ljc times, New Ulaomftclir, Ja. Philadelphia Advertisements. CROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . 1. KXIUfftT & Wholesale Dealers in PISH, CllCCKO AND X,ioviioiiH, 114 South Delaware Avenue, ISclow Clicstunt St., PHILADELPHIA, FA. Agents for Collins, (Jcdtles & Co's Canned Fruits. 1041tf S. II. TAYIiOK, Villi WAINWRIGHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, Korth East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street?, Pliilaclclpliia Pa W. A. Atwood. Isaac W. Ranck. ATWOOD, RANCK & CO., Commission Merchants, 1 ANI Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Tickled and Salt No. 210 North 'Wharves, above Race Street, 3 40 fimfi PHI LA DELPIITA , PA. WHOLESALE & GROCERS January 1, 1809. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. CiKAYmi,L. & CO., Wholesale Dealers In Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Batting, Wadding, Twines, &c, And a fine assortment of Wood mid Willow Ware, No. 343, North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. January 1, 1809. TOBACCO SECARS &C. Thomas Roiib. A. J. McCoskey. ROBB & McCONKEY, Commission Merchants, And Wholesalo Dealers in LEAP AND MANUFACTUR ED TOBACCOS, SEGARS, &C No. 13 North Fifth Street, (Between Market and Arch,) PHILADELPHIA, PA. 1041tf A. B. Cunningham. J. II. Lewars. J. S.Glelin. Cunningham, Gleim&Co., Wuolesalb Dealers in Tobacco, Segars, &c, NO. 408 MARKET STREET, AIIOVE FOURTH, ihii,aiel,iiiia. 82310 Philadelphia Advertisements. DRY COODS HOSIERY &. NOTIONS BAKCROFT & CO., Importers and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DllY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, Hosiery, &c., Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET STREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) Philadelphia. John Sliatrner, Jr. E. S. Ziegler. Theo. Eumel. S1IAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Successors to SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER & CO., Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Ciloves, ICibhons, Suspenders, THR E A D S , C O M B 8 , and every variety of TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 3fi, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ayentsfor Lancaster Combs. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. W. F. MOHI.EK, JOBBER IN Hats, Caps, Eurs AND Str si v - O-oodst 153 NORTH THIRD STREET, 3 9 ly 10 PHILADELPHIA. W. W. Paul. V. J. Hoar. II. L. Hood. A. Trimble. WM. W. PAUL & CO. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, C23 Market St. and G14 Commcreo Street, riiiladelpliia, Penn'a. MISCELLANEOUS. JRADHURY'S AND OTHER .1'IAXOS. jaylor it Farley's ami 11 P. Xeeilhum Jc Son's GANS AND MELODEONS. WM. G. FISCHER, General Wholesale Agent, 1018 Arch Street and 21 North Eleventh Street, 3 42 Cm. Pill LA DELPHI A JiBXXSYLVAXIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO. No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. ELASTIC SPONGE, A Substitute for Curled Hair, FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES. It Is cheaper than feathers or hair, and much superior, being the lightest softest and most elastic material known FOR MATTRESSES. PILLOWS, CARRIAGE, ' CAR, AND CHAIR CUSHIONS. Itlslndcstructahlcfrcp. froiudiist, ierfectly clenn and for the sick is unequaled, as If soiled it is easily cleaned. IT DOES NOT -PACK And is entirely free from Moth Persoiu am remwsteil to examlno the Cushion fijionie at the office Qfjhe comjKinu, FebStf No. 1111 CHESTNUT STREET. l S. T. AUGE & CO., ' 1 V Philadelphia, Pa,, J Philadelphia Advertisements. DRUCS, MEDICINES AND PAINTS. SIDDALL & MARKLEY, Wholesale Druggists, AND DEAI.ETIS IN Patent Medicines, 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FRONT, Philadelphia, Pa. API" EL STOCK of everthlng connected with the business, of the best oiialitv. and atverv low prices. A good location for business, with a j low rent and light expenses, enables us to otter In I ducenieuts to buyers, and makes It worth their while to nive us a trial, riiiladelpliia, 3. Stf. John Lucas & Co., Sole and THE ONLY MANUFACTURERS OP Til IS IMPERIAL FRENCH, PURE SWISS GREEN, Also, Puro While Iad and Color MAKL'FA CTUIiERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St., Philadelphia. SATES liABOK! Saves Time ! SAVES 3IOSTEY! iVINRKJHT & CO'S Labor-Saving Soap Will bo found the best in use. With this Soap washing may be done with half the labor required when any other Is used, and the saving in wear to clothes is really astonishing. It will cost only Fif teen Cents to try It, and after that you will use no other. 9 For sale by all Grocers, and by F. Mortimer, New Hloonilleld, Pa. 317 "Tho Red Horse Powders" ARE UIE BEST POWDERS In the World for HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, OR POULTRY. They will not only prevent, but will Cure diseases, and are the Cheaix'st, as well as the bust Horse Powders in use. Try them. For sale by St ores a nil Druggists generally, and by F. Mortimer, New liloomilcld, Pa. 33otf Worth its Weight in Gold! rpilIS Is what everybody who has used it says of XESMITII'S MSIMIIXT. For Rheumatic Pains It will glvo Instant relief and ellecta permanent euro In a short time. It Is also the best remedy in the World for Cuts, Sprains, Itruises and Hums, and not only giving prompt relief from pain, but heals without leaving any scar. All who have tried It, say no family should be without it, for it is worth its weight in gold. 9- Try a bottle of it ! No euro, No Pay. 317 For sale at F. Mortimer's. ITardwure, Cr. LLOYD, SUPPLEE, & WALTON, WHOLESALE HARDWARE HOUSE. No. 025 Markot Street, Philadelphia. ESTEY'S CI REAT INDUCEMENTS ottered to Churches X and Sunday Schools. Organs and Melodeons for sale on monthly Instalments. K. M. HRUCH, No. 18 North Seventh St.. 1041tf PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia Advertisements. BOOKSELLERS &. STATIONERS. SOWER, 1JARNES POTTS, ISoohseliers & Stationers And Dealers in CURTAIN AND WALL-PAPERS, Nos. 530 Market and 523 Minor Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA. . Publishers of Sanders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Robert's History of the United Stales, Feltou's Outline Maps. &c. is B, A :v ii isooits Always on hand, and made to Order. Mtf MILLER & ELDER, ISookseller and Stationers, 11LAXK HOOK MAXCEACTL-ltEliS, A -.id Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS AND WALL I'APER, No. 4:30, Market Street, 31 PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHARLES MAGARGE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Nos. 30, 32, anil 34, South Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. t. Paper any Size. Weight, Color and Quality, made to order, at short notice. lolyii LOl'ISJIAX'S Wx-iiiiijL. I-T'luia ! THIS I U ID Is warranted EQUAL to Arnold's, and is sold at much less price. The money W11I be refunded to those Inlying it, if it does not prove entirely satisfactory. sa-For saie by F. Mortimer, New liloomilcld. MILLER & ELD EH, Sole Agents, 430 Market Street, 23031 Philadelphia. Jiaiihiur and Stocks. BANKING HOUSE Of Jay Cooke & Co., 113 AND 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Old Wanted IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes Wanted. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. tiT COLECTIONS made j STOCKS bought and sold on Commission. 13?" SPECIAL business accommodations re served for LADIES. 3101 Glass and lueensware. A. L. Kaub J. E. Fheymire. ItAUIS & FIIY3II1CE, IMI'ORTEHS AND JOUIIEHS OF C h i 11 a , O- Ihhh AND QUEEN S WAltE, 301 and 303, Cherry St., between AreU & Race, PHILADELPHIA. OW Constant! on. hand, Orlglnnl Assorted Packages. 3. 9. ly 10 HUMOROUS ITEMS. Jtea" An irreverent rascal publishes tho following atrocious conundrum : " What is the uifi'erenco between a maiden of sixteen and ouo of sixty '(" . One is hqy mid cowcm, while tho other is cajji and hu!rli:n." SiSTAn will yo nftlicr telling what kind of a bnsto ye call tin's, said a newly arrived Irishman, holding up a wasp be tween his thumb and ti tiger. " (Jch, murder ! S'puko quick, for he's biting uio." B(SA village pedagogue, in despair with a stupid boy, pointed at the letter A, and asked him if ho knew it. " Yes, sir." " Well, what is it?" " I knows him well by sight, but some how I can't remember his name. flay An Irishman travelling in a street well paved, was startled by a dog with a threatening growl. Tho traveller at tempted to pull up 0110 of the paving stones to throw at him, but it was fast. "Arrah," said Paddy, "what a fiao country is this, where the stones arc tied and dogs let louse. BS?" Everything has its ludicrous point of view, and funny events occur even on such ijruic occasions as i'unerals. A cer tain IJIue jJoard of this latitude, over-i come by his sensibilities, fainted at thci grave ot his fourth spouse. " What shall we do with him ?" asked a perplexed friend of his. "Let him alone," cried a waggish by stander, " he'll soon xa-icive .'" JKi? A Lafayetto minstrel, riding a pumpkin colored sorrel, perpetrated a heavy sell on a toll-keeper in Lafayette, last week, lie rode up unobserved, and quickly turning his horse about, opposito to tho direction which he wanted to go, called to the toll-keeper who by this time had come out : " How much to ?" "Twenty cents," answered tho toll keeper. ' Too high," responded the solitary horseman. Can't pay it. Guess I'll ;o back." llo turned his horse around and pro ceeded in precisely tho direction he want ed to go tho toll keeper never dreaming of the sell. JKS" Patrick and the Priest. Pat rick, the widow Maloney tells that you have stolen one of her finest pigs. Is that correct or not 'i" " Yes, yer honor." " What have you done with it?" " Killed it and ato it yer honor." "Oh, Patrick! Patrick! when you aro faco to face with tho widow and pig on judgement day, what account will you bo able to give of yourself, when the widow accuses you of stealing?" " Did you say the pig would be there, your riverenco '(" "To be sure I did !" " Well yer riverenco, I'll say Mrs. Ma louey, there's yer pig." &3y We keep a Biddy not a hen, but one of Erin's fair daughters who at tends to things about tho house. It was Biddy's Thursday out, aud eIio said she was going to "spind" tho day with her sick Pat. " Sick ?" said I. with him ?" " What's the matter " Sure an' I dunno. fornist his chist." Ifc lias a pain I handed her a box of liver-pills. Then, said I: " Bridget, take these and give him a dose of four to six, and I guess he'll feel better." And Biddy departed. I had just got homo to my six o'clock dinner, and had got one chow of corned beef down, when there camo a knock at the basement door that shook tho crock cry in the closet. I opened tho door, and thcro stood Bridget, tho water squirt ing down her cheeks. "Och, Mr. Bly, she said, "be themith er of Moses, but Pat is bad ! Will ye bo afthor comin' to see him ? Aud, it s tho morbus ho has, sure." " Bridget," said I, " did you giyo him the pills '(" " Au' faith an' I did.' " How many did you give him ?" " Your dose forty-six, sure." "Tho devil !" said I, and, starting for. a doctor, we succeeded, after au all night's work, in saving him. Moral. Never advise an Irish gal to give or take a dose of four to six pills ; that is, if you desiro tho subject to have any liver left.