..LN,. ~. . ...... ♦ .<»*•.., CITY BULLETIN. —The folio wing affidavits give the details of a very mysterious transaction wbicli took place ■ in the Sixth District Police Station, a day. or two ago ; Stole of Pennai/iamiii. Cibj of-PlrflHileljtlua, s* .-—John Uriau; being duly swbra according lo law, deposes and says he is one of the Con stables _in and for the Ninth Ward, in and for tiies aideily.'thatonMondayrSeptember 77 !!!; a man giving the name of James A. lUle'y,. was arrested by Daniel B. Beitler, one of the't'au vassers of the Sixth Division of the Ninth Ward, and charged with having his name illegally placed on the extra assessment list of the said division; that deponent took said Jatnes A. Riley before Aldennau R. R. Smith, who committed said- Riley for a' further, heariug, September 22, 1870, at 3.3() P. M., it being understood that said Riley had been assessed at other places in said Ward; said Riley was lodged by deponent in. the Sixth District Police Station-house on Monday afternoon; on Sep tember 23,J87.0, deponent proceeded to Moya mensing Prison with a discharge to bring said Riley out for a further bearing; the man given to deponent’s custody as the said Riley com mitted on Moiulay.is.not the Riioy lodged by deponent in the Sixth District Station-liouse. Joii.v UltlAN. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d dav of September, A. D. 1870. David Beitlek, Alderman. Slate of Pennsylvania, City of Philadelphia, .ss.—Joseph Norris Chambers, being duly sworn according to law. deposes and says that lie stops sometimes at Front arid CalloWhill streets, and sometimes at No. 519 North street, in said city ; that on Monday night, . Sept. 19, JS7O, he was asleep in some cans near Broad and Olive streets ; sometime during the night the car was entered by policemen, who struck a match, looked around, and said Here’s the man'we want,” and took deponent into custody and conveyer! him to the Sixth District Station-house; when going down , the steps at the Station-house one of the officers said: “Is this the" man another replied, “ Yes, he is the very man;” deponent was then locked hi a cell; in the- morning a jnau,_,jyjth ...a^_blach_gP.atee i^ T Qajn.e.-_dp.wn and said: “Where is James Riley?” I said, “1 don’t-know, sir;” “Youare the one,” be said; lsaid, “No, sir;” then he .said, “You answer to the name of Itiley when the Aider man calls you up, and you take it easy; you will go down below this morning; I will make it all right for you down there ; you will get beefsteak every day, and on Wednesday you will come up for a f urther hearing, and, when the Aldennan calls James A. ltiley,you answer for him. and ask the Alderman what you were arrested for ; don’t tell him you slept in the car, or else he will send you down as a vagrant;” deponent then went.to prison ;as deponent was going into the van the man who put deponent in said : “You are going to suf fer for this;” deponent did not get himself as sessessed anywhere, and had no thought about election matters Joseph N. Ciiambeks. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 23d day of September, A. D. 1870. Davjd Beitleil Alderman, —Mr. Thomas 11. Tharp,who for the past few years has been engaged iu reporting the pro ceedings of the courts lor several newspapers, a highly creditable examination on Thursday for admission to the bar. —The Republicans of the Fifteenth Ward held a mass meeting at Germania Hall, Seven teenth and Poplar streets, last .evening. The hall was crowded. The following'officers were chosen : President,Col. Elisha W. Davis. Vice Presidents, James Moore, Henry payis, Wm. Maltrews, John Fry, Charles A. Miller, James Neill. John Pearce, William Bennett, Jonathan Brock,\YiUiam Curry,Thomas W. Price. Secre taries, John W. Supplee, William B. Irwin, Samuel Collins, Job T. French, John T. Mc- Ginniss. Job Pedrick, James. Osbojn. Speeches were made by lion. Wm. D. Kelley, and Hon. Wm. B. Mann. Resolutions endorsing the Congressional career, of Judge Kelley were adopted. i —Andrew and George Gideon and Edward I Lawrence bad a bearing yesterday, before "At- j derniau Keir, on tlio charge of .violently as saulting Addis Hays. Complaiuaut appeared with bis face very much bruised and swollen, and with tbe marks of teeth in one of his cheeks. He testilied that on Wednesday night he stopped at a tavern, corner of Broad and Olive streets, and got into an altercation with Andrew Gideon, who called him hard names; that he was then struck, knocked down and kicked while he was down, by Edward Law rence, while George Gideon bit his cheek. The accused were each held in $6OO bail to answer. —The feast which celebrates the opening of the Jewish Civil Year, will begin at sundown td-monow. It will be celebrated in the vari ous synagogues throughout the city. All Jewish places of business will be closed. Monday will he more generally kept sacred in this respect than the Saturday previous, their regular Sunday. The Jewish name of the festival is Resh Ha Shona, signifying “ head of the year.” The new year is numbered 5631, from the beginning of the world, and the New Year's day is by tradition the anniversary of the creation. —A singiDg school for the newsboys has been staited in the Protestant Episcopal City Mission. No. South Ninth street. The first meeting was held last evening, where, in response to a previous invitation, about -10 boys assembled at the Mission rooms,and took a les son m vocal music. —A game of base ball was played yesterday, at Seventeenth and Columbia avenue, between the Haymakers,of Troy,New York.ancT the Ex perts. of this city. The game was called on the eighth inning, in consequence of the dark ' ness. The score stood—Haymakers, 21; Ex perts. 16. —Patrick C. Martin had a hearing, at the Central Station, yesterday, on the charge of shooting Policeman Hugh Donohue. He was "fully identified by the ollicer and was held in .$•.'.000 bail for trial. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. SunciAL Meeting.— A special meeting of the Board of Education, of Camden, was held last evening for the purpose of taking measures to procure a suitable building for an additional school-house in South Ward. The following members were present: Messrs. Cassady,Few " smith, McDowell, Mecray, Moore, Ridge, liit tenhouse and Taylor; Dr. Ridge, President,in the chair. A report was made by the Committee on Property, which set forth that a building at Fourth and Chestnut streets could be leased for $276 a year. Also, the first story of the Baptist Chuijfch. at Fourth and Mount Vernon 1 streets, could'be had. This building is very eligible for nubile"schools, sufficiently large for live departments,and' will-ftlrnish accommo dations for. tmyre.hundred pupils. . It couldbe' rented for s<;o4 per annum. On motion, the report was adopted, aud the Board agreed to rent the church for three years, witli the privi lege of having it five, if necessary. The members from'South Ward were con stituted a committee to see that the building is properly fitted up for school purposes. A resolution wa's presented'asking tbe lioaid to giant Miss.. Harriet M. King a • first-class certificate, and also to increase her salary to $6OO. The certificate was granted, but the in ——ere asc-of salary was-refused-. —Miss-King-has- taugbt-in the Camden public schools i'ortwenty years, and it was thought she was entitled to an increase of salary. The Board, however, in a fit of extraordinary economy,did not, allow it. Several appointments, promotions and. changes in teachers,were maile, when the B_>ard adjourned.' ’ • ; ■ ■ r ' Di.sTif.ur Ci»WENT!ON>.—The Republican Assembly District Conventions have been • ailed for the lOtb of October, to nominate -•jindidatos for the Legislature. Primary meet ings for the choice of liolegites .will be held on rii'e Otb. It is to be hoped that good uicu will j.e selected foi the Assembly, as the securing ..a majority (in joint.ballot, in that body w ill ' Vie''ofmost party, and give them a .United.. States.. Senator,. AMUSEMENTS. --The dramatic company at the Academy of Music will give a farewell performance this evening in Rieftartl 111 . . At the Arch, to-night, Camille and Central Park will he produced. —Money will be produced at the Walnut this evening, when Mr. Taylor will have a benetit. —Tlie Lingard Combination will appear in » good performance, at the 'Chestnut Street ‘ I lieatre this evening. , —At Carucross & Dixey’s Eleventh Street Opera Hovise a good minstrel performance will be given this evening. —A first-class minstrel entertainment will he given at- Simmons ...& Slocum’s Arch .Street Opera House to-night. —A good miscellaneous performance will be offered at Fox’s American Theatre to night, „ ' • CITY NOTICES. I Thk AttkoaChing Equinox,—The balmy \ weatberof the past few days may bo sot down as .the , precursorof the MEquhioitial.” On the heels of that | storm prudent people will l>e on the lookout for frosty ; mornings, cool evenings,and chilly nights,aiidprovidofor them accordingly. Nothing disconcerts a house or inara 1 {bo peace of a family so much as coll, dreafy autumn : weather, without the .necessary'housewarming nrrange . merits to meet it. Wo observe that Bagaciousi and care -1 ful housekeepers are now making tHo requisite provi sion for this change of temperature. Tho hurry and bustle among the stove men is Indicative of lids. On paying our annual visit to what may designated : the “Stove Headquarters ■■ of- our city—the popular. ' warerooms of Messrs. James Spear ) Grover & Baker’s Machine, and I never had a garment rip or need mending, except those routs which iioHrUsome boys will make in whole cloth. It is, in my opinion, by fur the most valuable of any I have tried.’’ iW'.', Jft/i.r'i ..Want.Mucluf..-.. nVl.n* j lifll rnririjl PHILADELPHIA: EVENING;BRLLETI,N, S.ATHI&PAVV jSEPTEMHE'B;,I ; j No. 603 an d 605 Chebt n u t , Chamber Sets, 1218 Chestnut Street, Tea Sets, --—j t l 'Befineo JPETisoLEt’tt for ilhttninajiug pur poses lias become quo .'of tho jmccfteitlok of d*fe. rThejft it. in the market bticb a Variety of brands and qualities, and so much that is JaDticrous to use, that wo elriuht exercise the greatest caution in purchasing, and buj only ti e best. Pratt’b Astral Oil will fully meet all the requirement* for an absolutely sate. uniform and pure illuminating oil.. It has the unqualified endorsement of Ihe oflluTß. of »he Now York Fir© Insurance Com panies. ot (scientific men. ami thousiuifr ofprivett? con* 3 iv\ Sftvngo Een., Pres. iniei*naUot)ftl!Fire In l *. Cc*.. N. V.irfinyß : * k I nm exceedingly-plbaAdd;tliYc a In.use of j our respectability lias furnished the public uiili an illuminating oil which can be relied upon for 'Bofety;~b” 1 '"‘ J .:=— • ••-- Ur! Q. Tftffliabue says: I have to pronounce tli£? /Htrbl' Oil the pftfeat illuminating oil In'the market.” TKt v ‘ApfralOil is pnlp at wholesale and retail hv Locke «kCo., 1010 Mnrkc street. Sole Agonts for Phila delphia. F-ok choice cranes, pears and other. fruit, Jordan-roasted nlmouiis nnd Frt ncli confections, of liis own manufacture, call upon A. L. Vanzant, corner of Ninth and Chestnut. The Latest Fashionable Beverage.—A furnishing store in this city advertises a new stylo of cravat ns “the latest fashion for the throat. ,J This msvbethe latest style for the outside of that organ, hut a fashion for the inside has just come up which ib twice ns popular. Somebody has found out that Schiedam Schnapps improve soda water, and (vtrvhadv acquiesces iu the arrangement. Al though somewhat conservative by nature* we are not op posed to progress, and conceiving it our solemn duty, as a public journalist, to ascertain whethor Schnapps Soda \\ ntor was a proper thing to recommend to our sub scribers. we mod it. The result may be stated in a few words. Thcmixturo is good to take* and if oiir stomach is like stomachs in genoral, ills congenial to that part ot the human orgnni'/atlon. Fiunlly, and to conclude, it touche's the fight Spot . : '~Sitnday Courier,' Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions of loth sexes use Het.kmbold’b Extiiact Bvciiu. It will give brisk and enorgetic feelings, and enable you to sleep well. . • {Johns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson,‘No. 916 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. Take no more Unpleasant and Unsafe Rkmkdieb for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Hki.xibold’s Extract Buchu and Improve!! Robe Wash. Judicious, Motiders and Nurses use Bower's Infant Cordial, because it is, one'of the most delightful and efficacious remedies over discovered for curing the various ills to which infants and young ohildron are subject. ■ _ - _ ■: The Glory of Man is Strength.—There fore the nervous and debilitated 6liould immediately use Helmbold's Extract.Buchu. Roaches, Ants, Flies, Mosquitoes and all insects are quickly destroyed by Jacoby’s Insect Powder. No. 917 Chestnut street. , Manhood and Youthful Vigor are re gained by HelmboldVExjractßuchu. -jACOBYisVicnY-LozENGES.-Highlyrecora mended for Acidity of the Stomach; Heartburn, Flatulency and Indigestion. No* 917 -Chestnut. street.' -' - ’ Ladies’ Hats, Ladies’ Hats, Of the most beautiful styles. At prices lower than elsewhere At OAKFORD’S, 534 and 836 Chestnut street. The “Philadelphia Upholstery,” cor ner Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, embraces every article in the the curtains, shades and bed ding, and nil . upholstery work done at a tremendous reduction from the regular charges. Shattered Constitutions Restored by Hklmbold’bßxtract Buchu: . HelmhoiJd’S \Extuact Buchu AND Im proved Rose'Wash cures secrot nud delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no chinge in diet, no inconvenience and no exposure It is plea Bant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, and free from nil injurious properties. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with-the dtmostsuccess,by J. Isaacs, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of tho Eye and Earhis speci alty) in the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience. No. 806 Arch street. Testimonials can bo seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrets In his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Surgical instruments and druggets Sundries, Proposals. PR OPO SALS FOR SUPPLIES/ OFFICE OF PAYMASTER UNITED STATES NAVY, NO. 42a CHESTNUT STREET, * Philadelphia, Sept. 20,1870. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “Pro- posals for Supplies,” will be received at this office uutil 12 o’clock M., on the first of Oc tober next, for furnishing the United States Navy Department with the following articles, to be of the. best quality, and subject to in-. Fpection by the Inspecting Officer in'the Philadelphia Navy Yard, where they are to be delivered, when required, free ofexpen.se, to the government, for which security must be FOIL DEKEAU —OF—COFHTRUCTrON- AND KEPAIKN. 50 Gallons Varnish, Demar. 500 OaJJons Oil Linseed, raw. For further particulars and time of delivery, ajT»p]£.to NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR, Navy FOR* BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT AND RECRUITING 4 Box Coil Heaters. 1 No. 2 Woodward Steam Pump. 1 Tank for Condensed Water. 1 abor in putting up the above. For lurther information apply to EQUIP MENT OFFICER, at the Navv Yard. FOR BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. 50 barrels Navy Mess Beef. Meat and nackages to be fully equal to Navy Standard.* 5 2,soo*gallons Beans, hand-picked, medium or marrow. 2,400 pounds Candles, in 80-pound boxes. For further particulars; time of delivery, &c., apply to JNSPEOTOR OF PROVI SIONS AND CLOTHING, Navy Yard. Blank forms for proposals at this office. ROBERT PETTIT, se24 8t Paymaster, U. S. Navy. 50 yards Cloth, Hair, Blacky 82 inches wide. 20 do. do. do. do. 28 do. do. , TO RENT, m FOR,RENT. . m House 145 Price Street, Germantown, Throe minutes from Railroad Depot Twelve rooms, bath-room, furnace, range, i ntern u ith pump in addition to hydrant water. Lease for three years. S7UO per annum. Apply to \ W. 11. W EBB, 20(5 Price Street. sc23 tf \ ftm TO LET—LARGE STORE, NO. 818 Idiiil Market streot, corner of Hudson street. Apply to T. 11. BAOUk, ‘ * se24 tf§ , 233 South Thirteenth streot. fm FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, BdliiLon Spruce street, south side of the wav, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth street*. Immediate posses sion. Apply to E. L. MOSS, 5024 6t- 206 Walnut street. ‘ FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS EjM-*'To Rent—The Six-story Store, southwest corner Market and Pouith streets ; has been a popular clothing house for the last twenty yours. Apply to EOT. O. WAYNE, se2l-K tu tb Hit’* at National Bank of Commerce. fg TO“‘RENT^FURNISHED-TO ~A IM small family, a desirable residence, on Nineteenth street, near Chestnut. In complete-order, ami hand somely furnished. RICHARDSON JANNKY, Hc22-th * tu 3t* 2UG 8. Fourth street. & TO RENT, FURNISHED-A DESl rftble modorn Three-story House; has twelve rooms ; bath, with hot and cold water, bituuted on Wab lace street, west of Eighteenth Address so2l-w th u3t* J.,” Box 1622, Post Ofliee. a GERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR Sale or to Let—on Adams stroot, second house bo- > low Johnson street, westsido, antfw andolegant cottage, containing 11 roomß, with airtight lioator,‘ranges, gas. Ivater-clobwt, bath-room and all other mniiorn improve ments,. House guaranteed to bo;builtof bcHtniaterlal and workmanship. All frames, sash, doors and shutters made by hand, and house stripped throughout,' Mize of lot: C(jctlso. Immediate possession given. Price §!»,000, or a rout of $720 per annum. Applv.29 West Washington avenue, Germantown. 5«22-ot* ' '££) 3’6 BaNT-A HANDSOMELY MR.' A7£. It'Olliilll'S, Mo■ 31 u t e t, . «£* TO LET SECOND-STORY FRONT Hill Room, 324 Chestnut streot, about 20 x 28 feet. l Snitublo for an office or light businoss. jalfi tf rp FABB & BROTHBBF £lO RENT, FURNISHED—A HANDI Bomo Country. Bosidenco, Mapheim stroot, Gor owni ivltli every improvement. Fine. stable ‘and four acres of ground, in oxcolloht/Srder. Also, a desi rable Country Residence,.Thorptf lane,third house from Duy’slane, Germantown, with 2)i ucreß of ground, stable, Ac. Will bo routed roaßoupble. Apply to COP- I'UCli & JOIiDAN, 433 Walnut btrent. (OREEBE & MoCOLLUM, REAL EBTATJB Office, Jackson street, opposite Mansion stroot, OaM Island, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the season wIU applf or address as above. BospootfuUv refer to Chas. A. Rub Jo am, Henry Bnmm, Francis Mcilvain, Aoguatu Merino John Davis wx! W. .Juvenal. fe3*tfi Bkowdkn A Brother, 23 Snrth Eighth street. FOB BAi,E. EBCHT V4MABLE BIIIILMTO LOTS MObRESTOWISI-. N: J,; Nino miles from Camden, ou tho 0. B. 0. & P. »*st of Nfntli street. Large .stable and ‘earriug-dioM*, • un therejir. .J. M. GUiIMJBY; &. 50N5,733^*1,, nut street. , r , , m -WOODBINE ; terrace - for ElaiDaie, threoi>ciiitcrl atoh£ Cottages, built in tiio' i-vrt manner, with every- city convenience; gns dud water ; situate within 5 minute*’ walk from the railroad •lepot at Germantown, -J, U. GUMMEY Sc SONS*733 Walnut street. " -> • 7 ’ 1 ' £§j \VEST DELAyCEY PRACE—FOR f»nl««—The handsome three-story brick residence' with Mansard roof, built auo finished throughout in a rmperior nmnjner, with extra convenience;*; ,2 bath rooms. ’At. - ; Hifunte No. 2035 Belaaeey l'iaco. J.M. .U.UALHEY. &:a.UNB;7iI3 --: : i-:_; - ~ FOK SALIC—THE ELEGANT'FIVE story brown-stone store property, situate No. 57 Noitb Third street. J. M. GUMMEY & 50N5,733 Wal nut street. Stmt, contnining 2l> acres of laud, situate on the Limekiln turnpike uud Uniuesstroetoc Methodist lane r convenient to .either Gerinohlown Railroad ..or North Pennsylvania. Large muqsipu house, with 2 parlors, library’, dining-room, butlers pantry, store room and large kitchen on first floor, 7 chambers on second floor; bath, hot ami cold water ami large closets. Stabling for 6 horses and large eoach-hotise. Abundance of fruit and two young orchards. Grounds are hand somely improved with drives/aud walkß and well shaded with forest trees. J. 51. GUMMEY A SONS, 733 Wal nut street. eF OR SALE—A HANDSOME THKEE- Htory brick dwelling with double three-story back buildings aud lot of ground, No. 1632 Arch street. lin medate possession. Apply to A. B. CARVER A CO., 8. W. corner of N inth and Filbert. ae2l dt* MARCH STREET—FINE RESIDENCE property. No. 1628, for sale. , AHo, No. 1007 Arch street; all modern improvements TVnndeißy. Early possession.- E. 8. MORRIS, or,D.\VISTAB, se2l-4t w ' ' ; No. 233 N. Teuth’street. Mfor sale—a new and "ele guntßrown Stone KesidbncS eust ~4ide of Logan Square, below Vine; 'reptyte, with convenience*. In nuiro at promise*. Bcl6 tf§ / EDWIN JRAFSNYDER. MARBLE TE SAL E, House nnd Lot, No. 3213 Chestnut-street. Lot IB ) y 120 feet. Building 4' stories front and back, with white marble front and Mansard roof; spacious rooms arid stairways; finished In the most modern and ap proved stylo; underground drainhgo, heating and cook ing arrangements complete; soapstone wash-tubs in kitchen, and speaking tubes to all parts of house? Also for Bale, housq and lot. No 3332 Chcatnut. street. For particulareapply to-BAND, PERKINS *CO., 124 North Sixth street. se6 tfij ®FOR SALE —EDGE,WATER—BEAU- tifuIIy located on the Delaware—Modern Country Residence (new), and large lot of grouud. Easy of ac cess by river or rail. Very high, ground., House fin ished most complete style. Jlath, hot aud cold water, range, heater, «e., &c. Will be sold low. FRED; SYLVESTER, 208 South Fourth street, -- ~se«tf§-~ for sale.—a~ very valuable iiiiiL (HOUSE aud LOT.fit the JN- Wrcorner of Forty second fatreot and Kiugsessing avemio. Houfie.built of brown stone, three stories, containing U3rooms\and finished in the best and most substantial manner, witluall the rnodom improvements—one of the most desiriibfe'honßes in West Philadelphia., Proporty should ho seen to appreoiqtcid. wishing to know the toiins nnd examine the property can do so by : callingoir ,1 AMES M. SELLERS,’untiI P: Mint 144 South Sixth street, and in the evening at 600 South Forty-second street. . _ uu 23 tf fgß NEW BROWN , STONE HOUSES, SHILnOS. 2006 • AND 2010 SPRUCE BTUEET \LBO, NO. 2116 WALNUT STREET, FOH >ALE FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MOST SUPERIOR MANNER; AND WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE/ E. B. WARREN, 2018 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 ANDI O’CLOCK P. M. mh2stf |7OR SALE—BUILDING LOTS—A VERY ,1} .dejdruJ-dC' Lot of Ground, west 1 side of North l(road street, 60x200 feet deep to Carlisle street. A largo lot, northeast corner 6ixth and Dickerson streots, 123 fi'i-t on street by 90 foot deep. A lot south side Lo riist street west side of Twenty-first street, 64x100 feet deep. A large lot on Washington avenue,4l6x2B3 foot ei p. Apply to COPPUCK A JORDAN,'433 Walnut »ireut. .. • ' . SPECIAL NOTICES. t OFFICE RIDGE AVENUE AND UrS* MANAT UNK "PASSENGER RAIL WAT COM*. PANY, corner or Bidge mid Columbia avenue, Septem ber 20,J570 r Notice in hereby given -that a mooting of the Stock holders of tin* Ridge avenue and Munayunk Passenger Railway Company will be held at the oilico of the Com pany, eonffc 1 of Ridge and Columbia avonues, on FRI DAY, tho 30th of September, at 11 o’clock A_M., to tahe into consideration matters In which every Stockholder is interested. ' - - - -» - By order of the Company. ;i • . CHARLES,THOMSON JONES, .'.b023 OtrpS r • 1 / .; . v [_ • Preai .eht.-. AND EAR DIiP ArWuENTT of Philadelphia Dispensary, 315 S; Seventh street {below Spruceh . Open dally at 10 o’clock. Re22-ot’' : OF “THE 1? RANKLIN l/BANOR CO. PillL I ApHM»mA, Sopt; 17, 1870. An Election for Ten Directors, to serve for thoensu ing year, will be held agreoal>ly to charter at tho Ollice of tho Company, on MONDAY. Octobor 3. 1870, between tho hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. J. \V. MCALLISTER, Secretary HelOt oc3^ X>ISHOPTHORPE. x> A CHURCH SCHOOL FOU YOUNG The third your commence* September 14, 1870, For circular and furthor information addroßS the 'Prin cipal* MISS F.I. WALSH, BishopCborpo, ’—wo24 e t-tb r ——Bftblobom, Pa C~ ATHARINE M. SHIPLEY WiLiTltE open her School. No. 4 South Merrick street, on the 12th of 9th month (Bopt.J. ■ au3o*lm§ T/fRS. V r AN KIRK'S BOARDING AND iVI l>iiy School for Young Ladios. and' Chihlrou, i:«3 l»in* street, will reopen on Monday, So.pt. V3t\v. tu&htai jaPHCATiON. , ; >M H. Y. LAUDER BACH’S ACADEMY Btrßet. ‘ A Primary, Elomentary and Ejnifihjug School*;'; ,-{ • •, Thorough preparatlonfor Business or College. Special attention gtvefrto Conuaoiroiftl Arithmetic Vvnid ' alt kiods of Business calculations. , French and Gorman, Linear and Perspective Drawing ' Elocution, English Composition,-Natural Science. > , FIELD PRACTICE Ip fluryeylng.ftud 0(vll Engineorr ing, with the use of all requisite insfrumenM, is fttveu to the higher classesin Mathematics. . The heat ventilated, most lofty ,uud spacious Olasa .rooms in the city. • —Open for the reception”of npplicaut3 dally- from 10 Ar- M.foAP. M. v Full term will begin September 12. - V >, Circulars at Mr. Warbuxton’s, No. 430 Chestnut street. BCI9 tf|> .. ; ROBERT H. LABBERTON’S YOUNG SADIES’ ACADEMY, S3BandSIOSSMb FIFTEENTH Slroot. Next term commences September 19th. jolS 4m Elocution, Penman&hip. Languages, Abw INSTKUCTION IN WAX. Ai the PHILADELPHI A INSTITUTE. No. iaiSOhit.it ,mit Street. J. W; SBOKUAKEB, Principal. ae2otuth s3trp* • 1 TI/TATHEMATIOAU AND OTHER IN IVI STItL'CTION for Pupils ,by PLINY K. CH \SB and J. E. OLIVER. Inquire nt9o3.Clinton St. se22ot* MIL E. ROBERTS, H AVJNG’REMOVED lu'h Select School for Boys to 1418 Bouvierstfreet, between Sevi-uteemh and Eighteenth. above Master, reopened Sept. 12. " sel7-fl«twGt* 1%/fJSS ■ C~aT *ROBERTS HAVING HE JLtjL. movtd her Select School for Girls to 14H Ilouvier. -Htr«4dr~ between -Seventeenth -and—Eighteenth,-above Master street, re-ppeueil September 12. i-VigrriNtfcoVEßKys: ■ JT. L Desires a few more pupils for EuglLh ami Draw fug. Address A. L. H., 1719 Pine St. sol3-tu th s-df MISS BTTFFTTM AND MISS WATSON will reopen thoir Boarding and Day schoil. for young, ladles, No. 1409 Locust street, on Wednesday September 21st, nil 27 tu,th,9a,tf9 Academy of the Protestant EPISCOPAL CUDRCiI, Locust and Jumper streets. ■ ■ • •• The Session-will open on MONDAY. September 6th. Application may he made during the preceding week between 10 and 12 o’clock In the morulne. JAMES W. ROBINS.A-M aulO tu,th,Batoclj Head Master, iNsfirniS; English FIIENCII, for'young Ladies and MUms, board* ing and day pupils, Nos. 1527 and 1523 Spruce slroot, Philadelphia, Pa., will REOPEN ON TUESDAY, September 31. French is the language of the family, and iscon-tantfy spoken In thbTnslitnte. j »l6-thatu-6mS MADA ME D’HERYILLY. Pfihci[pal Academy of notee dame; . Nineteenth, below Walnut **tr*‘ot.— I Terras—Day >cholorß, $2O to $4O perM»fii'l . WILLIAM HAMILTON, ’ rps ; _ Actuary. A . YOUNG LADY, WITH FIRST-CLASH ir\ •• reference, ,» Bcm.kti.v- Op Tick. Be2l*6C - IDROF. J. MAROTEAU, TEACHER 1. of tln* French Language, No. 223 Sdurli Ninth -ti>***t. seltMmo* r\ 6un t l and haunders col- V - i.EGE, -.*.• -o- Kor Young Men, Youth and Small Boys. ««e**lm* Brainerd institute, > CRANBERRY, N. I. A first class boarding school for boy*. : Reopen* SEP* TKMBEII 12,1370. W. 8. McNAlli. ' '• piTTENHOUSE ACADEMY.— % E. XllUhestnu.t and Eighteenth*-will.beginiuseventeenth y.*otrSeptember 12.1870. Furcirculnrs, giving full in formation. call at Blair, Northwest! Chestnut add .Eighteenth streets. an 15-2 m LUCIUb BARROWS, (J p rinH^l(l DkBENNEYILLR K.LUDWIG, )* "QClpala. riHESTNUT STREET FEMALE SEMI \J NARY. Philadelphia—Miss Bonney and Mies Dil htyo.PcinclpaUs—The luvnliz-Jirst year or this English mni Trench Boarding and Day School will open WED* NEBPAY, September lull, at 1615 CHESTNUT street. Particulars from Circulars. au!3 tocl WM. FJEWSMITH'S CLASSICAL AND English School, 1 100? Chestnut street. Re-opening MONDAY. September 12. Circulars at i>lr. A. B. Taylor’s, 1015 Chestnut Street. au3l,ltn* MISS GRIP PITT'S WILL RE-OPEN her privato school, September 12th, in tho upper riMiina of the School Building of tho Church of the Epiphany, Chestnut and Fifteenth streets. Entrance, up pet gate onCheatnnt street. received »t 1126 Girard street. , ; au;2stooc.l. YOUW LADIES' INSTITUTE, WITH t : Troparatory Department, 1131 Spruce street* re* opens S., Bankers,ll4 S. Third street, Philadelphia* ,or by ad* ■ hcrtsing the Principal, Shoemakortown Post-Office, Montgomery county, Pa, . • au!6 2mo§ Z'iLASStCAL, MATHEMATICAL AND VI - English School, Ills Hurkot stront, motions Si-pt-,12. Booms largo. WM. 3. OOOLKY, A. M. lm» rPHOM AS "BALDWIN’S ENGLISH, IJ Mathematical and Classical School for Boys, north ■*MHt-corner of Broad and Arch, will roopen* Bopteinbor 12ih. au29-Im’* riIHE ARCH STREET INSTITUTE FOR I YOUNG LADIES, 1.345- Arcli stroot,will ro opou WEDNESDAY, September lttli. • • . . , - au2inni!j ~ ■ • ■ L. M. CROWN, Principal. VCAIIEMY UF THE sS-ORED HEART, 1334 WALNUT STREET! This Institution 1b under the direction of’the Ladles 6f tho Sacred Heart. Payouts and guardians are rospoctfully notified that the scholastic year re-.opens on tho-FIRST MONDA Y QF SEPTEMBER;. For terms,cto., apply-iit-tht*Academy. • Ht2 •lm 7 '.' • ' • • -,y ; . o-' Young ladies’ institute, ' WEST GREEN STREET, CORNER' SEVEN TEENTH. The duties will ho resumed Sopt.l4, Bov, ENOCH H. fiUPPLEK, A.M., Principal. au3l-lm§. , Northwest institute for young Ladles, formorly locatod Thompson,*now re “nioVodto^WGN.'Brdad'streetwin roopon - Wednesday,- Bent. 11. Tho Misses E, O. Snyder, E. A. ..Ivens aud M. A. Albertson, Principals. : an3o,lm* X;RT SCHOOL. | A. VAN = Wi™’ S ;? UnoP E AN -4—Atl334CnE»TNmr.Street,P4iUadolphiar— Institution, modeled upon tho most celebrated Academies of Europe, will reopen September''ath. 1870.* Its instructions are not limited to'Artists exclusively, but are also carefully adapted to the wants of teachers, and all others who desire proficiency in art ds an,accom plishment,. ■ t ...••• ' a AdndHsion mfty bo had at any time. Circulars on ap plication. sol hn* .DSKMEKTS. S; W. Wol*.'Twelfth and Chestnut, (Entrnnc? Oil Twelfth otrvf*t.) Alltho Now ami Kaf^ionuMeDaucyit.Tuught^ Lntiicti and Qotitloaion—Alondav, Tueminy-, Thunidiiy and Friday Evoninga. Misncfi and Masion*—Tuonday end Saturday Altor noona. : Gentleman Only—Saturday Evening. , . Private loanoDa, fllngly or fu clttSfi, at D-lly to mitt Kortormn, Circulars,'oto , apply or a/idreafl PIIOF, ABHBB,atthfr Academy, riol2-Bm§ CARL GAERTNJfiUVS NATIONAL CON SERVATORY OHOUKRTRA -will give. during the season of Four Grnml Concerts at tho Aca demy of Music. There will fllsa Im given Ten. Hoirbcn of CmfctdcuL Chamber Music In the large room or the National Conservatory of Music. This Orchestra offers its services to the public for concerts, operatic and dramatic performances, com mencements, &c., Ac.; also, in private soirees for solos, nonettes, ottettes, sextettes, quintettes, quartettes, trios and duos. Euffasemcntif received nt the tffice, southeast corner TENTH and, WALNUT streets.' . , ruor Subscription lists nt the music-stores and at tho ofiice. __ _ _ _ _ _ 1 p«l2'tm!j OR MUSIC TIIIS. SATURDAY. EVENING. Ropt. 2f, 1370. LAST PEIirOKoIANOEm PHILADELPHIA - of THE GREAT DRAMATIC CONGRESS. THIS. SATURDAY, NIGHT—Open at V-i . ShaiiHpearc'a Traeody, in G act*. of RICHARD III.; ' ■ .OR THK , BATTLE OK BuSIVORTH. MR. K. L, DAVENPORT as Richard 111 Mil. E. C. HANGS an .. «. ..Richmond MR PRANK MA VOna.. ........Duke of Buckingham JNO. E. McDonough » K ing Henry VI IVho line kfndlr lakeii th** purl on thin ocoAftfoo. MR. A .. Hd DAVENPORT ns.. .......>..:Trc«vjl MISS JOSEPHINE ORTON n« .Lndy Anno MADAME PO.NISI n« oueeu Elimb.‘tli S! A- hH, Duchess of York MlbB lih Prince o! Wale* Mißtainod by an Excellent Company. Secured >'«Mi may U« had at Uu»- Jlojt Oftlcy of'.th* -Academy.of iludlc ;. W. f 11. IION ED’S Muido Stotts lh>2 Chcßtmit street.: •; •'" AME LUCAN ACADEMY” OF. MUSIC HASSL'EU'S GKAND MIfcITAKV AND OUCfIESTUAE (1M70./ OONCEIiT MATINEES.: <1371 > , -Tho llas-aler have * ha-honor to nurtounce thar the INAUOUKA.L MATINEE ; will take place on i SATUHIMY AFTERNOON, Oct. J. UtTiy j <> clock. • « ! with a itrfturi combination, of ovur * * SIXTY KIIt.sT:t:LASB IN ST 111' MANTA LISTS AND 80L0 I!KKFOBMEKS. Particulars in further announcements; t riHESTsrT Street'T theatre:" \ IjOWßilj ’ft BIMMOSDB. Jfffioli^n. THISAFTKBNOO.VrM'ATINEE AT 2 .TIIIB..KVBNIKO,:. mi-ANir fakkwkllmsbfoumanok ' ro°p* i n' . ; „ UNGAIU> COMBINATION. UNO Alii) COMBINATION, Tlit- Kitv.,riteCnin«Hly, entitled - - - - naval, engagements. TilK r.ASlOt'.« LINGAItD SKETCHES. hikl thi 1 LiiiißliHlJl*' Fiirct* cantlfd UK r 5 A LCNAIIO. gknebal ticket office at box office of TLtßU'j!«.CU'iMlumabove,Twtlftli. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. Sept. 24, FIRST BKNKNIT OF .MR. JAMES TAYLOR. \' )i* u tt-fll )>*• presented IJulvt-t?r « tHuutjf’u) Comply of MOSfEY. A If roTEI»N . , i . will appear iu the Grand Moral Drama of _ EAST LYNF.fi. Mrs. JOHN DREW’S ARCH STREET THEATRE. .ih**int u to 3. TUTS. SATURDAY, EVENING, Sept. 21, 1379. < ‘uly ni fc Jii of the ' ‘ CAMILLE., and the auntfiinK .farce cf MB. AND MILS. DETER WHITE, «iu thoCoiHerva tory of Hiljlanb f: Piano, Organ Harmony—ll. A. OT4ARICE. Orchestra?^Department—' CAßL PLAGEM ANN. LanguagoH'and Art Department—Prof. HABEL an Sianorina NINA MASSA. . Elocution—Prof, and Mrs; SHOEMAKER. a stuff of the best Professors m the city In the follow ing branches : Yocal Music, Piano, \ iolin, \iolu, '*o* lone-olio, Contra Bass, Theory of Harmony-, Grain! Or- Kuh (or Church Orgnnj. Cabinet Organ, Heh doon, Fllito, Clarionet, Oboo, Bassoon, Horn, Cornet, Trom botie, Harp, Gui tar, Ac., Ao. ,and in the Italian, German, FrenchJijid Spanish lianghagefl. For particulars eeo circulars, to bo had at the Qjjico of tho Conservatory and in the Music of thq Conservatory takes this, oppor tunity to express his sincere gratification at the success widen has attended his efforts to establish this' institu tion in Philadelphia on a permanent basis and with the prospect of continued prosperity. Ho would likowiao declaie his gratitude to tho many kind blends among ' the students and olsewhore, whoso Interest in the cause of thoroiigh instruction in tlm art and scionco of music has assisted so materially in bringing the Consurvatory-to its present state of use* ~ .... r ._ • Ho can only promfso in return that liis devotion to tho object of raising the institution under his care to a high place among thogrcatmusic schpola of the world bJIIuL be, nt> it has been, the controlling influence of tho Coa mvivtuvy,. . .. ... . (Vvia.T.AKnTS’ES; ■ ' • Director und' Proprietor. oIgTP. RONMNBLL A, TKAOHEK OB’ ; 0; Binging. Private lessons aud classes. Bosideuce, ;353£. Thirteenth street. ‘ ‘ . " ' . Ball a d" sing in ■ Freuch and Italian. OPROF. T. ’c 33 -frnnJh-Win»demithMn»otr~r-—--7— ■*• au ** -l is2^ p^Ki^gsa, -i , , I °°fntaB inucl ‘ ror parttailurH, ; Vs I SM* &,B°4-y- i “ ,> C o s4kM>; \ (1010 » tu th Ini Xiocal and General. , , 6t«T!?e'#'(^tt(WQW)bufC hvilis«|j^|Sß&leaqa^ji».W&Wßr< {©ok w|»‘ i|H6p|BtO% Vi| \ orgaKiiatfim in West Philadelphia held their first service last Sunday,at the Oourtlandt Saunders College. The. West Jersey Baptist Association held its fifty-ninth anniversary recently in the Woodstown JJaptist Church, in Salem county. The Classis of the Reformed Church of Philadelphia will meet in Zion Church, Sixth at 10 o’clock A. -M. Accohdino to the per capita distribution of the Five Million Memorial Bund of the Pres byterian Church the proportion for this city will he nearly (200,000. The Cohdcksink Presbyterian Church was tho only, one in this city to which fine hundred iocm'hf)fs and more were added or» profession of faith during the last year. -"V The next Monday afternoon unioii .pijayeY,' meeting will bo held on Monday afternoon next* from 4 to 3 o’clock, in the Seyefith byterian Church, Broad and CbcsthutsFreets. The Rev. J. M. Lawler has been transferred from St. Amies’s Catholic Church, West Ches ter, to St. Francis’s, in this city, in place of Eev. P. Daly, who has been transferred to Norristown. Tin; 255 d union meeting in behalf of the Pldladeiphia.Tract and .Mission .Society, will, he held to-morrow evening,at 8 o’clock, in the Chestnut Hill Baptist Church. Several ad dresses will he delivered. The Eev. Frederick Weichman, a native of this city, was ordained a priest on the Oth inst. by Bishop Luers, of Fort Wayne, and cele brated bis first mass on the 14 th m the Church of the Assumption, New York. • The following Presbyterian churches in Philadelphia have at least five hundrednamesf on their communion rolls: First Kensington, 1,137 ; Ninth Philadelphia, 707 : Cohdcksinlc, '083; Third Church, 085; KonsingtoCUljur.chV -550;. Green Hill, 320; Tenth Church, 001. The Eev. Samuel Kalpli Asbury, a Congre gational minister without settlement, residing iii this city, was admitted to the Diaconate ' iu' St. Stephen’s Church, Boston, on the 2d inst. He is an Englishman, and was atone time a missionary in India, arid one of the translators from the German of Lange’s Commentary. The German Baptists have had a rapid growth in this country since 1854. In that year their churches numbered B,their ordained ministers 8, their reported baptisms 108, their addition»43,-andTheir total membership--405r In 1809 they reported 70 churches, 80ordained ministers, 404 baptisms, 357 additions, and -a membership of 4^«st. The new Catholic church in Camden, N. J., just completed, will be opened on the 2d prox;, with imposing ceremonies. The dedicatory sermon will be preached by Maguire. The music will be under the direc tion of Mr. Thunder, of this city; and. in, the evening, at Vesper services,: tho sermon will be preached by Bishop Bayley, of Newark. The Eev. Jabez Ferris, of this city/who has been supplying the pulpit of the Jefferson Street Baptist Chnrcli, -Providence, It. J., for the past four months, preached his farewell sermon on .Sunday,The 4th inst. He received a call from the church to become its pastor, hut declined, as-he wished to Complete his theological studies, which he was obliged to suspend some time since. The Bethlehem Moravian, Mission, .Second street, above Dauphin, under the care of the First Moravian Church, is in’ a "floiurishing condition, and has grown so much in numbers as to reijuire larger accommodations. It is the intention of the trustees to erect a neat aud substantial building, at a moderate expense, which will aflord ample room for the congre gation and Sunday school. The revenues of the Church of England are <1 noted at £5,842,01W per annum, nearly 830,- —:... TK;fi,(»Kj. Its aggregate properly is set down a£.. .£178,021,502 r-the annual salary of its twenty eight Bishops, S7*B,soo—an average ot .about 828,000 each. The Archbishop of Canterbury gets '►757000, an it The Arch bis hopof York, and" the Bishops of Loudon and'_\yinchester, 880,- 000 each. The revenue of cathedrals is £l,- 505,025. Deluxe the past summer the Wharton Street Presbyterian Church, in this city, has been thoroughly refitted and improved. The •-« iuteriorTiax been frescoed, the-pews uipbols-- lered, and the whole appearance of the church made pleasant and attractive. On Sunday last the congregation occupied the renewed church, and during the day more than three thousand —— Hollars were <;ollected-U>-defray the expense of the improvements. The church has also purchased a building adjacent to the church lor the use of the pastor. The Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia, iu the interval between 1880 aud 1870, has in creased in ministers from 135 to 244 ; churches, from 200 to 224 ; iu communicants, from 27,285 to 32,538 ; in Sabbath school membership,from 21,308 to' 54,013 : and in moneys raised iu the year, from >501,057 to -The .increase, of hpneyolenf con(ributioiiSiW r aBasfollowfl: To Home Missions, from $18,923- t 0.532,144;! eign'Missiqnsi from 513,58? to-f 24,024; Edti catiou, from $10,487’ to j524,085 : ;' Pdblfcatiom' from 51,774 to $4,028 J Congregational, from $214,387 to $438,830 ; miscellaneous, from >25,- sooto $30,754. i Notwtthstandinc. the postponement ofthe meeting of the Evangelical .Alliance, several delegates from Great Britain and the Conti nent have arrivedfin this country, and a few: others are expected. Of these,some lefthome previous to the decision to postpone, wbilo others, having their arrangements lor the voy age all made, decided to come. Among these foreign visitors are Eev. Professor Eevel, of Florence, Italy: Professor Benevier, of Lau sanne, Switzerland; Itev. Dr. Koenig, of Pesth, Hungary; Itev. Isaac G. UlisSj of Con stantinople ; Sir. Thomas Scott, of Hobart town, Van Diemau’s Land ; Eev. Dr. Angus, Eev. Dr. Macauley, Eev. Dr. Mullens, Eev. Henry Allou, Eev. James Davis, and others, from Great Britain. As several of those gen tlemen are now in New York, it has been de cided to hold a public Alliance meeting at As sociation Hall, New York,to-morrow evening, to hear from them respecting the interests of religion in their respective countries. The dedication- services of the Bethesda Presbyterian Church, corner of-Frankford Toad and Vienna street; will commence to morrow and continue during the %veek. The ceremonies will be by the pastor, • Rev. W. F. Eva, assisted by several eminent v clergymen. ! The services- will be -continued during the week. Tlio following is the order of exercises: Sunday, Sept. 22, 101 A. M., the pastor, Itev. W. F. Eva, assisted by other min isters; 3_*P. M., Rev. Herriqk Johiujon, D.-D.; 73’Evening, Rev. J: Addison Henry.\Mon day evening, Rev. John Chambers; Tuesday evening, Eev. T. L, Cuyler, of Brooklyn; Wednesday evening, Eev. J. W; Jackson, of the Methodist Church; Thursday evening, Rev. J. L. Withrow ; Friday evening. Rev. A. A. Willits, D. D. Sunday,,,Uct. 2, lOd A. M-, Rev. G. W. Musgrave, D. D.l 3 l’. M., Eev. E. W. Allen, D. D., children’s service ; 7| Even ing, Eev. Bishhp SimpSolii' ) The JeSvish New Year commences at sun down to-morrow. In the Jewish books it is declared that this festival IS'idf; a three-fold character: “Ofhomago, to invoke the speedy approach of tlie Kingdom of God; of-remem , branch; acknowledging the omniscience, pro vidence and exorcise of supremacy toward the individual, that it may pltiasd God to -remem ber his creatures with pity and to tomper lus —judgment with mercy ;, and of: sounding-the cornet.’* The feast will be' celebrated Tn the various synagogues throughout the city. All Jewish places of business throughout the city ; will'be closed, and tho owneiSTvill be present at the services. Monday will he more gene rally kept sacred than theßatinrday previous,, l *' their regular Sunday. The Jewish, name of is.irtrnmi tfie-ftiStiVitl is Eosh. Ha.TtShdnafr-SigdEjs2j3» l ' ' "head of the year.” The new year is num bered 5031, from tho beginning of. the . .world, and ,The. New. Year’s,day, : .is by -tradition! the aiittiyefsary of the'creation. , .The first month of; ttfe’civil -year'is :,Tishri, .Persian .'for; first, -wbile'the first month of tlie church ; year is Nissan; tlie seventh mouth of tho civil year. 'Soap is undoubtedly a ei-Hlizing agent; at ' least amoug tlie North Amercan Indians. The superintendentof the Nebraska tribes say that more soap was in demand the past — season, than. any.. other ..pre.vloii9.,YeaL,jrom:. which it may naturally belnferred that civili zation is -rapidly advancing among the sav ages. ;^jJ BEiIGioUS INTELXiIGEN CE. IS fc Port Cart0n...;,7,742:11. SchlfylMl HaVoii.:.;,:. 30,932 (12 44 Pino Grove..,.. 6,140 11 Port Clinton - 13,815 10 ** Harrisburg and iiauptiln - -5|924 00 44 Allentown and AlLurtee 86 JO Total Anthracite Coal for week - 108,198 04 Bituminous Coal from Harrisburg and Hau- - • phiu for week-. 9,&5 10 Total for week paying freight. 9 ctJciiiruDyßuny...,^..' Total of all kinds for th«.premises w ill be shown by the owner and occu-“ pant. One half cash; balance secured by bond and rjjpyttmtfe on the premises. »*>“•lmmediate possession. v ' ' L - M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, ■ 139 and 141 South Fourth street. 118,051 03 ...MO* 121,101 07 2,637,758 10 §sj* BABE BY ORDER OF HEIRS— JCHiL'EMtato of Christopher Bocklus. deceased .—Ttomas A Sons,. Auctioneers.—On Tneaday,.October 4 3 1570, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, hhtfollowinK dtwibed Nos. 1 and 2.-2 Frame Dwellings and Largo Lot, Nob.- 421 and 423 St. John street, south of Willow street. No. ].- All that two story framodwQlling and lot of ground, east side of St. John street, south of Willow, No. 423 : the lot containing in front 18 feet 10 % inches;' and extending in depth 76 feet to a 4 feet wide alley leading into Wiilc w street**"* No. 2.—A1l that story fiamo dwelling and lot of ground, east side of St. John street, adjoining the abovo bn.theMDuth ;19feet 9?u inches front, and in depth 76 feet to a 4:feet wide alley ; • T«Tii!R--Caßh. Nok'. 3 and 4 f-2 modern three'-story b.rlofc dwellingßY Nob. 227 and. 229 Stevens street, {Jamdeu,N. J. No:3.r- AU that modern three-story brick messuage, with two etory hack building, together with lot of ground, sitnate on tbenorth side of Stevens street, 40 feet west of Third street, New Jersey ; containing infront 20 feet, and in depth 10U feet, together with the privilege of an alley, {Tbe house contains 11 rooms ; large saloon parlor, IfbrarvYbath-room, hot and cold water, gas in troduced, cooking-range. &c. Keys next door at fto.2Jl. , . Terms —Cash/ Jpimediate possession. ' that modern three-story brick messuage, with tvTo'story fc'«*k Iruildiug, together with lot of ground, situate on the north ship of Steven* street, ad j&fning jiheafcdve, being No. 229 ; containing in front 20 feet, and lit depth ZOO feet, together with the privilege of an alley' The house coutaina 11 rooms ; largo saloon parl9r v libpary hot and cold water, ge#-in~ iroduced, cook fiig Tang**, Ac. lmmediate possession. Keys at N0.2*11. 81. TUOM AS & SONS. A uctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAX, ESTATE.—THOMAS'SONS' Sale.—Very Valuable Three story Brick Resi dence, with Stable and Coach-house, No. 1320 Walnut street, west of Thirteenth street—3‘fronts. On Tuea ifepf. 27, '-lb7e,- at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern tbree-Btqry brick messuage. with threo-story backbuildinga-two-Btory brick stable aud coach-homo and 16t of groliud: Situate on the south side of .Walnut street, west of Thirteenth street. No. 1320; containing in front on Walnut street 21 feet, and extending in depth of ‘tiiatNridth 110 feet-S> inches, then widening to 42 feet; ,exteDding still further in depth #> feet 3 inches—the en tire depth being 170 feet to Clark street —3 fronts. This property holds a restriction that no building of greater, height than II feet 9 inches, from the curb on Juniper street, can ever be built on the reareudof the lot ad joining this on the wie-t. The front basement is fitted -upcawt'jmltpMqffor a physician's office, with entrant.*-. fruni-Walntn ktrevt;-There-is-also-a gHte-opemngJnt -- Juniper street.' The house is well "and substantial!, built, ami inuu4l,the modern convenience*. " . Tortus— I ►Half Cash'. v . l\.r further particulars, apply to C. H. .V H. “51'UniHKtltrN'OT2fi5'UT3'ntlr8iTttr-stre“tT SI; THOMAS A: SaNS, Auctioneers. **•101724 ‘ 139 and lll.Sauth.Eourth at.. |P?a r MASTER’S PEREMPTORY SALE.— Thoimtii k Frnisl Auctioneers. —Two-story Brick Dwelling, No. 414 South Tenth street, north of Bombard street. In pursuance of a decree of the Court of Com mon Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, in equity. McCarthy vs. McCarthy. (September Term, irithout reserve, on Tuesday, September 27th, 1370. at 12. .o-elock.-.uoau.at-.rke-Pliiladelphie_. Exchange.,, .thefol: lowing-described property, viz.: All that brick messuage and lot of gronud thereunto belonging, situate od the west side of Tenth street. 105 feet 9 inches north of Lombard street, Se%enth Ward, cityof Philadelphia,No. ~4IC ‘ li ~~ ~ ’ i * , 1870. HEAL ESTATE SALES. selO 17 24 ,-t- contain in# i n front off Tenth" Street Tf feef/ *a n.-ii'-s ano in depth westward 66 feet. Bounded eastward I> y Tenth street, southward by ground now or late of Sami. Glouee, westward by City Lot sJ'o.67G,and northward by ground now or late of John Patten, r Being the same premises which Eugene Aliern and wife, by Indenture dated Match 26th, A. D. I£A9, recorded in Deed Book A. p. 8.. Fo. 65, page 221, Ac., granted and conveyed unto Daniel McCarthy and Charles McCarthy in fee, as ten ants in common, in the proportion of three-fourths to Daniel McCarthy, und oue-tourth to Charles McCarthy Terms cash. Sale absolute. -r— — EDWIN T. CHASER Hotter. :.: \ M.TBOMAS & 90N8;AiJctiQn6^B, 17\2 4; \ 7 j39andT4LS;Fbnjrtn street.' r i£ i^E^JWTOifrl&S^l^rbSGjfoiiE K»?ti ~ A n P?irtnPrsh~fp AP«?buttt>-‘ThOtnn*' An'-' tioneers.—Large and Valuable Buildiug ami Large Lot, Steam Engines and Boilers, Nos. 234. 236 and 233 N>>riU Twt-nly-third street, betweeu Race and Vine streets, Ho feet BiQcheaXront on Twenty third street, 215 feet in depth to St. David Rtreet.two fronts. On Tuesday. S‘*nt. 27th, JSi’Q, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sab*. without reserve. titth'V Philadelphia'Exchange. an That large and valuable lot of ground, with the extensive im- tu» the -"Phamix >isttllerv,> T situate on the '■fiido ■of Twenty-third street, betwoen.Ttafee and Vine streets. .Nos..-234, 2-bo mV l 238; containing in Trout on Twenty-third /street li6 fe-t Sinchea. and extending In depth 215 feet to a£o feet wide street called St Darid "sfreet—2 frdnte.' The'improTf ments consist of a three-story brick building, 63 by 3*'* feet, with engine-house in the rear, 25 by 36 teet, and a two-Btory brick building,4s by <0 feet, fretting on Twenty-third street; also a two-story brick building, 25 by 30 feet, used as a cooper shop, and a two-story brick building,22h)-50 feet; brick building, 12 by 16 in the rear, frontiug on St. David street. Together with a 40-horse-power steam engiue, 2 boilers, 75-horse-power each; 2 rim of stones.4H feet French burr, ,tc.‘ • The above buildings are veiy substantially built, and are valuable for a Irtill, machine shop or manufactory. Clear of alt Inctimblrnnce. Immediate-possession. Terms— £2s,ooomay-remain on inortgfisp. Sale absolute. May be examined any ORy previous t<» salo. M. TlipMAB & SONS, Auctioneers, ~ and 141 South Fourth street SOIO 17 24 fjg’itEAL. ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS gale.—Large and Valuable Residence, with sub* yard and Stable and Coach HousOv7Norso'i Pino street, 36 I'ect front, 196 feat deep. September 27th. 1870,uit 12 o’clock.'noon,• .wiU'UB. sold at public sab*, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all thatlurge and valu able three-story brick messuage, with throe-story and two-story back, building* and lot.of ground, situate on the south ShfOhf PinOht reel, j West Of Fiteii .street,-No. ,M)6 :.tliO!lot containing iu. front,qiH : Pit)ft l «ti , p>tt-3d feet, ami extending ill dl l ptli l9l> feet. The li?f>tisS la in good repair ;• haelargo parlojT ;dii>iji2*rooo>Site hen ami laundry on the first floor; 1 2 large chambers, library and sitting-room on the second floor, and 4 chambers and nursery on the third floor ; gas anti water through outvbftthvbot njid ,cold -water, water-closet, furnace, eookinp-ipance,’ , porinftuentf washtubs, with tho ami fcold'vator.ium irbniug'Vangc in laundry ; also i two-t-tory brick stable ami rarriago bouse in the rear, with ft flag carriage way to Pine street; garden planted withfrpit trees, grape vinos, shrubbery, Ac. Tormfc— .$B,OOO may remain on mortgage. Possession within 30 days. May he examined any day previous to sale. Sale absolute. _• ••"i /: TILOMAS A (SON Sid, Auctioneers, seB 17 24 135) and 141 South Fourth street. f (PEREMPTORY*' :.SAjUf. Ck.it. A imid,Auctioneers!'^Codiitt , yi Pla’cu, one and a quarter acres, corner of Ann street and Church lane, 27th AVavd. On Tuesday, September 27, 1870, at 12 o’cloCkV'rt'bbTi, at public sale, without reserved nl-thcP'Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of ground, situate in the township of Kingnessing,begin ning, ftt thefi.Wi.-corner of Ford road (eotnothnes callod Lnny'lartfi* and Ann street; thonce extending along Ford'road north 711* degrees, wests 85-100 perches, and north,l4 .degrees, west perches ; thunvo north degrees,-weaf t6 : B?'PaHshiore>Bmili race ; thenco along tho sumo the- several courses 11 f*3-Wi) perches to a point; Jbenco south 31 degrees, oast 28 3-10 perches tpA^nfl^Oft; Ujelp.'Q/'ftlone the samonorth 0 deffreebreast 4 88-HJft perches to ’the Frfrd road and place of beginning, containing ono and a quarter acres and tbirty-tht , eispereite9'of^«hdvrmby^ / dr w iDßa:*:-* ? trhfr:iin-: provenientfi, primid} Vo chicken homo, ‘ linntcdiate' possession.' !May be, examined any day proviousto blue,. ’ 3 '„ U ...j • T»UMacash. : r \;.v • v \.. , • \V,- *riIOMAS . 80 10,17 24;, 139 aild'l4l South Kojirth street. Jg REAL) ESTATE.i-THQM AS & SONS’ JttM-Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Besldenco, No. 810 South Tenth, street', 'below patharlno Btreet.-=on Tuesday, Sept, 27th, 1870i,at 12 o’clock, nopn, wilj bo sold at public Bale, at tbo'PhUadelphin'Kxclmngo, all thatmocldrn throb -story hrick hiosauivge, with throe story hack building and lot offrdnnd.situate on tho westsido of Tonth street, south of Catharine street, No. 810; containing in front on Tenth street 18 feet, and ox tending In depth 103 foot to a,)O feet wide alloy, with the privilege tlioreof. It has parlor, dining-room and two Kitchens on the first tloipr; gus, bath, hot and cold wutor,, furnace,range, Ac. Terras—®3,ooomay Temain sm mortgago. BQT oioar_of aU «... "lihmediato poifßWeidh'''May hOxaiiVuniil aliy day pre vious to sale, M. TIIOMAB A SONS, Auctioneers, % m and HI South Fourth street, HEAL ESTATE SALES. gif ..-REAL ESTATE-THOMAS & SUNS’) , BHiL Sale.—HandsomeModern Three-story Brick Be»t4 ~dencer iw lt}ir and 17fM North Thirteenth street, above Colombia avo-f nno, Twentieth Ward. On Tuesday, September 27thJ 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, wiJLJbo sola at public sale, ati the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern 1 three-story brick messuage, with ttwre-Btory bacto buildings, and one story brick office adjoining, and lot, of ground, situate on th<} west side of Thirteenth street, 1 ,, above Columbia avenue,*Nos. 1702 and 1704 ; the lot con-j talning in front on Thirteenth street 30 fe6t 11 inches; thence westward on thesouth Ifnc 18 feet to a point;! 'thence northward 0 feet to a point; thence -Westward} partly aloriga 3*feet wide alley o 2 toet to the east side oil Amboy street; thenco northward along Amboy street 24’ vfcefclJdnches to a point; Whence feastward JItXJ ftoi Thirteenth street. This house contains modern conVQh 1 -; ~en^M4&rge''Cba;nber*~-hny^W'iudopr8 r * iwo<~kitcheiu> hektore,T'ath, tvafer-closet, “stationary 'wasnstands in; second.and third-story .front chambers, «fcc.; also.- ryatfr; lb theoftice, ! •: • "* •' ; The above property, is well adapted for fi physici in, or. for any one requiring an otllce in' connection with thoi residence. ; TY-rhis—6s,ooo can remain on mortgage. Keys at the southwest corner of Thirteenth street and Columbiaaveune. Will he oprritwo days previous to sale. Ground plan of the lot can be seen at the Auction 1 Booms. 0 M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, ; 139 ami HI South Fonrth street. | ® PEREMPTORY • SALE.—THOMAS j & Sons. Auctioneers.—B two-story brick dwellings, Nos. 2108. 2110,2112,2114.2116 . 2118 , 2120 , 2122 Franklin street,noithof Diamond street. On Tuesday,September 27, 1870,at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at ? public sale, -without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 8 two-story brick messuages and lots of ground; thereunto belonging, situate on the west side of Frank* ; lin street, north of Diamond street. Nos. 2108,2110, 2112,! v21}4.-2116,2118,2120, 2122: each containing -.front ph \ street M and exTending In depth : 70 feet to a 4 feet wide alley, with, the privilege- thoreot. ; i-The-hooses ore two storied hlghVwith-Mfttisafo-roofs have gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, booking- • -range,-Arc, ; >. ■ >■ ■' , They rent for 6300 a year. Terms cash. • ' • They wili bo sold separately Sale absolute. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and HI South Fourth street. mKEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ Sale.—Modern ihreo-Btory Brick Ttesidenco, No. -2403 Spruce street, weHt of Twenty-fourth street. On Tne*day, October 4,. 1570. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange.all that modern three-story brick inemrtisii&a-.ftnd lot of ground. Hltnate on tho north sido of f Spruce street., west-of Twenty-fourth strict, No; 2403; containing In front on Bprnce street :JP feet 2 inches, and extending in depth 60 feet to a 3 feerwlde alley, leading to Manning street. The house con ainß 8 rooms; has the modern conveni ences; gas throughout, bath,hot and cold water,2 water .cl.Oß.etfi., dumb waiter., copper pantry Rink, furnace, cook ing range, underground drainage,' dry cellar, Ac. 'Sub-' jeet to.a mortgage of 52,U00.-:■* » immodiatepossession.- Koy£ at SSDSBfirucfc street.-' M. THOMAS -17-24~ —139-and44FSottth:-F-ourth-fltTeeL— ®R & sons Sale.— Modern Thfee'sterJ' Brick Boudeiicc, No. 4104 Locust street, w*at, of-Forty-first street. 35 feet trout. On Tnesday, Sept. 27, 1870. at 12 o’clock, noon, w ill he sold at public sale,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick ami stoue messuage, wi ll two story back buildingand lot of ground, situate on the south'side of Locust street. No JlOi; tlie lot con taining in Locustatreet -35 feet, and extending: in depth 190 f-ret, The house has all the modern conve- parlor, dining room and two kitchens _ iloor i-Hix cliamberaTlmudaoinel f painted ami papered 7 gas. (with fixtures, which are Included in the sale free of charge.) bath, hot and cold water, water closet, fnr mue, cooking range, Ac. mTiy remain on mortgage. 1 Immediate possession. Keys at 112 South Fortieth street. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 south Fourth street ®,v J3EAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS 1 Sale.—Uusiheßs Stand, Four-story Brick Tavertf, and Dwelling, No. 3843 Lombard street, west.of Eigh teenth street. On Tuosdaj , September 27. 137(4, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia Exchange, all that four storybflck mesjuagd" and n>t of ground, situate on the north side of Lombard -trfM-t, west of Eighteenth street, No 1843; containing in fronton Lombard street 16 feet, and extending in •i* ptb 49 feet to a 3 feet wide alley. It is occupied us a tavern and dwelling ; has bar uml fixtures, gas. range, Ac. Subject to a silver ground rent of SCO a year. Immediate Possession. May be exnmiuod. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. -eS 17 24 ' 139 and 141 South Fourth street. fm KEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ jjliil Hale.—Five valuable Building Lots, Thirteenth street .be tween Columbia avenue and Montgomery street, extending through to Canine street ; two frouts- On Tifsday, Sept 27. 1370. at 12o ? clock. noon, will bo sold at public sale,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those tiv*- contiguous lots of ground, situate on tho east side *>f Thirteenth street. ISO feet south of Montgomery -tied ; each containing in fronton Thirteenth street 13 f.-< t. and extending in depth UR feat to Cumae ; two fronts. - They wili be sold separately. Clear of all ineum i ‘ •' ; ' M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, * 6«*s 17 24 139 and 1U South Fourth Btroet.. gEEAL ESTATE—THOMAS#. SONS’ Sale;—Tbree-story brick dwelHh'g»-No.rft2s Enter prise street, between Fifth and Sixtli- streets, below Dickerson. On Tuesday, September 2 7, 3870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that two-story brick messuage ami lot of ground, situate on the north side of Enter prise street. No. 525 ; containing in front 15 feet, and ex truding in depth 48 feet 6 inches, more or less, to ft 2 feet wide alley. The house is new ; has gas, range, Ac. Subject to u yearly ground rent of §3l 87. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, sclO 17 24 139 au(Ll4l_BoutU Fourth street. m REAL AS &"SONS* Lilli sale.—Elegant modern four-story brown-stone r> eidence,No. 2010 SnruCe street, west of Twentieth st., two fronts. On Tuesday, Oct 4th, 1870,at twelve o’clock, toon,• at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that elegant four-story brown-stone messuage, Mvith Mansard roof,) v, uii four-story back building aud lot of ground,situated on the soutli side of Spruce street, west of Twentieth ■.mat, N 0.2010 ; containing in front on Spruce street 23 feet, apd extending In depth 220 feet to .(Jraiiyille street. The house i6SVell'l)uilt;nnd finished with all tho nib lorn improvements , and conveniences .; marblo vestibule large hall, ptirloraud dming-room on the first floor; 2 . Lumbers, bath, sitting-vopm and library on the second Iloor ; 3 chambers, bath and nflrsery oh the third floor, and 2 chambers on on fourth ; gns.2 bath rooms, water . b'«ots, permanent washsmnds, bell calls, Bpeakiug in fief:, numerous closets, furnace, cooking range, Ac. Terms 615,000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. Keys at No. 2013 Spruce street. ■M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneer, so li) 24 oc 1 139 and 141 South Fourth street. S IIEAL ESTATE.— THO MAS & SONS Solo Modentathfoo-story brick Residence, No. 142-1 Lombard Tuesday, October ltlrr 1870, ut 12 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia- Exchange, all that mouern three-story brick mossungu,with throe-story back buildings and lot i»l* ground, situate on tho south side of Lombard street, enst of Hftu'iitb sir* et, No. 1421; containing in front on Lcmbaid street 13 feet, and extending in depth 75 feet to a th'ree-feet wide alley, leading into Fifteenth stnet. It has parlor, dining-room aud kitehon on the firpt floor; 3 chambers, sitting-room, bath-room and wiUer-ploset.jon'.qccoiul fl,«wr,,ntifi 4 chambers* with bath, un the third floor'; gas, 2'baths', hot and cold water, fuimice, rango,,private stairway, tin roof, cellar c* iHug plastered, &c.‘' ' •’/ Subject to a redeemable yearly ground rent of Si) I 51). linmediiitep’OHHeHßlohi Koys No. 2203 Spnico street. T' iinß--Sl,Uoomay remain on.mortgage. The neigh* burhood is very ndsirablo. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, sols 24oc] • 139 aud 141 South Fourth street. e PUBLIC SALE/TOOTJOSE'A PAUT nership account.-Thomas A. Sons, Auctiouoers.— >Vell-flccnrsd ground rent of 636 a year. On Tuesday, (jetobor 4, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will l>osold at public sale,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that well-seen red .ground rent'tff 636 a year, payable lstof .January and. ,!ulv.wl^tiiny.QiiLQfftUitlifttJnt..pTgri)iuiUy aitmUo olKho,_ north j\iton stroec, 86’ imSt ' street,'Twenty-sixth Ward : containing in fronton Af toii Btreetl4 foot, and extending in depth 58 foot to ft 4- fi-et wldo ulloy. It is well secured by a brick dwelling. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, sol 9-24 ocl- 139 and 141 South Foui th atreot. _ fiBEAL ESTATE.—THOM AS& SONS' Sale.—Valuable Business S’und,-rThroo-story brick stbro, N. E. corner of Pino and Water streets. On Tues day, Qctohor;4,ilB7o, afc rl2 o’clock, nqon, will ,bi sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that throo story brick pjeasuag.e and lot of ground, situate at tho N. K. corner of‘Pino and Water streots ;'containing in fronton Water street 29 feet 1 inch, and cxtODdiog in d« ptlifiOfeetd inches to 'tho 'mldfllo 6f a 12 ieet wido court, with the prlvilego thereof. Tennfi-“63,OOOraayTematn on mortaagOr; jnqnediato posßession. Koyaat tho Auction llooms. M THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers. )39 and HI S, Fourth street REAL ESTATE SALES. Jga RKALi'EBX Am— I THOMAS & tfO>TB j ISMSftle.-'Moderu three-story Brink Dwelling,'with] slde-;yoird»,K.o.22lfl-Lomt)ar.d street.—Ou-T-ngKflay,‘riopj.. temh 1 lie sale, at too Philadelphia Exchange, all that modorn' tbree-t tory brick messuage, with three-story back build-? fugs and lot of ground..situate on the'eouthsido'of Lom- : bard street, west of Twenty-fl6coud stroetvNo.22lB; thof lot eontalning fn front on Bombard street £5 feet 'in--, eluding side-yard of 8 feet), anil extendmg'in depth' 73; feet. The house is substantially built, has the gas in*, troduced, bath, hot and cokKwater, cooking-range,} heater, &C, . , ~ , * ; Clearofall incumbrance. 'lmmediate . ; Terms-!-j52,000 may remain orrmortgage.' V ■ \ j .Hay bo examined any day previous to,sale./ «•: M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. au27 aelO 24 139 and 141.8,. Fourth street. •; -^• 7 ”iD>«XI!3TI^A^EIX’^'~T3A'B-Br—E3-~ JuiuLtate: of Peter BidermaT^'dec'd,—.Thomas & .Sons,- Auctioneers BnsinofirfStand. 1 Three ‘•tory Brick Btoro aud Dwelling, No. 757- Sonth Fifth street, corner of. Harmony street, above Catharine street. On Tuesday,; September 27th* l2 unlock’,;noou, will be sold at i public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valu : able three-Btory brt ck messuage and lot of ground, situ ate on the east side of Fifth street.; corner of Harmony , street, No. 757: containing in front od Fifth.street 17 ; Teet, and extending in deptli72feetito a3-feet .widoalJey. \ Terms-—sl,2oo.niay remain on mortgage. '. " > Immediate possession. Keys at 731 South Fifth street. , THOMAS Ac SONS, Auctioneers, f 330 and 141 South Fourth street. ®KEA L ESTATE.—THOMA.S"& SO> T S’, Sale.—Elegant modern three-story brick residence, No. 171] Green street, oa?t of Eighteenth street, 45 foot : front, 192 feet deep to Mt. Vernon street—two fronts. Oa_; Tuesday ,October 4th, 1870,-ftt 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, nt the TluJadelphia that elegant - modern three-story brick messuage, with two story back buildings and lot ofgrohnd, sifijated on the north bide of Green street, east of Eighteenth street. No. 1711; the lot containing in front on Green street 14 feet 9 inches, and extendfnsrfn'depth 191 feet 5 inches to Jdt. Vernon ..street—two_valuabk*:fronte._.ThG:..honse is., well-built apd.,in excellonLrcpair;.has tho mddertj im provements find conveniences; largo hall in the centre, parlor( with porch; facing the garden), library, dining room and two kitchens on the first floor; two commo dious chambers, sitting-room, sewing-room anditwo bath-rooms on the second floor, and four chambers on third floor ; -handsomelyf'papered. underground drain age,mnrblo Vo9tibole;tfi£a throughout (with handsome chandeliers and fixtures, which'are included'in the sale free of clißrgu), water-closet, bell-calls, wash pave, two fnmaccs, cooking rnDgej- largo cellar,..paved, gardon planted with fruit tree? and shrubbery, Also, a one story frame building fronting on Mt.-Vorn£m.street. The house stands back from the line'of the street, having ;t grass plot in front, with. Iron railing; There . is room enough:oii.Bit; Vernon..street front to build two . residences Or stables. Terms—#2o,ooo may remain on mortgage. . Possession Ist of February next. May be examined daily from 10 to 1 o’clock. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, sel7 24 ocl . 139 and’l4l South Fourth street. gjg REA 1j ESTATE.—THOxMAS. &.yONS’ Eiil^eal£—Elegant modern . four-story brown-stone residence No. 240 WestLogUn Square,24 feet front. On Tne?ddy, Oct. 4th, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon,will be sold at public sale, at tho- Philadelphia Exchange, all-that elegant-modern-four-story brown-stone three-story back buildings and lot of grouud, situated on the west side of Logan square, (Nineteenth street,) between Rnceaud Vino streets, N 0.246; containing in . front on West Logan squaro 24. aud extendingiin depth HO feet tp a Btreotlcddipg; into. .Twentieth street. The Ijouhc iB.in_excellontjopuir_; roomVkiichenhml washroom bn tile flrst'fioor f Zchiim- ‘ bore, bnth,.dining-r f oom, pantry T .jdmnb Waiter, librn'ry and ctmscrvatory ort tho second n©aT.>-5 chain-- bers and bath -ou the third floor, and Bon the fourth, floor ; newly papered and painted, coiling in parlor handsomely frescoed, marble yostihule, wiildut doors, platfe; wiUdowjjlasa. front./Inside. walDUt.rh.linds, : . per manent wpahamnds, bell-calls, gas throughout, baths, water closets, 2 furnaces, cooking range. Ac. cr Terms $ 13,000 nmy remain ou mortgage. Immediate possession. Kejs nt the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers,. se-17-24 p’c',l -v-. .13014LSouth Fourth street... M'~ EXECUTjtmS’ SALE—ESTATE OF Dr. William Kennedy", deceased,—Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers.—On Tuesday, ' October 4th, 1870. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel phia ExLbiiDge,/b«./7)/h)U!tnjf described properties* viz* t N©’ 1-:—Three-story Brick-Store and Duelling, N.E.carT ner-of Third and-Slossman-etreets, above Poplar streets All that three-story brick store and dwelling, with three story back, building and lot of ground, situate at the northeast corner-of Third and Slossman streets ; con taining in front on Thjrd street 18 feet, and extending in ( depth along Slossniau street (5 ferf. -It'chutaiuaByooms. No; 2.—Three-story Brick Dwelling, Slossfnan street, adjoining the above. All that three-atory brick dwell ing and lot of ground, situate ou tho north side of Sloss man street, ip the.rcar_oC tho above, and at the distance of 75 feet eastward from Third street ; 15 feet front, and in depth 46 leot, more or leas., The houss. stands back frem the street. , ' '. ' Subject to amolety or half part of a yearly ground rqDtof #36,’reserved out ot tbi, aud an_aojoinlng lot. No.Slosjnmn Btreet. All that lot of ground, situate on tho aoufh aide of Slossman street, 120 feet cast of Third street; coinaiuing in; front on Slossman street,3B feet, sudextendiug-in dcp«h.7s-fcet;:- Seeplau. Subject to a yeariyground reni-of BL THOMAS Auctioneer*, , se!7 24 6c) 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. TU—QAPXTAMaTar-MAKUFAE- SsMturcrs; Builders, ana Others.—Thomas ‘A Sons, Valuable Lot, southeast cor ner of Leithgnw and Oahnl streets and Fourth street, (1et,.4,18Z0, at. 12 o’clock, noobywill bo riold at public sale, at the'-Philadelpiim Exchange, all that lo£ of ground, with the buildings and imptovementfl thereon erected;situate in the Six teenth Ward, city of Philadelphia, beginning at the S. E. corner of Leithgow and Caual streets; tbenco ex rending along the southwest side of.Cnnul streetll.'i feet of an inch to the west side of Fourth street; thence southward, along the west side id’ Fourth.stroet. ,84 feOtsj» iuclie9; thence westward, on a line.at right T-angles-wUhV-Fourth'r.alreeUbiaQlfect.tDll/Oi.lbgow streets, and thence northwurd, along the east side of Leithgow street,'l3s feet to tho place ofbeginniug. . . : . i 7 Teriiis-s’B.ooomay renialii on liiorigager •• “ Immediate possession. : M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, se!7 24 ocl 132 and Ml South Fourth street. fkj REAL ESTATE-THCLUAS .& SONS’ sale—Modern four-Btory Brick Beeideoce, No. 2009 Arcb.BU.-eet, weefe-of T wentieth - street, 2U. feet ....fronts On Tuesday, October 4th, 1870. at 12 o'clock, noon, will bt» sold at public sale, at the. Philadelphia Exchange, all ilirit modern four-story briqk messuage,,and. lot of ground, situate on the north Bide of Arqh street, west of Twentieth street, No, 2009 ; containing iri front on Arch street 20 feet.-:&nd erteudingin depth 10U feet; bounded on the north partly by the fiend, ot a three feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. Jtis iiLexcellunt repair,and hasull tbomodern conveniences;::! has gas, two hath rooms and water closet, furnace, cooking ranee, water -drained into expensively papered and painted, permanent Avaßnstande, numerous closets, Ac. < - Terms—Hnlfca&h. ‘ • 1 • ' Immediate possession. Keys at the'A'nctlonKdoras;' ‘ Jl. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and J4l South Fourth street. 8- -REAL, ESTATE—THOMAS ISONS’ Three-story. Brick Residence, No. -«U4 North Eleventh street, above Callowhiil street. On Tuesday i October 4, I&70, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that imodern three-story brick messuage,-; with two-story back building and, fol of ground, situate onthewest side of Eleventh street; north of CallowhiU Street, No. 404 ; containing m front on Eleventh street 17 teet 10 inches, and extending in depth 78 feet, Bounded southward partly by the need of n 3 feet wfde alley, with the privi lege thereof. It has saloon parlor, diningr-oom and kitchen on the first floor; 2 chambers, si .ting-room, ,bath and store-room on soconrf floor ; 2 chambers on tho third, and 2 largo attics; gas, bath, hot and cold watery Grange, Ac. - ; ; - . f Terms—S2,ooam«r remain on mortgaite; ImmdUiate possession. May be examined any day pre vious to sale. .THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, sc22 24 ocl 139 and. 141 South Fourth street. 4p| REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ filli three-story brick Residence, No. .*713 Spruce street, west of Seventeenth street. On Tues* •biv, Oct. 4,1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with three--torv back building and lot of giouud, situate on the north -ido of Spruce street, west of Seventeenth street, No. 4713 ; containing in front on Spruce street 21.fe«-t, and -xtonding in depth 105 feet to a 25 feet wide street. Tho ■'iouso is well built, and has all tho modern conveniences; tow roof, with extra thick tin; saloon-parlor, diuiug room ami kitchou on the first floor; 2. chambers, bath, water-closet, sitting-room (with dumb-waiter),oh second :loor : 3 chambers, "bath and wattT*closot.- : Btore*rm>m Miid linen-room on third floor; gas,;bathe-Lift..und cold: '.vuter, water closets, 2* furnaces, range', Arc. - , Tonus—slo,ooo muymnain on •mortgage. Immediate possession. ■ , . :• . M. THOMAS & SONS, AaicUoneexa 5e!5240cl . 139 and 141 South Fourth street,,.. f 'JSsj PUBLIC SALE.-THOMAS""STSONS 1 m. Auctioneers—On Tuesday/October 4th, 1370, at 12 Vcloek, noon, will bo Bold at public sale, at the lMiilu , 'elphia Exchange, the • following.described property, i/..: Nos, 1 ami 2.—Two lots, Fifteenth Btroct, between > usiiuehumm avenue and Dauphin- street, Twenty-first Ward. All Ihoso two'ldtrfof ground, eitnnte’on the east ,-rlj side of Fifteenth street, between ivemu* and Dauphin street ; each containing in trout on Fifteenth street i 7 foot, and extending in depth 38 feat 11 ,ucb*s. . .■ ' i •• of alMncumbraneo. I Nos. 3 and •{.—Two lots, Pacific street. All those two 'ots of ground, situuto on wostorlv side of Pacific street, v. corner Sixteenth a*d Vine I 'streets.—On Tuesday, Cot. Ith, 1870,' at 12 oVlockv noon, wUI bo sold at public. Ham, at the Philadelphia Exchange, dll that 0 A hr t S® stoiy brick messuage and lot of ni'°. n *yj* f *'jXSISJ. i,. 0 southwest corner of Sixteenth and Vino » t jj }{ mining in front on Sixteenth street, ing in aepth 41 feet 3 inches. It has bo> n occ^P. 1 -jJ I ll fl grocery stord, and lfl a good business stand. Has a Hat for drying clothes, gas, batln wutei -closet, At. _#Qr Clear, of all incumbrance.. _ Immediate possession. t na W;^er«-^c»bmiwom..80S “ A — ctlon - r sel6 24'0cl 139 and HI South Fourth utroot, REAL ESTATE SALES. US*-. A 1 »MJKISTKAT6iVH SALE.— ESr Kaiui tntc.bf Enodh Gray, deceased.-' Thonoa-? # Sons, t/n'fT-ue9UrtyfS*tJtetAbo P :2?thi-187t)f-at42 —" o’clock, noon, will bo sold iU public sale, at thd Philft* delphia Exchange, the following described property, Tiz.r No. 1.-Two-story Brick Dwelling, Wyalußing street, Twenty-fourth-ward; -All that two-story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate ou.tho uorth ride of >\ yalnaingstreetyl24 feet : 9}a inches went of Forty soventh’street. Twenty-fourth Ward ; thonco extending ' northwardly 35feet9?..f. inches to ft point ;.th«»co north westwardly, on a liiie at right angles to a 9ifeetwid« street,.opened along the grounds of tho Cathedral Cem etery L0,,00 feet to tho aouthoast gidd thereof; inencetonthward along tho sanio J 4 feet to a point: tnPTKosoathcdfctwardly 28 feet Id Inchon to a' point; thence southwardly 34 feet lUh inches to tho north side thereof; thence ea-it ward along ttie sarno 14 feet to the - No. 2.—Lot 8. E; corner of Albion and Tower streets. All that.lot of ground, situate at the southeast comer,Of Albion and Tower streets, (south of Cherry and west of Twenty-first-streets); containing in 'tont. on Tower street 15 feot, and extending in depth 45 feet 6 Inches to a 2 feet flinches wide alley, with privilege thereof. , : Subject to a yearly ground-runt of •*'l3 76-100. M.THOMAS ASONS, Auctioneers, an 27 Helo 24 . .. ■ _139 and 141 South Fourth street. - M‘ PU BLIO S ALE —TH OMAB&S ON S, ■ Auctioneers.—'Valuable Unnl Wharf, four Dwell ings, Office, Stable for six horeesv and large Lot, on Darby Boad and Mill Creek, Twenty-seventh Ward. On Tuesday, October 4tli r IS7O, at 12 o’clock, noon, wilL be sold ht‘pubik) sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of gronnd,-and’; tho improvements thereon. erected,situate on thoeoutheast side of Woodland st. (or Darby road),, an (lion tho southerly side of Mill creek, Twehty-yerenth Want; the lot containing ip front on Woodland averitie 48 foot, and extending ni depth along tho margin oi Mill creok .1,030 feet, being of an average wfdth.ot a littlG over 30 feet. Theimprove mentsnre frame dwelling and office, with C tons platform scale; stable, foed-room; and a largo loft ; for hay ; 2 stoue houses, frame house ; 2 large coal-sheds on the wharf. Sold subject to a road (20, feet wide) or - way on tue -sonthwest- slde-of-said lot, fortho common— _use of this and the adjoining premises,'sontheost and southwest; late of J. Mnyland ( deceased( parties paying their share of keeping said road iir repair, according to use of it—see deed. ..... ‘ • Terms made known at sale. See Plan at the Auction Booms. •. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, : eelfi 24 ocl . . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ffiPEEEMPTOBY & Sons, Auctioneers.—Two mo lorn Three-Story Brick I)w’cllinfiB, l Nos. 1408 and. 1410 North .Fourth street, above Master;' On Tuesday, October;, 4tb, 1870, at 12 o’clock, nooni'will bo sold At public sale, without at ,tho Philadelphia Excbauge, the Jollowiri*- described properties,- viz.: No I.—All that modem throe* story brick meesunge, with threa-Btory. back', building# and lot of ground, sittiftloon'i-thfr west side- of Fourth Street, arrive'. Master- street, No, 1408; containing, in /front on Fourth street 16 feot, and extending in depth C 8 feet. The house is well built, and lias.the modem Conve niences: gas, bath, hot and cold waterj water closet, furnace, cooking-range, tin roof, vt«., Ac. . Subject to'a yearly ground rent'of iSfli'. " '* - ' No. 2.—A1l that modem - three-story brick-messuage and lot of ground, adjoining the above on tho weal,'of some size and description. Subject to a yearly grouudrent of §Gi. Sale absolute. ‘ ' ; * 1: r - M; TBtOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, sel6 24.0 cl i 139 and 141 South Fourthstreet - gm KEAL ESTATE.-THOMAa & SONS’ mb Salo.-Bnsiness Stand, Three-story Bricte Store aiidPwelling, Eighth street, above Wharton street; On _T-UCBclnyit_Q£tobet.4,..lh7o, at.j2.o?cii>cU'» noon j will bs,sold at pubhc saie. frt the I*hllade»phift Exchange l , all that •«three:Stdry brick .owelKngj with two-story back building-abd lot;brgtound,mtniiteon theeast side ot Eighth street, 16 Test north of Wharton street, Second Ward 1 ; containing jo fronton Eighth street 15 feet, and extending in deptuGS feet C inchesto a 3-feet w‘do alloy, with the privilege thereof. It is occupied ;as a -shoo store,.ana is i*. good business ‘ stand ; has gas* bath, range, Ac. Subject to a Redeemable yearly ground rent ofSiS;’ Terms—s2,ooo (building association Mortgage) may remain. • M. TIIOIffAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and-Hl Soinh-Foilrthstreot. -5016'240c1- e' SALTu py ORDER OF Thonjns A;- Sons, Auctioneers.—Well-Hecnryd re deemable Ground K6iit SBO9 ayear. On Tuesday; October 4th, 1670, at 12 o'clock* mon, -will be aald dt public sale, at the I’hiladclpliiiv Exchange, nil that well* secured rbdeemHble'grootid rent oT $309 ,a year, clear oftaxeH,payable January-and dulyyisanirii? orit-of a lot of ground, with frame roeflrtaagea.tboreon erected, situato on the east aide of Eighth street, 87 feet 6-inches north, of Wood street. Nos. 321 and 323 ; containing In front on Eighth street 40 feet, and extending in depth 85 feet.' ; s Tho above ground root ia well secured and punctually paid " M. THOMAS & SONS, Anctfanter*,' sel9 240 cl • 139 ami 141 S. Fourth street 0S- EEAL ESTATE.—THOJIAS'& SONS’ m Sale.—Genteel Thretj-story Brick' Dwelling,..No. 2 52 North TWenty-eocond street; On Tuesday,' October 4tb. 1870,.at]2 o'clock, noon, will he soldafc public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, nil that 'three story.brick messuage. with two-story back building/and' lot of urauml,situate on th© west side of Tw«aty>secend street, SO feet north of Sommer/street, No. 252; containing in front on-Twenty-secondjab-eet lo feet, and extendingin depth on the north liiic7oTeet, und on the southline 78 feet. It has baylor, dining-room and kitchen oil the first door; 3 chambers and hath on the second, and 2on the thirdugns. bath, hot. and cold water, rtnige I _&c.;_ _ ___ - Termf"-T*he-third cash.' Immediate possession;' Keys at the grocery “store belnw - , - . m. THOMAS & SUNS, Auctioneers, . se22 21ocl . 139 and HI South Fourth street. TRUSTEES’ SALE.;—TH -vVuCtlonecrß.—3B weU-6PC«roV BLIC \BALE—THOM AS & SONS B3i!ll Auctioneers.—Three Valuable Tracts Coal, Iron -ylvania, about 3 miles-from the Pittsburgh and Con-, nelsvilld Railroad. ond about 15 miles from ConneJs ville. On Tuesduy, October; 4th, 1870. nr 12 o’clock, noon, will behold irt publtc-snlD, at the Philadelphia Exchange. Full particulars in handbills. ' „ Referto Zalmon Ludlngton, Uniontown,, or E. E. Dcmuth, owner. See plan. . .. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, • bcB 24 ocl • 139 and 141 South Fourth street. LEGAL NOTICES. TESTATE OE BEBECCA B CHAPMAN, Hi Deceased.—Betters of, Administration npon the EBtate of BEBECCA B. crTAI'MAN, deceased, having, been granted to the undersigned Executors, all persons l.eing indebted to the same will mako payment, and those having claims present UMm.a Ul.out delay No 208 South Fifth street, Philadelphia.' JOHN B. THAYER, Nq.725 Walptitstreet, Philadelphia. Beio s 6t§ TN THE COURT OE COMMON PLEAS 1 for the City and County of Philadelphia. HELENA J. VAN KEBD I Janf Terrtl) 1870 . No . 39 . WILLIAM e;VAN RKEP.V I '‘' T‘>rco - WILLIAM E. VAN, REEL, Respondent: You are hereby notified that -the deposition of wit nesses .upon the part of the libellant in the above case will ho tuken before MILTON H. BROWN, Ee. . ■■■ BENJAMIN U.,SHOEMA KER,. ! Fiji til No-. SMA, 207.209 ami 21 i -N. I oiutli nti'ct BOARDING. Fc7wT~' STREET HAVING BEEN I C ill/ newly (it tejTip7isTiow open'for' recbpl loti jot Jiuni'it's or simile senth moii ; also.table board. aulGtts THOMAS J. DIEHL, Attorney fur Libellant,