8 I8TO. 1870. THE BLOOMFIELD TIMES O: H a w t- O: X: PI; a. a: S O: -K - : K: Mi u. : : : : : i : i : JANUARY, . 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 2! 9 16i 23: so: "e'i 18: 20 ; 87 i "'! 13: 20 : 27; ""a; ioi 17: 24 i 3: 4: 10; 11 ; 17; is; 24; 25 31 i 1- 7: 8 14: 15: 21; 22 2S; i li 7i 8i 14: 15: 21 i 22 i 2ij 2U 4 ": " "5: 11; 12; 18: 19; 25; 26; 5: 6: 7; 12: 13j 14: 10; 20- 21i 26 27; 28: FEBRUARY, 10: U: Ifi: 17: 18: 83; 24 25j ... ; ... i ... ; 2- 3; 4; 9; 10- 11: 16: 17: 18: 23i 24; 85; 30- 81 : 1: 6: 7: 8: 13; 14; is; 20 : 21 : 22 : 27; 28; 29; MARCH APRIL, MAY, i; 2; 3; 4 8; ; 10: 11: 15; 17; 18: 22: 23 24- 25 29; 30- 81: ... 1 5: 6; 7- 8: 12; 13! 14- 15 19- 20: 21 ; 22 26; 27; 28; 29 5; e; 7 12: 13; 14 19: 20- 21 26- 27; 28 2; 3- 4 9; 10: 11 16; 17; is 23- 24- 25 30: ...: ... l; 2 7: 8; 9 14; 15- 16 2i; 22: 23 28; 29; 30 '4; 'si 6 11- 12- 18 is; 19; 20 25; 20; 27 1: 2- 3 8; 9; 10 15: 16: 17 22: 23 i 24 29- 30- - 1 7: 8 13: 14: 15 20: 21 : 22 27- 28- 29 3; 4- 5 10; li; 12 17: 18: 19 24; 25; 26 ,. 1- 2; 3 . 8: 9: 10 15; 1 17 22: 23: 24 20 j 30 31 JUNE, JULY, ,. 3; 4; 5; 6 10; li; 12- 13i 17; 18- 19: 20 24; 25 - 26 - 27 31- : - ... : 1 2; 3 7: 8; 9: 10: 14: 15- 16j 17; 21 : 23: 23- 24: 28; 89- 30; 31 "4"T "'iT"i 11: 12: 13: 14: 18: 19: 20; 21 1 25; 20; 27; 28! AUGUST SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER,., 2: 8: 4- 5; 9: 10: 11 12; 16; 17; is; 19; 23- 24- 25; 26; so; si ; : i li 2; (I; 7: 8 9- 13: 14: 15: 16: 20: 21: 22: 23: 27; 28; 29- 30; " '4":" '5:""6:""f:' llj 12- 13; 14; 18; 10- 20; 21; 25- 86- 27 88; NOVEMBER, DECEMBER,,., The Cheapest Paper in the State ! A Forty Column Paper for $1 a Year I fTMTE BLOOMFIELD TIMES, an Independent I Family Journal, published weekly, at New Tllomutleld, Pa., will, mi the 1st of January, 1870, be enlarged to a Forty Column paper. Each number will contain Original or Selected Stories, Anec dotes, Local and Miscellaneous News, and such a variety of interesting Read I ng Matter, that It cannot fail to be a welcome visitor to every family circle. It will be printed on tlrs.' -class paper, and mailed to subscribers, at the low pi'Jce of ONE DOLLAR yen tear, n advance. Specimen copies mailed Free. ERA NIC AH TIMER, .. ' New HlfVallcM, Pa. Professional Cards. "TTM. N. KEIBEltT, Attorney-at-Law, T KeW I ' Hlu Hiiliclil, ferry CO., fa. Bloqmllelrt, 3 33 ly. "ITfM. M. SUTCH, Attorney-at-Law, and Mill- V tary Claim Agent, New Hloomtleld, ferry Co., Ta. 43-Olllee Two doors West of Mortimer's More 3 1 ly XTTM. A. SPONSLElt. Attorney-al-Law. ?V )rti;e al.iiiiinpc his residence, on East Main street, New llluoinlield, ferry eo., fa. 3 2 ly SH. UALBR.UTH, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomlield, Perry co., Ta. - Pensions, Motilities, Hack fav, and till (Maims against the Government, promp'tlv collect ed. ( Mllee with Win. A. Sponsior, Esq. 3 2 ly. C 'LEE MURRAY, Attorney-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent, New Hloomtleld, Perry Co., fa. Ug- Onieo with Hon. B. If. .Itinkin, South Car lisle street, New Blomileld, fa. 3 2 ly. C1IAS. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law. New Blooinlield, ferry co.. "a. 5 Office adjoining Mortimer's Store. 3 2 ly I7 C. LONG, Attorney-at Law, It New Rloointleld, ferry Co., fa. Otlloe one door West of Mortimer' store. 3 2 ly. CIIA8. J. T, MrlNTniK, Attorney-at-Law, New Itlooinltehl, Perry co.. I'a. AII professional business promptly and faith fully atteudod to. 3 2 ly. TEWIS POTTER. Attorney-nt-Lnw. J .New ItloomliehU l"erry eo., fa. M-Offlco tiveoooraWestof Sutch'slioteL 321y. TOnN O. 8IIATTO, Surgeon Dentist. . . , . Now Hloomtleld, ferrv co., Ta. .AU kinds of Meclianioal and Surgical Den tistry done in the )esi manner, and at reasonable prices. Otlloe over Mortimer's store. 3 2 ly OUK NlilW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. rpHE SUPERIOR MERITS OF THE "SING. l Fit" Machines over kII others, for either Fumily use or Manufacturing1 purposes, are to well fstablisbed end so genemlly ndmitied, Hint an enumernlion nf tlicir relative excellences is no longer considered necessnry. Our NEW FAMILY MACHINE w liioli hns been brouglit to perfection reg'nrdless of time, Inbor, or expense, is now confidently 1resented to the public as inoompnrnblv the 1EST SEWING MACHINE IN EXISTENCE. The Machine in queMion is Elmplc, Compact, Durable nml Beautiful. It is quiet, liglit running', and rapnble of per fiirming a rangf and vnriely of work never be fore attempted upon a single Machine. using either Silk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility, the very best the very linest and coarsest mnterinls, find anything be tween the two extren.es, in the most beautiful nnd substnntinl nianntr. Its attachments lor Hemming-. Braiding, Coraing", Tucking-, Quilting. Felling, Trimming. Binding, tc, are novel and practical, nnd have been invented nnd adjusted especially for this Machine. New ilesigns ol the unique, ns'cfiil nnd popular Folding Tops and Cnbinet Cnxe, oectilinr to the Machines mnnufnctnred by thi.s Company, have been prepared for enclosing the ni'W Machine. A faint idea, however, can at ber-t be conveyed through the medium of a (necessarily) 'imited ad vertisement ; and we therefore urge ovt ry person in quest of a Sewing Machine by aJI rieanslo examine nnd test, if they possibly ciin do so, all the lending riMl M-ichines belore roaki'og a purchase. A selection can then be made under standingly, Hranches or ngencies fur supplyng the "Singer'1 Machines will be found in near.'y every city and town throughout the civilized world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhil) ited, and-nny informnnen promptly lurnished. Or communications may be addressed to The Singer Manufacturing Company, 458 Broadway, New York. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE: 1106 Chestnut Street. JOHN R. SIIULEIt, Agent in NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA. January , 1SC9. ly. KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP. nous e k j: e r e r s will llnd thu KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP A great help in cleaning their houses. It is tin Original and Only Genuine Paint Cleaner and Restorer, and will clean nor paint and do ii ucuer than any other soap I v c v M a I e ! It will clean and polish Marble. It will clean and brighten Fine Ilrass, Copper and all Melalic Wara, and will remove all Paint, fitch, Tar, Urease, Ink, Varnish or any other dirt from the hands. It is hc only Knap for cleaning Windows or any kind of IS.' KTflKKN WAHK. All other Koaps that ar advertised to do the same are IMITATIONS of our tiou,t, and will not compute with XTIE GREA T LAIiOIi-SA VIXG KITCK5N CRYSTAL SOAP I tfi.Tryit ana you will liko it. Ask for tu " Kitchen Crystal r.oap,f and take no other. AH Grocers sell ,t. EASTMAN & BKOOKE, 4.".1 KiTtli Third Street, fhiladelphla, 1 Sole Proprietor and iratwactvrert. tt?. The above Is for sale at F. Vortli.nfr's. New BlooinUeld, fa. J3im. Judson's Self-Washingioiir. rpilE BEST WAKHINO-MACniNKInexisUince. JL It saves time, nearly all the labor, 4 the Soap and more than 'A the wear of Clothes. Agents wanted In every town. Orders, promptly tilled, when accompanied by Cash, or at Express station sent 0. (. I). THOMAS HULL, H. V. Cor. ltlth and Arch street. 331 1'UILADklA'lllA. .Other papers wishing to Insert this adver-tiM-meut will please address V. K. Thurston, Ad vertising Agent, 31X10 Lancaster Avenue, f hiladcl-phia. NEW STORE ! CHEAP GOODS! THE subscriber having opened a new Store, otii door East of Swegers Hotel, solicits a shar peer's Hotel, solicits a soar of the public patronnge. He has Just received a inn supply oi TV 3 W Ci O () (1 H , and will constantly keep on hand, a complete as sortment of Durooons, QUEEX8WARE, HOOTS ii SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. II ATS 4 CAPS. And Everything else usually kept in Store . WCall and see my stock. KOB'T. N. WILMS, 3 42 New Bloomllcld, Pa. "Sew Carriage Manufactory, Os High Strfet, East of Caiii.isi.b St., New Bloomfleld, l enn'a. THE subscriber has bult a large and commodlui Shop on High Street, East of Carlisle Street, New Bloomtield, fa., where he Is prepared to man ufacture to order On v i i rt g" e k Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built to order, and finished iu the most artistic and durable manner. Having superior workmen, bo is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. a-REP AI1HNC of all kinds neatly and prompt ly done. A call is solicited. SAMUEL SMITH. 31tf JAMES 33. CLARK, MASUFACTirKEH AND DEALER IX Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, Xevf Bloomfleld, Perry co., Pa., KEEPS constantly on hand every article usually kept in a tirst-class establishment. All the latest styles and most improvd Iarlor and Kitchen Ntoves, TO BUKN EITHEH COAL OU WOOD! Spouting nnd Roofing put up in the most diiru-hlo manner nnd at reasonable prices. Call and examine his stock. 31 S II A1V L S ! A Splendid Assortment of SHAWLS For Fall and Winter Wear are now offered ly the subscriber at very LOW PRICES. CALL AND EA'AJUXE THE STOCK. F. MORTJjntH. 2?evr Hloomflold. PUMPS 1 PLMPS ! FOR I'UUE "VTA TEH, USE THE CELBBUATtD lTCUMIIEat 1?UMP Made of wild Cucumber wood, en tirely taxtrte, itnrahle and r"MaM ; t lie good old-fashioned wooden uump, made by machinery, nnd thei eforo perfect and accurate in all IU p.irts, raising an equal amount of wa.er, and costing less than half the money. Easily arranged so as to be iwm free.mg, and In conslriii'tion sosiin ple that any on can put it up awl KPfp it in ri'ixiir. After thorough trial It is acknowledged the Best and Cheapest. CHARLES O. BLATCHLEV. M A N C t' ACT U It K it. 5- Ofllce and Ware-room, Nos. 6H and Rill Filbert Street, 3 32 6mBl PHI LA DELPHI A, PA. Kf These Pumps can be ordered of the Manu facturer or of V. Mortimer, New Bloomtield, fa. 31 XT SLINS! 10. -I 6uectinr Muslin, 3 8 Sheeting Muslin, - . i i rillow Case Muslin, Inch I'illow Cane Munlin, 4 i Sheeting Muslin, 3 4 Mhirting Muslin,' 0 4 Sheetinyf Linen, jy)TY'S WASHING MACHINE, The bcit in the world, formic by F. Mont i tutu. 119 THE BEST IK USE THE PAR II AM NEW FAMILY Sowing Machine IT combines all the best features of other good machines, with New and Valuable Improvements, which make It THE EASIEST AND MOST QUIET RUNNING as well as the Most Simple Machine in Use. IT WILL HEM, IT WILL RRAID, IT WILL TUCK, IT WILL OATHKR, IT WILL QVILT, and will use either Silk, Cotton, or Linen Thread with equal ease. It uses a straight needle and makes a stitch ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES. Th principal olllce of the company Is at So, 704 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. These machines are for sale In Terry County by JAMES L DIVEN, Landisburg. P. M0RTIME3, Now Eloomfield. V The public are invited to call at cither of the nhoveptacci and see a Machine in operation. GRI AT DISTRIBIITIOX By the Metropolitan Gift Co. Cash Gifts to the Amount of $500,000. Etery Ticket Draws a Prize. S Cash Glfts,e.ich Sin.oon 40 Cash Gifts, each SI 000 10 " lo.onu 200 " r,(io an " " siKjo m " " 100 V) Elegant ltosewood Pianos, each $300 to 8700 75 " " Melodcolis, " 7,ri to 100 150 Sewing Machines " BO to 175 5fi0 Gold Watches ' 75 to IWO Cash frizes. Silver Ware, n valued at Sl.ooo.oiKl. A chance to draw any of the above prizes for lie. Tickets dpseriliing frizes are watofln Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25c. a Sealed Ticket Is drawn without choice and sent bv mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of One Dollar. frizes are Immediately sent to any address by ex press or return mail. You will know what your f rlc Is before you pay for It. An; Prize exchanged for another of name value. No Blanks. Our patrons nut depend on fair dealing. RKHKHKN(ES:-Wcsclct the folfriwing from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them : Andrew ,T. Burns, Chicago. 810,000; Miss Clara S. Walker. Baltimore, Piano, &S00: dames M. Matthews. Detroit, 85.000 ; John T. Andrews. Savannah. 850U0: Miss Agnes Simmons. Charleston. Piano, JCOo. We publish no names without permission. Opinions or thk 1'kkss: "Thn linn Is reliable, and deserve their success." WeeMi Trihune, Man 8. "We know them to be a fair dealing linn." X. Y. Herald, Matt 2S. " A friend of ours drew a 500 prize, which wa3 promptly received." Daily Sew$, June .1. Send for Circular. Liberal inducements to A gents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Everv package of Sealed Envelopes contains onk cash gift. Six Tickets for 8; 13 for $2; 35 for 5S 110 for 815. All letters should be addressed to HARPER, WILSON A CO.. t U 3m 195 Jlroadway, Nero York. The Great External Kemedy. For Man and Beast. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM The reputation or thla preparation la to well ub llihed, that little need bs said in this connection. On MAN it hni never failed to cure 1'AINFUt NERVOUS AFFKCTIOXS, COXTRaCTINO MU3 Cl.ES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE .IOIVT3 STITCHES lntheSIDEor Back, SPRAINS, UUUISKS BURNS, SWELLINGS, COKNSmd FUOSTEU FEEt! Persona affected with Rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by uiin tliia wonderful prepa ration ; it penetrate! to the nerve and bone Immediately n being applied. On HORSES tt will eure SCRATCHES, 8WEENKY. P0U.-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING SORES SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOINTS f,T.I,F,FSASPrTHF: STIFLES.Ice. Itwlllprevent HOLLOW HORN and WEAK BACK IN illLCH COWS. I hare met with (real eucceae In bringing my Uixture within the reach of the Publlo. I am daily i reesjptof letters from Phyijciana, DruMlata, Merchant and Jarmere, teatlfylni to its curative powers. ' ' DAVID S. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, BALTIMORE, U. II ATS & CAPS of nil norts and sizes, suitablo for men and boys, for salo by MOKTIMEK. 4 fX Perry County Bank! Spongier, .Iiinkiii A Co. THK undersigned, having formed a Hanking A. soclatloii under tin; above name and style, nrf now ready to do a General Hanking business at their new Hanking House, on Centre Square, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. We receive money on deposit and pay back on demand. We discount notes for a erlod of not over fiO days, and sell Drafts on f hlladelphia and New York. On time Deposits, live per cent, for any time over four months; and for four months four per cent. We are well provided with all nnd every facility for doing a Banking Business; and knowing, nnd for some years, feeling the great Inconvenience ui. der which the people of (Ills County labored forth want of a Hank of Discount and Deposit, we have have determined to supply the want : and this being the lirst Bank ever established In Terry county, w hope we will be sustained in our efforts, by all th business men, farmers and mechanics. This Hanking Association is composed of the fol lowing named partners: W. A. SpossLEit, BloomllcM, ferry county, fa. B. V. .ll-NKIN, " " ii A. (i. Mii.i.mt, Shlppensburg, Cumberland co.,fs. .lolIN WONDKIU.K'II, " " ' IlKNKV Itl llV, " " Wm. II. Millkk, Carlisle, ' officers: W. A. 8PONSLEH, President. William Wilms, Caxhicr. New Hloomtleld, 3 5 ly WVIfc CLAIM AND IiiNtiraiice Agency ! rpiTE undersigned, is Agent for the follow JL lowing well-known Insurance Companira iETNA, Of Hartford, Connecticut. NORTH AMERICAN, Of Philadelphia, Ta. HOME, Of New Haven, Connecticut, FARMER'S MUTUAL, Of York County, Pp. Pennsylvania Horse Thief Deieciiny AND Insurance Company, Of York County, Pa. If you have a House, Tarn or Furniture that is not Insured againM Loss by Fire or a IIor that is not insured against loss by theft or death, call on or write at once to the undersigned. Also Tensions, Wnties and all kinds of Vr Claims Collected ID" If yon have a claim against the Govern ment or have made application for Tension or Bounty, which you have not received, call on or write to the undersigned at once. LEWIS POTTER, War Claim and Insurance Agency, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. Bloomfleld, January 1, 1809. 3. 2. ly CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER t A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF GANSIM'Klil!, Alwny on hand, from which to select. Ready it-'.; , 31 1 la i HADE TO W Jltulc ORDER. CLOTHLMJ KRADY-MADE CLOTHING of Superior Quality always on hand. F. MORTIMER, March 10, '09. . , New Bloomtltld, Pa. rSfaM mm m HALLOU'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. rflUK greatest success Is attending the publlca X lion of ... HALLOirs MONTHLY MAGAZINE of any perldlcnl In tho world. Kacli number con tains O.nk llCMU'.Ki) J'aokh of tlie choicest stories, focms and Kiigravings, or Twki.vk Hinduku I'aoi'.s every yoar forl.r being fully three-fourlhs as large as as either of the Utur-du'lar .Magazines at about ine-thlrd their price. ' . .Vow is the time to su' ner2e.a Tbrms. .50 a year; 7 copies, 9; 13 copies," $14, ' fk.Srnd stamp for spee'mr n i-ojiv and propeetns to EU.iOTT ThOMhS A- TAI.HOT. PuVi-.-, ilxim. Mm. k