BUSINESS NOTICES." Conrad Meyer. Inventor and Mj“ tnrerof lron nojigjy;, ( Uo the prize Modal of the World e ure&v a . , n an ,t aonrsngland, The highest prizes award'“ treet wherever exhibited. Warerooms.iSJ Arch wtf j Established 1823. "" CAT V BULLETIN. Continued from the First Fa'/e. Db'Schexck Aim&Es CbNVr>rhTTrE' ■> (i(. 5(1 Flohiua 1>- Winter. —A* con •in,, tion and luug diseases lias been my study an practice for the last thirty-five years. i that 1 know what course to pursue to get ■ tolerably bad case of diseased lungs in a lieu ine condition. The most important matte is to prevent taking cold. Tbe most eertiu place is to go to Florida in winter, ami wi" down in the State where the air is even. P.< . India is a good place, and a good House j kept there by Peterman. The back ground are rather low, with some tendency to feve and ague. I saw a number there last winte whose lungs were,or had been deeply disease and were getting ’well. One hundred mile lower down the river I would prefci, as th temperature is more even null the air mo any of the ordinary means of pub licity known to the trade, 'but' to the intrinsic excellence of their manufacture, in all the . productions of art a high order of skill will necessarily produce a corresponding degree of perfection- Hence it is that Whitman & Sou’s preparations-have won special favov in our fashionable and ' elegant ''saloons- ar.rt—resi'- dences. Their bon-bons, chocolate prepara tions and other delicious bijouterie ot the prilati* boing now cMebrntoU j-livougnout tin laud ami even abroad. . . . PH IL AO E L PHIA 'E3V'Ehfb.bfU B OEiLfiTI N. AY;, ;SE;PTjSMBEB;^4:, tention to the acivertteeiiueot _ rn .atiotiU ** . (‘olumtit relative to the wtfe of buiidiitg lo >■*. 1 •• Moo uptown. N. •**.. which tabes placeoa Uc lober ?4.' The" beautifulvillage ‘of Moore--, town is situated nine miles froin t-ainaen, on ihe Cnrndeu, Burlington and Pemberton, aiw Hiehtstown Bajlroad. The'lots’are large, :tn« favorably situntedin the centre of the to wn Oint 'M- Suits being the same as others sell at M 3, proves our goods all the way through to Ketwentydive per cent.-dower.u. Cur-large-- purchases and buying of first-class hands does it. „ _ ' l WANABIAKEE & BIIOWX, Oak Hall, The Largest Clothing House, Sixth and Market streets. CITY NOTICES. i-'ce Sixth Page for Additional City Notices. STEr-lADDERS, ‘ SI 50, $2, 92 00, S 3, S 3 60, SI. St M, 55.80. „ tv holcßaloand Retail Kitchen Furnishing Store. Dock, below W alnut Gents’ Blackest. C^ses, SI 50, 92 60, 93, 93 50, St M.9#. • : Wholesale aml Retail, Pock street, below walnut Commodes, • „ ■ 85. S 6 60, ®7 50, 83. Wholesale and Retail Kitchen Furnishing Store, Pock, below Walnut. BOVSEKEEPERB „ ~. • Can cot at Farson Jroning Tables. ; " . . ,«3, S 3 25, S 3 50, $4, 84 CO, 85,50, 80 60, $/, 88 00, 88 f,O, SlO and §l2. A largro assortment at _ . ~ , _ 6 Dock street Kitchen Furnishing Rooms, - Dock street, below Walnut. ' Meat'Safe's. : '' ' ’' ‘' S 6 50, $6, ($6 60,.57, 8-7 60, S 8 60 SO, 89 60 and Wholesale and Retail. Dock street, below Walnut. CONFECTIONERY. FINE CHOCOLATE FUR TIBLE 6SK ■i ANB FOR INVALIDS. STEPHEN E. WHITMAN & SON Manufacturers, S. W. Cor. Twelfth and Market Streets. ye 24 3trn HORTICULTURAL BULBOUS FLOWER ROOTS, M Superb Double and Single Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus Narcissus, Lilies, Crown Imperials, Snow-dropa, Irts, Ranunculus, Anemones, aDd other Flower Roots. EXTRA LARGE AND SOUND BULBS, Selected expressly for my sales—direct Importation—the largest and finest assortment in the city. BPBIOES MODERATE. Send for my now illustrated uataloguewhicli mav ho had gratis. Also, Bulb Glasses, Crocuß atd B ancy Flower Pots »»l various pivtUriis. - Gardi ners and Dealers supplied on liberal terms. HENRY A. DREER, 714 Chestnut St. 8624-s 11 YaGINTHS, TULIPS, CIiOCUS. Sfcandnll Other Dutch Bulbs'. Oar importation-! are opened this day. KOBT.-BUI9T, Ail.— § 92'J atnl 924 Market streot,above ninth. LaUIES’ PRESS POOPS- WM, MENCKE & BROTHER No. 804 ARC II STRIiKT. LATK-TSTYI.ES LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR GOODS, Etc. A large importation of Embr. Cushions and Em!*« Slippers, from 75c upwards. ......... We have now on hand a full line of the celobrated BOUDIER’S KID GLOVES, Considered in Europe superior to any other make. Also, a full lino of the VICTORIA KID GLOVES, , Thu beet One Dollar Glove in the market, 91 00 Per Fair. \ completo assortment of the celobrated , J. B. P. PARIS CORSETS. WNI. MENCKE & BROTHER, So. 804 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ae!3 tu th a 13trp$ » , «The Provident.” PROVIDENT FIFE AND TRUST CO OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE—No. 11l South FOURTH S» The dividend received by a policy-holder is the differ mice between the actual cost of innurunco and the pro*- mimn paid. This Company is expressly required by u< cimrter to divide every dollar ot surplus thus ansir it umoug its policy-holders. It is, therefore, pureb mutual. The New York report for 1870 shows that the assets < •* this Company ore in the proportion of SI 09 to every 8 i of liabilities, thus insuring perfect reliability. It lms received the approbation of the most lenrm-.] actuaries, and is endorsed and recommended by many d The/most prominent scientific and public men in th United States. An institution td a similar kind in Eng Jam!, the Friends’Provident Institution, lias boon won ib-rfuliy successful. Its advantages In every respect, both as to safety cheapness, terms of policies, &c., are not excelled.. li»- prudent and economical management of its/ business combined with the remarkable avornge longevity of it l members, commends it to the conhdenco and favor ot at classes ol whatever denomiuatiou. Coll or send for circular. Agents wanted. An esns: Company to solicit for. fe!2 3A4 h 2Ctrp6 WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW BLINDS AND SHADES,' Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices. AT No. 16 North SIXTH Street. Store Shades, KepalrluK, &e. B. J. WILLIAMS SONS. . flbl7 lu tii 2Ctrp . j:. ~ BOAUmiNCi. QKYBIiAL “HANDSOME ROOMS TO O let, for Gentlemen and Wives, or single Gentlemen ulfio. iirst elaBS Table Board, at 1410 South Penn Square neS* 2t" MBS. E.PAItKINSON JONEfr. filWO COMM UNICATIKC* FIION 1 rooms vacant at IUIO bpruce Ntreet. It 1 MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT /OV" LOANED UPON DIAIIONDB, WATCHES, Jk it JEWELBY, PLATE, CLOTHING, Ac., »' g» & J “JONES & CO.’S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, -"-Oorner of Third and Gaskill streets, Below Lombard. .N. B.- DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY GUNS; &c.» ' ' • AT KI£MMVK.\i;LY I,O'V P.RIOKS - ui MEDIO At. BUJCfflm, IH£ OKU JJJtXMBOUFS known remedy for diabetes, irritatloa of the neck of tbe bladder, inflammation of the kidney), catarrh of tbo bladder, atrmgiry, orpa'n'ul urinating. - BirCJHIh,- - THE -ONIrY IXMBOID’S mown Remedy for diabetes. Irritation of tbo neck of tbo bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of ttyo bladder, strangury, or painful urinating, BUHI. THE ONLY known remedy for dinhetea, irritation of the neck of tlio bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the ■ladder, strangury, .or palufttl urinatiug. |j EliMßOlfl’S HlJtlll, THE OSI.V kEoivn remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of th bladder, inflammation of lliokldneyß, catarrh of th bladder, strangury, or painful urinating EISIISOIjI>‘S - Blt'Ht' r __ known remedy for diabetes, irritatiou of the neck of t bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of tl bladder, strangury, or painful urinating JJEEMBOED’S BBtHl', THE «StT known remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of the bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, strangfliy, or painful urinating BI'CHC, THE ONLY known remedy for diabetes, irritation of tbe neck of the [adder, inflammation of the kidneys, catarrh of the ladder, strangury, or painful urinating JJEEMBOEDS IlUtUl, THE OSH uown remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of th bladder, inflammation of, tho kidneys, catarrh of th bladder, strangury, or painful urinating JJEEMBOEU’S BlfCHl'. THE OBIT known remedy for diabetes, irritation of the neck of the bladder, inflammation of tlio kidpoya, catarrh of tlio Madder, strangury, or painful urinating, ui.iHimi.ll’S BUCHtJ, IHE OMY ■"kTiOwiiTcmcilr-for-diaUetWr if ritattou-of-tbo ueoU of-tb6i hibddvr. inflammation'of tU# Uidnoya, catarrh of tho Haodvr. Ktransuryi’or painful mina.tia/, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. THE OSlt STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. FA F L OPEN IN G OF LACE CURTAINS. o T*e attention of buyers is invited taa SPECIAL large Fall importation of FRENCH AND SWISS LACE CURTAINS, advance, m oider to insure tLeir immediate UEGE A np VABIfID LINE OF CURTAIN AND DECORATING MATERIALS, FOR PABLORS, BOUDOIRS, LIBRARIES, BTC,, Comprising matty’novelties in Royal Tapestries, Moquels, Satins, Brocades, Cotelines, Brocatelles, Worsted Terrys, Reps, Damasks, Etc., Etc. CARVED AND PLAIN WALNUT, EBONY AND GILT CORNICES. SHAJDES IN GREAT VARIETIES, ' PLAINWHI' E, COLORED, BORDERED, LANDSCAPES, ETC., ETC. AH eiders culrnsted tons will be ex rented promptly by experienced aud reliable worliuien j\o. TOO© CLIE©TIN'TJ' r r. Stx-eet, I’lxiladelplua. V LAD TO LEAEN THBHARDWARE | _____ it\ liuniiioßh'iH waiitcd hyTBUSIAN & SHA.W,Nq.B36. | w- : nrr.Tfir.irß A'. M IIiChNEBY "a NEW- STOCK ,/v• W-JJBSOKS. JUST ' Mts> n;iloB.Moßow»,|ieTOM,jßj>*nnort.-or HO. 410 'MABKET BTBKET, leather-covered,' nml \vitli ItaitlH' 1 ’ sheaths. TRUMAN , rnn HnnO Iboir OrenitiK of Pivttorti Hats.und Bon i- SHAW. No, 835 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, . TrSal i Mil lino oK'THAY EIjEES. NEAT, SMALL j |1 \I,A.RMS: will awaken at any hour. } *- AL Anoio., W^ AKR & UUOXHKH. Jwipnrtm. ' CK'Atiuu str*?*. 1 :, Ik»S*v»\ uh fi-il tv s Itrp BLACK SILKS. DRESS GOODS. 14 is conceded by tlic leading houses, both here and in H'ew York,"that at the present time our RETAIL PRICES are lower than the IDENTIC AL GOODS ar e being sold at by the large wholesale dealers. Clur patrons and the public will at once .see the great advantage uc possess over those whose stocks have been recently purchased. It only remains for us to add that we shall keep the low scale of prices until our present slock Is exhausted, thereby giving our customers the advantage of our EAR LI and FORTTSATE purchases. H. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. MILIdNEKY TSAAO NATHANS, AUCTION BEK AND, jl Money Brolcor, nortlieftflt conier third and Spruce -j --a2fiUiOWto lieanJn largo or. small amounts, on * RW otherOlKrein tills Oily. ; : ' ' 11. P. & C.*R. TAYtOK, Perfumery and Toilet Soups, i; Ml ond M 3 North Ninth street. •SfcMNVXSS fechant A-Co^f?&sl9jfeS^L INK 1