l)c (times, Nctu Bloomftclir, JJcu 5 Tho Bloomfield Times 'Tuesday, March 1 1S70. LOCAL J)i: 1'A 11 T M K N T. OUR TERMS Are One Dollar a Year In Advance ! Persons who receive a paper with this article marked, may know that they should renew their subscription, if they wish to continue to receive Tiie Timv. CORRESPONDENTS will please bear In mind dial Idlers received unci' than Satuidayove liing, or the down mail on Monday morning I'avo to lay over until the following wocii. Sale bills, or any kind of job printing done promptly at this ollico. .Returned. Chas. Leo Murray has return ed from tin) West, much improved in health and has resumed tho pra ctiee of his pro fession in tho several courts of this county. His ollico is for tho presunt with B. F. Juu kiu, Esp List of Letters remaining in tho Post Oflieo at New Bloonilield, on Feb. 28, 1870 : Martha ,r. Poyles, Hubert Camiet, Miss Maria Frownleller, Mis. Susan Tnlhy, James Flyun 2, S. Miller, Ncal, Mclvclvy & Co., 1'. Melzger, John J,. Owen, W. J. Huberts, Amos ISmitli, Susan Sha doa, Mrs. Hichard Tagg, David Tresslor, Charles Yanderow, (Jeorgo Siuvcr. SAM C EL liOATH, 1'. M. number of persons from tho vi cinity of Academia, Juniata county, have tho Western fever badly. The only thing that will cure it is a personal trial of that country. Consequently on tho 15th inst., thirty-four persons will start from that neighborhood for Missouri, and three from near Ickcsburg, Perry county. Horses Stolen. On last Thursday night, a bay ma ro was stolen from the stable of Henry Haines iu Buffalo twp . Thcro was also stolen tin tho same night a chestnut bay horso from tho stable of David II, Ste vens, iu Howo township. A reward of $o0 is offered for tho return of each animal, and $100 for tho arrest and conviction of tho thief. Runaway. On Tuesday last as Sam uel K. Sanderson and L. C. Clenisou were driving from Capt. C'lemson's to Newport, their horso became frightened ac a passing train of cars, and in spite of their efforts to stop him, ran at full speed, for quite a dis tanco. Just as they had him nearly stop ped, tho buggy ran on to a stone pile. The young men sprang out, and Mr. Sanderson holding on to the lines, was dragged quite a little distance and somewhat bruise d be fore getting tho horso stopped, but Mr. Clemson escaped without much injury. The Trice of Coal. If tho prico of coal at Millersburg, as given in tho New is cor rect, it is very evident that consumers are charged an exorbitant prico for this article by tho dealers in this county. Tho prico mentioned as tho ruling rato at Millersburg on Feb. 1st is : Egg coal $3 73 per ton. Nut $2 50 " ' Pea " 1 50 " " When wo tako into consideration that a ton at that place means 2,240 pounds, and with tho dealers hero only 2,000, for which wo are charged $,1 50 to $0 CO, it will bo soon, that allowing a liberal prico for freight, consumers are charged to use no stronger term, much more than a fair profit on this necessary article. Washington's birthday was celebrated in this borough with considerable spirit by the Mackinaw Lodgo No. 380, I. O. of O. F., and tho Bloomfield Council No. 33 O. U. A. M. The Millerstown Zouave Band was en gaged for the day and very excellent music they furnished. In tho aftcrnooiftlio two lodges turned out on parade, having in tho procession a table on which was displayed tools emblematic of tho order of American Mechanics, and a boy mounted on horse back, dressed to represent Oeorgo Wash ington. After the parade, an address suit ed to tho occasion, was delivered by Chas. Lee Murray, Esq., in the Methodist church. In tho evening tho members of both lodges with their ladies and many invited guests, partook of a supper, at tho house of F. B. C'louser, Esq., which was creditable to him as a caterer, and could not fail to bo satis, factory to the partakers. Wo return our thanks to the band for tho fine tune played in front of our prcnii ces. A law stilt of groat importance has been before tho Bellfonto court, tho past week. Tho case involves the title to thousands of acres of land, formerly tho property of Gen. James Potter, which lies in the counties of Elk, Potter, Centre and Mifflin. Terrible Accident. On last Wednesday morning a lad named Prico Smith, living with his uncle, Henry Comp, of Tnscavora township, tliis county, was shot and instant ly killed. From all wo can learn, it appears the boy had gone into tho room whoro tho accident occurred, and where tho pistol was lying on tho mantel, to fix the lire. Having dono this ho brought in a robo and blanket and hung it over chairs beforo tho stovo to dry, and had then probably taken tho revol ver to endeavor to remove tho loads which were in two of tho barrels, whon ono of them was discharged tho ball entering his forehead exactly between tho cyc-brows, producing instant death. No report was heard, but the lad remain ed absent so long that Mrs. Comp went in to seo what detained him, and found him laying so near to tho stovo that ono arm and ono knee wero against it and weie bad ly burned. The boy was subject to occa sional attacks of bleeding at tho nose and fainting spells, and when discovered by Mrs. C. sho supposed that ho had fallen from ono of these attacks. Sho according ly placed him on tho robo which sho laid down for that purpose, not noticing ho was shot until Mr. Comp, who shortly followed her in observed the pistol. For some timo past tho lad had occasionally been trying to remove two loads, which appeared to bo rusted in, and at tho timo of tho accident, was probably looking down tho barrel of the pistol. Tho deceased was generally known as Prico Comp, having been adopted by his uncle Henry Comp, when he was a few days old. Ho was fifteen years of ago on the morning of his death, and was a youth of much promise. Robbery and Arrest. On Thursday of last Week during tho time that a public salo was going on at tho lato residence of Mr. Smith McKcchan, deceased, near Mt. Bock, it was discovered that some ono had entered tho house of Mr. Geo. McKcchan, not far distant, and robbed the house, to what extent, it was not known. It was given out at the sale that such was the fact, and whereupon a largo crowd institu ted a search. Tho snow on tho ground re vealed tho fact that tracks making long strides went across tho fields in an unusual path. By following up these tracks tho veritablo robber was found snugly esconccd in a fence corner, with his booty a new overcoat and several fino suits. He proved to bo a Ger man and gave his name as Decitz, from Fredrick, Md. Ho was taken to Carlisle and remanded to jail, and, wo guess, is just where ho wanted to be. Newville Star. XA Fortunate E;eujc. On last AVedncs- day, while Mr. W. T. Dewalt of Shermans dale, was engaged in hauling ice, one of tho horses got entangled among tho logs at the saw-mill, and while hastening across the log to tho assistanco of tho boy who was in chargo of the horses, ho slipped and fell, and was trampled by one of them, tho wheel of tho wagon passing over ono of his legs and rested on tho other for sonio min utes until help came to his relief. Ho was considerably bruised by the horses and the heavy load of ice, but considering tho cir cumstances was fortunate in escaping with his life. Church Notices. In the Presbyterian Church prayer meet ing on AYednesday evening. Young men's prayer lnecting on Saturday evening at tho 1 uiso of Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. Preaching on Sunday morning next, at 10 o'clock. In tho Methodist Church, prayer meeting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve nings. Preaching on Sunday evening, at which time a protracted meeting will com mence. For 'The liloomfield Times. The 22ml iu Duncaiinoii. Tho American Mechanics, Sen., and Jr., including ladies and others, who came by invitation, assembled at tho Mechanics' Hall in the evening. Tho meeting was call ed to order by Dr. Jos, Bwartz. iiey. W. D. C. liodrock led in prayer. Mr. John Kecsbury read Washington's Farewell Ad dress. The assembly deeming it proper, concluded to rcgalo on the good things which had been prepared for the occasion. Fruo for all and by all. The Dr. again calling order, Mr. Thos. Millikon then de livered a neat and brief address. Messrs. Marklo and Gantt, followed appropriately. Tho chairman requested Bev. W. I). C. Hodrock to say something in houor of the ladies, which ho did very acceptably. Tho mooting then closed, by singing. The Presbyterian Church received a num ber into its Communion at tho late protract ed meeting, as fruits from tho refreshing series of meetings and Biblo Class, which is conducted by tho present pastor every Tuesday evening Again. lirlefs. Tho terrible accident recorded in another column is a warnuig against fooling with loaded lire arms. How many will heed this lesson ? Persons having ico bouses have boon very imsy uunng mo pasc wcck putting in a supply. Wo believe all in our vicinity havo their liousos we'll tilled. Georgo W. Thomas whilo hunting a rabbit in Wharton township, Fayette county, found a valuablo lead mino near his house. It is said that an effort is in progress for the formation of a new county out of Luzerne, with tho county scat at either Scranton or Plymouth. Tho net profit on the labor of tho prison ers confined in tho Delaware county jail last year was $1,350. That is a better report than tho Com missioners of Perry, can show. Miss McCormick, of Beaver county, was placing a coal oil lamp on tho mantle pieco ; the lamp fell from her hand into tho lire, and exploding, set firo to her clothing, and she was burned to death. LKOver forty-two thousand dollars worth of otocK nas ueen subscribed towards the Somerset county railroad enterprise. YCan the Commissioners of tho Duncannon Bloomfield & B. T. It. 1. tell us how much has subscribed towards that road. '! Col. Win. Scott, the former military agent for this Stato at Washington, has been re appointed by the Governor with tho under standing that he shall cha rge only one half of the legal fee for collecting balance of bounty payable to one year men under the recent decision. The claims from tho Border Committees for damages sustained during tho war, filed at the Auditor General's ollico, in llarrisburg, aggregate about $3 500,000. The committee to which tho bill to pay these claims was referred has refused to report it, the vote being a tie. This action is not considered linal, however. County Prico Current. Bloom rinLD, February 28, 1870. Flax-Seed j2 oo Potatoes 4.-, cents. Putter l pound 28 Eggs $1 dozen is lined Apples ftl pound, ti " Dried Peaches 8 Kiefs. ft. Pealed l eaches 15 4S 18 els. Cherries 50,) o ets. " ," , , Pitied is iqi 21) els. " ISIackbcrrics 8 w. 10 ets. " Onions 'ft bushel, 76 Corrected ll'ce ; Griffith .Tonpx. uis, ,v t DU.NtANNON, February 28, 1S70. W Idle Wheat l 15 Fed Wheat, i of) ".ve 7r, l-orn 75 Cats, 32 pounds new 42 Cround Allium Salt 1 Saek 2 GO Linicburner's Coal, Stove Coal 0 50 Smith Coal 25cts.Tlbus. Iron "jl Cwt 4 so Nails 't Keg 4 60 Corrected Wecljii bu W'm. Nevvpoui, Hour. Extra, ; Ked Wheat iiye Corn, Cats V 32 pounds, Clover Seed Timothy Seed '. Flax Sued Potatoes, (round Allium Salt, .' Linichumcr's Coal Sieve Conl, J'ea Coal Smith Coal, Cross Ties,8 feet Ions,' '.'.'.'.'.' Knurih it .Sons. J February 28, 1870. 4 76 ... 1 00 1 00 80 00 70 40 7 60 7 50 I! (11) 1 75 :iu no 2 7.) 2 40 (i 00 (rj 7 00 3 41) .... 25 ets. 1 b.s. 35 40 cents. Philadelphia Price Current. Corrected IIV'7,7 by Junwa ,0 Aiulrcus, .No. 123 AIaiekkt Stiiixt. Philadelphia, February 20. 1870. While Wheat 0 1 30 61) 1 50 lied Wheat, 1 4 g 1 20 ,1;ye Win! 1 Oil t-nru nlj 03 J I;"" , f.4fiii ( lover Seed g OOiM H 25 Timothy Seed 4 00 ) 4 60 Flax Seed, 2 25 () 2 30 Country Laid, ii o 17 Fuks 21 'j 25 Turkeys Sf(i 22 lilltter, solid in bids.' U 10 I'i;r.s Hakkk On Hie 15th nil., by Itev. Oit. Iu Centre township, Indiana county. Pa.. Mr. ,1. V. IcUos. of Altoena, and -Miss lMaigio HaUer, or In diana county, J'a. Plain (Must At the resilience at the bride's parents, on i he 23d lilt., by the Kev. S. A. Hedges, Mr. W. Scott lllaiu. to Miss Mary A. Crist, ilaugh tcrof David Crist, Km., all residing near Markel ville, this county. ItAVliO On the 241 li lilt., in Carroll township, Nathan C illici t, son of John and Margaret ltaiubo, aged 5 weeks anil 4 days. Smith In Tuscaroia township 011 Wednesday the 23rd ult.. Price K. Smith, adopted son of Henry und Susan Comp, aged 15 years. Farewell, dear brother! earth no more Here claims thv presence or thy trust; Thy Heeling pilgrimage is o'er, And we have placed thy crumbling dust, Thy manly brow 110 more we'll sco: 'Tis Heaven's decree, lis laws are Jut; Death claims its yletim thus 'twill be, Fai th's given to earlh, and dust to dust. And yet bright faith lights up the tomb, And bids us place In Cod our trust; Hope from above dispelled ihe gloom, Since we have placed thy mouldering dust. SlMTKKS, I)UOPO.SAl,N FOIt UltlClf. Proposals will lw) received at the Commissioners' Olliee In New lilooinlleld up to March 7, 1870, for 150,(iH) Brick, to be delivered al the Perry County Poor House. Jiy Order of tho Commissioners. , " , J. it. SHL'LFlt, Clerk. ow BloomflelU, March 1, 1870. E. M. Eli Y, Wholesale and Kotall Dealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, 01ioinisilss, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, B 11 U S II E S , AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, which will be sold at low prices 3'" Orders from Physicians promptly ntteiuled to with grout cure. IB. IIVE. EBY3 Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. PIIOTOGltAPIIS ! Photographs ! Photographs ! JACOB COJILIJ, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PEXN'A. T TIF subscriber would respect fully call the at lention of the citizens of this 'count v to the fact thai, he is prepared to lake J'JIOTOUHA PUS In the best style ul tho art. His long experience enables him to produce PWTCltES WUTC1I VAXSOT JIB EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COTtLEy Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. ri" fcji , TIIE subscribers keep constantly on band, a F1XU ASSOKTAIF.NT OF FREXCII CALF SKIXS, PIXK LIXJXOS, R 0 A N S , 310 no ceo s, SHOE THREAD, FFG'S, AWLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. E. MUllTIMEJl fc CO. Notice to Horsemen I rjlIIJC subscriber Hirers at private sale, SEVEN FINE COLTS of the following ages s Ono 4 years old ; Two 3 years old ; One 2 years old ; Three 1 year old. The Colts may be seen at his residence in Carroll township. Perry county, Fa., half a miin from oung's Mill. ADAM F.F.AM. February H, 1870 Jit NOTICE. TK. SAM PEL II, PICCKls till day admitted i-lX to an Intel est In iny business, F. MOltTlMEK. New lilt illelil, January 15, 1870. The business will bo continued at the name place, under t lie lirm of K. MOHT1MEB Si CO. Pennsylvania R. It. Time Table. NEWPORT STATION. On and nftcr November 14th, 1809, Tassenger trains will run us follows: EAST. Piieilie Exprrss 10.50 A. M. Jlarrrisbiirg Accommodation 12.32 r. M. Mail, 7.63 r. M. WEST. l'acllle Express, (Flag) 5.09 A. M. Vi av Passenger, 9.11 A. M. Mail 2.32 P. M. Fast Line 5.19 p. M. J. J. BAPCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On and aflcr November 11th, 1869, trains wll leave Uuucanuon, as billows : KASTVAltl). llarrisburg Accommodation 1.12 p.m. Mail 8.28 v. M. Focal Freight, 3.1.0 P. M, WESTWAiUi. AVay Passenger 8.33 A. M, Mail 2.(1(1 1: M. Fast Line. (Flag) 4.5(1 p. M. Local freight, 0.15 a. m. Norn. Wav Passenger West runs dailv, except Monday, all other trains daily except Sunday. WM.C. KINO, Agent iUILLERSTOWN STATION. On and artcr Nov. l llh 1809 trains will leave this station as follows : EASTWAUD. llarrisburg Accommodation 12.10 P. M. Mail 7.49 P. M. WESTWAIJO. Way Passenger, 9.24 A. M. Mail 2.44 P. M. W. J. JONES, Agent. Stage Line Between Xewport ami New (criniiiitown. QTAOES leave New Cermantown daily at four O o'clock a. 111. l.aiidisbiirgat 7. 3d a. in. Creen pnrk al S 11. 111. New llloouilield at 'J4 a. 111. Arriving at Newport to connect Willi the Ac commodation train Fied. licliiriiing leaves Newport 011 the arrival of the Mail Train from Philadelphia, at 2.3U p. m. Z. KICK, Proprietor. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 9Ioiiljiiy, Xov. 22hn1, 1SC. ("1 KEAT TKUNK LI Mi FItOM THE NORTH X and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Heading, Potlsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shaniokiii, Lebanon. Allentown, Fusion, Fphrata, Litis, Lan caster, Columbia, &:., &e. Trains leave I larrisburg for New York, as follows: At2.3i),r.:io, 8.1(1, a.m., and 12.20 noon, and 2.;w, 11.00, p. m., connecting Willi similar trains on the Penn'a liailroad. and arriving at New York at 10. 1."), a. m., and 12.0."i, noon, .'t.3f, o.:Vi, lo.oo, p. .v.. and O.oo. a. m.. respectively. Sleeping ears accompany the 2.30, and 5.3o, A. M., and 12.20, noon trains with out change. Leave J larrisburg for Peading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Sliamokin, Pine Clove, Allciilowii, Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. M., and 2.55, and 4.10, p. m., Ihe 2. 55 train stopping at Lebanon only; Ihel.lo p. M. train stopping at allSlatioiisandmak in connections for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumliia, and all intermediate Stations between airt points only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna liailroad, leave llarrisburg at .3.40 P. M. licturning : Leave New York at 9 A. M., 12 noon, and 5 and 8 p. m. : Philadelphia at 8.15 a.m., and 3.30 P. M. Sleeping cars accompany the 9 A. m. and 5 ami 8 p. M. trains from New York, without change. Way passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. m., connecting with similar train on Fast Penn'a fiailroad, returning from Heading at (i.Jio p. m., stooping at all Stations; leave Potlsville at 5.4U, ami u A. m. and .3. 05 p. m. : lleriidon at 9.30 a. m. ; Shaniokiii at 5.4U and 10.40 a.m.; Ashland, 7.05 a. m. and 12.30 noon ; Tainaqua at 8.: A. M. and 2.20 p. M. for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna liailroad at 8.15 a. m., for llarrisburg, and U.30 a. m for Pine (irove and Tremont. Peading accommodation train: leaves Potlsville at 5.40 A. m., passing Heading at 7. 30 a. si., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4. 45 p. m. passing Heading at 7.4U p. M., arriving at J'oltsville at 9..IU p. m. Pottstowu Accommodation (rain : Leaves Polts town at (S.45 a. 111., returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. ill. Columbia liailroad trains leave Heading at 7.15 a. 111. and 0.15 p. 111. for Fphrata, Llliz, Lancaster, Columbia. &e. Perkioiuen liailroad trains leave Ferkinnien Junc tion at 0 a. in. mid Jilo and 5.30 p. nt. Kclui uiug, leaves Schwenksville at0.10,8.12a.ninml 12.45noon, connecting with similar trains on Heading liail road. Colebrookdale liailroad train leaves Pottslownat 8.45 a. 1:1. and 0.20 p. 111., for Ml. Pleasant, arriving at lo.20a. 111. and 7.20 p. m. : returning leave Ml. Pleas ant at 7. and 11 a. 111., connecting witliNimiiar trains on Heading H. li. Chester V alley Hailroad trains leave Bridgeport nt 8.:l a. ill., 2.05 and 5.02 p. 111. Hemming, leave lJowninglown at 0.30 a. 111., 12.45, noon, und 5.15 p. 111., connecting with trains on Heading liailroad. On Sundays; Leave New York at 5 and 8 p. 111.; Pliila. at 8 a. in- and 3.15 p. m. ; (lie 8 a. 111. train run ning 01 1 Iv to Heading; Potlsville 8 a. 111.; llarris burg 5.:t a. in., and 4.10 and 11.00 p. 111. : and Head ing 111. ., imiiiiigm, ami 1.1.1a. in. lor tiarrisiiurg at 1.20 a. in. and 12.55 a. 111. for New York; and a at u.-wa. 111,, 4.2.1 p. m. lor j'hiia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Tickets to and from all points at reduced rales. llaggage checked through, 100 pounds allowed each passenger. (i. A.NICOLLS, Gen'lSiip't. Daily Express and Freight lino BETWEEN . BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT ! THE subscriber wishes In notify tho citizens of iilnninllcld and Newport that he is running a Daily Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. S. Orders may lie left lor him at the stores or F. Mortimer & Co., New lilooinlleld, or Mllllgan & Musser, Newport, Pa. J. 8. WIIITMOHE. Kloomlluld, January 25, 1870. Q.LASS AXD QUEENSWAEE. A splendid assortment of Glass and Queens ware at greatly reduced prices lias Just been received by the subscribers, l'or.sons wanting any article of this kind, will do well to examine tho stock. . ; F. MOKTIMEK & CO.. . New Bloomtteld, 4