The Bloomfield times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1867-187?, February 15, 1870, Page 5, Image 5

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    I)c ffimcs, .New. Dlpontfieltr, 3a.
The Bloomlield Times
Tuesday, February J.", 1S70.
LOG A E 1) E I'A 11 T M E X T.
Arc One Dollar a Year I n Advance I
Persons who receive a paper with this nrtiirln
narked, may know that they should renew their
tiibscriplion, it they wish to continue to receive
The Times.
CORRESPONDENTS will please bear in
liiml that letters received later than Sat imlay eve
line er the down mail on .Monday liioruiiig have
.o lay over until the following week.
A nsw eh to Enigma In last, number, Sent.
Sale bills, or any kind of job printing
done promptly at this ofliec.
Dr. Millikcii, the member from Perry,
uis our thanks for public reports.
Uack Numbers. We are often request
d to send back numbers, but are no lon
;er ablo to furnish any further back than
fo. 5 of this volume.
Sonic easily excited persons, residing
ear Ickesburg, have the gold fever, in con
gruence of a report being circulated that
ome of the precious metal had been found
n that vicinity.
fumcrous postal changes have recently
been made in this State, among which is
the appointment of J. T. Robinson as post
master at Green Park, and O. AV. Leas as
postmaster at Sterret's Gap, tho former ofli
cers having resigned.
Mr. John McKlnzic of this borough had
a narrow escape from a broken arm, last
week by having his arm caught in the bal
ance wheel of the engine at Peale's tannery.
Fortunately he escaped with only a strain
ing of tho wrist, which caused him to curry
his arm in a sling for a few days.
A Salesman Wanted ! A Fish and Pro
vision house in Philadelphia, wish to en
gage a salesman. One well acquainted with
this and ad joining counties, and who can
come well recommended, can secure a posi
tion in a first-class house. For further in-,
formation, address F. Mortimer, New
Bloomlield, Pa.
Church Notices.
In the Reformed Church preaching every
evening during tho week.
In the Presbyterian Church prayer meet
ing on Wednesday evening. Preaching on
Sunday morning at 10J o'clock.
In tho Methodist Church preaching on
Sunday evening. Prayer meeting on Thus
day evening.
Kjlie Ex-County Trensurer does not have
a high opinion of a portion of tho Auditor
General's Report. Ry that document it is
made to appear that this county only paid
seven dollars as a tax for restaurants, while
tho Treasurer has the Auditor's receipts for
$57, which he paid into tho State Treasury
on that account. If no more correct in
other particulars, than in tho report as to
this item, tho work will not be remarkably
valuable for reference.
(Jrcat complaints have been made, and
with good reason too, in regard to tho mail
facilities from this portion of tho county.
For somo time past it has taken two days
to get a letter to Duncannon or Harrisburg
from this place and it was only through tho
kindness of tho postmaster at Newport,
who took tho troublo to send through let
ters up to Lewistown, whero they were put
on tho Cincinnati express going east that
letters for Philadelphia did not lay over at
Newport for ono day, in consequence of tho
. stage failing to reach that place in time to
connect with tho mail train. Orders have
now been received from the Post Master
General to tho effect that tho mail must
lcavo Landisburg at 5 A. M., and Bloom
field at 8.30 A. M., so that it will roach
Newport in time to have tho mail leave on
tho 10.50 train.
To the Press. All weekly papers,
published in tho following States, are re
quested to insert tho advertisement in
another column, headed " Homestead
and Pre-emption," one year. Collections
niado quarterly. Print this notice one
time, under editorial head, and send
marked copy: New York, Pennsylvania,
Delaware Maryland and Virginia.
BQU A poor chanco for girls. Thero
are only two bachelors in the New York
Coflln Found. A genttomnn residing in
Ryo twj., found a coflln not long since
laying besido a tree ho lind cut clown a
week previous at wliich time, no such
article was there. The coffin had been
evidently well finished and appeared
to have been buried some months. It
was about three feet long, and when found
seemed to have been recently broken open
with a mattock or crowbar. How it enme
there or by who placed there, is a mystery.
The collin was taken to a house in the
vicinity, whero it now is.
Death From Strangulation. We are
sorry to record tho death of a little child
(about twenty two mouths old,) of Mr.
Stanley, residing in that part of Third
Ward known as Smithlleld, which occurred
on Friday last, from strangulation. It ap
pears that the child had picked up a small
screw, and child-like, jmt it in its mouth,
from whence it slipped into its throat and
lodged there. All cfl'oits to extricate it
were unavailing. Dr. Christy was immedi
ately summoned, but tho little one was
about breathing its last when he arrived.
Aitoona Tribune.
Election of Elders. At a congregational
meeting held in the Presbyterian Church of
Perrysville, on Sabbath last, Prof. David
Wilson, Prof. Alfred J. Patterson, Isaac
Ilawn, Samuel Ruck, and Robert E. Flick
inger, were elected Ruling Elders iu said
We learn that they will bo ordained end
installed with appropriate religious services
on next sabbath (Feb. 13th). Services be
ginning at 10 o'clock, a. m. Juniata Sen
tinel. To the Ladies. The subscribers having
received a lot of Dry Goods, which were
slightly wet during a recent lire in tho city,
are oll'ering them at great bargains. Tho
stock consists of Dress Goods, Cambrics,
White Red Spreads, &c, and though not
really damaged in the least, are sold at
twenty fivo per cent, less than tho regular
Now is your time for barj,.uns.
F. Mortimer & Co.,
New Bloomlield, Pa.
For The Woom field Times.
. Emjottsuuho, Feb. 14th.
Mr. Editor The revival of religion in
this place continues to bo kept up every
night. At tho meeting last Saturday eve
ning, I observed about thirty sleds and
sleighs hitched around tho Church. The
seats of tho Church were all filled, mostly
with young persons and the congregation
was addressed in a most fervent manner by
Rev. John Duni, after which quite a num
ber of persons went forward to tho mourn
ers bench.
The store and dwelling house of Mr. Wm.
Dum in this place, came very near being
destroyed by firo on last Saturday. Some
ashes containing fire had been placed in a
box in the wadi house which connects the
store and dwelling, and the lire in tho ashes
communicated to the box and when discov
ered had made such progress that it was
with difficulty that it was extinguished.
This is the second time that this store has
been endangered by lire.
Elliottsburg has a prospect of more im
provements as Jacob Dum proposes build
ing a house and barn the coming Summer.
Special Correspondence of Tub Times.
IIaujusbuko, Feb 11, 1870.
Mr. Editor: ' This city has been tho
scene of intense excitement during the hist
twenty-four hours, consequent upon tho
veto of the "Metropolitan Police Bill" by
the Governor. Tho pressure brought to
bear upon him by tho two opposing fac
tions of the friends and enemies of the bill
was beyond tho annals of our Legisla
tive history. It is not my province or de
sire to express an opinion as to the merits
or demerits of tho bill itself, whatever the
final destiny of the bill may bo. The Gov
ernor was honest in his convictions and has
shown himself possessed of a moral cour
age of which few can boast. Even those
who liko him have faced the cannon's mouth
or stood dauntless before a fierce Kansas
rabble. Quito a number of persons are
visiting tho Legislature iu reference to tho
license question. Tho promised bill to sub
mit the question to a direct voto of tho cit
izens of each district was before the House
during tho evening session of yesterday.
After some debato tho whole matter was
laid ovor until next Thursday. There was
a magnificent reception at the Governor's
mansion last evening. The question of
printing the proceedings of this Legislature
and that of the final adjournment of both
Houses is not yet determined. In looking
over tho proceedings of the Harrisburg
Fertilizer Company, I learn that Mat. Kirk
Haines has been elected Superintendent.
The appointment is a judicious ono and
gives general satisfaction not only to the
stock holders but to his numerous friends
throughout tho State. Among many visi
tors here I observe Cols. Speakman and
McAllister, formerly of your town.
. Yours, Phil.
Good Clothes don't make the man, but
they Improve him wonderfully when he is
made.. Such improvements can bo had of
F. Mortimer & Co. '
Gottlieb Bonner and Albert Van Bo
denburg, tho Peightal murderers, are to
be executed at Huntingdon, on the 9th of
V An Act has been passed authorizing
the School Directors of Marysville, to
borrow $:J00 for tho purposo of crectin"
building for a graded school.
A young man named Miller, a brakes
man on the lcnn. 11. 11. , was instantly
killed at Harrisburg, whilo uncoupling
coal cars, on last Thursday.
Protracted Meetings are being held
with much success, in different parts of
the county. Besides those held at places
previously noticed, is a meeting at the
St uo Church, Oak Grove.
yTho storm of last Monday and Tues
day furnished us with 22 inches of snow.
Good use has been made of it by the
farmers up the valley in hauling away
grain and bringing back coal.
We call attention to the works of Prnf.
A. B. Smoluikar, offered for sale by J.
Rice, whose advertisement will be found
in another column.
Yesterday was St. Valentine's Pav. but
his dominion extends over the whole of
this week. Letters however, containing
One Dollar for ono year's subscription to
tho Times arc always in order.
The change in the appearance of the
Newport News, is very creditable to the
new Editor. We arc glad to note the
Huntingdon county is taking the lead
in furnishing criminal indictments. Be
sides the recent murder cases, we now
have a report of two cases of attempted
highway robbery, which occurred there
last week.
County Price Current.
Bloom field, February 14, 1870.
Flax-Heed f2 00
Potatoes 45 cents.
Duller f pound, 2S
liggs 'fl dozen is "
Dried Apples ) pound i "
Dried reaches 8 Wets..
l'ealed Peaches, lo (q) IS ets. "
Cherries sti uctH.
" Fitted, 18 a 20 ets. "
Blackberries, 8 & 10 els. "
Onions yi bushel, 75
Corrected Weekly by Griflitk Jones.
White Wheat,
iiunuAjinai, f ciimary 14, 1871).
.SI 15
Jied Wheat ,
ltye. ..
Oats, JJ2 pounds new,
(J round Allium Salt W Sack,
Liiiiebiirner's (Joal,
Stove Coal,
Smith Coal
Iron ft Cwt
Nails Keg
. 1 Oft
. 70
. 40
C ftO
2ft ets. films.
4 50
4 0
Corrected Weekly by Win. Kmtqh t .?.. j
Newpoiu, February 14, 1870.
Hour. Extra, i 4 7ft
Red Wheat 1 00 1 00
Rye So
Lorn 05 (9
Oats fl 32 pounds, - 42
Clover Seed... 7 0(1 7 00
Timothy Seed 3 (K)
Flax Seed 1 7ft
Potatoes .id 30
mmcrjVT.Iinehurner's Coal,
vtiouim jviiiiiui rau, z
2 40
move i;oai
Pea Coal
6 ftl) 7 00
3 40
2ft ets. ft bs.
35 40 cents.
Smith Coal....
Cross Ties.SJ feet lung,
Philadelphia Price Current.
Corrected Weekly by Junney & Andrea,
No. 123 Maukkt Stukkt.
Philadelphia, February 12. 1S70.
White Wheat $ 1 35 (B 1 4,1
lied Wheat 1 20 1 20
n, imi m
('urn KS Hi) 01
ats r,4 m ftft
Clover Seed R Oil 8 12
Timothy Seed 4 ftilfn) ft no
Flax Seed 2 20 W 2 2ft
Country Lard lis pi
iteK 'am 2s
Jurkevs iiti ik
IIiiIUh-, solid In bbls." is dg IS
Clahk Died In this borough, on the morning of
the 14th Inst.. Mr. Edward C. Clark, aged 20 years,
1 mouth and 14 days.
Jle was one of timse Intelligent and well-beloved
yoiuig men who will lie greatly missed from the
circle of his many friends. Ills sullerliigs were
Intense during his Illness, when death relieved
him. He died in the hope of a blessed immortality
beyond; and with that assurance of a happiness
which the world can neither give nor take away.
A Fine Assortment of spring styles are now
for sale by the subserlliers at low prices.
Now Hloomlield.
A splendid assortment of Glass and Quoens
waro at greatly reduced prices has just been
received by the subscribers. Persons wanting
any article of this kind, will do well to examine
the stock,
New llloomtleld.
FOR Extra Rio Coffee, either Roasted or
Green, or a fine Coffee at 25 conti, ?o
B . M . E B Y ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer tu
Patent Medicines,
For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes,
A Splendid Assortment of
13 11 U S II E S ,
Always 011 hand, which will be sold at low prices
tW Orders from riiyslchuis promptly
attended to with great care.
Newport, Perry County, Penn'a.
Photographs ! Photographs !
Photographic Artist,
Newport' penn'a.
THE subscriber would respectfully call the at
tention of the citizens of tills eoimtv to the
fact that he Is prepared to take l'lIOTOd'RAVliS
ill the best style of the art. His long experience
enables him to produce
All persons are requested to call at his rooms and
examine specimens.
Particular attention given to copying likenesses
of deceased persons, and great caro will be taken
tu furnish
Good Pictures of Children.
Framing material and a good assortment of frames
always on hand, and for sale at low prices.
Newport, Perry Co., Pa.
TIIK subscribers keep constantly on hand, a
and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe-
Notice to Horsemen !
rjMllJ subscriber offers at private sale,
of tho following ages : i
Ono 4 years old j Two 3 years old ; One 2 years old s
Three 1 year old.
The Colts may be Reen at his residence In Carroll
township. Perry county. Pa., half a mile from
Young's Mill. ADAM JiKAM.
February 8, 1870 3t
MB. SAMUEL H. IIF.CK Is this day admitted
to an Interest In my business,
New Bloomlield, January 15, 1870.
The business will be continued at the same place,
under the linu of
Pennsylvania R. R. Tinio Table.
On and after November 14th, 1809, Tasscnger
trains will run as follows:
TaeHle Express, 10.50 a. m.
Harrrisburg Accommodation 12.32 p. m.
Mail 7.53 P. M,
Pacific Express, (Flag) 5.00 A. M.
Way Passenger an A. M.
Mail 2..12 P. M.
Fast Line ft. Ill p. m.
J. ,1. BARCLAY, Agent.
On and after November lit'i. lrfP, trains wil
leave Duneaiuion, as follows:
Harrisburg Accommodation 1.12 p. m.
Mail S.-.'Sp. M.
Local Freight, 3. ID p. M.
Wav Passenger, 8.33 a. m.
Mail 2.00 p. m.
Fast Line, (Flag) 4.50 P. M.
Local Freight. 0.1ft a. m.
Note. Way Passenger West n.ns dully, except
Monday, all other trains di.ilvexeepl Smulav.
WM. I!. KiNll, Agent
On and alter Nov. 14th lsoo trains will leave this
station as follows :
Harrisburg Accommodation 12.1H P. M.
Mail 7.4'i P. M.
Wav Passenger 0.21 A. M.
Mad 2.44 P. W.
W. .1. JONES, Agent.
Stage Line Between "cvpirl and New
STAOFS leave New Cennantown daily at four
o'clock a. in. Lnndisbiiigat 7. it " a. in. (Jrceu
park at S a, in. Xew lUoomlicWl at D! . a. m.
Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac
commodation train Last.
ltetiii iiing leaves Newnoit on tiie arrival of tho
Jltiil Train from Plrladelphia, :r 2.."n i. in.
Z. KICK, l'rujtrietor.
IMoiBrilny, 3fov. 22nH. ISGf).
X and North-West for Philadelphia, New York,
Heading, Pottsville, Tamaqua. Ashland. Sliamnkiu,
Lebanon, Alleiitown, Kaslon, hphrata, l.i'.iz, Lan
caster, Columbia. &c. &c.
Ti n ins leave 1 larrisburg for New York, as follows :
At, 2.30, 5.35, 8.10, a.m., and 12.20 noon, and 2.ftft,
1 1.1 Ml. p. M.. connecting with similar train: on the
Penn'a It.iilroad. and arriving at. New York at 10.-,
lft, a. m., and 12.0ft, noon, 3.35, 0.35. lo.nii, p. m.. and
0.00, A. M., respect (vely. Sleeping cars accompany
the 2.:l0, and 5.35, A. !., and 12.20, noon trains wil li
mit change.
Leave Harrisburg for Heading. Pottsville, Tama
qua, Miucrsvillc, Ashland, Shamokiu, l'ine drove,
Alleutowu, Philadelphia, at 8.1M. A. v., and2.ft5, and
4.10, P. M., tlte 2. 55 train stopping tit Lebanon only;
the 4.10 p. M. train stopping at all Mat ions and itttiU
in connections lor Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co
lumbia, and all intermediate Stations between taid
points only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and
Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna linilread,
k'ave Harrisburg at 3.40 p. Jr.
lieturning : Leave New York at P A. M., 12 noon,
and ft and 8 p. m. : Philadelphia at 8.15 a.m., and
3.30 P. m. Sleeping cars accompany the II A. m. and
5 and 8 P. M. trains from New York, without
Way passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7.S0
; a. m., couneciing wnn similar irainou Wist i'emra
I liailroad, returning from Heading at o.3ft p. M.,
stopping at all Stations; leave Pottsville at 5.40,
I and 0 a. m. and 3. 05 p. m. : Hermiou at Ml a. m. ;
; shamokln at 5.40 mid 10.40 a. M. : Ashland, 7.05 a.
: M. and 12.30 noon; Tamaqua nt8.33 a.m. and 20 p.
j m. for Philadelphia and New York.
i.eave i ousviuc via ncuuyiKin aim siisqu'iia"ina
Uailriad at 8.15 a. m.. for Harris burg, anil 11.30 a. m ,
lor t iniM.rovc aim iremoiii.
Heading iieconi!iioil"tiou train: leaves Pottsville
at 5.40 A. m., passing Heading at 7. 30a. m.. arriving
tit Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m., returning leaves
Philadelphia at 4. 45 p. M. passing Heading at 7.40
p. M., arriving at Pottsville at 9. p. m.
Pottstown Accommodation train : Leaves Potts
town at 0.45 a. in., returning, leaves Philadelphia at
4.00 p. m.
Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 7.1ft
a. pi. and 0.15 p. in. for Fphrata, Litiz, Lancaster,
Columbia. &.
Perklomen Railroad ti'ainsleavePeikioiiieii.lunc
tion at 0 a, m. tind 3.10 and 5.30 p. in. Hetm ning,
leaves Schwenksville at 0.10, and 12. lft noon,
connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail
road. Colebrookdiile Railroad train leaves Pottstownat
8.4ft a. in. and 0.20 p. in., for Alt. Pleasant, arriving at
pi.20 a. in. and 7.20 p. in. : returning leave Mt. Pleas
nut at 7. and 11 a. m.,coniiectingwitnsinitlartraius
on Reading H. H.
Chester Vallev Railroad trains leave I'.ridgepm t
at 8.30 a. in.,"i and 5.02 p. m. Returning, leave
Downlugtowii at (i.;0 a. in., 12.45, noon, and 5.1ft
p. m., connecting with trains on Heading li.'.ilroad.
On Holidays; Leave New York at 5 and S p. in. ;
Phila. at 8 a. in. and 3.15 p. in, ; the fa. m. tram run
ning only to Heading; Pottsville 8 a. m.; Harris
burg ft.3o a. m.. and 4,10 ami U.00 p. pi. : and Head
ing at 12.43 midnight, and 7.15a. in. for Harrisburg;
at 7.20 si. m. and 12.5ft a. in. for New York; and at
l. 4' a. in., 4.25 p. m. for Phila.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Kx
cursiou Tickets to anil from all points at reduced
llaggago checked through, 100 pounds allowed
each passenger.
(J. A.NICOLLS, Gen'lllttp't.
Daily Express and Freight Lino
Tlin: subscriber wishes to notify the citizens ot
llloomllold and Newport that he is running a
Ifcilly Line between these two places, and will haul
Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages
or messages entrusted to his care.
v. orders may be left for him at tho stores of
F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomlield, or Milligaii &
Musser, Newport, Pa.
, , , t r , J' 8- WI1ITMORE.
Bloomlield, January 25, 1870.
FROM the writings of Prof. A, B. Rmalnikar.
contains a number of startling declarations
and prophetic predictions In reltereueo to the New
Lra of I eaee and Harmony on the globe. These
were written In 1859. 1800 and 1801,byProf. Andrew
B. Snub Ikar 'who claims to have the mission of
introducing the Kra of Universal Petce ou earth.
Price by mall, Ten eents. Address,
Feb. 8 2t KUlottsburg, Terry oo. r.