imc0, New Bloomficlir, fJa. 5 TheBloomfiold Times Tuesday, January 4, 1STO. LOCAL, I) ETA 11 T M E N T. Wanted Light. Somo moan thief, a few lays Hi nee, entered the school house, No. 3. in Tusciirora township, whicli Ik used as a )lacc of worship by the United Brethren, and stole a large hanging lamp belonging to the congregation. Old Persons. There are few election dis tricts in the State which have so large a proportion of old persons among their vo ters as there is in this borough. Of the whole list of voters in lilooinliold borough, more than one HL'th are over sixty years of The new Church Edifice erected by the Reformed Congregation in Newport, will bo dedicated to the service of tho Triune od, on Hunday, the 1G7A of January, 1870. Several eminent ministers are expected to be present on tho occasion. The public are respectfully invited to be present. y The Iterlval. Tho protracted meeting of tho Presbyterian Church, which at the timo of issuing our last number, was still in session, has been closed. The result of the meeting was very gratifying. Already twenty-nine persons have been admitted to membership in that church, and there is a prospect of still further addition. In this case, the number of men among tho con verts is unusually great, they being more than half of the number. A scries of meetings are now being held by the Lutheran congregation in this bor ough, which wo hope will meet with equal success. A spirited revival is also going on in tho Lutheran Church at Mansville. Sixteen poisons were forward on Saturday evening last, seeking forgiveness. God speed the good work. Lucky Hunters. Some of the hunters who go from this co unty to Black log, are inoro fortunate than those who went from this borough. Itufus and Henry Potter of Milford, on a recent visit to Black Log Val ley, captured five deer. One large buck they brought home witli them and the oth ers they disposed of there. h( Teachers' Institute. During the past week, Superintendent Korr and tho teach ers of Perry county have been holding their annual Convention. Of tho ono hundred and sixty-eight teachers employed in tho county, about ono hundred were present. From what we heard, wo think, as a gen eral thing, the exercises gave entire satis faction. If tho gentlemen did not pass the week pleasantly, it certainly was not be- causo they were deprived of ladies' society, for it is not often that in this borough we have the opportunity of seeing so many rosy cheeks and bright eyes. We don't blamo the young mon for being in favor of "Teachers' Institutes." Read our UQTertlscmcuts. They are not o dull and uninteresting as you think them, and you may oftjn in them stumble over something to your advantage ; at any rate ; read the one inserted for AVanamakcr & Brown, and see if it does not porsuade you that Oak Ilall is the place where you should buy your fall suit Very Unfortunate. Our readers will re member tho account of an accident which happened nearly three mouths since, to Mr. Emanuel Dugan, of Whcatiield township, wuereoy ins leg was brolcen. jsy some means the bono got misplaced, and a short tinio sine, the splints were taken off, when it was found that the bone had not knit in tho least, and the fracture had to bo re-sct, The medical men now fear that it never will knit together, as such things rarely occur. Singular Hog Disease. Mr. Robert Neil son of Centre township, this county, killed several hogs a few days since, two of which had to bo thrown away, owing to their hav jug somo peculiar disease They soemcd as well before being killed, and were as fat as the others, but when cleaned all tho fat meat was of a deep yellow color, and tho lard had the saino appearance Nothing just like this has been seon in this vicinity, and the question now is what was the matter with them. ScTcnty Dollars Out. A bout two weeks since a man named Wells, in tho employ of Mr. David I. Rice, at Porrysville, was sent to bank by himtodeposittheabove amount, He, however, forgot to cofno back, and af ter waiting somo time for his return, search was mado for him, when ho was found in Tuscarora twp., making tracks for the mountains. Tho money was not recovered, as Wells asserted that he lost it before re a ching the bank. Justice Wharton committed him to jail. A Narrow Escape. On tlia morning of the 22nd ult., two men named Jacobs and Zeigler crossed one of tho foldings of the Canodoguinct Creek, in Cumberland Co., to do a day's butchering. On their return the samo evening they found tho creek had risen considerably, but cono luded to ven ture tho crossing. They had not proceeded far before tho horse and carriage began to move rapidly down the stream. The men called loudly, hoping to alarm Mr. Wolf a near resident, but the roaring of the water was such, that they failed to make Jiim hear, but succeeded in starting up ijip dogs, so that they continued barking, and at tracted the attention of tho family. Mr. Wolf then wont to their assistance and suc ceeded in getting both the men safely nto his boat. During tho excitement of gptr ting the men out of the parriage the polo used to push the boat was lost, and tho only thing left, with which to navigate the boat was a sausage stuffor, With this they howover succeeded in reaching tho shore, bringing the horse and vehicle with them. It was a fortunate escape and had it not been for tho prompt aid of Mr. Wolf, both men and horse would have been drowned. As it was the horse was nearly exhausted. Suicide. On tho evening of tho 24th ult., the wife of William Lidig, a carpet weaver residing a littlo distance from Mont gomery's Ferry, on the Bucks Valley road, committed suicide by hanging herself with somo carpet chain, to a cherry tree in the yard. She had just recovered from a fit of sickness, but for several weeks had shown some symptoms of insanity, and it was probably during ono of these fits that tho deed was committed. She was discovered about 10 o'clock at night, while tho body was still warm, but instead of cutting her down, and trying to restore life, she was al lowed to hang until tho alarm had brought some neighbors, and tho coroner was sum moned. By that timo she was stiff and cold. The branch to which she attached the chain was so low that her knees touched the ground, upon which they firmly rested. A Change. We call attention to tho chango which has taken place in tho firm of Wright & Siddall. Tho firm uow being Siddall and Markley. Those who have heretofore dealt with Mr. Siddall will bo sure to continue their dealings, and those who have not yet giveu them a call should take an early opportunity of so doirfg. The place of business is still at No. 119 Market street, Philadelphia. Don't be Hunibugcd with the foolish idea that catarrh cannot be cured ! The world move, and medical science is progressive. The proprietor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem edy will pay $500 reward for a case of Ca tarrh which he cannot cure. Sold by drvg gittt at fifty cents, and each package makes a full pint of the medicine ready for uso. Can get it by mail for Sixty Cents from Dr. R. V. Pierco, Buffalo, N. Y. If you want goods suitable for the season, go to Mortimer's store. Accidents. Briefs. The State Legislature meets to day. The Susmiolianna River is vir hio-h and still risiinr. "iMcssrs. Forcv k Foote.of New li.iffi,. lo, nro puttinr into their irristniill engine of fifteen horse power. No more stopping for them ou accouut of low water. The Odd-fellows at Liverpool, Terry Co., are putting up a fine hall. Tho out side work is already pretty nearly done. Ilartnian's mill, in Fishing Creole is to be torn down, and a new grist mill erect ed by Alex llartman and John Hippie. This will be a great convenience to tho farmers in that valley. Wm. Messingcr has sold his farm in Rye township, to Josiuh R. Flickinger for euooo. A warrant for a new Masonio lodge at Marysville has been granted by the Grand Lodge of that order. The Bloomfield Fur Company has so far captured six foxes, It is nearly time for them to declare a dividend. Four coons in one tree, wero recently caught by Henry Dorr and Samuol Thompson, near Liverpool. A At a sheriff's sale at Liverpool, recent ly, one canal boat, one horse, and o no mule ouly brought $27,50. The Western fever has broken out in this county, and already William McKen zie and family, David McKcnzie, William A. Grubb and a Mr. Adams; all from the vicinity of Liverpool, have taken their departure The vouna- men's association of Livpr- pool are preparing themselves to give an exuiDHion some time tins winter. Philadelphia Price Cnrrent. Corrected Weekly by Junney A Amlrexct, No. 12.1 Mahkkt Kthekt. l'un.iUtti.i-uiA, January 1, 1870. Whit Wheat $ 1 35 ii 1 H5 Ked Wheat 1 Ti ti 1 30 Kye lOOfJlUO X John Clousor residing near Duncannon, was thrown from his horse on the 24th ult., causing a dislocation of the shoulder and elbow. Dr. Sweeney of this borough at tended to his injurios, and he is now doing well. )( A few days since Dr. Milliken was badly injured by his horse falling on tho ice. The doctor was riding near to Landisburg, when his horse slipped and fell on him, badly injuring the ankle joint and tearing the ligaments. The horse ran intojtown, and the doctor was found whore the acci dent Jiad occurred. Dr. Hook, of Loysville, was called to his assistacc, and ho is now around on crutches. Joseph Bealor, living near Jfarkelville, while chopping wood, week before last cut his foot quite badly. The axe passing nearly through it. Dr. Bweouey of this borough fnrnislicd tho required surgical aid. For a time an attack of lock jaw seemed eminent, but ho is now getting along as well as could ha expected. Charles Brandt Jiad a valuable horse so T)adly injured week hefore last, by run ning away, that he was obliged to kill him. Church Notices. In the Presbyterian Church Prayer Meeting every evening during the wee k. Service as usual next Sabbath. In the M. E. Church Prayer Meeting on Thurs day evening. Treadling next Sabbath evening, at u'i o'clock. In the Lutheran Clmroh Prayer Meeting every evening during the week. Communion next Sab bath. In the Reformed Church Prayer Meeting on Thursday evening. Preaching on next Sabbath, at lUo'cioclca. in. For The Bloomfield Timet. Mil.LEHSTOWN, Dec. 27th, 1869. Mr. Editor On Christmas evening we had quite a lively time in oar borough, The members of the "Normal Echo Literary Society," held their second Re-union Meeting in the School building. The room was densely crowded, the exercises entertain ing and instructive, and the meeting proved very pleasant to all. Mr. G. W. Iieeder delivered a line oration the subject being "Progress of the Arts and Sciences." lie spoke of the new Astronomi cal discoveries, the Atlantic Cable, the Pacllicltall Koad, Suez Canal, the plausibility of an Aerial conveyance by which we might visit other plan eti, etc. Miss Josie PcDray read an excellent essay on "Hope," that richly merited the applause It re ceived. The subject of Female Equality was de -bated with Interest, and listened to with marked attention. Several selections of music were sung by the filee Club, and the Millerstown Cornet Hand played several pieces of music quite well. The new building for the use of the Juniata Val ley Normal School Is being built, and is to be com-, pleted by the 15th of April. This school, at the close of the Summer Session sent out about thirty teachers. Juniata. Corn, Oats Clover Seed rimothv Seed Flax Seed Country Lard rggs Turkcve Butter, solid lu bblH.' 87 tt 65 0 57 7 7.1 8 25 3 75 4 !ft 2 25 W 2 25 18 19 H8 41 15 it IS 18 Q 20 County Trice Current. Bl-OOMFiKLD, January 4, 1870. Flax-Hoed , 82 U0 Potatoes 45 cents. lluller l pound, 35 " Eggs 1 doze 30 ' Dried A pples pound, .......... 6 " Dried Peaches.....,,,.,,,, 8 10cts.I. Pealed Peaches,., lSfenSets: " Cherries 5 i 6 cts. " Pitted 18 HI 20 cts. " Ulaekberrles (ai 10 cts. " Onions V bushel, 75 Corrected Weekly by Griffith Jonc. Duncannon, January 3. 1870, White Wheat SI 20 lied Wheat, 1 10 ltye 75 Coin, ,. 70 Q Oats, K2 pounds new 40 ; round Allium Salt f Sack,...,,., 2 GO Limebmner's Coal, ,, . .. 2 50 Stove Coal 6 50 Smith Coal Iron V) Cwt ,..,,.,,.... 4 50 Nails V Keg,. 4 CO Corrected Weekly by Wm. Kmiiih & Aon. J NWTOHt, January a, 1870. Flour. Kxtra 4 75 fced Wheat 1 00 1 00 live 85 Corn,'. . ... 05 ti 80 Oats V 32 pounds, 4i. Clover Seed 7 00 0700 Timothy Seed, ,'...7 2 50 Flax Seed I 75 Potatoes 30 0 30 Ground Alumn Salt, 2 75 Limeburner's Coal, 2 40 Stove Coal ; 6 60 7 00 l'ea Coal 3 40 Smith Coal ;., 25cts. W) bus. Cross Tles,8,'i fepf Jong, SifS lOceuts. Koi'mi Eif'KKs At the Reformed Parson aire. In Newport, on the 21st ult.. by the Kev. W. F. Corn flower, Mr. Jacob U. Hough, to Miss Catharine E. Firkes. both of Juniata township, tills county. Kk( kakii McKkkiian At tlie residence of the bride's father, near Hloonilleld, on the 22d ult., by the ltev. W. F. CollUlnwer. Mr. .lames F. Reckard to Miss Ad.lie V., fifth daughter of Capt. John Me- jvrruaii. ui irnne lowiisinp. Knsmincieu Eckekt At the residence of the bride's father, in Centre township, on the 30th ult., by the l!ev. S. A. Hedges, Alfred W. Ensiningcr, of ltye township, to Miss Catharine A. Kckcrt, of Centre township. KiirriwiTON McMokkis At the bride's resi dence, on the 2iltli ult., by Hev. A. It. Miller, Lewis UullliUtlon, to Mattie J. MeMnrrls, of Watts twp. McAfkk Dhakhokkp on tho 2fith ult., by the ltev. W. F. Collitlower, Mr. John McAfee, of Har risburg. to Miss Margaret Deardortf, of Oliver tp. Khoads Mveks At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2sih ult.. bv the same. Mr. Amos lihoads, of Greenwood township, to Miss Catha rine Myerers of Juniata township. FOIl SALE. AN ENGINE of Sixteen Ilorse Power- The Engine, and Holler is in perfect order, and the boiler is of sulllclent capacity to drive a much larger Engine, It would be suitable for a large tan yard or a saw and grist-mill. The subscriber offers it for sale, only because It Is so much larger man tue wants oi ins roiinui y require. For further particulars address or apply to GEOlUiE SNYDElt, 41lf New Bloomlield, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHS ! Photographs ! Photographs ! JACOB COBLE, Photographic Artist, NEWPORT, PENN'A. rTMlE subscriber would resneetfullv call the at L tention of the citizens of this county to the fact that he Is prepared to take 1'llOTOURAVHH in ine nest styie oi tne art. ins long experience euauies mm to produce 1'ICTURBH WHICH CASXOT BE EX CELLED. All persons are requested to call at his rooms and examine specimens. Particular attention given to copying likenesses of deceased persons, and great care will be taken to furnish Good Pictures of Children. Framing material and a good assortment of frames always on hand, and for sale at low prices. JACOB COBLE, Artist, Newport, Perry Co. Fa. Nov tsi' Line BETWEEN BLOOMFIELD and NEWPORT! WINTER ARRANGEMENT. TH-E subscriber Is now running a hack between ltloomlleld and Newport, leaving Itloointleld at 9 a m.. arriving at Newport in time to connect Willi tue express train r,ast. lteturning, leaves Newport at 2.30 p.m., or on the arrival of the Mail train West. lie has also opened aLlVEKY ill til Stables belonging to Kinesiuith's Hotel, where he Is pre pared to furnish horses and buggies at moderate prices. amos koisi.msom. Bloomfield Academy! An English ami Classical School FOll LADIES AND GENTLEMEN I rpiIE WINTHK SESSION of this Institution I commenced December 6th. The course of studv embraces Latin. Greek English Branches. Mathematics, Natural Science, &c, and is designed to furnish a thorough English Ed neat ion, or a complete Preparation for a Colle uiale Course. Vacations: July and August, and one week at iiirisimas. Terms: For Boarding, Furnished Room. Wash I Hi-!, Tuition in Latin, Greek, English Branches and Mathematics, for the suolustic year, except board in vacaiions. saio.iKi. The hoarding Department Is at the Institution. nuclei' the supervision of Willam Gricr, Esq., Itj whom uood and substantial board will be fur nished: and 1 lie pupils will be under the strict car oi tne i rineipai. Address T. A. SN 1 V ELY, A. 15., Principal, or William Gki mt. SSltf New Bloomlield, Perry county, Ta., TO OVB FRIENDS I fTWlE undersigned have this day formed a Co- .L i at iiiersiup uiiuer me name oi SIDDALL & MARKLEY, and will continue the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At No. 110 Market Street, Succedlng to the well-known house of WBIGIIT & SIDDALL. Trusting to receive a continuance of the, favors nu nuei iuiy ne.iumeu oil win oiu ill in, We are yours, ltesiiectfully, FRANCIS H. SIDDALL, One of the firm of Wright & Siddall. ,,,, ARTHUR I. M Alt K LEY, M. D. Philadelphia, January 1, 1S7U, GUAIN BAGS, Half-Bushel and Peck Measures, can be bought at the right price or MUIITLMISK, The Rail Excellence tnd Cheipnan of our Cloth ing ii the only teoret of our greet euccesi. Wi n non lut wo," good, ovury plc tt which in wvllapoiijrtM), atutl carufuUy exuuilueU. Onr cuam of Rttrvly in ud h Clothing nro Mich tin ciil l work in other r.!nbilliTrnMit on 'u t'.in Vurk; their work combluu comfort with fet;lo. Our tukmln nm inppHed wKli the hi'dt trimmings, tux I we fe that they tti Ihem, nnrl every article U thoroughly tt'dtwl be fore being put in to atock. Kvery (crment told la ao comjiHiiled with a legal (timrHiitfe, holding ui r ppririflihle for the cor ltfctiieiM of all the rp reaoutatioui made. It h conceded that onr lni o Im niii end and many other arirantfigoii, enable m to Bell lower than any nthar hoU4e. Wo Invite a fair compurleion of prlcea. FALL AND WINTER OP 1369. 'We hare made tba GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods, -All onr Roods are- marked at I,owir Prides than were the sume articles last year. AND KPiRTffiHT FOR BOYS' AND YOUTHS' WEAK Are especially well prepared to gift! eutiifactlDU. . New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. SHI LA3Q2ST IH XIII ElilS, S. I. COr. 6tu k MARKET STS f Kmbreoh whole- block on oth from PHILADELPHIA. (.Market to Miuor. B . M. EL Y, Wholesale and Uctail Dealer In , DKUGS AND MEDICINES, Oliomionls-J, CONCENTRATED REMEDIES, ESSENTIAL OILS, Patent Medicines, PURE WINES ' AND LIQUORS, V'ut Medicinal and Siiorumentitt lurposes, A Splendid Assortrrvent of ; PERFUMERY, HAIR OILS, BEU S II E S , AND ' FAFfCY ARTICLES, Always on hand, whl cb will be suhl at low price , ISfOinlers frm Physicians proinptl attended to wjt great cure. H3- IIVE- EBY, . Newport, Peny Cotintv, PsnVV "