Fll.:C M O 11 TIME 11 , ) IrKtor rf? 1'roprictor. AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Terms: IN ADVANCE, i One Dollar per Year. Till BtOOMPIELD TlMES J.s rublishcd Wccldy, At New liloomfield., Pena'a. I!Y FRANK 51 0 II T 1 31 E It . BUISSCKII'TION TET.MS. ONE DOLLAll mil YEAH! IN ADVANCE. ADVKltTJSINO BATES. Transient S Cents per lino for one insertion. Vi " " " two insertions. 15 " " " three insertions. Husiness Notices in Local Column 10 Cents per line. Notices of Marriages or Deaths inserted free. Tributes of Respect, ccc., Ten cents per line. YEAKLY ADVEHTISF.MENTS. One Square per year, including paper, $ 8 00 Two Squares per year, including paper, 12 00 Tlirec Squares " " " 10 00 Tour Squares " " " 20 00 Ton Lines Nonpareil or ono Inch, is one square. Anecdotes of Dueling. The history of dueling has its comic and romantic aspect as well as its tragic and its diabolical. Somo of the excuses given foY not fighting aro droll enough. Franklin relates the following anecdote : A gentleman in a coffee houso desired another to sit further from him. " Why so?" said tho person thus addressed. " Be cause, sir, you smell." "That, sir, is an affront, and you must fight me." "I will light you if you insist upon it ; hut I don't seo how that will mend tho matter, for if you kill me, I shall smell too ; and if I kill you, you will smell worse, if possibio than you do at present." Amadous V, os Sa voy, sent a challenge to Humbert II, of tho aino duchy. Tho latter replied to the bearer of the challenge : " That the virtue of a prince did not consist in strength of body ; and that if his principal boasted of his strength, there was not a bull which was not stronger and nioro vigorous than lie could possibio be ; and, therefore, if ho liked, one should bo sent to him to try." The French poet, Voiturc, was a noted du elist, but ho would not always fight. On one occasion, having been challenged by a gentleman on whom ho had exercised his wit he replied: "The game is not equal ; you aro brave, I am a coward ; however, if you want to kill mo, I will consider myself dead." Anion g tho duels which deserve to bo re corded is, that between tho celebrat ed Irish barristers, John Fhilpot Curran and John Egan, nicknamed " Bully Egan." The latter was a man of immense size, while Curran was slim and short. The chances for being h it wore therefore in favor of tho former, for (as Curran said) it was like tiring at a haystack. Curran, therefore, proposed to cxqualizo the chances bv chalk ing lines on Egan's body, so as to mark out (Currans) size thereon, and by agreeing that no shot should count which took effect outside of these lines. Scarlet Feter. Dr. Charlos T. Thompson reports in the Lancet his motliod of treating scarlet fever. In tho early stage of tho diseaso the patient is immersed in a warm bath, and this is repeated frequently as often as the strength of tho patient w ill allow. This has at first a soothing effect, but is followed soon after by such an eruption upon the surface of so vivid a color, as to greatly astonish those who have never seen it before. After tho first or second bath tho appetite begins to return, and na tntious food is erven. Dr. T. utatoa fl.nf. lie lias used this treatment now for' flrWn years, and lias not lost a single patient by scarlet lever. Z1T Chicago courts tried last year seven hundred and twenty-threo divorce suits and put asunder four hundrod and sixty- nine couples. Of tho successful suits three hundred and five were brought by tho wives. TVoav XSloomlield, 3Pn., Tsiimiii'y 11, 1870. GOOD ADVIC2. Salth Tanl. " If eating meat shall cause my brother to offend No meal shall ever pass my lips till moral life shall end." O what a blessing It would be, if Gospel preachers all, Vi'ho chew their quid and smoke cigars would tliink and net like a Pul. Men's chief end ( they preach to us) is God to glorify ; And this to do each Christian man avers he'll al ways try. Hut who can glorify the Lord, by breaking nature's law ; l'y poison sucked into his throat.or ground beUv;cn his jaws? All brandy, whiskey, gin and rum, with veivgoance they persuo ; r.ut chewing leads to drunkenness, and tliey both smoke and chew. For sake of missions and tho poor, your appetite deny : And what you lose thereby on earth you'll, gain above the sky. But If you have not grace enough to let the " weed" alone ; Don't preach against your neighbors' sins till you forsake your own. LIFT A LITTLE. Lift a little! Lift a little I Neighbor, lend a helping hand To that heavy-laden brother. Who for weakness scarce can stand. What to tho with thy strong muscle, Seems a light and easy load, Is to him a pondrous burden. Cumbering his pilgrim road. Li ft a little ! Lift a little ! Klfort gives one added strength That which staggers him when rising. Thou canst hold at full arm's length. Not his fault that he is feeble, Not thy praise that thou art strong s It is God makes lives to differ. Some from walling, some from song. Lift a little ! Lift a little ! Many they who need thy aid ! Many lying on the road-side, 'Neath m Isfortunes dreary shade. Pass not by, like Priest and Levito, lleedl ess of thy fellow-nuili ; lint with heart and arms extended, Be the good .Samaritan. My First Patient. A DOCTOli'S STOIiY. CONCLUDED. IIIAD thought my patient ono of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, on tho night before, and tho cloar morning light served only to confirm this first im pression, foiynlike so many women who seem only night-blooming flowers, she had no blemish of complexion, no lines Of time and care, for daylight to search out and re veal. Sho was dazzlingly fair, -without pallor, her abundant hair a perfect bronze, with those lovely waves and ripples that art seeks to counterfeit, and her eyes a rich goldon brown, luminouc and warm. Her figure was tall and full, and her ex pression at once noble and feminine. Tho old familiar quotation came at ouce to my mind as I regarded her : " A perfect woman, nobly planned. To warn, to comfort and command." Her peculiar conduct of tho preceeding night puzzled mo, but sho was a woman for whom it was impossible to entertain any feeling contrary to respect. When Tim had left tho room sho thank ed mo warmly, blushing brightly tlrSnvhilo. for helping mo on with her littlo play of tho night before, and then dismissing the subject, we fell into an easy, delighful con versation, until, at length, I found myself speaking of my business, or, rather, of my Jack ot it, a thing which I had never bo fore dono to any human being. " There is (joniething wonderfully sym pathetic about her nature," I thought, as 1 went homeward, and for tho first time in many a day tho winter sunlight seemed not to mock r.io with its brightness. Wonder of wonders ! "It never rains but it pours." When I re-entered my oilicc, thero was an order upon my slate. This was iudced quite a big sprinkle for nic a call to tho house of tho great man of tho town. Well, it is especially true in a profession that " it is tho first step which costs." My call to Miss Farnsworth, who took up her quarters at tho Darby House and be camo at once tho fashion, helped me ama zingly, and I was quite suro sho aided me whenever she could by mentioning me with favor. Tho tide had turned with me I had now only to turn my sails to tho pros perous breezes. The people of Darley suddenly discover ed that Doctor Launco was not only a iino physician but a gentleman, and this gave nio an entree into tho circle in which Miss Farnsworlh moved. Of course I fell in lovo with her. It would have been far more strango had I not. Sho was a iino musi cian, and of music I was passionately fond, and I fell into a habit of dropping into her parlor, when I was weary with long rides, and resting, whilo she sung, in her deliri ously modulated voice, songs sweet, and soft, and low. I got a way, too, of telling her of my hopes, my cares, my successes, and one night, when I had driven all day, and was, O, so glorisusly tired with hard work, I told her what a mean, cowardly act her chance call had saved me. from. I looked in her beautiful eyes, half shrink ing for what if I should read thero con tempt and scorn? But thero were only pity and ineffable sympathy in their lovely depths. " You do not despiso mo?" I said, ea gerly. "No," sho said, softly. "I know too well what creatures of opportunity we are, to do that. No," she repeated, "I do not despise you." Thero was somo wonderful light in her eye, somo heavenly smilo about her mouth, as sho spoke the word "despise," that transported me. " No, you do not despiso mo, Nora Farns worth. You love mo 1" I said, with a sud den triumphant surety, and all in a mo ment I held her mine, mine, in my arms. Once before my love roturncd to her homo in New York, I asked her what she meant by her assumed illness. " For that, and tho roasou why I left my home and came here, you must trust mo till you come on to New York. You can, Launcelot ?" Sho laughed as she spoko, but I could seo a shado of anxiety iu her face lest tho secret troublo me. "For that, anything clso in tho world you may chooso to ask me," I said, with a fervor that reassured her. "And to New York I shall como just as soon as I can bring the money with mo to pay tho debt I told you of, I can go to my old home then, and meet Miss Orton without blushing." " What sort of person do you supposo she is?" said Nora. " I never thought enough about her to picture her," I answored, carelessly. " I only know I thank her now for giving mo the chanco to know what I was inado of. And, yet, God knows, I cannot flatter my self," I added, soberly. Success hangs on very slight tilings, sometimes." Nora slid her soft hand in mino. "orget that night," she said. "You never would have dono it." Nora went back to New York, and I stay. od behind, well content to labor with so glorious a prize in view. Such letters as wo wroto ! Nora has bcon my sweet, sweet wire, this many a year, but I never think of somo passages in those I received from hor without tho swoet thrill returning that 1 1 know whe first I read thorn. I havo a fancy that lovers who aro never parted loso the most lasting sweet of courtship thoso delightfully extravagant, dcliciously ab surd, and j ot sacred things love letters. Things went well witli me, and it was not long before I had tho pleasure of bidding Miss Nora Farnsworth expect mo in New York on a certain day soon after tho reception of the happily written letter con veying this bidding. I have no doubt but certain women with babies, certain young and old, but aliko in experienced voyagers, thought mo a most obliging and accommodating traveller on that trip from Darley, Indiana, to New York city. Tho fact was, I was happy, and I could afford to bo good-natured. I had tho money in my pocket to pay tho old debt which had weighed on me, liko an incubus, so long ; I had a profession that warranted mo in making tho sweetest wo man in all tho world my wife, and I was going after her now. At tho New York station a pair of brown eyes drew my own liko a magnet. There was my own sweet darling waiting for me. How tho blushes camo and went in her soft round cheek, as sho sat beside mo in tho carriago ! As wo rodo on, an agitation, un usual to her manner, seemed to possess her and grow more and more marked every moment. The quarter of tho city through which wo were passing was near my old home. Wo wcro even on the same street, and when about to pass it, I couldn't help a feeling of regret (only for her sake. I will affirm,) that this lovely place was not indeed mine, as Iliad ouco fancied. Why was tho car riage stopping ? A soft hand stole shyly into mine. " Welcome back to your own, Launcelot Launce," said a voice, bewilderingly sweet. "To all your own," she repeated, with an emphasis fervent and tender, and like ono in a dream I entered my old home, where old Aunt Rhoda received " her boy" with rapturous delight. "Alicia Farnsworth Orton," said my brown-eyed darling, with a gleam of mer riment in thoso brown eyes, while sho mado mo an arch courtesy. "Aunt Hhoda sent mo after you, didn't you, aunty ?" "Yes, I did jistdat, honey. An' I reck on ye've got him fast. Aint dat so, my boy? Guess I'd better bo helpin' set on dat supper." And breaking into a mellow, unctuous laugh that mado her quiver like a huge mould of jelly, Aunt Rhoda departed. " Did you think I could come here, and, driving you out, take that which was right fully yours, I don't care what tho law says, without a word?" said Alicia Orton, her wholo figure expressing a prido that at least matched my own. " When they told mo you had gone West, without money or friends, I determined to find you if it were a possibio thing. Besides, to tell the truth," sho said with a littlo blush, "I liked your cold, proud letters, and had a littlo curiosi ty about you. I f und you at last, and learned enough of you, no matter how, to convinco mo that times wore none too good with you. I knew you wouldn't let mo help you, knowingly, you proud, foolish fellow, so I had to dlsgui io my name. My old days had taught tiio, long before, that fashion rules everything, a choico of phy sicians as well as musicians, so I adopted tho littlo ruse you know of, for the double purpose of soeing you and bringing you into notice I don't believe that success is always tho gua'go of a man's merit, but I saw that you could improve opportunity. That interested mo, and then and then" How celestially she blushed 1 "And then you fell in lovo with me," I said, supplying her hesitating speech. "And I with you, Nora Farnsworth. And now again with you, Alicia Orton, and nov er did a man before havo two such glorious sweethearts!" And I had just time- for tho kiss that seal ed my second betrothal, when Aunt Rhoda camo shuffling in with news that more sub stantial sweets awaited us. Hyilroyholjiii. Somo curious developments in regard to this disease have occurred tho past week in the stables of Mr. Bickley, in Philadel phia. Although tho developments have been comparatively lo.'eiit, tho instigation of them can bo traced back as, far as August last, when a dog, supposed to be mad, found its way into the yard of Mr. Bickley's prem ises, was driven off, and shot at Fifteenth and Market streets by a policeman. It was not known that tho rabid canine had bitten any of tho stock in the stables, but recent developments havo proved that considera ble mischief was effected. About a month ago, a mule stubborn by nature, but mado moro so from somo rea son, refused to bo harnessed, and finally went into spasms, and remained so for four clays, at tho end of which timo death put an end to tho sufferings of tho poor beast. Mr. Alexander Montgomery, a workman in the employ of Mr. Bickley, cared for the mule, which, on once occasion, bit him se verely on the arm. Tho animal held him by tho limb so tightly that ho was unable to extricate it, and but for Mr. Bickley Montgomery might have been killed. The latter seizing a pitchfork, thrust tho prongs into tho body of tho animal, and forced it to let go its hold. After this two goats belonging to Mr. B. became affected with the disease and wera killed. Tho larger ono ran under a grey horse, aud rising abruptly, threw tho ani mal on its side. Ono of tho workmen un dertook to battle with this goat, but was chased from ono part of the inclosure to the other. Ho sought refuge in a large sized wheelbarrow. Tho result was that the infuriated beast upset the wheelbarrow, workmen aud all, and tho terror-stricken laborer was only rescued by a gang of men who managed to secure tho capture of tho quadruped, which was killed after four bullets had been discharged into its body. On Monday morning last.a bay horse, worth $200, died of hydrophobia ; and on Wednes day last another animal was found dead in a stall, from the samo causo. Anecdote. John W. Crockett and James Gibson wcro able lawyers, and in full practice, in tho early days of Jackson's Purchase. They resided at Fulton, in Hickman Co., Ky. On one occasion they wero employed oppositcs of an ejectment caso, before a magistrate. Tho court was held in a school houso. Crockett was reading the law to tho court, and when he got through, Gib son asked him for his book, saying that the statute just read was new to him. Crock ett refused to give it to him on the ground that it was his own private property, and if Mr. Gibson wanted tho benefit of law books, thnro wcro somo for sale. Tho court ruled that the book was private prop erty, and that Gibson had no right to see it except with Crockett's consent. Gibson was puzzled, but being a man of resources, ho fell upon a plan which completely upset Crockett's calculations. Ho stepped back and found under a desk an old copy of No ah Webster's spelling book, and in address ing tho court, ho read from tho speller bo it enacted by tho General Assembly 'of the Commonwealth of Kontucky, that all laws heretofore passed (hero fitting Crock ett's law,)bo and they are hereby repealed " Crockett sprang to his feet with, "Let me see that book." "No you don't," savs Gibson; "this book, sir, is private proper ty, and I am not in the habit of packing law books around for tho benefit of others It is needless to say froekett lost his case, Gibson having the cut at him. tW A cynic by the name of Wright, in Wrightsville, Wright county, outWest, on recently writing on Woman's Eights said : " It is so seldom that women do write what is right, that it is no more than richt that when they do what is right it should bo rightly done." Now, if Mr. Wright is not right then he hd no right to write the above.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers