business upticks. ThoWEbMtprl^Mawarded when Bnd CITY BDUETIN. Continued from, the First Page. mo« all the mbmliers of the department to the eround. manwof tlie steam fire engines lieinc dragged along by hand-power instead of horse-power. The Columbia, of West Philadelphia, was one of these, it having been drawn over five miles.-- The companies from Germantown, Manayunk and Mt. Airy also attended. Great as the crowd- hitherto had been, it now grew greater and every moment added to its strength. As night approached and the light of the fire began to show brighter and brighter, others were attracted to the spot, and at seven o’clock -here could not have been less than 15,000 people present. At this time the scene would, could it have been transferred to canvas, rendered the fortune of the artist a certainty. Above brightly shone pale Buna, casting a silvery sheen upon the upper ridge of the vast rolling mass of smoke; beneath, extending over the snace above described, roared, rushed and rolled the tiames, lighting upthe neighbor hood. and forming a bright, lurid glare for the lower lining of the mass named. Casting our eves arounu.we saw that the board-piles were even more, crowded, and now we uiscovered those most curious of ns all,; 1 the women ’folks. How thev managed to ascend we Know eot but there they were, standing out. m bold re K ef, the light from the burning property shewing them in crimson colors. The bridges i kcross Cebocksink creek, at Beach street and rv'jfcTrare avenue.were also Ened with human 1 brings, and the i«a«3i«a in the- muddy .'water bkwito reoanSed one somewhat of a mirage Oat old cham, sppareuilr « she eldest inhahis liXT.l rami!mhert>ii a similar scene some Twenty r,;.-, .UEpn, and to the gaping crowd recited the incidfESSs asnfi ■crfais theraaf. Another, some wbifi vßniigsr.Tsmfiabsisd a boiler explosion .Et she ismne place, and he had has anditors ■■ laietbei s’emsmberod-the destrotSion, of, -theTflai® whsnil w»s incitraa? Dolby’s saw mini, isitfihf ibnfi £3§ tsstene «ff Ssteaers. Of .course, m ii !Dtvn£iisrE.Taea snth as fids, there anus: tea'arnnijHjr bla is again being visited by a military .or ganization, the command being known as tne • Albany Zouave Cadets. In July, 1860> . . Odets wero founded by the; then Captain vince Adjutant-General) .Frederick Town ■ end,andthey'soon rose to a point of eminence n military circles' second to none other in the State. Their old uniform, ryWhit being, ;neat and serviceable, has since been discarded. The 1 .; new uniform (very much like that wornoytlie Old Guard, of Kew York) is considered one of the most elegant in the country. It consists of a white dress coat, tastefully , trimmed with scarlet and gold, and trowsers or a_ light blue, trimmed with scarlet. The hat is of the French ; pattern, with scarlet pompon. A staff (inde pendent companies frequently have staffs) has just been organized, aiid will hereafter form part of the company. The uniform worn' by the staff is similar to the above, with the ex ception that the coat is trimmed with light blue,and a chapeau of the French staff .pattern takes the plaoo of the company cap. " , The following is a roster or their officers ; Captain, William A. Hamilton; first lieutenant, Charles C. Nichols j second lieutenant, Lucien Barnes; third lieutenant, Edward Douglass. Staff: adjutant, vacant; chaplain, Bev. Edwin B. Bussell; inspector, Lieutenant Edward McCannon: commissary, Lieutenant Edward Monteath; engineer, Lieutenant Frederick W. Brown; judge ad vocate, Lieutenant John Gould; quarter master, Lieutenant O. A. Fuller ; paymaster, Lieutenant George Harris; ordnance officer, Lieutenant John L. Newman; surgeon, J. S. Delavan. At 2 o’clock this afternoon the Albanians ar rived at the West Philadelphia depot, accom panied by Doering’s band of twenty pieces and an excellent drum corps. Owing to the costliness of their parade uniform the men traveled in their fatigue dress, consisting of a gray suit., with white .. cross-belts, somewhat j similar to that worn by tbe New York Seventh. » According to a request made by them, the : visitors were given no formal reception, but I were simply met by a committee of Company • D, First BegimentP. Y. M. (whose guests the ; strangere are) In citizens’ dress. After mutual :| greetings thev were conducted to the Conti ■ cental Hotel,'where they are quartered. ' _ To-morrow the two__eompanles will make a 1 fall dress street parade, and In the evening sit 1 do\t nto~a banquet-af the- Continental. - J?ho i company starts on the return trip on Friday, i and will arrive in New Y’ork at 1.30 P. 51., re ; T~niniT>g in the city until the departure of the ; night boat for Albany. ShoOtivv Affray.— Shortly after .one o'clock this morhtng a row occurred at the southeast corner of Sixth and Lombard streets, between a lot of colored men and wo men, originating on account of one of the ra-an stealing a piece of watermelon from a stand. Policeman Patrick Hughes, of the Third District, who resides nearby, was called upon to arrest the thief, and did so, when be was attacked by the crowd, one of .whom grappled him by the throat, and dragged him into Slalatesta’s rum mill, where another of the crowd drew a revolver and shot him, the ball entering the leftann and severing an' artery. He then attempted to protect himselt with his own pistol, but was knocked_ down and dragged some distance. He again attempted to use his weapon, but being weakened by the loss of blood, fainted. Some citizens then re moved him to the hospital, where his wound was dressed, and then he was taken_tq 1 his home, sixth street, below Lombard; His as sailant escaped, but is known. Republican Invinciiiles Presenta tion. — Last eveningthe Executive Committee of the ltepublican some twenty five in number, beaded by Ezra Lukens, their President, proceeded to the residence of Prof. Benjamin K. McUlurg, leader of the Liberty Silver Cornet Band, No. 1, for the purpose of presenting an elegantly framed “ vote ot thanks” to that gentleman, for the satisfactory manner in which be has furnished music for ihe'Clnb during the campaigns of 1860, ’6B and and ’69. After the presentation the company were sumptuously entertained by Mr.'Me-. Clurg. Speeches were made by Messrs. Todd, Fox, Hawkins, Birkinbine, Lukens, McClurg, and others. The festivities were kept up until Timte'aTlate’ko'ur. Larceny.— Edward Iselman was before Aid. ICerr this afternoon upon the charge of tbe larceny of $55, the property of Lisa Feeler, Mo. 514 Mlnser street. The money was taken from a-bureau drawor in-tho upper part of the house, and the accused was seen in the room by a daughter of Mrs. F.eeler. He was held for a further hearing. Mary Matlack, charged with the larceny of several articles from the house of Henry Myers, No. 812 North Tenth street, had a hearing before Alderman Kerr this afternoon, and was held in S6OO bail to answer at court. Ungrateful.— Before Alderman Kerr, this afternoon, a hoy, named Chalkley Hudson, seventeen years of age, was charged with lar ceny. Julia Boborts, residing at No. 858 North Eleventh street, testified that she had taken Chalkley into her house as a matter of charity, and he had stolen several articles be longing to her brother. When questioned about the matter, he handed her the pawn ticket for the stolen articles. He was com mitted for trial. Concealed W eapons. —Some longing to Germantown, got into a row while going home last night. John L. Goldthorpe and M. W. Mclntyre were arrested. On Gold thorpe a black-jack was found. He was held in ¥l,OOO bail for carrying concealed deadly weapons. Mclntyre was held in $5OO bail to keep the peace. Wipe Beateil— John Smith, residing at Thirteenth and Fitzwater streets, was ar rested last night; upon the charge of beating his wife. It is alleged that he cut her with a knife. ,He was committed by Aid. Collins. ~u: S B - 000 Disorderly House.— Mary Yeager was be fore Alderman Kerr this afternoon on the charge of keeping a disorderly bawdy-house, No. 536 Monroe street. She was held In $5OO bail. Rescued prom Drowning. —Three men fell into the Delaware from one of the wharves in the vicinity of the fire last evening. They were rescued from drowning by Crew No. 1 of the Delaware Harbor Police. Riotous Conduct. —Michael Burns, Thos. Sharp and Bowman Simpson were arrested nt the lire, last evening,'for riotous conduct; They were held in $5OO hail by Aid. Cahill. Fox’s American Varieties.— The French wrestlers made their first appearance at this nopuiar establishment on Alonday evening. Their style of wrestling is artistic, and unlike the movements incident to ordinary Wrestlers. One feat performed by them astonishes all be holders. A loaded cannon, which reqmires half a dozen men to lift, is placed on the shoul ders of one of the wrestlers ; thenitis fired off. The concussion is groat, but the wrestler stands as firm as a rock. The dancing blondes ■ltid the Clinetop Sisters are popular, and the same may he said of the entire troupe. By liberality and discrimination Mr. Fox won popularity, which he fully maintains. This establishment is jammed with people every evening. —Public liccord, Scjtt. 7 lit. $ 6,000 . 6,000 ■ 5,000 . 5,000 Influence. —“ Every man that goes out of ibatdoor goes either to return and make other purchases, and to bring others with him to make purchases, or he goes never to return himself and to keep away ail whom ho can; so that we cannot afford to lose a single eas terner, but must, if possible, by truthfulness, bv every reasonable inducement of low prices and good garments, secure the approval of all who onter Oak Hall.” Bo reasdu Wanamakor & Brown, and if ever a man goes from them unsuited, it is not for want of a disposition on their part, to do tlip right, thing by him. - v ’ German 1 Festival.— The Bummer Night’s Festival of the Miinnorchor, Siingerbund ? JungerMiiunerchor and Harmonic,'yrlll take place this afternoon and evening, at Wissai hickon Park. Excursion trains will he run hourly by the Philadelphia, Germantown and Ndms'fown Railroad Company; The Park is well adapted for such festivities, and under the excellent management of Mr. John Minch, well-known as Superintendent of the Junger Manuerclior Hall, is a popular place of resort. Tjie Last. —The last. New York Bay Ex-, cvn'sion of the season will he given to-morrow The Liberty Silver Cornet Band will tumish the music, and a very pleasant excursion may be expected. Tickets can be procured at Wal nut-street wharf to-morrow-morning. PHILADELPHIA EVEflifr (f BULLET!N, W-ED&fiSL-AK j At His Old Quarters - .— Mr. Ghas.Tbomp-; son; who-lias been connected with the Spruce ABtl Pine and. Philadelphia ahd Harhy Pas-; senger Hallways for several years ; past, has taken possession of his old stand—the livery : stable on Mount Vernon street,.above 1 Ninth.; His establishment is a first-class one, and he 'knows well how to run it for thebeSt accom-i modation of his patrons., Connected: with the stable there is a mart for the purchase; and -sale of to which especial attentionwill be given. '' ’ Vi; ■ v ; CITY NOTICES. “Shoes and Socks Shocks Susan.”— Some down-EBBt editoi offers ft year’s subscription to bis paper to any one who can repeat tho above line with; rapidity andeorreotnessfour limes in suocgssjqnf If ,be ; had offered ft ton of Mitchell &Wroth’p Beaver Meadow Lehigh w-e might make an attempt .” This . Splendid coal: is deservedly in the highest repute with our citizen*, and tho careful preparation of screening and picking, to which it is subjected by this firm, materially enhances Its value. It may ho regardod us the ne plui ultra of family.fuel, and Mitchell & Wroth. Northeast corner of .Ninth atroot and Girard avenue, are tho men who dis pense it. Call upon them. " St. Ai.bans Peace, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streots, north of Catharine, demands considornhio attention from tlioße.whi). are in search of handsome residences, of medium sizo,‘at I6w rents: Tho novol feature is that.the space between the two blocks, heretofore used its a common stroet, has been laid put in the Bhnpe of a garden or park, extending the, whole lengtli of the square and enclosed by sin iron ratling,anil bandsomoly decorated with fountains, atjatnairy 1 , flowers, etc. The front, with the exception of a fourteen feet wide pavement, Is one entire garden spot. These pro portios are being rapidly rented by Joseph Jainos. 801 Gray’ffFerry rond, corner of Catharine, and C.M. S. Leslie,7l7 Bagsom eh-eot. ■ The $l5 Fall and Winter Suits, which are so popular at this time and so beautifully cut, made and trimmed, and in such vast: varieties; that: you have only to look upon them nnd they will speak to you— not in an nudiblo voice, but by ft power moro.potenl than words—they will speak to your understanding, to your pecuniary interests, to your personal appearance, even to physical powers, for they adorn, you with a fuli chest, nnd broad and squaro shoulders. Thero is nothing to competo with tho $l5 suits .sold at the Great Brown Stono Hall of Rockiiill & Wilson, Nos. 003 and 605 Chestnut street. ■ - What Did It?—Lyon’s Kathairon made my hair soft, luxuriant nnd thick, and Hagan's Mag nolia Balm changed that sallow- complexion into tho marble beauty yon how see. This is emphatically the lnngungo of all who uae'theso articles. A fine head of hair and a refined complexion are,tho greatest attrac tions a. woman cnh'poßßo’ss.”Tho'Katliair6n''fthd':Mag' nolift-Bnlm aro just what will give them to you and nothing else will. The Balm is the bloom of youth. It makes a lady of thirty appear but twenty. Both articles are entirely harmless, and very pleasant. They should be in every lady’s possession. The best and cheapest advertising medium, the True Democrat, Is most popular, and circulates, weekly, more than any two othors in York county. Address Hiram Young, Publisher, York, Pa. Js it Medicine ?— A friend of-onrs, who hails from one of the upper districts of South Carolina, called at tho Pick office, and, among other novelties, ho mentioned “Wolfe’s Aromatic Schiedam Bchnapps,” and Btatcd as a fact, that in his section of tho country nearly all of the physicians, In certain oases, when they deemed ardout spirita necessary to prolong or save life, invariably used these “ Schnapps,” Justly regarding it as the only spirits that conld bo procured pure and un —adultoratedv—He also stilted tout this medicine or “ Schnapps” was becoming tho only beverage sold ou the great stage or railroad toutes. He says thoso phy sicians who have titled and analyzed, it, Blate that for diseases such as gravel, gout, rheumatism, Ac., it is in comparable. ' . The Grand Surprise !—The . gray-haired con hardly believe their eyes when they see their whit ened locks restored to their pristine beauty by a clear and transparent fluid. Phalon’s Vitalia,ou Salva tionAon the Hair, is the article in question, and is free from any sediment. - ... Sold by nil druggistß and fancy goods dealers. A Gentt.e "Whisper to Mothers. Tf unfortunately yon have lost your own teeth by ne sleet or mismanagement, take euro that your daughters do not suitor the same penalty from the same cause. See to. it,. tUat....they’.brnsh.their,teetli regularly, aud thor .. ■ ■uglily with Sozodont, and thereby you will insure them sound and serviceable sets as long as thoy live. “ Spalding’s Glue,” handy and useful. What Can Aie the Chied?—When'it sloepß restlessly, lias a foetid breath, a variable appetite, with frequent grinding-of the tooth, he buro your child is troubled w ith Worms, and needs at once Dr. Jayne’s Tonic Vermifuge, which effectually destroys these pests, and, ncting ftß a general tonic, restores the tone of the- stomach, and -brings the patient Laok-to Miami health. Propured only at 242 Chestnut street, and sold everywhere. Straw Hats.— Messrs. C. Oakford & Sons, In tho Continental Hotel, announce that they have re ceived another lot of thoso One Dollar Straw Hats. Tho greatest bargains ever offered in Amorica. Hot-House Grapes, fine pears and other fruits ; also, French confections of his own manufac ture, at A. L. \ AN-bANT’s, Corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets. Deafness, Blindness and Catabbh treated with the utmost success, by J. Isaacs, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear ' his speci alty) In the Medical College of Pennsylvania,l2 years ex perience, No. 805 Arch Btreet. Testimonials can bo seen athla office. The medical faculty are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secreta in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Ladies can find every description of Corsets at Hopkins’ Hoop Shirt, Cofeet and Ladies’ Cnder-gar ment Emporium, lilt Chestnut street. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 914 OUestnnt street. Charges moderate. Ladies going to the country or seaside Should procure one of those Elegant and cheap Sundowns from Oakfoko 834 and 836 Chestnut street. Surgical instruments and druggists sundries. „ . _ BNOWDEN & BROTHERt 23 Sooth Eighth street. IMPORTATIONS. Reported for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. LIVERPOOL—Bark Gladstone. Brown—6so sacks fine salt A Kerr & I3ro; 2245 old rails order. MAUIINE BULLETIN. POET OF PHILADELPHIA—Sei’THMBER 7 tOTSu Marint Bullttin oi\ Insidt Pars, ARRIVED THIS DAT. Steamer \V Whillden, Riggins, 13 hours from Baltl* more, with mdse and passengers to A Groves. Jr. Steamer Mayflower, Fulta. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to w V Clyde & Co. Steamer Bristol, "Wallace, 24 hours, Irons New York* with mdse to W P Clyde & (Jo Bark Gladstone, Brown, from Liverpool July 27, with mdse to order —vessel to B Orawloy & Co. :r Trnrk lHiz&bGtblAHeny from 1 New Yorkvin ballaßt'to Workman & Co. _ _ _ ~ _ . Scbr Tycoon, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with grain to Jas L Bcwley & Co. ltjl Schr E F Orowoll, Hughes, from WfdlflcoUwith mdse. Schr Jas Martin, Baker, from Boston, with mdse. BchrD Gifford, Brown, Boston. Schr Geo B Bomers, Pray, Boston. Schr John Griffith, Coombs, Boston. - Schr 8 C Tyler, Barrett. Boston. ! Schr M D Ireland. Ireland, Boston Bchr Sarah Jane, Vaughn, Now York. Schr W F Phelps, Ritor, New York. Schr J B Johnson, Smith, Now York. Schr Win Konnedy, Andorson, Baltimore. Schr Three Sisters, Ruako, Rappahannock. Bchr Morning Light, Simmons, Uappabunnock. Scbr Wm Coflyer, Taylor, Aliya’s Point, Schr Jos Hay, Hathaway, Now Bedford. Scbrlndex. Garrison, Plymouth. Tug Thos Jefferson, Allon, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. Tug Chesapeake, Merrlhew,frora Havre de Grace,with a tow of barges to W P ClydoA Co. CLEARED THIB DAY Steamer James 8 Green, Paco, Richmond and Norfolk, W P Clyde & Co . Steamer Ann Eliza. Richards, N Yoik. W P Clyde & Co. Hark Jinperndor, Heard, Pernambuco, A F Damon. Bark Kaleb, Knrsen, Gibraltar for orders, L Westor* guard W Co. Tug Hudson, Nicholson, Baltimore, with a tow of 1 burgeß. \V P Clyde £ sec. west 60 87*100 feet to a thence stlil by the sarao south 42 deg. 3) a sec. W|'ot7l feot inch to the place of beglumng—containing4 acres 17. pejtches,more or less. . „ ,1,1 Also, all that triangular lot of ground, situate on the •outbeosterly sido of the Philadelpbia and Trenton Railroad, beginning at a cornorofland now or lute pi tllo estate orJohn AVetherill: thence extending along the southeasterly side of aaid railroad xiortli 41 min., east 691 foot to low water °f Frankford crock ; thence down the said creek at low wa the several courses and distances, ft b°ut 2<>o toot Tnhn •ornor of land now or late of tho estate ot tho said John Wotherlll,deceased, and thence by the same south 68 Ug. 18min., west9B4 foot Cinches to the place of begin ning ; containing 2 apres and 148 porch e ” ‘ ofi? n o £inai' n The improvements aroa large atone mansion house, a Inrgestonemacldnoshop.4s toottov 126 foundry, 33 feet by 63 toot ? large frame boiler house, blacksmith shop, two pattern shops, carpenter shop, frame stable, two- Btory brick office, stone building for storage ; also, a largo throe story atone factory but Ming, suitable for any manufacturing purpOKGJ W'ha ever, Q 6 fast by 112 foot, with a wing attached, <3O toot by 92 feet, one-story engine or dye-honne, 42 foot by 66 foot, with a 60 horse-power engine nnd steam pities; a two-Btory stono office building connected with the factory. Also, a frame office and tenant house, with tho wharf property fronting on Frankford creek. The promises aredlnely wbarfed for the distanco of 1,138 feet 6 inchos oif Frank ford creek,and has an entire frontage thoreon of 1,388 toetC Inches, with tho advantagea.of tide water; the Philadelphia and Trenton Bailroad runs through tho premises, a sidling being comieotcd with the same. The premises aro suitable for manufacturing business of th" beglvon to^thojjur- Possession of the premises , jgiv^ r chasers within 3 months after sale* excepting the wharf, oflice and tenant house, nrw occupied by Paxton, Flein inc and Lloyd, lumber and coal merchants; which are now" held under, a lease, the conditions of which ..will be named ©n the day of the sale,. . . ' ■ ■ ■The abate premises will be Bold subject to a mortgage conditions of sale, nsfollows : $l,OOO of. the pur chase money to bop Aid on the day of sale: 89,000 on the execution of the deed for tho premises, and the balance of the purchase money to he scoured on,the premises by bond and mortgage, payable ini year. 'Beo plan ot Auction Booms. * ■» By order of JOSEPH A. OLAY. Master. *>yox THOMAS & 80JS8. Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. - money to any amount /WS LOANED UPON BIAMONDS-WATOHEB. i i a.„ al * : ' - . .••■.,-■■•:;•■--:■• . . - Bolow Loin'bttrd. : - r -- v. ' Wt WATCOHEB, , JKWEITBY QUNB.&C.i Poll BALK HT _ BEMABKABLY W W PBWKB. jj(titps Our BLANKETS for the Fall and Winter Season are now fully open for examination. Our sales already have been very large, but our ar- rangements with the Mills are such that we shall be able to supply almost any demand. THE HURON BLANKETS That we have sold so extensively in past seasons have been still further improved, and we can recommend them now with confidence as being the very best in the market for fineness ofwool, size and weight. Our assortment in ofib, single bed Janet other sizes is by far the largest in the city, and can bs furnished in any quantity from a single pair to the largest ho’el orders. Our great facilities for procuring and distributing these goods enable us to offer them at but slight advances on factory prices, and thereby maintain ourselves as the leading House in the Blar.ket trade. PRICES BAN ■H. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. r, • t rr*~9' i , . FROM TH3EE T 0 TWENTY DOLLARS PER PAIR. FURNITURE, &C. GEO. J.HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, v 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT Street. A line assortment at ill lAwest Possible Prices «e£ 2mrp§ PURCHASERS OF COTTAGE CHAMBER SUITS And tho various styles of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wash stands, Wardrobes, &c,, finished in imitation of Walnut, Jlaple or other “hard woods, 5 ’ and now generally known as “'lmitation* or “ Painted ” Furniture, are hereby informed that very article of our manufacture is Stamped with our Initials and Trade* Bark) And those who wish to obtain goods of our m&ko (there bf-ing, at the presont time, numerous imitations in the -market l. ahould-inxariably oak the dealer of whom are purchasing to exhibit our stomp on the goods, and take no other, no matter what representations may be made concerning them. K.ILBUKN & GATES Wholesale Manufacturers of Cottage furniture, No. 619 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. je2s b m w6mrp __ 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. 1816 JOHN M. GARDNER Offers an Entire New Stock of SPLENDID FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY MW IN DESIGNS* KICH IN QBAUTT* _ FINE IN FINISH, ANl> IiOW IN PRICE The above points being well appreciated, induce met keep thes© facto before the people that I may continue to receive their patronago, promising prompt attention to all orders entrusted tome. , ic-a-w fmrp tlmhl l GENTS’ FURNISHING GOOPb. , JVotice to Gentlemen. JNO. C. ARRISON, Nos. 1 and 3 North Sixth St., Would jmrticulavly Invito attention to hia Improved Pattern Shoulder-Seam SHIRT. MA BU rilOM THE BEST MATERIAL. WOBK DONE BY HAND; 7 HE CUT AND FINISH OF WHICH CANNO T BE ■EXCELLED. Warranted to Eit and artae Satisfaction. Also, to a largo arid well-aolectod Stock of. " v ; SUMMER UNPEROLOTHIN G CONSISTING OF Gauze-Merino, Silk, Cotton Undershirts and Browers, BESIDES HOSIERY, GLOVES, Etc. noUfm'wlyrp ' - ~ • •'T-; c ”■ —w-ATOHBfi THAT HAVE HlTH failed to F.'lvo : aatUfaotlou, pot Ini good ~ §>3, ordeivPertlouter attention paid to 1 ‘TT 3 -**”. nI *♦" h»-«lcllfilt-jrntfcm» BTTBIKESB EaTABt.tSHBD *• Biuaibal Boms topaD. <>*.•• FABR 4 beoTHEB, SOHDYLEB &. ABMBIBONO, Tmnortorß of Watchoa. Mußioal Boxes, &c,. Undertakers, 1827 Germantown avennoand Fifth Bt. 821 Chestnut street,below Fourth. DH.Bohuvi.Bß, [ai)H-Jyrp§l 8.8. Abmbteo , JK; o * i • GAS FIXTURES, &C. Bilfifi Arnold & Coi MANUFACTURERS OF GAS FIXTURES, CHANDELIERS, PENDANTS, Of New Designs. 710 Chestnut Street. S. W. corner Twelfth and Brown Sts. CORNELIUS & SONS’ RETAIL SALESROOMS, 821 CHEEKY STREET. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS, &o. OF SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINIBH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. We have no Store-or Salesroom on Chestnut Street. CORNELIUS & SONS. iyl3w fmamrpg GAS FIXTURES AT REDUCED RATES. I’orsons furnisliing houses it to their interest to (leai ivithJie Manutac turqts direct. Our assortment of. all Mn*of Gas Fixtures cannot be equAlGd in t c ty, ami we invite all those in want to cau on MISKEY, MERRILL & THACKAftA, aiANUFACTUR®®*’ Showroons, No. 718 Chestnut Streot, UIIIS Rmrn - c——» BRACKETS, &0., SAU3SBOOBIS: SANVFACIOM : PWH.AiHiT.wnA