t 5 , " ;1T ... .TV. 7ii. fx ilM pWUmUZW MlKSi-. VJ v Tuesday, April 12, 1S70. LOCAL 1 I! J'A Jl T m i: X T. OUR TERMS Arc One Hollar a Year in Advance ! Persons who receive a paper Willi this article marked, limy know lint lli-y should renew their mibsur.ptiou, ii Uiey wisii id continue to receive Willi lihi'-X. C O E R E S P O f J D E H T3 will please boar in m i it I In. il. idlers rec.MVcd liuei" than Saturday eve ning, nr liie down mail on Monday mommy have to liiy over uulil Uie following week. TIic flltisieal Iinlcrlainnient at the Acml-j cmy, ly tlio iMillcrstowu z.ouavo uano, i came oil last Friday evening. Some excel-' lent music was furnished, and we were sorry that ft larger nmlieneo was not pres ent lo enjoy it. Those who did not attend, however, had the chance to hear a number of pieces which were played in the Square, to tlio apparent gratification of quite u crowd. .X'piistiinil Change. The pastor of thoWi Presbyterian church in this borough, Rev. ' IT 1 r AT I .1 1 .1 .. . .1 .. .1 1 . I 11. IV. .ucuoiui), Having iieciiicu 10 ncccjii n call to the west, has asked the congregation -to unite with him in requesting the Presby tery to dissolve tlio present pastoral rela tion. In consequence- of this request ii meeting of the congregation was held last Sabbath to consider tlio subject, when it was decided to accede tohisroquest,though very general regret was expressed at the proposed change. ,. rue iiiooiniieiu Aeaueiny. i no lwuro oi Sir. Grier, the present proprietor of this in stitution, seems to lie " onwaril," as ho is constantly making improvements, lie has now succeeded in .securing the services of Prof. A. H. Kieilcr, who is a graduate of the Ileidleburg College, and an experienced teacher Qwitli Mr. K. as principal, assisted by Miss Dodge, as teacher of music and draw ing, this school oilers inducements equal to any in tlio state. We have no doubt that the citizens of our county will show by - their patronage, that they appreciate Mr. Grier s exertions to provide tneni with a first class school. DtJclaTiiiionsi for Pensions. Under a law of Congress and the regulation of tlio Pen hion OUiee, the time during which declara tions for pensions may be tiled by tho ex soldiers who served in tho late war, or their heirs, expires by limitation in June next, and after that tiino no case will be re ceived without spccinl act of Congress in c.ich case. The act of June C, 1800, prescribes that all such d eclarations should bo liled within live years after tho passage thereof, tho framer of the act believing that this was sufficient time for tho liling of all buna J'ule cases. Hough Treatment. According to the following, which wo cut from tho Hadical, they have a rough way of treating strangers in Alloona : On Thursday afternoon last, a young man man named Snowden, from Bedford coun ty, ciinio to this city soliciting money to relieve tho distress of lk family, they hav ing lately been burned out. AVhilo in the Allegheny House, on Alain street, he pre sented his subscription paper to a man named Champcnour, a cripple, who imme diately began to abuse him, calling him a " d d fraud" and using other very abus ive language Snowden, not knowing Champeuour was crippled, knocked him down. Champeuour then drew a revolver and tired twice at Snowden, missing him. Snowden then attempted to escape, but was attacked by about a do.eu of Chanipenour's friends and knocked down. Ho linally suc ceeded in getting away and was pursued levu street by a shower pf stones. Taking j-efuge in a tavern at tho lower end of tho street, ho remained for somo time, and on going out again had not proceeded far until ho was again attacked and compelled to take refuge in flight. His pursuers ran him into a storo on Virginia street when tho doors were locked and tho police sent for who gave him tho necessary protection un til ho left the city. So far neither Cham peuour nor any of his friends have been arrested. Tlio Advertisers tiuzcttc, issued by O. P. Howell & Co., No. 40 Park Row, New York-, contains much information not to bo ob tained elsewhoro. Every advertiser should read it. Sample copies by mail for fifteen cents. VT-.-f' nn. i . r ' -LiUilllll'f. IIO (TOWII Ul 'Ollll lllOll JHI ... i i .. i. .!....: " - r";-7" ulily l" " I creatures live, liow dress, liow tliey .v t intf iiv noi i.i ...t ,! . ... l r. Tvl ti iiiavc mmiii opinion una e.u ry u iaec mi- yi arry a face un- siill'nsccl with a lilusli of slianie. are very I difficult questions to answer. Yet they do all, and anchor themselves so firmly on their accustomed gazing places, day after day, and night after night, and month after imiulli. that not tin; lielitenimf from the eves of ill-starred ladies, nor the thunder- ings ot disgusted men can sulliee to move them to other anchorage grounds The gale of public opinion blows heavily against them, they doggedly ride out the storm, and grow more hateful and ugly by reason of their prolonged existence. Yo often wondei if Hie professional loafer ever reflects that it would cost him much less to be a respectable, industrious man. A lirst class loafer fjllows his profession at tha ex pense of days, weeks, months, years. His entire time must be devoted to it. It costs him friends, health vigor, comfort, honor, digu it y, fdf-respeet, and linally till regret and consideration when dead. So says an exchange, and so say we. Ihit that is not all idleness leads lo vice, iminoi taliy and rime, and linally to the penitentiary or the tallows. It would be a hundred fold better il every idle boy or loaler was eiiLiaiied in some useful occupation vven though it b no higher than a hod-carrier or street seav cnger. Il; might sae them from the pent tenliaryor the gallows. Let thosu who have idle boys put them to some useful oc cupation. Tile Newspapers. A child beginning to read becomes delighted with newspapers Nfor he reads names that are very familiar, und he will progress accordingly. A news paper in one year is worth a quarter's school ing to a chihl, and every father must con soler that substantial information is con lJeeted with this advancement. The moth jr of a family being one of tho heads and having a more immediate care of tho chil dren should herself be instructed. A mind occupied becomes fortified against the ills of life, and is braced for any emergency. Children amused by reading or study arc of course considerate and more easily govern ed. How many thoughtless young men have spent their evenings in a tavern ora grog-shop, who ought to have been reading. How many parents who never spent twen ty dollars for books for their families would gladly have given thousands to reclaim a son or a daughter who had ignorantly and thoughtlessly fallen into temptation. Church Xotices. In the Presbyterian Church prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. In tho Kcformud Church, prayer-meeting 011 Thursday evening ; preaching at 3 p. 111. on Sunday next. In tho Methodist church, prayer-meeting Thursday evening. Preaching Sunday evening, by liev. VV. Shribcr. Horse Stolen. On Monday night of last week, a valuable draft horse" was stolen from the stable of Milton Painter, Esq., at Owings' Mills, Baltimore county, and has not yet been heard of. Mr Painter oilers a reward of twenty-five dollars for the recov ery of the horse, and twenty-fivo dollars for tho arrest and conviction of tho thief. County Union. An Insurance Agent at Cleveland, Ohio, writes : "A lumber horse ran away with a bob-tail wagon, and tipped in the street over a small woman and six elderly chil dren. The horse began to cry and the wagon, bled freely at tho nose, but other wise, tho street is doing well. No insurance. If your property is not insured, go at once to Lewis Potter, Esq., and get instil ed in tho JEtna Insurance- Company, of Hartford. All who exam iuo the Parham maehino are much pleased with it. It runs so easy and still, anil makes such pretty work, that a person who wants a maehino will buy no other kind, after having seen the Parham. Sco advertisement in another icuhuun. Jfjsif A most perfect regulator of the whole human system is louud m J)r Pierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery. It cures Female Weakness, weak back nml all irrcgulari ties. It is a great restorative tonic, and nervo force generator, and henco in all cases of Nervous or General Debility nothing can equal it. Sold by druggists or send three- dollars and twenty-fivo cents to Dr. rierco, Jsullalo, JN. 1., and get thrcs bottles lreo of express charges. 7nls?u IAIakinR Garden now occupies tlio at tcution oi' many "f our citizens. - C '.. , J-- fl.,..Utr j.r. ontvuuv s uuvr uununip m unutij under roof. I new five-cent coin will soon be hx I circulation. 1 . . jrJV bat everybody pays must bo true, and i everybody says tlio roads were never so J bad us they are this spring. 'William Cuinbler lias been appointed iWtarv Public for the borough of New- , J y AVe call attention to the advertisement ltr-iinotner column, oi mo r-cuooi jioaru, l ' . 1 . C I . 1 I 1 calling for proposals for work on the new building. Locals arc scarce this week; we sup pose the fanners are too busy putting in t heir oats to have anything happen, or else our correspondents have no time to wrile communications. l!ev. Dr. Harper, of Sliippensburg, has asked to be relieved of bis charge at the end ol Ins present year, and his congre gation have acceded to his request, though be is to minister to them until u successor is selected. V runaway hr.rsc belonging to Jlr. George S. Harnett, created some excite ment on Thursday last, by selecting the side-walk as a place to exercise on. l'or n-itolc mi d iiirwvp w is done tlloil'dl .u. t.cly , no a.im,inc i as none, inu0ii the lively manner in which some persoiisf left the walk for doors and porches, was surprising. The Largest. "Wan aniiiker & Drown have the largest clothing house in America. Even New York with all her immense- es tablishments cannot boast of a place like Oak Had. FOR 25 CENTS you can gel a package of the Celebrated California Sweet Pumpkin Sccd.--Address John A McCroskey, New IJloomlield, Pa. County Trice Current. liLOOMi na.n, April 12, 1870. ITax-Seed S2 IK) Potatoes, Hut tor pound, Eggs dozen Dried Apples pound, Dried Peaches, 2" cents. 2S -IS " 0 " 8 10 els. 1hi. .... lfifeilScts. ' 4 to Sets. " .... 15 iH IS els. " 8(i10cts. " ealed Peaches Cherries, Pitted llackhenies, Onions bushel Corrected Wwldu tw Urigilh Jimfs. DUNCANNO.N, April 12, 1S70. White Wheat SI 1" lied Wheat 1 Of. liye 7") Corn iU fi Oats, 32 pounds new 41) Oroiiud Allium Salt V Sack, (0 Linichurucr's Coal Stove Coal l .M) Smith Coal L5cU::: Iron Cwt 4 i-0 Nails Keg , 5 0) Corrected Weekly by H'11. Kmi'jn A iSons.j Njiwi'oin, April 12, 1S70, Flour, Extra S 4 7." lied. Wheat 1 (hj ii 1 00 liye 8U Com, liO 4 70 Oats V ;i- pounds, 45 Clover Seed 7 25 ii 7 25 Timothy Seed 3 50 Flax Seed 1 75 Potatoes :w(J00 Ground Allium Sail, 2 75 Liniehiirner's Coal, 2 40 Stove Coal 0 00 ( 7 00 Pea Coal , 3 10 Smith Coal 25ets. ft bis. Cross Ties,8J4 feet long, 35 iji 40 cents. Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected Weekly hy Janney t Andrews, Ko. 12,'! Maukkt .Sritiiiii'. Piiii.AniiU'iiiA, April 8, 1870. AVhite Wheat S 1 Bf. 1 45 lied Wheat 1 35 6H 1 30 liye lUiSi'l 05 Corn, 10Sa!110 Oats 58 Mi Clover Seed ti 00$3 25 Timothy Seed 5 50 6 25 Flax Seed, 2 25 2 25 Country Lard 13 15 Eggs 27 iU 27 Turkeys ISM 25 llutter, solid la bbls.' 11 ij) 15 DEATHS. Him.F.MAN On tho lilh lust., at the residence of Ids uncle, In Miller township, Cliar.os Halleniitu, tigeel H years, inoniiis unit 2U iay,i, REMOVAL! T HAVE KEMOVEI) my Law Olllce to tho build I Iul'S on Market Wuuiire. oniiosile. tlio Court House, and immediately back of the Hank. and I ask the, business public for a share of its palit'ii- "KL' S. IT. OALHliAITlI, Att'y at Law. Hlooiulield. April 12, lS70-;.t WALL PAVKUS AXI) HOHDKRS. 1 r A Fine Assortment of spring styles are now for sale by the subscribers at low prices. KOIiTJMJ.'Ji it CO., Xevt lilooinllelJ. rennsj Ivan in 11. It. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On nml after November Utli, lSGil, Passenger (..'r.,, . i run .N fiillows- EAST. TMi.llli. I'viiriwo mm a. t. V,X' ' WEST. 'ne ( I xniess. (l an a. i, ayrasseiit:er, 11.11 A. M. - Vt LiViu," 2.:u v. m. fl.l'.l 1'. M. ,1. J. HAKCbAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On ami after Nnvember Utli, VA trains wil leave Inineaiuinii, as follows : KASTWA1ID. HaiTisbuvi' Accommodation 1.121. M. Mail H.'JSP. M. J.oeal I'reiKliI J-hl'. M. ,Vi:slVAlil). W-iV rasseicer ""' Mail T 2.00 cm. Knsl Line, (Hat!) 4.r.H I. M. Local l'reiirlit -h) M. Norn. Vav l'lissencer Y'est runs daily, except Monday, all other trains daily except Sunday. Wil. C. 1IM1, Agent MITiLKliSTOWN STATION. On nml after Nov. lltli lSiill trains will leave this station as follows : KAHTWAIiO. llnvrisbiivi' Accommodation 12.1(1 1. M. ilail 7.49 1. M. WKSTWAIM). W'av rasseiwr A. M. JIail '.44 f. M. W. J. .lt)M:s, Ayent. Stage Line Between Newport anil New Gennuntown. CJTACKS leave New Ccvniantown daily at four 7 o'clock a. m. Landisliuvgat 7. :!U a. m. (ireeu p:irk at S a. in. New P.loomlicld at '.i'l; a. 111. Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac- 7 h'ctnrniiiL' trstves Newport on the arrival of Iho L,., -p,.;,!,!-!,.,,,,, riiiliiiluiiilihi. :it :.:) i. in. . eiininioiiatiow Irani i.asr. Z. KICK, J'roprictor. PROPOSALS "T7"1LL 11 K liECKIVKD by the Hoard of School V Directors of the llorough of Hlooiulield, UNTIL Al'IML i", 1S7U, as follows, to wit : for the laving of the llriek of a new School House, by the thousand, and llnding their own boarding and tenders; Lime, Sand. Water, and Scalioldmg, furnished by the Hoard. V.'ork to commence bv the 1st of .1 line. Also, fordoing Hie .Masonry, TOtofiO perch, hy the perch, and finding themselves and tenders. Materials furnished by the Hoard. Also, a competent, worunian 10 worn ai, ami su perintend the Carpenter work of said building, by 111c iiav, 1111111 11 i iiiiininMi. The building is to lie 41 x 41, two-story, with two rooms on each Moor. Persons can bid lor one or an 01 me anovo jous. Hy Order of the Hoard. 1'. H. CLUl'SLlt, See'y. Hlooiulield, April 12, 187U ;;i OF THE Spring Trade IN &1 WaNAMAKEB&BRCUVR THIS fifl O n 7 El rf-7'J.V TO 'ME PKGVLE Till: GRANDEST Sl i ilock of JL.- 11 IX dotliiiijr For Men and Hoys, that OAK HALL has ever contained. since bint Fall we have secured I lie two large lots adjoining us, and have erected upon Ihem an Iron. l-rolll. llUlllling, CMIiai III Slc 10 our luiinui ntuni- ing. making OAK Jl ALL twice as large as before, in order to accommodate the (iltKAT MASS OF PEOPLE wlio have become our customers. AVe invite all our customers, with their neigh bors and friends, 10 pav us an early visit, tif exam ine our Mammoth iliiildings, and 10 inspect our Mammoth Stock! anamnltfH & Jjrouni, OAK HALL CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, Nos. 530, 532, 534. 53C Market Street, and Nos. 1, 3, 5, 7, ,, 11. and ti South Sixth Street, . PHILADELPHIA. Send jour Orders ifjou can't Come. 415 1m Stallion lor Sale. THE subscriber oilers for sale a DAltli HA V STALLION, six years old, 10'; hands high, King William breed, and as good an any 5 In the count v. w ill no sum on easy m.tiaftrn.ytmm t.o'iim iirwill receive another horse Kfci--J in pari pay. Apply to .1()IIX Br;A1;n. ! One and a half miles East of Hloomtlcld, 011 the old Newport road. . U 4 311 Eloomiicld Academy ! An llnyliah and Classical School KOIl LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I Till? W I NT Kit SI1SS10N or this Institution commenced Hi mlicr litli. I'lie course of study emlnaees Latin, ("Irec!;, Knulish iiiiinelies. Mathematics, Natural Science, .c. and is designed lo fin iiisli a 1 1nirniiirli Kimiisii I jliication. ora uomiilete Preparation lor a Colle giate Course. Vacations: July anil August, aim one week at Christmas. Terms: For Uoardinc Furnished l'ooni. Wash ing. Tuition in Latin. Creek, Knglish ISranches;niil ilulhc malic s. for the seolastic year, except hoard in vacations. siKum. The Hoarding J)eiartmcnt Is at the institution, under Hie supervision o( Wiliani Crier. Ls'., hy whom good and substantial board will lie fur nished : and the pupils will ho under the strict care of the Principal. Address A. It. KIICFFKlt. Principal, or WILLI AM C 111 Kit. OUfl New liloomlield. Perry county, Ta. THE MOW FAMILY SEWIN'U MACHINE 2;u P.OWLIiY EMPIllE 20 1 BOWLliY The extraordinary success of their new and im proved manufacturing .Machines for light or heavy work, has induced the EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO. to manufacture a N EV FAMILY MACHINE of the same style and construction, with additional ornamental ion, making it eitial in beauty and lin isli with other Family Machines, whereas in use fulness it far Outstrip All Competitors. The price of this now acknowledged necessary ar ticle comes within reach ol every class, and tin Company is prepared to oiler Hie most liberal 'io diiccmehts lo buyers, dealers, and agents. Every .Machine warranted. Apply for circulars and samples to KM PIKE SEWIN'U MACHINE CO., 4.1,").-Cm. .No. 2'.'1 Howery, New York. Till: HIXKLBY FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. PRICE 30. 1 Every family in the country needs one. It knits everything from a mitten to a blanket. A child 12 years old can learn to work it in an I1011 r. It is operated tlio same as a sewing maehino by hand or foot. It uses but one needle, and is the perfection of beauty and usefulness. Circulars and cuts and full particulars free lo ev erybody. Agents wanted In every county. Apply iptickly. HIMCLEV KN1TT1NO MACHINE CO., 170 Hroadway, New York; or, Hath, Maine. 4.15-(im. Books! Books! Books! PERKINPINE & HIGGINS, CO XOU Til FO VHTII STREET, l'kiladelpliia, TT"EEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) a full supply IV ol the lau-.si ami n.'-a j.ihkahv oooks noiu Hie leading Societies and Publishers. Wo make, our selections witli great care, and guarantee, the moral and religious character of the books, clieer luily exchanging any that may not lie satisfactory, selling at Publishers prices, and, wherever practi cable, making liberal discount to Schools. - A full assortment of MUSIC BOOKS. Sjicliar, QiicHtimi and Lesson Hooks, Jttps, Med uls, Jti'wtrd Cards, JUackbuarils, BoiLe, Diction aries, Certijlecttc Jlliinks, Library Jiyislsrn, Secretaries' and SuJerinlenlents, Bonks, Mottoes, Serljitura na tures, Infant Class Manuals, and everything new and useful for Sabbaih-school use kept on hand or supplied to order. We have been engaged in this special branch of Jjuslness for years past, and have aciiuired an experience which we think our customer uniformly liml ben ellclal to their Interests. A Descriptive and Illus trated Catalogue, containing names and prices of several thousand volumes, sent free to any addres on application. ' Philadelphia, Aprils, 1S70. T RIAL LIST lor May Term, 1870. liavld J. M oarer's use vs. lilcljard Ma-gce, ct a!. Henry I'oulk vs. .John wiles. Edwin It. hikes vs. William M. Hastingsand Levi Leeds. , . , Cnas. .f, T. Melnlirevs. HenlaiiiinClieesinan, eta!. .lacob Albright's use vs. Daniel C. Maco ii. John Shott. The County of Perry vs. llobrrt llackctt. W 111. Ii. S. Cook vs. Isaac 11. Young. iicubeii 1). Walter vs. Levi C. Steinberger, et al. Samuel AlcCord vs. Andrew H. Snillcy. .lames 11. .Dover's use vs. Elizabeth A. liobiuson, adm'x, Ac., John 1 liver vs. Curtis Strln?. Win. Ji. .Miller. Esq., vs. Aaron M. Egolf. Daniel Hitter vs. .lacob Shojie. .loiiii sliullvs. Joseph llocUeuberry. , lames H. Loiby vs. Win. Cuinbler, ct al. Henry Hai rkk, Sen., vs. Henry Harrick, Jr. Isaac' StoUcs vs. .lames Woods. .lames 1 Ua 111 vs. John S. Foose, adin'r, &c. Jacob M. .Miller, executor, ice, vs. Jeremiah Ilino. hart. Margaret J. Miller's use. vs. Jeremiah Uinehart. Win! 11. Mincli, indorsee, K.-C, vs. Andrew Clouscr. David Fry vs. John 1!. MeClintoek. Sarah Ann WcLmr, et al vs. the 1. It. 11. Company. John Slioit vs. Albright S; Troutman. John L. altcso vs. the P. 11. It. Comyanv. Alexander Menu vs. Win. L. Heale, et al. Win. Diini, endorser, &c., vs. Win, L. Heale, t al. Philip C. Keisinger vs. Wm. L. Heale, et al. Samuel Ilartinan vs. Win. L. Heale, el al. CHAS. 11. smilei, Protiionotary. Prothonotary's oilice, Hlooiulield, March 28, 1870. FOIL SALE. AN ENfllNE of Sixteen llorso Power- Tlio Engine and Holler Is in perfect order, and tho boiler is of Hutlicient capacity to drive a much larger Engine. It would be suitable for a large tun yard or a saw mid grist-mill. The NUbsoriher oners it for sale, only because it Is so much larger than the wains of his Foundry require. For lunliUi' pai'tieelara address or apply to UF.OKOE SNYDElt. 41t .New liloomUeiU. I'a.