,:turgartass Fro Twos. gild Meyer, Invenior and afiinarat , toreratthe celebrated Iron Frame Piano, has received the prise Medal of 'the World's Great -Szhibittotr; Law don, England The highest prises awarded 'when and wherever exhibited. Warereeme anexch arrOin. Ketabliehed Its, • mul a in 'CV tf6 UIT BULLETIN. Continued from the First Page. Juntas GRlER.—The'remains of this distin guished jurist' were yesterday privately con signed to their final resting-place at Wen Laurel Hill, the new cemetery , above Fitir mount Park,on the' weistern side cif the Schuyl kill.' The lot selected commands the beaudful view down the river of which a picture has recently been painted by Mr. Thomas Moran, .and.wbtchiePnow on exhibitinn in EarieB 7 B gallery. • A. To STRANGERS INTBRESTED IN Fxrfs Ows- FEOTIONS AND CHGCODATE.—We consider it :6 duty which we owe to our readers and strang ers in the city, who are interested in fine cnn feclions and chocolate, to - direct special atten tion to the celebrated confections and ,niece- late-producedby Messrs.-Stephen F. Whitman & Son, sputhwest corner of Twelfth and Mar ket streeb. Messrs. Whitman & Sonis cata logue embraces' several hundred varieties, containing the choicest productions afforded by the resources of the vegetable kingdom. A visit to the establishment, southwest corner of Twelfth and ;Market streets, will well repay the trouble. " TILE .ANNUAL GEORGIA STATE FAIR will be held this year at Atlanta, commencing on the 19th inst., and continue • eight dtiys. The Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company lave made arrangements with the railroads from Savannah whereby they will he enabled to - make -a -liberal -reduction on freight intended for exhibition at the fair, as well as to persons going in charge of snob goods. For further information apply at the office, 130 South Third street. THE RARE OLD PLAYERS.-Thili will be the subject of the new lecture to be delivered by Charles W. Brooke, Esq.,. on Thursday, the 13th inst., at the Abademy of Music. The suli .ject 'both fruitful and interesting, and but iew are able to do the theme justice. Among that few, however, we are glad tn be able to name otir Philadelphia lawyer and litterateur, Mr. Brooke. . • A NIT FALL STOCK of our KO Gloves at the old prize,. 87 cents:- `r' ' TRASK & WHITING, :19 and 4l 'North Eighth street. ' THE STAR COURSE OF LRETURES.—The sale of tickets for this course will begin on Mon da,, morning, at Gould & . Fischer's Piano Warerooms, No. 923 Chestnut street, at nine o'clock. KID GLOVES, ,it; KID GLOVES-. Owing,to the present " unpleasantness'' between King William and the Emperor Napoleon, the importation of Kid Gloves has almost entirely ceased, and they Wive advanced to enormous prices both in Paris and the United States; therefore, we offer - this timely' A I) ATIC E to our customers and friends, or those who m • aY becOme such, that .. is the time to purchase Kid Gloves—Ley early and often. as the longnr you.torry the HIGHER TIE PRICK , and a diminished stock to select from—heticp we make this ANNOUNCEM That W'e have full hues of our film Gloves On hand, the • "-BARTLEY:, • received before the advance of prices in France: there fore we will divide the advantage tiFtlOScutained, and belt our Gloves below market prlceVfor FIRST QUALITY GLOVES "BARTLEY'S" GLOVES in all colors. "BARTLEY'S" GLOVES in plain bitick:^, "BARTLEY'S" GLOVES, whits. 14 - ' •'BABTLEY'B" GLOVES, black onibr'd with whit°. "BARTLEY'S" GLOVES, "Fourchotte" (now and novel,. GENTS' "BARTLEY," black, white and all colors ALSO, 81l immense stock of our celebrated 00e Kiii.Move They are the best $1 25 Glove in Amet. In all colors—black, white and two button. ALSO, flC soli , BAJOU'S .1.1) GLOVES (gcnuinel el 87 • JOUVIN, al leas 150 JOSEPH, all co 'ors 1 00 • tIHILDREN'S. 11 colors 1 03 'GENTS' BARTLEY" . 2 50 GENTS' "LA BELLE,".... 1 50 Every pair guaranteed. If they rip or tear, another 'Pair given in exchange. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, 23 North Eighth Street. SOLE AGENTS For the Bartleyand La Belle Kid Gloves. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. oc9-6 w tf rP J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET ARE SELLING TIME STOCK OF LADIES' KID GLOVES At $1 90 a Pair. Sizes 5 3-4 to 7. jall to th a tfrpk - TRENCH KID GLOVES, 2, 3 AND 4 .4.! buttons, Promenade aud•Eveniiig Colors, a spien• did amortment of this season's importation; also ,Gent's Single and Double Stitched Kid Gloves. GEO. W. VOGEL, 1202 Chestnut street. oc3 6t rp" LADIES? DRESS DOOM,. ',THE METALLIC SPRING GARTER la - For Bale at the following Spree in Philadelphia : NIB& S. COX, 22 N'orthNintt St. MRS. BINDER, Eleventh and•Chestnat. 0. C. NICHOLS, 102 South Eighth St. ocl MENOKE & BROTHER No. E',o4- ARCH STREET. LATEST STELES LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, . ' BERLIN ZEPHYR GOODS, Etc. A inrgeimporation of Embr. Cushions nudTEmhr l i .r T "u r vr" feVgfw:nlanaaf id! line of the CelObrate,i BOUDIER'S.,KID -.GLOVES, Vonsiderod in Europe superior to ony other make Also, a full line of , tho • VICTORIA KID 0-LOVES, The beet Ono Dollar Glove in the market, , , $1 00 Pee: Pair.' A complete amortment of the celebrated J. B. P. PARIS-CORSETS. MENCKE iSt BROTHER, No. 804 Arch Street, Philadelphia • t iem to thoutrui --1-1. T. .14114-N1801.4.1)'S cucentrated Fluid Fxtract Buchui, THE GREAT DIURETIC. -1- The proprietor tritits that his remedies, * from the fact of their Wag advertised, may not be classed as patent medicines. 4,11:n .1 1V:1 TA IHIIIfTO tte is a pharmaceutical preparation. The proper name is given, and it is the most active which can be made. It ia endorsed as a cure by all medical-works for such dis eases as recommended by the proprietor. It is - pleasant in its taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and is taken by adults and children. It is tonic, diuretic, blood purifying and invigorating. Enfeebled and deli- cats constitutions of both sexes will find it far more strength ming than any ofthe preparations of bark or iron. See -me ical properties contained in Dispensatory of the Unite States, of which the following is a correct copy : IWOBV , I.—Its odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat aroniatie. Ita taste is bitterish, and analogous to-that of mint. It is given chiOtly - liredifiplaints of the urinary organs, such Its gravel, obionic catarrh of. thi; bladder, morbid irritation.of the bladder and uretha, disclaim of the prostate gland, add retention or the incontinence of utine; from a loss of tope in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in dyspep sia, chronic - rheumatism, cutaneous affectiont mid dropsy. • - CURE OF GIIAVI t OF FIVE FEARS' I=l br. E. T, j febilboid— DEAR 81.11 ,, We introduced ~ your "Fluid Extract Bimii" in this country about eight months ago, and are happy to state stied it is mooting with universal favor. We wish to inform you of one instance (among many l where your "Bimii" has worked wonders. A man in our county, named J. B. Estell, has been suf fering aliqui live years with gravel. About six weeks ago he bought of us one bottle 61 your “Burhu," and before he was through with one bottle he passed a gravel that weighs eight grains, which we have now on exhibi tion oLtir)lrrig store. ile says that hewill never be with 'Mit the" Bbchu" in 'his house again. Your prepara tions are guiding favor every day. , Very reffpontfully, yours, ECCLES & HINKLE, Druggists CUItE OF BLADDER AND EIDN , E 6 ti AFFECTION OF LONG STANDINCI-STONE PASSED 'AND TU ; _ 4.1 E SEEN. H. T. Ilebi!liold, Esq.— DEAn Sin: I Commenced taking your "Extract of — truchu about two weeks . kiii — Maor ewe wife ion of the bladder and kidneys. I have suffered by4spells very much for a few days past. But yesterday relief came through the effect of your "Buchu." A stone passed —fromyruOiltuhfcr-AbOutthe-siy.e , ef-a-large-peavind-I-min -feet perfectly welloid entirely free from - the paint t I have suffered with b•soliarif." ',attribute my en your medicine entirely, ,iind would recommend all p,. HODS similarly affected to try it. I have great faith in its curative powers. Yours, truly, NT! Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, Westport, Conn. J. L. G. CANNON, Druggist, Westport, Coon. H. B. WHEELER, Esq., Westport, Conn. BRADLEY HULL, Esq., Westport, Conn. Dr. WAKEMAN, Reading, Conn. R. W. R. ROBlNSON,Wholesale Druggist, New York City. And many others, if necessary. E OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER AFFECTION OF A PATIENT SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS OF EDITOR COSMOPOLITE : I desire, RS an unsolicited tribute to the merits of Helmbold's Buchu, and for the benefit of those similarly afflicted as myself, to say that after consulting many eminent physicians, and trying nearly all the beet advertised remedies, in the vain hope of finding relief from aggravated kidney and bladder diseases, from which I have suffered excessively for many years, good fortune finally suggested to me II elm bold's Bnchu, which I commenced using with little faith, and no apparent beneficial results for about a month. At the expiration of that time., however, I thought, I commenced to experience slight relief, which encouraged me to persevere in its use, and now, at the expiration of four months, although I am an infirm old man, nearly 78 years of age, and consequently medicines cannot be expected to favorably affect melts they other wise w mild, I have found such unspeakable relief and permanent benefit from Mr.. Heimbold's valuable dis covery, that I feel I ought to publicly record the fact as 'au acknowledgment to hint and a valuable suggestion to the public. - Yours, respectfully, Mr. Laren refers to the following gentlemen t. Colonel DAN RICE, Girard, Penna. CHARLES STOW, Esq., Girard, Ponna., editor cos 111opolite. GEORGE H. CUTLER, Girard, Penna., attorney, C. I. HINDS, Girard, Peuna., attorneY. Captain D. W. HUTCHINSDN, Girard, Penna., at tornoy. DAVID OLIN, Girard, Penna., merchant. DAVID E. DAY; Ginn d , Penna., merchant. cek.KocKsvlia , L, Girard, Penna., merchant. 4/. C. ELY, Girard, Patna., druggist, A PERMANENT CURE OF GRAVEL OF TWELVE YEARS , STANDING-STONE PASSED AND. TO BE BEEN Beamina, Conn., 15, 1869. .Slane Slit :It is with much pleasur at I write . you . upon facts respecting myself. I do not know hardly , how to express myself. I have boon for the last ten or twelve years the greatest. sufferer m maenad be and live; but more sometimes than others. The complaint was the" kidneys" and " ,bladder." I have been sometimes from to fourteen hours, and wanted to make water every minute, and could not. Have consulted , doctors, both in Massachusetts and this State, and taken pills, I may Bay by the quart, also liquored medicines, but found no relief from any, and got worse the lastmix nunfilw. 1 was so that I could scarcely get about. I could not rest night or day. It would soon 'have been " all up" with ate, if I had not 80011 your advertisement in the Berkshire courier, headed " Hidneys." I read it through and thought I Would try it. I purchased a bottle, but, mind you, had not much faith in it. Why should I, when I had been trying so many things and cost me so much e Well, I began taking it. and before I had taken the first bottle I felt bad ; but I finished it and got another. By the tints I took half of the second If still got worse f apparently ). When I walked it if‘eined as if my right kidney was falling from its place, and I fait really. bad. I felt so before I had finished the second, that I bad made up my mind it Was of no use trying tiny More—and all this time the" Buchu" was doing its work, but 1 did not know It ; so I gave it up and went to Hartford on. Saturday. to one of the best doctors lu the city. He said it was' the neck of the bladder, and PAhould have ,to undergo tin operatlen. .Thi•gave me medicine, tofd I went home • I f quite downhearted. On Sunday' vas unable . to go to church. I had not taken any of medicines, hilt on my return continued using the ;`,131 mi," and fn the after noon I had a desire to make water,Vlint cOald not. About' one hour after this I tried tofu, with the same result,', but the next time I took tl o vessel it Was the saiiieJM: turnidgsfaueet and stopping it, off again: It wits so for throe Undo and the third time there was something canto through the passage and Mack against the side of the vessel. 1 examined it,and It is the ugliest stone or gravel you ever saw t ourer ed over with little pieces ,which col- Acted together. It looks the color of a mud turtle, end it is as hard as flint. Bo you susthe " Duclitt" was doing its work, although I wits feeling so badly. I mended another bottle, thinking there might be some more be ldfill ; hilt HUM that hut potricO, whith 'tail ciStitweelo Dr. lielmbold— 4114 AD E :WI A . EVENING OCTOBER '8 11110DICINAL: TESTIMONY. N Tellll., MtlY 11, ISGII WiiKrroUT, Conn ~t. 5,1859 THOMAS .1. BENNETT THANKS TO MIL HELAIBOLD GIRARD, POIIIIII., March 31, 1869 D. M. L&REN 'ego last bundsy, I have been a's well as over I wax in my.l Ills. I the iinue .itcurelyyraDaed, and:those who' hale Fteli if ill this place areorprised.. r-cannot tell you all, hut this ia a true' stertor my case. and you aro' welcome to make such use bratty name as you think" proper.' lam pretty IN, it kfiiwn in Berkshire; also in . •Connecticut. The talvtrasement m .savedo., Why not pablish more ? The Springfield Republica* is a wide spread paper. If any ono wishes to soo this wonder,thoy con do so. I could write all4Jy}',`.but think I have mid enough this time, so I remain your ever wolf -wisher, EDWARD L. HOWARD, Paper Maker, Burnside,Martford.county, Bonn. REFERS TO Dr. MACK, Burnside, Coan. ' • Dr. WRIGHT. North Lee. Mass. DrjICLKUIVI, North Lee,.hrnes. Dr: - ADIMS, Stockbridge, Mass. _ Dr. nOTT, North Manchester. Conn. Dr. JAQUES. Buckland Corners, Conu Dr:IIEARSFORD, Harttord,Conn All of whom treated me for the clt ; ease. Dr. KEYSEt• • • is a pliyhician of over thirty years'. experience, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College,' and of the University of Medicine and Surgery of Philadelphia. Mr. H. T. Rein:bold— DEAR SIR In regard to the Question asked me as to my opinion about Ruefl, I would say that I luivOifigil and sold the article in various forms for the past tbiriY years. I do not think there is any formAor preparation of it I have not used, or know to be used, lathe VariOlS3 diseases where such medicate agent would be indcated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it has been ex• tensively employed in the various diseases ante bladder and kidneys, and the reputation it has acquired, In my judgment, is warranted by facts. I have seen and uscd; as before stated, every form of Bache—the powdered lea:vcs,lincture, fluid extracts— and lam not cognizant any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. 'Twelve )aprs' experience ought I think, to give me the right to judge of its morits;4lid, without,prejudice or partiality', I give yours precedence over all others. I value Our-etichn for., its effect on patients. I have cured with it, and seen cured with it, more pewit of the bladder and kidneys, than I have over seen cured with oily other Buchu or any other proprietary com pound of whatever name. • Respectfully yours. &c., GEO. H..KEYSER,,,M. D., • No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. August' 11, 1E65..... . . A CASE QF TWENTY- .YEARS STAN PING. PHILA DELPIIIA, PA , Juno 26, 1867. H. T. Hrhiibblei , Dr l•gf.: iSt— DrAlt Sett : I have been a sufferer for untvards o twenty 3 earn with gravel, bladder and kidney aiTnetionsf during n•hich time I have used various medicinal pre! parationa, and been Under the treatment of the moat eminent physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your prenitrations extensively advertised, I conallted my family physician in regard to yout Ex trattirf Buelitt. 1 did this becalm; I had used all kinds of advertised remedies mid had found them worthless, and some quite injurious ; in tact. I despaired of ever getting-well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It wile this that prompted the to use your remedy. As you advertised that it was come posed of imelin, cubebs and juniper berries, it occurred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, with his advice, after an examination of the article and consulting again with the druggist, I concluded to trey',. it. I commenced to use it about milt months, ago, at which time I was confined to nly room. From the tiro bottle I was astonishectand gratified at the beneficial miser. and after using it three weeks was nble to walk out. 1 felt match like writing to you a full statement of my case at the time, but thought my im pror t moot might only be temporary. and therefore con eluded todefer, and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knoWidgmattit would be of greater value to you and more satisfactory to me. I to now able to report that a- cure is effected after , the remedy for hive months. I have not used any now for three months, and feel us well lu all r , sII , TIS tel ever Your Buchu being devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor, a nice tonic and invigorator of the system. I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may re• shire its use on Ateh affections. McCORMICK. Should any oneidoubt Mr. McCormick's statement, he refers to the followuni gentlemen : Non. WM . BIGLER, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania Hon. THOS. B. FLORIO NCE, philadelphia. orn—J,CAi !TeX Pk-Hadelp.l ; Don. J . S. BLACK ~Philadelphia. • Hon. D. R. PORTER, ex-Governor of Pennsylvania. Hon. ELMS LEWIS, Philadelphiti.7 : Hon. R. C. GRIER, Philadelphia.. Don. G. W. WOODWARD, Philadelphia. 111.P1lRTER,Ithilarielphia. Hon. JOHN BIGLER, ex-Governor of California...' Hon. E. BANKS. Waehiugton, D.C. • And ninny others, if nereesary. • • ONE DiiLI,A7ES IVOTILD BE GIVEN •.-- - - - OB A BOTTLE, IF NECESSARY. BAH WAY . J., Doc. 20869. H. T. Relmbold, Esq.: DEAR SIR : 1 take pleasure in sending you ricertill cate, in addition to the many you have received from suffering humanity. Can scarcely find* lauguage enlli Moldy strong to express my heartfelt gratification et the wonderful cure your "Duct u" has effected. For four years I have suffered beyond description. All my friends (with myself / came to the conclusion that my case was incurable. Accident placed your adver;, tisemeut in my hands. I commenced taking your "Buchn." I followed . the directions. and to' my utter astonishment, before I hnd taken seven bottles of your valuable medicine ( I would give te MO , a bottle, if I could not get it at any other prlce),l tun entirely cured. I most earnestly recommend it to all those suffering from disease. I have told many persons to take your valuable medicine, and they are doing so with great suc cess. Any information my fellow•cltlzens may require will be freely given by the subscriber at his residence, No. 78 Milton avenue, Rahway, N. J . 11. M. FREEMAN, Councilman Third Ward, city of Rahway. RAHWAY, N. J.. Dec 2,186 g. We, the undersigned, are well acquainted with 11. M. Freeman, of Rahway, uud know that lie has been a long time suffering, in the worst possible form, for the past four years, and that he has been entirely cured by the use of" Ileitabold's Buchu.'• J. W. SAVAGE, ex-Mayor. FRANK LA BAH, President of Council. NY M. RICHARDS, Clerk of Council. PETER A. BANTA, Councilman. W.. 1 . BROWN. Councilman. J. S. B. ME ICK, Councilman. LEWIS HOFF, Councilman. J. B. STRYKER. Merchant. CITY HALL, HAYOR t s OFF IcE RAHWAY, N. J., Dec. 6, 1669. This will certify that I am personally acquainted with H. H. Freeman, and I am cognizant of the facts as set lorth in the above statement, and the several persons o hose signatures are hereunto attached are all known to me. JOHN F. WHITNEY, Mayor of Rahway. N. J. NEW YORK STATE VOL. INSTITUTE, / Corner of sth ay. and 76th Bt., Sentral Park. . . . I A Botha and School for the Sons of Deceased Sol -- Dr..l - 1. T. Helriabold— diers.) Two bottles only of the package of your valuable Bu chu presented to the Institute have been used by the children, and with perfect success. In the case of our little Lientunant, A. J. has pride Is no longer mortified, and ho.ht free-from the daily morning anathemas of the chanibernmid who has charge of his bedding. I feel that a knowledge of the result of our fiselof Your Becht" with the children uuder our charge may save many a Super intendent and filatron of Boarding Schools and Asylums a great amount of annoyance ; and many a poor child suffering more from weakners than from habit may be spared punishment that Is (not knowing it as a weak ness instead of a bad habit) most unjustly inflicted upon them. Thanking lon on behalf of the children, and I opine o there tnay be alilte benefited, I am respectfully yours, Colonel YOUNG. General Superintendent aunirector. Juue 16,1666. GREAT SALT. LAKE CITY, UTAH, Jan. 28, 1863. Air. H. T. iielnibold— DEAR Slit: Your communication requesting our terms. for adsertising was duly received, but from a prejudicel bad formed against advertising " cures for secret dis eases," it was loft unanswered. During an accidental conversation in a drug store the other evening. my mind was changed Cu the character of yofir Buchu. It was then highly commended for other diseases by two physi cians present. 'lnclosed please Lind our rates of adver• tisingr - Yours, 3r. c., T. B. H. BTENIIOIIBE, Editor and Proprietor of Daily and Send-Weekly Telegraph. WEEPY RELIEF FROM SIDNEY AFFECTION OCCASIONED BY ACCIDENT. ,Ngw You K. Feb. I, yip. Dr. IL T. Helmbold— DEAR SIR : On the 23d of August last I received severe internal and external injurkik,occasioneflby an accident- on a Philadelphia Railroad car. On my arrival in New York I was attended by Dr. WILSON, of East Fifty- - fifth street, and another physician, whoni, Millie I do not now remember. After my wounds were dressed, I suf. foredfor three CO days intense agony from internal in juries, which affected My kidneys. 1 can say that after taking but throe doses of YOUR EXTRACT BUCHD• I felt greatly relieved. I used the balance of the bottle § and am happy to State that since that time I have,ex pnriencedmo further difficulty. Very truly yours, P. 11. KEARNEY, 848 Third oven no. Irespectfully refer to either of the following gentle• Mon : -ROBERT B. ROOSEVELT, Esq., Editor cf Citizen and Round Table. B. F. CURTIS:EIio...IO2 Greonwitil avenue. MORRIS PHILLIPS, Esq., Edqi'M Ilome Journal. Bon. Pl. CONNOLLY, 'Register of City. Messrs. PETTENGILL & BATES, Proprietors of hearth and Home. I. N. HUDSON, Esq., 41 Park row. Rom NELSON J. WATERBURY . Hon:JAMES E. COULTER. Andmany. others, if necessary. • GREAT CURE OF DIABETICS OF A LAD Y-1 0 .110TY nuLLAns A iIoTTLE. - . NEW YORK, Feb. 6. 1876. Dear Dr. Heimbold— • '"'"1 r REAR Sin; For the past eight months I have boon suffering from Diabetes. I have consulted several of our loading physicians, but have failed to receive the slight est benefit from their costly medicines. Four mouths ago I saw your 'advertisement in tho ' Remit!. 1 was persuaded by a friend who bud been benefited by your WORLD-RENOWNED Beetle. 1 pur- - chased a bottle t tookthe contents, and was 80 relieved Mit I CODIDDIUO DWIIIIO of D. ' %Ha DIABETES DAS KN• TIRELY DISAPPEARED &VEER .:SING IT volt THREE : MOKIT/IS. I WOULD tityrf o'so A BOTI : tElf I CORM not get it at any other price: , 1 most earnestly recommend it to !ill those suffering from this disease. . . Sincerely yours, . ANNA H. STOUGIITON, ' . " . _ • 12.3 'West 27th street. I - . REL11.11014)18 EXTRACT RUCH U, established up ' -wards of eighteen years, prepared by H. T. HELM . BOLD,.Druggist'No. 694 Broadway. New York,mul No. 1 104 South Tenth' street, Philadelphia, Penna. Price 81 25 per bottleror six. bottles fur 8650., delivered .to AN ASSORTMENT any address. :Bold by druggists everywhere. None are genuine upless chino. fip, in stesa-engraved V.: 4 .4i. g111 ' wrapper, wit ir-iac-mifire amy chemical - warehouse, linery Goode, at . -t , ' o ' t j • lE,'TrSeiTich(rotEmNelsEaDlFllatl,aud ufutl lint! of Mil ,- ~ L. P. JOLLIVET'S, and signed ' I - '4l . ocL,w4:63t F' - 1 U , T , uraltooLD. I. ocBl 11 w3trp" - .VA youthNinthbtreet. . . ~p,..4wwpiwik..cLOT BLANKETS "AND ''HE HURON BLANKETS STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTREER, SI L K DEPARTME!N;,T. GROS DE LONDRES, all the New Shades. FAILLES all the New Shades. POUT T DE SOIES, all the New Shades. WHITE SILLS for Weddings. BLA , CK SfLKS. The lm gest and most complete stock of BLACK SILKS ever offered to our customers, IOUGHT AT THE LOWEST P,RICES During the war panic abroad, and will be sold at a MODERATE AgDVANC E. HOMER, COLLADAY &-PO--., Nos. 1412 and 1414 Cliestnu.t Street, oc6 th s to 3trp VREXCH PAPER HANGINGS. 3Paris I.nvpiewik l or Sept. ROWELL, FINN . & CO., S, W. CORNER. NINTH. AND CHESTNUT STREETS. 8027 to 6 fit§ flTwwr. Our BLANKETS for the Fall and • Winter Season are now fully open for examination. Our sales have already been fiery large, but our arrangements with the mills a're such that` we shall be able to supply almost any demand. That we have sold strefitensively in past seasons hasp been n still further imp "roved, a 4 we can recommend them now with confidence as being he r very best in the market for fineness of wool, size and Weight. Our assortment in CRIB, SINGLE BED, and C(ther sizes, is by far the largest in the city, and are ftillnished in t Ony quantify, from a single pair to the largest Hotel orders. Our great facilitips for procuring and distributintithese goods enable us to afford them at but "slight .advances on factory prices, • and thereby maintain ourselves as the leading house in the Blanket trade. PRICES RANGE FROM'TIEREE TO TWENTY DOLLARS-.PER PAIR.' N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. EVENING . SILKS, in all Grades and Colors. WHITE SATI NS f or Weddings. '3Ul3l' RECEIVVD BY COLORED SANIN for Eye nings I;IRENCEI WIRE NAILS, A LULL VA rirty. from inch to 3 inchm, long, Juiit opened by TRUMAN di hII A W, No, 8.35 (Eight Thirty-11v°) Market atreet,bolow Ninth. . . BOAS -BOUGHT IN AN Y QUANTITY for caalt at LEARY'S,FiIIh and Walautlael7-luirp ()MTS. CURTAIN IllAtTrittACS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. LACE CURTAIXS The atteuthpn of buyere la invited to a SPEOLt large Fall importation of French and Swiss LACE CURTAIItS made expressly for our private Halos, many of them being the handsomest goods ever imported, among which are many very LeIOIOE AND ELEGANT DE SIGNS at very LOW PRICES The Thes goods. being Imported in large implitissillreet from lie manufacturers, will be offered at a small a 1• ea ce, In order to insure their immediate sale. ALSO, A LARGE AND VARIED ettli OF Curtain md DecoiatineMaterials, FOR PARLORS, R4OO,IRS,.LIBRARIES,kce COMPRISING MANY NOYkTIES IN Royal Tapestries, Moquets, Satins, Brocades, Cotelines, Broca telles, Worsted Terrys, Reps, Damasks, &0., &o. Carved and Plain Walnut, Ebony and Gilt Cornices. SHAPES IN GREAT VARIETIES, Plain White, Colored, Bordered,Land scopes, Etc., Etc. All orders ontrutiteCi Ilf; will . bo executed promptly experienced and reliable workmen. • _ , -- No. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. oca th Bm w 4t - - rvrig ‘l , Qicv . 0,. 517 519".Mm0r : & . „ - 141 - Ant - BEGINNERS IN. HOUSEKEEPING AND Old Romiekeepers are requested to examine oar RN 'mythical. of Hardware, Cutlery Oooking TRUMAN it MIA W, M.( EWA Thirty-livo)Dtarkot street, below Sinth.l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers