l)c mc0, New Bloomftcllr, JJcu Tho Vloomfiold Times Tuesday, February 8, 1870. LOCAL 1 11 VA 11 T M X X T OUR TERMS re One Dollar a Year in A tlcance ! Persons wlio receive a paper with this article m.irked. in:iy know tn.it nicy shmilil renew their milnei'iption, it tney Wish ti continue to receive Til! TtlllUH. CORRESPONDENTS will please lear In wiiud lu.U leiiers received later than .-iauuday eve ning. r 4 nu down mail mi Monday morning have to lay ovel' until tliu billowing woeu. Sale biJls, or any kind of job printing done promptly at this otlico. Sale of Personal Property. Wo call at tention to the sale of personal property, by Amos Foulk, in Carroll township, on Fri day, the IStli i list. No Name. W'o have reeeived a letter from lilain containing a remittance but with no name. So we know not who to credit it to. Those who are .governed by fashion's laws will tako notice that chignons are now worn smaller, and a lady appearing on the street with one larger than a water bucket, would bo out of style. (The State received tho enormous amount of seven dollars from the treasurer of Perry county last year, for eating-house and res taurant licences being the smallest amount received from any county in the State. On Friday evening tho horses attached to Robinson's hack, suddenly started as lie was letting out a passenger, in this bor ough, and but for prompt assistance, would have dono much damage. Fortunately they were stopped before any harm was done to either passengers or hack. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. William' A. Darr, a carpenter employed in shingling the roof of Col. A. Xoble's residence on Main street, fell, and was luckily caught in a grape arbor, which doubtless saved his life. He fell a dirftanco of two stories and a half, with his head downwards, and es caped with a few bruises, Carlisle Uerald. The best is always the cheapest, and this is particularly so when selecting a company iu which to insure your property. Persons wishing insurance,arc certain of selecting a ood company, if they insure in the JEtnn, Mr. Lewis Potter, of Blooniiield, is agent for this company. If you wish an insu rance ask him for a policy jn tho iEtna of Hartford, which is one of tho pldest and most reliable in the United States, Found Dead. Ono evening last week the statling news was brought to town that a man, a stranger in this vicinity, had been found dead in Centre township. One of tho persons living in tho vicinity had kind ly removed tho body into a new liouso he was building, and a sort of irregular iiujucst developed the fact that tho cause of the sad affair was an over dose of whisky, mixed with sundry potions of tile. A verdict of dead diiunk, from this cause, was acuord ingly renderod. Church Hotlves. In the Reformed Church preaching every evening during tho week. Communion next Sabbath at 10J o'clock. Preparatory services on Saturday at 10 a. m. In tho Lutheran Church prayer meeting on Wednesday ovening ; preaching next Sabbath at 2 p. m. In tho Presbyterian Church prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening, also on Sunday morning and evening. In the Methodist Church preaching at 10 o'clock a. m., prayer meeting on Thursday evening. The Best In Use. Tho Parham Sewing Maehino is tho most simple, the most com plete, works with less noise and will be found tho best machine in uso. ; They may bo oen at the storo of James L. Diven in Lan disburg.or of F. Mortimor&Co.,Ulooinftold. Every person who thinks of purchasing a newing machine, should. not fad to examine The Parham Machine. Religions meetings at which great inter est is manifested, are now being hold in tho church at Elliottsburgh. It is expected that tho meetings will continue, through the whole of this week. ; . v Viewport Itens Wo stated last week That a party litfd been arrestod at this place on tho chaifco ttf drunkenness, disorderly condMct and blasphemy. "Wo have since Ihioii informed that the warrant only called for their arrest on the chargo of drunken ness and disorderly conduct, no chargo of blasphemy being mado. Tho youths of our borough have taken a step in a right direction. Having inaugu rated a reform society, pledging themselves from swearing and to assist tho adults of the place in generally maintaining order. May success attend their efforts. The Odd Fellows Lodgo intend ta give a social supper next Thursday evening, to which all members are invited to bring their ladies. Another Case of Being Draggeil by a Mule. Mr, Elian Smith, of Fayette twp., this county, while riding a undo on his wjy homo on Saturday, 22nd nit., was thrown therefrom by tho sudden frighten ing of the beast, and dragged for some dis tance. As tho boast was plunging through Cocalanius creek, Mr. Smith by good for tune, managed to secure a hold on the Hood gate, when tho saddle-girth broke, and thereby releasing himself from his peri lous situation. Ho was confined to his room for several days from tho effects of tho injuries ho received. It wilt be remem bered that about tho last of December, a Mr. Dearing, of Milford twp., was dragged to his home under similar circumstances. Juniata Sentinel. Fur The liloomflcld Time. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 1, 1870. Mr. Editor I arrived hero safely, on tho steamer " Dictator" an excellent steamer and since my arrival I have been spend ing my time in looking about tho city. Tho lirst thing that attracted my attention was the activity about tho harbor. It certainly is a very different placo fro m Charleston. Here all is bustle and hurry on the docks. Everywhere I can seo moving masses of living beings, and as far as my eyes can reach, I can seo nothing but a forest of masts with tho colors of their various na tionalities fluttering in the breeze. On get ting on shore immense quantities of cotton bales piled up all along tho wharves met my gaze,. Quito a number of vessels were loading with the staple. It is difficult to keep from being run over by a cotton dray or truck whilst moving about the docks. Among the curiosities hero is a machine for reducing tho size of cotton bales by means of bydiaulic pressure. It would bo impossible for mo to explain tho manner of doing this satisfactorily, suffice it to say that the bales before they are brought here, are packed and pressed so that it seems im possible to diminish their size to any extent, yet by means of this powerful machine, in less time than it will take mo to relate, it will reduce a well-pressed bale of cotton to one-half its former dimensions. I was un able to learn tho namo of the inventor of this useful machine. On going beyond tho wharves and walking along tho lirst street running parallel with them, I saw nothing remarkable, except its lilthiness, tho mean ness and inferiority of the buildings along it, and tho largo number of whiskey estab lishments. It seemed as though every door on tho street had over it " Licensed to sell Liquor." I next wended my way into the heart of the city. Pavements and sidewalks of ovory description are scarce, and streets muddy beyond excuse. Tho only thing that makes them at all endurable, is the beauty of tho shade trees along their entire length, and the many parks which are really attrac tive. Among other things I observed, that goats were very numerous in all parts of tho city, no matter where I went, I met them on tho street sidewalks, on tho steps of tho houses, some inside gazing out innocently at the passer-by, and would ven ture a wager that I could tell this city from any other blindfolded by its goaty smell. The people hero seem less sellish than those of Charleston. The colored population pre sent a better appearance healthier and better clad, and there are but few idlers about tho streets. There aro but few good buildings in tho city, such as aro found iu our principal northern cities. The Mar shall House is ono of tho best, and would pass for a rospectable second class hotel in New York or Pliiladel phia. x x x. For The Bloom field Times. Buhvkibk Visit. Mr. Editor: Allow tho iiiulorMgnori to return their grateful ac knowledgments, through your valuable iia i;er, to tho members of tho Reformed con gregation of Newport, who surprised them by a visit to tho Parsonage on Thursday evening, tho 3d iijst, with gifts which sup plied tho wardrobo with useful articles the pantry with Hour, apples, potatoes, dried fruit etq., and the gnuiory with corn and oats. Tho gifts thus deposited aro worth at a reasonable valuation, between forty and fifty dollars. After an entertain ment of an hou r to which tho inmates of tho Parsonage, notwithstanding their want of practice, ondoavore d to contribute, tho paity took leave, carry ing with them our kind acknowledgments. Theso tokens of regard furnish evidonco of an appreciation of our labors in their midst. May the Lord abundantly remunerate tho members of this congregation for their liberality and kindness to their pastor and family. . - -, .., V, F,. CoM.m-owKit, , ,i ; ri ,.. . A. . Collifi.owku. . . f ' For Tte VloomjkM Times. Death of Prof. Andrew B. Sinolniknr. Emjotthtujro, Feb. 1st, 1870. Mr. Editor : Dear Sir, I understand that Prof. Andrew Beinardus Smahiikar has departed thislifo, nt the ripe age of 75 years. lie was an extraordinary man, and claimed to be tho third angel spokon of in Rev. 14th chapter and Utli verse. Ho was at Cincinnati, when he died.and had been writ ing something for the Ecumenical Council, wlirdi ho considered very important, and wanted to get it published, but could get no one to furnish the means. The general epinicil is that he was deranged in his mind, but I have studied his writings considera bly, and I think he may be right enough, and has perhaps received tho mission which he claims, of uniting all nations into peaco and haimony. If I knew you would publish a moro lengthy articlo on his work, I should be glad to furnish it. J. R. for the defense," I remarked. To the Ladies. Tho subscribers having received a lot of Dry Goods, which were slightly wet during a recent lire in tho city, are offering them at great bargains. The stock consists of Dress Goods, Cambrics, White Bed Spreads, &c, and though not really damaged in tho least, are sold at twenty live per cent, loss than tho regular price. Now is your time for bargains. F. Mortimer & Co., New liloomlield, Ta. County Price Current. Hloomi'iem), February 7, 1870. Flax-Sced,... s- Potatoes, ltul tor V pound Eggs 1 dozen Dried Apples 1 pound,. Dried Peaches J'ealed Peaches Cherries v fitted lllackberrics Onions 11 bushel, 45 cents. 28 " IS " 0 " 8 45? 10i'ts.Tf 1J. 15 W Wets. " 6 44 li ets. IS ( 2(1 ets. " 8 ij IU ets. " Corrected Weekly hy Griffith .Tone. Dlncannon, February 7, 1S70. line neat 51 i lied When 1 05 Hye Corn (Mis, 32 pounds new, Ground Allium Suit 11 Suck, Lihiehurner's Coal Stove Coal Smith Coal , Iron 1 Cwt Nails 1 Keg, 7o 40 6 50 25 cts.?lbus. 4 50 4 50 Corrected Weekly ; Wm. Knuph fc )ii. J .m;wi"oui, renruary 7, tiu. Flour. Extra. ... ..3 4 lted Wheat J!ye Coin Oats ft :ia pounds, Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed 1'olatnes Oroiiud Allium Salt,.... J.lmeburner's Coal Ntovo Coal Pea Coal Smith Coal Cross Ties,8;4 feet long . 1 (HI 1 00 83 G ") O i-i .. 7 OU 7 00 . 3 110 ... 1 75 30 030 .. 2 7;" .. 2 40 .. 6 SO 7 00 . . 3 40 .. 2-"i ets. if) bvs. .. 35 40 emits. Philadelphia Prlee Current. Corrected Weekly by Jtinneu A- Andrews, JiO. 123 AlAUKKT STUKIiT. Plill.ADUi.i'iilA, February f, 1870. "White. Wheat, 1 35 (ill 1 4l Hed Wheat, 1 2f 1 25 Pye. ysiw Corn NS di) )2 Oats (V til 55 Clover Seed 8 VMv 8 25 Timothy Seed 4 5U(i 5 00 Flax Seed 2 20 itu 2 25 Country I.ard 10 to 10 Kgtfs 2S 33 Turkeys IS Jlutler, solid In bbLs.' IS IS XEj!i.TIIS. Mokton On the 1st Instant. Martin h. Morton, son of Mr. Martin Morton, of this borough, aged 10 years, 1 month and 4 days. IIostktthu Ci.orsi:u Near Thompsontowu, on Tuesday the 1st Instant, bv the Jlev W. F. Colli flower, Mr. John (i. Hosteller of Center twp.. to Miss Catherine Clouser of Miller twp., this comity. -jyALL PAPKltH AXD JIOItDKJiH A Fine Assortment of spring styles aro no for salo by the subserlbers at low priees. MORTIMER A CO., New Hloonillehl. QLASfi AXD QVKEXSWAlill. A splendid assortment of Glass and Queens ware at greatly reduced prices has Just been received by the subscribers. Persons wanting any article of this kind, will do well to examine tho slock. . ' F. MOHTIMF.U & CO.. New lilooiulleht. THE CLOSING SCEXK, T7UW1M the wrltln lugs of Prof. A. U. Smalnlkar. .? contains a number of startling declarations and prophetic predictions In lelVeience to the New Era of Peace and Hai iuonv on the i;liibe. These wero written lu 1KV.I, 8o') and lKiU.by Prof. Andrew It. Sinaluikar who claims to have 'the mission of Introducing the Era of Universal Peace on earth. Price by mail. Ten cents, Address, .1. KICK, Feb. 8 2t j;ilii;ltsburg, Perry eo. Pa. Notice to Iforsemen! rjriHE subscriber oilers at prlvrttp sale, SEVEN FINE COLTS ' ' of the following ages : ' One 4 years old ; Two 3 years old ; One 2 years old j Three I year old. The Colts may be seen at his residence In Carroll township. Perry county, Ph., half it milo from Young's Mill. APAM BEAM. February 8, 1870 3t , Y Wholesale anil ltetall Dealer In ORUCS AND EDIGINES, Olioiiiiosilss, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal and Sacramental Purposes. A Splendid Assortment of PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, 13 li U S II E S , AND FANCY ARTICLES, Always on liand, which will bo sold at low prices tiF Orders from Physicians promptly attended to with great care. 33. IVE. EZB-r, Newport, Perry County, Penn'a. PHOTOGrttAPHS ! Photographs ! Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEW FOR T, FEW A. THE subscriber would respectfully call the at tention of the eiti.ens of this conntv to the fact that lie is prepared to take rJIOTUtlllAJ'JN in the best stylo of the art. His long experience enables him to produce. PICTVREH WHICH CAXXOT DF1 EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Gool Pictures of Children. Framing material ;ind a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for siile at low prices. JACOlt COJ1LE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co., Pa. FOUTZ'S CELECKATED This preparation, long find favorably known, will thoroughly re-invitrorat bi-okcu down and low-spirited honei, by iLi-pngthening and cleansing tfi i to much and intestines. It is a sure preventive or all diseases Incidr-nt to tins animal, such at LU-Nft "WATKR, HEAVES, COUGHS, IH3 TEMPEK. FEVEliS, FOlN DEK, LOSS OK APPETITE AND VITAL ENERGY, he. Its use improves tha wind, increases the pputiU- rives a month anil irlossir iLtin and rant forms the miserable skeleton inwanne-looiiiitf antfuplrttea norse. rpx To keepers of Cows this prepara tion is invaluable. It Is a aura pre ventive against Rinderpest, Hollow Horn, etc. It lias been proven by actual experiment to increase (ha 'quantity of milk and cream twenty fc per cent, and make the butter Arm fives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makop theinthrir much faster. In all d of Sirinc, inch u Coughl, Clean In m9 Lung, J.ircr, &o.,ttuf artlclacti as a ipeciflo. B J putting from one lf a paper to a paper in a barrel of will theaboTedlffeatei will be erudi. uted or entirely preTnted. If (lren Id time, a certain prerentiva and an for tha Hog Cholera, i DATID Ei F0UTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. JId. Far tale bf TlragrUtJ and Storekeepers throughout ( Dautad StoUa, Canada anal South Ameiiea. I NOTICE, "Yf It. 8AMXJKL If, BUCK is this day admitted B. M. EB Horse f HaTlk'll xia to an iniorosi in my business, F. JIOKTIMEK. New lilooniiioUl, jmuu'y IS, hto, , The business will be continued at the same place, under the arm of ., , F. MOHTIMUB & CO. Pennsylvania R. R. Time Tahlc. NEWPORT STATION. On and after November 14tli, I860, Passenger trains will run as follow: EAST. Pacific Express, 10.50 A. w. llarrrisbuig Accommodation, 12.3'! l". M. Mall 7.53 l'. M, WEST. I'aeilln Express, (Flag) fi.09 A. M. V a v Passenger,...- W.11 a. m. Mail : 2.:.2 1'. M. Fast Line fi.l'J r. M. J. J. 1SAKCLAY, Agent. DUNCANNON STATION. On nml after November 11th. 18BU. trains wil leave buncannoii, as follows : EASTWARD. llarrisburg Accommodation 1.12 p. M. man r. M. Local Freight, : 3.1G v. m. WESTWARD. Way Tassonger s.,13 a. m. Mail 2.00 r. M. Fast I.lne, (Flag) 4.50 p. M. Local Freight 0.15 a. m. Notk. Way Passenger West runs dally, except Monday, all other trains dull v except Sunday. Wil. 0. JUNG, Agent MILLERSTOWN STATION'. On and after Nov. Uth 1869 trains will leave this station as follows : EASTWAKD. llarrisburg Accommodation I2.1fl P. Mail 7.41) P, WESTWARD. Wav Passenger 0.2t A. Mail 2.41 F M. M. M. M. W. J. JONES, Agent Stage Lino Between Newport autl New (ieriiinntown. STAGES leave New Genua ntown dailv nt fnnr o'eloek a. in. Landisbui'K at 7. Sit a. in. Gleen IKiik at 8 a. in. New liloomlield at 0! a. in. Arriving at Newport to connect with the Ac commodation train East. ('turning leaves Newport on the arrival of tho Mail Traill from Philadelphia, at 2.:!0 p. m. Z. PICE, l'ruprWor. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, Xov. 22nd, ISttSJ. "111KATT15UNK LINE FItOM THE NOltTlI T and North-West for Philadelphia. New York. Heading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland. Sham kin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Eitiz, Lan caster, Columbia, &e.. &e. Tin ins leave llarrisburg for New i ork. as follows: At 2.30, ft.ST), 8.11), A.M., and 12.20 noon, and 2.i"), 11.00, l. M., connecting wilh similar trains on tint Penn'a Itailroad. and arriving at New Yolk nt 10.- l.r. a. m., and 12.0."), noon, :t.:, moo, i m., nml li.00, A. M., respectively. Sleeping ears accompany the 2.30, and 5.35, A. M., and 12.20, noon trains w ith- out change. i-eave llairlsburg for Heading, rottsvillo. I.nna- fiiii, iHinersvllle, Asiuaim, iniamoKin, I'lne Grove, Allentown. 1 niianei piiia, atH.io, a.m., aim z...'.', anil 4.10, P. M., the 2. of) train stopping at Lebanon only; the 4.10 I'. M. train stoppingat aiisiatiousaud mak In connections for Philadelphia. Pottsville and Co liunbia, and all intermediate Stations between said points only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill llnvcli and Aiioiirn, via nciiuyiiviu ami nusiuciiaiina iiauioau, leave llarrisburg at 3.40 p. m. Hetiirning : J.eave .miw yoi k at y A. M., ri noon. and 5 and 81'. m.: Philadelphia nt 8.15 a. m., and i.3( p. M. Sleenimi cars accompany the 0 a. m. and 5 and 8 P. M. trains from New York, without change. Way passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 . M..'coiineetiiiu with similar train on East Penn'a Jfaili'oad, returning from Heading at; (i.35 v. m., stoppingat all Stations; leave Pottsville at C4t), and 1) a. M. and 3. 05i', M. : Iferndoii nt il.30 A. M. ; Shauiokin at 5.40 and 10.40 A.M.: Ashland, 7.or A. M. and 12.30 noon; Tniuaiua at 8.: A. M. and2.2lli'. M. for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susmiehanna Itailroad at 8.15 A. M., for Harris bui'g,aii(U1.30.. M. for Pine Grove and Trcmont. Heading aceoiiunodatlon train: leaves roUsviilo at 5.40 a. m., iiassing Heading at 7. 30 a. m., arriving it I'll ladelp lna at 10.20 A. M., returning leaves 1'liiladelphia at 4. 45 v. M. passing Heading at 7.10 p. M., arriving nt Pottsville at D.30 p. m. l'ottstown Aecominodat on train : Leaves l'o ts- town at 0.45 a. in., returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4. IK) p. III. Columbia Hallroad trains leave Heading at 7-15 a. m. and G.ln p. m. for Ephrata, Lill., Lancasler, Coluiiibla. &c. Perklomen Itailroad trains leave 1 ci kionicn.l iiiki tiou at 1) a. in. and 3.10 and 5.30 p. m. Jtetiiining, leaves Schwenksville at(i.l0,8.12a.niiHid 12.45 noon, conneetiiig with similar trains ou Heading itail road. Colebrookdale Itailroad train leaves Potlslownat 8.45 a. in. and li.20p. in., for Mt. Pleasant, arriving nt 10.20 a. ni. and 7.2up. in. ; returning, leave .Mt. Pleas ant nt 7, and 11 a. in., connecting with similar trains on Heading H. P. Chester Valley Itailroad trains leave llridgeport at 8.30 a. m., 2.05 and 5.02 p. in. ltcturuiiig, leave lJowniiiglown at 0.30 a. in., 12.45. noon, and 5.15 p. in., connecting with trains on Heading Hailroad. On Sundays; Leave New York nt 5 and 8 p. in. j Phila. at 8 a. iu. and 3.15 p. m. ; tile 8 a. in. train run ning only to Heading; PottHville8 a. in.; Harris burg 8.35 a. m., and 4.10 and 11.00 p. in. : and Hcad ing nt 12.43 midnight, and 7.15a. m. forHnriisbiirg; at 7.20 a. m. and 12.55 a. in. for New York; and at 0.40a. in., 4.25 p. in. for Phila. Commutation, Mileage. Season, School and Kx- Leursioii Tickets to and from all points at reduced rates. Baggage cheeked through, 100 pounds allowed each passenger. G. A.NICOLLS, Gcn'lSlijrt. Daily Express and Freight Line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! THE subscriber wlshos to notify tho citizens of Filooiutlcld ami Newport that he Is running a Dally Line between tliese two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or prokiptly deliver packages or mussages entrusted to his care. orders may be left for him at tl stores of F. .Mortimer & Co,, Nuw Itloomlleld, or Milligau & ilusser, Newport, Fa. .1. S. WHITMQJtE. liloomlield, January 25, 1870. , FOR SALE. AN ENGINE of SlxU'en Horse Power- The Eiigiuu and Holler is In perfect order, and tha boiler is of sufficient capacity to drive u much larger Kiigiuu, t woulij be suitable for a largo tan yard or a saw and grist-mill. Tho subscriber offers It fop sain, only because it is so much larger than tho wants of his Foundry require. For further particulars address or applv to liUOJUitt SMYlll'.l!, 41U New liloomncld, Pa. HATS & CAPS of all sorts and sizes, suitable for men and boys, for salo by F. M01tTIJ4JK & CO.