I (l)c .(Rimes, ftciu Bloomficlir, )a. 8 F A M I L Y SEWING MACHINE. miiR surcmoi! merits of tiik"S1NG. JL l-li' Machines m it nil others, fir either Family use or Mnnuhictiiring purposes, lire to vull -stnblished mill so generally admitted, that nn enumeration of liieir relative excellences is no longer considered necessary. Our NEW WMftV MACHINE which has lieen brought to perfection regardless of time, labor, or expense, is now confidently presented to the pnlrlie as ineoinpnralilv the REST SKAVING MACHINE IN EXISTENCE. The Machine in question is Simple, Compact, Durable nnd IScautlful. It . is quiet, light running, anil capable of per funning a rnnge and variety of work never be fore attempted upon a single Machine, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, nnd xewing with etpinl facility, the very best the very li nest and coarsest materials, nnd anything be tween the two extremes, in the most beautiful nnd substantial manner. Its attachments lor llemniinir, Braiding, Cording, Tucking, Quilting, Felling, Trimming. Binding, etc., nre novel and practical, nnd have been invented nnd ndjusled especially for this Machine. New designs of the unique, useful nnd populnr Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Machines manufactured by this Company, have been prepared tor enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can nt bet be conveyed through the medium of a (necessarily) limited ad vertisement ; and we therefore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Mnchine by all means to examine nnd test, if they possibly can do so, all the leading rivtl Machines before making n purchase. A selection can then be made under standingly. Branches or agencies tor supplying the " Singer" Machines will be found in nearly every city and town throughout the civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhib iled, and any inforniU'icn promptly furnished. Or communications may be addressed to The Singer Manufacturing Company, 458 Broadway, Arew York. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE : 1106 Chestnut Street. JOHN R. SIIULER, Agent in NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. January 1, 1SC9. ly. KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. HOUSEKEEPERS will And tho KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help In cleaning tlioir houses. It Is th Original and Only Genuine Taint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean mors paint and do It better than uny other Soap Ever Made! It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and orlghten Fine Brass. Copper and all Metallo Ware, and will remove all Paint, JMteli, Tar, Urease, Ink, Varnish or anv other dirt from the hands. It is the onlv Snap for cleaning Windows or any kind of EAUTrlEKN WAltH. All other Soaps that are advertised to do the same are lMITA'iiONS of our Soap, and will not compare with THE GREAT LABOR-SAVING KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP! B-Trylt and you will like it. Ask for the " Kitchen Crystal Soap," and take no other. All Grocers sell ft. EASTMAN & IUIOOKE, 431 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Sole Proprktort and Manufacturers. tia-The above Is for sale by F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomfleld, Ta. 3313m. Judson's Self-WashingBoiler. TILE BEST WASHINfi-MACHINEinexlstence. It savws time, nearly all the labor, th Koap and mione tfaau 'A the wear of Clothes. .- Agents wanted in every town. Orders promptly tilled, when accompanied by Cash, or at Kxpress station sent C. (). 1). THOMAS HUIJj, 8. W. Cor. loth and Arch street, 331 PHILADELPHIA. Brother papers wishing to Insert this adver tisement will please address K. JC. Thurston, Ad vertising Agent, 3'JOO Lancaster Aueiuw, PniluUd-phia. ' j 1S70. THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES o.vi.,i::vi.,vis. !: h5: ;j: t: n) Si nl m: C: Mi O: X: O: w : C: in O. 1S7W. JANUARY, 1 2: 3: 4: 5: 0: 7: 8 111 10: 11: IS: 13: 14: 15 Hi: 17! s: lit- S0 21 2:3 23 i 24- 25- 2(5. 27- 2H 2'J 30! 31- ...: ... i ... : ... FEBRUARY, 1- 2- 3- 4j 5 0- 7: 8- 0- 10 11 12 13 14: 15: 1(5: 17: 18: III 20 : 21- 24: U5: 20 27 28 ... MARCH, 1 2- 3- 4 5 C- 7 8! !); 10 11- V2 13: 14: 15: Hi: 17: 18: V.) 2(1 : 21: 22: 23: "4: 25: 'M 27 281 2!lj o0; 31! -.! ... APRIL, 1 ! -2 3: 4: 5: 0: 7: 8: !) 10 ll 12 1J 14 15 10 17! 18; 19! 20! 21; 22! 23 24- 25! 20! i i 2- 30 MAY, 1! 2! 3! 4; 5; 0; 7 8! : 10: 11 : 12: 13; 14 15! io; n is in; 20; 21 22: 23: 24- 25; 20- 27; 28 20! so; 31 j ...; ...! ... JUNE, i; 2; 3; 4 5: 0: 7! 8: 0! 10: 11 12 13! 14! 15 10! 17! IS Hi: 20: 21 : 22! 2-' ': 24; 25 2(ij 27 1 28 2; 30! ...! ... JULY, 1- 2 3 4! 5; 0! 7: 8; 9 10! 11! 12: 13! 14: 15! 16 17 18 19 20: 2i; 22: 23 24 25 2G; 27: 28; 29: 30 31; ...; ...; ...; ...; ... AUGUST, ! 1 ! 2; 3! 4; 5; 0 7: 8 : 10: 11 : 12; 13 14: 1.r: 10: 17 18! 19! 20 21 I 22 23 24! 25! 20; 27 28! 29; 30! 31- -: ... i - SEPTEMBER 1- 2- 3 4; 5 ; e; 7; s; 9; 10 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 10: 17 18: 19: 20: 21 : 22: 23: 24 25! 20! 27- 28! 29! 80- ... OCTOBER,. 1 0; 7; 8 13: 14: 15 20: 21 : 22 27 1 28 1 29 3; 4; 5 10; 11- 12 17: 18: 19 24; 25 1 20 ,. 1! 2! 3 8: 9: 10 15 l(l 17 22: 23: 24 2: 3: 4; 5; 9: 10: 11 ; 12; l(i 17! 18! 19! 23; 24; 25; 20; 30! 31; : : 1 : o ; 0; 7 8 0 13: 14: 15: 10: 20: 21 i 22 23: 27! 28! 29; 30! NOVEMBER, DECEMBER,. 4: 0: 7: 11; 12; 13; 14 is; 19; 20; 21 20; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31 Professional Cards. B P. MflXTIHK Attorney at Law, anil Dis trict Attorney of Pimtv county. Oliice with J. T. Molntire. New llloomlleld, Pcnn'ii. "ITTM. -. SEIBEKT. Attorney-at-Law. V New Bloomlield, Perry eo., Pa. Hloomlleld, 3 33 ly. "TTTM. M. KUTCII. Attorney-at-Law, and Mill TV tary Claim Agent, New llloomlleld, Perrvcit.. Pa. -( mice Two doors West of K Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly "TTM. A. Hl'ONHLEK, Attorney-at-Law. Olllce adjoining his residence, on Fast Main street, New liloomlield, Perry eo., Pa. 3 2 ly SII. GAI.lUtAlTII. Attornev-at-Law, m New liloonilield. Perry eo., I'a. - Pensions. Hoitnties, Hack Pay, and all Claims anainst the (Jovcnnncnt, promptly collect ed. Oliice with Win. A. Sponsler, Ksti. 3 2 ly. c I.FIC MCKKAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real i-.siaic Agcm. ivcw liiooinueiu. J el 1 v eo., ra. B-ortice with lion. K. Juuklii, .Smith Car lisle street, New Iiloinlield, Pa. 3 2 ly. CIIAS. A. HAHNKTT, Att.Miiey-at-I.aw. New Hlooinlleld, Perry eo.. Pa. S.C)fllec adjoiuini; Mortimer's Store. 3 1 ly E C. LONG, Attorney-at-Law, Um New Hloomtield. Perry co.. Fa. Olllce one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 'i ly. c IIIAS. J. T, MrlXTIRE, Attornev-at-Law, . Vuu. lll....i..Mnll V...m. .... , i.l." JJI.M.lllll, H, i I.HJ V".t t. AaE All i,vfiuaijili!il 1tlwili(.vri iirMlmttlv unit f:iltli. fully attended to. 3 2 ly. FEWJS POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, J New Hlooinlleld, Perry co., Pa. J) a' Olllce live doors West of Sutch's hotel. 32 ly. JOHN G. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist. New Hloomtield, Perry co.. Pa. .AU kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the best manner, and at reasonable urives. Olllce over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly The Cheapest Paper in the State ! A Forty Column Paper for $1 a Year 1 rpiIE BLOOMFIELD TIMES, nn Independent L Family Journal, published weekly, at New nioomlleld, Pa., will, on thelstof January, 1870.be enlarged to a Forty Column paper. Each number will contain Original or Selected Stories, Anec dotes, Local and Miscellaneous News, and such a variety of interesting Reading Matter.that it cannot fail to be a welcome visitor to every family circle. It will be printed on first-class mn-r, and mailed to subscribers, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR )'i:it YK.Ut, in advance. Specimen copies mailed Free. FRA NK HOU TIMER, New Bloomfleld, Pa. Tho Roal Excellence and Cheapness of our Cloth ing is the only secret of our great suoccss. We ma none hut "nil wool" pomjg, every pfeco of which In v clUpoiiKoil, uml curcfully cxamiued. Our entfprs of Itendy. mailo Clulhingaro niirh ns cotilrt work in othor eHtnh!ihmintft on Cus tom Work; their work cnnihiuua coniturt with style. Onr hnnds nrn mippllcit with tho best trimmingR, uml wo fee tlmt tlmy une theni, nail every arllclo is thoroughly touted be fore boiug put into stock. Every garment sold Is nc couipiiiiii'd with a Ii'cnl gUHrnntee, hohljiiKlis ro fponsible for the cor rectness of all the rep resentations made. It Is concedod tlmt our InrRO business nudmttny other (idvuntHRcs, enablo us to sell lower tlmn sny othor house. Wo invito a fair comparison of prices. FALL AND WINTER OP 1S69. We have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods t0 Wear Well, Standard Styles, ' Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods, .era-All our goods nre marked nt Lower Prices than were the same articles last year. rEPAETMEKT FOE BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR Are especially well prepared to give satisfaction. New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Stylet, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. THE LAS3ES7 IN THZ ETATS, S. I. COL 6Iu 4 MARKET STS., f Kmbraclns; whole block on 6th from PHILADELPHIA. (.Market to Minor. rusirs ! FOIl I'UUE WATElt, USE THE CKI.EI1UATED CUCU5IMKK 1U3I1 Made of wild Cucumber wood, en tirely tastrletts, ditrtihle and nliolile ; the itooil old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore perfect and accurate In all Its parts, raisini; an equal amount of water, and costitiK less than half the money. Easily arranged so as to be noii frccxinK, and in construction hosiiii- ai W I'JIflM freezintr, and in fj;Vf I'll '1 5 M Pie that uny on a;;s1;.l!Y'J icep it in repnl, l .'V! K'Jft trial It Is acknow can put it up and remtr. After thorough iicknowledKed the d i i ri l ff'M el n"u OliealJBSl! st Manufacti'ueii. Olllce nnd Ware-room, Kos. 621 and f.2ti Filbert Street, 3 32 Gm6 1'HILA DELPHI A, PA. M'S These Pumps can be ordered of the Manu facturer, or V. Mortimer & Co., New ISloomtield. llllt MUSLINS ! 10 4 Sheeting Muslin, 9 8 Sheeting Muslin, 5 4 Pillow Case Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Case MuBlin, 4 4 Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Shirting Muslin, 94 Sheeting Linen, For calii at the lowest price by, F. Mortimer & Co. Ji'cit IUooinfleld. THE BEST IN USE THE PAR II AM NEW FAMILY ewing Machine IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AM) MOST QUKT KVNMNO as well as the Most Simple Machine in Use. it wir.r. HEM, ir will nn a in, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, anil will use either Silk, Cotton, or I.inen Thread witli eipial ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON 1IOTH SIDES. The principal oliice of the company Is at J'o, "04 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale In Terry County by JAMES L DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., Hew Bloomfield. S-77ie pnhlie are invited to call at either of Vie ittmve jilacex and see a Machine in ojicraUon. CilMllT IH.STIMISUTIOX By the Metropolitan Gift Co. Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000. Every Ticket Draws a Prize. 5 Cash i Us.caeli HO.lKHi 1(1 - 1U.IKHI 211 " ' MKW 4(1 Cash flirts, each S1000 3KI " " SOU M) " " 1(H SO Eleirant Hosewood 1 hums, each $:inn to S7w 7.) " Alclotlcons, lSOSt'w'inr Machines " fiUMiold Watches " To to l if i tin to 17:") to ;m Cash I'rlzes. Silver Ware, c valued at Sl.uiHUHKl, A chance to draw any of the above prizes for2Sc. Tickets describing Prizes are In Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 2Sc. a Nnnlr.il Ticket is drawn without choice and sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of On Dollar. Prizes are immediately stent to any address by ex press or return mail. You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Anil I'rlxo exi hanprd for another of mniie. value. Mo lllunks. Our patrons can depend on fair denliii. Itut'EniSNCKS: AS'e select the following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them: Andrew J. lturns, Chicago. 810,000; Miss Clara S. Walker. Haltinioru, Piano, S0O; James M. Matthews, Detroit, 8.",U(H) ; .1 oil n T. Andrews, Savannah, $5000; Miss Agnes Simmons, Charleston, Piano, 80U. We publish no names without permission. Oi'INIONsoktiii! Piiess: "The firm Is reliable, and deserve their success." Weekly Trllmne. May 8. " We know them to bo a fair dealing tirin." V". 1'. Herald, May 2t. "A friend of ours drew a 8500 prize, which was promptly received." Daily News, June :i. Send for Circular. Liberal Inducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envelopes contains one cash gift. Six Tickets for 1; 13 for $2 s 35 for S5j 110 for 15. All letters should be addressed to JACKSOX MOORE & CO,, 3 44 3m 57 Jlroadicay, New York. S II AW L S ! A Splendid Assortment of II AWLS For Fall and Winter Wear are now offered by the subscriber at yery LOW PRICES. CALL AND EXAMINE, THE STOCK. F. MORTIMER & CO., New BlootnflokL Perry County Bank! ftpoinslci', . aiiiliiia & Co. THE undersigned, having formed n Hanking An. Nidation under the above name anil style, are now ready to do a (ieneral Hanking business at their new Hanking House, on Centre Sijuave, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. AVe receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. AVe discount notes for a period of not over 00 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per eonl. for any time over four months: anil for four months four per cent. We nre well provided with all and every facility for doing a Hanking Husincss; and knowing, nnd for some years, feeling Hie groat Inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of a liauk of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want taudthis being the first Hank ever established In Pony county, we hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Hanking Association is composed of the fob lowing named partners: AV. A. SnoNsi.KH, Hloomtield, I'errv county. Pa. H. V. .It NKIN. " '" " A. (1. Mii.t.KK. Slilpponshurg. Cumberland co., Pa. .lOIIN ONtKltl.K'lI, " " " IlENKV llt nv. " " " Wm. II. Mti.u:n, Carlisle, " " OFI'ICEKS: V. A. KPOXSMCH, President. Wtl.I.IAM AVlt.I.IS, (Mshlei: New liloonilield, 3 5 ly WVI CLAIM Insurance Agency ! 1"VHE undersigned, Is Agent for the follow lowing well-known Insurance Companies iETNA, Of Hartford, Connecticut. NORTH AMERICAN, Of Philadelphia, Pa. HOME, Of New Haven, Connecticut. FARMER'S MUTUAL, Of York County, Pa. Pennsylvania Horse Thief Detecting AND Insurance Company, Of York County, Pa. If you have a House, Barn or Furniture that is not Insured against loss by Fire or a Horse that is not insured against loss by thetl or death, call on or write at once to the undersigned. Also Pensions, Bounties and all kinds of War Claims Collected fXT" If you have a claim against the Govern ment or have made application for Pension or County, which you have not received, call on or write to the undersigned at once. LEWIS POTTER, War Claim and Insurance Agency, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Bloomfield, January 1, 18U9. 3. 2. ly CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF osi3ii2:i:E, Always on band, from which to select. Clothing MADE TO ORDER. - CLOTHIXU READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. r. Mortimer P Co., March 16, '09. New Bloomfleld, Pa. Kj 31 arte gUi .ma.' etiMw BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. THE greatest success Is attending the publica tion of RALLOITS MONTHLY MAGAZINE of any perldlcal In the world. Each number con tains Onk Hundkkd Pauks of the choicest stories. Poems and Engravings, or Twelve Hundkkd Pages every year for 1.5 being fully three-fourths M large as as either of the four-dollar Alanines, I kbout one-third their price. -m.Nou it the time to subcrlbe.SJt. Teuub. $1.50 a year; 7 copies, $9; 13 copies, $li VSJtoud stamp for specimen copy and propectus to ELLIOTT THO M EH fc TALBOT. PuUitfnr$,Main, Afcws.