The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, March 22, 1870, Page 4, Image 4

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    (l)c -dimes, Nciu Bloom&clii, JJcu
Tuesday, March 22, 1S70.
Tuk Sknatk without a dissenting vote,
passed the hill giving the widow of the
JIou. 13. M. Stanton one years salary.
The Funding Bill met with some
rough treatment in the House, but it was
finally referred to the consideration of
the Ways nnd Means Committee.
By request, wo pullifdi in another
column a communication ou the llailroad
hill .as?ed last week. Though, we cannot
endorse all " llusticus" rays, there is no
doubt that the lobby and ring have too
fimch influence over legislation.
Latk Despatches l'roin Hong Kong
announces thatthe Captain of the Bom
bay, which ran down the Oneida, has
been suspended, not on account of the
collissiou, but because he neglected to
inform himself of the seriousness of the
damage that had been entailed, and be
cause he took no means to preserve the
lives of the drowning crew.
A Resolution condemning the con
duct of Representatives It. It Butler, of
Tennessee, in respect to a cadetship ap
pointment, and a recommendation that
he be expelled from his seat, wera re
ported to the House by the Military Com
mitte. The resolution was afterwards
changed to a vote of censure and was
carried by a large majority. Mr.
Butler still retains his seat.
The steam eu, City of Huston, hft New
York for Europe, fifty-three days ago,
with over two hundred passengers. As
yet, nothing has been heard of the miss
ing vessel, and though some few yet have
Jiope. It is generally believed that the
vessel has foundered at sea, and that all
on board have been lost. A despatch
announcing her safe arrival at Queens
town, was joyfully telegraphed all over
the country, a few days since, but itevcut
ual'y turned out a cruel hoax.
AVe have been favored with a copy of
" Tub Daily Topic, anew evening paper,
just started at Harrisburg. Dr. Gihon,
the former private secretary of Governor
Geary, is the editor. The paper promi
ses to be " Radical Republican," and will
undoubtedly bo the organ of the- Gover
nor. In typographical appearance, " The
Topic" has n decided advantage over the
other Ilarrisburg papers.
The Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue is constantly calling forth protests
from all parties by his peculiar decisions
and rulings. If he has not forgotten
President's Grant's remarks about a bad
law he is evidently trying to get the law
The Philadelphia Inquirer makes the
following remarks on this subject.
The way to bring about the repeal of a
bad law, said President Grant, is to make
it so burdensome by enforcement that it
will bcreodcrod infamous. This satisfies
us that secretly the President in opposed,
heart and soul, to the inquisitorial Income
Tux, and that he keeps Delano iu his
present place niuiply that, by his arbitrary
decisions lie may fill the mind of the
jmblio with such disgust of the law as
to insure its repoal. On any other
grounds the Commissioner's persistent
ruling against the best interests of the
ountry canuot be explained. They are,
nys the New York Expret, li unjust
oppressive and partial ," but that ide,
omic luiaomnuo
is not the sole property of the Express ;
everybody shared it long ago. Tho In
conic Tax law is bad enough in itself,
but the Income Tax and Dki.ANo'h do-
cisions are a little too much.
- -
Special CorroMmndcnoe of Tim Timkji.
JlAUiusnvno, March 11), 1870.
Nr. Editor: Among the various top
ics of the week is tho production of the
' Daily Topic," an evening '.apcr pub
lished here by Dr, ..'nou, late private
secretary of Governor Geary. It is far
fully Republican., nnd is supposed to rep
resent 'lie G-overnoi1 and his interests.
It is even whispered that it is to be (lie
advocate of his election to the United
States Senate. The business of the Leg
islature has been of unusual interest, made
doubly so by a disgraceful scene which
occurred in the Senate. A Senator from
Philadelphia, Nagle, failing to appreciate
the standing of a brother Senator Lin
dernian, from Burks, struck him a blow,
which very much obscures the vision ol
tho gentleman from Bucks. Tho whole
matter originated from a difference of
opinion. Tho friends of the old Metro
politan Police Bill arc not satisfied yet,
and arc attempting the passage of a simi
lar bill. The bill incorparating the Jer
sey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo Rail
way litis basscd both Houses, finally, with
but with little opp-isition. A bill to in
crease the number of Judges of the Su
preme Court by an addition of two, pass
ed to a third reading in the House. An
effort is also being made to pass a bill to
prohibit corporations or their agent from
kceding or maintaining stores, issuing or
ders, due bills, or other evidences of in
debtedness for labor. The Matter will
come up for consideration on Thursday
next. A bill to repeal an act making
Good Friday a public holiday was passed.
Various opinions exist as to the final ad
journment. Some members are anxious
to get home to attend to their owu busi
ness affairs. These promise an early close
of the session, whilst others who probably
make more money here than nt home are
trying to prolong it. Probably a change
will eome over the spirit of their dreams
and a hasty adjournment may be the ie
sult. Phil.
A Lucky And.
The Kansas City News, of a late date
tells a story of William Pate, who re
cently purchased and is now improving
a lot near tho eastern terminus of
Twelfth street, discovered on his premi
ces a treasure of no trifling import.
He was digging for the foundation of a
house. Near the roots of an old tree
that had long ago been cut down. Mr.
Pate was freely using the spade, when
suddenly it struck something solid and
apparently immovable. 1 tigging around
the object, it was soon brought to light.
It proved to be a small iron chest,
rusty, but solid. It was at once removed
from its bed under the earth, nnd with
some difficulty opened. Imagine the
surprise and delight of Mr. P. on dis
covering therein, gold to the amount of
$5,G20. With the gold was also found
a note legibly written.
" Hidden from tlic soldiers In If I never
return, and this is discovered, the tinder will
please devote half the amount to charitable pur
poses, and the balance he can keep for his own u te
I am an old man, with not a relative in Missouri.
J. C. Waltc."
The money has been placed in bank.
Mr. P., we understand, intends fulfilling
the written request of tho old man to
the letter, and especially gladly, no
doubt, will be appropriate "the balance"
referred to in Mr. Wake's note.
Frauds, on Hunks.
A scries of frauds by tho alteration of
certified checks has come to light. A
check drawn by Messrs. Pisk & Hatch
on the Fourth Nantional Bank for $5(1
was altered to $5G00, and one drawn by
Ycruiilie & Co. ibr$50 on the Bank of
Commerce has been changed to $15.000..
Another, on the St. Nicholas Bank, for
$'J0, was altered to $0000, but the attempt
at fraud in this case was discovered in
timo t ) prevent its success. The checks
of Fisk & Hutch and Vermilio & Co. were
altered after being certified, and then
deposited by the forger with the National
Mechanics' Banking Association, the
money aguinst them being subsequently
drawn out by tho iraudulcnt depositor,
whoso whereabouts is now unknown.
Tho checks were collected by tho Me
chanics' Banking Association through
tho Clearing House, and the question is
an open ono between tho banks concerned
as to which shall stand thvloss.
t&" Gold closed on Saturday last at
Queer Antics of a Nlo,
An old Comanche Chief 'at t'jo Indian
reservation not knowing tint un object
ULnl at through O.-.noya appeared in
verted, recently breast his young wife,
of whom ho is very jealous, to have her
da gitrroutypc iak0D. Tito artist got
tliouaw ii'.ositioiijUid stepped into his
'.mi'a tcDt for some purpose. The old
Coma:ic'no thought he'd take a look into
thp.l funny box t lie artist had his head
under, raised the cloth and looked, and,
oh, horror ! there was his squaw stand
ing on her head.
He jerked out with a savage look at
her, and wanted to know what, capers she
was cutting before all the soldiers. She
denied doing anything, at which ho told
her she lied, that he had seen her. He
resumed his investigation, sluck his head
under the cloth again, and there was
the wretched squaw standing on her head
again. He gave a yell, and rushing at
her gave her a whack on the head, and
told her not to try that again with hiui,
but she stoutly denied doing anything.
And now t) catch her at it. He kept
an eye on her, and raised the cloth slowly
and tried to look at her with one eye and
though the camera with the other. He
could not do it, so he moved his head
down slowly, and ns she disappeared from
the eye he had on her, there she was
standing on her head as seen through
the camera. lie jerked his head up
quickly, and there she was standing
placidly before him. Ho jerked down
and she was on her head again.
He then walked off in a brown study,
and, as ho philosophized, ho concluded
that the machine was exceedingly bad
medicine that could stand a squaw on
her head iu half a second ; so he wrapped
his blanket around him and walked off,
but nothing could ever induce him to
have anything to do with dagurreotyp-inir.
Fatal Eccentricity.
Somerset county. Md., has a citizen
named Solomon Tull, of decidedly eccen
tric tastes and habits. Some two years
ago he got measured for his coffin, and
had a handsome one made and sent home
to his house, thinking, like Toodlcs, that
it was "a handy thing to have' in the
family." Last week longing to occupy
the snug box, or possibly feeling that ho
was carrying dead stock nnd losing inter
est on his investment, he took a knife
and cut his throat. He was seized by
his friends, however, before ho succeeded
in inflicting a fatal wound, and sent to
Princes Anne jail for safer confinement
than was possible at his home. Whether
he will be indicted for assault and bat
tery on liiuise If, with intent to kill, we
have not heard, lie seems rational on
all subjects except that of dying, but
insists that he has lived long enough.
His self-inflicted wounds have been care
fully dressed, but are still very painful.
Singular and Dangerous Accident.
Ou Tuesday last the child of S. C.
Conard, Postmaster of Jenkintown, aged
twenty months, was sitting on a chair
with a common slate-pencil in her hand,
when she fell to the floor, striking on the
point of the bencil in such a manner as
to drive it into the bones of her head, it
passing into the ear and sticking so
tightly that it could not bo removed until
it had been crushed and taken out in
small pieces. The operation was suc
cessfully performed on Thursday evening.
The child is now doing as well as could
bo expected. What is very singular,
when undisturbed it seemed to suffer no
We think wo are doing our readers a
favor by calling their attention to the liaiul
somo catalogues of tho well known Agri
cultural Warehouse of Messrs. 1. H. Allen
& Co., of New York City, tho oldest and
largest establishment there. The Retail
Seed Catalogue has numerous illustrations
of tho Novelties and Specialities in Vegeta
ble, Grain and Grass Seeds, and, though
expensive, is sent to all applicants on re
ceipt of stamp to prepay postage. They
deal largely also in Agricutural Implements
and Jlaehinos, and Small Tools of every
kind for Farmers, Gardeners, and Stock
Raisers use, and publish a Largo Cata
logue, which is a handsome volumo of
about 300 pages with nearly COO illustra
tions of tho Latest and Most Improved ar
ticles in their lino ; among them many
things which our farmers ought to have, and
which they cannot buy at any of bur heal
stores. Of course this is a costly book, and
they charge $1 for it, but even this is ref und
ed to thn purchaser when he sends an order ;
so that iu reality it costs nothing. Even if
it did, we should advise every man who
owns any land, no matter how small, to get
a copy now. Their address is P. O. Box
370. N. Y. City.
Tar I'aycrn Swindled.
A Perry County Man (Jives His Opinion of
The Railroad Bill.
Mr. Editor: I wish to call the attention of the
tax payers to the Railroad bill Just passed.
" The Jersey shore Tine Creek and Kuffalu Kail
ltoad" Is 1 lie long, high sounding and far leaching
title of an infamous bill lushed through both
Houses of the Legislature. The bill Is a fraud so
glaring and outrageous, that If the voters who elcc
ted these members, come to see the infamous fraud
that has been perpetrated upon them by those who
they honored by their votes, It will damn every one
who has aided the passage of this bill. The Inde
eent haste with which the whole matter was char
acterized, giving the citizens who were represented
nnd had a right to be heard, no voice whatever,
must be ample proof that wrong wan intended.
Awake, Freemen! who boast of the glory of this
good old Commonwealth ; you who are proud to
call yourselves Pcnnsylvuiiiuns, and In the "three
dims of the ring-' behold your masters. These
antiquated fossils, for their own aggrandizement
sell your birthrights for less than a mess of pottage
and annul with their simple "ipsl rtis.iC' all you say
to the persons whom you have placed In power for
a brief period. Let every one examine for them
selves this great Killlway bill. See there how
adroitly money Is taken from the public treasury. -Money
which you and your children earned by
honest toil; and for what? to enrich a soulless, pen
niless corporation, that gives no other guarantee
for your money, than that the interest shall be paid
for three years. This, fellow citizens is all the se
curity you are to receive for the millions your rep
resentatives give to this magnillcent scheme.
Why not if the public money is to be squandered
In this manner, use some of it In constructing the
projected road In l'erry county? We can give as
good security as they who propose to build a road
through territory as barren as any iu the state.
I um sorry to say that the representatives of our
district Skinner and Miliken, and Senator Mclntire
voted f )r the bill. I make no comment, but their
former friends can remember them when they ask
their votes again. Ri-smrs.
Miscellaneous News Items.
127" Four men and a boy were killed by
an explosion in a New York nitro-glyccrine
factory on Thursday last.
t3f Another vessel this time a German
craft has been ran into and sunk by a
Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer
off the coast of Japan.
t3" A man charged with murder was
recently taken from tho jail at Diamond
City, Montana, by a vigilanco committee,
and hanged.
t3TAll tho trains on tho New York
Central llailroad were detained last Wed
nesday by a heavy snow storm, and the
passengers sutl'ered for want of provisions.
C2?" The jury in the Moore-Bonncll case,
(the singular slander suit reported in last
week's Times), having been unable to de
cido whether the parties were married or
not, have been discharged.
S'- On tho arrival of the steamship Ida
ho at Quecnstown, on the 15th inst, from
New York, a passenger named Phillips was
arrested by the police for the forgery of
United States bonds to-tho extent of $10,
000. fWOn the 3d instant, says the Columbia
Herald, John Fendrich purchased tho to
bacco crop of Henry Shenk, on tho Mari
etta pike, raised on four and a half acres,
for $1,501 70 It is said to lie tho lincst lot
of tobacco ever raised in this section.
t3"A little daughter of Jacob Miller, of
Osborne, Ohio, was sent to a neighbor's
and was seized by two ferocious dogs im
mediately upon entering tho premises, and
was literally torn limb from limb. Her
few agonized cries brought hasty assistance,
but not iu timo to rescue the little sufferer
from a horrible death.
ESS" A lady, richly attired, attracted some
attention in Kvansville. recently, by mov
ing along the street wit h a volume of smoke
coming from beneath her dress. Tho fire
was extinguished by a young man acting as
her escort, when it was found that a cigar
stump had set lire to some of her under
C3?A seamstress named Mary Sanford,
about thirty years of age, rooming near tho
railroad depot in Manslield, Ohio, was ibuud
murdered in her bed on the morning of the
12th inst. The scene was visited by several
thousand people. Sho was left nearly
naked, with a terrible gasli in her throat,
from ear to ear. ler cheek was cut from
her mouth to her ear, nnd she was terribly
larcorated on all parts of tho body by tho
teeth of tho murderer.
t3?"0n tho 14th instant a horrible mur
der was committed at Manslield, Penn'a,
about four miles distant from Pittsburg.
A railroad employee, named Thomas Ilear
don, who boarded at tho h ouso of Mrs.
Tobin, came into her premises and remon
strated with tho woman about whipping
ono of her children. Words passed between
them, when Itcardon, who is known to bo
n man of violent temper, deliberately put
his hand into his coat pocket, and drawing
therefrom a pistol, presented it at tho de
fenseless woman and iired, tho ball entering
hor heart and killing her instantly. As
soon as lie found that lie had killed tier ho
put on his coat and left tho house.
Welcome to Exam inc.
Nobody need feel diffident about going
into Oak Hall. Its great largo doors
aro open to ull, aud those who desire
only " to look," are welcome equally with
those who are ready to buy. Stop in
when you next pass Sixth and Market
Streets, and look through the great cloth
ing house of America. -
P A IX- KIL I B It .
Family Medicine !
The Pain Killer Is, by universal consent, allowed
to have won for Itself a reputation unsurpassed In
the history of medicinal preparations. Its Instan
taneous ellect in the entire eradication and extinc
tion of ruin, in ull its various forms, incidental to
the human family, and the unsolicited written and
verbal testimony of themawes in Its favor, hav
been, and are, its own best snivel tiseinent.
For evidence Iu favor of the l'uin Killer for
Ministers' Soie Throat or llronchitis, read the fob
Ousts. The J'uln Kil'cr lias been u constant oc
cupant of our house for over two years, and u por
tion of the time it has been the only medicine un
der our roof. Iliudiy ever do 1 have my children
complain of being sick, without having them ark
In the same sentence for l'ain Killer.
For several years before I became acquainted
Willi tho l'ain Killer, 1 had suhercd u great deal
from un affection iu my throat, thought by some
physicians to be liroucliitis, by others to be what
Is called Ministers' Sore Throat. At one time it
was so severe Hint 1 was obliged to give up preach
ing. Within a lew months alter I hud become ac
quainted with the l'ain Killer, I had another attack
from that distressing complaint. 1 tried my new
found medicine, and, to my astonishment and de
light, it produced a wonderfully soothing eilect.
In a short time 1 was wholly relieved, since that
time I have had a number of attacks of the sunm
nature, aud the l'ain Killer has always afforded in
relief. About one year since, my wife became sub
ject to severe suffering from Rheumatism: our re
sort, as usual, was to the l'ain Killer, which would
always relieve her.
I have not time now to say more, as I could with
a hearty good will, and always have done, in
praise of tho l'ain Killer. If this hastily written
letter, in commendation of l'erry Davis' valuable
medicine, will be of any service, you are at liberty
to do with it as you please.
Very truly yours.
Owatoima, Minnesota,
Missionary of f .'ie A. It. Home Mission itociety.
March 8. lm
A (JENTLKMAN who guttered for vears from
Iservous J lebility. Premature liocay, and IneellecU
of youthful Indiscretion, will, for tne sake of Miher
ing humanity, send free to ail who need it, Hie re
ceipt and directions for making the sinipie remedy
by wliien he was cured, huneiers wishing to protu
by the advertiser's experie nce, can do so by address
ing, with perfect eonudence, JoJlN li. (H.DKN.
WSly Io. i-J. Cedar St., ew Verlc
G. If. it rssiiLL,
No. 22 North Sixth Street, opposite Commerce.
Importer and Dealer in
French and American Clocks,
t. Particular attention paid to I-'ine Watch
and Clock Repairing.
CLOCK, the best and cheapest Turret Clock in the
tinted Stales.
- Inquiries by mail for information regarding
Clocks or Watches will bo chcerfuily answered.
Philadelphia, 4:il01y
Tho Chsapsst Paps? in the State !
1 PERSONS wanting a go-.,d family newspaper,
. Independent in politics, should subscribe for
" The liloomtleld Times,"
published weekly at New liloonifleld, Penn'a.
Each number contains choice selected or original
Stories, Anecdotes, Local and Miscellaneous News,
Kami and Agricultural information, and such a
variety of interesting and instructive reading mat
ter thai as
It cannot he excelled. It is issued iu Quarto form,
containing l-'orty Columns, and is mailed to sub
scribers fiii
Olie Dollar a Year lu Advance.
i- Specimen copies mailed to any address, on
receipt of u two-cent stamp for postage. Address:
J-'HA .K MOli TIM Kit.
Aeiv JlliiomjleUl, Jmn'a.
rJ?o fUooinsilcovH.
rpHE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a
11 O A N S ,
and a general auortmcnt of articles used by Shoe
makers. f. MORTIMlill t CO.
Auditor's Aotice.
In the matter of the ae-i In the Orphans' Court of
count of George T. (. Perry Couuty
Shealler, Admluistru-1 nt
tor of Mary Shealler. J May Term, 1870.
NOTI(!KlSIIEftKYOIVKN,to all parties In
interest, that tho undersigned Auditor, up
pointed by the Orphans' Court of said County, lo
make distribution of balance in haudsof said ac
countant, uinoiig the creditors of the said Mary
Shealler, will moot them for that purpose, at his
otnee with Lewis Potter, Esq.. in the llorough or
lilooinlleld, OS SATURDAY1, the Kith day of
April, 1S70, at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day.
, . L WM- M. BUTCH,
nioomnold, March 15, 1870. Auditor.