4 (Il)c Stimc0, Kitvo iUoomftclb, J3a ?bc fUaom&iIfr Sinus. NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENN'A. Tuesday, January 25, 1870. Thk storm wliicli visited this section last week, Monday, appears to have ex tended over the whole country, doing in some portious great damage, and causing much loss of life. Governor Geaky was inaugurated lost week, . Tuesday. The military and firemen's parade was the finest display ever seen in that city. The fire compan ies of Harrisburg, left the procession be cause some colored soldiers were permit ted in the line. That was an exhibi tion of narrow-inindcness worthy of the dark ages. Our Thanks. We are strongly tempttA to publish the flattering notices which some of our exchanges have given The Time Binee its enlargement ; but as such reading may he more agreeable to us, than to our sub subscribers, we will deny ourselves that gratification! Our friends, will, however, please con sider that with uncovered head, we make them our most polite bow, as we return our thanks for their kindness. A large number of petitions for the abolition of the franking privilege are daily presented to the U. S. Senate. Senator Sherman, a few days since, rath- er sneeringly remarked " that the majori ty of the petitioners were post-masteri. This seems to us rather strong proof of the necessity of having this privilege abol ished, for no class of men have more op portunity of seeing how large an amount of mail matter passes free. A resolution has passed the House of Representatives at Washington declaring the true meaning of the revenue law to be that the income tax Bhould con tinue and be payable during the year 1870. It may be, that was the intention, at the time it was passed, but the condi tion of the country has changed, and now the people believe it is time to dis continue a law which was passed only as a measure rendered necessary by the war. This is the feeling of everybody except a few office holders, who will be affected by its discontinuance. Among the applicants for office under Gov. Geary is one Gabriel B. Eldred, who, regardless of all decency and human ity, asks for the promise of the . prothon atoryship of the county, as the present incumbent is sick and he expect him to die. This is certainly taking time by the forelock, and should entitle the applicant to the first vacancy, whero brass and impu dence are the main requisites. ' A Maine soldier has had his name removed from the pension rolls, saying he has regained his health and does not need the pension. Commissioner Van'Aernam wrote him that his name " Should go down into history as a worthy example for the coming gener ation. Keg There is a queer suit now being tried in Ulster county, N. Y. A young lady, who wished to marry a youth with $10,000, promised a lady friend $3000 for her assistance if the game proved successful. The young man fell a victim, of course, but the successful bride refused to pay the $3000 when demanded, and this suit is the result. Ley Motive Dolnya. There has been hut little done in the Legislature the pnst week, owing to the adjournment until Tuesday, and the In auguration. In the Senate, a joint resolution was passed to print 3000 copies of the Inaug ural Address for the Senate, and 5000 for the llou.se. A bill was favorably reported, repeal ing all nets exempting roal estate within the city of Philadelphia from local taxa tion. The bill was afterwards referred to a special committee consisting of the Philadelphia members. The following bills have also been fa vorably reported by the Committees : A bill calling a Convention to make general amendments to the Constitution. A bill forbidding Justices of the Peace from practicing law. A bill forming a new County to bo called " Petrolia" out of parts of Craw ford, Venango and Warren. The House bill giving each member $100 for postage duriug the Session, was unanimously defeated. The resolution fixingthc 17th of March as the day for final adjournment was call ed up and passed. A bill was introduced fixing the third Tuesday of March as the time for hold ing Ward, Township and Borough elec tions. Also a bill raising the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court to $8,000, and the salary of the Chief Justice to 38,500. In the House, a bill was introduced to restore the Spring elections, requiring separate ballots, and requiring the ballots to be placed in single envelopes and num bered. The Senate joint resolution to print 5000 copies of the Governor's Inaugual Address, was lost by a vote of 35 yeas to 50 nays. A bill was reported, giving each mem ber in lieu of the Franking privilege" $100 each Session, and the same amount to the Chief Clerk for himself and assist ants. The Senate bill increasing the salary of the Governor to $7,000 per year, was negatively reported by the Committee. Ou Friday auother attempt was made to get copies printed of the Governor's Message, and the reports of the State Li brarian, Auditor General and State Treas urer, but the motion was lost. A Terrible Accident. A shocking accident recently took place at a theater in Bristol, England. A great crowd had assembled outside the theater on a steep gangway leading to the pit and gallery. About seven o'clock, just be fore the doors wore opened, a cry of fire' was raised, and immediately the doors were unbarred there was a fearful rush toward them. One poor woman fell down and the obstruction caused large numbers of others who were pushing in to fall on her, and ultimately nearly thirty men, wo men and yung people tumbled over one another in a heap, over which those be hind still pushed in order to obtain admis sion. When the panic was over, twenty three persons were taken up insensible ; fourteen of those undermost were found quite dead, and they were taken into the refreshment room and laid out. The remainder were taken to the infirmary, where, up to twelve o'clock at night, four others had died, making eighteen deaths in all. Of those lying dead in the refresh ment room six were women, four men. four boys and four girls. The perform ance of the pantomimo was continued to the end. W& On the 16th inst., Francis Mills, engineer in the Brooklyn Eagle Office, attempted to kill his wife by stabbing her in the heart with a knife. Mills mur dered his first wife three years ago, and was sent to the State Prison, for man slaughter, for a term of three years. He was pardoned out six months after he had entered Simr Sine, and some time arm married his present wife, who it is strange w say, nau uvea with his family, and was one of the witnesses atraiust him , the trial for the murder of the first wife. Mrs. Mills wound is considered dan gerous. a" There is a man in the N. J. State Prison, sentenced from Hudson county for five years, for stealing fifty-two cents. He is not punished so much for the amount as for the manner in which the money was taken picking a lady's pocket. lie is an Englishman by birth, a graduate of a medical college, and had been in this country but three days when arrested. The following letter was written by a Pennsylvanian who is on a trip to the South. Ed. For The B'ooniJielJ Times. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 1, 1870. Mr. Editor : When the cold December winds began to blow, I hastened to pack my carct-bug, with a fixed determination to go to the country where perpetual sum mer reigns, whero cold is a stranger and freezing is unknown. Having once made up my mind to leave my northern homo, my energies were next directed to what particular locality 1 had better direct my steps, and finally what route I would take to reach my destination ; would I go by land or water? Upon chosing the latter, 1 further concluded that I would ship from Philadelphia, mo being a Pennsylvanian, my State pride would not permit me to start from any other point, lint alas 1 State pride like every other kind of pride must be humbled. I soon learned, to my regret and disgust, that the steamship on which I had taken passage (although one of the btist Philadelphia can boast of,) was no match for a New York craft. During the four days that we were ou our voyage hith er, we were continually being passed by New York vessels, whilst we were tum bling about like a tub in a squall on a mill pond. They ran by as dellant as though they'd " never mind the weather." I no longer wonder that Philadelphia does not move forward and keep pace with otlior cities even of less magnitude and smaller pretentions than she. A mean, stingy, narrow-minded system iu everything she attempts to do has so long been practiced by her leading men, that there seems nothing left her in the future, except to follow iu the wake of some more liberal-minded sis ter. Even sensible Philadelphians prefer going to New York to take ship, when they purpose taking a trip of a few days' dura tion rather than be tumbled about a week in an old tub that is neither safe nor com fortable. As I do not wish to encumber your columns with too lengthy a couinmu nication, I will defer saying anything about this city (Charleston) until my next. P. R. S. Cure For Snake Dite. Professor Halford, of the University of Melbourne, Australia, may be remember ed by some as the enthusiastic introducer of a cure for poisonous snake bites, and who allowed himself to be bitten by a snake and nearly lost his life by the fail ure of his darling nostrum to counteract the effects. Notwithstanding the ridicule to which his devotion to science subjected him on that occasion, he has persevered in his efforts, and an undoubted success has at length rewarded him. He found an antidote for snake poison which has prov ed successful in the most critical cases. It is simply liquid ammonia injected into the veins. A small syringe with a sharp point for the purpose of making an injec tion is manufactured and sold ut, Mel bourne, and now few travel in the coun try without one. A terrifio storm of thunder and lighting, accompanied with hail and furious wind, passed over St. Louis, on the 16th inst., doing considerable dam age to the signs, awnings, chimneys, shutters, fenccs,stores,etc. At the Varie ties Theatre a panic occurred, during which several persons were severely bruised while attempting to escape from the building. At the Olympic Theatre, where religious exercises were also being held, a similar scene occured, and several women fainted and a uumber of persons were bruised. The telegraph wires were prostrated in all directions. The weather, which had been very warm all day, became cold during the uight and froze nearly as hard as at any time during the winter. t& A youngster, named Peter Knapp, aged 14 years, son of the Collector of the New York Gas Company, stele $2500 from bin father's pants the other night, while the latter was asleep, and then made a sort of partnership with another boy, named Walter Williams, about his owu age. The two boys then started off, after arraying themselves in new suits of clothes and purchasing a revolver and bowie knife The detective found them at the Erie Railway office, awaiting the departure of the Cincinnati express train. They are now, of course, very sorry for what they have done, and " want to go home," but the Judge won't let the m yet awhile. How Many I There is nothing lost by having several suite of clothes at once. It gives a pleasant variety in dress, makes the clothing last longer by not being sub jected to constant use, and can be adapted to the changes of weather, so as to be a protection to our health. Try this plan and you will prove the advantage of it. You know, by the way., that at Oak Hall you can get two or three suits for the money some men pay for but one. Miscellaneous News Items.. fW Serious riots have occurred at Bal lanaz, in Spain. ljr7Tlie strike of the telegraph operators apiiears to be abandoned. U3T" A lawyer named F. A Wallace, has been arrested in Cleveland, charged with extensive forgeries. EST" The House Banking Committee have examined a number of witnesses regarding the late New York gold swindle. B3F"A sharp shock of earthquake oc curred at San Bernardino, California, on the 14th inst. tW The Chinese quarter in the town of San Jose was burned, rendering homeless about a thousand Chinese. tW A Massachusetts fanner has been sent to jail for two months for cruelly beating his horse. t 12?" The thermometer marked eighteen degrees below zero at Burlington, Vt., on Friday morning last. E3F" Mr. Mori Til has been declared duly elected as United States' Senator from Maine. tW Robert Thorn, a Dutchess county farmer, whose house was attacked by burglars on the night of January 5th when he was badly beaten, died on the 20th inst. tW Two prisoners, industriously inclined, dug a hole under the jail at Decorah, Iowa, anil went into it to see whore it terminated, and have not yet returned. t3P" A brutal fellow, aged twenty years, tried to kill his ajjed mother, at Elizabeth, a few days ago, but was arrested before he could consummate the llendish deed, dTTlie Rhode Island llouso of Repre sentatives havo ratified the Fifteenth Amendment. The Senate adopted it in June last. The ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment by the Mississippi Legislature was almost unanimous, only one vote in the House being given against it. CP" At Elkhart, Indiana, on the 17th inst., Edward Russell, being incited by jealousy, shot and killed William A. Wil liams. EST" Last Monday a tornado tore down numerous buildings at Cave City Station, Ky. Seven or eight persons were instantly killed and about eighteen more or less in jured. i t5?"On the 1st instant, a man in Kansas made application for $1000 insurance on his life; on the 3rd instant he committed sui cide, supposing he had secured that amount for his family. EST John Hayes and John Long, dis charged from the Massachusetts Peniten tiary after four years' imprisonment, being found innocent, have asked the Legislature to compensate them for their suffering. KW The West Virginia Legislature met and organized on the 18th inst. The Sen ate is largely Republican, while in the House there were 1)2 Republicans to 24 Democrats. Every house between Glasgow Junc tion and Cave City, Kentucky, a distance of six miles, was blown down by the gale on Monday of last weok, and twenty lives were lost. CF" The family of Mr. Cook, consisting of himself, wife, two children and a ser vant, residing at Chicago, were dangerously poisoned by eating biscuits made from some new baking powder prepared in New York. t3T A bill has been introduced in the New York Senate, providing for the con solidation of the American and Foreign Bi ble Society, and the Baptist Publication Society of Philadelphia. TliAv nrA linvlntv anma urAaTnAi out West. At Chicago last Tuesday, the mercury was fifteen degrees below zero ; at Oshkosli, Wis., sixteen degrees below ; and at St. Paul's twenty-five degrees below zero. General Terry having proposed to remove certain members of the Georgia Legislature, who, he alleges, perjured themselves to Obtain their seats, the Presi dent has advised the General against their removal. This, it is said, gives the con trol of the Legislature to the Rebel element. EiP An obese French lady, complaining of her frightful tendency to enbonpoint, says : " I am so fat that I pray for a disap pointment to make me thin. No sooner does the disappointment come than the mere expectation of growing thinner gives me such joy that I become fatter than ever." tW In New Sharon, Maine, on the 15th instant, John Fletcher, a constable, with a posse attempted to arrest Ezekiel Tolman for debt, when an affray occurred between the posse and a number of persons aiding Tolman. Several were wounded on both sides in the affray. John 8. Tolman, brother of Ezekiel, attacked Fletcher with a fire shov el, when Fletcher fired a pistol, the ball taking effect in Tolman's groin. He died in twenty minutes. J8 If you don't want to disgust every body with your offensive breath, cure your Catarrh upon which it depends. $500 reward is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a cose of Catarrh which he cannot cure. It is sold by druggists. Can get it for Sixty Cents by mail from Dr.lt. V.Pierce, Buffalo.N. Y. rPAXN- KILLER. v A Cure for Diptheria! All Interested, please read the following extract from a letter from Airs. Klleu B. Mason, wife of ltev. Frauds Mason, Tounglioo, Birmahi . . .My son was taken violently sick with dip theria, cold chills, burning fever, and sore throat. 1 counted, one morning, ten little vesclcles In his throat, very white, and his tongue toward the root, looked like a watermelon full of seeds; the re mainder coated as thick as a knife-blade. Ho many children have died around here, I was afraid to call a physician, and thought 1 would try your 1'ain Killer for a gargle with small doses Inwardly. I did so and found the gargle Invariably rut otf the vescleles, and he raised them up often covered with blood. He was taken on Sunday: on Wednesday his throat was clear and his tongue rapidly clearing off. I also used it as a liniment witii castor oil and hartshorn, for his neck. It seemed to me a won derful cure, and I can but wish It could be known to the many poor mothers In our laud who are los ing so many poor children by this dreadful disease. - X have found your l'aiu Killer one of the most vaulable medicines ever used in llurmali. Once 1 was stung by a very large black scorpion; thepaia was indescribable. I Immediately applied the 1'nl n Kilier,(for I never travel without it,) again and again, and in half an hour my foot was well. Drj Walton writes from Coshocton" Your Pali , Killer cures this new disease Dipllterla, or Hurt Throat that Is so alarmingly prevalent here; and it has not been known to fall In any instance when used in time. Tills fact you should make known le the world." (It is used la tills disease as a gargle and lotion as well as a tonic and a stimulant. In Halifax wiiere this disease prevailed for se many months in its most nulllgiiaut form, the us of 1'erry Davis " Pain KiUur" was invariably at tended with the most favorable results, when it wan used ere the disease had made too much progress to preclude the use of so powerful a stimulant. Sold by M. It. Strickler, New Bloomlleld, Pa. Dr. A. L. SCOVILL Is the Inventor of several medical preparations which have become very pop ulnr, and have been liberally used. Among his In ventions are "Hall's Balsam fur the Lungs," and "Liverwort and Tar." For the past six years a better Lung remedy lias been offered to the public. Head the following letter from Dr. Scovill referring to it : Messrs. J. N. HAKKIS & CO.. (Vents. I makefile following statement from a perfect knowledge and conviction of the benelitH of Allen s Lunu Balsam in curias the most deep seated 1'uhuowiry UunMumjiton I I have witnessed its effects ou the young and the old and I can truly say that it is by far the bestexpect oraut remedy witu which I am acquainted. For coughs and all the early stages of Lungeomplaints, 1 believe it to lie a certain cure, and if every family would keep it by them, ready to administer upon the first appearance of disease about the Lungs, there would be very few cases of fatal consumption. It causes the phlegm and matter to raise without Irritating those delicate organs the Lungs aiid without producing constipation of tlie bowels. .11 also gives strength to the system, stops the night sweats, and changes all the morbid swerelions to a healthy state. Yours respectfully, A. L. SCOVILL ' Sold by all medicine dealers. 4241 ... i 4 IJ. IJ 4. i $ '$ I. TO THE WORKINO CLASS. We are no pre pareil to furnish all classes with constant employ ment at home, the whole of the time or for tl spare moments. Business new, light and proll ta ble. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c. 1 86 per evening, and a proportional sum devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer ; Te such as are not well satisfied, we will send 91 te pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of 27ie I'eople's Literary Compan ion (me of the largest and best family newspa pers published all sent free by- mail. Header, Ht you want permanent, profitable work, address K C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine. . .8 44 3m. ERROItB OF YOUTH A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years frem Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and the effect of youthfHl indiscretion, will, for the sake of mller ing humanity, send free to all who need it, the re ceipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishi ng to proit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by address ing, witliperfect contldence, JOHN B. OODF.N, . 34Kly No. 42 Cedar St., New York Mlnhler's Bitters for sal by F. Moktimks, Nw Bloomtleld, Fa. Daily Express and Freight line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD t NEWPORT I THE subscrllier wishes to notify the citizens of BliHuulleld and Newport that he is running a Daily Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packages or messages entrusted to his care. V. Orders may lie left for lilin at the stores of F. Mortimer & Co., New Bloomlield, or Mllligan & Musser, Newport, Fa. .1. a WHITMOltE. BlooindeM, January 25, 1H70. To HUoemakcrH. THE subscribers keep constantly on hand, a FINK ASHOKTMKNT OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, PINK LININGS, It O AN S, MOROCCOS, SHOE THREAD, PEGS, A WLS, and a general assortment of articles used by Shoe makers. P. UORTIUaR k CO.