CORRESIP'OBIDENCE.--- LETTER *won 'parrsviLLE. Ipladenoa of !the Phila. Evening ° rommaz, 0ct:1,}870.-;-The week haa been quite prolific in • accidents. * -*Onday I 4 114 , dayf the . as usual, the most 11171-11- o _ Wee 1, leading off with one of the most singtdar &MS-that has ever bee*Mcorded. Itallude , the one at Ilickory shaft; Wad' esvil' le•-•-an ac , couitef which was.given in yesterday's Bur.- VETIN. It will be remembered that the. acci dent was caused by a keg of powder which bad been sent down tb shaft in a descending !vnzn for blasting p poses;r but being over" . • `locka•when the • wan n was loaded, It came •upagain•With it, and wits next heard from in the bre,aker rollers, where it • exploded, setting fire the breaker and injuring .several men. One boy was incorrectly ,reported killed, but is lecotering,• • A' somewhat similar accident, happened,, during the war, in the coal mined'tiy the same company. I think it was in 117;04. At any rate, it'was about the time when.. a •great ex citement was raised by reptirts that torpeddes were found in the coal-buskers of western steamboats. Some careless brakeman or con ductor dropped a atocketful of the little, fiat torpedoes, used on railroads to warn approach ' ing trains of 'danger, into a car of coal that was on its way to market, and they traveled with it to Boston, where one of them suddenly disturbed the sermAty of the... "Hub, by blowing a 'kitchen . range • into "smithereens. It caused great, excitement, and search beinenstitnted, one or two more of the expliAives were found, giving evidence conclusive to many that • there was a deep-laid rebel plot to burn down the cities of the North by means of „their own 'fires. The alarmed Athenians telegraphed;to the Company's Potts;- villeutent (jutt•as if be \ could help it), "Tor pedoes in Hickory coal---see sample by ex ,press." It was but natural that such)a de spatch,. at such a time, should create some ex citement. here; but it was speedily•allayed wben,ln due course ofexpress, the mysterious disturber of Boston_domestic comfort arrived at the agent's office, and proved to be nothing worle than a simple railroad torpedo. _en.the same day (Mondy).two. men. maned Pickering and hlays, We're badly injuredby the premature explosion of a blast in the shaft of Kendrick .0-Co:, at Shenandoah. Pickering bad so many bones broken that he was put iu a box, as the best method of transporting him, and taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where be arrived yesterday. On Tuesday atlernoen, • John Hartman, an engineer at Glee Carbon, went down the slope to repair the ptlnip, and was found dead at the bottom six lients after. His head was crushed, both legs broken, and other injuries apparent on his • body. How he. came to his death is not- Down; but it is supposed that he was knocked down by a wagon or by the eh,ain, as -a • eve fall down -the slope, though "qui& .sufli lent to.kill him, would scarcely break so many . Other accidents there are, but of minor im portance. Men are so continually getting themselves blown.,up, and knocked down, and 'crushed and mangled . in .every conceivable way in our mines Weed takes a.pretty serious case to make even an item; but the list amounts, in the course of a year, to something astounding, as will be seen by the elaborate re port which-yntir correspondent contemplates making up at the close of the year: - Election day being near at hand, the political • • world is beginning to move. • Nonainations for borough officers ate to be made to-night. About a hundred people want to be Chief Bur gesses, and perhaps as many more are anxious to serve in subordinate Capacities:. The_ De mocracy announce a mass-ineetin., at the Court-House, to-morrow night, which is to be addressed by a formidable array of local tale 4. Judge Green has been holding mass-meetint.t there, all week ; his court having suddenly be come very popular, if one may judge by the crowds in attendance upon it. Judge Ryon has transferred bis court to the grand jury room, where it is still sitting on the ejectment case I mentioned a week ago, and seems about as near the end of it now as it was then. It has been a lively week in town. Every body that did not come in to attend court, came to see the circusses ; -and during most of the week the town presented a very a bustling, animated appearance. Storekeepers made money and are happy ; all except the Jews, of whom we have a large number and whose sacred e Day of Atonement '• cloSed all their stores at the time when thedtirle of country visitors was at the fullest. O'ER WILAILNGTON .LI:TrEn (Correehondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] WILNUNOTON, Oct. 7.—The Independent Democrats" of Kent county held their con vention yesterday, at Dover, and formally placed themselves in antagonism to the regu larly nominated ticket of their party. Geo. W. Cummins, Esq., of Smyrna, was President,of the conventien,and leads their Senatorial ticket, and Dr. Henry Ridgely, of Dover, leads their RepresentatiVe ticket. They are undoubtedly strong men in their party, as are all thoe asso ciated with them in the movement, and if the Republicans will lend them their aid, will un doubtedly lay out,cold the Saulsbury dynasty in thateuunty. ' The movement professes to be, and 1 believe is, a strictly Democratic one. No one has been nominated who has not proved his devotion to that paiTY byyeals of service, their resolutions declare that they are, as they always have been, Democrats; and thus they have no intention, by the present movement, to injure their party nor otl.i any opposition to the I)entwatic State ticket. But their speeches and resolu tions charge the menk now in power with reck less and wasteful extravagance, and with the enactment of an odious and unequal tax law. Their resolutions—the third and fourth—on tbese two points will bear quoting. They are " Third—That we are apposed to ;Mei de nounce as anti-Democratic the wasteful ex travagance and lavish expenditure'of the pub lic money whiCh has characterized the official conduct of those charged with the administra thin of public affairs in our State fur the past few vears. Fourth—That, while we arelts favor of a .wise, judicious and impartial tax, laW fur the prompt payment Of the interest arid the gradual but sure — reduction of the principal of the State debt, we believe ;that the revenue law of the state is unwise, injailicious, r and objectionable. Unwise, in the awKward and expensive ma chinery required. to' carry it into operation ; injudicious, in driving capital from the State, and selecting many useless and unprolitab[e ob jects of taxation ; and objectionable, in incor porating into its provisions many of the harshest and most odious features of the Federal tax law, such as the frequent and unnecessary ad lininistration of oaths and affirmations, prying a. into and exposing the private business allitirs 4:4 our Citizens; and imposing on our people the necessity of keeping separate business ac eounts, to be able to wake the annual and quarterly returns exacted." These be strong words, but-be it remem- , bered that they are taken from a set of resolu ' Voris presented by lion. John A. Nichol Son, late Democratic Representative from this State, and unanimously adopted by a Convention composed exclusively . of Democrats familiar 'with the, Subjecti of which they speak. The ispeechee of Hon. JOhn A. Nicholson, Edwin' Esq„ and . Beritah Watson . (the latter a son of a candidate for the, State ticket on the . xegular ticket).were even More severe still,' nbowing corruption as. well Pas 'extravagance, and the grossest incompetency in the "Ring" management. There is no room to doubt that all their charges are trne, and that theyphi;tie Dime, thiiXl hint attthe wasteful extravagance Ps.; and corruption of the clique .of Democratic : politicians which now coutrolS•theState: : But the question naturally arises, what Iwo : the Republicans to do with this? They: 7 a 'a pledged to retrencliMent and reform through-, 1 . out the State, : and tix the repeal of this7odiOus • tal law". What interest hive they in a move- ° Inent i vitich:Promi6es reform. in •but ,a single county and. :filedgeins support' to :a . State - ticket .'„nominated by the very Ring Which the action.ia4'o4.'l.3 'a protest? ' The titiestio 4.'.: . is. a natural one, and 'remains to i fie .. answered , :. It is rumored, ad I fear there is_ .too nineh 'truth in the rumtr, that a few pOliticians at Dover have arrogated unto - themserves : the power to promise- the\ leaders 'of this '• inde pendent" movement that - sro Republican ticket shall be placed in the field against them, but have ntterly,failed to secure-any : correspondio! , concession from them, trusting merely to such advantage as shallidtitnately• accrue to - their party from the• „bitter war,- between the two' factionS of the Democracy:to recompense them for the sacrifice of printiple. If • this be so, I doubt if the masses of the party will'ratify or submit, to a bargain not only unauthorized,but so one-sided as to clearly indicate stupidity or treachery, and which excites the derisive laughter of Democrats of both sides. And yet it is said that if the Republicans put a ticket in the field in that county, these men will iminediately coalesce with those they so openly and justly denounce as 'extravagant, in competent and corrupt, and will join in elect ing.a legislature that will send another Sauls bury to the Senate of the United States. In common with many Republicans I would say : let them ' and in their hearts be the responsi bility of knowingly and wilfully. erpetuating r x t villainy in power. If the peop - this State choose to elect men to oflice N la-pre desky r e t d. rascals and incompetents by one-half the pa - which nominates .them, it is probably their right as Anierican \ citizens to do so. If they love their color prejudices better than their hard-earned money, let them pay their taxes and enjoy their prejudices. ~ I have given so much space to this, which is the all-important topic at present, that I have no space for local news. DALE. NEW PUBLICATIONS. The French Verb; containing the theory' and model conjugations of all the French . Verb - St WitraDictiOnary of such - verbB7l,s pre . .. sent any peculiarities in their uses and conju gations, containing references to the models, and tcP complete tableaux of all the irregular and defectiie verbs. By Ch. Reyna'. New ,York; George R. LOckwood, Si 2 Broadway, 1870.—We have examined M. Reynal's little work andlid it admirable.. The theory Of the French VeTb, with its moods, tenses, numbers and person's, is not only' explained, with ex ceedingly fall and minute paradigms of the ir :regular verbs, but the correspondence be, tureen elaborate French forms and English equivalents is made Out with -a nicety, 'ti skill in accurate translation,ann an ingenuity and economy of language we could hardly haVe conceived of. In a tongue where so many shades of meaning. are derived froM an wep tional wealth of tenses, an adequate translation into our own poorer idiom requires the utmost skill in each language: The present work has ailovelty in this particular feature, and a very thorough completeness in the- presentation of the irregularities so . puzzling in ' the French verb. Any intelligent student will be grateful to M. Reyndl for thoroughly doing this needful piece of work:;LSold by E. H. Butler & Co. ' AbridiAilt of Noel & Chapsal's French Grammar. G. R. Lockwood.—Few works - have have had more success than the .iVoltrelle Granonaire Fraiq:uise, by Messrs. Noel & Chapsal, forty-five large editions having been published within the space of a years, and the work having been successively adopted by Froich Culler/es and Nil itarychool, and by the Maison Royale ofSaint Denis. Such unpre cedented sale, and such universal favor, afford sufficient- proof of the usefulness -of the Gram mar just ieferreL: to. Although the clear, methodical plan of that treatise would admit of its being placed in the hands of children.. who have not as yet any idea of grammar, sonic Professors and Principals of Institutes,‘ nevertheless, only use it for the secon_l_ye: of grammar, while they have recourse to—Lho mond's .li/mcni. , , for the first year. Such a change of method is certainly unnecessary in many respects. To obviate so link* inconveni ence, the authors of the Noo rel le G ranitaiie resolved to make an abridgment of that Grammar, in which they have endeavored scrupulously to preserve the same plan, the same principles, the same definitions, an 1 the same language, suppressing only those rules and developments which are not in keeping with an elementary treatise. In this form it makes a capital elementary Grammar, which, translated into English by a Professor, is pre sented by the above publisher.—Sold by E. H. Butler & Co. Messrs. Peterson have just published a novel by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, entitled "Michael Rudolph, the'Bravest of the Brave." In this romance, which combines truth, or legendary truth, with fiction, the writer portrays the supposed early flife of Marshal' , Ney. A tra dition at one time widely, believed in this country asserts that 3lich el e ti,,N Ttadtil - pla, a. hero of the American Revoluti was the sAie per 'son as Napoleon's favorite marechal. The story will have it that Michaelliudolph,r6thrn ing to his American home from service in the Revolutionary /War, and finding his wife false and his "name; dithonorcd, changed the latter and embarked for Havre, to reappear as the, gifted military hero of thc'First Empire. Miss Rupuy has shown much ingenuity in connect ing the.4attered links of this legend together by platoible chains of fiction. Eliza A. Du puy was born in Petersburg, Van, a descendant of one of the most ancient Huguenot families in that State. Orono of her works, The Con spiratOrsi 24,000 copies have been sold. ° We learn from the itmei:icnit 800/-sell em' Guide; the October number - of which is promptly at hand, that ,the book business of the American News (; c ompany for September exceeded that of the srtmeNonth in any previ onSyear of its existence../ ART ITEMN —Newbold 11. Trotter, one of our most in dustrious producers, has finished and exposed at No. 1020 Chestnut street, two pictures, one of which represents a herd of Alderney cattle reposing in a green and, peaceful landscape; the other, sheep coming home frinn pasture. Another sheep-plettlre, of greater importance, miTy be seen at 910 Chestnut street, and repre sents a flock being driven to shelter from a mountain storm ; the attitudes of the frightened animals are hi many cases original, and betray closg study from nature. , j .portrait Of a neat gray horse, "Daisy;" - is exposed at Caldwell's —The building-of the Brooklyn Art Asso ciation will be proceeded with at once. It. is to be erected on Montague street, adjoining The Academy of Music, and its main galleries are to connect' with the assembly room and auditorium of the Academy. The size of the 'Art Building is to be 50 by 90 feet, and the style of architecture is , the " Italian Gothic," from designs by J. Cleveland Cady. A i LLEI I I‘", SATURDAY. OCTOBER s. 187‘1. R. Mignot, a or,ctrup).:al , scenery Well known in , this, corintry;)Uts just been bu *eil at Brightitin,, Engidrid, to which citwitry .16 went to live . four or five years,ago. 1870: AUTUMN. 1870- LACE CURTAINS CUMAIN MATERIALS 1d Our F all importationd were received pre vious. to the late advance in prices, of which our customers shall . have the ful benefit LINEN AND LACE SHADES 1.. . WALRAVEN. No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. 111 3 CHESTNUT STREET. 1113 The Subscribers having formed .a Co-partuershipou the Ist ultimo for the prostcuti . of a general UPHOLSTERY and CURTAIN BUSI NESS, would most 'respectfully in form the Public that.they will open ow_SATURDAY, October Rh; a choice selection of entirely new goods in Laces, Biocatelles, Striped and Plain Terrys, Table and Piano Covers, Cretonnes, etc., all _of which they have marked Ten per Cent. BELOW the prevailing prices of the past year, notwithstanding a correspond ing ADVANCE on account of the European War. 0 . - N. Stevenson, C. P. Schwemmer. STEVENSON MINIMIE=I DRY GO f,Ds. 310ERNIING GOODS. Tamise, Eon►bnzine, Velour Busse, Cashmere, Bens. Henrietta Cloth, Helps Cordounet, Crepe Cloth, Merino, Parissienne, De lai tie, Biarritz. Saline. Princetta Cloth. Alpacas of every grade. 9 SOUTH NINTH STREET. N. B.—An elegant asaortment of PIM'S and LYONS POPLINS. el 7 to lb 3nap ‘e. - • g 4 Fourth and Arch, NEW SHAWLS. LYONS SILKS, PM'S POPLINS, SILK PLUSHES, INDIA SHAWLS, WOOLEN SATINS, LYONS VELVETS, BAGDAD WRAP: , , PARK BLANKETS. ZOUAVE JACKETS, GORGEOUS PLA [DR. NEW SHAWL SUITS, CARRIAGE SHAWL NOBILITY VELOURS, ARISTOCRATIC SILKS, SERVICEABLE POPLINS. tem et/ OUTILERLAND PLAIDS, S FRENCH BREAKFAST CAP 3. _ THE MISSES McVAITGII DUNG-AN • in SOUTH.. ELttENTII . STREET, Have received their Fall Tmportation of French Break fast CamotAirely - new designs. SPECIALTIES IN HANDKERCHIEFS. GENTS', LADIES', CHILDREN'S, • Iti'Laco Embroidered, Hemstitched, Initial, 'Mourning Tucked, Colored and Corded Borders. • EMBROIDERIES: Frefich Work. Gait - airs and Hamburg Flouncings,Edg Inge and Insertions, choice styles. Novelties in Neck Ties; Infants' Outfits on hand and made to order at the shortelt notice. • so2B-w s 3mrp "IXT E N(1 • AND ENGAGEMENT r 1 Rings of solid liikarat tine Gold—a epopialti; a full aesortment,of elites, and no ellaree for engraving „ men , t go, . FARR. /11 BBOTIIER,Pdakere t ialy24 ti ••l 324 Catiltnnt sty:44 baluw Fourth MEuAsliza=La-.21 Spesaltie INTERIOR DECOR lONSo fa ASONIC SCHWEMAIER PERKINS & CO., consETs.' REMOVAL. /DIRS.- A. 11. GRAHAM Having reniet - ed from No. 207 North EIGHTH Street to NO. 137 North EIGIITII litreet, finds her so much increased that .she is enabled her own elegant and Tit Glove-titting Corsets at REDUCED PIIIGES. self, th s to • BROWN'S Wholesale and Retail Corset and Skirt Warehouses Ml 9 Arch Street. 611 sel7.3m§ ~, .-F,R,,,...c. tT .‘ .. K. igi F K • WOMRATH ''N • F. • • - . ' 7 Yt . No. 1212' Chestnut :Street, .. Invite the aitention•of the public td their large and varied desortnient.of. DIES' FINE - FUItS, . .. _.... In Sets iron i $:; 00 Up - wards. . '.,. ALSO, . . CARRIAGE ~AliD SLEIGH ROBES,. LAP BLANKETS, BLANKETS, FObT MUFFS; -t. i FUR GLOVES, MUFFLERS, &C. X I A. S. ,& . F. K. WOMRATH,' I .i. 1:212 bhestnut, Street. oe4 to th-e 3mrp§ , -CMLDREN'SCLOTHING. MRS. E. KEYSER, No. 1227 CHESTNUT STREET. A full assortment - of INFANTS' CLOAKS, CAPS, BONNETS, DRESSES, SOCKS, BIBS, SACQUES and BASKETS. • WHITE ;PLUSH and WHITE CLOTH SACqI(TES for 'Wants. " • MISSES' SUITS of all New Styles. A splendid assortment of HIGHLAND sturs. fo Boys for the coming season. CHEAP SCHOOL SHITS for Boys and Girls,— VELVETEEN 'SUITS, SS and upwards. HANDSOME IRISH POPLINS for Misses. A full assortment of ol;:prlconTs for Boys. WATERPROOFS for Children. Persons furnishing their own material can have them made in beat manner. son th s to lyre, C, ; ii' . iIFECTIONERY; LEON SYMONETY. 1024 Walnut Street, . ORNAMENTAL CONFECTIONERY CAKE BAKERY. • All kinds of Plain and Fancy Cakes, Pastry, Ice Cream, Water Ices, Jellies, Charlotte Russet Sc., Con stantly on hand and delivered to all parts of the city. Orders for Weddings and Parties Promptly attended to. se29 tl no 3Orp NEW PUBLICATIONS. SCUNI,A Y SCHOOLS' GET THE BES tfilltArilf • BOOKS from TlinitY-SEVEN dif fo.relit 9ASBIGUI6BI 64 - 00 ~ No. 60 Arclietred:Phiro46lold: • Just - Issued YOUNG LADIES' GUIDE. - - By Sarah Ty tier. !qrs. Sidney Cox, the author of John Hahn , x; henry Rogers, of , the " Cireyson Letters:" Afrs Ellis. Drs. Wm. R. Williams and John Angell James, and others. Price.,sl 25. Woman ,• Tier Dignity and Sphere. By a popular lady writer. .50 cents. . *lily Christian Almanac, 1871. --- P rl'e•Cif:lt cents. ' dICERIT - A.lll iraitcr SOCIETY,- •I.foB Chestnut Street. `6e6 , th to 3trpli . . -NEW BOOKS 13Y pm • American Sunday-School Union. • LITTLE MAY'S LEGNCY and THE ST6RY OF A Bast et. Illustrated. limo, 45 cts. THE CHILDREN OF LONG AGO. By the author of '•\York for Women," etc., etc. limo, 12 engravings, 65 cents. THE CLOUDED GEM. An Allegory. By the author of "The Crumbling l'ath." Illustrated. lime. 17 route. THE VALLEY OF STAINS. A. Allegory. By the earns. Illustrated. link, Ricenta. lust published by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION; 1122 Chestnut St., l'hilad.: l o l hb • 01-61 h e to liNSFRANUE "'The ]Provident." PITYYDENT LIFE (k ND TRUST CO. PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE—No. 111 South FOURTH St. The dividend received by a policyholder is tho differ ence between the actual. rota of insurance and the pre mium paid.Thi&Compnny is expressly required by its charter to divide every dollar of surplui thus arising among its pollcy-holders. It is, therefore, purely mutual. . The New York report for 1870 ehowe that the •4 5 4.m0r, thie Company are in the proportion of 59 to eitry BT . of liabilitiee, then insuring perfect reliability. It has reuived the approbation of the most learned actuaries. and is endorsed and recommended by many of the meet preminent scientific and public men in the United States. An institution of a similar kind iu lting• land, the Friends' Provident Isistid Ution, has boon won derfully successful. 'lts advantages in every respect, both as to safety, cheapness. terms of policies, &c., are not excelled. The prudent' and economical management. of its Mildness, combined with the remarkable average longevity of-Its members, commends it to the confidence and favor of ull classes of whatever denomination. Call or Fl w 1 for eirenlur. Agents wanted. An easy felt Compa 2itheitinn Root, Garb. Ammonia, just recenitd, ner Indefatigable, from London, and for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER ,t go., Importers, N. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. O.ITRIO ACID.-20 KEGS OF CITRIO NJ • Acid . Allen's." Wine of Colchicum, front fresh coot;.also from the seed, Succus . Ooninth.,t;. , Allen's. " For sole by ROBERT SHOEMAKER ,S; CO., Importers, N. E. car. Fourth and Race groat OF ALMONDS t — , ." ALLEN'S" GEN inp On Of Almonds, essential and .sweet. Also, Allen's" Extracts of Aconite,,Belladona, Gentian, Ilyosciaml, Taraxicurn, just •received to store, per ludefatlgablo, from Loudon. and for 'solo by ' ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., Importing Druggists. • IL E. corner. Fourth and Race streets. CIRADITATED MEASURES:—ENGL VI 'Graduated Measures, warranted correct. Genuine " Wedgwood " -Mortara. Just received from London por steamer Bellona. and for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4 CO., N. E. cor. Fourth and Race greets. , Tyllueepaga , SUNDRIES. (411.9.13,(7. otos , Idortar,P 111 Tilei;l:3thubs, D Mmes, Tweezers Puff Sozos,Hprn Scuola, tiurgical Imam. manta, 'Timms, Hard atd-43oft—Len,btipx Good VA easels, Glees and Metal ByTkiges, &0., all• at P Handel" prizes. SNOWDEN & BHOTHEB, anb-tl 23 South ZlAtt. street. t' SATURDAY, 0 CTOt Necariey from losts i llarglari, Belo - leery, Fire or Accident. PIE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST AND . SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, ON PHILADELPHIA. _IN THEIR NEW MARBLE FIRE-PROOF BUILDING; Nos. 329.431 Chestnut Street. Capital subscribed, $1,000,000; paid, $550,000. COUPON RONDS,STOOKS,SEUTTMTIES,FAMTLY PLATE, COIL - DEEDS and VALUABLES of every description received for safortooping, tinder guarantee, at very moderate rates. The bamildny also rent SAFES INSIDE TITEIB iTUBOLAB-PBOOF VAULTS, at prices varying from 15 to e 75 a year, according to size. An extra size for Uorporations and Bankers. Booms and deskfrAdjoining ;vaults provided for Safe neuters. DEPOStTS - OF MONEY RECETVETE ON INTER. `EST, at three per cent., payably by* check 'without no. tico, and ills four per cent.; payable by chock, on ten 'days' notice,- TRAVELERS' LETTERS OF CREDIT tarnished. :ircaklable In nll Dann of Europe. • • INCOME COLLECTED and remitted for ono pet: of The COmpans , act am EXECUTORS. ADMINISTRA. TURK and GUARDIANS, "and RECEIVE and EXE• *JUTE TRUSTS of ever y dPacription, from the Courts , corporatiene and individuals. • • N. B. BROWNEPreahlont. HOBERT PATTI:R (3 S' OTINC, sltrßelita,:ryVi'acnociPTrersoludounrte.r. DIRECTORS. . N. B. Browne, . Alexander Henry, Clarence H. Clark, -,, Stephen A. Caldwell, ; John Welsh, . George P. Tyler, Menke hiloplegter, V, Fell, Henry Clark, J. Gillingham Fe :,?:. Henry O. (Anion, ' .Edward l, Henry Pratt McKean. rnyl4 a tn th ly THE ENTERPRESE INSURANCE CO Nl _lf paws-. Company's Building, 400 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. . , FIRE INSURANCE EXCMISIVEtt. • 'Cash Capital 8200.000 00 'Cash Asarts. i)ct. 1, 1,70 a5i1,133 12 DIRECTORS: F. Ratchford Starr, . ' .1:L. Erringer, Nalbro' Fra7Arr, .Tanies L. tilaglloru. I. N. Atworriv. Wm. G. Mutton, B. T. Trotirk, ' Charles Wheeler, George it. Stuart, Thos. H. Montgomery, J. li. Brown. James M. A ertArn. ' F. RA TCHFORDPSTA,RII, President. " .4' A LEX. W. WI STEW BeeretarY. ! .. THOS. H. MONTGOSIERY„ Viet] Pr 115.1. ,ee'23-1m JACOB E • TERSON. Asst. See'l• HEATERS Ar4D STOVES. PANCOAST & MAULE THIRD MD PEAR STREETS, WROUGHT. AND CAST IRON PWE For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS,.; ESIMW-NaNAkAq Pi pe of all Sizes Cut and Fitted to Order. CARD. • Having aoIicENRY B. PANCOAST FRANCIS I. MAULE(g tlemen in our employ for several years past) the Stork. 'o'od Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the ,cerner of THIRD' and PEAR streets, in this city, that branch of our bust• nese, together with that of HIPATINGetnd VENTILA. TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE Buthintroa, both by STEAM and HOT WATER, in all its various systems, will be carried on under the firm name of PA NOOAST & bIA OLE, at the old stand, and wore• commenri them to the trade and business ,pablic as being 'entirely competent to perform all work of,that chtunctek. MORRIS,:TASKER & CO. rEIILADELPIIIA, Jan. 22, 1170. mh.1.2-tt • THOMAS B. DIXON & BONLI, No. 1314 CHESTNUT Street, Phllada,i 7 . V Opposite United States Mint. , Manufacturers of PARLOR, CHAMBER OFFICE, And other GRATES, F,Ot Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fir ALSO. WARM-AIR FITRNACIES_, For Warming Public and Private Buildinn REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, AND UHIMNEV CAPS, 0005 WH OLES ALE -RANGES, and RETA BATH-BO IL ILERS. ,WH MEI3IIIEI MREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTH WASH.— _L. It is the moat pleasant. cheapest and best dentifrice extant. Warranted free from Injurious ingtedionts. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth% Invigorates and Soothes the Gums I Purifies and Perfumes the Breath 1 Prevents Accumulation of Tartar 1 .' Cleanses and Pttriflea Artificial Tooth I Is a Superior Article for Children 1 field by all Druggsts. A. M. WILSON, Proprietor mhl 1F nig Ninth and Filbert streets. Phil.d6lr FOR SALE-500 BOXES NEW RAISINS, Lori. ge and Kreinlefe - brand, per steamer Sallon. HENRI' WINSOR iir." CO., No. 338 South Del,l4tre ai onue. .07-3 t VINE ST `UK 'O A F ThE BEST ENGLISH CARVING KNIVES. Warranted to hold a sharp edge. se23 4p tt§ll GBIfFIT2i & PAGE,IOOI Arch street 25At RETAILING 4T WHOLESALE vrices—Stuldlery, Harness and Horso Gear of ail afals, at 'MEANS', No. Ma &Larked street. Big hnrss. the do'• • BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1830 —60111:1YLBit dt AB,ISTBONai qinAertakerti_,.l62T Gerromitovrn tivenuostad Fifth et. D I 'IL" St' kV trinl4-lvro 6 F,B.AILHSTIIO .ESAAU NATHAN S, AUCTION ;ER AND hloney Broker, northeast corner Third and Spruce -- streete.B26o,l:oo to Loan in large or small amounts, on Diamonds, Silver-Plate, Watches, - Jewelry,and all goods of value. Office Bourn from 8 A. M. to 7P. Al, Wirkis teldb•hed for the last Forty Years. Advances made in largo amounts tit the lowoet market rates. Is7"No Con nection with any other Office in this City. • MONEY TO ANY ANIOUNT LOANED UPON. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, • JEWELRY, PLATEI,'CLOTHING, dm.? lat JONES dc CO.'S . 'OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAIT OFFICE, Corner of Third anti Gaekill titivate, Below Lombard. N • —••• DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY GUNS, MICHAEL WEAVER. GEO. H. B. Dina& WEAVER. & CO., Rope and Twine Mantdaeturers and Deniers in Hemp and Stkip Chandle, North WATER. North WHARVIQB. upl tit PHILADELPHIA. • EDWIN H. FITLER & CO., Cordage. Manufacturers and, Dealers In Hemp, ' 23 Water"blreet and' 22 IV. Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA. DIATIN B. PITLER CONRAD P noTHIEZ WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN - OM. tilatod and easy-fitting Dross Rota( patented) in all, the approved fashions of the 56811011. Uhestnut street!! next door to th. Post-0 co oe6-tfra WATCHES THAT HAVE KlTH erto failed, to give eatistactir, put in- good order. Particular attention pal ,to,PlnoWatoh :' '4 l es, Chronometers, etc., b a iuur workm Musical Boxes repaired.• y ell , , , Dun era of Watches. Musical Boxes, &0., mylo , . 824 ebeetnut area. below Fourtb. .WITH INDEI7LBL.IO INK Embroidering, A. TORTIEY.IOqO , WvH .T. St .OI L.-33 . 33A.8.RE14.3 Whit() Winter Seal Oil, landing from schooner[ Bonny Boat. For sale by EDW, IL. ,I.WWLEY. No. 16; south Frout street, : SAYE DEPOSITh. I NSUKANCE. Plain and Galvanized BOILER TUBES. MISCBLLANEO U b. FOE SALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. mv24lfra E7O. ?„, •-..-„,-..7.,-1.:....,....., ; : •. 1t•:'8'...187a'.. • - • AUCTION: SALES. • , • ATARTIN BECVIIELBILS; A 1301 4 IONEICIiej • R0.71/4 ORREITNUT.itreep tasiiire et:tenth. ri CARD—We (mite estieoitiCittenftor; 'to the fact that we have;completed. , extensive alterations and improve, moots In our buillithe, gruntly enlarged 'our store; otherwiso Increased our facilities for doing beakless, Regular Weekly Sales at the. Auction ROOM every . Bales at Residences receive prompt and personal anon- • MONDAY 'S SALE. . • The - assortment of Furniture and other GooMi for Monday's sale Is unusually attractive, embracing—Seve ral superior secondhand Parlor Suite. covered with hair cloth and plush; handimme Walnut Chamber finite finished in pll; fine Mirtors. Rosewood Afelodeott, hand aonie Parlor, Chamber and Entry Carpets,' Dining,!Teti and Toilet Sets; Mat resseq, Bedding, Sofa Be(l 4 teßit'el 6. gatiteheyal Glass, and a large varietyofi•Mlecellaneotte (Mods. • • bow ready for examination. . Sale at the Auction Rooms. No. 703 Chestnut street. RANI SOIE WALNUT HOUSEROI.6 FURNITURE - , FINEtI ENCII PLATE PIER MIRRORS. BOOK , tiA LARS, A RithOßES'. DIN NEU AND TEA. SETS. F INF. - VELVET—MEDALLION. BRUFISELS AND "U'T-lIER--CARPETS. lAA TRESSES, REDWING, &c• ON .MONTJAN MORNING. Oct.. 10, it 10 . o'clock, at the auction rooms, N0..761 Chesnut street, by catalogue. a large and excellent as nortnald 'of impactor Walnut llonsehola Furuitttro,'ln• clotting 'handsome Parlor and Chamber Snits, Second .band end - Nib . ; lino French Plate Pier Mirrors, su perior Coeval Glass, 011 P, Tablea,Peiks, It Dinner and Ten Site, flue Velvet. Medallbm. Brussels, Imperial. 11111 i ollicr Carnets; line. Fe ither Beds, Matresia3, Wal nut Redittada. tine Silver Plate.hvare, Tea Tray.s.;2l.o Wishbasine. ro Toilet Seiri. " TO DEALERS AND OTIIERS. ' • ON MONDAY MORNING. )I) Dinner Sets Painted and Ornamented ; no Painted Toilet Sets; Invoice of line Platedware•, 250 Wl;kiterti . , Wamittmeins..(te , si:PERIOR TOP BUGGY. Ali , o, superior 'l.l, Buggy; entirely IMW.• I, . ..... . ( ;RES() GNT A4CIE og., .‘8 ddozenWinrlArrr" rn: Ohs: trH, env , r pts. ely Tiew • IIANDSOM Ilandsrmo Brue,pl9. Carpets, fine pining Trootn, Chamber, Stair and Entry Carpuckt, Oil Cloths, . BUNTING, DITRBQROW & 00., AUOTIONEEREI, Noe. 232 and Mi Market Croat. corner of Bank. LARGE SALE OF FREN cm AND OTHER EIIIICI 4 PLAN DRY GOODS, ON MONDAY MOCNING. Oa.lo, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, Includina 1,2 cases:ld inch 41.1.w00l cord French merinos, just anded; Paris silk chains po poll nes and opinglinos, colored wool 'plaids ; Empress cloth; alpacas; fancy dress goons. Ac. including filo PC LEEFL,y LION -BLACK BILKS, ,y fines - % imporfifiretithemere do sole, grog grain's; drup (in France. taffeta do LYOIIS. ,4c. • SPECIAL •SALE OP 150 PIECES MILLINERY VELVET. black and ceders cotnpri,ing aB the . latest shades and the best line of black Crefeld and LymnFr 4 volvet offered this season at auction LO PIECES 22-INCII 'in black mid the best colors, in various quaiiika. . WO CARTONS BONNET RIBBONS, of two well-known itopprtAlollli. consisting:Of a fall and stfr..ctiva:line of plain Gordel edge "ribbons., solid and asartedjcblorm.',.... • ' A f line all Boiledl'olored Pettit de Sole Ribbons. et fuif line all boiled black Taffeta Ribbons. Alen, SASE RIBBONS. A complete assortment of colored all 'boiled black and Gms I, run 1tilM,•11E1, for best city trade. • Alto, fall, line Fr. uch Feathers, Artificial Flowers, Ac. li,Suelkerchiefs, Dress and Mantle- Trit.Nning , ,, En., Shawls, 'Umbrellas, -Toilet Quilts, no. • Alec, An in v nine lace flounced 31antiejl as awl (deg:l4l lace car.,. Also. ' • A LARGE, SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE OFFER IN(, CF lI6I:IsEKEEJAING LINENS, In OK OFR OF ONE OF THE LARGEST IMPORTING DOUSES IN NEW Y0RK,...:.:.: ...._.__----_.._.... The Goode heir": entirely of Rec:ent Importation, and never bete' e offered at public auction. The whole vompriaing : Linen Sheeting, Pillow binens, Check Gilles Linens, Tall , Damark, Brown 'fable Damask, Bleachnd - Table 1111111 if k: - 3- 4 and 4-44 Bird-eye Diaper, Rod End Diaper. Brown and leached Buck Tomi.lling.; Twill,.bice aral„Strined 'toweling ; soft Diaper ' , Toweling ; 8.4 and DleachAdtTaole Chubs. ! 10 and 10-12 brown Table Clothe : and ; isit• t adwd uoyiies ; Diaper, Buck and Dtttu wow els. . B.—Your a: Wielder attention is requested to this sale. nn it will cow- ri, , e a variety of goods NEVER OFFERED in 14,.w Y ork. nor in this market. ° SALE OF 200 C. SES BOOTS. SHOES, .TRAVEL ( G BAOS HATS; . Th Oi TUEtWAY - MORNING. Oct 11. at. 10 ~'clock,' on four months' credit, inoliad nib- Cases Men's, boys' and youths' calf, kip, buff leather and Drain Cavalry, kapole..n, Dress and Corp gfess Boots and Balmoral.< kip, butt and polished grain Brogan s; w, th , :ll andlicillildren'a calf kid, enamelled ADC Duff Pettier goateAnd morocco Balm°. rile: Congr , ps Gaiters: Lace - Boots; Ankle Ilea; Shp.' pers: Metallic Ov#rshoes - and Sandalii; Travehrik Bags; - Shoe Licence, Zr.c.- Also. 1.100 feet undressed and French morocco. LARGE SALE OF BRITISH, 'FRENCH, GERMAN D ANOESIC DRY GOODS, ' 01 , 1 THURSDAYTHURSDAY MORNING. err. 13 nt . on four monthe• credit. IM PORT A,NT SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. ON FRIDAY 111ORNING. 01'. 14. at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 200 pieces InF rain. Venetian, List, Romp, Cottage and Rag Carprtings ; Oil Cloths, Ruge, Ac. rpu om AS' BIRCH & BON,• AUUTIO24. A. 'NEES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street, 11Par entrance No. 1107 SIIIVIOM titroet. Household Furniture of every description re :elved on Consignment. Sales of Furnititre at Dwellings attended to on the moat reasonable terms. .510 MONTHLY ! ' ~ADJOURNED AUCTION SALE OF BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS at Clifton, Holleyville, on Wont Chester i Media) B. . six miles Y from Philatlfilphia. ON MONDA, Oct. 10, nt 2i- , 1 o'clock, on the premiseh. Terms—WO cash on each' lot when sold, and 610 a month until paid; or. half cash, balance in ono year. with 6 per cent. interest on all deferred payments, or all cash. Deeds free of expense to purchasers. The lots to be sold comprise some of the most central and chOice of the entire plan A free excursiOn train will leave the West-Chester Depot, Thirty -first and Chestnut streets, at 2 o'clock precisely, on the day of sale, and convey grown petsons t ladies and gentlemen) to and from the sale free. None -but grown persons are allowed on the train. No tickets required. Sale N. 1110 Cliestnnketreet LARGE CLOSING SALE OF M - K SONS' FINE SHE Ma LD PLATED WARE AND FINE TABLE CUTLERY. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Atall, o'clock. at No. Mu Chestnut street, will be herartt clogingsale of Messrs. Joseph Deakin & Eons' celebrated Sheffield Plated Wars and Table Cutlery, consisting in part of—Oyster and Soup Tureens; Entree Dishes. gold-liiied, Tea Sets of six pieces, with urns to match ; Cake Basket, Wins Castors, butter dishes, &c. CUTLERY.. A116),.a very .largo assortment of fins ivory handle Olds and tea knives, with carvers and steels to match. The goods can be examined on Monday. Sale at No. 1117 Chestnut street GIR A RD ROW. LARtiE SPEcIAL 'Ai} Or OVER 100 rturNim PLAIN ANTE.L. PD. It AND (NUMBER, GLASSI:'S, FINE BOUQUET, PIER AND BASE BLE;•:, OF NEW DIGsIONS WIT.II. MARBLES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Oet. 13, at 11 o'elock, :it No. 1117 Militant greed, will be sold without reserve, over RN) French Plate Mantel and Pier Glasepß a the lat,,et pattern, with gold gilt and s , ;Own ana mail frames. matinfactufod by the Last nor Is MOIL Also,a bmndeumo !issortnitlit or Bouquet, Pwr,Consol and Brodie[ TlOles of new designs with various styles a Illr.rbleSlitl4: gooih , will he arranged for exam int bon on nes da y and Wedne,day, with cat..logues. JAMES A. FEEEMAN, AUCTIONEER, ;.co. 422 WALNUT street. , • Positive Sale. S. W. corner Nineteenth and Race streets. PLANTS, SHRUBS, HUT BEDS, TOOLS, WAtIGNS, GARDENING ITTI.:NSI 4,5, ON TtIIfItSDAY AVX,ERNGON.,,•• • Oct. 13th, at 2 o'clock, Will be SON by cittalognthe en tire stock of the VryboagGardons. conbtsting Of 1t411.14/td, 11:11'd 3' :7111 , 11.'11 implcutonte,'lum ber, its putH, wagons, hot beds, • • DY HAREM` & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 11 OABU AUCTION BOWIE, , N 0.230 MARKET atroAt. corner of Ranh street Itt , o 1 - LAR SALE 01'. DRY GOODS 4. nosiERY., smias, DRAW ERS, IMAM-MAIM OLOTRINO, SUSPEND ERS, ovEnsil LIIS.NOTIONS, Ant, • •ON MONDAY MORNING: Oct. IU, eNrueuchig at 10 u'clock. We call, he ripecia I uttuution or city and 'country re tailer 6 to the alaiva pule. TO CITY ANT) COWNTRY MEROILANTS. PEREMPTORWA LE ,c(C+l PRISING TUN ENTIRE STUCK Of AWL ARGE RET Alf, AND JOBBING HOUSE . DEOLININ IiSS„ DY !CATA• LUUCE. . • ON 'WEDNESDAY MORNING - - - r. oet. 12 Cominencimfat IU u.lel act:, viz:a 4 all.wool rino, Collorgs, Alpacas, Dress' a•so,ls Cloths. CraNdt— t . meres, Satinets, Sheetinge and Phirthots, ',mons. Da utatik eambries, White Goods, Stlk. Poplins, Drees i Inghm, a Deleas, Ribbons: liosiery, Skirts and I)raalrst Notions, quilts, 1U.4, 11-11 and 12.1 Mittilcutfi, Dia hers, Ti wile, Skirts. Gloves, Gauntlets, Moniker chlet.e, bawls. Also, LADIES' 01,0TII CLOAKS. . Also. 25 eases Gingham Ilealgellas Also, a large assortment of Miscellaneous Goodpinited fur lirst-class retail trade. • T L. ASHBRIDGEUCTION - . EMI& N. 505 MARICET .CO., Area. LARGE BALE OF BOOTS. SHOES AND BROGANS. • • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Oct. 12, at 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, about lfou packages of Beets, Shoes and Brogans• of city and Eastern - Manufacture, to which thci attention of city and country buyers 1. called., Open early on the morning of sale for examination. 1_ PRINCIPAL MONEYER- TA-BMW:1.1 111 EN corner of SIXTH and RACE streets, i Moneyedvauccd on Merchandise generally—Watches, jJewelry,: Diamonds, Gold,and,Silver Plate, and on all articles ef value, for any length of time agreed on. I • WATCHER AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE' SALL ; 1 Fine Gold Hunting Cain+, Double . Bottom. and Open Face English, American and Swiss . Patent Lever Watches ; Fine Gold Hunting (lase and Open , Face I.tie- pine Watches ; Fine Gold Du lox and outer , Watches; t • fine Silver Bunting Case and Open Face English, Apt rican and..hwies Patent .Lever and Loplue Watches ii Double Case English Quartior and other AVatehtau La- Fancy l'Watebesi Diamond Breastpins. •Firier litings.Ear Binge, etude A go. t Fine Gold OhaMs,Medal• t lions, Braaelets,..Searr Breastpins, Finger Binge Pencil GaSee, and Jewelry generally , FOR BATtiDti-Alarge and valuable Flre-proof Oiled ti suitable fore Jeweller cot $650, . Also, several Lots in doutli (lamden,'Fifth tine Wiest not streets • brn SALEg.f U", THOMAS Br. SONS, AUCTION AY/. Noe. 139 and 141,8oatla FOURTH irtreet. BALE s .or STOOKSAND ItHAteditVRATRI. VAT Public Sales at the Philadelphia. Exchange _every, TURSDAY. at Llt o'clock • • •• • • - • 4- - LW! rarnittire Sable ; at, the Auctlee, Sloe, pElf,lellt! THURSDAY. • /16 , " Sales at ItesidenCeereceive °alienist attontion.; SPECIAL,NOTISIW "' Itgor,' In our Sale of THIIitSDAY - ,191XT,1364 instgiare , the Auction Rooms. Will. be included about WO . fine French Plate Glasses. 22 inches br 36; iu Rash dironti formerly used as side fixtures by. Masers.. BAILEY ..12, CO.,Chestnut street. Persona about fitting up stores and wishing fix ttires, win' find this a rare opportunity-. tiale'at the Auction Rooms. • . .31:1F o ri i R l., 0 1, 14i 1 D R UJSI FL OWER ROOTS. AFTERNOON - Oct.B a1..4 o'clock, supc,rior Dutch Flower Roots, 7 . . • .6 Sale at No. I • 'allaco 'Afoot. - •• TIANDEOMR FURNITURE, INR FRENON PLOI.TM MANTEL, MIRROR. RION ENGLISH BROSSEN,S, AND OTHER OARPRITS. &c. -ON. MONDAY MORNING, ' Oct. 70, at IP o'clock, by catalogue, the entire handsome Furniture, comorising—Suit Walnut Pgfffir Furniture,;• hair cloth, Walnut RTre, marble top and mirror back; Walnut Centre a ~Bonopet Table:refine marble tops; fine French Plate At Wel Mirror, handimme area l-nautili gilt frame, nearly new; Walnut Nall and Dining, Boom Furniture; Pedestal Extension Dining Table; China and:Glassware, Walnut Sitting Room Furniture, revered with crimson reps; .2 Suits Walnut Chamber. Furniture, Cottage Chamber Furniture ' fine Curled` air hiatresses, fine Feather Bolsters and Pillows, En— Law:lugs, Refrigerators, Cooking Utensils, Ii Tire-Fsiriiiture.• was mane to order by Henketa; A lien and Begin tfitiP.l' SALE FOB' ACCOUNT OF Pi'ROM IT MAY 00N CERN. ; • STO a 4 ' ON TUBBbAY , • Oct. 11, ' 'itt 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Eht chrlage, ww•ill Include— -2 bonds 4600 each Bomeraet county, Md. 200 shares Philadelphia Watch Company .1 shares Cape May and Miliville R. It. For other accounts -1 share Academy Fine Arts. 8 shares Commonwealthlsrationa[Bauh. . . . Sale NC. 1621 Arch treat' . - HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; PIER MIRRORS.,.. CARPETS, SUPERIOR STEINWAY PIANO;' ' SATIN CURTAINS, Lc N . ON WEDESISAY MORNING. Oct. 12, at 10 o'clock, at No. 102 t Arch fltrect,•by catslogue, the entire. parlor,. dining roinu,and chamber furniture; elegnlittosewood Plano, innife - by Steinway,. Song ; French plate Pier Mirrors ; French china Drnratr and Tea N% are ; Cut Glass ; Hair rflatresscik; velvet and other Carpets,' high-case Clock; clock; kitchen furniture ; - Refrigerator, &c. Sale No. 2031 Pine street. • SUPERIOXIFTIRNITURE, FINE! 'TIRTISKELS 'AND ! OTHER CARPICTS,_&,, ON FRIDAY MOR WING. Oct. 14, arihro'clock, at No. 2031 Pine street, bY cats 'h gun, the. superior • Furniture, comprising,walnut parlor furniture,' hair cloth ; walnut dirunv.roonti 'sitting room 'and chamber furniture ;!fine purled hair Ytlatresses Walnut Wardrobe ; mahogany SecretarY, and Bookoorp ; cottage chamber furniture ;.china. glass' "fold plated ware ; fine Drtp,sels and other carpets ; Ba .!frigern tqr doot ing Ittensils4te. Y. EN Y, . "et H .8A - A CruTiONEERS, .1 (Formerly with DI-Thomas & Sous.) Store Noe. 48 and to North Sixth etregt. MT Sake at Reeldencee receive particular attention. Kir Sales at the Store every Tuesday / . Salo at ilia Attaction "Booms SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER FUR ‘t IT CIRE, FRENCH PI, A TE arnotoßs, FIRE . PROOFS; SHOW .CASE, FINE CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &a. ON TUESDAY MORNING,` at. at 10 o'clOck, at No 4S and . so North Sixth street; below Arch, a large assortment of superior Furnt(hre, in Ing- , -W a Inn I Parlor. Suits, covered in Plush, el (Try and Hair Cloths; handsome Suits ' of Walnut (Malabar wurnitnre; a 1, um Mir of Walnut Dressing Ha ' ream, 'Bedsteads and WasheMnds; about thirty Matble Top Centre and 'Banquet fino French Plate llltrrors, large Counter Show Case, high-case clock, Cebinet Bookcases. Office Tables,. two superior Fire-. prioof Fares. nevi Cottage Edon tore; Floor - Oil Cloths, fine Velvet and !Other Carpets, China and Glntsware,, . rp A. Pil.coi.. J.p.a..Lidsil), A .LJUl:li).ollDnitt, niONJILEsTNUT Street. Pahl - inlet attention given to Sales of Bouiehold Furniture at Dwellings. ficir Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction ROOT, 1119 Chestnut street, every Monday and Tnuroduy, OW' For twartionlars nee Public Ledger. %sr N. B.—A 'Superior Oillgt , of Furniture oat PrivaNt H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S' ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN „AND BOYS. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS,.. 418 South TE'Nnf. Street. A. Primary, Elementary and Finishing School. Thorough preparation for Business or College. Special attention given to. Commercial Arithmetic and all Ith1(14 of Business calculations. French and German, Linear and Perspective DrOwing. Elocution. English Composition, Natural Science- FIELD PRACTICE in Surveying and Civil Enghiner ihg, with the use of all requisite instruments, Is given to .the higher classes in Mathematics. '• A first-class Primary Department. The best ventilated, moat lofty and spacious Class rooms in the city. • Open for the reception- of applicants daily, from 1.0. A: 111. t o 4 P.. IC Fall terniigill begiff.September 12. 6 - • Circularosat Mr. Warburton's, No. 430 Chestnut street. -selltf§ ROBERT H. LABBERTON'S YOUNG LADIES' ACADEMY, 338 mid 310 south FIFTEENTH Street, Next term commencee SeMemberath. jeL3 4m GENT -----=----- LEM - -- A OFN B - EST — RE; A fer , noes desires to give French lossons (free—ob)ect or diltnction for him.) One or two adults, American or Spanish young ladies,of the good families ' ato4 of edu cation. Apply Mr. D., Iron R., ContinontalHotel. Ir THE . PHILADELPRI., SOROOL OF MUSIC AND ART, 1208 Chestnut street. For pupils in class or private. • • Singing—Prof.. PAOLO GIORZA (from the Ooneerva tory of Milan). Piano, Organ Harmony—H. A . CLARKE. Orchestral Department—CAßL PLAGEDIANN. Languages and Art. Depart ent—Prof. HABEL art Signorina NINA MASSA. • Elocution—Prof. and Mrs. HOEMAKER. &c., &c. Circulars at Musio Stores. sel4 15t ocl 5 tb'lltj TuE dERM AN N STI Tl 3 TE, 1341 Chestnut street. Boy's day-school and private lessons: J. OTTO URBAN, Principal. Ocl 112t* MISS BUFF UM AND MISS WATSON. 'will reopen their Boardirg and Day echoed for young: ladies, N 0.1409 Locust street, on. Wednesday September 21st. . au 27 tu,th,sa,tf§ - _ CHIGARAY INSTITUTE, ENGLISH and PAEIWII, for yonng Ladies and Misses, board ing and.dey pions, Nos. 1527 and 1229 Spruce street, Philaal elite, Pa., will REOPEN ON TUESDAY, September 20. • French is the language of the family, and is constantly, spoken in the Institute. jele-th • to-6ml 'MADAME D'HERVILLY. PrincipaL • ACADEMY OF NOTRE' DAME, Nineteenth, below Walnutitreet.—Terrns--Day Seholare 820 to e'4o par session. Boarders—Board and Tuition, ' ,1i2.50 Dar annual. ac.l-a-en LATIN AND ITALIAN LANGUAG ' taught by Prof. ELDWARD PONTI, of Address, care W. G. Perry, stationer, N 0.723 Arch street. se27-Im* DROr.J. I,\ TAROTEATT, TEA() gE of / the French Language, No, 223 South Ninth street. i , seltblmo' RITTENHOLTSE ACADEMY.—N. E. Chestnut and Eighteenth, will begin Its seventeenth year September 12, lnin. Fur eircn tars, g lying full In formation, call ut liprtli•west Oh estnut and. Eighteenth streets. . an 15-2 m '0.501E8 DA MOWS., .1 Principals. 14tBENNEYTULE UMW IG, 9 - IBE BEST PrtoA 7 • IS ET SCHOOL IN 4.. AI America;" The Scientific and Ciassical ,lnstittite; a scbool for boys aneyoung own, Poplar mettinv'enteeuth steeets, reopens ou Monday,September 12th.,0 or school room is large and airy, the finest in Philadelphia, and our means of instruction; philosophical apparatus and cabinets of Natural History, are larger than in any other school in America. J: ENNIS, A. 7J., . . .. • . . Principal. ' • MI SS I CARE'S SELECT BOAItDLNG god Day School for Young Ladies: EILDON SEMINARY, seven miles from Philadel phia, on the North, Pennsylvania Railroad, opposite york Road Station. The nineteenth HO ioh'ivill commence Beptemberl4th 1870. Circulars obt fined at the Oiliee of Jay Cooke & Co., Bankers,ll4 S. hird street, Philadelphia, or by ad dressing the Principal, SL'oemakertown Poit•ollice, Montgomery county. Pa. au 10 ;him§ `nu 23-tf t .„ MUSICAL. GAEILTNEIt'S NATIONAL. CON-- k.) HERVAToRY OF A1US11), southeast corner et-. Tenth and Walnut streets, is now open for the Fourth Season for the reception of pupils. Instritction:is given by a steno(' the beat Professors In the city in the follow ing branches : Vocal 111' Plano, Violin, Viola, Yin. Base, Theory of harmony, GratulOr-' .gan (or Chnrch Organ 1, Cabinet Organ. Mel , demi, FluteXiiirjonet. Oboe, Ibessooif,Horn. Cornet Trent- Gut itar, s:c..iind 'tithe Italian, G erintie, o French and Spanish Lariguages.• For particulars see circulars. to he had at fie:, allies of the -Coriservittor x yi and lu :the Music Stores. The director of this Conservato takes this . eppori tunny to express his sincere gratification at the success w hi c h has attended hit efforts to establish this Institu,- tion in Philadelphia on a permanent basis and with tiro prospect of continued prosperity. P :; . would likewise declare his iznititudo to the ntany kind friends 11111011 g the sttidents and elsewher . d, whose inteisist in the cause of thorengh infartiction. IU tine art said science of music has, assisted, so materially in in bringg the Conservatory to its preSenrstute use lie can only promise in return that 'his devotion to the object of, raising the Institution under his care rtf a high place mitring the greatmulitc sclaools+Kttio world shall Eh, es it has been, .the controlling Influence of the Con fitiry story.. : . • i.-{ - IARL GAERTNER. .selfzilm6 . Director and Proprietor. Sl"°-Et ISEPP I E tIZZO )f ,HAVING reit - timed frond. Europe, will restuh m e his leons to Singing October Ist. • Addr ess mite, th ' Si'; RONRINEI,LA,'IA ECirEB , K.J. Singing. Private lessons and clue/Ins.' Ileaidonce. 808 &Thirteenth street'. , , • 11¢E . A. - L L,14. , D S LNG EN G-ENGGISI3, JJ French and Italian. ~PROF. ,T. RISIIOP. _33 South Nineteenth moot. VII ° BAD Q UAMTMTYCYR — EXTRXOTMG IL•TEETII WlTH'yincell ' • "AOS DTOLAYB'`NO • Dr. F. R. THOMAS, formerly operator, at the Oottou Dental Rooms, devotes his ontire.practioalo the palnloas extraction et tooth Onto. 911 Nit plaut et, whWyrp 1076 Chestnut streett