Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, September 14, 1870, Image 5
s™,England. The highest prizes awarded, whoa on-, whsreSrexhibited. Wareroyms, '22Arch Btroot Established 1323. mnamwus AUISEMENTS. —lt L*- announced tliat a somewhat remark able combination of actors, will appear at the " Acad emv''bf Musicduring noxt week. —The. cozupauv includes Mr. ETIj. Davenport, Mr. John B.'Studley, Mr. W.K. Floyd, Mr. A. H. Davenport, Mr. Charles Morton, Mndame Ponisi. Miss Josie Orton, and Miss Jennie Parker. Every one of these persons is'a nrst rate artist, audany play presented by the n will be well worth seeing. The first perform ance will begin on Monday night, when Julius ( 7 ,OT will be presented. On Tuesday night, rfbn jgfrtrmtre will be offered.' —At tlVe Walnut Street Theatre, tins even ing Mr. Edwin Forrest will appear ii'lchclieV. - ■ —Dan Bice’s’ Circus will exhibit on Eighth street, above Face, this evening. —Cn-ncrcss & Pixev’s Eleventh Street Opera House will be open this evening with a good bill. —Simmons & Slocum will give a perform ance at their Arch Street Opera House to nisht- —At Fox’s American Theatre, this evening, a good miscellaneous performance will be given. —At the Arch Street Theatre, to-night, the play yen, (Hide will be presented, with Mrs. Drew in the cast. CITY BULLETIN. State or Thermometer ThU Day at the Bulletin Office. I?i 4. H.—.. 71 del. UH.~~..76deg. 3P. M .78 deg. Weather clear. Wind Southeast. KAIT.IVAY MASTER MECHANICS. Their Third Annual convention. This morning, at 95 o’clock, was opened in the Assembly Buildings, Tenth and Chestnut streets, the-third-annual-convention.of-the- Master Mechanics of the United States. H. M. Britton, of Cincinnati, President of the Association r .calle(h the; assemblagiilto -order, and stated that a prayer would be offered by Mr. Wells, of the Jefferson, Madison and In dianapolis Bailroad. After the prayer the President stated that the Committee on Man ufactures had presented the Convention with white badges, which the members were re quested to wear, to designate them from the visitors. The fourth article of tlie Constitution of the Association, relating to the qualifications of master mechanics as members, was then read by Mt. Britton. The minutes of the preceding convention were next read by the Secretary and the same adopted. The roll of members was then called and -new members allowed time to sign the con stitution. The President then delivered the following address: ~ Gentlemen of the Convention : Again wc are permitted to be gathered together in this our third anniversary, aud it is with no ordinary feelings of-satisfaction and pride that I greet you in open convention. Pride,. fir6t because you nave conferred upon me the honor of presiding, nnd secondly, because there is be fore me evidence of the not only unabated,but increased interest, as manifested by the number-present, and en larged by the addition of many now faces that have not .beforemet.vith.us. • -r .. Satisfaction, because our organization, undertaken witliiuauy fears andmlsgivingain . September, ’6B, is no longer au experiment, but a reality. Our session of ’69, also anticipated with some doubt, whs a source of encouragement and now this gathering of eighteen hundred und seventy,as though drawn by “brotherlv love,” because appointed here, proves and confirms the wisdom of all our previous efforts, aud es tablishes the Mastur Machinists Association of America upon a basis not to be disturbed, aud therefore'a fixed fact. . Wear©now an organization that cannot fail to be productive of good results-, that will be enhanced in pro portion to our perseverance. Known only to ourselves for a time, w e are now a reorganized body of men,as be ing anxious to serve faithfully the interests of our. employes-and to cater to the comfort and safety of the traveling public. We are recognized by the superior officers of the different lines of railway with which we nre connected, and thus sustained- and encouraged by the countenance thoy have given our undertaking. ... ~o:riepres our proceedings, and we have many indications that we are recogized by the traveling public, who appreciate all efi'nrtVmade in their behall tending t«> their comfort, speed and safety in traveling. Favorably the owners of railroads have watched our progress and intentions, because thoy observe a deter mination on our part to promote their interosis by a faiihful desire to improve upon, and care for their pro pertv. confided to us In trust. • With all these surrounding encouragements, eontle men. we may well foil proud of our institution, though yet in its infancy, but already indicating such perma nence and beneficial results. •The object of our Association is not of a mercenary character ; we gather together that by united experience wo may gain knowledge in our profession,and this knowledge thus acquired cannot be stamped as a selfish desire, for it la to be directly imparted to those in our employ, and indirectly applied to the interests of the community wherever penetrated by the iron rail and traversed l»y the locomotive. Let us their feci greatly encouraged in our enterprise, and enter upon the work with renewed zeal, and a per manent and gratifying success will crown our efforts. The reports of the various committees submitted to the last Convention at Pittsburgh wero very satisfac tory, and abounded in useful iulormation. These haVe been printed in pamphlet form, and copies may be ob tained by application to the Secretary. Avery member should recognize it as his duty, and esteem it u pleasure to render ull the assistance possible to the various committees, by promptly contributing any uew ideas in his experience upon any topic that may come before the convention, thus adding to tie* commou store-house of mechanical knowledge. After "the committee appointed last year shall make their report to this convention, an opportunity will be given for discussion, and 1 would especially urge upon all to participate with a perfect freedom. A member who entertains different views from those advanced by the committee, or whose experience would suggest any modification or addition to their conclusions, will, " withbuniesifationVl theih ktiownTor bur’ common benefit. It is only by a free interchange of thought aud views, openly expressed in a free and candid discussion, that wc cau arrive ut the object of our asso ciation, which is. the promotion of knowledge ami the nearest possible approach toji perfect system of man agement in the practical workings of the machinery de partment of railways, in detail. We may thus arrive at important and valuable facte and conclusions that could not bo reached by any otle-r channel. I hope, therefore,that no one,through modesty or otherwise, will hesitate to give ns the beuefit oftheir experience upon any topic that may come before the convention, or that may be suggested in their own minds. 1 would call t.be attention of members to the fact tliut. tonverj limitf’tt extent, the leading officers of a few rond> hat e formed a wrong conception of the objects of our undertaking. In some instances it has been coupled with ,k labor unions ’ and otlmr offensive .projects that are entirely foiejgn to our Intention. - It is desirable thai-niembers should personally make it a point to disabuse the minds of such officers of their erroneous impressions, and explain fully the object and importance ol our meetings and diseus.dous, and wolicil tht-irco-opeiatiou. When weare thus fully understood they will undoubtedly Imartily second onrefiortsto pro mote the welfare of our association, and thereby sus tain us in striving t<> unite our common knowl edge and experience in whatever tends to oeouomv, durability mid safety in the management of the property committed to our care. Those of us who can look back ward twenty-five jears and hoo the \ ant strides that have been made in thorjnulity and management of machinery, can ioriu some idea ol what may be expected for the future. Let each one of ub then endeavor to make the im provement for the next twenty-five > ears compare favor ably with the past, ho that in tne future, should w« be soared, wo may look back with feelings of pi id** and upon our organization of ISOS; and to accom plish this, cuch cue must be willing and anxious to con tribute his mite to the general fund of knowledge. Ido not wish to be considered wearisome, but the,re is another feature to which 1 would call your attention, and that is its social element . From the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, uml from the northern Lakes to the Gull id Mexico, by tin* reaching out of ttie iron arm of rail w :n -, our various engagements are locatm ; and wore it not for our organization, being tlittw widely separated, w e miM have continued strangers to each other. llut being brought together in a business' point ol view, wc are made socially acuuuiuted ;uud bV an inter change ot iruternal ieelitus much good muy/bu accom- I am glad also to Icaru that so rbanyurem- . comp:\niod by their wives. !t is a gratification to u »nd doubtless a pleasure to them to be hero. Here, in ibis pi eat and beautiful city of“ brotherly love,” they will see ami meet with much to interest and pleiißO, aud. hem the ,c haiacter ot its citizens, l am confident ti.at nothing will be left undone to make, their visit pleasant, and a>- we, with them, are mijoj ing otirseivoa in a man ner that a bachelor cannot, perhaps some oX our single • ,mcinVerfi, seeing our felicity, may spur up the .courage ■ 'Uitiriiii; oiTnrtsin uur ,ulm?f. contributing largely to our success, during his ti~LvMn the past yeartby emioumylngthoattendmipeund intereit ol those entitled* to membership. lIU duticH too r \!\ though arduous, have been filled willingly will, si’en ul nbiHly, having arranged the annual report Ver R he printer,attendcd to mailing the mium*. together with >, .'•■ ut-siUe; 'otherdin v> that have trespuHrted greutly.ajpouhiHturn*. Shortly after.our last session oneol our inemb--rs,who««e presence and counsel will ho a great loss t»-uH..twn* 1 re moved by the unrelenting hand ot death, J.M.Simili Fuperintondent of Machinery of tin? Pittsburgh, Liu i innati and Hr. Louis Jtnilway, fed! a victim to pneu monia while in thofaithful discharge of his duties, lb, was widely known and respected, both In his busim-ns i Ttfift-Ko'.-uji relation* rfi»d~< , DjOf ed-not-^mly—the—ente-un— otd confidence of his superior officers, but the love and I respect,of those employed under him. i.i-orge »S. Griggs. Master Machinist of the Boston and Providence iiailroml,die«l in Augunt of the prebent year. Pi was one of the oldest inm»t‘T machinists In Amur i.ic! Hi.: was 'Mic cd the- pioneers in the invention of rad v. i. _in pri elopedLmauy theories Jnto NOTICES. PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER H, 18U ■' ' pritrtiYnl facts. 1 can speak of him onlyJii feimsoT .1 liti-c, on a nxin, in and mana#pr.' Through ni» ; oth our /u-aeciation haa lout ouo uf >lt. most ■earnest, norgctlo and praotlcal members. * ■ . • . ■ 1 hope the. Convention will tek6 eomo toior;. ■ nre to Iho iosswo havo sustoiood by their doath, nud im respect In which wo hold their memory. " and now. aontlcnion. In ooncloßton. I would «com ot nd that wohe punctual and regular ln ?“ r t"*®?' 1 : •nccripon the oossiona. and that all may take an active •..ait in the deliberations of .tlio various aubiecta that iniiv como betore us for consideration. i.ou, then, is a body, I now commit this OouvenUor, with many heitkn for your attention and forboaranco,whilst I have -V*een muking-theso crude and imperfect remarks.. .. The next-business inroraer.was . the l reading of the Treasurer's report. On motion of O. H. P. Little it was received andndopted. Mr. Dodge offered the following: “ The. question hating been raised as to the pro priety of allowing visitors to attend the de liberations pf the association, it is moved that the privilege he temporarily accorded each member ot inviting such guests as he may elect, and that the subject be referred for final action to a committee upon revision of by laws.” Agreed to. - After some discussion, on motion of Mr. tho resolution was reconsidered. On motion, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Rennie, Brown and Hays, were ap pointed to revise the Constitution and By laws. Tho Committee on Boilers and Boiler Ma terials, appointed at the last Convention, con sisting of Messrs. Hays, Anderson and Jau riet, then reported progress, and offered seve ral valuable suggestions relative to the con struction of locomotive boilers. The report also treated of the relative merits of English and American locomotives, and claimed pre ference for the latter on account of their being better adapted for work on roads of any con struction, the English engine being only suited for roads constructed in a firsUclass manner. The report was received and the Committee discharged. , On motion, an intermission of five minutes wastaken to allow new members to sign lhe- Constitution. . The following forms a complete list of the delegates present; ......... . .. . Isaac Dripps.M D.F F W A 0; George S Griegs, BA I’ RE; it. E. Brown, Buffalo District K it: HeM. Britton, IC itll It; E. E. Benton. I&StL B B; Jas. SI. Boon, N lIP F \V A ORB; O. F. BuUock. Old Colony ANBB: John Block, MSI ADM BB;B. B. Boer, -T AN O B .Bn William. Busk, SI O E ll; J . G. Butterfield, St. Paul and Sioux City; B. W. Bush nun, C A JN3Y By Gal Div; N. E. Ctiapmnn, 0 A I Cleve land, Ohio; S. M.OtgnminKS, Ft WA Chicagoß B; G. A. Coolnlgo, Fitchburg B B; David Clark, L OEE; H. L. Cooper, Kc 8t Jos A C B B, R; A. H. de Clercu. TEA W It B, Peoria; S. Dom luecu; P CA St 1, li 1C; S. D.Donlield. P AltO It It; Ilcurv Elliott. Boston and Albany BB; J. B. Edwards,. Q,O BB; Tlios.-Evans. Cat: -A F. EE; Otis Free man,TW &■ W BK.N.G. Freeman, (JA-OhioBB; \V: T.Forster, P A K B Rc-E. B. Gibba, St L A 1 M B it; Chits. Graham, LA B K B; J. B. Gayle. B A GBR; Geo. %V. Glass, A V It B ; Edwin Garfield, II PA I B B; 11. D. Garrett, I’ It R, West Philadelpbio ; Janies A. Gregg, Erio It R; 8. S. Hayes, I C B B; A. O. Bill, AAGIV BE ; D.W. Haiues,North Eastern llB; J. AY. Holloway, C EItA’ADRR;O.F. Haines, New Fork Central; Nathaniel Hays, MSIAV A 0 B,R ; Jacob Johnnn, Pacific,of SliSßonri ;C. F. Jauriot, Chi, Bur AI BB ; William Jackson, BAVAOBB ; J. J. Kiusoy. Lelilgn Valley; A. J. Keenan, B A AV B R ; Thomas Kern, Camden A Amboy; 0 11. P. Little, C A 1 A F SI B B; Jacob Losey, L N A A C B-B; H. A. kittle, P P A J B B; .Thomas V. Losee. P C A SBR ; C. M. Lewis, NO K B ; J. N. Lander, N B B; 11. D. Landis, H ASBB; Samuel Moore, General Foreman Allegheny B B ; C. 0., Slarston, Q 0 A S B B ; J;N. Moore, Pittsburgh Dlvl-j non Pennsylvania Central; W. McAllister, \V est Jersey It B ; James Mullin, W A H B B; Jos. Mnllin, Jr., W A 11 K B, foreman ; Alex. Mitcholl, Lohigli Valley B B ; Jos. AV. Neshit,. Kentucky. Central BB ; J. B. Pendle ton, S A B B B, of A'irginia; 11. A. Perry, Cheshire R-B; G. W. Penn, P AV A 11 R R;- E. D. Palmer, PC A SAL, Richmond, Indiana; AYin. SI. Parks, TB R It: Samuel M. Philbrick, LLAGB B;AY.F.Kay, TWA AVItR; D. P. Eenrick, Pitts Cunnliß; Franklin Boop, N PEE; L. 0. Shaver, Pittsburgh shop Penua BE ; Wni.-T. Smith, .00 C A I It B; Slurriß Sellers, Dos Moineß Yalloy BB: J.H. Sotohef, Little Missouri B B ; AV. P. Smith, Pldla A Erie BB ; AV. N. Strong, New York A Harlem B ; I;. Thompson, General Foreman P F W A 0 B B ; Jvhn- Thompson, Eastern BB ; AV. F. TurreiT, OA P R'x; U. A. Towns, HAStJ B B ; Edw. Thompson. Sllß' 11; J. Van A'ecliter, A A GAV B B ; AA an Tuyl, C A I .111 R ; Beuhen Wellß, J M A IKK; It. D. Wudo, North Carolina BB; AVm. AVoodcock, -P-Q-&-NB R,- K. A AValt, MERE; John L. White, E A C It It ; .las. E.AYaddey, 0 A AIRE ; X. S. A'ouhg, Bello- Upon re-assembling Mr. Yale moved ithat the Convention continue im session, daily, H orn 9 A. M. until 2 J‘. M., until its Uusinessis ended. Agreed to. , A discussion followed on “ boiler plates,” m which a number of the delegates took part. 1 he next business in order being the report on steel tires and axles, the committee reported progress and asked for time to finish their report. On motion, the committee was con tinued. The Committee on Cylinder and Stuffing next reported, and their report received and adopted,and the Committee discharged. A dis cu.ssion then followed, when twenty-four dele gates argued in favor of spring and thirty in tavor of steam packing. Many of the delegates favored what is known as the “ Dunbar Patent Packing.’’ Others were in favor of the use of the “ Steam’s Patent Packing," thements and demerits of both being pretty generally venti lated. Mr. Gregg, of the Erie R. R., moved that a vote bo taken, so as to ascertain how many of the members favored the Stevens, the Dun bar, or the Spring packing. To this motion Mr. Sellers objected, stating that he was not in favor of having the Con vention advertise any man’s particular claims. Mr. Gregg disclaimed any such idea and only desired to know the respective choice of each master mechanic present. Mr. Hayes entertained the idea that differ i-tice in water and iron formed the principal 'rouble with regard to either packing. On one t oad where the water was good, the Dunbar [lacking would suit, whilst on another it might not be found to answer. He was of the opinion 'bat the question might be discussed until doomsday and no conclusion arrived at. As i o the matter of voting he did not think the convention ought to take any such vote. The President announced that there were several gentlemen present who favored both .Steam’s and Dunbar’s packing, and hence i liey eould-not-oast a-vote-in—favor-of-eitlier.- On motion, tho one made by Mr. Gregg, was laid upon the table. The report of the Com mittee on Boiler Incrustation was next called nil. I u response the Secretary stated that the chairman of the committee had, through a change in his position, been unable to attend iu ths matter, but bad transferred the duty ci Mr. Tour. Mr. T. consulted with Mr. Hav, nf the T. AV. & AY. R. R., but the latter gentle man, through ill health, could afford no as -ist'ance, consequently the labor devolved upon Mr. T. alone, who presented, not a re port, but a communication pertiueut to the - object. The paper recommended the use of -unie arrangement by which the water used might be purified, as tliat element and its cou -.1 intent parts wore the sole cause of incrusta-, 'ion. On motion, the paper was ordered to Im entered on the minutes. The next business in order was the report 1 of tbe Committee on Safety A'alves, which was read by the Secretary. On motion, the report was received and adopted and the Committee discharged. The Committee on Smoke Stacks, Ash Pans, 1 and Grate Bars, reported through the Secre-i tary. and the same was received, adopted, and tlio committee discharged. The report of the Committee ou Boiler Ex plosious was next called lor, but owing to the absence of tbe chairman, the committee asked lor furthertime, which request was granted. ’The Committee on Dead Weight, Rolling •Stock made a similar request, which was grunted. The Committee on Uniform Size of Tires re ported through the secretary. The number of different-sized tires in use amounts to (id, and i lie committeo reported in favor of several of diem alone, tbe centres being .‘36, 40, 44, .to, 56 and 1/2 inches. .Tlio report was received, adopted, and the committee discharged. A general interchange of opinion following lliis subject. Ou motion, further discussion of the matter wits laid over until to-morrow i u order that the general Committee on Tires mavbe beard.. - . ' r haviflg l President declared the Tonvonlidn adjourned until 9 o’clock A. M. to-morrow. Prior to their leaving the Hall each rnembor was furnished with a neat and serviceable meniorandum hook, furnished through tlio kiuduess of Win. F. Murphy’s Sons,Railway' 'Stationers, Kb. 359 Clieatuuf street. I m' The Horticultural Exhibition The annual exhibition of the Pennsylvania Horti cultural Society, at .Horticultural Hall, a des cription of which was given in the Bulletin oi' yesterday, was A’isited by a large number of lantes and genTJemeirla.st evening. The con cert was delightful, the programme having been very well arranged. The exhibition itself is one of tbe finest of the kind ever given in this city. It will be continued, everv cven mauhtu I'iiday uiglit. night about ton o’clock an infant about Jive weeks old was found-on the Ble.pß of atiouHo,Sfo.T2Ul Carpenter stroot. The little one was taken in charge by a family residing in the neighborhood. > ■ Wii'K-pEATXNCj. Moses Chambers, re siding at No. 2016 Alter street; hwas arrested Inst night for heating his wife. .He was taken before Alderman Dallas, and was held In 5600 bail to answer. Fox’s Amkp.ican Varieties.— There is an old adage that “ Merit will meet with its re ward.” There is no better practical illustra tion of this than the popular applause which eveiy evening greets the efiorts of Mr, Mana ger Fox, who lias made his variety theatre one of the fixed institutions of Philadelphia. When he gets into his more palatial establishment on -Chestnut, above-Tenth, he can congratulate himself upon hifi great success in business. To achieve this much requires close attention to business, continuous perseverance, liberality, and judgment, especially in choosing his as sistants. A few years since he came to Philadelphia a stranger," and, by his unostentatious deport ment, he collected around him friends whose good opinions are Worth cherishing. The en tertainments at the Varieties are thrilling and exciting, and as they all possess merit, must of necessity become popular with the public. His minstrel performers are the most eminent iu the sable profession. —Public Record, Sept. 10. Musical.— -Madame Blanche Smith," of the Philadelphia Music School, 1208 Chestnut street, has secured the services of Signor Paul Georza as teacher of A T ocal music. Signor Georza is a member of the "Conservatoire of Milan, and is knoAvn as a com poser; of popular music. His acceptance of a position in a school in this city is a fortunate thing for the Priflcfpairand we helier-e it will be, also; for - tisKCwho desire to obtain fisct.rfttsj«lastruc tion in the art of singing. . .Martin 8r05.,, the picture, 'auctioneers, open the fall campaign Avith a large and showy lot of pictures, which will be sold to-morrow and next day, day and evening. They consist of landscapes, and careful copies of works by celebrated/-masters.- The -season--being : so early, bargains mny be anticipated. 169 pic tures are numbered in the catalogue. l _ AVatchayords of the Campaign.—Wana maker it Brown have determined to stick by -their old watchwords and live by them through, this. campaign, as they have ,done through all previous ones. “ Lorvest Prices,’' “Best Workmanship," “Largest Stock," “ Populari’ and “ Reliable.” CITY NOTICES. St. At.bans’ Place, located between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets north of Oath, urine, contains fifty-two houses, twenty-six on each side, facing a magnificent park filled with fountains, statuary, flowers, etc., and extending tho whole length of tho square. Tho front is free from passing vohicios, and only accessible as a promenade. Tlio -hdnses- are constructed .with tho latost improvements, and are be ing rented on extremely low figures, by C. M;. S. Leslie, 717 Snnsorn street. Three Hundred Ironing Tables at Fah sox A Co.'s Kitchen and Furnishing Booms. Wholesale and Retail, 222 Dock.street. A Sew Style of Tobacco Sign.— Some genius, who hails from Manaynnk., has dis covered a mode of petrifying Indians. Ho says thov make fust-class tobacco signs. . Let him be encouraged. AYc are pleased to hear that Messrs.MlxcllELL A AVboth, the annular coal merchants at tho northeast corner of Ninth and Girard a venue, aro much encouraged by the influx of orders from all parts of our city. Their Beaver Meadow Lehigh iB now recognized as the pnrsst, best and cheapest fuel extant. The careful manner oi it.- preparation by this worthy firm has gone far in.nchiev mg its high reputation. Housekeepers can save 10 per cent, by buying their Kitchen - articles at Fahsox &' Co.*.- Wliolesale and Botail AVarerooms, Dock street, below Waluut. The 515 Fall and Winter Suits, which aro so popular at this time and so beautifully cut, made and trimmed, and in such vast varieties that you-have only to look upon them and they will speak to you— not in an audible voice, but by a power more potent than words—they will speak to your understanding, to your pecuniary interests,'to your personal appearance, even tuipiiysical powers ,for they adorn von with a fntl chest, and, broad and square shoulders. There is nothing to compete with tho §l5 suits sold at the Great Brown Stone Hall of Rockhill A Wilson, Nos. OU3 and GO5 Chestnut streot. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated-by Dr. J. Davidson, No, 918 Chestnut streot. Charges moderate. , The best and cheapest advertising medium, the True Democrat , is moat popular, find, circulates, weekly, more than any two others in York county. Address Hiram Young. • PubVisher, York, Pa. Straw Hats. —Messrs. C. Oakford &Sons, in the Continental Hotel, announce that they have re ceived another lot of those One Hollar Straw Hats. The greatest bargains ever offered in America. What Did It?— Lyon's Katkalron made my hair soft, luxuriant and thick, and Hagan's Mag nolia Balm changed that sallow complexion iuto the marblo beauty you now see. This is emphatically the languago of all who use these articles. A fine head of hair and a relined complexion are the great' Bt attrac tions a woman can possess. The Kathairon and Mag nolia Balm are just what will give them to you and nothing cdse will. The Balm ia the bloom of youth. It makes a lady of thirty appear but twenty. Both articles are entirely harmless, and very pleasant. Th-*j should he in every lady’s possession. ...„C.iiILDR.EN-OJt'.XEN._S.K.E.p,.a.goqd, safe, tonic,, which, without possessing thcqualities of an unhealthy stimulant,will yet serve to give tone to the stomach and strengthen tho organsiof digestion, and by infusing naturally now vigor into the system,-overcome any ap parent feebleness and want of vitality. Dr Jayne’s Vermifuge is a confpound woll Buited to snch cases, ami besides being a most useful Tonic, its long-established reputation ns a Yermiluge, contributes to make it a r< medy frequently required in every family, likely, if administered promptly and judiciously, tp save the pa rent much anxiety and expense, ami the child a great deal of suffering. Prepared only at 242 Chestnut street, 1 and sold everywhere. Gay’s China Palace, 101? Chestnut street, lias just opened ,with an entire new Stock of Plain anil Decorated China, Hohemian ami French Glassware, French Bronze and Parian Marble Statuary, nud an endless variety of fancy, goods, selected by Geu. Gay iu person from the largest Manufactories' in Kuropo, bought for cash, and wilt be sold at prices to defy com petition. . , , bhuw Room opon till 0 o dock at night. Goods to go out of tho city will be packed and deliv ored to Transportation Oftice free of'charge and insured against breakage to destination. N. B.—This is tho only Aefrn/China House iu America (hut Import their goods direct. Spotted Like Dominoes. The tcolh soon boooino speckled if every defilement is not removed from them every tweiitv hmr hours, To do this effectually there is nothing like Sn/mmsT. It. literally renders the enamel impervious and indestruc tible. u SpauungV l celebrated Glue, useful and true Not to be Detected.—Tho hues imparted to gray heads by Phalon Yitajja ,or SAi.VA'nnx fob the Hair, are ns vivid as those of nature, and tha change is not effected by a disregard ot cloanlinos-i, as is the case with tho other hair-eoloring preparations, tho Vitalia being eminently clean. No sediment. Sold by all druggists and fancy-goods dealers. An INCONTROVEitTiRDE Fact.— An oasy boot is a luxury. Two comfortable bouts aim a dupli cate delight. Togetthom precisely as you wish, call upon Charlks Kiciikl.i the accomplished eonlwuiner, at SUI North Eighth strooG above Buttonwood. Hi* tits your foot to a charm, and his prices are modurato. Go for him. . Is it Medicine?—A friend of ours, who hails from onoof the upper districts of South Carolina, called at tho Pick cilice, and, nmone other noveltios, he inentionod “ Wolfe’s Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps,” and stated as u fact, that in his section of Urn country nearly all of tho physicians, in certain cases, wheu they deemed ardent spirits necessary to prolong or savo life; invariably used those 4 * Schnapps,” justlyregarding It. as tho oplyspirita that could be procured pure iind iin' : . iadri! ifcL--tbii. J?ip<U^no.juuL. wrttr • 00 vertigo sold off' the great stago or railroad loutes. Ho says tnoso phyi picians who huVo'used and analyzed it,stato that for diseases such aa gravel, gout, rheumatism, A:c,, it is in* comparable. Deafness,. -Blindness and (Jatarbh treated with the utmost buccoss, by Isaacs, m, D.i and Professor of Dfsoasoß of tho Eyo iindEar./nia Bpeci-_ aityllh the Medlcal Cbllogo bf"Pofinßylvan!a,l2 years ex porienco.No. 805 Arch streot. Testimonials can bo seen at hie office. The medical faculty aro lnvltod to ac company their patients, as ho has no seorots in his prac tice. Artificial oyea insorted without pain, No charge for examination* . L adies going to the country Dr seaside Should prdcuro ouo-ofthoae Elegant and cheap Sundowns from fVKffOBU 834 uud 836 Ohoatuut street. instruments and druggists Surgical sundries.' STR AWBRIDGE A CLOTHIER. Bnowtden & Brother* - 23 Bowth Eighth street, OUR SECOND OPENING OF FOREIGN DRESS FABRICS embraces many new and seasonable goods not yet exhibited by any other house. airs V£BX" LOW PRICES we lave been asking for our earlier and present offerings (much lower thf.n last year, notwithstanding the war,) have induced large and rapid sales, Although our Importations have been on a much larger scale than ever before, we already and our stock rapidly fundnishinj before the active demand thus early made upon it Among' the almost endless variety of FRENCH, GERMAN and BRITISH FABRICS, wo would :L a v'«- ■ inpnttaH-..t4mmially.Jbeatttiful-g^C3..pf LOW AND MEDIUM-PRICED DRESS GOODS, In cur advertisement o!' BLACK SILKS some lime since we gave a list of very low price,, at win b Bar jricO, W 6 Stall continue to sell them for two weeks longer, notwithstanding the general advance Wd liave s nes aided to otir stock- CHENEY BROS. AMERICAN BLACK GROS GRAIN AT SI !>O. f-'anu- Goods as are cfiere i by our Competitors as very cheap at S 2 00. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, GRAND OPENING PEABODY Sc WESTON, H. GO.DSHALK & CO.. Have just opened an entire new lot of CARPETS, Comprising all the new and latest patterns, to,,which they invite attention of their friends and the public generally at the old stand. PRICES LOW. self) b w lOtrp FALL STYLES! FINE BOOTS AND SHOES FOB G-ENTIiEMBW. MADE. ON IMPROVED LASTS, INSURING Comfort, Beauty and. X>nral>ility I NO. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, j ABOVE CHESTNUT.I ! imltl fin w tt' '■ - ■■■ - ' ■ ■ ■ - Wedding ant> engagement Bings of solid 18karat fine Gold—a specialty; a 1 full assortment of eizea, and no charge for engraving Smes, &c. FABB A BROTHER, Makers, “ ! iny24 rp tf 824 Chestnut street, holuw Fourth m —JRt -WA.TOHES-THAT.HA.YB -HITH- - orto failed to give satisfaction, nut in good order. Partioular attention paid to Fino WatcU os, Chronometers i eto i, by skilful workmou. Musical Boxob repaired. ffABR & BBoTnnßi Importers of Watches. Musical Boxos, &c., jpylO 824 Chestnut stroot, bolovr Fourth. DRESS GOODS. TONGrI POPLINS. RICH CLOTH PLAIDS, SATIN LAINE FOR SU SILK, WOOL AND CORDED POPLINS, In all the New Shade and Full Lanes of Adapted to the wants of the most critical as well as the most economica' buyer, BLACK SILKS. N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. (J A R 1* E T S. Successors of OIL CLOTHS, PEABODY Sc WESTON, m CHESTNUT STKEET. o— MATTINGS, TOILET SO. 11. p. & C. B. TATI.OR, Perfomery aiid Toilet Soapa, —Ml and 613 Horth Ninth etroot - .—n U? BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 16S0.—SOHUYLEB & ABMSTBONQ, it, ,iu lulu in, 1527 Germnntown uvnnucnnil Filth Bt. D 11. Hcm-YLBK, llapH-Jyrpll 8.8. Abmbteo FURNITURE, &C. PURCHASERS OF COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS _ And tho.varloaij.otj'ks.ol. Bedsteads,, Bureaus, Washstands, Wardrobes, &c., Finished In imitation of Walnut, Maplo or other ‘‘hard woods,” and now generally known as “Imitation’ or “Painted” Furniture, nr© hereby informed that very article of our manufacture is Stamped with oar Initials .and Trade* Mark, And tlioß© who wish to obtain goods of our mat© (there being, at tbo present time, numerous imitations in the market), should invariably ask the dealer of whom they are purchasing to oxlilbit our Btamp on the goods, and take iio other, no matter what representations may be nmde concerning them. KILBURN & GATES Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage Furniture, No. 019 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. je2J5 a m w Cmrp - &c., 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. 1818 JOHN M. GARDNER Offers an Entire New Stock of FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY NEW IN AMT The übovo points being woll appreciated, induce mot keep these facts before thopoople that I may continue to receive thoirpatrouago, promising prompt attention to all orders entrusted to mo, jeS-w l’mrp tlmlil - GEO. J. HENKELS, ... 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT Street. I ! a m y-owest Possible Prices sefi2mrps ww— — k>nw Merchant 5.C0.517 5-519 Minor St;Pnil*•; nitl-1 I2!l’p§ SPCEIVDID