '
1.1 "
8 "
8 10cts.HIk.
1518cts. '
4 tS 5 cts. "
15 i 18 cts. "
8 & 10 cts. "
Eggs V dozen
Dried Apples jf! pound,,
Dried Peaches
Pealed Peaches
Onions bushel,
Cvjivccfeff Weekly Oy Griffith Jonr.
DUNCAN.NON, April 25, .1870.
Whito Wheat. ...
.$1 15
. 1 05
Bed Wheat
Oats, 32 pounds new
Ground Allium Salt V Sack,.
I.intelmrner's Coal
Stove Coal,
Smith Coal,
Iron V Cwt
Nails Keg ,
80 O
' cts.lbus.
Cbm!cfef Weekly by Win. Knuyn i tons.
NKWl-otn, April 25, id.
Flour, Extra
. 4 50
lied W heat
Oats '49 112 pounds
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed,
Flax Seed
Potatoes ,
Ground Altnnii Salt,.. ..,
liimcburner's Coal,
Stove Goal,
Pea Coal,
1 (15 1 05
80 O 85
7 25 7 25
3 IX)
1 75
15 Q 15
2 5(1
2 40
4 50 Qj 50
3 40
25 cts. -p bs.
30 & 40 cents.
Smith Coal
Cioss Ties.S,4 feet long,
Xo. 4S1 li road w ay, Xcir York
XlTlIJi dispose of One Hi'ndhkd Pianos. Me
TV lodkons and oiwans, of . six Hist class ma
K('i i. at it .'... .....I ;... f... (...I .i
1 - w ' --"'i n-'-.. ,kii v i.vt iinnni litis
numtn, or wdl take from . to pj monthly until
r 1 i.iini.s no i-jn) aim upivarus.
iNew Organs for $45 and upwaidsloi Cash. 117 ly
1 t i.VlhON Hot SE
K'. t-l-et. liv nviil nit v..
JX. Ma airy, CI. 4Sp.. 4oc.
ceiplul 'price. MASU1U' & W'MTOX.N. V. 4173m
Who has a House to 1'aint ?
Known as "UAILKOAD" Colors. Guaranteed to
be more economical, mose durable and mom con
yen cut than any Paint ever before oncrcd. A
book entit.ed "Plain Talk Willi Practical Paint
ers, with samples, sent tree by mail on app'iua-
i'.V'V , , Jiasl1;y whiton.
Globe A bite Lead and Color Works, 111 Fidton
St.. New York. Established 1835. Bewaie of
imitations. 4 17 3m
.4' 1 tLfb I made it in 0 mos. with Stencils.
Samples mailed lice.
17 3m a. J., N. Y.
rpRIAL LIST for May Term, 1870.
David J. Mourer's use vs. kichard Magee, et al.
Henry lAmik vs. John SI lies.
Edwin 11. Sikc vs. William M. HastingsandLevI
Chas. ,1, T. Mclntircvs. Benjamin Checsman, etal.
Jacob Albright's use vs. Daniel C. Mace & John
The County of Perry vs. Robert Hackctt.
Win. H. S. Cook vs. Isaac 1!. Young.
Iteuben 1). Walter vs. Levi C. Steinberger, et al.
Samuel McCord vs. Andrew 1!. Smiley.
.lame 11. Devor's use vs. Elizabeth A. Robinson,
adui x. &c,
John River vs. Curtis Strine.
Win. 11. Miller, Esq., vs. Aaron M. Ecolf.
Daniel Bitter vs. Jacob Sliope.
John Sliull vs. Joseph llockenberry.
James It. I.eiliy vs. Win. Cumbler, et al.
Henry Barrick, Sen., vs. Henry Barrick, Jr.
Isaac Stoke vs. .lames Woods.
lames Plain vs. John S. Foose, adtn'r, &e.
Jacob M. Miller, executor, &c, vs. Jeremiah Rine
hit ft.
Margaret J. Miller's use vs. Jeremiah Itlnehart.
Win. 11. Miuch, Indorsee, Sc., vs. Andrew denser.
David H-y vs. John li. McClintook.
Sarah Ann Weber, el al vs. the P. R. It. Company.
John Sholt vs. Albright & Troutman.
John L. Reese vs. the P. R. R. Comyany.
Alexander Mcutz vs. Win. L. Bcale, et al.
Win 1 Mini, endorser, &c, vs. Win. L. Bcale, tt al.
Philip C. Reisinger vs. Win. L. liealc. et al.
Samuel Hartmaii vs. Win. L. Bcale. rt al.
., i CH AS. 11. SMILEY, Prothonotary.
Prothonotarv s oilic.e.
Bloom Held', March 28, 1870.
JIST of Traverse Jurors for May Term, 1870.
I andisburir W. R. I'Vrtnr.
Greenwood Joseph Dillinan, .Samuel II. Baker.'
lieorge I'lSll.
Carroll Jacob Way. John Henderson, Absalom
F. Smith, James 1'. Donley, Win. T. Dewalt, BenJ.
Milierstown (ieorgo Font., David Edwards.
Madison Win. Hall. James Meinminger, Solo
mon Gray. Henry Kline. Samuel Ernest.
Biilliilo borough Jacob 1). Steel.
Pel m Joint L. Keusr, James White.
Howe John Patterson.
Juniata Solomon Strausser, John Hogentoglc.
Savilie Alexander Barnes, Martin Diiin.
Wheat Held Joseph Mickey, George F. Moyer,
John Gelhaiigh, Andrew S. Loy.
Rye Edward C. Ganlt, Jeremiah Kell, William
Liverpool twp Win. Lenhart.Jr.
Liverpool borough Jacob Hamilton, Charles
Toboyne Wm. A. Morrison, Win. Fry. '
Tyrone Francis M. Patterson, Christian Heck
euiloru. Newport Daniel W. Gantt, Charles Weber, Jos.
It. Dunbar. J. II. Crist.
Spring David W. Sheibley, Peter Slusscr, Jacob
Tuscarora John Fry.
Bioomileld Henry Shoafl'er.
JIST of Grand Jurors for May Term, 1870.
Diineannon Thomas Milllken, John Bhively.
Milier Ahrain Evans.
Howe William Wright
Liverpool.!. W l lsh.
Wheatlleld Henry Clav.
Watts J. Calvin McAllister, Jessf Johnson.
Greenwood Charles (J. Brandt.
Jackson-Jacob Wmilc, Dunlcl Wilt,
Oliver BenJ. Baltosser.
Savilie Alfred Kell.
Bloonitleld .Jacob Fenstemaker, Samuel Wle
gins, W. H. H. McClintock. K
Marysvilie George English, Levi Die,
Biillalo twp. George Kepuer.
Tuscarora IemuerM. Jones.
Spring Michael Baker. -1
yrone Georne Crist.
Centre Henry Wax.
Toboyne Andrew Mumper.
Real and Personal Property
At Public Sale.
WILL be sold at public sale at tho dweinra
house of the Into Robert lined, Esq.. de
ceased, in Madison township, 1'erry county, Pa.,
On Tuesday, April 2Clh, 1870,
at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day the following per
sonal property to wit :
One having a Calf by her side and tho othor Just
coming into prottt.
One set of Harness, and other Horse (Sears,
with a variety of other articles too
numerous to mention.
S- Terms made known on day of sale.
ALSO, will be sold at the abovo time and plane,
situate In said township of Madison, County of
1 errv, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded by
lands of I rcderiek shall, Benjamin Zimmerman;
Samuel Ligiitner and others, having thereon
Frame Stable, and othor Outbuildings, containing
about SEVENTY ACRES, about Thirty of whlcS
are cleared. 1'here is an excellent young Apple
orchard on this property, and other fruit trees.
Several springs of very good water. The unclear
ed portion of the said 't ract is well covered with
Rock Oak and other timber. The Chestnut Oak
will yioiU al least loo cords of bark, for which
tnere is a ready market in the neighborhood of tlie
property. This is a desirable property and worthy
tlie attention of persons desiring to invest in Real
The widow and all the heirs of Robort Reed, de
ceased, will Join in this sale, su as to give toe
purchaser an out and out title.
-Terms or Sine of Real Estate One half of
the purchase money to be paid when the Deed it
delivered, and possession given, Tho balance In
one year with interest, to bo secured bv Judgment
L"A'ilrdlO, 1870. niKU
liloomfield Academy!
An English and Classical School
THE WINTER SESSION of this Instlttitloa
commenced December fith.
The course of study embraces Latin, Greek,
English Branches. Mathematics, Natural Science,
&:.. and is designed to furnish a thorough English
Education, or a complete Preparation for a Colle
giate Course.
Vacations: July and August, and one week at
Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room, Wash
ing, Tuition in Latin, Greek, English Branches ami
Mathematics, for the scolastic year, except board
In vacations. 200,ou,
Tlie Boarding Department is at the Institution,
under the supervision of Wiliam Grier, Esq., by
whom good and substantial board will be fur
nished: and the pupils will be uudor the strict (iie
of the Principal. Address
A. R. K1EFFKR, A. M Principal,
oltfl New Bioomileld, Perry county, Pa.
American Waltham Watches
And warranted by the Company sent with every
Price List and descriutivo Cataloguo scut free t
any address.
Orders llll(id bv pYnrpaa n n T ...m, n.;,.nAM.
... ... ....,,..-. v, v.. . '. , ,mui 'llIIUC
VAIlllll UillM.!! Wl
jcfoi e navinir the uionev.
A I. Fx A N I ' it I! ii a linen
308 Chestnut street,
Jin 1 50
x euusyl van isi R. R. Time Table.
On and after November 14th, 18C9, Passenger
trains will run as follows:
Paeltlo Express,
llarrrisbui g Accommodation
Pacific Express, (Flag) ,
Way Passenger,,..,
, 10.50 A. M.
, 12.82 r. u.
, 7.53 r. m.
5.09 A. M.
9.11 A. U.
2,32 P. M.
Fast Line,
J.'j"BAIiCLAV,' Agenti.
5,19 1'. M.
On and after November 14th, 1809, trains wil
'.cave Duncaiiuon, as follows :
Harrisburg Accommodation 1.12 n, jt
Mail, : 8.2HP. M.
Local b reight, , , , ai v. u.
Way Passenger R33 a. m.
Mad,. 2.00 p.m.
l ast Line, (Hag),., 4.0O p. m.
Local Freight u.ifi a. m
Note. Way Passenger West runs dailv, except
Monday, all other trains dally except Sunday.
WM. C. KING, Agent
On and after Nov. 14th 1809 traii9 will loave this
station as follows :
Harrisburg Accommodation ., 12.1(1 P. It.
Mail 7.49 p. it
Way Passenger 9.24 A. M
Mail 2.44 i'. m!
W. J. JONES, Agent.
Stage Line Between Newport and Kew
STAGES leave New Germaiitown dally at four
o'clock a. 111. Landisbui g at 7. 30 a. 111. Grewi
park at 8 a. 111. New Bioomileld at a. 111.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ao
'oniiuodatlon train Fast.
.Returning leaves Newport on the arrival of the
Mad Irani from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. m.
Z. RICK, proprietor.
xVov StJijryo Lino
rp HE subscriber Is now running a hack between
X. Bloomtlold and Newjioi t, leaving Bloom tlelil
at 9 a m arriving at Newport iu time to oounoot
with the Express train East.
Returning, leaves Newport at 2.30 p. m.. Of ou
;he arrival of the Mail train West
-He has also opened U VERY lath RUUna
belonging to ltiuesiuith'e Hotel, where he le pre
pared to furnish Uore aud bukgiea at moderitt
price. AxlOti UVMHtiOV,