8 Perry County Bank ! Sponslcr, Jimkiii & Co. THE undersigned, having formed a RanklngAs soi'iation under tlie above name anil style, lire now ready to do a (leiipral Hanking business at tlieir new Banking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE CO UR T 110 USE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over GO days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. (Mi time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months; and for four months four per cent. We are Well provided with all and every facility for doing a Hanking Business; and knowing, and for so:ie years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of a Hank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to snpplythewant;and this being the lirst Bank ever established In Perry county, wo hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Banking Association Is composed of the fol lowing named partners: AV. A. Ki-onsi.ek, Bloomlleld, Terry county, Pa. B. F. .Il NKIN " ' " A. (i. iMiu.Ku, Shlppensburg, Cumberland eo.,Pa. John WoMiKitLicii, " " " Husky Itrnv, " Wi. II. Miij.ek, Carlisle, " " OFFICERS: W. A. SFON'SLER, President. Wii.uam Wii.i.is, Cashier. New Bloomlleld, 3 5 ly -VJJTt CLAI31 JlSD Biasiiranee Agency ! THE BEST IN USE miTE undersigned, is Agent for the follow X lowing well-known Insurance Companies iETNA, Of Hartford, Connecticut. NORTH AMERICAN, Of Philadelphia, Ta. HOME, Of New Haven, Connecticut. FARMER'S MUTUAL, Of York County, Pa. Pennsylvania Horse Thief Detecting AND Insurance Company Of York County, Pa. If ynu have a House, Bnrn or Furniture that is not Insured against Loss by Firo or a Horse that is not insured against loss by theft or death, call on or write at onco to the undersigned. . Also Pensions, Counties and all kinds of War Claims Collected. JET If you have a claim against the Govern ment or have made application for Tension or Bounty, which you have not received, call on or write to the undersigned at once. LEWIS POTTER, War Claim and Insurance Agency, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Bloomfield, January 1, 1809. 3. 2. ly CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Always on band, from which to select. Ready Clothing fisl MADE TO p ORDER.jJgjSJJa Made CLOTIUXU READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always ou hand. F. Mortimer Co., MarcUld, '09. New Bloomlleld, Va. THE PARIIAM NEW FAMILY Sowing Machine IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET RUNNINO as well as the Most Simple Machine in Use. IT WILL HEM, IT WILL IUIAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL OA TIIER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. The principal offlce of the company is at A'o, 701 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale in Terry County by JAMES L. DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER & CO., New Bloomfield. 3-The puWc are invited to call at either of the alove places anil nee a Machine in ojHiration. BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZIJE. rpHE greatest success Is attending the publica j tionoi HALLOWS MONTIIL Y MA OA ZINB of any nerldlcal In the worm. Each number con tains Onk Hl'nduku Pagks of the choicest stories. J'oenis and Engravings, or Twki.vk Hdmiwco I'aoks every year for ttl.fio beliiR fully tbrce-fourtks an large as as euuer oi me jour-uouar Magazine ai auoui one-inira men- price. tH- Now is the time to tubscrlbe.-nn. TKHMS.-tl.S0 a year; 7 copies, (9; 13 copies, tli. 3.Scnd stamp for specimen copy and propeotai to BLLIOTT THQ MICH & TALIiOT. PvHitiirs, Uotiix, Mm. GItKAT DIKTllIUUTlOar By the Metropolitan Gift Co. Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000, Every Ticket Draws a Trize. BCashiiits,caeh$20,0n0 10 ' ' 10.000 21) " " 6000 f0 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, 7f ' " Alelodeons, lr0 Sewing Machines HHKiold Watches.... Cash Prizes, Silver Ware. &c, valued at 40 Cash Gifts, each S1000 2uo " " wi M) " " loo each 83(H) to S70II 7.r to loo C.otol7" 7.r)to:K) Sl.lllHI.IHKj. A chance to draw any of the above prizes for2"c. Tickets describing Prizes are scaled u Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt ol ii.ic. a nntwn JUk-ei is drawn without choice and sent by mail to any address. The Prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of Ono Dollar. 1'rlzes are immemaieiy sent u any auuress uy ex press or return mail. You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Ann l'rite. exchanprit for another of same value. Mo Itlanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. JtKKKltl'.NcBH: we seiccr tup following iroiii ninny who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to piiiiiisti mom: Atinrew ,i. minis, Chicago. SlO.linO; Miss Clara S. Walker, Baltimore, Piano, SfSOO; James M. Matthews. Detroit, S...O0O; John T. Andrews, Savannah. SiitXJO ; Miss Agnes Simmons, Charleston, Piano, tfj()0. We publish no names without permission. Opinions op the I'ukss: "The firm Is reliable, and deserve tlieir success." Werl. il Tribune. Mail 8. " We know them to be a fair dealing tlrni." A'. Y. Herald, Mai 2S. "A friend of ours drew a I'M prize, which was promptly received." Dalln News. Jane .'). Send forCircular. Liberal induceinciilsto Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Ei'.valopes contains onk cash hkt. hix Tickets for 81; VI for 82 1 : for S."j; 110 for (S15. All letters should be addressed to JACKSOX MOORE fc CO,, 3 u 3m 57 llroatlucay, Aeu York. S II AW L S ! A Splendid Assortment of SHAWLS For Fall and Winter Wear are now offered by tho sulmcribcr at very LOW PRICES. CALL AXD EXAMINE TUB iTOCX. F. MORTIMER & CO., Nw Bloomfield, Th Real Exctllence kni Chcipnttt of our Cloth ing it tho only tocrot of our groot tueooH. IS Wo nouo ht "til wool" Koorll, trery pico of which 11 wH iponirtd, ood tir. fully examined. Our euttere of ltexly mud. Cloihtnf ro inch conl'l work In other eittAbliahlneiite on Cm tom Work; their work conibiuee comfurt witli etyle. Our henili ere nnpplledl with the bttt triniiiilngi, end wo nee that tliey line them, end erery erlfclo ii thoroughly tuited be fore belnsputiuto itock. Bierj terment told b i ompenled with legel iciurantee, holding ue re epotuihte for the oor rectneei of ell the rep reientatious medo. It it conceded that onr large buiineia and many other advantagee, enable i to loll lower than auy other houie. Welnrftea iroomparieon of price. PALL AND W1NTEB 07 18G9. 'WehaT Eladetll GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberless Garments, . Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Qoods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Qoods, 3-All our good r marked at Ixiwkk PBicca than w,r the ajri aa-tlclo Itut y ear. I 13S VEiuam m boys' aid youths- weak Ar especially well prepared to fl'e eatiifactloB, New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, Sohool Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Stylee, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. rax umsr w iu mil, S. E. cor. 6tl k HAEET STS., PHILADELPHIA. ("embracing whole block on fith from (Uarket to Minor. INTO. ' '1870. THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES mm PUMPS ! PUMPS ! o: 's.. Oi I": R: w: w : o: : W: O: Wi P1- t'- Jji ,,i n; 5- ii 51 JANUAUY, FEBRUAItY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, FOR VUltE WATER, USE THE CKLKIlllATEU ci;ciihi:k pimp M.ido of v. lld ('nrumher wood, on tlrt'ly ta.iMiv!. Humid, and reliaiie. ; the noiid old-fa shloticd wooden piinii, tnado by inachiiiery, mid tliere.foro jiei fe.et and iiceuiratu in all its parts, raisitiK an eqt'.al anioiint of water, and costiii!-' lessthan half the money. Easily iirrnn.!!Ml ho as to tie non frt'i'ZiiiK, mid in eonstruetioti hosiiii ple that any onr can put itvp and keep it in repair. After thorough trial it ia acknowledged tho Best and Cheapest. CHARLES G. liLATOHI.EY. MANUFAITUKICR. Olllco and Ware-room, Kos. 624 and fti I'llhert Street, 3 32 01110 PHILADELPHIA, PA. These l'unipx ean ho ordered of the Mann faeturor, or Mortimer & Uo., -New llloonilleld. 10- 4 Sheeting Muslin, 9 8 Sheeting Muslin, 5 4 l'illow Cuko Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Cuho, Muslin, 4 4 Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Shirting Muslin, i. . 64 Sheoting Linon, For sale at the lowest price by, , ? F. Mortimer & Co. New BIooinAold. 2: If. I'"' i yoi """ 13: L'O: 13 3: 10j 17: S4- 3: 4: 10 j ll 17; 1: 24- 25 i ai: 1- 7: 8i 14; 15: 21- 22: 28 i i t 7: 8: 14: 15: 21 : 22 : 2j 2'jj "i ": ""rj: lli 12j IK: ly: 25- 20- O XT ' TV 13 w- F A M I L Y SEWING MACHINE. i 5: 0: 7: 8 12: 13? 14: 15 11): 20 ; 21: 22 20 27; 28: 21) 2: 3: 4: 5 It- 10- 11- 12 j in: it. in. in 23; 24; 25; 20 2; 3- 4: 5 ; 10- 11: 12 10: 17: 18: 1!) 23; 24: 25 20 o0; 31- .: ... 1 ; 2 fi: 8: 13; 14; 15: 10 20; 21 27; 28; 211 o ; )'i 30 l; 2 8; tt; 15; 10 ; 22; 23: 2!; 30 JUNK, JULY, , AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, ... 5: c; 12: 13; KM 2(i; 20- 27; 10; 11! 17- 18; 24! 25 31- ...! ... : 1 7: 8; 14: 15! 21 23; 28 ; 2'J 3! 4! 5; 0; 7 10: 11: 13: 13; 14 17: 18: 1: 20; 21 24: 25: 20 27; 28 i ; ...; ...; ... 1; 2; 3; 4 7 8: fl 10: 11 14- 15: 10- 17; 18 21 : 22; 23; 24; 25 28- 2U; 30 ; ... i; 2 5: 0: 7: 8; 9 12; 13; 14; 15: 1 H) : 20: 21; 22: 23 20; 27; 28; 2'j; 30 2: "3: 4; 5; o 9: 10: 11- 12; 13 10: 17: 18- 19- 20 23 24 25 20: 27 30j 31: ...I ... OCTOBER,., NOVEMBER, DECEMBER,., : l; 2: S 4: 5 : 0; 7: 8; 9; 10 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 10: 17 18: 19: 20: 21: 23:. 23: 24 25 i 20- 27- 28- 2'j; 30- ... 1 2: 3: 4; 5; 0; 7; 8 9: 10: 11 ; 13; 13: 14: 15 10 17 18 10; 20: 2li 23 23: 24 25: 20 27: 28 29 30; 3lj ..; l; 2; 3; 4; 5 0 ; 7- 8! ; 10- 11- 12 13: 14: 15: 10: 17: 18: 19 20; 21 j 22; 23: 24; 25; 20 27 28 29; 30- ..-: ... : ... 1 : 2 : 3 " 8: 9: 10 11; 12: 13 14: 15; 10; 17 18: i : 20 21 : 22; 23 24 25; 20- 27; 28; 29- 80; 31 Professional Cards. Br. MclNTIHK Attorney at Law, and Dis- trlet Attorney of l'erry eoitnty. Ollieo with C. J. T. Mclniire, New lilooinfleld, 1'enn'a. TTM. N. HEIHEUT, Attorney-at-Law, V New lilooinlield, l'erry eo Pa. Illoomlield, 3.13 ly. firjl. M. SUTCH, Attorney-at-Law, and Mill V tary Claim Aijent. New Hloomlleld. l'erry co.. Pa. S-Ofllce Two doors West of. E. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly TTTSI. A. Sl'ONSLEH, Attornev-at-Law, Olllee HdjoiuiiiK his residence, on East Main street, New lilooinlield, Perry co.. Pa. 3 2 ly SH. UALURAITH, Attorney-at-Law. . New Hlooniliefd, Perry co.. Pa. ir Pensions, Motilities, Hack Pay, and all Claims airalnst the (iovernment, promptly collect ed. Olllee with Win. A. Sponsler, Esu. 3 2 ly. f I.EE MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Vv J'.Mato Agent. New Ploomftcld. Perry co.. Pa. Oftiee with Hon. B. F. .Iiinkin, South Car lisle street. New llloinhcld, Pa. 3 i ly. CHAS. A. HARNETT. Attorney-at-Litw, j New lilooinlield, l'erry co.. Pa. ?L.Ofllce adjoining Mortimer's Store 3 2 ly E Uo C. LONU, Attorney-at-Law, New liloonitield. Perry co.. Pa. Ullieo onethior West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly, C1IAS. J. T, McINTIRK, Attorney-at-Law, New lilooinlield, Perry co., Pa. V- All professional business promptly and faith' fully attended to. 3 2 ly. LEWIS POTTER. Attorney-at-Law. J New nionmllcld. Perry co.. Pa. r- Ofllee live doors West of Snteh's hotel. 32 ly. TOHN G. 8HATTO, Surp;eon Dentist. New lilooinlield. Perry co.. Pa. M.A11 kinds of Mechanical and Surgical Den tistry done in the hest manner, and at reasonable ricuii. umce orer iorniuer s siore. j z ly riIHE SUPERIOR MERITS OF TI1E"S1NG. Kit'' Machines over nil others. ti,r either Family use or Manulnctiiriiiir purposes, nre to well e.-tublislicd mid so frenerHlly tidiiiitied, Hint iin eniiiiierutioii of liieir relative excellences is no longer considered necessary. Our NEW FAMILY MACHINE w hich lins been brought to perfection reeardless of time, labor, or oxpense, is now eotilidently presented to the public n incomparably tlio REST SEWING MACHINE IN EXISTENCE. The Machine in quetion is Simple, Compact, Durable nnrt Beautiful. It is quiet, light runniiifr. and capable of per forminpr a rnne and variety of work never be fore attempted upon a single Machine, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, nnd sewing with equal facility, the very best the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything be tween the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for Hemming, llraiding, Cording, Tucking, Quilting, Felling, Trimming, Rinding, etc., are novel and practical, and have been invented nnd adjusted especially for this Machine. New designs of the unique, useful and popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to th Machines manufactured by this Company, have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at bel be conveyed through tlie medium of a (necessarily) limited ad vertisement; and we llierelore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Machine by all means to examine and lest, if they possibly can do so, all tlie leading rivtl Machines belore making n purchase. A selection can then be made under standingly. Rranches or ngencies fur supplying the '.'Singer" Machines will be found in nearly every city and town throughout the civilized world, where JVInchiiies will be clieerlully exluo ited, and any informmien promptly lurnislied. Or communications may be addressed to The Sluger Muiuifueiiiriiig Company, ' 458 Bvoadwuy, Kcic York. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE: HOG Chestnut Street. JOHN R. SIIULER, Agent in NEW BLOOMFIELD, TA. January 1, 1SG9. ly. Tho Cheapest Paper in the State ! A Forty Column Paper for $1 a Year frUlE BLOOMFIELD TIMES, an Independent I Family Journal, published weekly, at New Blooinfield. Pa., will, ou thelstof January. 1H70. he nlarged to a Forty Column paper. Each number will contain Original-or Selected Stories, Anec dotes. Local and Miscellaneous News, and such u variety of Interesting Re udlug Matter.that It cannot iau 10 lie a welcome visitor 10 every luiunv oircte. It will be nriuted on llrst-class naner. and mailed to subscribers, at the low price of ONE DOLLAR I'KU ymaH, ill advance. Specimen copies mailed f ree. jtuank mohtimek. New iiloomfleld, Pa, KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. IIOUSEKEEI'E 11 S will nnd the KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help in cleaning their houses. It is th Original nnd Only Genuine Faint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean nior paint and do it better than any other soap K v c r M arte! It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and brighten Fine Rrass. Copper and all Metalic Ware, and will remove all Paint, Pitch, Tar, Urease, Ink, Varnish or anv other dirt from tlie hands. It is the only Soap for cleaning Windows or any kind of EAHTHKKN WAltK. All oilier Miaps mat, are ailvm-tised to do the same are IMITATIONS ot our Soap, and will not compare Willi THE Q RE A T LAHORE A YIXG KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP! -TryIt and you will like' It. Ask for the "Kilchen Crystal Soup," and take no other. All Grocers sell ft. EASTMAN & HHOOKH, 431 North Third Street. ' Philadelphia, Sole Proprietors and Manufacturer. i.The above Is for salo by F. Mortimer & Co., New lilooinlield, Pa. SlWin. Judson's Self-WashingBoiler. vTliSai i I iQwi ffri' iff ' THE BEST WASHIN(J-MACHlNEInxIstencr. It saves time, nearly all the labor, th Soap and more than 'A the wear of Clothes. Agents wanted In every town. Order Stoinptiy tilled, when accompanied by Cash, or at xpross station sent ('. (). D. THOMAS IIFEL, S. W. Cor. luth and Arch street, Ml PHILADELPHIA. M. Other papers wishing to Insert this adver tUement will picas address F. E. Thurston, Ad vertising Agut, iHK) Lancaslar Avenue, Philadwl-kla.