8 M. EliY, Wholcsalo and Retail Dealer in DRUG AND MEDICINES, OliomicsilH, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendicl Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BRUSHES, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices tW Orders from Physicians promptly attended to with great care. 33- EBY, Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. PHOTOGRAPHS ! Photographs! Photographs! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. miTK subscriber would rcsnectfullv call the at- 1. tentinn of tho citizens of this county to the fact that he is prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHS in the best stylo of the art. His long experience enables liiiu to produce PICTURES WHICH CANNOT BB EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will bo taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of fran.es always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Nowport, Terry Co., Pa. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! A. CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on band, from which to select. Clothing Heady MADE Made ORDER- ILOTIIINtt READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. F. Mortimer P Co., March. 10, '69. New Bloomfteld, Pa. SIX AILS! A Splendid Assortment of SHAWLS For Fall and Winter Wear are now offered by tho subscriber at res? LOW PRICES. CALL AND MIAUINM TUB STOCK. T. MORTIMER & CO., New BloomfkiVL mi GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY-COODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN CROCERIES. A Great Variety of Notions, AT VERY LOW PRICES. A Fine Assortment of Hardware CHEAP EOR CASH. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, QUEENSWARE, STATIONERY, And a great variety of other goods, all of which will ho sold IT G 1113 AT BARGAINS. F, Joriimer sfc Co. S'cw ISloomficld. THE BEST IK USE THE PAR HAM NEW FAMILY Sowing Machine. IT combines all the best features of other good machines, witli New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE E A HI EST AND MOST (JUIET RUNNING as well as tho Most Simple Machine in list. IT WILL HEM IT WILL BRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will uso either Hilk, Cotton, or Linen Thread witli equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal ofllee of tho company is at No, 704 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale in Terry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., Now Bloomfield. ia-The lmJiic are invited to call at either of the above place and tee a Machine in operation. w ALL PAPERS AND BORDERS. A Pino Assortment of spring styles ars now for sale bjr the subserlliers at low prices. r. UO&TIURII t co., Now Ulootn field HATS & CAPS of all orts and sizes, suitable for men and .boys, for sale b F, MOltXJMER & CO. Tht Reel Excellence tnd Cheepneti of our Cloth ing it tho only seeret of our great suocess. Wo ns unno bt "U wool" koihIs, Try piece of whfch It well sponged, ond carefully examined. Our cutters of Ready made Clothing are inch as conl'l work in othor ..tabiifthmeiitii on Cue tom Woik; their work combtuos conifurt with tylo. Our hands ero supplied with the best trimmings, ami wo see that tiioy inn them, ond every article le thoroughly tttstett be fore being put iuto stock. Every garmont sold Is ac companied with it legal Ituarantc e, holding ue re sponsible for tlm cor rectness of all the rep resentations made. It It conceded that our largo business and many other advantage!, enablo ue to aetl lower titan any other bouse. We invite a fair companion of prices. FALL AND WINTER OF 1869. Wo hT. made tho GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberless Qarmentt, Endless Variety, Choioest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods, lr All our goods are marked at Lowkr Pbicbs tliau wr the mime articles loot your. AND DEPAMaarf FOR BOYS' 1BD YOUTHS' ZiS Aro especially well praparod to (ivo satisfaction. New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatoh, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. IIS LASQIST I TSI 8TATZ, 1 1 cor. 6tl k MARKET VS., PHILADELPHIA. (Embracing whole block on 0th from (Market to Minor. FUMTS t ruitfrs ! FOR PURE WATER, USE TUB CKLKHItATKD CUCU5IKKU IIT3I1 Made of wild Cunninber wood, en tlrnlv taxli'lesx. dxtralili' awl relialilu: tlit, olil-fasliioned wooden tiunili. made by machinery, and therefore perfect and accurate in all Its parts, 1:1 inl nir an eniial amount of water. and costing less than half the money. Best and Cheapest. CHARLES G. BLATCHLEY, MiNurAirruuER. A. Ofilco and Ware-room, Nos. fi24 anil fi2ti Filbert Street. 3 32 6m61 PHILADELPHIA, PA. if-These Pumps can bo ordered of the Manu facturer, or r. Mortimer Co., piew luoomneiu. M U S IL. I TV S ! 10 4 Sheeting Muslin, 9 8 Sheeting Muslin, 5 4 Pillow Coso Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Case Muslin, 4 4 Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Shirtiug Muslin, 94 Sheeting Linen, For sals at the lowest price by, F. Mortimer k Co. Sew Bloemfleli. ' .., TRrs;siS32 Easily arranged so as 10 do 11011 2iV4.rffiS free.fng, and In construction sosim-K-S '. ';yi pie that any onfl can put it up awl ShPil'MK Ktfip it in repair. Alter thorough E ;'"'i-fil-ivi5 trial It is acknowledged tho mm as7- ! THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES CALENDAR. ! h; s;; "!: OS C 5 a; 5: si b: C: O: X: k; JANUARY, 1 7: 8 14: 15 oj : 03 S : ii'l 3: 4: 5 lit: 11 j Vi 17; 1: l'J 0i li 'M t: 111: !3: i- 25 : 30i lj ... : ... , 1- 3 : 7: Hj U 13: Hi 15: 111 FEBRUARY, 3 4: 5 10! 11: 13 17: IS: 111 24: 25: 20 'M ; 21; 27 28i 23: MARCH, l: 2 3: 4: 5 8! l: 10- HI 13 15: Hi: 17: 18: l'J 22: 23 24: 25: 20 21): 30; 3l ... ... 1: 2 : 7; 13: 14: 20: Bi: 27- 38; ""3: '4": 10; llj APRIL, B: 0: 12; Id; 10; 20; 7: 8: 0 14: 15: 10 21; 22- 23 28; 2'j; 30 17; 18 24; 25; 20; 2 MAY, 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; fi; 7 8: j: 10: 11: 12: 13; 14 15 llij 17: 18: l'J: 20; 21 22: 23 24; 25- 20; 27; 28 2ltj 30! 31: : i; 2; 3; 4 5: 0: 7: 8: 9; 10: 11 12: 13; 14; 15; 10; 17; 18 l'j: 20: 21: 22: 23; 24- 25 26; 27; 2s; 29; 30; ...; ... 1: 2 3: 4; 5; ; 7: 8; 9 10 11: 13- 13; 14; 15- 18 JUNE, JULY, 17: 18: nr. 20: 21 23: 23 24: 25: 26 ; 27: 28; 29 ; 30 AUGUST, .. ': 1 ': 2-: 3: 4; 5; 0 7: 8: 9: 10: 11 ; 13; 13 14: 15: 16: 17: 18; 19- 20 21 : 22: 23; 24'; 25; 20; 27 28 29; 30 ; 31- : : : i: 2; 3 4: 5 : fi: 7; 8; 9; 10 li: 12: 13: 14: 15: 10: 17 18: 19: 20: 2li 22: 23: 24 25; 26; 27; 2s; 29; 30; ... . ...... 1 2: 3: 4; 5; ; 7; 8 9: 10: 11 ; 12; 13: 14: 15 10: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21 : 22 23 24 25; 26; 27; 28- 29 30; 81- ..: : l: 2: 3: 4: 5 0 ; 7; 8: : 10; 11: 12 13: 14: 15: lfi: 17: 18: 19 20: 21: 22: 23: 24; 25; 20 27; 28- 29; 30 ; ...: ... ; ... 1:2:3 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10 11: 12: 13; 14; 15; 16; 17 18: iy: 20; 21 ; 23; 23- 24 25 26: 7: 28; 29; 30; 31 SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, Professional Cards. -t- T McTxTTT? k Attorney at Law, and DIs 1 S.-triet Attorney of Perry county. Oltlco with J. T. Mclittirc. New Hloomllehl, Penn'a. WM. N. 8EIBERT. Attorney at-Law. New Bloomlield, Perry co., Ta. JUoouinclil, an )y. "T T"M. M. SUTCH. Attomey-at-Law, ana Mill W tary Claim Agent itiooiiuieio. irii v cii.. 1 ,v. -Ofllee Two doors West of h Mortimer's I Store 3 7 ly WM. A. KPONSLEH, Attorney-at-I.aw, Ofllee adjoining his residence, on East Main street, new isioonuieiu, 1 erry ci., 1 u. o t. ij SII. OALHKA1TH. Attorney-at-Law, . New Hloonilicld, Perry co.. Pa. Ma- Pensions. Hountles. Hack Pav. and ail Claims against the (iovernment, promptly collect ed, omcu with Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLEE MURRAY, Attomey-at-Law, and Real o Estate Agent, rew moonmcKi, 1 erry uu., 1 i. M r- Olllee with Hon. H. V. Junkin. South Car lisle street, New Hlomlleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CIHAS. A. HARNETT. Attomey-at-Law, j New Hloonilleld, Perry CO., Pa. a.uniee aitjoinmg Aiorinner s Bioru. j & iy -rx c. I.ONC. Attornev-at-Law. J2j, New Hloomllcld, Perry co., Pa. umce oneitoor west 01 nioriimer s store. iy. CIIAS. J. T, Mi'INTlltE, Attorney-at-Law, New Hloonilleld, Perry co.. Pa. All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. IEWIS POTTER, Attomey-at-Law, J New Hloomllehl, Perry CO., Pa. r onlce live Uoors west 01 sutctrs hotel. 3 2 iy. JOHN G. S1IATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Hloomtleld, l'erry co.. Pa. Vl-AU klnils of Mcclianleal anil Kurgicat nen tlstry done in the best manner, and at reasonable rices. OlUce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. THE greatest success Is attending the publica tion of BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAOAZINB of any perldlcal In the world. Each number eon- HUMS UNK Ml'NDllKU l'AOES OI 10 CllOlCOSt StOl'IOS. I'oems sun Kiigravings, or iwki.ve hundhkd 1'auks every year for SI.. rA being fully tlirec-fourtbs w large as as either of tho four-dollar Magazines. M aooui one-aura ineir price. V1. KU) it the time to Mbtcribe.t& Tikms. $1.50 a year; 7 copies, S9; 13 copies, f li i-Soud stamp for specimen copy and propectus to BLLIOTT THOlfES A TALBOT. PuUithrt,Biln,U9H. Perry County Bank! Kj4.sln JtiiiUIia fc Co. T11K undersigned, having formed a Hanking As social inn tinder the above name ami stylo, at now ready to do a General Hanking business at their new Hanking House, 011 Centre Square, OPPOSITK THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount Holes for a period of net over 60 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months: and for four months four per cent. We arc well provided witli all and every facility for doing a Hanking Business; and know ing, and for some years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of tills County labored forth want of a Hunk of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want sand this being the first Hank ever established In Peny county, w hope we will be sustained In our efforts, by all th business men, fanners and mechanics. Tills Hanking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. A. Ki-onsi.kk, Hloomllcld, Pcrrv county, Pa. H. V. .It MKIN, " " A. (. Miu.Kit. Shlppensburg, Cumberland eoVa. John Wonhkuuih, " " " 1IKNKY Jit 11V. " " " Wm. H. Stu.i.Kit, Carlisle, " " OFFK'I'.IW: W. A. SPONSLER, Prcsi'denl. William Willis, Canhier. New Hloomllcld, 3 5 ly WXit CLAIM AND Insurance Agency ! rpiIE undcrBlj:ncd, is Agent for the follow 4 S lowing weii-Kuowu inuiaucu vuuii'ujjicb iETNA, Of Hartford, Connecticut. NORTH AMERICAN, Of Philadelphia, To. HOME, Of New Haven-, Connecticut. FARMER'S MUTUAL, Of York County, Pa. Pennsylvania Horse Thief Detecting AND Insurance Company, Of York County, Ps. It you have a House, Darn or Furniture tlmt is not Insured against Loss by Fire or a Ilorte that is not insured against loss by thclt or death, cull on or write at once to tho undersigned. Also Pensions, Bounties and nil kinds of War Claims Collected TB If you have a claim against the Govern meat or have made application for Pension or Bounty, which you have not received, call on or write to tiie undersigned at once. LEWIS POTTER, War Claim and Insurance Agency, NEW 15LOOMFIKLD, PA. niooiiilield, January 1, 109.-3.2. ly KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. IIOUS E K E E P K 11 8 will tlnd the KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help In cleaning their houses. It is tho Original and Only Genuine Paint Cleaner anil Restorer, anil will clean mors paint and do it better than any other Soup Kver JI ndc! It will clean and pollsli Marble. It will clean amU origliten Kino Hrass. Copper and all Metalie Ware anil will remove all ralnt, I'lteli, Jar, (iiease, ink K i V.'irnlli or nnv uttier dirt, friiin tlm liiinils. It tiie only Soap for cleaning Windows or any kind o EARTilERN WARE. All other Moans that art advertised to do the same are IMITATIONS of un Soap, and will not compare with THE GREAT LABOR-SAVING KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP! i-Try It and vou will liko It Ask for th "Kitchen Crystal Soap," and take no other. Al tirocers sell it. EASTMAN & BROOKE, 431 North Third Street Philadelphia Sole Proprietor! and Manufacturers aTho above Is for sale by K. Mortimer & Co New Hloomllcld, Pa. 3313m. Judson's Self-WashingBoilef rTIIIK BEST WASHINCi-MACHlNEInexistenc I -,!.., ...... ull , I,., l.,K.,r 1' 11 A uniiyri, 7)1 h'iwi inj 1,1. ,... ,...,.., nap and more than 'A the wear of Clothes. V Agents wanted in every town. Order troniptly lilled, when accompanied by Cash, or Kpress station sent C. O. 1). I Kpr THUMAH llli,l, B. W. Cor. llrth and Arch street, mi PHILADELPHIA. Other papers wishing to insert this adve VllvCIIIWilb Will lillUIOBB X-. JUUn,.',l, J vorUtinc Agent, im Lancaster Atouoo, l'kU4l