8 Ths Rail Excellence snd Cheapneet of our Cloth ing ! ths only eeoret of our great luoeeec. O XJ I, IS- 13 W F A M I L Y SEWING MACHINE. IVIIJW STORE ! THE BEST IN USE Perry County Bank! VTe in notn but "ell wool" ejnnile, erery pleoe of which U w.ll apoijejed, ail carefully exauilued. Onr cnttere of Ready marie nothing art tuch a conM woi a. ia other eKtabiiilimente on Cus tom Work; their work combluet oomfurt with tyle. Our barilla ara enpplled with the belt trlmruini, ami wo ure that Iba? ma them, and every artlela la thoroughly tritml be fore beirurputimoitock. Erery erarment told ! ae ouuipanted with a legal guarantee, holding us i a tpnniibla for lha cor rctne of all lha re reientatlona made. It li conceded that our large hniinoei arid man? other advantage!, anabla ua to tall lower thau any other home. We Invite a fair conipariaou of prioae. 7 ALL WIKTE3 CT 18S9. TrTs hTi rnafio ths GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selection, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods, 4W-A11 our goods are marked at Pkicu than were the uma articles last year. DEPiraEn F02 BOYS' 1HD YOUTHS' WIU Ara aapaclally wall prepared to life tatiafacllua, New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dlspatob, A Finer L'ne of Goods than ever. School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. TBI UEOXSS IX I SI ITAT1, 1 E. Mr. 6tl i IARXET STS., JKmbri,; wh.i block on etb free PHILADELPHIA. (.Market to Minor. Professional Cards. WM. N. SEIHEHT. Attorney-at-Law, New Ulooinlleld, Perry Co., Fa. liloomlleld, 3 33 ly. WM, M. RUTCH, Attorney-at-Law, ami Mili tary Claim Agent. New Hloomlleld, I'errv eo., Pa. i-Ofllce Two doors West of P. Mortimer's Store 3 7 ly WM. A. SPONSLEH, Attornev-at-Law, Olllee adjoining his residence, on East Main street, Now liloomlleld, l'erry co., I'a. 3 2 ly s. II. (J ALI5KAITH, Attorney-at-Law, New liloomliefd. I'ei'rv eo.. Pa. er- Pensions. Motilities. Hack I'av. and all Claims against the Government, promptly collect ed. Olllee with Win. A. Sponsler, Esq. 3 2 ly. CLEE MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Ileal a Estate Agent, New Illoomtleld, I'errv Co., Pa. --Ofllce with Hon. H. V. Junkin, South Car lisle street, New Blointleld, Pa. 3 2 ly. CIIAS. A. BAItNETT. Attorney-at-Law, New Hloonitlcld, Perry eo.. Pa. t-Office adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly EC. LONG, Attorney-at-Law, a New lllooinlleld, Perry Co., Pa. Ollice one door West of Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly. CIIAS. J. T, McINTIRIC, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloonilicld, Perry eo.. Pa. All professional business promptly and faith fully attended to. 3 2 ly LEWIS POTTEIf1 Attorney-at-Law, NaW liloomlleld, l'erry eo.. Pa. JUT Oflloe live doors West of Suteh's hotel. 321y. JOHN O. SHATTO, Burgeon Dentist. New liloomlleld, Perry eo., Pa. 4. All kinds of Mechanical and Hurglcal Den tistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable uriues. Offics orer Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly mm mmm dip! I AND rpurc srrEnion merits of tiie"Sing. L Eli'' Machines over nil others, ("or either Family use or Manufacturing purposes, me to well established nnd so generally admitted, tlinl nn enumeration of their relative excellences is no longer considered necessary. Our HEW FAMILY MACHINE winch hns lieen brought to perfection regardless of time, labor, or expense, is now confidently presented to the pulilie n incompnriilily the HEST SEWING MACHINE IN EXISTENCE. The Machine in question is Simple, Compact, Durable and Beautiful. It is quiet, light running, nnd capable of per forming a range and variety of work never he fore attempted upon a single Machine, using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, nnd sewing with equal facility, the very best the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything be tween the two extremes, in the most beautiful nnd substantial manner. Its attachments for Hemming. Hraiding, Cording, Tucking, Quilting, Felling, Trimming, Winding, etc.. are novel and practical, nnd have been invented and adjusted especially for this Machine. New designs of the unique, useful nnd popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Machines manufactured by tin's Company, have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at hot be conveyed through the medium of a (necessarily) limited ad vertisement ; and we therefore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Mnchine by all menus tn examine and test, if they possibly can do so, nil the leading rivil Machines before making a purchase. A selection can then be made under standingly, Branches or agencies for supplying, the " Singer" Machines will be found in nearly every city and town throughout the civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhib ited, nnd any informaiien promptly lurnished. Or communications may be addressed to The Singer Manufacturing Company, 458 Broadway, Nao York. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE : HOG Chestnut Street. JOHN R. SIIULER, Agent iii NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA. January 1, 18G0. ly. KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. HOUSEKEEPERS will llnd the KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help In cleaning their houses. It is the Original and Only Outline Paint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean more paint and tls it better than any other Soap Ever Ifl a 1 c ! It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and brighten Kino lirass. Copper and all Metalio Ware, and will remove all Paint, Pitch, Tar, Urease, luk, Varnish or any other dirt front the hands. It is the onlv Soap for cleaning Windows or anv kindsf KAltTllKHN WAHK. All other Hoans that ars advertised to do the same are 1MIT A'liONS of sur Soap, and will nut compare with THE GREA T LABOR-SA VINO KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP 1 wii-Trv it and you will like It. Ask for the "Kitchen Crystal Soap," and take no other. AU Uroctrs tell it. EASTMAN fi IiltOOKE, 431 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Sole Proprietors and iTamifactitrars. The abovs Is for sale at F. Mortimer's. New Bloomtlcld, Pa. 3313m. Judson's Self-WashingBoiler. milE PEST WASIIINO-MACHINKincxl-itenee. X It saves time, nearly all the labor, i the Soan and more than the wear of Clothes. Agents wanted in every town. Orders promptly tilled, when accompanied by Cash, or at express station sent i . w. i. THOMAS Hl'LL, S. W. Cor. 10th and Arch street, 331 I'lllLADEIA'HIA. -Oilier papers wishing to Insert this adver tUement will please address K. li. Thurston Ad vertising Agent, 39U0 Lancaster Areuue, Philadcl puia. CHEAP GOODS! THE subscriber having opened a new Store, one door East of Sweger's Hotel, solicits a share of the public patronage. He has just received a full supply of IV O W Cir O 1 JS , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of I)R Y-GOOPfil, GUOClUilEH, Q UVL'XS WARE, II A It It VA RE, ROOTS .t- SHOES, HATS A CATS. And Everything else usually kept in Stores. Af Call and see my stock. KOK'T. N. WILMS. New ltloonifleld, Pa. 3 42 3fciv Carriage MnmaJaetorj', On Hunt Stkkkt, East of Caki.islb St., 'cw Bloonificld, Tcnii'it. THE subscriber 1ms bull a large and oonunodlus Shop on High Street. East of Carlisle Street, New ltlootntiehl. I'a., w here ho is prepared to man ufacture to order On i j i n o Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built Id order, and finished In the most artistic and durable manner. Having superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. f KEPAlKlXd of all klnd9 neatly and prompt ly done. A call is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH. 31tf JnVTES S. CLASS, M AKCFACTUKEB AND DEA1.BH IN Stoves, Tiuand Sheet Iron Ware, New BloomCelil, Terry eo., Pa., KEEPS constantly on hand every article usually kept in a llrsl-class establishment. All the latest styles and most Improved Parlor ami ItitcJioia Stoves, TO HUHN EITIIEIt COAL OK WOOD! UK. Spouting and Hoofing put up in the most durable manner and at reasonable prices. Call and examine his stock. S 1 S II AW L S ! A Splendid Assortment of SHAWLS For Fall and Winter Wear arc now offered by tlio subscriber at very LOW PRICES. CALL AA'I) EXAMINE TIIH STOCX. F. MORTIMER, New Blooniflelel. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! FOU PUKE WATEK, USE TUB CEI.BIIHATED CUCUMBEE6 PUMi Made of wild Cticiiinber wood, en tircly taslrteM. tlurubli: nnd rMnlile : the good old-fashioned wooden pump, made by machinery, and therefore perfect and accurate in all its parts, raising an equal amount of water, and costing lessthanhalf the money. Easily arranged so as to be lion freezing, and in construction sosun pie that nny one can- put it up and favp it in repair. After thorough trial it is acknowledged the Best and Cheapest, CIIAKLES G. HLATCHLKY, Manufactuubb. Ollice and Ware-room, Nos. 6J4 and fi'iii Filbert Street, 3 32 finiG PHILADELPHIA, PA. eT-These Pumps can bo ordered of the Manu facturer or of K. Mortimer, New liloomlleld, Pa. MUSLINS ! 10 i Sheeting Musliu, 9 8 Sheeting Muslin, 5 4 Pillow Case Muslin, 42 Inch Pillow Case Muslin, 4 4 Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Shirting Muslin, 94 Sheeting Linen, JOTY'S WASHING MACHINE, The best in the world, forsalo by if . Moutimuk. THE PA It II A SI NEW FAMILY Sowing Machine IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make it THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET KUNNING as well as the Most Simple Machine In- Use. IT WILL HEM, IT WILL RRAin, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL GATHER, IT WILL QUILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. it uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON HOTH SIDES. The principal ofllce of the company is at JVo, 7D4 CltCKtnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale in Terry County by JAMES L, DIVEN, Landisburg. P. MORTIMER, New Eloomfield. XV The public are invited to call at cither of the above places and sec a Machine in oieration. GREAT mSTlllISUTIOSi' P.y the Metropolitan Gift Co. Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000, Every Ticket Draws a Prize. 6 Cash Gif ts,eaeb HO.onn 4() Cash Gifts, each Siono 10 " " W.IKM 2(K1 ' Son 2") " " SOUO H " " 1H) 50 Elegant Kosewood Pianos, each $30ntoJ7in K'nc " .", Mldeons, 75 to inn ISO Sewing Machines " co to 175 5(K) Gold Walehes. . , " 7S to 3U0 uasu i-rizes. nuver ware, ic.valueil at Sl.iKKi.IKM. A chance to draw any of the above prb.es forB.ric. Tickets describing Prizes are sealed In Knvelones and well mixed. On receipt of 2"e. a Sealed Tiekrt Is drawn without choice and sent by mail to anv address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of One Dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by ex press or return mail. You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Any Prize exrhaniett .for another of same value. No Hlanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. RKFKKKNt'KSt-Weselpet the following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prize's and kindly permitted us to publish them: Andrew .1. Hums. Chicago.tflO.OiK); Miss ClaraS. Walker. Ilaltlmoro, Piano, S0(l; .lames M. Matthews. Detroit. Jtn.ooo s John T. Andrews. Savannah. SottX): Miss Agnes Simmons, Charleston, l'iimo, SfiOu. We publish no names without permission. Opinions or tiik I'kkss: "The firm Is reliable, and deserve their success." U'ecM TrVmnc. Mat 8, "We know them to be a fair dealing linn." A'. Y. Herald, May 28. "A friend of ours drew a roo prize, which was promptly received." Daily Hews. June 3. Send for Circular. Liberal inducements to Agent Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Scaled Envehipes contains one casu oipt. Six Tickets foi $1; PMor$2: 3f for V; 110 for 15. All letters should beaddresseil to HARPER, WILSOXX- CO., 8 U 3m 195 liroudieap, JVew 1'urk. The Great External Eemedy. - For Man and Beast. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM Tha reputation of this preparation If eo well eatae Hihed, that little need be laid in tliii connection. On MAN it haa never failed to cure PAINFUL IUV0US AFFECTIONS. CONTRACTING MUS CI.R3, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINTS. TITCHES IntheSIDEor Back, SPRAIN'S, BRUISES. BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEET! Ferioni affected with Rheumatiain can be effectual! and permanently cured bjuiina; this wonderful prepa ration ; It penetrates to the nerve and bona Immediately a balnf applied. . On HORSES It will car SCRATCHES, 8WEEN)tT. fOLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING BORES. BADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOINTS. TIFFNES3 OF THE STIFLES, Ac. It will prevent HOLLOW-HORN and WEAK BACK IN MILCH. COWS. I bar met with freat aaeneta la bringlnf ma Mixture within the reach of lha Public. I am dally ua receiptor lettcre from Phyajclana, Druf (lite, Mercbaaes ana Farmera, teatifying to Ua curative powera. DAVID I. yOTJTZ, Soli Proprietor, BALTIMORE, Ma "IT ATS & CAPS of all sorts and sizes, suitablo for men and boys, for salo by F. MORTIMER. THE undersigned, having formed a Hanking As sociatiou under the above name and style, ar now ready to do a General Hanging business :il their new Hanking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW ELOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a period of not over (10 days, and sell Drafts on Philadelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four mouths; and for four months four per cent. We are well provided with all and every facility tor doing it Hanking P.usiness; and knowing, and for some years, feeling the great inconvenience un der which the people of this County labored for the want of n Hank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want : and tills being the first Hank ever established In Perry county, wt hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business menfanners and mechanics. This Hanking Association is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. A. SrONSi.Eit. Woonilleid, I'errv cnuntv, Pa. H. V. .ll'NKIN, A. G. Mii.i.nu. Slilppcnslmrg, Cumberland co.. Ta. .lOIlN WoNOKUI.It'II, " " " llKNItY ltfllV. " " " W.M. II. MiLLKii, Carlisle. " " offk rns: W. A. Sl'ONSLEU, jfrcsWenf. Wim.iam Wn.T.ia, Cashier. New Hloomlleld, 3 5 ly WAR CLAIM Insurance Agesioy ! TITE undersigned, is Agent for the follow lowing well-known Insurance Companies yETNA, Of Hartford, Connecticut. NORTH AMERICAN, Of Philadelphia, Ta. HOME, Of New Haven, Connecticut. FARMER'S MUTUAL, Of York County, Pa. Pennsylvania Horse Thief Detecting AND Insurance Company, Of York County, Pa. It you have a House, Barn or Furniture tint is not Insured against Loss by Fire or a Horx that is not insured against loss by theft or deats, coll on or write nt once to the undersigned. Also Pensions, Bounties and all kinds of War Claims Collected Cj" If you have a claim against the Govern ment or have made application for Pension or Bounty, which you have not received, call on r write to the undersigned nt once. . LEWIS POTTER, War Claim and Insurance Agency, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Bloomfield, January 1, 1809. 3. 3. ly CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! A CHOICE ASSORTMENT 0? CASSIMKKES, Always on band, from which to select. Clothin MADE TO lade ORDER CLOTHMU READY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. , F. MORTIMER, March 16, 'CO. New Bloomfield, Pa. BALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. T HE greatest success Is attending the publica tion oi HALLOWS MOSTHLT MAGAZIX11 of any perldlcal In the world. Each number cou talus (ink Hundkki) I'aoks of the choicest stories. Poems and Engravings, or Twim.vb IlrNnunn 1'ai.f.s every year for SI. .10 being fully three-fourths as large as as either of the four-dollar Magazines, at about one-third their price. tK.Xou it the time to au(jcrO.- Tbkms. SI. 50 a year; J copies, S3; IS copies, SIS. t-Scud stamp for specimen copy and nrnpeetas to . MLLIOTT riMMEX Ji TA1.11VT. PWMst en, Ilotlun, JUmti. mm w is JyiL