6 I)c imc0, Nciu BIoomficlD, 3a. PAPvIi AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS U" inrllfi communtc.nttons.trnm at! pwtnnttrliitare interested in mutters properly Motiving o lhi tejmrimem. A little ground sulphur mired with salt aud iimio, and given onco m two or three weuks to stock, is beneficial. All domestic Htouk will thus benefitted. EG?" It is stated that buckwheat straw ue.l ior bedding live stock of any kind, causes an eruption of the skin, which is troublesome and injurious. It has been JVeijuently noticed that hogs, when feed ing among buckwheat ptubblos are sub ject to an crution irR the skiu of the neck and cars, owing to nil acrid juivo which exudes from the cut of the tub llcs. ESS Tho following is a German recipe for coating wood with a substance as hard ns stone : " forty parts of chalk, fifty of rosin, and four of linseed oil melted together ; to this should be added one part oxyd of copper, and after one part, of sulphuric acid. This last ingre dient must lie added carefully. The mixture, while hot, is applied with a brush." 3 The Waxier n Stock Journal says the very best food for milch cows is wheat bran. Nothing has so great a tendency to increase the flow of milk, and as it abounds in phosphates, it is highly nutri cious and healthful diet. Give the cows all they will cat of it, aud if convenient jnix a little corn meal with it. Don't over-feed, but give just what they will lick up with a relish, and you will be re warded with an abundant supply of milk aud your cows will keep in good condi tion. A Regulator. Good sweet wheatcn bran is in ninety nine cases out of a hundred better than physic, if it is given in time. Let any animal eating stinking mouldy cornstalks or brittle hay, making it look bad, have some bran to help its poor stomach, and it will soon appear in better plight. When a cow in milk docs not do well as she should on other feed , add sonic bran, no matter what ails the horse, cow, sheep or pig, a little bran will do good but don't iced bran alone long. Eating While Fatigued. There are very few habits more inju rious to health than eating when the body is fatigued. If the brain or any part or organ of the body becomes unduly fa tigued, the whole system requires rest, until the nervous influence aud the circu lation of the blood arc equalized through out tho body, before another demand is made upon tho vital energies. If the stomach is filled without this rest, the food remains undigested, ferments and becomes sour, and irritates tho stomach, producing disease of the digestive organs, and through them, of the whole system. Horse (Sears. There is a great deal in gearing ahorse or inulo soas to enable the animal to work easy, and use a certain amount of power with comparitivcly little animal force Much depends on long or short leverage. The draft may bo too high or too low ; the one will draw too heavy on tho top of tho neck, the other will choke the animal. The collar may be too largo or too small either of which will cause sore shoul ders. A tender-mouthed horse should have a largo smooth bit, and not be rein ed up too tight, or the mouth will become bo sore as to lose its sensitiveness to a gen tle draw of the reins. Every part of the harness should bo as complete a fit as a dandy's coat; touching everywhere and pinching nowhere. Tho harness should be kept soft and clean. Looking For a Place. Persons looking for a farm ought to have a distinct and clear idea of what they want, a sort of scale of pointa, which will greatly aid them in tho selection. No plaoo may fully satisfy tho require ments of such a schedule, but it will bo found useful nevertheless, to fix in the mind what is wanted, aud approach it as nearly as possible. We suggest tho following points, to be looked to, for a residence, iu tho coun try : Facility of access. AY ater and it's character. Location as to its health, etc. Educational and religious facilities. Beauty of prospect, exposure as to its winds, character of tho land itself. Prospective value of the property. Facilities for purchasing family sup plies. There are other points, and we only present these as among tho more important. Fat on Domestic Animals. Dr. Smith has read before tho Fann ers' Club, a paper on " Fat on Domestic Animals." Fanners should always bear in mind that all domestic animals could not be fattened. It was a mistake to be lieve that any cow or hog could be fat tened. There was a great deal in the breed of the animal. Somo breeds of cattle could not be fattened ; others cloth ed themselves with flesh very quickly and paid well for the trouble of feeding. Every breeder of cattle should find out for himself by experiment what breed took its food to the most advantage. Ex cessive fat was a positive disease, and of ten produced diseases in animals. Geese, wheu fattened to excess, always had dis eased livers, and ol'ten die from an accu mulation of fat around the heart. Dark ness was a great help in fattening cattle. Domestic animals such as the horse, the cow and dog could live on food which had very little variety, but they did not accumulate fat. In fattening cattle, vari ety of food was indispensable, and food containing sugar must be given. Jlost roots therefore were fed to animals with advantage. Starch is also desirable, but it must be fed in connection with other matters. Cane stalks and beets are far superior to Indian corn, turnips or wheat as a feed for animals which the owner was desirous of fattening, aud must be given if a great weight is to be obtained. The advantage of fattening cattle to excess was very doubtful ; an excess of fat was desirable for human food, and the nearer market moats approached the state of the flesh of wild animals or wild fowls, the better they were for human food, and if more generally used would doubtless produce a great change in the death rates of our larjie cities. Nothing is gained, but a great deal is lost, by the pride of fat. Mr. Lyman said lie agreed with Mr. Smith in most of his opinions. It was an open question how much fat was desirable on animals to bring the flavor of the meat to the higest degree. He moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Smith, which was carried. FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powflers. r"r This preparation, long find favorably rfg55Wyj known, will thoroughly re-invigorata ?JJ4u&jf Ar"rlen down and low-spirited hora, FdlTiffl strengthening ami cleunuiiitf the u V in stomach and intestines. "bXfvmu It is a sure preventive of all diseases Incident to this animal, such as LUNG WATER, HEAVKS, COUGHS, PIS TEMPER, FEVERS, FO UN 1) Kit, LOSS OK APPETITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &c. Its use improves th wind, Increases the appetite srlres a smooth and trlossr skin and transforms the miserable) Kkeleton 'J into a flue-looking and spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this prepara tion is invaluable. It is a sure pre- l veutive against Rinderpest, Hollow Horn, etc. it lias been proven by actual experiment to increase tho 'quantity of milk and cream twenty percent, and make the butter Arm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes khtm thrive much faster. In all diseases of Swini, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, &c, this article acts as a specific. Hy putting from one- half a paper to a paper in a barrel of 1 swill the abovecliseases will be eradi cated or cntlrelv prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIJIOllE, Mil, For tale by PrugKlsU and Storekeepem throughout tbt Unlud Btatoi, C'auada and UouUi Amorioa, FOR SALE. AN KNGINE or Sixteen Horse, Power- The Lngine and Boiler is in perfect order, and tho boiler is of sufficient capacity to drive a much larger ICngine. It would lie suitable for a large tan yard or a saw and grist-mill. T lie subscriber oilers it for sale, only because it Is so much larger than Ihe wants of his Foundry require. J'"or further particulars address or apply to ULOIilili NNYDKlt. 41tf flow Ulooinlleld, Pa. THE C LOSING SCENE, T71KOM tho writings of Prof. A. K. Kinalnlltar, Jj contains a number of startling declaration and prophetic predictions in rcirerence to the New lira of Peace and Harmony on the. globe. These wxtre written In 1H.W. lwio and lKill.by Prof. Andrew It. frimalnlUar who claims to have 'the mission of Introducing the lira of Universal Peace ou earth. Price by mail. Ten cents. Address, J. KICK. Feb. 8 2t Klliottsburg, Perry co. Pa. II ATS & CAPS of all sorts and si7.cn. suitable for men and boyB, for gala by P. MORTIMER & CO. w ALL PAPERS AND BORDERS. A Fine Assortment of spring styles are now for sale by tho subscribers at low prices. F. MORTIMER d- CO., New Bluomflcld. 34 - Tlio Bloomficld Times JOB-OFFICE!; "We now have the material to do all kinds of JOB - W ORK Such as rulli-s Hsilo DBillH, Plain or in Colors. Blanks of All Kinds I 1511,1, HEADS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, DRAFTS, AND CHECKS ! P 0 S T E 11 S OF ALL SIZES, PLAIN OR FANCY 1 In fact we are prepared to do every variety of JOB PRINTING, Uusually Done in a Country Office 1 All Orders PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AT HE A SONAJiLE HATES, OFFICE IN POTTER'S ItO'W, orrosiTE I). 31. EUm'smith'N Moid! IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT THE LOW PKICK OF ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, OMICSTF.AP AND PKlMIMPTlON. I have compiled a full, concise and complete statement, plamly printed, for the Inlonnation of persons intending to tale up a HoiiKHiea.l or Pie eniptioii in this portion of the Veil, eiubi acing Iowa. Dakota ami Nebraskaand other seetions. It explains bow to proceed to pnn urn V ) acres of rich fa i mini: land for nothing, sx months before you leave your home, In this incut li" .ill lay climate. In short, it contains lust such in v. ructions as arc needed by thine inlciid tig to make a lionv: mid fortune on the free InniN of the Vic it. I will send one of tiice printed Cutlet t i any person sending me li" cents. The informal ion aloiie wnieli it give's is woith toany one. Men who came here two or three years Hgo and look a farm arc today in dependent. TO YOUNO MKN. This country Is being crossed with numerous railroads reaching front eveiy direction to Sioux City. Iowa. Six llailroads will be comp iled to this city in one year, (me is already in operation eon uect'li!,' us with Chicago and tne Dnion I'acilie It. li., and two more will be comp eted before rSnrini;, pimnecHnj! us with Dubuque aud Aictireror direct. Three mure will be completed within a year con ncetiliK us direct with HI. Paul. iMiiiii, A iiiiktown, Dakota, and Columbus. Nebraska, on the V. P. liailroad. The Missouri river t;'vcs us the moun tain trade. Thus it will be seen Unit no section of the country oilers such uiiproceclcniod a Wantages for speculation, and for nialUlu: a fortune. The country is bo;nj! populated, and ton in ami eilies are helir; built, aud foilunes made aimed, beyond belief, livery man who takes a homestead now, will have it railroad market at bis own dour. And any cnlerprisin;: yoi;:',u man, with a small capital, can establish him's; f hi a payini! business, if he en. locts the r.fiit location and rii:ht branch of trade. Iliiilitcen years' residence in the Western Count iy, and a laire portion of the time einploji'd as a Mer cantile Audit in this country, has made me famll iar Willi all the brandies of business and the bed; locations in this count rv. For otic dollar remitted to me. 1 will i;:ve truthful and ilclinlte answers to all quod inns on this subject desired 1 y such pet ions tell them the best place to locale, and what btisi ne .s is overcrowded and what branch Is neglected. Address, PANIKi, M'OTT. S. C!. Omm'rof Kmmlitrallon Feb. 15 70 ( llox 15H) Sioux City, Iowa. ZPUST KILLER. A Cure for Dipthoria! All interested, please read the following extract from a letter front Mrs. Kllen li. Mason, wife of llev. Francis Mason, Toungltoo, llirinalt: . . . My son was taken violently sick with ilip theria. cold chills, burning fever, and sore throat. I counted, one morning, ten little vescicles in bis throat, very white, and bis tongue toward the root, looked like a watermelon full of seeds; the re mainder coated as thick as a knife-blade. So many children have died around here, I was afraid to call a physician, and thought I would try your Pain Killer for a gargle with small lo:;e.s inwardly. I did so and found the gargle invariably cut oil the vescicles, and lie raised them up often covered with blood. Ho was taken on Sunday: on Wednesday his throat wasclearand his tongue rapidly clearing olf. I also used it as a liniment with castor oil and hartshorn, for his neck. It seemed tome a won derful cure, and I can but wish it could be known to the many poor mothers in our land who are los ing so many poor children by this dreadful disease. I have found your Pain Killer one of the most vaulable medicines ever used in ISurniah. Once I was stung by a very large black scorpion ; the pr.iu was Indescribable. 1 immediately applied the. Iv.in KUlcr,(for I never travel without It,) again and again, and in half an hour my foot was well. Dr. 'Walton writes from Coshocton "Yo.ir Pain Killer cures this new disease I)lpthtiriat or Sore Throat that is so alarmingly prevalent here; and it lias not been known to fail in any instance when used in time. This fact you shouM r.take known to the world." (It Is used in this disease as a gargle and lotion as well as a tonic and a stimulant. In Halifax where this disease prevailed for so many months In its most lv.al'.gnant form, the use of l'cmj Dnrls "Pain Killer" was invariably at tended wilh the most favot able results, when it was used ere the disease hf.J made too much progress to preclude the use cT fo powerful a stimulant. S Suld by M. P.. Ktrlekler, New llloomlleld, Pa. SHRINER'S Will cure the ASTITMA, BROXCniTIS, BLOOD SriTTINU, DIFFICULTY OF. BREATHING. PAItf nd WEAKNESS IN THE CHEST, TROUBLESOME COUCIUNG AT NIGHT, fro. It will effectually re JnoTe the Cough that frequently follows Measles, and any aUection of the reFpiratory organs, no matter of now lons; standing, or whatever the ajje of the person. It aots as a specific, is purely vegetable, m"l is plc&snnt to the taste, its effect Is soothing, allaying; the vio lence of the cough, facilitating expectoration quieting the nerves and tihiliratiug the system. Mothers, Save Your Children! No child need die of CHOPP, If this Rymp Is used in time: this ii a fact dfmonttrattd ly experience. No family should he without this Syrup, as that fatal disease, CHOI" I', comes liko a thhf In the night, to teal away your littlo ones, wheu regular medical aid wuuiot hi) obtained. Prtparei only by DAVID E, FOUTZ, JSaUimere, Jftt. TO OUli EH I ENDS ! TIW. undersigned have this day formed a Co Partnership under the name of SIDDALL & MARKLEY, and will continue tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At No. 119 Market Street, Succeding to the well-known house of WUKillT & SIDDALL. Trusting to receivo a continuance of the favors so liberally bestowed ou the old linn, We are yours, ltespectfully, I'll AN CIS II. SIDDALL. One of the linn of Wright & Klddall. AHTHTJlt I). MA UK LEY, M. D., Philadelphia, January 1, 1870. I. O. XT. Xfc. LOOKING FOR A FLACK TO BUY ;0IS LOW; Then go to tho One Price Store, of F. MORTIMER, & CO., New Bloomliold, Ta. II HOTELS. PERKY HOUSE, New Rloomflelcl, Pa. TIIK subsi'riher'h.ivlng pnrchaed the property on the erirner of Maine mid Carlisle streets, opposite the Court House, invites all bis frlcudii and former customers to give him a call as he is determined I furnish llrst class accommodations. THOMAS NCTCJI, 3 Uf. Proprietor. gAGLE HOTEL NEW 13LOOMFIELD, Pon j Comity, Terni'it. HAVIXd purchased the bold formerly oeeti pied by David 11. Lupfer. situated on North ( aril ' !e t-lrcct adjoining tl.e Court House. 1 am tiropared to receive transient guests or regular boarders. To ail who favor me with their custom, I MiaU endeavor to furnish llrst class accommodations. A call is solicited. (IKOi: UE DERRICK. I'.IooniUcld, March 9, lSO'.K 3 10 ly 5 Thomas Mocnn. S. S. Wnttr.it. 4SS5EATJLY Elfia'HOYKIJ AND II E - F 1 T T E D ! 'THE UNION,' This line Hotel is located on Arch Street, lletwcen Third and Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MOOKJ2 f: AVKHKIt Proprietors. January 1, 1S6U THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE V o u DYSPEPSIA IN THE KKOWN WORLD Pit. ANisnAiiT's inKT American Ptwkwia Pills and Pine Trek Tah Ci udiai, arc a positivo and Infallible cure for Dyspepsia in its most aggra vated form and no matter of how long standing. They penetrate the secret abode of this terriblo disease, ami exterminate It, root and branch, for ever. They alleviate more agony and silent suffering than to.igue can tell. i'h;y are noted for curing lite most desperate and hopeless cases, when every known means fails to afford relief. No form of dyspepsia or indigestion can resist their penetrating power. DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR COROt At It is the vital princlpleof the Pine Tree, obtained bv a peculiar process In the distillation of the tar, by which its highest medical properties arc retained. It invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. It strengthens thedebilitated system. It purines and enriches the blood, and expels front the svstent the corruption which scrofula breeds on tho lungs. 11 dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air passages of the lungs. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated surface of the lungs and throat penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain ami subduing inllammation. It is tin; result of years of study and experiment, and it Is ottered to the atllicted wilh the posit ivo assur ance of its power to cure the following diseases, if the patient has not too long delayed a resort to tho means of cure: Cimsunuition of the Lungs, Coityh, Sore Throat and Breast, Itronchltis, Liver Complaint RUnd and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dipthe ria, tie., fc. A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate diplomas, devotes his entire time to the examina tion of patients at tho olilce parlors. Associated with liim are three consult ing pliysieiatis of acknowl edged eminence whose services are given to tlio public l'UEB Of CI1AKC1E. This opportunity is given by no other institution in the country. Letters front any part of the country asking ad vice will be promptly ami gratuitously responded to. Where convenient, remittances should take 111 shape of Pit Al'TS Olt POST OFFICE OliDFKS. Price of Wisliart's American Pvspepsia Pills, $1 a box. Sent by mail on receipt of prlee. Price of Wisliart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, S1.C0 bottle, or 811 a dozen. Sent by express. All communleaUons should be addressed 1.. . C. WTHIIAKT, M.P., No. 202 North Second St., 118m Philadelphia. TO CeOXHUail'TIVES. TIIK Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remeily.after hav ing suffered several years witlt a severe lung affec tion, aud that dreaded disease, (Joitsumptiou is anxious to make known to his fcllow-niuerers the means of cure. To all who desire It. lie will send a copy of the P' scription lined (free of charge), with the dlrcc tl,ns for preparing and using tho same, which they will find a st'itu Clkk fok Consumption, Asthma, Mhonoiiitih, etc. Tlio object of the ad vertiser In sending the Prescription Is to benellt the ulllleted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost tlteua nothing, and niav nrove a lilcssliiir. 1'u.vtn.u uiuliliitr flia itv,,u,iilittl..,i dress P.EV. FDWAltD A- WILSON Ituly YTilliauulture, Kingi county, Kew York.