I)c QLimts, Ncru Sloomfieltr, j)a. 8 OUR NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. THE SUPERIOR MERITS OF THE "SING ER" Machines over nit oilier, for either Family use or Manufacturing purposes, are to Well established and so generally admitted, that n enumeration of their relative excellences is no ionger considered necessary. Our NEW FAMttV MACHINE which has been brought to perfection regardless of lime, Isbor, or expense, is now confidently presented to the public ns incomparably the BEST SEWING MACHINE IN EXISTENCE. The Machine in quotion is Simple, Compact, Durable and Beautiful. It is quiet, light running, and capable of per forming a range and variety of work never be fore attempted upon a single Machine, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility, the very best the very finest and coarsest materials, ond anything be tween the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for Hemming. Braiding. Cording, Tucking, Quilting, Felling, Trimming, Binding, etc., are novel and practical, and have been invented and adjusted specially for this Machine. New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Machines manufactured by this Company, have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. A faint ides, however, can nt bel be conveyed through 4lie medium of a (necessarily) limited ad vertisement ; and we therefore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Machine by all means to examine and test, if they possibly can do so, all the leading rivil Machines before making a purchase. A selection can then be made tinder standingly. Branches or agencies for supplying the "Singer" Machines will be fmnd in nearly every city and town throughout the civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhib feed, and any inforinaiien promptly furnished. Qr communications may be addressed to The Sluger Manufacturing Company, 458 Broadway, New York. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE : 1106 Chestnut Street. JOHN 11. SIIULER, Agent in NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. January 1, 16C9. ly. KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. ' HOUSEKEEPERS will And the ZITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help In cleaning their houses. It Is the Original and Only Genuine Paint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean mora palut and do It better than any other .Soap Ever 91 arte! It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and Drlghten Fine Brass. Copper and all Metallc Ware, and will remove all Faint. Fitch, Tar, Grease, Ink. Varnish or anv other dirt from the hands. It is the only Snap tor cleaning Windows or any kind of EARTHERN WAKE. All other Knaps that are advertised to do the same are I MIT A'HONSof our Soap, and will not compare with THE GREAT LABOR-SAVING KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP I r,Try It and you will like It. Ask for the "Kitchen Crystal .Soap," and take no other. All Grocers sell it. EASTMAN & BROOKE, 431 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturers. MuThe above Is fer sale by F. Mortimer & Co., Kew Bloomlleld, Fa. 3313m. Judson's Self-WashingBoiler. THB BEST WASHING-MACniNEIiifxistenee. It saves time, nearly all the labor, U tit Soap and more than 'A the wear of Clothes. V Agents wauled in every town. Orders Eomptly tilled, when accompanied by Cash, or at :prew station sent C. (. I). THOMAS HUM 8. W. Cor. 10th and Arch street, Ml PHILADELPHIA. Other papers wishing to Insert this adver tisement will please address K. II. Thurston. Ad vertising Agaul, tJ0 LanoaaUu Avenue, Fbiiadvi- 1870. 1870. THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES 00 OS O: O: w; DO o: Si 2; O: t : -. : x: i JANUARY, FEBRUARY, 2: : io; SO- "e": 13: MARCH, APRIL, MAT, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER NOVEMBER, DECEMBER,., 6: 13: 20; 27; "a': io; 8: 4 10; 11 17; 18 i:4; 25 81: ... 1 7: 8 14; IS 21 i 22 28; i 7: 8 14: 15 21 : 22i 28; 2u; T:""5: 111 13! 18- 19! 25- 20 i i; 2; 3 8; 9- 10: is; ie; 17! 22; 23! 24! 2D; 30: 81! "sVo':""?! 12; 13; 14! 19: 20- 21! 26- 27: 28! 8- 4- 5; 10- 11- 12; 17; 18; 19; 24; 25- 26; si; ...; ...i ... : 1 : 2! 7: 8; 9: 14: is; 16: 21 : 22; 23; 28; 29; 30! i; "5 V'el 11: 12: 13: 18: 19: 20: 25- 26- 27! " 2:"'3:'"4; 9 10; 11 16; 17- 18! 23; 24; 25! 30- 31- : : 1: 6: 7; 8! 13: 14: 15: 20; 21; 22: 27- 28; 29; . ........., 11; 12; 13; 18; 19- 20! 25; 26; 27! 1 6: 6: 7: 8 13: 13: 14; 15 10- 20- 21; 22 26- 27- 28 j 29 2: 8; 4; 5 9- 10; 11: 12 16: 17: 18: 19 S3 : 24: 25; 2G 2; 8; 4; 5 9; 10; 11; 12 16: 17: 18: 19 23: 24j 25; 26 SO; 31; i; 2 6: 7: 8: 9 13: 14 j 15; 10 20; 21; 22- 23 27- 28; 29; 30 4- 5; 6; 7 11: 12: 13; 14 18: 19: 20; 21 25- 20 ; 27- 28 . 1; 2; 8; 4 8: ; 10: 11 15: 16; 17; 18 22 j 23- 24; 25 29; 30: ...: . l; 3 6- 7: 8; 9 13; 14; 15- 16 20: 21- 22: 23 27: 28; 29; 30 3- 4! 10: li; 17: 18! 24- 25; 81: -i ... : li 7; 8; 14: 15: 21:. 22; 28; 29! "sj" ! 12- 13: 19; 20: 26; 27! 5; 6 12; 13 19; 20 26- 27 . 2; 3 9; 10 16: 17 23; 24 30- 1 7: 8 14: 15 21 j 22 28; 29 2; 8- 4; 5 9; io; 11: 13 16: 17: 18: 19 23i 24; 25; 26 30- .: ... lj 2- 3 7: 8: 9: 10 14; is; 16; 17 2i; 22; 23; 24 28- 29- 30; 81 Professional Cards. B P. MclNTIRE Attorney at Law, nnd Ils , triet Attornev of Ferry county. Ofllce with J. T. Mclutire, New Bloomlleld, Fenn'a. "1TT"M. N. 8EIBERT. Attorney-at-Law, W New Bloomlleld, Ferry co., Ta. llloomtield, 3 33 ly. WM. M. 8UTCH. Attorney-at-Law, and Mili tary Claim Agent. New Bloomlleld, Ferry co.. Pa. r Office Two doors West of F. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly "ITTM. A. 8FONSLEB, Attorney-at-Law, Vy Office adjoining his residence, on East Main street, New Bloomlleld, Ferry co., Fa. 3 2 ly SH. GALBUA1TII. Attorney-at-Law, . New Bloomlleld, Ferry CO., Fa. 0- Pensions. Bounties, Back Pay, and all Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Olllce with Wm. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CI.EE MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. New Bloomtleld, 1'erry co., Fa. f Ofllce with Hon. B. F. Junkiii, South Car lisle street, New Bloiullcld, Fa. 3 'I ly. CIIAS. A. BARN ETT. Attorney-at-I-aw. New Bloomlleld, Ferry co.. Fa. S. Ofllce adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly E C. LONG, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld. Perry co.. Pa. Olllce one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CHAS. J. T, MclNTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomfleld, Ferry Co., Pa. -All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly. IEWIS POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, J New Bloomlleld, Ferry co., Fa. Office live doors West of Sutch's hotel. 321y. 1 JOHN G. SHATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Bloomlield, Ferry co., Pa. aAU kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable itrices. OlUce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly The Cheapest Paper in the State ! A Forty Column Paper for $1 a Year I mnB BLOOMFIELD TIMES, an Independent L Family Journal, published weekly, at New Bloomlleld, Pa., will, on tlielstof January, lH70.be enlarged to a Forty Column pajier. Each number will contain Original or Selected Stories, Anec dotes, Local and Miscellaneous News, and such a variety of Interesting Reading Matter. that It cannot fall to be a welcome visitor to every family circle. It will be printed on first-class pater. and mailed to subscribers, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR pan imam, in advance. Specimen copies mailed rrta. A nk nan iiMUR, Nw Woouineld, Fa. The fUtl Exaallanea and Chsapnsts f sap Cl.lh lag is tha anly ascrst of ar graat mem. W n ana bat "alt wool" (nods. arary (.! of which is wall apoiif ad, and earafully axaraiuad. Our anttars f Htdj. mad. Clothing r mrh coul.l work in olh.r .Ubililini.nu on !tif tum Woik; llnlr work cuniblnM comfort with sty Is. Our hsnds art anppllad with tu b at trtniniinm, ami wa m that tli.jr uaa tham, ami at.rr arilrls la th.irourhlif tstad be fora baiu( put iuto atoek. Xrtrj armnt told la -aomi.nld with a l.cal (iiarantra, holiilnui v oniibl. for Ilia cor rtetiinsa of all tha rp raiautatloua mada. It la concMtad that ear larga buiinaaa aud many othar adTantagea, auabla wa to aall lowar than anf oiharhoota. Walnrliaa fair comparison of prlaaa. FALL INS WItTTZS 07 18S9. Wa hurt mads tba GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberleu Garment, Endleia Variety, Choioett Saltctlons, , , Good Wtir Well, Standard Stylat, Lataat Fashions, Naw Furnlihlng Good. 1-AH our goods are marked at Loww Pbich than wora the tamo articles last year. i m i AND DEP1ETME1T FOR BOYS' 1ID TOUTES' IEU Ara aapaelally wall pruparad to giva aatiafaetiaa, Naw and Battar Cuttara, Improvad System, GraattT Diapatoh, A Finer Line of Gooda than ever, Sehool Clothes, Sunday Clothe, Many New Style, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. a a mi B H 111 sat .sii la aaa 1 M ii SEX iilOIBT IX TBI IUXI, J. E. COr. 6U t I1EIE7 STS.. rbraelnC wbola J. block on Bih fram PHILADELPHIA. tMark.t to Mlaor. i3 PUMPS ! PUMPS ! FOB PURE WATEB, L'SE TUB CEI.KI1IIATB1) CIJCU9IIS13H PUMP Made of wild Cucumber wood, en tirely tastelpxn, (IwoMp. and reliable ; the good old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore perfect and accurate in all its parts, raising an equal amount of water, and costing less than half the money. Easily arranged so as to be non freezing, and in construction so sim ple that any one can imt it up and keep it in repair. After thorough trial it is acknowledged the Best and Cheapest. CHABLES G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacture a. Olllce and Ware-room, Nos. 624 and 62(1 Filbert Htreet, 3 32 6m6 PHILADELPHIA, PA. These Pumps can bo ordered of the Manu facturer, or F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomtleld. MUSLINS! 104 Sheeting Muslin, 9 8 Sheeting Muslin, , 54 Pillow Case Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Case Muslin, 4 4 Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Shirting Muslin, 94 Sheeting Linen, For sale at the lowest price by, F. Hot-timer k Co. New Bloomfleld. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY-COODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. A Great Variety of Notions, AT VERY LOW PRICES. A Fine Assortment of Hardware CHEAT FOB CASH. WOOD & WILLOW WARE, QUEENSWAIIE. STATIONERY, And a great variety of other goods, all of which will be sold AT GIIIIAT ItAISttAIKS. T. Slortlmcr & Co. New jRIoomfieltl. THE BEST IN USE THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY Sewing Machine IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make It THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET RUNNING as well as the Most Simple Machine In Use. IT WILL HEM, IT WILL IiRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal ofllce of the company Is at No, 704 Chestnut Street, PHI LA DELPHI A. These machines are for sale In Perry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfleld. -77ie public are invited to call at either of the above placet and tee a Machine in operation. S II AW L S ! A Splendid Assortment of SHAWLS For Fall and Winter Wear are now offered by the subscriber at Tery LOW PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE THE MTOCSC. F. MORTIMER & CO., New BloomfWld. jyALL PAPERS AND BORDERS. A Fine Assortment ot spring styles are now (or salo by the subscribers at low prices. JT. MORTIMER CO., New Bloomfleld. Perry County Bank! Npoiislcr, Juiikiii & Co. THE undersigned, having formed a Banking As sociation under the above name and style, are now ready to do a General Banking business at their new Banking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HO CSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Vie receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a erlod of not over HO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months: and for four months four per cent We are well provided with all and every facility for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored forth want of a Bank of Discount and Dcostt, we have have determined to supply the want : and this being the first Bank ever established in Perry county, wa hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Banking Association Is composed of the fal lowing named partners: W. A. SpoNRLEit, Bloomlleld, Perry county, Pa. B. F. .Ji nkin, " " " A. (3. Mii.i.eu. Hhlppensburg, Cumberland co.,Pa. John Wondkulicu, " " " Hbnut Ktny. " " " Wm. H. Miller, Carlisle, " " OI'FICEIW: W. A. SPONSLER, President. William Willis, Cashier. New Bloomtleld, 3 5 ly WAR CLAIM Insurance Agency ! rpHE undersigned, is Agent for the follow X lowing well-known Insurance Companies .ETNA, Of Hartford, Connecticut. NORTH AMERICAN, Of Philadelphia, Pa. HOME, Of New Haven, Connecticut. FARMER'S MUTUAL, Of York County, Pa. Pennsylvania Horse Tldef Detecting AND Insurance Company, Of York County, Pa. If you have a House, Darn or Furniture that is not Insured against Loss by Fire or a Horse that is not insured against loss by theft or death, call on or write at once to the undersigned. Also Pensions, Bounties ond all kinds of War Claims Collected 117" If you have a claim against the Govern ment or have made application for Pension or Bounty, which you have not received, call on or write to the undersigned at once. LEWIS POTTER, War Claim and Insurance Agency, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Bloomficld, January 1, 1SU9. 3. 2. ly CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CASSIMEKES, Always on band, from which to select. Clothing MADE TO ORDER Ilcady CLOTIIEVti READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. F. Mortimer C Co., March 16, '09. New Bloomlleld, Pa. BALLOT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. THE greatest success is attending the public, tlou of HALLO ITS MONTHLY MAGAZINE of any perldlcal in the world. Rach number eea talus Onb Hundukd Faoeb of the choicest stories. Poems and Kugravings, or Twelvk Hunurrd Paues every year forSl.SO being fully three-fourtaa m large as as either of the fourioliar Magazlaea, at about one-third their price. M- Nov U the time to subscribe.-? Timms.-J1.50 a yean 7 copies, 19: 13 copies, SU VaUHeni stamp for specimen copy and propeetau MLLIQTT THOUMS TALMOT. PUh4rs,litO, .