4 rr NEW BLOOHFIELI), PENN'A. Tuesday, March l.S'70. Tiik Skxatk Tuus-lii)' last confirmed the nomination of Hon. .Joi!h 1'. liradley of New Jersey, as Associate Justice of the Supremo Court of tlie United States. Ti:e Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, liave vi led iieaiiiineuhly to re ject the InvsJi trusitiew for tin; acijuisition of St. Thomas. It had not an advocate thouli it wan warmly indorsed by tlie President. General Jjohan lias lieeu authorized to prepare a bill reiil.itin the app iint iiicntu of cadets. It, directs that cadets fihall have resided for two years in the district, and the member and cadet shall loth tile affidavits to that cfl'ec-t in the War Department. Stacy 15. Bakcuoit well known to many persons t'.iouyuout the State, as he was for many years the head of the linn of Barcroft, Beaver & Co., and for twelve years past, the senior member in the firm of Barcroft & Co., died at. his residence in Philadelphia, on the l!)th inst. Mr. Barcroft at the the time of his death was in the 70th year of his age, and bad been actively and honorably connected with the mercantile interests of the city for over fifty years. We claim that the people have a right to criticise the votes and speeches of their representatives on all measures of public interest, and if they disagree with them to express disapproval of their course. .For that reason wo last week published a letter from a subscriber signed " Busti cus" in which he spoke rather harshly of the bill passed, to aid the construction of railroads in portions of the State, at the public expense The receipt of a letter from Senator Mclntire in which he calls our correspondent some "pet names," causes us again to refer to the subject. Personally, wo have every confidence in the integrity of the Senator and Mem ber from this district, and wo did not tu derstand that in refering to their votes on the bill, that our correspondent intended to convey a-uy other impression, thau that their course had beeu an error in judg ment, and that he, as a tax-payer and voter in this couuty had a right to ex press his disapproval of their actions. A charge that Mr. Motntire was influenced iu his vote by any unworthy motive, .neither ourselves nor any one who knows rf.be Senator, would for a moment believe. The speech of Senator Wallace in favor ,of the bill, which he requests us to pub lish, is too long for our columns. The gist of the argument is, however, that it is not only the riijht, but tlie duty of the .Stale to extend this aid. If tliiw in recognized as sound doctrine, .it nccms to us an oversight on the part of nhoso who represent this district, that they didjjotteo that this locality was ' cared .for, and that aid was uot also extended to the proposed oew road to Broad 'Top. "Though vie mil to see the propriety of tho legislature teJUug such action, we can see iJiat if proper to help one portion of tho .State, it is equally right to aid another. Since writicg .the above, wo have re eived a communication on the other side ;t the question, whieh we willingly pub lish, though we think " Justieo" fails to . yrove anything except .that bonds of .leuown value to tho amount of niao and a jialf millions of dollars, are exchanged for Iwudr of equal amount which may or lilt JIaomficte &twcs. may not be worth move than the paper upMii which they arc written. The only rnaranfoo which the State receives, as we understand it, is that $3(.:0,0J0 of the in terest on these bouds vliall be paid for three years. C&y Join V. Collius of Boston, who Was commuted with the Treasurer's office of that city, and cinliezzeled some $!,()t)0, which he Mjiiaiidercd at the jraudlinj; hulls, was soot to the Pcnitet.tiary. The account says : "At the announce ment of the sentence, Collins wept bit terly, and his parents and friends, grief stricken, gathered around him." On being called up f r sentence, Collins gave his history of his career. Previous to his stealing this money ho had gain bled a little, and acquired the passion, lie then commenced by taking 'J or $'!(), then incrcasrd (ha amount, until losses were more than he could repay, and that fact induced him to steal more and more, lie fell into the bands of a blackleg who lured him on, until h) deep ly involved that he Cell completely into the power of the scamp, and finally ex posure followed, and the Penitentiary re ceived the victim. A number of reputa ble citizens were willing to go bail for his good behavior, could the court but over look the crime, but justice to society demanded his punishment. fl;W" I'inkrrtnii's detective nolice nr- - i ... . ,. -li-ii -i. rested, on iatumay last, one juiy i or ester, alias Frank Cambell. alias Prank Howard, upon the charge of having been concerned in the late bank robbery at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, lie was taken to the office of the agency on South Third street, preparatory to being sent to Wilkesbarre for trial. At an early hour yesterday morning he made his escape, by sonic means better known to those who had him in charge, lie ran up Market street with nothing on but his drawers and shirt. A policeman stopped him at Seventh and Market streets, and wanted to know what was going on. The fugitive, by way of excuse, said that he had been on a spree, and waking up found that his clothes were stoleu, and that hi was going to a house in Filbert street for more clothing. On his repre sentation, he was allowed to proceed. I'iukciton offers a reward of $-00 for tho rearrest ef the fugitive. A Curious Suit. A singular suit was recently brought against a railroad company in Xcw York city. The plaintiff, on the 29th of January, 1R0S, while in a Harlem Bailroad car, picked up a package of money containing $101i5. Being honest, lie handed it to the conductor, and tho conductor handed it over to the company. No owner ap peared and the finder of the money now claims that he has a better right to the money than any but the true owner. The d-ef'oHso is that the currency being once placed in the Company's keeping, it has become by that, as well as by the relations between it and its passengers, responsible to the true owners, and liable to him should he ever appear. The Court, however, held that the liuder, as against all the world, except the owner was entitled to the possession of tho find and directed judgment for the plaintiff, exceptions to be heard in the first instance at general term. A Wine Story. The llev. Dr. Prime, tho venerable editor of the New York Observer, who has beeu a famous traveller, and has seen some things which few mort'ds have be held, tells the following strange story, which would seem almost incredible if told by a less reliable man: " 1 was in a region in Spain where wine is more abun dant, sometimes, than water. Good wine better wino than is in common use iu America is sometimes used in great quantities to mix mortar with for build ing. A church was pointed out to me that was built with wine made mortar, be cause they had great quantities on hand for which they had no sale, and it was cheaper to use it than to haul water a long way to the building site. But theie was little intemperance in the region. Too Many Wives. A man named Albert Cann alias Harry Bobinson was arrested iu Phila delphia on Wednesday last, charged with having four wives. II is four better halves all appeared before the Alderman armed with the documents to prove tho claims each had upon him. For being so very much married, the magistrate held the young man to bail in the sum of $1000, iu tho default of which , he was committed. ' ' Sprlnir Fashions. Last Thursday was the opening day of the spring season wit h the modistes of New York. There is not much cliano or ahsolutc novelty in new styles. Bonnets avo re gaining their lost popularity and arc also increasing in si.e. Whilo chip is sought after, nnrl llowers form a considerable part of the trimmings. The gipsy shape is in general favor and threatens to replace the present fashion. The iliaikin is higher than over and all have capes. Tlie cottage- bon net, is another novelty, and on some faces it has a charming appearance. This shape admits of inside trimming, and the indis pensable llowers decorate tho diadem and crown. Lace has passed out of general use as material for bonnets and is replaced by tivjM dc cheuc and straw of all kinds. Notwithstanding the growing popularity of bonnets, there is much to bo admired in ll:o round hats of the period. Their crowns are higher than ever, in some instances hav ing a, brigand appearance. The brims are also very broad, and not turned up as much as before. For trimming many of them have a wreath of flowers encircling the crown and trailing down on the shoulder of the wearer. Suits have not undergone much change unless in regard to still more elahorato trimming of the same material as the garment itself. Uniformity of color is perceptible in all the new toilets. Some pretty contrasts of black and white, how ever, are in vogue and will be much worn this spring. The material for suits is mostly confined still to silks of all kinds, e ven to small checked and striped specimens of silk. Nankeen, foulard, pique, and white Swiss will be also popular this season. Formir.ss Monroe, March 11. Yes terday morning the deputy Sheriff of Filizabeth City couuty went out to the Celey Smith farm, il miles from Hamp ton, to put a man who had purchased the farm in possession but ho was resis ted by the colored squat ters. To-day Captain Fitlow, the Sheriff, summoned a posse of about fifty men and went out to eject tho squatters. The Sheriff' hailed the party near the farm went forward ami reasoned with them to try and make them leave peaceably. He found some two hundred men and women well armed and concluded it was folly to attack them. The Sheriff had five or six shots pass close by him, but fortunately escaped un hurt, aud all reached Hampton iu safety. He has called on the Governor for assis tance. Qnixcv, Tll., March 24. A terrible railroad accident occurred yesterday after noon, near the depot of the Chicago, Burlington and Quiuey railroad. A freight train coming down grade broke in two, the brakesman being on the detached portion. The engineer reversed his locomotive too suddenly, tho cylinder heads were blown out, and the train rushed forward into an accommodation train just enter ing the depot. All the passengers of the latter jumped off in safety except three and these were caught iu the platforms and shockingly crushed. One of them has died and another is not expected to recover, The third is maimed for life. The cause of the mishap was a faulty coupling iron. JC' The New York Sun. says Three months ago Harmon A. 'Block, n poor German emigrant, was robbed of $o07 by the Hon. John Leary, a gentleman coiuinauding some political influence. Mr. Leary was arrested, and immedi ately released on bail. The poor German was thrown into the dismal House of Dentcntion, and there he has remained ever since. The case yesterday was called for trial in tho Gourt of General Sessions. But the trial was postponed Mr. Leary walked off with his political friends, and the poor German was re manded to prison. Meanwhile his wife and children arc starving in Hamburg. Is there any city but New York in the United States where a robber is releasud and his victim scut to prison ? ItfiS' Snuff or dust of any hind, nW strain, canst it', or poisonous solutions uif ijravatc Catarrh ami drier it to the luiits. Dr. Sages Catarrh Bemedy Cures Catarrh by its mild, soothing, cleansing and hml inj properties Each package prepares otic pint of the Remedy ready for use, and costs only fifty cents. Sold by druggists or send sixty cents to It. . Fierce, M. 1)., Buffalo, N. Y., and get it by rotarn mail. fit Thos. Reardon, who murdered Mrs. Tobiu at Fordsvillo, Pa., on tho 14th inst., was arrested last week at Cincin Miscellaneous News Items. tU The only bodies recovered from the wreck of tho Oneida aro those of Captain Williams and the ship-carpenter. VS" A cobweb wedding was celebrated in Iowa tlw: oilier day. Mr. Joseph Colib was united in marriage to Miss Kate Webb. 13?" A boiler at a coal breaker near Min ersvillo exploded on the 22d inst.. killing three boys instantly, and wounding ten other of the hands. ?" Afire at. Ycddo, on the 4th and Mb of February, destroyed from four to five thousand houses, the American Consulate narrowly escaping destruction. CjS" Great complaint is inado in Ran Francisco of the delay in trying criminals. About two hundred prisoners, of whom seventeen are charged with capital oil'enses, are awaiting trial. CS'" Twenty-four female operatives in a manufacturing establishment in New York which took fire last week, had a nar row escape with life, several having cloth ing burned from their persons. ETJ7" In the Superior Court, at Boston, last week, John Reed was convicted of snatching a package of money from a mer chant's clerk on the stairway of the First National Bank, and sentenced to twelve years in the State Prison. ti?" Commissioner Delano persists that furmpi'M Npllinn tiller Timilnce tVrini wao'ons or stalls in cities must pay the special tax as brokers. The Committee of Ways and Means, it is thought, will strike out this legal feature from the Internal Revenue bill. CfF Tho Chancellor of New Jersey has decided, in the case of Martin's Executors vs. Martin, that both the principal and in terest due on the niortgago made and dated prior to February 2o, 1802, the date of the legal tender act, must bo paid in gold and silver coin, if required by the mortgagee, and the decree was made accordingly. t2T A singular phenomenon occurred at Sr. John's N. B., at the commencement of the storm on the 18th inst. A rumbling was heard, and immediately afterward a por tion of the bottom of the harbor on the Carlton side sunk bodily ; so where before at low tide was bench, is now twenty feet of water. Some of tho wharves were de stroyed and lumber carried adrift. US" A den of counterfeiters hasbeen dis covered at Snake Hill, N.J. Tho plates for a $20 counterfeit bill were seized. A man named A. El won was arrested with $120 in spurious bank bills, all twenties on tho National Bank of L'ticn, N. Y., and National Bank of the city of New York, lie was held in $ii000 bail. Mr. Cornelius Carmack. of Hawkins, Tenn., died suddenly on Monday. His wife had prepai-ed some poisoned bread for rats, and had placed it for a few minutes in the press. The oM gentleman was in the act of starting to Rogersville, and went to t he press and ate tho bread, lie travelled n few miles on his journey, when ho was taken suddenly sick, and returning home died that night. ZW A negro woman in Virginia, 71 years old recently took it into her iiead to learn to read write and cypher ; so sho entered a school, and regularly every day brought ten cents which sho paid to the teacher. She got along very well until near the close of the second week, when sho "missed her lesson," and was ignominiously kept in during rceess, much to her chagrin and greatly to her disappointment at not being permitted to "play wid do rest of tho children." t7f Sarah and Laura Haines, mother and daughter, were recently arrested in Phil adelphia, on a charge of swindling. Last January they took hoard r.t 1U15 Locust street. They represented to tho landlady that they were wealthy, and that they were about to inherit a very largo fortune. They run up a board bill of !?!S00, and be sides this they ordered at several establish ments largo quantit ies of embroideries and under clothing, At a store ou Chestnut street, they got measured for a thousand dollars' worth of underwear They suc ceeded in getting twenty-five dollars' worth of it without pay. JESitf A special dispatch from Manches ter, Ohio, says that on Saturday last whilo J. C. lUiinehart, a school teacher, and E. J. Council, a carpenter, were walking on tho highway, they wero met by a drunken man named James IJubb, who drew a pistol and shot Council dead. Rhinohart drew a pistol and shot Hubb through tho body. Before Iluhb fell he returued Khineharts fire, mortally woun ding him. llhiuchart and Hubb died in a few minutes. Tho Grand Jury have found a true bill against John 1 anion alias Chas. E. Harris, charging him with the murder of Mary Mohrmann. This, our readers will remember, is a case, where a ehild was found murdered and outraged in Philadelphia, tho body then being thrown in a mud hole. The prisoner was suspoeted nt tho time, and recent events have made it evident that ho is the guilty person. Tho murder was committed in September, 1868, and the fellow is uow in prison for committing an outrage on auother child. 1 A IN-KILL IS 11. Wli ASK ATTENTION TO THIS I'KKIVAI.fiD. Family Medicine ! Tlie Pain KW.fr Is, by universal ooini'iit, allowed to liave won for it -elf a reputation iiinnrpasscd In tlie history of ineiliroial preparation-). 1 1 n instan taneoits cllctl In tlie entire cwliniiiou uml extinc tion of l'ain, in all Us various fornw. imv.di'iilal to the human family, anil l.u: untune. '."d wi itku and vei lial t"-.tiinony of tlie n.a vie.i iu its favor, liavt been, and are, Its own lio-st advertisement. For evidence in favor of tlie l'nin Klllr for Mini.deis' Sole i'luoat or lii oncliit.is, lead the fol lowing: liKSTS. Tlie Ptiin Killer Ian luen a constant rc cupant of our house, lor over two jears, and a por tion el tlie time it lias hern the oaiy medicine cu ller our roof, thirdly vver do 1 i.ave my children eoniphiin ot beiiii; ssui;, wiihout li.iv.uy them ask in the name sentence for l'ain Kiher. For several years before I bei aaui acquainted wit li tlie l'ain Kliier, I had suhcicd a utcul deal from an atlectam ni my tliroaL, lumbal by sonio physicians to be liroucllitis, by olhers to be what is eailed ilini.-:lers' tioie Thun.t. At onu time it was so severe Unit 1 was obliged lo (jive up pieai ll lii'.!. Within a lew inonlhs alter 1 had become ac quainted with tue l'ain Kiiler, 1 luul another attack from that di.sliu.unig complaint. J na d my new found medicine, and, to my astonishment and de light, it produced a wonderfully seotUiiut; elleet. iu u short time 1 was wholly lei.eve.l. binee thai tune I have had a number of utlaeKs of tlie sam nature, anil the l'ain Killer liat aiviay.i aiiordc.l in relief. About one year since, luy woe beeame sub ject lo severe sulleriiig fioni l:houiiiai,.-m; our re sort, as usual, was lo the l ain Ji.ii.ei, uiiiuk would always relieve her. 1 have not time now to say more, as I could with a hearty good will, and always hao done. In praise of the l'ain Killer. If this laHtily written letter, In commendation of l'erry ;ivis' valuable medicine, will be of any service, you uie at liberty to do with I' ;u you please. Very truly yours, Lilt; Alt CADY, Owatonua, Minnesota, Missinnnry nj the, A. J!. Jjiiic Mi.mioii Sjefci(. March H. lin If. lllSSELL, No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Conuncreo, PHILADELPHIA, Importer and Dealer in FINE WATCHES, French and American Clocks, GOLD JSWBLEY AND SILVER-WARE. J in i le.iiiiu .uieiiuoii j,iiu 10 riuu vwuci and Clock Impairing. S- Agent for KTKVHNS' PATENT TVKKKT CLOCK, tlie best and cheapest 'turret Clock in thu I'nited States. 66' Inquiries by mail for Information regarding Clocks or Watches will be elieerludy answered. Philadelphia, mildly Tho Cheapest Paper in the State ! I5KKSONS wauling a good family newspaper, Independent in polities, should subscribe lor " The Jlioowjield Times," published weekly at New llloomlield, Penn'a. JOaeh number contains choice selected or original Stories, Anecdotes. Local and .Miscellaneous News, l arni and Agricultural information, and such a variety of interesting and instructive reading mat ter that as A CHEAP FAMILY PAPER, It cannot he excelled. H is issued in (Quarto form, containing l'orty Columns, and is mailed to sub scribers for One Dollar a Year In Advance. Specimen copies mailed to any address, on receipt of a two-cent stamp for postage. Address: I'ltAXK MOliTlMKll, A io MwinJlclU, 1'cnn'a. CABRWGE HARDWARE S P II I X G S , 1) O L T S , 31 A L L E A 15 L K CASTINGS, and a full assortment of the latest Improved Carriage Hardware, For sale by V. MOltTIMER & CO rpiIU subscribers keen constantly ou hand, JL FINK AS.S011T.MKM' OF F It IJ X C II C A L F S KIX 8, PJXK LLVIXGS, ROANS, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS., AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers.. K. MORTIMER CO. SEED POTATOES. rrMIK Riibscrlber lias for sale a few bushels of i tho Celebrated Harrison Potato, at St 00 per bushel. This Potato cannot be excelled for a pro line, yield, or for labia use. Orders may bo left at tho store of F. Mortimer & Co., New llloomlield, Pa., or at tho residence of tho ubsoribr, in Carroll township, this county. J. P. DONbKV.