The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 22, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    l)c mcs, New BloomfkliV $Ja.
The Vloomfield Times
Tuesday, March 22, IS TO.
LOCAL 1) IJ I' A Ii T M B X T.
Are One Dollar a Year In Advance I
Persons wln receive :i paper witli this nrlicle
m u ko I. may kn v tli.ry shr.ild renew their
s.uiser.ptioii, ii lacy wish to cjiiuiiuo to receive
Tim l'imcx.
COn RESPONDENTS will please bear in
mind truer received later than Saturday eve
nini!, or Hie down mail on Monday morning liiivc
1 j lay ovi'i' until the following wcck.
iaoc3Jtfl3tnpmaasKaaKswrTanii limn wwm
Answbii to Kmoma in No. 1). The Parham sew
ing Machine.
We have received throe enigmas, two of which
are t ij long, mi l tir! other h:n seera! errors 111 it.
Consequently i'.iii publish none ot them.
Subscribers giving notice of change of
residence, should state the ollico to which
their paper lias been mailed, as well as the
ollico to which they wish it sent in future.
Tiic Largest Newspaper Mnil which goes
to any one linn in this country, is received
by G. P. Kowell & Co., New York Adver
ising Agents. Their place of business is
at No. 40 Park How.
yk Twenty Dollar Durg. A dog that
sucked eggs, and belonging to John Baker
of Spring township, was shot by a neigh
bor upon whose premises he depredated,
and the owner now demands the above
price. This the shooter refuses to pay and
tlio consequence is a law-suit is likely to
To Correspondents. The letter giving
" advice to the citizens of Duncannon. &c.,
we think best not to publish. If our corre
spondent is troubled by boys stealing his
marketing, the best way is to have those
boys arrested and punished, and not make
a charge quite so sweeping as that contain
ed in his letter.
Council Meeting. Notice is hereby giv
en that the last meeting of the present bor
ough council will be held to-morrow (Wed
nesday) evening, at the office of C. A. IJar
nett, Esq. All persons having unsettled
bills, or business with the council are re
quested to be present.
F. MOKTIMEK, Burgess.
Vm. M. Svtch, Secretary.
Large Kcceipts. By a report of the re
ceipt for premiums of nine of the principal
Insurance Companies in Hartford, Connec
ticut, wo seo that the receipts of the .Etna
are nearly equal to all the other eight put
together, thus showing how popular that
company is. Lewis Potter, of this bor
ough, is their agent, and if in want of in
surance for any kind of property, call on
him and ask for a policy in the vEtna Insu
rance Co., of Hartford.
PThfi Storm of last Tuesday night was the
most severe of any we have had during the
winter. On Wednesday morning the large
quantity of snow that had fallen was tcrri- I
bly drifted, making travel almost impossi-
ble, and for several days some of tho roads j
were nearly impassible. The quantity of
snow that fell was enough to cover the
ground to the depth of about 17 inches on
a level, but the warm sun of Thursday and
Friday took it away so rapidly that by Sat
urday last, sleighing was "played out,"
and traveling on wheels was anything but
Iiloomfleld Academy. The present pro
pi letor of this institution seems determined
to meet the demands of the public
in every particular, and to offer all pos
sible inducements to parents to depend up
on this school for the education of their chil
dren. After the first of April, music, draw
ing and oil-painting will bo taught there.
The department being under the charge of
Miss Lottio E. Dodge, a graduate of Gene
see Musical Institute, and a young lady
who has had some experience and comes
highly recommended. Wo trust the citi
zens of this county will give Mr. Grier their
hearty support.
Coal Oil Explosions. Hardly a day pass
es without some person being injured by
tho explosion of coal oil lamps. These ac
cidents are always caused by carelessness,
or poor oil. To guard against tho laltor
cause is very easy, by testing tho oil in tho
following simple manner : Put a little hot
water in a vessel and then let it stand until
when tried by a thermometer, it indicates a
heat of 1 10 degrees. Then pour a spoonful of
oil on the water and touch a match to it. If
tho oil instantly blazes, it Is not safe to use,
and is of a quaility no person has a right to
sell. Use oil that will stand this test and
1111 your lamps every morning, and coal oil
' it as safe an any other light.
The IlodlcH of the Condemned. The
Huntingdon Globe Fays tin some may be
curious to know what disposition has lieen
mndo of the bodies of Buhner and Uodcn
burg, we relate. On 'Wednesday Sherill"
Neety had appointed two colored men to
bury them. They took the bodies to an
open lot in tlio northeast portion of the
town in the evening, but both the grave
diggcrsgot drunk and left tho job before
it was completed, and neither of the bodies
were buried. On Thursday morning the
Sheriff appointed another party to finish
it, but while doing so the borough authori
ties interfered and would not allow them
to be buried within tho borough limits.
The bodies were then taken to a Held a
short distance from town where they were
interred, with nothing but tlio mound to
mark the spot.
A Very Singular circumstance occurred
near Mount Holly, on last Friday. Mr.
Kawn started to tho South Mountain, on
tlio morning of that day, with two horses
and a wagon to bring a load of wood ; not
returning in the evening, his brother and
some others started in search of him, fearing
that ho had met with some accident, and
was unable to return. On arriving at tho
place they found tho horses unhitched
and tied to the wagon, tho tree cut down,
and the axo laid on the hounds of the
wagon, but no traces were found of the
driver. The woods were scoured in all di
rections until a late hour of the night, and
resumed early on Saturday morning, with
out success. On Saturday evening a dis
patch was received by a friend of tho
missing man, stating that he had lost his
way in the woods, and was in Waynesboro',
Franklin county on his way home. Car
lisle Herald.
Ch itrch A' t i ces .
In the Presbyterian Church prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on
Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock.
In the Beformed Church, prayer-meeting
on Thursday evening ; preaching at 10 a. m.
on Sunday next.
In the Lutheran Church prayer meeting
on Wednesday evening ; pleaching next
Sabbath at 10 a. m.
Our Legislature has passed a bill
making it a penal oll'eneo for persons who
sell milk to adulterate the same with water.
A person that does so, shall be barred
from any right to recover pay for the same.
Any person convicted of selling impure
adulterated or unwholesome milk shall pay
a line of not less than fifty dollars or in
prisoiiniont for not less than thirty days, or
All who examine tho Parham machine arc
much pleased with it. It runs so easy and
still, and makes such pretty work, that a
'person who wants a machine will buy no
other kind, after having seen tho Parham.
See advertisement in another column.
For the IV.oomfiM Times.
Newport, March 10, 1870.
Mr. Editor The "Purinr' ball on Fri
day night in Keim's Hall was tho great
sensation of this season, in Newport. The
17th and 18th of March being the days
upon which the Jews celebrate tho Feast of
Purini, our young citizens, although not all
Jews, concluded to celebrate the occasion
by a social hop on that evening. Being an
invited guest, your correspondent had the
extreme pleasure of being present, and en
joying the sweet music by "Zikolf's Band,"
led by a young gentleman of our borough,
of much musical ability, and whose smiling
countenance alwas puts us iu mind of a full
moon on a "bender." Tho beauty and
elite of tho place were present in force, but
Mr. O. II , with his lavender kids, could
not bo seen, his place, however, was well
filled, by the gent with tho huge but ele
gant " Napoleonic moustache." Tho ''Mer
chant from Venice" looked bold but ele
gant in his blue Chesterlield, with brass
buttons, and his commanding voice, as he
called tho figures, rang like tho clarion
notes of somo lone night guardian upon
tho streets of Lancaster, on a cold, frosty
night. Tho warrior from Howe township,
looked his best, also, as in fact, did all tho
But the ladies! How can we describe tho m.
How can any one dojustico to their elegant
toilets ! Those graceful movements, those
smiling countenances, those those
but we can write no more our mind
is carried away by tho remembrance of
that sight. That beautiful blonde, with
powdered hair. Oh ! my
"You may break, you may shatter
Tho vase, If you will.
Hut the scent of the roses
Will hang round It still."
Seo that fair haired youth, with tho blue
neck-tio ns ho lays his arm so gracefully
round her waist ! Don't we wish wo were
fair-haired too. Oh I for a blonde. Oh!
for another Purim ball, and wo'll win that
girl or die 1 You bot. Hrpoutku.
Quite an extended revival is in
at tlio Uethel Church, at Carlisle.
Selling eggs by weight is the topic now
agitating somo sections. No doubt it would
lie the most equitable way to disposo of
The Peoples' Union Bank, the new bank
just started at Newvillo have elected Wm.
M. Marshall, formerly of Hagerstown, for
their cashier.
Peoplo who have to change their resi
dence by tho 1st of April, will have a
rough time moving. Already quite a num
ber of ilittings have passed through town.
Putting powder in a pipe of smoking to-
haeco, is a joke recently played on a young
man at Blue Ball, burning his face consid
erably. He failed to sec where the laugh
came in. ' It does not require any high or
der of intellect to play such tricks.
ie Western Fever seems to be troub
ling many persons this spring. Last week
three more citizens of Juniata township,
left calculating to locate in Illinois.
On Monday of last week a soldier named
Thompson, deserted from the Carlisle Bar
racks, taking with him a dark bay horse,
belonging to tlio livery stable of G. W.
PA calf weighing 78 pounds, when it. was
three hours old, is now in the stable of
Thos. Sutch of this borough. Can any
one in the county report ono as large?
OBob. Akcr who has in times past, given
mis county so mucn irouoie, ooes not seem
to like his quarters in Dauphin County jail,
and last week came near making his es
cape. His preperations were, however, dis
covered in time, and ho was removed to
another cell.
Xbe largo quantity of Flax used for
maKing switcnes lor itwiies Jiairiias allectcd
the prieo of linen goods. In the city of
New York alone more than ono thousand
girls are employed in combing and pre
paring llax to imitate hair.
A VeryProspcrous Company. The Con
tinental Life Insurance Company, of New
York, although in cxistance less than four
years has eclipsed many companies organ
ized several years prior to it. About twenty-two
thousand policies have been issued
since 1800, the year of its formation, and in
180!) alono nearly nine thousand policies
were taken. This is certainly a gratifying
exhibit and speaks volumes for the com
pany and its officers. The Continental Life
has established a reputation over which
none of its rivals can claim just precedence.
The Pennsylvania central a-rcnev of the
company (in which this county is embra
ced) is under the supervision of J. F. Eaton,
of llarrisburg, whoso admirable manage
ment and personal exertions have been pro
ductive of the most gratifying results. Tho
following certificate will show with what
fidelity and promtitudo tho Continental
Life discharges its obligations :
John C. Flickinger, of Shippcnsburg,
whose life was insured in tho .Continental
Lite Insurance Company, of New York,
for $5,000, by policy No. 0,203, dated Sep
tember 12, 18(18, having died, this is to'cer
tify that as the lawful holder and owner of
said policy, I have this day received, from
the stiid Continental Life Insuraneo Com
pany, tho sum of live thousand dollars in
settlement and full satisfaction of all claims
under the same.
Witness my hand, this twelfth day of
March, ono thousand eight hundred and
Jacob Fmckinokti,
Sale bills, or any kind of job printing
done promptly at this ollico.
Tribute of respect.
At a nieetingot the " Millerstown Zouave Hand."
March 12. 1S70. the follow in;: preamble and resolu
tions of respect, were passed:
Wuhiihas. (iod iu His wis'lom has removed from
among us. SI1I1TKN HOLlSHl 11'1'LK, therefore
J".mheil. That we recognize the hand of an all
wise Providence, who tikes from among us to
teach us that one by ono, our days are being num
bered. Jl.'mlivd, That in his death, we have lost a
worthy member.
Jt-.mlml, That we wear a badge of mourning for
thirty days.
li-Milwd. That a copy of these resolutions be
sent to the friends of the deceased, and to the
county papers tor publication.
ii. S. GOODMAN, )
D. It. (1 AK1.K. (Committee.
J. 1'. UOPPLK, )
Apams '.Jki.iiacii On the 11th insr.. at the resi
dence of tiio bride's mother, In Duneanucn, by the
Kev. W. 1). C. lindrock, Mr. Frank Adams, ol Jlar
risbiirg, to Miss Sidney tielbach.
(iii.HKiiT On tlio 2sth ult., Ill Juniata township,
Charley Gilbert, son of Ivl and Salllti J. Smith,
aged 1 year, and 3 mouths.
Alas ! how chang'd that lonely llow'r
Which blooin'd and eheer'd our hearts;
Fair, fleeting comfort of an hour,
How soon wo'ie called to part. In Jackson township on the 13th Inst.,
Mr. l'elor Shearer in tho 83d year of his age.
Ktamhai'oii In Spring township near F.lllotts
burg, on the 151 Ii Inst.. Mrs. Catherine, wife of
Martin Stanibaugh, aged 37 years, 11 months und
15 days.
SOLDI Kits DISC1I AMGKD for sickness or other
cause, who enlisted before Julv 22, 1H01, for 3
years, will leeelve Motility now due 'them, or their
heirs, by making immediute application, either In
person or by letter to
New llloouilleld.
; Marub. 22, IS70.3U Ferry County, Pa.
. County Price Current.
lirxiOMi'iEU), March 22. 1870
l'lax-Sced 2 w
llutter V pound,
Kggs V dozen,
Dried Apples V pound,....
Dried reaches
1'ealed Teaches
Onions -jft bushel,
25 cents.
28 "
18 "
6 "
K 10cts,llb,
, JMtlScts, "
5 t!) 0 els, "
, 1820cts, "
10rt, "
Corrected Weekly by (IrtQlth Jonrs.)
DL'Ni'a.nxon, March 21, 1870,
White Wheat 81 15
Mod Wheat, 1 05
Myo 7r
Corn, 75 W
Oats, 82 pounds Hew 42
Ground Aliinin tail Sack, 2 GO
Llineburnrr's Coal
htove Coal 6 CO
Smith Coal, 25 ets.ybus.
Iron V Cwt 4 50
Kails V Keg 4 50
Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kmujh A Sonn.
Ai'.wi'Oia, March 21, 1870.
l'lour, Kxtra 4 4 75
lteil Wheat 1 00 1$ 1 00
Hye 80
Corn 00 70
Oats V o2 pounds 40
Clover Seed 7 00 (jl 00
Timothy Seed, 3 Gi)
i'lax Seed 1 75
Potatoes 30 6 30
(Jroiiiid Aluhin Salt,.. 2 75
Limeburncr's Coal, 2 40
Stove Coal G 00 7 00
Pea Coal 3 40
Smith Coal, 25 ets. b.s.
Cross 'i'ics,s;s feet long, 35 tn 40 cents.
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Junney & Andrews,
NO. 123 MAllKKT STltlCl'.T.
I'uii.AUKLriiiA, March 18, 1870.
White Wheat $ 1 35 fi 1 40
Med Wheat 1 23 1 25
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
I'lax Seed,
Country Lard
Mutter, solid in bbls.'...
J."(4 1)7
Wm 93
53 55
7 75 m 00
4 00 (g 5 0 5
2 30 ii 2 35
14 ii 15
27 it 27
IS 22
15 ti 15
Wzspcr llijhatc off June!
Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Wheat and Grass,
My a Judicious and Keonoiuieal mode of
Get the Value of your Outlay the First Season.
O' tan Hi tter l'll'."d Kars end Heavier Grain.
Keep your Soil Free J rnn Xoxious Weeds.
Mtke your l'mnanently Fertile.
Over S1XTKHN years of constant use. on all
crops, has proven that Maugh's Kaw Hone Phos
phate may be depended upon by Farmers.
Iliyldy Improved and Standard Warranted.
For Sale by Agricultural Dealers generally.
Office No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue,
4 11 0;n 9
D. Miller.
T. Mickert.
C. II. Miller.
srccEssous TO
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In
NTItAW-ttOODS, &c,
No. 349 North Third Street, 2d Floor,
4 11 ly 10
After the 12th day of August of this year, (1870)
suits will be liable to he brought In tlio Court of
Dauphin County for money due on lands in Perry
County, unpntculod.
for information relative to tho Patenting of
laud i, call on or address
AUorn(y-at-L.iw & Canity Surveyor.
Mloomlleld, March 8, 1870. tf.
rpilK subscriber has for sal a few bushels of
L tho Celebrated Harrison Potato, lit 151 00 per
bushel. This Potato cannot bo excelled for a pro
line vleld, or (or table me.
Orders may be left at tho store of F. Mortimer
& Co., Now Itloomlleld, Pa., or at the reiidence of
tho subscriber, in Carroll township, this county.
J. 1'. DONLEY. ,
Pennsylvania R. It. Time Table,
On and after November 14th, 1809, Passenger
trains will run as follows:
I'acllle Express,
Jlarrrisburg Accommodation,...
Paeltlc Kxpress, (Hag) ,
W ay Passenger
Mini a. m..
12.32 r. M.
7.53 V. M.. a. m.
0.11 A. M.
2.32 1
Past Line,
0.111 1
J. J. 1IAKCLAY, Agent.
On and after November 14th, W9, trains wll
leave luuuannon, in follows ;
llarrlslutrg Accommodation
Mail 7.
1-ocal l'rciglit, ,
Way 1'assenger,
Kast Line, (flag)
Local Freight
:uii i
8.P.3 A.
2. UII 1'.
4. -'ill 1".
0.1) A. M.
Note. Way 1'assenger West runs dally, except
Monday, all other trams daily except Sunday.
WM. C. KINti, Agent
On and after Nov. 11th 1SG9 trains w 111 leave
station as follows :
llarrisburg Accommodation 12.10 r
Mail 7.40 1'
Way Passenger 0.21 A.
Mail 2.41 1'.
W. J. JONKS, Agent
Stage Line Between Newport and New
STAfiKH leave New fieriiianlown daily at four
o'clock a. in. I.alidlsbui gat 7. 30 a. in. tireen
park at a. in. New Mlooinlield at 9! a. m.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac
commodation train Kast.
Ketui ning leaves Newport on the arrival of the.
Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.30 p. m.
Z. MICK, 'roju-ietor.
Monday, Xov. 22ml, 18G..
X and Nni'Ui-Wcst for Philadelphia, New Vork
heading, Pottsvillc, Tamaquu, Asiiland, shamokiii,
Lebanon, Allcutown, Kaston, Kphrata, Litiz, Lan
caster, Columbia, &c, sen.
Trains leave llarrisburg for New York, as follows:
At 2.30, 5.o5, S.10, a.m., and 12.20 noon, and 2.55,
11.00, r. M., connecting with similar trains on tho
I ciin'a Mallroad, and arriving at New Vol k at 10.
15, A. m., and 12.05, noon,, 0.;i5. 10.00, 1'. in., and
6.00, A. m., respectively. Sleeping ears accompany
the 2..'(0, and 6.;to, a. m., and 12.2u, noon trains w ith
out change.
Leave llarrisburg for Mending, Pottsvillc, Tama
epia. Miuersvillc, Ashland, Shamoivin, Pine Grove,
Allcutown, Philadelphia, at tun, a. m., and 2.55, and
4.10, 1'. M., Hie 2. 55 train stopping at Lebanon ouiv,
thcl.lo i'. m. train stopping ai uilsiationsand muk-
in connections lor Philadelphia, l'ottsvilte and Co
lumbia, and all Intermediate Stations between tuid
points only. For Poltsville, Seliuylkill Jlavcn and
Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna j:ailroadk
leave llarrisburg at ;t.4U r. m.
Meturniiig : Leave New York at 9 A. M., 12 noon,
and 5 and Sr. m. : Philadelphia at 8.15 a.m., und
3.30 i M. Sleeping cars accompany the II a. m. and
it and 8 i M. liains Iroiu New York, without
W ay passenger train leaves Philadelphia ut7.:!0
A. m., connecting w ith similar tram on Last Pcnn'a
Mailroad, returning front Mending at 0.:i5 p. m.,
stopping at all .stations; leave 1 uttsvilic at 5.40,
ami 0 a. m. and 3. 05 r. m. : llerndon at U.:!0 A. M. ;
Sliamokln at 5.40 and 10.40 a. m. ; Ashland, 7.05 a.
m. and 12.,'io noon ; Tautaipia at 8.33 A. M. and 2.20 1:
m. for Philadelphia anil New York.
Leave Pottsville via Seliuylkill and Susijuehanim
Mailroad at 8.15 a. m., for Harrisburg, and 1 1.30 a. m
lor Pine Grove and Troinont.
Mending accommodation train: leaves Pottsville
at 5.40 a. m., passing Mending at 7. 30 a. m.. arriving
at Philadclpiiia at 10.20 a. u., reluming leave.
Philadelphia at 4. 4ft i. m. passing Heading at 7. 19
I', m., arriving at Pottsvillc at 0.30 v. n.
Fotlsiowu Accommodation train : Leaves Potts
town at 0.45 a. in., returning, leaves Philadelphia at
4.00 p. m.
Columbia Mailroad trains leave Mending at 7.1
a. m. and 0.15 p. m. tor Kphrata, Litiz, Lancaster,
Columbia. &c.
Perkioinen Mailroad tralnsleave Perklomen .Tunn
tion at 0 a. m. and 3.10 und 5.30 p. in. Kcturuii'g,
leaves Sehwenksville atti.lo,8.12a.mnnd,
connecting with similar trains on Mending Lull
road. . Colebrookdale Mallroad train leaves Pottslownat
8.45a. in. and .2up. in., for Mt. Pleasant, nrriv mgat
10.20 a. m. and 7.2op. m. ; returning leave ML Pleas
ant at 7. and 11 a. in., connecting w ith similar trains
on Heading M. M.
Chester Valley Mallroad trains leave Prh'.gepoi t
at 8.30 a. in., 2.05 and 5.02 p. m. itelurniii'r, leavo
Downingtowii at li.30 a. in., 12.45, noon, ami ,'
p. m., connecting with trains on Mending Kailroad.
On Sundaysj Leave Now York at 5 and 8 p. m. ;
Phila. at 8 a. m. and 3.15 p. in. ; the 8a. in. train run.
Ming only to Heading; Pottsville 8 a. in.; llarris
burg ft.3o a. in., aud 4.10 and 11.00 p. in. : and Head
ing at 12.43 midnight, ami 7.15a. in. forllarrisli'irg ;
at 7.20 a. iu. and 12.55 a. m. for New York ; and at
0.40a. iu.. 4.25 p. in. for Phila.
CninniulaUou, Mileage, Season, School aim re
cursion Tickets to and from all points at reduced
Haggage checked through, 100 pounds allowad
each passenger.
(1. A.NICOLLS, Gen'ISup't.
Daily Express and Freight Lino
THK subscriber wishes to notify the citizens of
P.loomtleld and Newport that he is running ft
Daily Line between these two places, and will haul
freight of any kind, or promptly deliver package
or messages entrusted to his care.
".Orders may be left for him at the stores of
V. Mortimer & Co., New Ploointlckl, or Mllligtin
Mussel', Newport, Pu.
.?. 8. AVHlTMOBr,.
Mloomlleld, January 25, 1870.
A spleu.lul assortment ot Glass and Queens
ware at greatly reduced prleai hvv JuU been
rece'.voJ by th subjoribe.i. P.;rions wanting
Any article of tlilv kind, will di well to examine
t'J9 it,j:x.' ' '
New HlocBtfteld.