Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 29, 1870, Image 5

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    - **7
DBAlU’ne ASD MtlSlCAl. f
—Mile. Christine Nilsson, the famous Swed
ishhlnger, will appear in this city on the 12th
of October, at the Academy of Music. The
concert nights-trill be as follows: Weanfis
day, October 12 ; Friday, October 14 ; Satur
day, October 16; Thursday, October .20; Satur
day, October 22.. Mile. Nilsson Is accompanied
by'a number of iHrst-olass artißts,who will con
stitute an attraction almost as- groat as. the
singer herself Of course there will be an
eager demand for tickets even at the neces
sarily high prices, and we advise our readers
to be upon the ground early when the- sale
begins. ~ ,
—Mr.'E. L. Davenport has leased the Chest
nut street theatre, and .about November Ist
wilfintroduce to the-public .a comoany of.ar
tists which sball'be equal to any in'tho. coun
try. it is his intention to produce pieces upon
such a scale, in every department, that they
will merit the approbation of all admirers of
the histrionic art. Mr. W. H. LingritiT com
mences an engagement on Monday evening,
when be will introduce a number of now fear
tures, after which Medame Janauschek, sup
ported by a star company, will perform for
two weeks. . ’ ’
A Mr,.Adam Everly, the well-known actor,
has entered into ail engagement with Miss
Laura Keene, and will accompany her dating
the coming winter as leading man and stage
manager. Miss Keene and Mr. Everly will
make an extended tour through the Western
and Southern States, and there is every
reason to believe that they will be very suc
cessful. .
—On Saturday afternoon next, at . the
Academy of Music/ the Hastier Brothers
will introduce to the public their new mili
tary band—an organization which includes
nearly Oil the best instirmnental musicians in
the city. The following programme has been
prepared for Saturday: -
1. Coronation Meyerbeer_
2. Grand Operatic Selection aFlotow
*“ smnrciraeHTlnifuVeiiux;;.:;;;:...U .7.".V»nr3reV'eirlfeei'
4. Scherzo (from the Bcottish.Bymphony)Mendolßßohn
5. Grand Battle Overture........ Lindpaintner
„ 6. Grand Ope’ratio Belection(Bohe!niairGirl)......Bft\fe'
- The Gel^Oted^lefeh^td^
6. The New Champagne Ga110p............. Beriore
—The firfit rehearsal of tho Beethoven So
ciety for the preseht season yvill take place on
. Tuesday night next, ht 1128 Chestnut street.
A grand concert will be giveii by the Society,
underjhe direction of its conductor, Mr. Ckrl
Wolfsohn. at the Academy of Music, on the ;
evening of the centennial-birthday of Beetho
yen, December 17. The programme will con
sist entirely - of-the compositions -of the- - great
muter, and will be given in a style, as regards
quality; of orchestra and vocal material,.never
before approached in. Philadelphia*
—At the Arch, Central EorX; Will'be given
every evening during the week.
—Lucille Western will appear at the Wal
. nut this evening,in East Lyme. To-morrow
. cvening.she will have a'benefit. *
—CarucroSß S. Dlxey’s Eleventh Street
Opera House will be opeb this evening with a
good minstrel performance.
—At Simmons .& Slocum’s Arch Street
Opera H,ouse g firstclass minstrel entertain-’
incut this evening. *• .
—A good miscellaneous performance will
be given at Fox’s American Theatre every
evening during the week. ‘
State' or Thermometer This Day at tb>
Bulletin Office.
10 A.H.—.'..71 deg. DM.—.77 dog. ay. M 77 deg.
Weathercloucly,-WlndNorthenst. - —-
DRirriNG's.—The track' of the Tenth and
Eleventh Streets Kallroad Company is in any
thing;bu.t-a:good-condition.-7 . -
—lhp new Germantown Almshouse is al
—The wholesale grocery trade of our city is
increasing rapidly- .
—Another batch of Democratic “ repeaters ”
have been captured. _ • ' •
fc. —The equinoctial is upon us, consequently
we may exptctn “ wet spell.”
—The State House row.is daily crowded
with “ pbt hoiise politicians.”
—Thepolice'force are to. wear black kid
gloves, wool lined, this winter.
—So far this season wild pigeons have not
yet appeared in our gauie slalls. •:•••• •
—Thus far the politicalcampaign has been
an unrenimierative one to musicians.
—The colored yote i,n the Fifth Congres
sional District •will decide the.contest!
■-'■"• —The. German flags, have either worn out'
or been taken in, as few are to be seen.
—Water street, Delaware avenue, and other
thoroughfares are in a filthy condition.
—The sides of each - and eveiy precinct house
are now covered with political documents...
—\V hy is not the low concert saloon directly
opposite the Mayor’s office abolished? • ■
—The crop of chestnuts appears to he rather
meagre.since half a dozen are sold for 10 cents.
—Since Lieut. Curley assumed command of
the Sixth PoUce District the ‘•‘gut” nas/been
quiet. , . \
—As the House of Correction bill comes up
to-day, we may expect a great deal of bun
combe. »
—The Democracy take great pleasure in
tearing down Republican placards. Poor fel
—ln the Second Regiment “National
Guards” there is a strong movement on foot to
oust. Col. Lyle.
—Now that the quality of milk is deteriora
ting, our dealers propose to increase the price
of the “ lacteal.” ■ - \
—Let everyone attend the grand demon
stration at' Bread and Market streets on
Saturday night next!
—ln a majority of cases the brick pave
ments are being removed and flagging substi
tuted on West Walnut street.
—A collision between a hay wagon and a
railway car was the excitement on Franklin
street, near Willow, this A. M;
n-The retention of crape on window-shut
ters, blinds, &c., as a sign cf mourning, is :i
fashion peculiar to Philadelphia.
—Our - City , Fathers meet again to-day
Will they, by resolution, or otherwise, inquire
why the State House pavement has not been
—Most of the “corned beef” exposed for
sale in our markets is unfit for use. Generally,
it jis' “ eorned” when l it begins to grow
—How dbout the Ellinger whisky ease,
has that been settled too.’.’ If, so, will the
United States officials give us some" facta robe ,
live thereto.
—The line old building which so lo”ng occu
pied the northeast corner of Sixth and Arch
- streets has-been demolished to make room-for
a new one of palatial proportions.
—The First Brigade First Division National
Guard of Pennsylvania, wHI hold a “ brigade
drill” oil Tuesday next, at the new parade
ground, near Engel & Wolf’s farm.
—The Democratic City Executive Corn
mi tte last night decided that George a.
Quigley and John Forsythe are the regular
Legislative candidates in the Ninth and Thir
teenth districts.
—A handsome pedestal clock, to cost abom
SGOO, is to be put up.on the sidewalk in froin
of No. 530 Walnut street. , " i ' 1 ’
Swikdlebs.— The arrest of Julius Biebi-i.
with a carpet-bag filled with new goods wa
noticed in the Bulletin ‘.of yesterday. Sub
sequently Isaac Cohen arid S. Wolfstein were
arrested. These men are alleged to be
swindlers .and were identified by A. Miller,
No. 410 Watkins street, as.
to cheat him. Their plarivpf operations is to
exhibit a sample of fine goods, and when they
get orders send some bogus article. Their
prices are low and this is explained by the re
presentation that the goods had belonged to a
deceased'relative or had been smuggled into
this port. The prisoners are awaiting a hear
ing at the Cqntfal Station.
Sm'i’OsED l\cENi)iAmsjt.—About 12 o’clock
last night Policemen Maughan and May,ofthe
Sixth District, discovered a lire in arearfhird
r story room of the St.. James Hotel,
• corner of Twenty first and' Market'streets:
The flames were among some rubbish in a
store-room, and were speedily extinguished.
Owing to some difficulty which the proprietor
had had with one of the servant girls, she was.
/•suspected of having fired the rubbish, and was
-'v-Urrested Fire Marshal Blackburn is investi
. gating the case. .
RoßiiEKyWMcFall’s hair establishment,
No.oJJ South Third street, whs entered at an
< arly hour this morning, through a Tear win
dow, which was forced open With a jimmy.
Hair valued at $OO was stolen.'
. Tom. Bbowx, :Of Kwnx-.'rfOn Friday last
quietly and anostentatiously entered this city.
Mr. Thos.Hiigbes, M. P. for Frome, in Somer- 5
:-etebiro, England. To attempt tooxplam to
‘ourreaderswhothe gentleman is,seemstous,
ihe quintessence of absurdity, yet wo will give;’
■ 1 few hints to brighten recollection. /Mr,
i Hughes is one of,the. most liberahpt .English
Liberals, who all through our late, war was
onesbfthe few wlio stood up in the English
Parliament and openly ana boldly declared
liimself infavor of the Union cause. He is
famous and known to all American, readers.
as the author of. “Tom Brown's School
days at Bugby,” “Tom Brown at Oxford,"
“ The Scouring of the "White Horse,” and ;
other books, as popular in this country as they
are in England, and well worthy' of
■the approbation, which has- been . obtained;
in all places where the Anglo-American lan
guage is spoken and read, on account Of their
truth and geniality, which have undercurrents
of pathos and humor. Mr, Hughes, born Oc
tober, 1823, in the “ royal,, county” Of Bdfks
(across the water), was educated by Dr. At-,
nold, at Bugby, for the University of Oxford,
where he graduated B. A. 'in ,1846. He was
called to the bar in Lincoln’s Inn in January,
.1848, and (as we learn from . “ W lio’s Who in
-1870”) is nbw a Queen’s Counsel, a degree in,
legal rank never accepted, except when ,its
recipient is in first-rate practice. Sir. Hughes;:
who is Liberal to the , backbone, first entered
Parliament as one of the members of the me- -
txonolitan borough Of Lambeth, in July, 1806, 1
ana was returned,for Frome, in 1808, without
any outlay, merely on the strength of his pub- ■
lie character and services. -
TO show the man, Mr. H., in’his preface to ,
the American edition of “Tom Brown ‘at
Oxford,” thus introduced himself to Pro
J ames Bussell. Lowoll, of. Cambridge, Massa
chusetts: He declares his admiration for the '
genius of the poet, and fof 'bis faithful services
inbehalf of the country during the civil war;
and theh.he dedicates his book to him—and
closes with an earnest pray er for the success
-of theilnion-arms -complete -tiver--
tbrow of the slave power. W e have said that
he arrived on Friday last, yet bo modest was
themantbatnoßeblitßoine half-a dozen-gea—
tlemen knew of his presence. His object be
ing a thorough understanding of our liberal
institutions, he was. first conducted by Mr.-
Edward Shippen to the Girls’ Normal School,
where he . spent a .couple... of hours,. and ex
pressed. himself as highly pleased with the
school, teachers and scholars. Next he was
taken tp the Park; thence to the Hall of Inde
pendence (at his own request), where he gave
vent -to Jbe -expression 4- ((We,'Jq—England,j
fliink. that the'best thing that .ever happened
l'qr thq civilization and advancement of the
world-was theUeelaration of Independence.” ■
From the Hafbbo was conducted to tlieUnion
.League u wheiiehe was.hospitably entertained,
after which-be left for Gettysburg, Baltimore •
and Wasbington, promising to pay us another
visit: Last night he kept his promise,and to-day.,
in company with Mr. Jr' G. Bosengarten,
is . visiting difierent points of interest, This
morning he called at the Locust Street Gram
mar, the Hollingsworth Secondary and Pri
mary, and the Boys’ Central High School,
with all of which he was well pleased. This
afternoon he Will visit several of our manu
facturing establishments, for, since seeing the
style in winch our mechanics live, he also de
sires ,to' see 'them in their workshops. Mr.
Brown’s stay in our city will necessarily b
short, as he has yet several places to visit, and
.must be present at the opening of .Parliament
in November.' Mr. Bawling?, : one of the M.a--
ters of Etch; accoifapanies this distinguished
gentleman. 1
■-Palp- of a Building.—a threo-storied
brick building, 1G by 40 feet, located at Beach
and Brown streets, on the bank of the Oohock
sink creek, tumbled into the creek about five
o’clock yesterday afternoon; The structure
was owned by A.'J. Geiger, and was occupied
by JosiabJSbawjWbo had a soap'manufactory
on the first and second floors, and a whip
manufactory 111 the third story. ■ At. the -time.,
of the accident there were four men in tin*
buildings .-Two. .escaped, one getting out by
means of a ladder. Mr. SbaW wasTbrbwn but
into .the creek among the debris. He had his
head ciit, a"kg broken, and was otherwise in
jured. Jacob Weinfeldt, who was at work in
the third story,_was also considerably hurt.
The building is said to have been In a dilapi
dated condition for some time, and High’Con-'
stables notified 1 the proper pavties of its inse
curity. Ttye structure was put up about six
teen year- ago,-and one' week after it was
finished one of cracked, Several
years ago the northeastern wall fell into the
creek. About .six weeks ago a wall cracked,
and the fissure.continued to increase in size
until yesterday, whep the building fell.
How a Bhoemakeb was Swindled.— A
young man entered a shoe-store on Eighth
street near Buttonwood, yesterday 'afternoon,
aud selected a pair of shoes. He put on the
shoes, and then tendered whatappeared to be
a $lOO bill. The price of the shoes was So.
The proprietor put the bill into his drawer,
and turned over to his customer $O5. This man
then walked off. Subsequently the shoemaker
discovered that he had been sold. His SlOO
bill proved to be nothing more than a card or
some soap-manufacturing establishment. He
rushed to the Central Station and stated his
case. The matter was placed in' charge of
Special Officer James M. Roberts. He, last
night,found in a house on St. John street, near
Callowhill, a Pole named Scholinski, who
finally acknowledged that he was the fellow
who played the smart game. Hp offered
Roberts 530 to let him go. This wouldn’t
Work, and he attempted to run away, but this
was prevented by putting “bracelets” upon
ids wrists. Then he offered to hand over to the
shoeniakers42, which was all that he had of
the change received. He'was locked up for a
further hearing at the Central Station.
Robbed hi,s Benkfactoi!.— A hoy about. 10
yearsof age arrived here from Germany about,
three months ago, bringing a letter of intro
duction to a prominent German citizen. This
gentleman-turned- tbe-youth oyer- to-the-care
of his son, who is a inembef of the firm of A
M. Haas & Co., jewelers,at Second and Coatu
-treets.' Tho hoard of the boy was. paid, and
lie was employed at various matters about the
-tore. Yesterday he was missing. It was then
discovered that a ten-franc piece, a ten-dollar
U. S. gold piece and $2OO in United States
money had been stolen from the store. Upon
inquiry at the boarding-house it was found
that he bad packed up his baggage and left,
without assigning any reason for his sudejeu
.departure, ”
Assault with a Razou.— .Last night, about
nine o’clock, George Smith and'TbojnasßratL
'ey were standing at Seventh and Pine streets,
-rwtdiing for al eaF,-whenAhey : uSire-rftceosteil
liy a negro named Charles Sheppard. Tlte
utter wuh told to go about his business. .-H<-
didn’t like ibis, and drew a he made
a move to cut one of the men ho was seized by
a policeman. Sheppard was locked up-in the
Third District station, and will have a hear
ing at tho Central Station.
Di.-ottiiEiti Y House.— The Fifth Distric
Police last night made a raid upon the house
/■>!'Mary Aim Hatton, No. 20!) Vnndeveer
street. Locust, below Tenth, which had been
complained of iis being of a disorderly cha
racter. The proprietress (arid six of the in
tuates w;ere captured. The prisoners had a
hearing before Aid. Belsliaw this morning.
Mary Ann was held to hail on the charge of
keeping a disorderly house, and the others
were held to keep the peace.
Fell From a Window.— Peter Blyler, a
resident of the Twentieth Ward, fell from a
third-story window this morning about two
o’clock, and had a leg.brokeii. He was taken
to St. Joseph’s Hospital.
; Altebed Notes.— Bank notes altered from
one dollar to two dollars were passed 'at
.several stores in the lower part of tlffi city last
.evening. _. .. . i
r - The Immaculate ConceptionFaib.— The
Catholic community aro giving good aid to
this enterprise, at Fourth and George streets,
and ijt will keep open until' Monday evening
next. The new church of the “ Immaculate
Conception” will be at Front anil. Canal
Michael Filan being the: pastor
of it. If we judge from the success given to
this fair in its ■ aid, its construction will pro
ceed rapidly.
You run a groat risk in.deferring the pur
chase of your fall, clothing until the cold
weather drives you to ‘buy it. You can got it
to-day at, Sixth and Market streets as cheap as
a month hence. Wanamaker & Brown’s
twelye-dollar all-wool fall-suits are cheaper
than elsewhere, by three dollars.
. THE!COURTS/ ART' : x ' ..
and Judgb McKoniiftn,,tliiß niorning. Amplication wli«
tnadc bAdasttVGßargeraMJ)nUaaT
d'riaiana.of .tliia cityvundi'rfx-qtion 6;-,Ant,pf;Oongre39s
JSflb/U.y,,: t Jr. -1 ... ! - tf i ,
f Messrs. 51 ami of Uid .
tnnß,oakrdthat.anonler 1)6 "iniado reqdlrlnA theotlinr
bido to fnmiehstliein wUh tlie-iiamas of tKOart thoy do-;
birod appointed,so that objoction inay lioim’ado: if thor
hre nof proper persons. J- ,i rv
Judge McKetmßD stated tliat; ujj6n a Blilairar iDDlica*
>lou.baTingl>eoiimftde litf: requestoa the
Committees of th,e two political parties tfr' coufor. aud
wliero they agreed.upon tho same names hewabDoiuted
the for. ' . '''s,7^-..,, f .-
l The Coorteupposted fliat'tliocoanselon oacUelde fnr
nieh to one another tli6 names of the persotui they desire
appointed,;by two o’clork to-morrow<Friday),so that
liiesrinhy oxamiino them, It ; was desirable not to'have
nny difflcnlty, and when there was a muthal affroemont
between the Committees, the porsoiiß selected would be
at once appointed.’ Otherwise;'.the ihaUer :wduld : be
taken into consideration, and hppHcation for the ap
pointment could be made at sopie future day previous to
thoelection. 4 ;
TbeCarney Hpmfetde, >
Ovbr and Terminer----Judge Alliion and r PitxsbD.~
t The.*ft6e;pf WilHnm Nixon, alias rdntz, charged with'
tl>e murder of IV illihm Oartey, was resumed this mcm ;
ing nt 9 o’clock. The dofonco called ouo mdro witness,
David Brown,vbo.teotified that heeaw“ None ” Brown
oischarge the pistol at Oarney* an.d' hoard him Bay if
that was not enough lie hadflve inoro loads.' 1 r
' Tlbmohirnonwealth, in rebuttal, called thd wife,
father-In*laW and brother:in*law of tho deceased, who
testified tliht George Clark,one of tlio witncssog for tho
defence, yesterday told them that he knew all about tho
murder, saw it all. and that Bentz.-killed Carney : that
ho could not sloop at night because of it.' [Clark yos
terday denied haviug.nsed this languago.J
Two other witnesses testified that on ludhday Clark
enmoto them on Sixth street, and told thdtn that if thoy
know* anybody who wnntqd to mako ’Sfi in this’ case, to
sendthemtohim.ashehadmadeoutof it/ *
The Commonwealth al6o put in, evidence,.tOi.attack
David Brown, the record of the Court, ahowlnig ttliat ho'
and Nixon wereconvictodiniB69 of larceny,and Borrcd
n year iu'tho County Prison. \ > ;
The testimony on boili sides cloßed at .l2j* o’cldck.
Our Fifteen-Oollar Fall and Winter
Suits, which we have in such vast^varioties—the Bun -
dall, Diagonal, the Silk 'mixed,; t ho Black .Garnet,
Brown-mixed with a great vafieiy of -other
styles and shades, all cut, mado aud trimmed in supe
rior stylo, aro likely to become more popular than our
Tcn-Dollar Spring and Summer Suits,pf.whlch we sold
. — • In A.
faction. The yreat ruqh for them on Saturday far sur
pnfißed.ODVthihg ever witneßsedin the fcJotlitnghaßineßs.
•Onir neighbors are becoming more alarmed, if possible,
tlmn they wore, oyer the ten*dollat BUltSj and any ono
using, as ttioy did, their eyerymbaus. todisparage them.
But itwon : t do, neighbor, your expdrißbfiare too great to
attempt to compete us who understand ou? tmsl- p
ness#. ' \ • Bockhill A WtLsoif ’a
*- Grcot Brown fitond Clothing Hall,
Noa.6D3and 605ChoatnutStreet.
Manhood and Youthful Vigor are re
gained by , BucHU/
Aromatic SScheedam Schnapps sebm to be
extensively gaining'our public confidence, and pro
misee to take the olace of.every other liquor now in.uso,
especiallyformedicinftluse; - - -
-This is not surprising: for, apart from its being found*
in most of our respectable Drug. Stores Jh this city and'
country, and its being strongly recommended by the
physicians, tho mild and agreeable taste of .this article,
contrasted With thd strong, pungent and ocHal 'sensa
tion produced on the palate by the common -deleterious
articie—which is now tho general compluiht of nearly ah
the medical faculty of thm country—wou\d, of itself,
suffice to give it the decided preference. If prescribed as
a medicine, it is not bad to take; and to uso as above
rage it is considered by judges to be superior to any arti
cle of-tho kind eVer imported into this country.
Shattered Constitutions Restored by
Hblmbold’s Extract Buchu.?
Fatal Burning Accident.*—‘ <: Od Monday
evening Mrs. Margaret Greonleaf, an estimable widow
lady about fifty years of o ctf, was so badly, burped by the
explosion of a coal oil lamp that death ensued on Wed*
nesday morning.' Tho unfortunate lady was on tier wai
up-Btairs for the purpose of retiring, when suddenly th •
lamp flared up, then, with a crash, oxploded, scattering
the naming contents over her person. -She was slightly
stunned at first; but the great peril in "which she un
placed-being alone In tlio house—made her put forth
frantic efforts in tryibg to extinguish the flames,'.and she
finally reachcd'the front door,when her screams brought
■n couple.ot men to. her.assistance, from astora.hear. by.
The poor Indy fell as she passed the door, and when th<-
gentlemen came up tbey found her almost insenslblQ, and
enveloped in ilnmes. Throwing their o.vercbats around
her, they soon smotherodthe flames ; but she was shook
ingly injured. Her oyes wera.almoßt~burned out ; th'
lmndß wore so badly burned thr t the skiti and nails peeked
off ; the hair was burned completely froimher heaflraud
the upper part of her person was dreadfully burned, es
pecially the breasVnnd nock. She eadqred most intonse
agony until death relieved-her. sufferingß. ’lrrrMidtUtstA
County Democrat. 1 * . “ . .
. There is no longer any. need of tho occurrence.of such
accidents as the above. Pratt’s Astral. Oil is ape'r/eotly
nafe illuminating oil, and can be obtained 01. dealers
generally. If a liglded lamp filled with this be upset
and broken, the contents will not explbdo nor take fire
Ask your dealer lor it, and don’t endanger your lives bv
burning poor oil. _
The Astral Oil is for sale at wholesale and retail by Z.
1010 Marke street;.£ tdfir-AfitmUfor Fhila?-
• delphiftv— - - - - -•
Housekeepers !
Go to the
Dock street Kitchen Furnishing Rooms
for your, kitchen articles';’ c
We sell at low figures.
Ladies’ Hats, Ladies’Hats-,
Of the most beautiful styles. l
At prices .lower than elsewhere
„ . At OAKFOBD’S,; 834 and 636 Chestnut street,
Fob Non-Retention ob Incontinence of
urine, irritation, inflammation or ulceration of tbe
bladder or-kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands .stone
in the bladder,calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits,
and all.diseases of the .bladder, kidneys and dropsical
Use llelmbcld’s Floid Extract Buchu.
Corks, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfull.'
treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No.9lsChestnut street
gorges moderate. -
Helmbolp’s Fluid Extract Buchu is
pleasant in tast and odor, fro® from all injurious proper
ties) and immediate in its action.
Judicious Mothers and Nurses use
Bower's Infant Cordial, because it is one 'of ifr'
most delightful efficacious remedies ever discovered
for curing the various Ills to which infants and young
children aro subject.
Helmbold’s Extract Buchu gives health
and vigor to the frame, and bloom to tho pallid cheek.
Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms,
and if no treatment is submitted to consumption, in
sanity or opUeptio fits ensue.
To Physicians and Others.— The pro-
Srietor of several valuable Minoral Springe of well*
hown.eflicacy, with spacious hotel buildings coutigu?
oue, completely, furnished, and surroundings of great'
natural beautyrof-oasy occess-and having already ii
largo summer patronage, woulddlko to meet with,conn -
potent parties for the purpose of organizing a perma
ipont Health Institution or Water Cure. Address»wit!i
reference, U H. B., r !No. 7 Beekman street, Room 17,,
-Ne\v-York> r —> >-—«
Enfeebled a°nd Delicate Constitutions
;of both sexes use HkMjmbold’s Extract, Bdchp. I?
willgivo brisk and energetic feelings, aud cuablo yon to
sleep well.
The “ Philadelphia Upholstery,” cor
ner Fifteenth iinil'Choßjnut streets, embraces oven
article in the the business, curtains, shades and bed
ding, and oil manner of upholstery work done at ;*
tremendous reduction from tho regular charges.
Take no more Unpleasant and Unsafe
Remedies for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Us-
Helmuold’s Extract BuChu anp Improved Bos.
Wash. -
__Tup Glory of Man is Strength?—There
fore the nervous aud debilitated should Immediately Uae
Helmbold’s Extract Buchu. -••• ;
Helmbold’s Extract Buchu and ImT
proved Rose Wash cures secret ami dolicato disordoj -.
in all their atagosyat little oxponso; little or no clung'-'
in diet, no inconvenionco and no exposure It is plea
sautlutastoand odor, immediate in its action, and fro
from all injurious properties.
DeafneSs, Blindness and Oatarli
treated with the utmost success Jby J. Isaacs, M. D.
- Professor of Diseases of thoßyo and Bar l his spot •
! iity)in tho Medical Collego of Pennsylvania,!! years ex
Vprienco, No. 806 Arch street. Testimonials can beeeei
l iAliis office. The medical faculty are invited to o<
/ompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his pra
/ice. Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. No chorr
,for examination. ,
i Surgical Instruments and dj;uggiH»
'* c^sJ 4v Snowden A Brother,
_ 2»1 South Eighth street
WIN do wtshxd Jss;
Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices,
... ■.... : AT ' ’
No. 16 North SIXTH Street/ 7 '
Store Sliiklch, Ite|>airluff,Ac.
s ' B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS. /
Btl7a lu tli26lrp ■ .
S■ C 0.517 8519 Minor. S-t mil?
Baliil of Erhst Frederick Amos.
Freemou, Auctioneer*’ Underaut^iorityBfshe k Orphans'7 4
urt for tho Qity aud County of JPlliladolpfcQav IOUf
WWCfcday, October 19.1870.- at a 2
le feoldat public sale, at ?tho .Phtljvdelphia!. Exchaugo,|
t lll*joUwing pstaie.jate tbeproperty oft
Ernst Frederick, Amos,\ deceased.;. Genteel', threeatorv:*
BriekUwilling and Slaiighter.’liouso; No. 1525 Norths
P'iftUstroet.i.NQ. I.—All tiiat
fnes'sua'ffo. brick slaughterrhouso and Jot of grOund.slhLj
ntH.ori iho wo*>t Bide of Fifthutroot, at the diatom 0 0f217
cet Liorth ofJefferson Btroet,in tho. Seventeenth Ward ?
oi 4b(vcUy, cbtitfiibiog.it) front omF.ifth street 30 - foot, ■,
lutd extending. In depth between .parallel lines, at fight
imgleswitl) Fifth street lO (inchee. I^^ 7^ll '^ - """
1 On the above iot areeretted a thret'&toTvbrtckilwilUngn
ivu/t attic*.and lack.buUdines % two-story bricks laughter?,
house, itable, fravut sheading, brick smoke-house, . ij*c.
(The dwelling contains twelve rofyns, has gets throughout,
I range t hot and cold -tvaut, 4*c. . , ; >
: Six three-story Brick Court Houses, Nos. 1029 and ,1631
Randolph street. No. 2.— A1l those certain six three
i-turyvbrick messuages nnd lpt of gronndrfonninga dou--'
ble court, called "Amos Court,” situate on tho oast aide
of .Randolph street, at the distance of 217 fecit northward
hlVJefferson streot, in tno Seventeenth Ward ot tho clty,
containing in front on Randolph street 3G feet,.and in
.depth r 3, Jeet 2 ipches. Bbunded northward by .ground
formerly of the estate of Thomas Weaver, deceased,
Southward by ground formerly of snid Thomas Weaver
nud Joseph bmith, eastward by the tfrst lierein dojerihed
premises, and >vostward”b>’Randolph street.
Store and Dwelliug. N. W. corner Twelfth and Poplar
greets. No, 1.,(N0. 3in order of OourU. All tlmt cet
luiiithrco-story brick store and dwelling and lot of
ground, situate on tho north aide of Poplar street and_
wist side of, Twelfth street, in the. Twontloth Ward of
the city, exieuding northwardr,along Twelfth street CO
-feotOi Jnehestoa 3 feet widelnlleyt theuce westward
ulciur said Alley at right angles with Twelfth street, 7
feet 7h inch, thence southward by ground now or late of
George R. Kresslcr on a lino at right angles with Poplar
street 63 foot 9)i inches to the north;; t lienee extending,
eastward along Poplar street 16; loot; 3% inches to the
plaoo of beginning.!; , ;■. /. ,
XS&i Subject to u yearly ground rent : of SCO p&yablo
halfyearh. . .p- : .: ....
Modern Btick Store and Dwelling, north
wefit corner Mcrvine and .-Thompson streets. No.. 2.
(N 0.4 in order of Court.) All that certain t)ireo*story
brick messuage and tho lot of ground eituato at the
northwest comer of Mervine and Thompson stroets, in
the Twentieth Wnrd of tho city; containing in fronton
Thompson street 17-feet 6 inohea, and oxtending in depth. ‘
northward at right angles with Thompson street 62ieet
6 inches. r . ...
to a mortgage of $2,000 with interest.
9&~Thr abovq is avery aesirflbte'three-story brick Mare
,and dwelling,cantainin* nine rooms, and bath,, range,
hot and cold 1 voter, marble mant.tl, private stairway, <Jrc.
SKXi to bo paid on ecch nt tho time of ealo.
By the Court, JOSEPH MEC»ABY,CIerk O. C.
-Jucob fcplclnidD, Administrator d, b. n. c. t. a.
dz?-;- :■ Auctioneer, '
5e290c613 Store, 422 Walnut street.
-fjjjji.. I OEpHaW. UP <JR')> >IS}aLK-ES
jJiiiL tato of Thomas Mtilllneanltyart^aied.—Jamos A.
Freeman, Auctioneer.—Two-story No.'
1035 Lingo street, Twouty sixth Ward.—lgidor author
ity of the Orph'ans’.Conrt-for_tbo--Clty-tt!ia.-Couuty of-
Pbilsdolphia.—On •Wednesday, October 19, ld7o,at 12
o’clock, noon, Will be soldat public sale, at the Phila
delphia Exchange,.the foloo.wing described real estate,
lute the property of.TAoma.v Mnllinedux, deceased.
The one equal undivided moiety of and in alt that cor-.’
tnin two-btory brick* messuage, containing four rooms
aiidhiith-rootnvandthe J lot of the
eu*.t side ofLiugo etrbet, at the distance or Sj'fcefc north
wnid from the north sido of Washington avenue, in the
Twenty-sixth 'VVard of tlio city, conthinihg in front on’
Lingo street 16 feet, and in depth eastwnrdtO foet, *to a
three-feet wide alley, leading into Washington avenue,
ai d with .the privilege thereof. f
- 'Vlie olh'ef-halApdrCwiirbe-sold dt the sattw time by thr
owner,the purchaser obtaining a title to ih-i whole prop
Subject to a yearly ground rentofs32. . —-
SiIMJ to be paid at time of sale. .
-ti jy the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk O. O.
- /WILLIA3I W. BUBNEIiL. Executor.
JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
pe29-6efi 13 • Store 422 Walnut street.
of Cornelius' Little, deceased.—Jamoa- A. I'reo
man, Auctioneer.—Throe-story Brick Store and Dwell
ing, No. 1030 Bcmerset street, Twenty-fifth Ward.
L'uuer authority of tho Orphans’ Court for tho,City
-imd Couiity of PtiilAdelphia, on'Wednesduy, Octohor
19, 1870, at 12 o'clock,noon, will bo sold at public sale,
ut tlio Philadelphia Exchange, the fbHowing deacribed;
real estate. Into the property of Cornelius Lillie, di, 11
Ceased. All tbiit certain lot or piece of ground, with the
three-story brick-BtoreAnd_dweHing__with frame, back
buildings thereon erected, situate on the northeasterly
nide of Somerset street, 40 feot southeasterly of Almonu
street. In tho Twenty-fifth Ward of tnocit\ .‘containing
m front on Somerset street 20 feet, and in depth 109 fern
i) inches to a 3.feet C inches wide alley.
Subject tMherestriction hat no building other than
brick shall at anytime be erected upon said lot-of ground
■within 16 /eel o/i/te tine of Somerset street, also subjecito
the yearly ground-rent of s2o p'ayable in silver,
(a he puidat time of sale.. , -
By the Court .
■ AIjIOE liITTtK, Adminiatrutri.M.
JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctinuilir,
b029,0c613 ' _ ■ Store. 422 VValmit Btreot
Estate of John SI. Hart, deceased.—Jahies.A; From'
man* Auctioneer. Location Three-story
Brick o\veinuff i N6'.22G4Spruce.fltroc*t.—On Wednesday,
October 19th, 1870, at 12o’clock,n6oh,~wHl'b'irKoJd at pub
lic sale* at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following
scribed real estate, lato the property of .JnAa AT. Hart ,
deceased : All that certain tlveb-etory brick raessjnugo
ami l&t of ground, situate on tlio south side of Spruce
street, between Second and Third streets (Ho. 223Jvm the
Fifth Wurd of the city ; containing In frout on Spruce
street 17 feot more or less i and in dopth-nlong Aberdeen
street 61 feet. Subject, to $8 ground rent, payable in
-lawfulsilvermoneys —.
' T&T The 'above is aH-story brute aio~eUt)urrioithrtwo\
story brick bade building, containing 9 rooms* with en
■trance on Aberdeen street* has been lately put in repair ,
and could be easily converte/l into a store with htUV ex
pense, May be examined at any time. Immediate'pas-
Would rent.for per month.
V3T SIPO to be paid pi the tiine of sale. .
By order of Heirs.
; JAMES A. FBEEMAN, Auctioneer,
" §e29 0c613 Store, 422 Walnpt Street, -
KflLofßugli Dalton, deceased.—James 'A. Freeman,
Auctioneer:—Frame House and Lot . 40 by 115 feet,
Lancaster avennoand Hutton street.- Under authority >
of the Orphans’Court for tho Oity ami County .of Phila
delphia, on Wednesday, October 19, 1670, at 12 o’clock, *
noon, will be ffold at public sale 1 , at the Philadelphia
Exchange, the following described real ostate late the
property of Hugh Dalton, deceased. All that valuable
lot of ground with the two-story frame messuago and
frame stable thereon erected, situate on the N. B. side of,
‘Lancaster avenue, at the' distance of 120 feet northwest
of Hutton street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the city ,
containing in front on Lancaster avenue 40 feet moro or
less, and in depth 115 feet to Spting street. Subject to
$3O ground rent pci annum, lawful silver money.
The übeve is a valuable building lot,having two fronts,
'and is rJpo for improvements. Lancaster avenue is
raved nnd curbed. Water and gas laid. Tnere is a good
pump in the yard. „ , . ■
SICO to bo paid at time of sale.
By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY, Clerk 0. C.
ELIZABETH DALTON, Administratrix.
* JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer,
■gc29oc'6l3 ' Store, 422-walnut street.
Mai of Patrick Haviland, deceased—James A. Free
man, Auctioneer.—Two story Bough Cast House, Laurel
street, Germantown. Under authority of the Orphans’
Court for fhe City and County of Philadelphia, on Wed
nesday, October 19,1370, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold*
at public sale, at. tpe Philadelphi uExohange, the follow
ing described real estate,late the property of .'/Patrick
\Havitand, deceased. All that certain lut of ground with
tlifttwo-story stone rough cast house thereon erected,
begipuingat apotyt ou tho northeastwardly .edge of a
certain Sleet? wide alloy, and extending thence along
Laurel street to tho centre of the partition wall of two
certain contlguoUsTncHSuages Jn Germantown, Twenty
second Ward of the cltyvaoutheast of Oholton avenue:
containing in fronton Laurel street 15 feotll inches, and
Extending in (Upth of that width between parallel lines
‘lit lighfangleßWith Laurel' street northwestwardly Tii
feet more or less. . \ ,
Clear of all incumbrance.
By $lOO to bo paid at tho time of sale,
{ By the Court, JObEPH MEGARY, Olorh O. O.
1 DAVID'HAVILAND, Administrator.
. JAMES. A. FBEEMAJN. Auctioneer,
bc29ocGl3 Store, 422 Walnut street.
Maii Maw. Auctioneer.—Genteel Dwelling, No. 949
North,Front street. Ou Wednesday, Oct. ,19. 1870, at 12
.o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tho Phila
delphia Exchange, the following described Beal Estato,
■ viz...: All that’certain messuage or tonementand lot or
piece of ground, situate on tho east side of Front street,
ut tub dietnnee of 301 feet 9>4 inches south of Laurel
‘Htreet, in the Bixteenth Ward of the city,"containing in
;fcdnt26.feet l imd extending in depth 101 feet 5 inches.
- Oii the above is erected a 3%-story brick dwelling,
■ with three-story back building, containing 13 room .v
ibath,./Mi ami cold water, anttgas throughout, Jfas a 150.,.
disconnected from the main build intt, a summer Tcitcheu ,
.wit/i range, in good order, newly pamted, tfc.
: House is 21 feet frdnt, with side yard of lour foot.
’ s3,fOOinoy remain
SJOO to bo paid at tho time of salo.
JAMES A.'FREEMAN. Auctioneer,
5e290c013 No. 422 Walnut sefbot.
i KililEetute of William D. Lentz, deceased.—James A,
Freomun. Auctioneer.—Building Lot, Tenth street., br
'low Whurton street. Ou Wednesday, Octobor 19th, h}7o,
; ut 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without
reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following
described real estate : All that certain lot or piece of
sltuato on tho west side of Tonth street. 193 feet
"South of Wharton street,.in the Twenty-sixth Ward of
1 the city : containing in front 16 feet on Tenth street anil
1 105 feet deep to Austin stroot.
: t&T T/us is the last lot in the Square unimproved, and
, will be so/d to close the estate.,
i $5O to be paid at tirno of sale.
Cleat* of iucuritbritnco. By order of Executor.
; JAMEB A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, '
5e290c613 Store, 422 Walnut street.
'Freeman, Auctioneer. Three-story brick dwell
ing, No. 2C04 Pino street.. On Wednesday, October 19,
1870, nnUo’clock. noon, will bo sold at. public sale, with
• <uit reserve, at, the Philadelphia Exchange, all tiiat
three-story brick tnessuago or tenement and lot or pioce
‘ of ground, situate on tlio south side of Pine streotaf the
• distance of 32 feet westward from -the .west side of
. Twenty-fifth street, in the Seventh Ward of • the city.
V Containing in frdnt on Pine stroot 10 feet, and extending
.in length or depth southward 84 feet.
/ Subject to ground rent of $46 per annum.
$lOO to bo paid at time of ealo.
/ ~ Sate absolute. • .
* JAMES A, FBEEMAN, Auctioneer/. >
; se29 oct6lB<>- Store, 422 Walnut stroot.
!A largo one made by FABBELL, HERRING & 00.',
; A 1,1,17 *35 South Thirteenth; Street;
• 8c27-3trp*__J ■
i VVrE
W Bings of Bolia lßUarat fine Gold—a specialty: a
- Tull assortment of slzoß. nhdno oharge for ■engraTing
' naiiH'S, Ac, . . FABB. A BBOTHHB, Makers, .
myStrptf Kti Cheat nut street. below Fourth!
pt- •
'*'■ -iV} : • j <•;: ||tf.s?M£{i> Is i±& ■. M ; "»‘i J \ 7 f
I. \\.n ,/>b wih -h'dUJ <V . > ... ; „..., •/* .
i ;
1 i.M • -r : m
lhe( oaponn of thoflnt Bonds,
iton and Reading Railroad.
Will bo paid, on and after that date, ”ab tho, Banting
' , House of 1
No. 36 8. Third Street, Philada,
• A dDesirabl©
£1,200,000 BONDS,
Bearing 7 Per Cent. Interest in Gold.
The Bonds are issued in
SI,OOOS,SSOOn and s2ooft.
The Coupons are payable .in tho city of.
Philadelphia on the first days of April and Oc
tober, «• ’ ’ ' 1 ■ ,
Free or State and Fulled Staten
Taxes.. .
The price at present is
90 and Accrued Interest lnCur-
PartieS purcbasing prior to will make
the difference on tiie COIiD INTEREST.
This road, with its connection with tho
Pennsylvania Kailroad at liewistown, brings
the Anthracite Coal Fields 67 3JLLLEB nearer
the "Western and Southwestern markets.
With this advantage it .wili’hontrol, that trade •
-The T.umhir Trade, and tho immense-and
valuable deposit of ores in this section, to
gether with the thickly....peopled district
"through which it runs, will sefiii'eit a" very
largo and profitable trade;
Dealers in Government Securities,
Kel9-th s tu 3mrp§
e areoffering 9200,000 oftlie
’ Second Mortgage Bonds of
tills Company
I'or tbo bonvenience of investora thes
'.Joiklh are issued in denominations of
91,0005, ssoOs and 9100 s.
'l’lte.money is required for the purchase of
additional Rolling Stock and the full equip
ment of the road.
'Jhe road is now finished, and doing a busi
ness hugely in excess of'the anticipations: of
its officers. > 1
. 'i'he trade offering necessitates a large addi
tional outlay for rolling stock, to afford full
facilities for its prompt transaction, the pre
sent rolling stock not being sufficient to ac
commodate the trade. ,
IVo. 36 South Third Street,
SC29 th s tu Smrj
CAPITAL PAID IN 8200.400 i f j.
1 JAB.'A. HILL. Oaehlor~: ■ ----JeSSiMrpt-
: JM ■
t ML tilated and easy-fitting ,Drog3Hata(patented) in all
the approved fashi.bna of the tao&son. Chestnut atfeetll
next door to th«Poflt-0 ce ocß-tfrp
■ /'■;« i.'-V-V, : vS,'. S ! 1 %■
-• i'i ’ '■•■;-•• r! 'if-'. ./ v.l j . •?'■•'.! :. !r tv' - . ■*
' JIST beceited jqy
Due October 1, . ,
, W. 8. HILI.EB,-Treasurer.
Seoui-ed. Tiy a
' Philadelphia.
' 1 i’r'l >,"•/!■
~~ ~ -rz~wexinxL.
> q.p'XJ jp o.iv.#'.
GOLD ; doTJ:jE»oivfel
■' '■ ' 6F TOE ■' ' ; •
Due October 1,
■ Will bo paid ob and after' that date- at tile Bank fa*
Haas* pf
Nq> 36 South Third Street. v
reHHM rrl" ~
I • i
; OF THE ■< • '
First Mortgage 7 Per Cent. Bonds
. ... . TQB
Indianapolis and Vincennes.R. R. Co
lntemt due February Ist and Avguet rIM.
. Principal and Interest guaranteed by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company. "
E. W. CLARK & CO.,
Bankers and Brokers,
No.- 35 South Third Street.
No. 84 South Third Streets
American and Foreign Bankers
Issrie 'Letters or Credit for Travelers, entitling the
holders to draw on LONDON, PARIS or BASLE.
Swltnerland. Also, available throughout .the Doited
States, _ : : ' ;_* .
Draw at sight and by. telegraph on SATHEB i CO-i
Deal In Qold and Government and other Sccgrltjea- •
Bccelve Gold and Currency deposits'subject to draft
' at sight.' ‘
Dreset, Wifit/rrop, &Co., ffrezel, Itarjes & Go.,
N,o. IS Wall Street,
New York. ;
803 803
- BANKER. ; ■ '
pdbchabe and sale of all reliable bk-
No. 203 S. SIXTHSt., PhUada.
au23 toirp ■ • ■ • . ■ » ‘ ; ■ < •
Messrs. 4 AB. E. CALDWELL & CO. desire
to jpvite particular Attention to their Fell
Stock of SOLID SILVERWARES, arranged
for WEDDING PRESENTS, comprising a
great variety of new, useful and ornamental
articles in PLAIN, ORIENTAL and PEARL
FINISH. _ , ,
These goodB, chiefly of eAclusive designs,
will be found at Moderate Prices and In
very complete Bssortrifhnt, from tho Inex
pensive and most pra'otical article for Table
use to the mote elaborate and ornamental
combinations fpr Dessert, Dinner and Tea:
A cordial invitation Is extended to all who
may feel disposed to visit our Store and
examine, this beautiful oolle'o6ot|^ol B!S AF9-
work In Silver. ,
No. 902“|ffeSTNUT STREET.
scl6 tbatu tfrpg
Philadelphia, Sept. 29,1870. ,
SEALED PROPOSALS will be reoeived at
the Office of the Commissioner of Highways 1
until 12 .o’clock M., on MONDAY,3d proximo,
for the construction of a Sewer on the line of
Leaf street, from Orange /to Locust street,
with a clear inside diameter of two feet and
nix inches, with such man-holes as may be di
rected by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor.:
The understanding to be that the Contractor
j shall take bills prepared against the property
ifrontingon said sewer'to the amount of one
klollar and fifty cents for each lineal foot of
front on eaoh side of the street as so much
cash- jphid 5 the -balahce, \s : limited by ordi
nahce, to be paid by the cityj. ■
/ -All Bidders may be present at the time ana.
'place ; of opening the said Proposals.
Each Proposal will be accompanied by-a
certificate that a Bond hap 1 been; filed in the’
Law Department ids directed by Ordinance of
:May 26th, iB6O. If the Lowest Bidden shall
,not execute a contract within five days after
Itho work is awarded, he .will; bn deemed as
declining, and will he held liable on hm bond
for the dlfference between his bid and the next
highest bidderr Specifications mav, be had at
the/Department of Surveys,. which will bo
: strictly on PL DIOKWSON,
se29-3t4 Chief Commissioner of highways.
nmiortnkors. )B'J7 Garmautown ovenueand Fifth at. 1 v i
' °D 4 HeuDTLBSda UapM-lyrpSl 8.8. Abi*sie<» |
; li'r; l.'.i'j -ijf i;
J. O.D. BHINDZL. Treasurer.
No. 3 Buo Bcrll>e*