l)c ftimc0, New Bloomftettr, )a. 4 Ijc fUaomfitlb Sinus. NEW BL00XF1ELD, PENN'A. Tuesday, January IS, 1870. A bill has boon introduced into the State Senate to fix the legal rate of inter est at seven per cent. Docs not every one know Unit the price fur money like all other articles is regula ted by supply and demand, and that no matter what the fixed rate may be, there is always found a way to obtain a higher rate than the legal interest, if the de mand is sufficiently pressing. AVe hold that the proper way is to leave the rate of interest like other merchandise to be reg ulated by open market. We believe that borrowers would in the long run obtain better terms than they do at present. TnE House of Representatives at Ilar risburg with astonishing liberality have voted to furnish each member with a copy of Purdon's digest and Tyler's manual. For members to replenish their libraries in this manner is au outrage on the peo ple whose money they use. It is neither right nor honest, and they might with equal propriety vote to furnish each mem ber with a box of paper collars and a pair of new boots or any other article he may have a desire for. Among the list of members recorded as voting for this reso lution, were some who have been members for several terms and who have each win ter voted themselves these same books. If they have not sold any of these, they will soon be prepared to open a law book store. Kolhlng New. History as we glance back is contin ually proving that nothing is really new. A curious illustration of the truth of this is furnished by looking ove r the Chinese history, whereby we learu that our system of " National Currency" is wouderfully like that in vogue iu that Empire centuries ago. Nine hundred years ago, A. D. 9G0, the founder of the renowned Soung dynas ty established a government bank of "dis count and deposit." Under this system provision was made whereby merchants and capitalists were permitted to deposit coin and certain kinds of merchandise iu the Imperial Treasury, receiving therefor certificates,culled piauttsian "convenient money." These certificates, being thus secured by deposits of property, not " public stocks," were accepted by the people as a currency, and obtained general circulation throughout the Empire. The government bank of discount and deposit continued for more than one hundred years iu successful operation, and its circulation reached to about three mil lions of silver ounces au enormous sum as the world then was. .During this time, individuals, seeing the success of this institution under Government coutrol, organized an associ ation for conducting banking business on their own account. They received deposits and issued their bills, called Kiao-tsu, " exchanges." This was their " individual liability" system en tho principle of 'free banking.' It was directed by sixteen of the richest houses iu the Empire, and its bills were largely circu lated. But the evils of tho system were not wanting then, as they have not been wautiug siuce. The bank made excessive issues. Tho security proved insufficient. The "individual liability bank failed, aud much litigation and public distress ensued. Seciug the mischief growing out of this " wild cat" mode of banking, the Emperor abrogated the right in individuals to issue bills of credit to circu late as money, reserving to the Govern ment tho prerogative of supplying to the people the curreucy required, lie took measures accordingly, and established a Lauk of issue at Yiueluu, the notes of which were called Kiantaz, "change lings." This was their ''National Bank', system, and its circulation came to rep resent two and a half millions of silver ounces. Finding that the banking system pro moted public convenience, and that the bills were acceptable throughout the Empire, the Government deemed it ad visable to establish other banks iu- dif ferent provinces, under local directories. This was their " State Bank" system. The evils inherent to the system became conspicuous. The banks being provincial, the circulation of their issues became lo cal, so that bills issued in one province were not current in another. Iu A. D., 11G0, to meet extraordinary military expenditure, the Commissioners of the llevenue were directed to issue bills for circulation founded on the Imperial revenue and customs. These bills wore mado receivable for all public dues of the Empire. This was " their legal-tender" currency, and in the six years an amount of these bills, representing about forty four millions of silver ounces, were issued. China was, of course,deeply in debt ; she had probably a war of" secession." Her " legal-tender currency depreciated, lead ing to a wonderful enhancement of prices for all commodities under this immense inflation of her paper. Leyislatice Doiiiffs. On "Wednesday of last week, the Legis lature in joint committee elected W. V. Irwin, of Beaver, as State Treasurer. This was a sad disappniutmeut to tho iMackay faction, who supposed they had the whole thing cut and dried, as the Republican Caucus had nominated him as their candidate. There were, however, 13 Republican members who did not join in the Caucus, aud who cast their votes for Irwin. These thirteen were joined by the Democrats, which gave them 7U votes against 01 for Mackay. Tlie friends of Mackay assert that a bargain has been made by the bolting Republicans with the Democrats, that if they would vote for Irwiu, the Republicans would help defeat the Metropolitan Police Bill, and give them the contested seats. The op posing party, however, say they only wish ed to defeat the corrupt ring, which they insist controls Mackay. But while they throw dirt at each other, the outsiders will form their own opinions as to the truth of the assertions of bargain and sale, and will not probably come far from the truth. The House adjourned on Thursday and will not be in session until to-day. A bill has also passed both houses, in corporating the Avoudule Relief Society. Both Houses have concurred in a res olution declaring the contract for publish ing the Record a an end. The Senate passed a resolution increas ing the salary of the Governor to $7000 per annum, to take effect from next term. When the bill was called up in the house, its consideration was postponed by a vote of 45 yeas to 52 nays. A bill was also introduced in the Sen ato to fix the legal rate of interest at sev en per cent. Also a bill making the State Treasurer an officer to be elected by tho people. Wife Murder and Suicide. Marion Dodge and his wife, a young married couple residing iu Iowa, lived so unhapily together that she anally lelt him. lie often entreated her to return, but she refused. Meeting her a few days since, ho again entreated her and followed her to her home. Hero he asked her again for a final answer, and she at last told him that she euuld not and would not live with him. Upon this ho drew a revolver and fired at her, the ball took effect iu her right cheek, passed through, knocked out a t with, aud lodged iu her mouth. She ' L-..M iir.,i.l l.llf t1l,Hl' 111. lull llfcfV arm to protect her face as he re-cocked tho revolver. He immediately fired again, this time tho ball passing through her wrist, and sho dropped on her knees. Tho desperate man fired the third time, and she was struck in the back of the hand, tho ball passing through, and enter ed her skull near the centre of her fore head, passed downward and came out just above the temple. Mrs. Dodge, although so badly wounded, may recover. Sho is a young woman about eighteon years of ago. lie then took poison and cut his throat with a butoher knife. Jlr. Dodge lived about three-riuarters of an hour after the affair, and died iu terri ble convulsions, from the effects of thb poi son. It is altogether probabl o that the wound iu his throat' was sufficient to have caused death. The deceased was abjut 26 years of ago. Novel Cure for Drunkenness. A devoted wife residing in N. ir. City, has adopted means for the reformation of a dissolute husband that aro worthy the attention of every wife similarly situated. According to the report of the police, at half past H o'clock on Wednesday morning, Officer Srabold found a haiidcuticd-iuuu wandering through Third avenue. Sus pecting that he was a convict who had escaped from custody, he questioned him. when the man, who bore evidences of respectability stated that his name was Lafayette St. Coates, residing at No. Ml 5 East Twenty-third street ; that while asleep some of the boarders had mana cled him as a practical joke, and that he was iu search of some person to re lieve lii m. The officer accompanied him to the house, when the devoted Mrs. Coates told an entirely different tale. She states that occasionally Mr. Coates is in the habit of indulging immoder ately in the uso of liquor, and that du ring these periods he carries away from the house and pawns everything he can get his hands upon. She con sequently hit upon this happy expedi ent of reforming him and breaking him of his pilfering habits, aud for that pur pose purchased the handcuffs find ap plied them. The officer prevailed upon the lady to release her husband's hands, and turned him over about four o'clock in the morning, to her tender solici tude, A Sad Affair. Quite an excitement was raised in New York the past week by the discovery that Horace Cook, pastor of the Seventh St. Methodist church had deserted his family in tho company of a young girl named Martha Johnson. The girl was a mem ber of his congregation, and her parents were prominent members of his church. Cook is a very popular preacher, and is a man of considerable talent. lie leaves a wife and two children almost destitute. The girl was quite young, being only sev enteen, and was yet attending school. The affair was put in the hands of detec tives to ascertain if possible the route ta- j ken by the fugitives, but up to last ed nesday they had not succeeded in finding anything as to their whereabouts. On Wednesday evening he returned to tho city, aud took rooms at the Everett House, sending word to Miss Johnson's father where sho could be found. He then visited the office of the World, and assaulted the editor for eommciits made in that journal, about him and his pre vious character. For this he was arrest ed and lodged in tho station house, from which he was discharged the next day; no one appearing against him. The girl has been taken home by her father, and Cooke has returned to his family. It seems to us that the proper place for him is ei ther iu a lunatic asylum or the peniten tiary. And if the girl was sent to tho former place it would bo the best thing that couid be done with her. Collapse of a Balloon at the Height or One Mile. Tho balloon asceusiou announced to come off yesterday, came off promptly at tho appointed time. Dr. Albert Hope went up alone. When tho balloon had reached the height of about one mile, those who were watching it were horri fied to see it explode aud collapse in the upper air. No one in the vast crowd doubted that the trip was a fatal one to the ardent adventurer. The city was full of speculation as to where his corpse would bo found, and for aboutanbour tho excitement was intense, when, to the as touishmcut to every one, the Doctor rode iu, sound iu body and as cheerful as his habit. His escape was a most miraculous one. How it happened that his life was not sacrificed, surpasses tho comprehen sion of every one who witnessed the awful exhibition. Tho Doctor fell about three miles out of town, the only injury he sus tained was a few scratches from some bushes in which ho fell, lie was uncou scious when he reached the ground, but soon recovered, and made a very initiatory remark to Ed. Murphey, who was the first man to reach him. Geor. Payer. I&y A few couuterfoit coupons recently made their way into tho United States Treasurer's office. The discovery made quite aflutter in financial circles, and Gen eral Spinner highly complimented his lady clerks iu making such au important dis covery. Tho counterfeit coupons were re turned to tho points from which they eame, even, iu some instances, to Europe, with statement that they would not be redeemed, as they were uot geuuiuo. l'rizc Fight IJetwecu Women. One of the most brutal exhibitions of the age took place at Newton, L. I., Sat urday night. Thomas Carnocban and Michael Kilpatrick matched their respect ive wives for a mill, without regard to the rules of the prize ring, the only conditions being that the woman who was first un able to come to time was to be declared the loser. The stake was a barrel of whiskey. The room in which the worn m fought was packed with the friends aud relatives of both families. The women wore short dresses, and their busts and arms were uncovered. Their entrance was announced by the spectators with yells of delight, and the but tie was at once beguu, without bottle holders or squires. For forty minutes the degraded women fought like furies, and were all the while encouraged by the bruial spectators. On the expiration of the forty minutes Mrs. Caruoehan fell in a fainting lit. and tho Kilpatrick faction retired iu triumph. Tho two men were arrested for eruul treatment of their wives. Miscellaneous News Items. C2FTlio English Crown lias seized land belonging to Uoorgo I'oabody on the ground of alienage. UST Gustavo Fisher, High Sheriff of Cook county, Illinois, has absconded with a large amount ol' money. t2?" Highwaymen in the streets of San Francisco now lasso their victims. Their ob.jeet is to couline his arms while they "go through him." t3t?" A womou at Mansfield, Ohio' brought suit against a saloon keeper for damage done by selling he husbauu liquor, aud ob tained a verdict of $2o0. CSTA woman in Cincinnati recently ad ded a 13 pound baby to tho population of that city and cooked her husband's break fast on time the next morning. IJuuer place that. E2T Last Tuesday tho wife of an English man named Robert Wainwrijjht was i'ound dead in her bed at No. 18 Thames street, New York, and he himself was found dead the other morning in Ids bed. tW Two colored men being refused ad mittance to the dress circle of an Academy of music, Charleston, have taken out war rants against the manager for violating tho provisions of tho Civil Rights bill. E2?"Last week, Thomas Bradshaw, an aged man, living near Sharpsburg, Tennes see, struck his wife on tho back of tho head with an axe, and believing her dead, hung himselt. dT At Chicago 111., last week tlio jury in the case of Dr. Shatford, on trial for mur der, by malpractice on a girl named Patter son, brought in a verdict of not guilty, the spectators breaking out iu loud applause. W A few clays ago a pair of twin cirls were left in a house in New Bedford, and tho recipient has ascertained that their mother is lil'teen years old, and their father seventeeu both belonging to high social circles. EST Frank Phelps, a young Gentile, living at Salt Lake city, won tho consent of a young Mormon lady to change her name to Phelps, which so enraged the elders that they set live "destroying angels " on tho track of the Gentile. But the track got "too fresh," for, though only a boy, Phelps succeeded in killing one "angel" and put ting tho rest to llight. C3T Tho Castleton, Vt., National Bank was entered on Monday night, tho safo blown open by nitro glycerine, aud ono com partment exposed, from which $0,400 was taken. Tho lower compartment contain ing about fifty or sixty thousand dollars, was not reached. The burglars escaped. Castleton is lifty miles from Glen Falls and seventy from North Adams. A reward of $2,000 is offered for their apprehension. , C2TAboyin New York, named .Tamos Martin, aged nine years, who lias twice been arrested for burglary, was found lying in tho street, iu a beastly state of intoxica tion. Tho ollicer who arrested him took him to tho station house in his arms as ho would have carried tho merest baby. The young hopeless was given into the care of the Commissioner of Charities aud Correc tions. tW The lower lloor of a two-story wood en building built on piles over the river, at No. 1)3 Dyer street, Providence, gave way aim ut two o'clock A. M., on the 3rd inst., and about 2100 bushels of salt iu bags were precipitated into the water. The building and salt belonged to 8. D. An drews. His loss will probably not bo under $ SriOO. The piles over which tho lloorgave way are missing. 13PA Republican demonstration was made in Paris on tho occasion of the funer al of Victor Noir, shot by Prince Bonaparte. Large bodies of police and military were on duty, and one crowd was dispersed by the latter, while some arrests were made by the former. M. do Fouville, one of the two gentlemen who bore M. Grussett's challenge to Prince Pierre Bonaparte, has published a state ment of tho affajr, in which he alleges that it was tho Pruice who slapped Noir in the faco, and not Noir who struck the Prince; also, that Bonaparte immediately followed up tho blow with the fatal shot. How l)o They Do IU Many amusing things, and some very unjust things, are said in trying to ex plain the very low prices prevailing at Oak Hall. Some say "they lose money by it," but how a house can keep losing money right along, and not fail, or what can be the object of losing money, they do uot explain. Others say " they do not half pay their hands." whereas it is noto rious that no employes iu that line of busi ness, arc s i well paid and so well satisfied, as are those of Wanainaker & Brown, aud it must be clear to ail, that while the de mand for good work is so great as it now is, it would be impossible for W. l; 13. to command the services of a thousand of the best tailors at inferior prices. And one man was heard to assert very confidently, the other day, that " they must steal them." Uut whatever may bo the explanation, the one thing to be learned by ail is, that by universal consent. Wanainaker & Browu i(it sell cheaper than auy other house seems to be able to. fifty For Cure of all Bronchial and Throat diseases, and consumption in its early stages, nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Alternative Extract or Goldeu Medical Discovery. Sold by Druggists, or send three dollars and twenty-five cents to Dr. 11. V. Fierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. and get three bot tles free of express charges. A Cure for Diptheria! AU interested, please read the following extract from a letter Tnim Mrs. Ellen H. Mason, wife of ltev. Francis Mason, Tounghoo, lMnnalf: . . . My son was taken violently sick with dip theria, cold chills, burning fever, and sore tliroat. I connied, one morning, ten little vcscicles in hit throat, very white, ami his tongue toward the root, looked like a watermelon full of seeds; the re mainder eoaled as thick as a knife-blade. .So many children have died around here, 1 was afraid to eall a physician, aud thought 1 would try your Pain Killer for a gargle with small doses inwardly. 1 did so and found the gargle invariably cut olf th vcscicles, and he raised them up often covered Willi blood. Ho was taken on Sunday : on Wednesday his throat waselearaud his tongue rapidly clearing oil. I also used it as a liniment with castor oil aud hartshorn, for his neck. It seemed to mu a won derful cure, and 1 can but wish it could be known to the many poor mothers in our land who are los ing so many poor children by this dreadful disease. 1 have found your Pain Killer one of the most vaulable medicines ever used in lliirinah. Once 1 was stung by a very large black scorpion ; the pain w as Indescribable, immediately aiplied the Pain Killer,(t'or 1 never travel without U,) again and again, and In half au hour my foot was well. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton" Your Pain Killer cures this new disease Dijtlherla, or Horn TUruat that is so ulariningly prevalent here; and it has not been known to fall in any instance when used in time. This fact you should make know u to the world." (It is used in this disease as a gargl aud lotion as well as a tonic and a stimulant. In Halifax where this disease prevailed for so many mouths In its most malignant form, the use of 1'urry JMiUa " 1'itin Killer" was invariably at tended with the most favorable results, when it was used ere the disease had made too much progress to preclude the use of so powerful a stimulant. r Sold by M. li. Strickler, New Bloonilleld, Pa. Dr. A. L. SCOY'ILL Is the inventor of several medical preparations which have become very pop ular, and have been liberally used. Among his in ventions are " Hall's Balsam for the Lungs," aud "Liverwort and Tar." For the past six years a better Lung remedy has been ottered to the public, ltead tho following letter from Dr. Scovii.l rcferrlne to it : Messrs. J. N. 11AKKIS & CO., (Junta. I make the followin g statement from a perfect knowledge and conviction ol iho benelils of aij.kn's Lung Isai.sam in curing the most deep sealed I'ttlinuwiru (Junmiii iUm ! T have witnessed Us eltects on the young and the old and 1 can truly say that it is by far the ln-si expect orant remedy Willi which 1 am acquainted. For coughs aud all the early stages of Lung complaints, 1 beneve it lo he a certain cure, anil it' every fainiiv would keep it by Hiem, ready to administer upon tlic lust appearanc e of disease about the Lungs, there womd be very few eases of fatal consumption. It causes tne phlegm and matter to raise without irritating those delicate organs the Lungs and without producing constipation of the bowels. It also gives strengln to the system, stops the nighl sweais, and changes all the morbid secretions lo a healthy slate. Yours respectfully, A. L. SCO V ILL. Sold by all medicine dealers. i'M TO TH K WOltKINO CLAMS. We are now pre pared to furnish all classes with constant employ ment at home, the whole of the time or for Uit spare moments. Business new. light and prolllu ble. Persons of either sex easily earn from AOc. t ." per evening, aud a proportional sum devoting their whole time to the business. Hoys aud girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who sen tins notice may send their address, aud test tin business, we make this unparalleled offer: To hiicIi as are not well Niitislltd, wo will send 81 U pay for the trouble of wrltii.g. Full particulars, u valuable sample, which will do to commence wink on. and a copy of 7Vi i'eoyife'a IMeratn Vomimi lon one of the largest and best family newspa pers published all sent free by mail. Header, If you want permanent, prolltahlu work, address K, C. ALLKN & CO,. At'utiSTA, Maine. 3 U 3ju. mucous of youth A (iENTLKMAN who suffered for yearn from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, und.the effect of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of Kiiller ing humanity, m-nd free to all who need It, the re ceipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Kullerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's exm-rUmce, can do so by add rest ing, withlperfect confidence, JOHN 11. OODKN. 34Sly No. 42 Cedar St., New York Muthler'i Bitters for sale by F. Mohtimm, New Ulooiulltfld, Pa.