Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, October 07, 1870, Image 1

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—v-orium-E x-xrcr--N
FORSIIICEICINNISR.—On the evening of the 4th
That., by the fey. J. Frederick Wipes, at the reeldthice
of the bride'e father, Mr. J. M. lorshee, of Philadel
phia, to Illes . tialllo Iflonler, or. Germantown. No
tgrds. -
JAMFR- , WINNER4-r-On the tali inst., by Bev. WU
114ilare, Samuel Jamoi itutl (diet Josephlno Win
ter t dal phter of W. E. Winner, all or chili ett,l. • "
LiVIherSTOW—FOX.---At. the Oullentlar Homo. Ti
voli, on the nucleon, on 'Wednesday, October 6th, by the
Bev. Father Preston, Lolliff MOIIIII4OII to Alice blond,
oungeat dm /tatter of the late Sautuol M. Fox, of Now
OAKES 3 4II&SrtETT.—At St. Paul. Minnesota. Ott.
nth, by Rey. lb,A. - olpittiiiiion „ George L. Oakes of cit.
Paul, to AnnicOV;,,tl ughter of A. D. Hasiott, of:Phila
delphia. • -,-.,..... 7 '••
WOOD—SA iiRSER.—In Merclmtville;ROw...ferseY.
on Thursday. Octobbr 6th, by the Rev. IL. A. Cleveland.
A. George Wood. of Cincinnati, to Emeline A.olaughter
of R. F. Enueeor, Esq., of the former place. .
TaTNGLISON.—At Tloga, October rah, Edith Ball,
youngest daughter of J —Robley and Bella W. IhingliSon,
aged ll mouths and 15 days.
IiENTZ.— , On the 4th instant, 'Mrs. Suattn, wife of Mr.
Jacob Rentz. aged 733'eala• •
The relatives and filen/1i of the arty respectfully
invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's rest—
.dence. N0:544 North Mirth street. on Faturday, the iith
instant, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Monument Oeme
13. Nom
relntiVeb and friends of the family are invited to
attend the tuneral. froth the residence of hie father, 122;
Pine etreet. on Saturday next;at 2 o'clock P. To
proceed to L C
ebanon emetery.
ItOtiEltS —On the iith inst.. at hie eon's residence. in
Delaware county; Evans Rogers, in the seventy-ninth
year of his age.
The funeral will take plaee on Saturday. October Bth,
nt 39 . clfek P.M., at his late reiiiilence, No. 222 W 4 ,12
Waid . linetotidibinare, "•
Ow morning of thP Ist it lamtant, after a
Lorne with Christian fortitule, Wm.
Emattool and Eliv,abeth Morrid, aged
400 A. "cit.yeu`i.'.l . LOisi,%;:?,E."T n. 400
fitri 01-wrafitilmre Shaw lg.
Stripe Opera Long Shawl,.
White and kith, Opera (314*7.
India Camel's Hair and Paisley Shawls.
Miquelsio..—JOTlN 0.
------ 7"ptiErINCA - L - OT -a C
sl ill : u idr+• ~ x tho members of the Club and - citizens of
l'hiladdplda at the .
On Friday lEveningYoelober 7,1870,
at o'clock
p m . i no apfl Parquet revers e.l for gentkup.ii
%, iti.
J 3 ord,•r of the EXCCIItiYe
EZRA iLIKENS, Pfesident
H 2% Secrstary;
, - -
Ticke!e ii.. bAraff on Thursday and Friday at iloulT.,
n., (.:11,1t.ut etre,r; B - t - t.T.T.TTN in11i. , .. ; WOrthiIIZEOWS.
('F it, Pont Clilice, Jind at the Union League.
0(5 3t '
The undersigned-, Gitizfitis -of Philadel-
Olia, impre,sed with the growl in.; importance
of placing trustworthy and intelligent persons
in Public Offices, re.spectfully'recomMend to
their fellow-citizens the election of
SklF nur .A. a' IC.
The proper administration of the-office of
Sheriff peculiarly exacts such qualifications,
and Mr. LEEDS is known to. the undersigned
as a genhernap.. who possesses them, and who
is; thnefore, worthy to receive the stipport
and confidence of the people.
M. BAIRD & CO., •
,LAMES li. ORNE, SON & co.,
H. C. GRAM & CO.,
roll of notes wrapped in a piece of newspaper. A
suitable reward will be given, it - returned to the owner
nt 1:32.3 Melon street,
clisu-tilated and easy-fitting Dress flats (patented) in all
tho'npprovod fashions of the season. Chestnut streoti
next door to th . Post-O co 006-tfrp
erto failed to give satisfaction, put In good
order. Particular attention paid to Fine Watch.
es, Chronometers, etc., by skilful workmen
Nuoical Boxes repaired.
Imp era of Watches. Musical Boxes, ao.,
tnylo 324 Ohostnut street. below Fourth.
fiTi7,6E,Milosnotfortl i , B kaaziangThGalk ,— t:P:nc i gar l gina
names, &o. PARE BROLLIEII, Makore t g
rn924 tr 824 Chemtnnt strnot. below Fourth
1 - )
afore and for sale by 00011 BAN , RUSSELL k l / 4 , ' 00.1
/11 Olultnut et;
r Mr. Fred. Seynave has the happy
tact of learning the wants of a cus
tomer and meeting those wants. As a
Coat Cutter his success is so remark-
able that he often fits those who say
they wore never fitted before.
ER d: fko. 711 Market nt.
AdmisFhm cents. Be ,, erved..sem 76 te nta.
The nlu gill cotnln^nce nn SAT!' U DAY A. 31,, at
ER, A: WA ER'S, 922 CHESTNCT etr:eet. and at the
A cadrmy. - o'-6 rp
TIP. regular .I,etures of this FiChool will commence on
711y0Fi , Oct,d,m. If.th. and continuo until tlm find of
Mardi. Fee for the full MUER°. fll4O.
R. E. ROGERS. M. D..
oc6 3trpf . D , an, Med. Faculty..
Mountain Cake, go to DEX-TER'S,
south Fifteenth Btre.l. rel2-rn w nip Ip§
Al3lw: PLEAs Jndge Allison.— This
Messrs. Barger and Dallas'appeared
in Court and presented four petitions for a
ritembu, , tis against canvassers in the Seventh
ici ion, Sixteenth Ward: Seventeenth di
vh4on of the Nirieteenth Ward; First division,
Twenty-fifth. Ward, and Fourtn
1 wenty-fifth Ward, to compel the restoration
of ct:rtaip names alleged to Inive been itn
-Iruperl.y stricken front the re`,,f , l..:stry.
Mr. Dallas stated thatritf sett& of these' di
vi./-ions a hundred names 'had been stricken
• ,
Judge Allison repeated the suggestion made
early in the week, that the Court could not
interfere with this matter in this way. He
referred to rife fact that to this application for
a mem/mutts the pleadings on the other Side
might, send the cases to a jury upon a question
of fact, and hence the relief sought would be
Mr. Dallas said that he had examined the
subject very carefully, and would 'like au op
portunity to satisfy the Court that a man
deems was the proper remedy. It might be
that the defendants, by their retuftror answer,
would put the case 171 a position to admit of
a demurrer, and they could argue the case at
once. If, however, the case was sent to a
jury, the coinplainants would, at least, have
taken the preliminary steps to recover dama
ges at the action at law. To do all this the
• complainants must take advantage of all the
opportunities presented by the law.
Judge Allison Youtuight as well come in
here on election day and ask u 4 to compel the
election officers to receive or reject a vote !"
Mr. Dallas still contended that a mandamus
was the only remedy, and by using it now the
men who have been disfranchised may be re
stored before election day. Thiti is not a'pri
vate• matter, but one affecting the community
at lathe, and involving questions of great im
portance when legal voters to the extent of
oue hundred in a precinct have been disfran
Mr. Mann said be bad seen the Canvassers
last eveniig and had informed them that the
Court in a previous case-e had decided. that
t here could be nevem/amps against them. It
should•not be forgotten that the Canvassers
have Closed their work and have ceased to he
offieers. Their lists have been sealed up, and
be'lthew of no power to open theta now. If
the other side, or the Court, would suggest
some plan by which the parties could get to
getle r and rectify mistakes, he would be glad
to assist. lie thought that where it was shown
that names had been improperly stricken off
they Ciught to be restored, but he did not un-
dersiand how it could be done at this time.
Judge Allison stated that if Judge Ludlow
thought there was a possibility that an argu
ment would changelhe opinion of the Court,
he would agree to meet tomorrow morning
and hear the ga.sediseussed:
SulLsequently J udge Ludlow was consulted,.
and ho agreed 'to come into the Commoul
Pleas tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and
hear an argument.
A correspondent of the St. Louis Repubhcaii
at Marshall, Missouri, gives the following in
stance as illustrating the manner in Which
they do things in that quarter
"A negro boy was brought to-day before the
proper tribunal, accused of attempted rape on
the person of a white lady. During tikp after
noon our sheriff',-.John W . a11,-was notifitici that
law had been threatened,.and answered
that he was aware of it,mul would be prepared.
At about eight o'clock P. M. it was raining
slightly and very dark. The writer, with- a
friend, went - to the jail and found Omit
twenty-five persons there. There was a quiet
conversation going on between the sheihr and
the little party in front of the jail. The leader
of the party demanded in thel dark the de
livery of the prisoner. The sheriff inforined
them that be was sheriff of Saline county, but
that he could not fight a mob. This was all in
rather a pleasant tope of conversation. In
few moments I saw it light in the stairway,
the jail, and. four or five persons cable doWn
with the prisoner ; I heard nothing more from
the sheriff; there was no. excitement mani
fested. The prisoner was ; led -to a grove alfout
three hundred yards from the jail. Here there
seemed to be a split in the party, and; after
questioning the pristiner, was led back
over half way to the jail. A committee hume
diately'waited on the sheriff (who was iu his
office quietly-talking to some of his friends),
mid advised him of the split in thO' little party
of law-breakers, anti asked him to gd' and
maintain order. • HiS reply was that it was the
buSiness of the leading men of the town.
The five present,'while he was -talking, could
have prevented this violation of laws. They
seemed willing; he did not. Before further
steps could be taken, John 'Watts,-prisoner,
-had - been-hung-until he -was dead;"-i
oci 2t-rp
[Biographical Sketches.]
John Wanamakep,
Finest Clothing Establishment,
818 and 820 Chestnut St.
The firlit Lecture of the ie'aiion, by
A(AJ)EMY tiF:aiusic
.110 WARD 110SPrrAl, Nog. 1/18
and 1.671) Lombard street, Dlsper.eary Department.
-Slcdfcal treatment nd medicine larniebed zratnitolialT
o the poor .
The 'Election Troubles
Mr. Dallas renewed his application to argue
tln case.
Mob Mule in Missouri
early all' the NewpTersey Drakes who
wanted to be inducted into 'the huge estate
left by their ancestor, Sir• FraudEi, live near
Elizabeth. That's Alit where Sir Francis
spent most of his thug,
[By Cable.]
Mug Wllllatn at lirermalliek—lfflatorlcal
Iltemlulaceacea--WIIA .Runtorm---Prus
mina preparations—A. False Alarm --t
14 vas tram Paris—Desultory Firing-4
LON.DfW, Oct. G.—The following letter has
Just been received from the New York Ilrefeld
correspondent at the headquarterS of the tier=
than army :
VEnsmi.r.xs, Oct; - P.—A few days ago the
headquarters of the* King of Prussia were re
moved to Versailles. An order has been
b-:,ued that none but the officers and men on
duty shall enter the palaCe, but Mpg W
- pass opens all the - doors and to all - parts
of the lines except immediately around Paris,
where the 'aermaue are fortifying.
Historical Rtmultoisicences..
•Thifi visit of _King William to the palace of
Versailles has proved quite interesting.' On
entering the ground floor that old monkey,
VOHaire, hails the enemies of France, seem
ing to remind him of his literary victories
over the great Frederick. A step furtherland
a host of Prussian military officers are Seen
peering into chambers filled:. with the most
interesting and thrilling of 'historical paint
ings in existence. Here are ; represimtations
of the campaigns of Napoleon the First. HOW
calk we compare them with the campaigns of
the other Napoleon we have personally seep?
We. have seen. Sedan, but look yonder at Ulm
and ita,-glciries. Here, too, we see the: great
conqueror towering over the Prussian .Queen
and over Berlin itself. The , Pritssian ollicerk
were tickled whop they saw the paintings re
presenting &Henn° and the ltifalakoffand the
taking of _Mexico. There were the new colors
and g =lo'r:tines tottering and clattering oviir
the prim but now faded glories of the second
ti lld linuniotls
The wildest rumors were prevalent at Ver
sailles two, days ago. I was assured by the
Icrench peasants that, a great battle was - in
iirogmss between the forces of 'Prince Frede
rick Charles and those of Bazaine. On the
same authority 1 learned that an army of 120,-
000 men from the south of France Was ad
vancing rapidly upon Versailles. The truth is
that no movement of an aggressive character
has been attempted by the French, or will be
for some time to comely ever.
pros...inn Preparations.
Meantime the Gellman _ army is quietly and
industriously entrenching and fortifying the
porn ions occupied by them, apparently, with
a view to a 16ng2, stay. -- Their earthworks are
intended to rcsist sorties rather than' to be
used in an active attack upon Paris. Still,
rumors are corxent in the camp, and, are,
doubtless, true, that heavy siege guns are 'to
be brought up and mounted on the heights of
Meudon and Clamart in order to silence Fort
d'lssy, which . threatens to give. trouble.
_Renner, it is said, makes the assault on that
ivarvq: but it, is less easy to take th 6 tort than
to attack it.
. _ .
A False Alarm.
Continiuil alarms occur along the lines of.
the besieging army, which, however, are
natural enough in the course of things war- .
like. Yesterday some otlicerB galloped up to
the howie where I spent the night. bringing
to the division general the startling intelli
gence that an advance upon their lines was
'wing made by the French. Within ten,
minutes crowds -of Prussian so) iers,: their
helmets and bayonets glitterimi the light.
were Marching in theAirectionlm gated, fol
lowed by an artillery train and the baggage,
ambulance and ammunition wagons. The
stall soon after got up, and, with their trap
pings, made an imposing force. The Prussian
division was soon under way and ready for
action ; but there was no enemy toght, and
it returned to camp much like the firemen of
New York after a false alarm.
Desultory Firing.
It must not be imagined that all is quiet and
safe here because no great movement is at
present contemplated. Along the front in
every direction the constant desultory firing.
of musketry and the occasional biasing . and
explosion of shells and the heavy boom of
cannon are• the normal sounds. Wounded
men are constantly brought in. It is rare, in
fact, that the firing is not without effect.
What Bismarck Doesnot-Bestre.
I was told to-day, on boo authority. that
Count Bismarck has not the slightest inten
tion to interfere iu Italian politics, and does
not desire to inherit the legacy of the French
Where the Attack Will be Mule.
The near approach of the King to the be
leaguered city, occasioned by his change of
headquarters, has created quite a bustle here.
It seems, also, to fully contirtn the general be
lief that the advance upon Paris, when made,
will be from the direction of the southwest.
[By Mail.l
Prussian Bale in Alsace and Lorraine
The Prussian civil Governor of Alsace has
issued a proclamation to the Catholic, Pro
testant and Jewish clergy. It declares that all
are to retain their present rights and stipends.
The Church will not be interfered with by the
State ; but ecclesiastics preaching, speaking or
acting against existing authorities will be pun
ished by Military law.
A large police force has been sent to Alsace
and German Lorraine, where a regular gov
ernment is now established. •
The Last ISlghs of a Ifatighty Natter'.
The Gaidois gives the following extract from
a letter written b 7 the person charged by
MaeMabon to Carry • deSpatches to Marshal
Bazaine : . _
- - - _
On the evening of the battle of Sedan, at
half-past tour, the Prince of Saxony, who was
at La Chapelle, a little illagenear the Belgian
frontier, said to some persons of that nation:
" You hear, gentlemen, those last cannon
shots ; well, they are the last sighs of that,
haughty France, that' nation once so great
and so proud!" No, Prince, wha', you
beard, was only the list sigh of tile
empire.. And you would have no doubt
on the subject were you to hear the
cryy_ which for a week past has resounded
from one end of France to the other, the same
that was pronounced by our.'fathers in 1792;
and which made Europe " The
country is in -danger—to arms!",l went
through the streets of Sedan the whole night,
and gave , the word, " Eery one to'PariS."
There were at Sedan ., about 55,000 prisoners ;
but in the course of the night 12,000 escaped.
The Prussians killed about 200 of them, but
the restgot oft Several officers succeeded in
gaining Belgium in plain clothes, and the train
which brought me to Paris held about sixty
who had got away Without anything. The
Prussians have not taken a single. French flag.
All of ours were concealed or burned. I myself
saved three from Sedan.
Paris and Strasbourg Compared..
The circumference Of StraSbourg is- only
about four milesi. while that of Paris is over
twenty-one. The former place has but seven.
gates, a shall garrison and 60,000 inhabitants.
The capital has fifty-seven entrances, is de
fended by 400,000 soldiers, seamen and Gardes
Mobiles, and notwithstanding Abe :migration
of a part of the population contains
least .a million and a half of souls.
Strasbourg has but one citadel, while
the nutaber of forts around Paris is 18
Taking •es the basis for a, caletthy
tion the armahient eniployell against the for
tress in the Bas Bhin, there would be required
for Paris 800 guns, ,200 wt!gons
, tincl,B9Q.,tons,
.of projectiles. But such - is far "from the truth,
for, as is well known, the efforts 'of the,. be
siegers have td - he increased iu direct ratio uot
Only to the size of the place, but also •in pro
portion to the resources of the men, war ma
terial and , stores which"; it -possesses. The
Cologne Gazette sets down the cost of the
FRI DAY, - OCTOBE - R 7,,-1870.
siege of Strasbourg for ammunition, trans
ports and rations which cannot be obtained
by requisitions,' at nearly 1,000,000 francs
daily. The outlay before. Paris will not, there
fore, amount to less than 12,000,000. 'A.t
Sebastopol the allies spent 3,000,000,000 or
.1,00,600,000 franks, and were supported by
their fleets, and could' only invest a part of the
town. Will the Prussians alone, therefpre, be
able , to obtain po4iession of Paris? or yVill not
be siege rather ruin entirely Prussia and Ger
many ? The losses sustained at Stra.slionm
ae c now known, and are, much less considera,
hle than have been stated. Somesstreeet. only
have been destroyed, and, conkidering the
damage done there, the' besiegers woUld,not
be able to demolish-in Paris In Month more
houses than liron Hauss. frequently
pulled down in the saimespae;c of time.
Florio's of the War.
Mr. Fleury Kingsley, the well-known
author / awl a man of igundoubte4 veracity,
writes to the Pull Malt Gazette as follows of
ihe, brutalities committed by soldiery in
There is no more need to mention what
the troops so full of regard for humanity' did
at Bazeilles. All have seen the burned corpses
of men, women and children lying close to
those of pigs, sheep, cattle and horses; and
some of them have seen, a couple of days
later, German soldiers taking their meals" or
sleeping close by the still smokitig bodies as
quietly as if it were round a bivouac. fire.
And this deliberate and cool-headed exter
mination of several hundreds of dwellings
and families was the result of a
rumor that some one had shut_frem‘ki window__ l
of one of the houses upon the German sol
diers. - A house having been pointed out
where this shot came from, its proprietors,a
woman of fifty and a man of .sixty, *ere tied
tbgether.dragged through the whole borough,
and shot at one of • its ends. The same fate
was reserved to a priest, and the same
gaud for humanity' paid co hint consequent
on the unprove4 rumor. that some one had
tired on the troops from the -church.
All the , stock . of the country,
down to the last calf, has been taken
away by those who are reported
to pay such wonderful considerations to indi
vidual rights. The same must be said with re
gard Valle products of the harvest. There is
uo mot le" a single grain either of corn or any
thing else to be found. anywhere where the
warriors have passed. Still more so is it with
regard to wine and beer. Provincial people
in France generally, and in the rich province
of the Ardennes especially, have each of them'
a niore or less large cellar. All of these "have
been broken into, mull* contents absorbed,
carried away, or ponied out into the streets.
challenge any one . to find a single house
on the whole of the road from
Sedan to Carignan . which has not been ray:
aged and plundered-from from the, cellar to_. the
root'. Tim e-pi ems, women's dresses and-linen,
curtains, even piecei; of furnitUre, are taken
away as it they are military necessaries; and,
Wheu concealed by the inhabitantsi exacted
at the muzzle of a pistol or the point of a .
lance. And this is not done by individual Sol- ,
iners, but. by large' parties commanded by
officers, who appear to be particularly fond
of silver plate. - jewelry and laces. How
ever large the • amount of provisions
exacted from the country is, the Prus
sians do not seem' to be inclined to feed -
their prisoners: All along the road from
Sedan are daily carried large parties of French
prisoners : so hungry ands° sick that many fall
on -the road and are handed to a French or an
English ambulance. All the English medical
men to whom I spoke 'here had not a single
word to say in favor of the Prussians: A young..
surgeon testified in my presence that on several
occasions Prussians'-had boasted before him of
having violated French women, and that offi
cers of considerable rank came to his ambu
lance making a noise,attempting to take away
horses, and eating, under the pretekt of
inquiring into their quality, provisions
sent out from England for the wounded.
Dr. Frank and Dr. Blewit' told me that they
had at Balan several case of French wounded
who had butt-end bruisi di over their bodies
and races, having been i,. used by the Prus
ians for not being able to march when they
'were ordered to do so, notwithstanding their
sufferings from shell, and bullet wounds. One
of these poor men can still be seen at the ambu
lance of the Cale de l'Harmonie, with a severe
shell-wound in his leg, and with hisface blue
and black from the kind treatment of the Berlin
and Munich civilizers. Dr.• Sims and Dr.
MacCormac will testily that they bad to work
for more than three hours at the Caserne
d'Asfeld, at Sedan, under a rain of shells and
bullets, the Prussians firing at the ambulance
notwithstanding the red cross flying in seve
ral places over the caserne, situated on a hill
of the citadel commanding the whole country
around Sedan. * * If Germany
remains victorious there will be for several
years to come no possibility of peace
fully living in any spec where a dozen
Germans are to be found : and, as ;they
are to be found everywhere, there will be
little prospect of comfortable existence at all.
If, on the contrary, they , have a somewhat
sensible defeat under the walls of Paris, the
whole country in their rear will rise ; every
woman, every child, in France will take a
knife, and very few Germans will see their
fatherland again. Of this the peasants begin
to speak, already quite openly to any one
whom' they can believe not to be a Prussian.
Prussian Account of the Deu'eueracy of,
the lereheh Soldiers.
Herr Wachenhusen, in an article iu the Co
logne Gazette, thud gives hisf opinion on the
French soldiers, the result, he states, of his
observations in the Crimea and Italy, as well
as in the present .war
It may Sound rash, but I assert" that the
French soldier, such as he is, will gain no vic
tory over troops like the Germans, either to
day or to-morrow, still less; for the degeneracy
will but increase, a few years hence. The rule
of France is played out;l.t will remain quiet
by the Rhine. The country, which' yearly,
through the artificiality of its manner
of life, its dissipations and its obsti
nate -destruction of human life, is
depopulated, and whose pdeple are
physically declining; that country, aftdr this
tearful and bloody lesson, will have to give up
any serUans thought of conquest in Geriiiimy.
The Frach soldier, through his mode of life
has lost all military, virtues,,, his discipline is
relaxed and his ambition stunted. k„am..as
sured that when the French soldiers marched
thrdi'igh•Rheima they tired of the weight of
their guns, threw them away, and scornfully
laughed in their officers' faces. Everywhere
1 have found proofs of the vandalism which
the French soldiers have exhibited in all the,
villages and towns of their own country. I -
have met civilians who openly con
fessed they would rather have twenty
Prussians as foes than five French
men as defenders. As. to the want
of vigilance of the French army, we saw an
instance of it at Beaumont, where, at bright
midday, our troops surprised a large. French
encampment at' . cooking which had not iftp
pointed any sentinels. In the evening the
meat, potatoes and rico in their saucepans, un
derwhich the fires - still glimmered, showed
me the way over the battlefield. They aban
doned everything in the wildest tllght,and we
thus captured two large camps,one behind an
other.. The Arab, even g shamestheTrench in
this, for he always, even} on his caravan, ap
points sentinels_at night. We see, however,
that the yrande nation have learned nothing
evenfrom their conquered enemies.., As is
the French soldier in the calriti so ho is on the
march. ,He cannot maroh, indeed; he conse
quently accomplishes. only a short distance in.'
a day. , Marches of twenty or twenty-two .
miles three, or four days in succession, as Our
troops in this campaign have aia_ often beent,:
! - d . to — iffairti - , would
the entire French army. : The French soldier
is,therefore, so much the more selfishly exact
Jug. All -the quarters which the hoStile army
have omit - lied evince this. Ho bear priva
tions ulaiYillingly,anurmurs if they Aro laid
upim him, and takes by force iron).
his own countrymen what he needs. The pa-
It Ilene° and endurance which our soldiers have
shown when it was necessary to dispense With
bread, mid even with water, would be incon
ceivable to the French soldier. It is true; and
I cannot stifficilmtlyeinpliasize the fact, that
the French have fought ;bravely.; and who
would not with such a weapon as the Chasse-,
pot? But remember what I said of the little
prelude at Saarbruek ; only when they are in
masses do they give a smart fire. They also
hold—:out in strong positions. But are
these Military l virtues?. Where . our
artillery actively prayed they always
took 'to flight; their officers never had
authority 'Over them. 'What we sufferedirom
them—and God knows it is much—was owing
to their tearful weapon,which.wasr death itself
for our troops, and poured.in as thiek'as
so that only a lucky nadent averted death or
' wounds. With such a weapon•in• their hands
our Prussians would not, have lost any of the
fine positions *hien the French have been
driven from; The French civilians therdselves
readily and veluktarily admit: "We French
are no longer solMiers,atleast against such ene
mies as the G er mans. Peace should,therefainhe
given us. France is big enough. God only grant
. that it does not become smaller !" 0 , To sum
up, Napoleon, the great strategist, undertook
a war with au army of at most 300.000 to
:21,0,000 men; including the ' Garde Mobile,
which was first called up on the 16th of
- August. • Napoleon himself the generalissi
mo, the great theoftst,.showed that he under
stood • nothing at all of the art of war. His
generals quarreled like street urchins; one of
them showed himself still more incompetent
- than another; not one of them had talent or
made an opportunity anyliirefeto distinguish_
Anti.Bonapartiht Feeling in Normandy.
I was greatly struck, writes Dr. RMseli,
throughout my long course, at the, desolate ari;
pearanee of Normandy. . Those extensive
plains about Bonen, which areenerally
peopled with herds of oxen thick as daisies iu
a meadow, showed now only a very few, just
enough for the inimediate reserve of the large
city. Further on among the rich, beautiful
meadows. of Normandy, three or four bullocks
or Cows were Otte a rare sight, and literally I
only Saw two flocks of sheep in all the dis
tance between Rouen and Alenion.
All along the line everybody talked to his
-neighbor about the war. Private 4oldiers with
third-class tickets often got into first-elms cat:
tinges for want of room elsewhere. They were
eagerly questioned by passengers, and one and
all joined in abuse of the es-Emperor. Men
who had been at Sedan and had got to Rouen,
by way of Douay, were thoroughly impressed
with the belief that the Emperor and the Court
Generals delighted in getting soldiers killed
as.a revenge.:for the plebiscite, and that the dis
graceful capitulation of Sedan was ordered by
. the Eniperor for his own private purposes. In
no single instance did I heat a voice raised in
favor of a restoration. 'Tentatively, T said to
several people that the Bonapartist party was
working liar(' to get the Emperor back, arid
that if the'King of Prussia seconded their ef
forts there was no knowing butthat they might
succeed. Nobody that I met with would for a
moment admit the possibility of a restoration.
Men, women and children, and soldiers joined
in the unanimous opinion that come what
might. France would never tolerate a Bona
parte again, and that nothing 'Would so exak
perate the.country againfit Prussia as the idea
that she wanted toimpose their old, imbecile
_and wicked ruler upon them again.
A View of Metz.
"At St. Blaize there is a battery of about
ten guns. Prince Frederica - Charles has
erected a telescope here, by means of which
the German officers can see right into Metz.
They would have allowed us to look through
it, but the weather was too unfavorable for it
to be Of any service. With the naked eye the
whole'valley, surrounded by hills and with
Metz in the centre, with its grand old cathe
dral towering up, is clearly to be seen. Mas
ses of troops are about on all sides, but from
this noint there seems no reason why you
should not walk into the city. The chaussie,
with its fringes of poplars, is straight before
you. It does not appear that there, is aught to
hinder your entrance. But, stay, behind every
bush, behind evetY,l_stone, stretched at full
length in a ditchCniqAther'side of the valley
around the city is a marksman. So - soon as
any enemy comes within range there is a curl
of white smoke, a crack of gun, and if the
aim haS been true, one combatant the less on
one side or the other. Apart from its warlike
interest, thp view is magnificent."
A Relic or Slavery—Black Men Not
Permitted to Give Evidence Against.
The Louisville S'un has the following ac
count of the action of the outrageous laws
against uegroes kept on the statute books of
Kentucky by the Democracy
This morning, a white man, by the name
of John Buke, was presented to the City
Court charged with baying committed an as
sault upon a negro named Benjamin Hanley.
When the case was called, au Attorney, tylui
had been employed in the prosecution, stated
that the assault was an unprovoked one, but
there were no 'witnesses to substantiate the
4 eliargi3'except negroes. He was going on to
maße statelhent - in regard to the case, when
the Judge remarked : •• 1 f you have no other
witnesses you'need make no statement in re
gard to the facts." The Attorney, somewhat
surprised, said: " Will you not hear them?"
to which the Judge said, "Of course
not rt He went on to state that, being
Judge of one of the Courts of this Com
monwealth he bad to be governed by the con
stitution and statutes of the State, which posi
tively prohibited a negro from giving testi
mony in a case where the party on trial was a
white person, aridthat he had sworn toupliold
the laws and constitutions of the State. The
Attorney then remarked, in a kind of an in
timidating way, that there was a law which
said that this kind of testimony should be re
cei vrd. Judge Price held the same position
that has been held by the Circuit Judge, and
also the Court of Appeals ; that while the
State Constitution remains as it is at present,
. the courts, of the . State cannot admit, negro
testimony againstxt white person. Holding
this groimd, the party was discharged,as there
were no persons who saw the difficulty except
the Degrees, whose testimony the Judge de
eided,that, he had no right to admit.
The rreseut Cood 111111 l the Home of
The Washington correSpoudelit of the Pitts
burgh Chronicle writes in reference to Mount
Vernon - :
The-appropriation of seven thousand dollars;
made by the last Congress,and exPended under
the supervision of General Michler, has done
much toward arresting the-progress, of decay
which has become pitiuthlly apparent. A con
servatory for the propagation of plants has
been erected in, thegarden,which is not only an
enibellishment, but a source of revenue to the
Association, from the sale of plants. The roof
and observatoryon the main building have been
repaired, and the destructive consequences of
the storms arrested. Somejudicious touches
of paint are obserVable on the jfiterier wood
work,lnd a little timely, apering has been
done, to seine of the dilapidated walls.- In the
great dining-room ' the beautimarble man
tel;-imported from Italy, and "nbit which aro
represented number of pastoral scones,
carVed upon , the white, polished surface, has
been Covered with a large wire 'screen, to
piiWeitt" the retie - liiiiiteriffein — chiptiingroff •
pieces with which to embellish their cabinets
of curiesities. The hall has also been covered •
with "a ; Aiiituble oil-cloth, and supplied with,
some antique articles of fiwniture. The
tomulthat was the library is little' changed.
To ifs-original law-011iCe look iC ii.thQres utQA
griml.y. The object of ttb' present manage
inentls to 'retain tho pritnttive appearance ,of
the plebe, so far as is consistent with its' pre
servation. . . -
Minedorin Etistons
The Wilininutii'Oen//l/ ercial says :
At about 7 o'clock 'on Sunday, merit 2d.
lust, a colored woniaananied . Eurtlinalffsaudy
'N'AN murdered in the kitchen of Piankrta G.
Wright's residence, in Easton, where wherVras
employed as. a servant. •" "
The alarm was given by a•colorad womatf
who beard screaming in the kitehen„ Several
people immediately rushed to , the pl'ace,and
found the woman lying on the kitchen.floor,ius
a pool of her own blood, with her skull frac,
tured in two places, and life almoSt extinct.
A hatchetand an axe lay near her, wittioneOf
which it is supposed the:wOunds had been in,
dieted. The woman died befcrre the arrival of
a physician, who was immediately sent Tor:
The woman who gave the first alarm stated:
that a'-few inmates before she heard' the—.
screams she saw a colored man named' I r red ,
crick Lawrence enter - the kitchen with'
'covered basket on his arm, and shortly after-
wards leave it..
..He had formerly lived with the deceased,atl•
her husband, but had been Separated frau'
her for some time, and was believed td be
the murderer. Two colored' men, named`
Robert Stanton and Daniel Walley, immedi-•
ately started in pursuit of the• supposed-Mur—
derer, arrested him, and delivered him to • the
authorities, a ithoni he was at dime - com
mitted myait the:examination. -
A coroner's jury was at once summoned,and
heard considerable testimony, Which appeared
to point very_ positively "to Lawrence as the
murderer, and they rendered_the following
verdict: •
. , • .
•° That the said Emeline -• Handy, colored,
came to her death froin a blow or: blows by a
!deadly instrument, believed to he aK43 or
hatchet, in the chinds of a certain Frederick
LaWrence, coloed man, on the morning of
.Sunday, Oct. 2, 1870; in the kitchen, of Mr. F.
G. Wright ; in - the town of Easton.
Two Good Points Awatost Free Trade.
The copper Mines about Ontonagon, Lake'
Superior, have a bit of testimony to otter in
favor of protection. Tivo yearktago that town:
was dead and desolatd, because an insufficient
tariff had shut up the copper mines in the re
gion aromid it. Congress increased the tariff .
enough to make it protective, anti mark - the.
consequence: Mining is now carried on at the ,
Victoria, _National. Norwich, Minnesota,
Rockland, Ridge Flint Steel, Evergreen, Ad
venturej-Aztec anti Bohemian mines, and in
almost. every instance with paying -results.
With these mines in operation and their hun
dreds of workmen betug,,iii receipt of geed -*
wages, are able Jo--keep many Amerman
farmers and traqesmen busy in, supplying
theln with food and clothing.
Fun iVostrmat's .Megalin.e forcil4 and - tetEmsfe
states the dilethma in which the free trade
theorists are.iaixolved by their asserti n that . a
protective tatill is class legislation :
" If protective tariff is class leg's], tion. fer.
the benefit of manufactures, then it will stim
t late. ma n ufactures„ causing man ufacturerSito
employ more men, pay higher wages, mist - tote
More agricultural products, and while creating
a better 'demand for thet farmers' erops. will
lessen relatively-the number 'of farmers Who
compete with each other in raising them. But
as more employment and higher wages are
,just-what all workingmen want, and fewer
farmers and higher prices for crops are what •
all farmers want, the-free traders are obliged
to deny that protective tariff will in fact aid
manufactures. If so, in whose favor is the
class legislation ?"
—Steamboat captains on Lake St. Croix
stop to bunt geese when on their regular trip
—The only persons who really enjoy".Vid
health are the doctors.
—The Czar's pet sporting dog is at present a
setter for his portrait by ItosaßOnheur.
—Ladies'inust accept the paradox, that their
hair is no finer even when powdered.
—4. Meniphis hotel rids itself of mice by
means of a corps o 1 trained owls
—Old Father Time attacks everybody—yet
he always takes one of his scythes.—Ex.
—The Unita Cattoliett,of Rome,wears mourn
ing, which it will not shed nail the Pope has
his own again.
—The story of Louis Napoleon's continued?
ill-health is founded upon the fact that flu hirer
recruiting just now.
—An old lady was recently overheard to ask
her little boy how he " dare steal the molasses
syrup ittiously ?"
-Paris is all the richer for having lost its
last Napoleon, and will be better oft when
is without a " Red."-
—lndians are employed quite successfully as.
bop-pickers iu Sauk and Juneau counties, :
NV is consiu
—The young lady at Allemagoozelum, who
was up with the lark, is now down with the)
rheumatism. .
—The Indiana courts are running full time
on divorces, notwithstanding the drouth, and.'
turning out a very serviceable article. •
—King William gets only, 51,900,000 a • year
for carrying on the Kingbusiness, and he has,
to support a family and dress wep at that.
—ln Scotland 501 places of worship of all de
nominations have services in whole or in part
in the Gaelic language.
—There are just as many rats in New
land as there were before the advent of the"
—By the present generation, as a class, Poor
Richard's maxims are considered Richard's
poor maxims.
—The forest trees are dying out in some
parts of - Virginia, and the farmers have to dig
out reeds by the acre, just as dentists dig out
achers by the roots.
—During the-moving panic in Paris dray
men charged five hundred francs a day—show-
Ine ti , ;it it is better to drivd the van th
lead it. • --
—They call a Cincinnati fat. man, AO
sleeps -in the valley through 'drinking two
gallons of apple-jui9H, a stii-cidey. A pleasant
euphemism. .r
—A suit involving the sum tof $3 50, the
price of a pair of trouser, has Just been de
cided at Elgin, 111. The plaintiff sutlers a loss
of $lOO, and the county from S5O to $75.
-10 4 r. Gun, of Detroit, declined to allow
his stbp-son the use of a horse and wagon,
when the step-son of- a Gun knocked hint
do:wn with a brick. Gun then went off.
—lt is comforting to know that King, the
iierona'in, has, been over the White Moun
tains in balloon—it shows that one man can
go higher than even the hotel-keepers in that
—Cincinnati census agents bave made a 414;
perate stand in the railway depots,determineti
to overshadow her rivals with': her arrivals,
who, of course, are_reekott s d as having *been
out of the city." .•
—Oue of the most eminent woman's rights
lea derimishes it" distinctly understood that
this woman question is not an anti-man move- .1
ment." We only wish, she adds to. work •ky
him, side - by side, iu perfect eryuldity, . .
—Ae6Dminedating.—Lady, "Before I engOge.r
70111. shoilld like to know what your religion
is," Cook, " Oh, ma'am, I always feels it my •
duty-to‘be .of the same,religion*ihe., fgaily
I'm in. • •
--According to 'a Western paper a young
lady in that town," appeari as fresh and buoy.
ant as the budding rose after pasting through
the dew-gilded sieve of a fnigraut dawn." May ,
be eQ i you'eatil ithl'a i rd tali'
N onOak'