Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, August 09, 1870, Image 1

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floor, in or out of doors, and PORTABLE EARTH
IDOBIMOPES, for nee in hod-cltnibere and elsewhere.
Aro absolutely free from offence. Earth Closet COM.
'DanY'g office and naleoroozn at Wlll. G. RHOADS', No.
MI Market street. np29ll§
GATCHEL.—On First day, theith instant. Helen Vir
ginia, only daughter of Francis It. and Sarah Ist. Uatchel,
aged ?a1 ears.
Thefuneral will Mho place on fourth,day, the 10th
instant, at 3 o,
chair; from the residence of tier parents,
lan. tIU3 Green street.
31 ITCIIELL .—On Saturday, A tigo4 Rh. 1870, Archi•
bald Mitchell.
Thr, male friends of the family are invited to attend
the funeral, from his late residence, No. Val Curates
Ftreet, on Wednesday morning, the 10th instant, at 9
NFALLlS.—Stuldenly, on the 7th inatant, Mr. George
in the 70th year of hie age.
TLf.:._relatiietuindidends.oftbeinmilY_arD mot:cattily_
invited to attend the funeral, from hie late reatdei cc,
Na. 1334 Lombard street, on Wednesday afternoon, the
10th Instant Funeral cervices at Salem M. E. Church,
corner of Lombard and Juniper strecte, commencing
preclaelv at 4 o'clock.
:iCATTItROOO.I/.—On the 7th loot, Edward Garrett,
sun of Thomas and Sarah G. ficattergo.l. aged 7 months.
The interment will take place from the re-Hence of Ids
gratidinother,--Abigail. S. - G , rrett, Upper Darby - . Dela•
ware county, Pa.. on Fourth day, tic 101.11 inchnt, to
Intel at 3 o'cloc k tu rtiligek will hr in waiting at
lielleyville on the arrival of the train leaving Thirty
itrat and Market fitreeto
400 LYRE 04 0
& TAN.,
Art auppling tltelr Cuptomcrx•with
BLACK nILKSAt GnLl 12 3- Pt ulum,
ItLigneila.—JOßN C. BA K ER & C0..71.4 Murkut
The Finest in Town.
818 and 820 Chestnut St.
OLD B T _l-1 E L
Barnsboro Station, on West Jersey Railroad
Ttidr,;: tease Philadolphla from foot of MARKET
:'. -, r4.-t•t E A . 3.1.i.;130 P:
L.. 12 R.13.A ...1.3A 1' 7i1., 4.m P.M. nd..10.05 - P
Fxru r, , P.;11 Ticket,. R,AOI Anrirng < , ,nt inn:l%z of t tic;
W. .I.,SEWELL, Mapl.
110WASD . HOSPITAIr . , NOS. 1.518
and MO Lombard litr.eti Dtxpeneary Department.
—Eted'cal treatment ndmodlcine furnished cratutto nal y
o the poor -
- 1 1 ( - frLITiCAL - NOTICES.
r -, 1870.
el 6 U otl2rp
Fifth Grand Excursion
Around Now York Bay and down to Long
La" , lirra at Neu: York about oor how.
Leal e Philadelphia, from WALNUT Street Wharf,
Thursday, August 11, 1870,
At 75i o'clock A. Al,
GentVenan and Lady ,
Tickets can be procnred at the office or Beck's Rand,
:52.i Market street ;.of Chas. BrintiinghofTer, 9.35 Market
street : of Enos Renner, 501 Girard avenue ; J. C. Heim,
1215 North Tenth street; 1 icket Office, 62.1 Chestnut
street, and at the wharf on the morning of the Excursion.
_aura 1,1 w Step ' •
:Moravian Boarding School for Boys.
For catalouttes apply to Mr:rts..loltDAN & BRO.,
Zs. , North Third street'. 'Philadelphia. or to Rev.
L' I . I:ENE LIABEET, Principal, Nazareth, North
ampton 04 , unty, Pa. null ltn§
_1 Bethlehem. Pa. Term opens Sept. 1. Applicants
examined August 29th and :an It.
au?. Irm
dred eases Green Peas and Asparagus, for sale by
_JOSEPH D. BUSSIEII & CO., IPS South Delaware
Gen. Grant in St. Louis.
A mass-meeting of frishthen was field in St.
1.01145, on Thursday, to consider the pro
priety of petitioning General Grant, on his
arrival in that city; to pardon Generals O'Neil,
Starr, Donnelly and others, now serving out
terms of imprisonment for participation in the
Fenian raid on Canada. There was a numer
ous attendance. The following resolutions
were offered and adopted :
Resole:eV, That we, the Irish nationalists of
St. Louis. i n mass-meeting assembled, do de
sire, while. we unreservedly and emphatically
condemn the suicidal policy of our imprisoned
fellow-countrymen, thatled them to abuse the
privileges and violate the,laws of this country,
to express for them in their unhappy and hu
miliating condition our brotherly sympathy
and desire to ald them by all legitimate and
honorable means in our power.
, .pcsolreq, That it is the sense and desire of
this meeting that in view Of the approaching
visit of our President to this city, that we
petition and pray him to extend to our mis-;
guided but gallant countrymen, Gens. O'Neil,
Starr and otherS, now suffering, in prison for
their late violation of our neutrality laws, his
Executive clemency, and to restore them
once more to liberty and friends.
Regolva!, That it Is the desire and. hope of
the Irish nationalists here assembled that our
many friends and' American sympathizers
throughout the country with our cause will.
oweml_us_tbeilL aid. _. and_ induo_nceinpc
titiouing our Chief .Magistrate for the inter
vention of his clemency in behalf of our im
prisoned' countrymen.
The following gentlemen were appointed to
present "a petition to Gen. Grant when slated:
The Hon. Nathan Cole, Mayor; . the Hon.
Erastus Wells, M. C.; Judge Thos. J. Daily,
Col. Alton R. Easton, Col. Ferdinand Meyer,
Mr. M. W. Hogan, Mr. James Mcßride, Dan.
()'Madigan, /risk .21 7 eivs ; Capt. Peter Kelley,
Capt. John Tobin, Capt. Richard T. Brophy
.and - Vapt. Peter. Madden. " '
[Correspondence of the Phila. Erening Bulletin.)
. Thelintentie
Tuesdayjuly 2flth,lB7o.—As I antici tv
pated in my last : the excitement of the past
week, so far as Paris is concerned, has now
entirely died away, and the French capital is
now full only of dust, heat and emptinels. 'rho
heat has been something-fearful, at , of a
quality which is even worse to bear than its
~inteneity..._l _mean „its intolerable dryness.
The sky looks like, that which hangs over a
Sahara desert, so hopelessly would it be to
expect one drop of moisture from its bronzed
and fiery aspect. One might fanny, with the
Welch Glendower, that the Heavens were
about to be on tire, in order to chastise the
wickedness of men for the atrocity of this-most
unrighteous war.
Hardships for the Soldiers—The Cause
. • ' • • less Wiir.
To look up to the sky gives one the sensa
tion as though all springs were to be dried up
and all things- creeping 'on the face of ' the
earth were about to be condemned to die of
thirst. God help the poor fellows who haVe
soon got to make forced marches, and tight,
and lie wounded perhaps for hours under this
tropical sun, without-a drop of water to cool
their: tongues.:. And for.-what :'-Because,-first,
two Sovereigns and their two Governments
have quarrelled about a " point of honor,"
and excited two-nations to take up their quar
rel! 'A eandidateship :for - throne which
hardly any one can be found to accept; eon.
veisations, accider.tal meetings and fur/k/feu
! dos bet ween a punctilious old king and - an
intrusive French Minister in the pub
lic gardens of , a watering place:
an imprudent telegram sent to a newspaper
and dignified into an, official note and a. pre7
meditated afiront,—these are the paltry (-wises
v% hid, are to eevastate the centre of Europe
and add' the scourge of war and -slaughter to
those of drought and scarcity. I persist in
:alit:ming that this conflict is, on both sides, a
scandal and a disgrace to, humanity and to
Christianity, to civilization and to the nine
teenth century.. •
Ne_poleonin the Field.
But to return to facts, or at least to the few
that are still left us to chronicle or comment
upon here, before the - grand drama _opens
elsewhere. The Emperor is not yet gone,
-fithi- , tigh f n gbie After'fourion of supplies for
he imperial itat major and its - mess have been
wisp:itched aloriithe line , to Nancy. Napo
leon 1 l 1., like Napoleon 1., always " keeps his
even.in_ field. - .the Prussiaits
ever take his camp they Will find it. well gar.
eished with silver plate. Napoleon, - L. drank
his hot chocolate from a huge silver boWl
even during the retreat from RasSia, when
thousands of poor soldiers, the , sacrifice to
. praile_..anffandfition r wero- -their—last
-tied in the snow.
Deliberate Preparations for the Conflict.
Nothing denotes more the sense of the Mag
iiitude of this conflict which is entertained by
those who have brought it on than the delibera
tiveness fill well - as extent of their prepare
dons. The - Emperor is - evidently nelhurry
to tiegimand desires first to have all ready and
to leave all safe behind him. The Ofileid
Jourfird of yesterday actually announced that
measures were being taken to put the fortifi
cations of Paris and the sue rounding forts in
a state of defence ; and orders have been given
to clear the ground for a certain distance be
yond the walls.
News Channels Closed.
No stronger avowal could have been made
of the perils' and possibilities which may lie
ahead. The Ofilciel Journal has also at once '
shown that the prohibition to publish any in
telligence whatever from the army is not in
tended to be a dead letter, or to be allowed to
be evaded in ally way. The 1' iguro and other
newspapers having endeavored to cater to the
public curiosity and impatience ,by giving a
low details which are probably pnrely hypo
thetical, have been at once warned to desist
by the organ of the Government. We shall
know nothing bere save by the official tele
grams. Almost every one who hits attempted
to go down the line to Metz or Strasbourg,
with any view of gaining information, has
found it necessary to come back as useless.
The Government has announced officially
that no privateering will -be allowed, and that
in all other respects, also, the principles laid
down by the Congress of Paris in 1556 will
be observed, even towards the vessels of Spain
and the United States, although those nations
did not adhere to the,declarations then made.
The Chambers.
The Chambers have been closed " by de
m ee.,!.! not simply "adjourned,," as desired by
the independent party. The differenceis that
in the latter ease they could Meet again when
they -In the former case, they can only
meet when summoned by the crown. Napo
leon 111. remembers, perhaps, the action oven
of the subservient Senate in 1815, and does
not wish to return to Paris after a defeat,
should he meet with one, only to find his de
position voted, The universal feeling, how
ever, is that defeat would, in the present case,
be equivalent to deposition.
Volunteering goes on briskly, and it is
alleged that 100,000 volunteers have been en
rolled, which is quite possible among an
excitable and militarypeople like the French.
On the other hand, I know that the mobiliza
tion of the reserve and garde mobile is telling
cruelly upon the middle and industrial classes.
Many small stores and establishments have
been closed altogether, and the agricultural
interests are suffering severely the loss of
bands; which Were already scarce in the rural
Napoleon's Proclamation.
The Proclaniation of the Emperor has been
published, and will have reached you. It is_
_specious and moderate in. language, and ap-.
.pealsi of course, to:11 - eaven. , fps the___Justieci °I
bis cause; But his preParations show that
Napoleon 111., like his uncle, places his con
fidence largely in liaVing .his side les Plus
ffros , bala Mons. _ •
The Etinperor keeps up•the Appeal to revo
lutionary passions which I have bad occasion to
notice as being made infavor of the war. Ho
speaks, somewhat imprudently, perhaps, of
the :parch of the French armies
across kerope in the ':014 tevolution,
and says that his flag represents
now the Bathe principles ' and will
call forth the same detotion. .I. agree with
hirn in the latter expectation, so far as France
is concerned. But :the - appeal will tell as much
against him as for him; and will certainly
rouse German enthusiasm to resist to the
utmost French aggressilms like those which
marked the beginning of the. present century'.
The Foreign Circular.
The tState paper published by the Dile do
Grammant in the shape of a circular to his
diplomatic agent abroad, is a remarkable docu
ment, and deserves attention. The fact there
alleged that M. - de - Thile pledged the - honor - Of
Prussia, in 31arch, 1869, that the Hohenzollern
candidature should not• be brought forward
again, certainly demands an answer and an
[By Cabß.]
England Itesoived, to Maintain the Neu
trality of lielgium---No News From
Either A rany-,-treneral Trochn Ordered
toMetz---the Baltic hovel Expedition
PILMII polled!.
1 . 0- NleoN,lB7o, .j. 30 A. M.—Glad
stone's iiiincinucethent in the !louse that the
`English Government had at last made a sp6-
Otte proposition for Belgium's protecfion, is
welcOmed with a sigh of relief and a feeling
that England has once more vindicated her
pysition as an European power. Disraeli only
expressed the - general feeling of the' House
when saying that.hee -.rejoiced that ,Govern
went is resolKed to maintain the neutrality
and independence of Belgiutn, and that he ac
cepted the declar anion as the avowal of a
wise and spirited_ policy, not. less_ wise because
ew Ministerial statements," the Daili
of the fide will say. " have been received
with more general satisfaction. To their many
claims to the confidence of the Crown and to
the support of the' people, Government hay
now adued another, which if it does not tran
scend, at least equals, any which it was before.
,•i,titb ti to mge.
- 4 !The sagacity; moderatioir, and - at - the - same
time boldness of its foreign policy, present a
strikibg contrast to the isolation which has
been suggested on the one hand, and the inso
lent and purposeless needdilug which has been
practiced on the other."
There is nothing from - either army up to 14
o'clock this (Tuesday) morning.
(.4 I n. Troche, 'who was to have commanded
the Baltic expeditionary corps, is gone to
Died, atm the Baltic enterprise is indefinitely
Bing-11111Intri- Anxious fOr Action—The
AiSsatilt out the French Outposts oudl.ts
Lozs I - Kr2s - , Aug. B.—A special correspondent
writes from Mayence on Thursday: -
This-el - ening xame a despatch from Weis- ,
senburg.. announcing- a If.russian victory and
t be. o::cui:',ation of. V. eiesenburg. I have seen
the oliicial despatch and obtained the follow
ing additional details: '
The King, on his arrival at Mayence, called
a council of war, and urged that Hie.sooner
he v...N inacti vitv ceased the better, and
pre-sid an advance. His opinion was adopted
~m 1 orders telegraphed to attach the French
outposts in the neighborhood of Landau and
NV elssenburg.
A Prussian force composed of two line - regi
ments, one regiment of Bavarian troops and
~ _ ,me artillery, together about 9,006 strong,
.rove the French before them into Weissen
burg. .
Tli artillery was then bronglit..up_and
cpened - on flieTortilications of the town. The.
own soon caught fire. Seeing this and some
confusion among the French troops, the Prus
,ians could no longer he restrained by their
officers, who were anxious to reduce the
town by cannonade.
1 he soldiers rushed forward. with the bayo
net and surprised the French; who, not ex
pecting an infantry attack for hours to come,
were barricading and entrenching. The
Prussians lost heavily, but,took eight hundred
prisoners and the town. The greatest enthu
-iasm prevails here, and there is an immense
crowd about the palace waiting to cheer the
The dime correspondent writes from May
ence, Friday midnight: Half the prisoners
taken at Weissenburg were first marched from
the citadel to the railway. They put a good
lace on the matter, and showed true French
Ltaiety. The large crowd received them
growing packages of tobacco and cigars to
heir beaten foes. The soldiers all belonged
to the Seventy-fourth - regiment of the hue.
The officers were allowed to retain their
swords, and will be paroled on reaching
unieh. The other 400. taken at Weissen
burg, went late last night to Erfurt. There
%t ei e SQV in all. .As before, wine and cigars
were catered by the Germans, but the French
desired to pay for everything. The privates
were tlisarmed, but kept their Steel bayonets,
heaths and knapsacks. I personally know
bat the French story of 25;000 Prussians at
Sam-brut:lr is false.
iiimanke's Opinion of toe Emperor of
the French
in his history of the Crimean war, Kinglake,
the historian, maniftsts a remarkable hostility
throughout the work to :Napoleon he gives
the following summary on Napoleon'S uncer
tainty of purpose :
In general melt are prone to find out con
sistency-in the acts of. rulers, and to. imagine
ihatilinnUerfess acts, appearing to have dif
ferent aspects, are the result of one steady
design : but those who love truth better than
s.Nminetry will be able to believe that much of
the conduct of the French Emperor was rath
er the eili:ct of clashing purposes than of du
plicity. There are philosophers whO iniagtno
that the human mind (corresponding in that
respect m ith the brain) has a dual action,
and that the singleness of purpose ob
served in a decided man is the result of a close
accord between the two engines of thought,
anti not of actual unity. Certainly it would
appear that the Emperor Louis :Napoleon,
more than most men, was accustomed to lin
ger in doubt between two conflicting plans,
and to delay his final adoption of the one, and
his final rejection of the other ' for as long a
nine as possible, in order to find out what
might be best to be ultimately done by carry
ing on experiments for many months together
with two rival schemes of action.
If we accept this as a point of view from
which to intimate the doubt and hesitation
that Napoleon 111. has manifested since the
commencement of the war, the matter, may be
explained as a mental characteristic—other
wise Napoleon is not usually the slave of an
infirm purpose—then probably his enfeebled
health and immense anxiety have led to hesi
tation in his plans of action.
Attitude of Italy and Austria.
The WaAington Correspondent ofthe N; Y.
. . .
--- Tte - report - that - ItaltiS - Comingto - tlitnitd'a
Francois distrusted by various persons who
sympathise with the French cause, and they
think the arming of troops under Victor
Emmanuel is abut the first stop in-the -plane to
seize Rome and overthrow the Pope. It is
held by-our oil - 16418.05t if there is a secret
treaty between France and Italy it must come
to light in a few days. The French sympa.
thisers do not feel hindlyloward Austria, .and
Some of them strongly condemn the eflorts by
.Napoleon 'a Ministers to win over that power.
They saY big one paper in Aivtria oupports
the French bide, and profess to believe that
Austrians Will soon abandon the pretence of
neutrality and declare openly for the Prus-;
sianFi. The French Minister, by order of his
Government, formally asked the United States
last week to issue a proclamation of neutrality,
&c. Those in position to know something of
the President's purposes think be will soon
conclude tg du so, though ho said on Friday_
evening, jtat before'he left here, that be had
not yet determined what course to pursue.
Pinvoleores A bdication Thought Possible.
The same correspondent says
Those in the circle having access to the
French - Legation seem to think that a mistake
has been committed in calling together the
_They.:say.it-can.do no gook--
and the speeches of those who oppoSe Na
ooleon's,pose will excite the mob, and be
likely to produce disorder, The abdication of
Napoleon is one of the things thought to be
possible. Opinion is very much divided as to
what may or will be done by the French fleet,
in the Baltic.
Those who regard Napoleon as already
about vanquished say the fleet is of no con
quence, and can do nothing to help him in
hibernergency. Some of the officials believe
there is a friendly understandingof not an ac
tual treaty, between France and Denmark,
and argue that the fleet will soon begin opera
tions with Elsinore ae abase, and u.solts,guns
and th 6 nifty to forty thousand men it is re
parti,d to carry so as to give the Prussians a
great deal of trouble.
9M.olllvler's tnotlicial Statement—Far
thrr 4 °laments of the London Press.
- The - followingis the letter - of'DiiErnile 0111-r
vier to a friend in England on the publication
Of the proposed secret treaty between France
and Prussia, which has been referred to in our
.cable despatches:
.P Ali I ti; duly 2G, 1870.-=-Mg.Dea - r . Friattcl : How
could you belieye there was any truthin the
treaty the Times has published ?- I assure you
that the Cabinet of the 2d of January never
negotiated or concluded anything of the kind
with Prussia.
I will even tell you that it has negotiated
nothing at all with her. The only negotiations
that have existed 'between us have been indi
lief, confidential; Mid had Lord Clarendon
for their int ermediary. Since Mr. Gladstone
slightly raised the vall in one of his speeches,
we may anew ourselves-to say that the object
of those negotiations, so honorable to Lord
Clarendon, was to assure the peade of Europe
by a reciprocal disarmament. Yon Will admit
that this does not much resemble the conduct
of ministers who seek a pretext for war.
You know the value I set upon the confi
dence and friendship of the great English
nation. The union of the two countries has
always seemed to me the most essential condi
tion of the- world's progress. And for that
reason I earnestly-beg : 7 yod • to contradict all
those false reports spread by persons who
have interest in dividing as.
Ilre - have no secret policy hidden behind our
avowed pulley: Out policy is single, public,
loyal, without afterthoughts tatrirms - peitsees;
we do not belong to the-school of those who
think force is superior to right ;-ive believeion
the, contrary, that good right will always pre
vail in the end ; and it is because the right is
on-Cur side in the war - now beginning that,
with the help of God, we reekon : upon vie-
The War News to the Holy Clty-•lufal
ltLlltty nun the httord—Santmosts to
the hinighte
liomE, July 16, 1870.—The shrill clarion of
oar so suddenly and-startlingly sounded on
%be Francoatru.ssianafrontier has not failed to
prpdtice,a. thrilling effect upon the Court of
'tome, for the delays and difficulties that were
foreseen - a fen days ago, with respect to the
promulgation (tithe infallibility dogma, have
vanished, as if by enchantment, and that cere
mony is positively announced for Monday
next, the 18th inst.
No doubt Pius IX. bears in mind the old
proverb;" Delays are dangerous," and resolves
to carry his hardly won attributes into effect
before the incalculable contingencies of war
may render them mere abortive schemes.
Two days ago a German prelate, the Bishop
of Wurzburg, residing at the Austrian ecclesi
astical establishment of the Anima, died of
Roman fever in its most violent form, called
nermceosa, together with his servant,
after only eight hours illness.
They had been talting a carriage airing in the
cool of the evening after a sultry day, but on
returning home.they were both seized with
shiverings, then delirium, and finally death.
With such examples, and the war news be
fore them, it is not surprisibg that the fathers
should be most urgent to complete the bust
bees before them on the best terms that they
can obtain, and then take flight as speedily
possible. -- A general s , ift,e peat is
expected for Monday night and Tuesday
On account of the suddenness of this wind
up the splendor of the accompaniments of the
ceremony will not be so great or complete as
it' there bad been a little more time to prepare
thi ut. The principal point of interest remain
ing is to know how many and Which of the
opponent bishops willremain to thunder out
their eonphwet actually in the Pope's hearing.
several haVe already left Rome, satisfied with
their protest in the general congregation, and
1 lie government does not object to their going,
Mindful of the 'ltalian proterb, " A
pllllO WO O) ."
• 4 l he Knights of Malta now in Rome are so
few in namber that they do not suffice for a
guard of ' honor ; so that this morning the Su
perior of-the Order - telegraphed to--Naples for.
ten .Knights of that priory to come to Rome
directly to mount guard in the Council Hall
on Monday morning.
The latest despatches show that the Ger
mans aro concentrating their attack on the
already weakened French right wing, audrare
determined to use up, if possible, the French
eorps warm f'e. stationed originally at St. Avoid,
General Frossard; conimanding, and at
thtscho, General Do Failly commanding.
There is no longer the least doubt that this
niameuvre has been in a great measure suc
cessful, from the fact that the French
positions at Forbach, St. Avoid and Bitsche,
have been carried by the Germans at the
point of the bayonet, after very severe
lighting, and with great loss in' killed' and
ouneed to both sides, ending in a full retreat
of the French forces, who left the victorious
Germans not only in possession of the battle
field, but who also lost many prisoners, the
baggage and supply trains of two divisions,
and other trophies of war. The French forces
seem, however, to have retreated towards
Metz. At or near Metz the main body of the
French army is still in position, and no fight
ing of importance has been done by the
French left and German right wing,oxcepting
the attack on Thionville:
General MacM ahou has evidently succeeded
in collecting his beaten forces at Saverne, in
the rear of Strasbourg itridllaguenan, and on
lni — railrond — liii - e — tO -Nancy, a view of
joining the main army at Nancy. It is also
said that the French were in full retreat on
.Nancy arid Chaloui, and bad given up' their
position at DI etz---a position selected by them
selves on account= of its strength.. It is very
possible, even• probable, that the French
will take . n their net line of de
fence behind t ie Mesle, with Nancy as the
centre ; but that wofdd not at all necessitate
the evacuation of.Metz, which is necessary to
the defeuce . of that line.' A rumor that Stras
bourg has or will , be - - - Lgiven up is also - to -be
Atleetionate salutations from your sere ant,
184001 o.l,Livi
The Latest Situation
doubted. Strasbourg is a strongly fortified
rlace, and could easily be defended for months
to conic by an army of not more than 30,000
men against one of 100,000 men. The Germans
have no such force to .spare. for- the--purpose;
and if they had would not employ it in that
Strasbourg is undoubtedly an important
place and the possession of it to either party
is of great value, for it is not only a strong
fortress, but the capital of the Alsace, and the
possession of it is not only a military, but also
a political and moral advantage ; but with all
that the Germans will not be able to lay siege
— nythe place and divert 160,000 men from. their
operations in the field.
The French_ are formidable - adversary,
which will shortly become again most evident
—for there is not only a great.battle preparing
near Metz, or, perhaps, between that place
and Nancy, but before the Germans get there
they will have to do some more hard fighting
in the passes of the 'Vosges Mountains., and, _if_
their victories continue to be bought so
dearly and at such a heavy loss of
men, they will want every man in the
field, and cannot afford to bother with out
of-the-way fortresses during this war. King
William and his generals: seem to be fully
- aware of the difficulties to. be , overcome; and
certainly show no disposition to underrate
their enemies the Freneh,for, it. is rumored.
that they mean to move into France fully 800 -
000 met], including their armies now in the
The German lines, thus far, begin at Stierck,
opposite Thionville, and extend over St.
'Avoid, Bitsche, Worth, and Lutz to Flagenau.
All these places are only a few miles each
.distant_.front _the. frontier,.and- -although the
war has thus been practically carried into
France, it is still confined to the very frontier ;
and speculating how long it will take the
Germans to reach Paris, atlhis stage of the
conflict, is entirely futile.. ,
Some Pretty Severe Last Words”--Pol.
lard Pitches into the “Great State -
In an. "
In the Baltimore American, Edward A. Pol
lard, the historian of The Lost Cause," goes
for .letlerson Davis-in the - following energetic
style :
BALTImont, August 6,1870.—1 t had been
hoped that Jeilerson Davis would rest quietly
in the grave dug by his own hands; But the
spirit of undying vanity in this man has lately
burstedthe confines of-a --tomb-that we sup
posed to be inviolable, to roam the country,
and to shock what remains of conscience and
of a sense of proprietyin the South by maud
lin recitations, and by reassurances of a con
ceit that we had thought happily laid and si
lenced in the lasit.obscure refuges of human
failure and disglace. Think of•this man re
cently_addressing_some-Suriday &boa/ chilfiren,
eniphis, and forcing au occasion so puerile
auffsimple to speak of himself as regarding_
" the ovation" (sr , in the newspapers) as done
to him as a representative of Constitutional
liberty;" think . of this man set more: recently
sinking a romantic and theatrical attitude on
top. of Lookout Mountain, and proclaiming
there, in sight of disasters that his telly Oatised,'
and where it had made a very monument of
:graves, his memory smitten
.by._ such. a scene,
that -- " the SOuthern people had nothing to re
gret in the past ;" think, yet further of this
inan traveling out of his way to the Virginia
spri t t 0.." lionize"- there—this man standing
before his bacchanalian audience, the greatest
murderer of his times, the Assassin of a
country, clothed as with a garment in the
wasted and-unrequited-blood of more than a
hundred thousand of his countrymen, deliver
ing this sentiment: " May your prosperity be
as wide as your borders, and all your homes
be peace ! ."'
It is but seldom that men who have lost
great causes in history have been satisfied to
live on in the scenes of their former greatness,
and amid the ruins they have precipitated on
their country. A brave and decorous man is
unwilling to suffer from such contrasts of his
former condition, or to put himself in a posi
tion to be constantly stung by the reproach 's
of his countrymen. The dignity of exile has
generally remained for those who have
wrecked the hopes of their country ; and even
where the law has suffered them to live on the
theatre of their former career, the instincts of
decency have led them to withdraw to foreign
lands rather than remain in brazen insensibil
ity to public indignation, or In conceited blind
ness to the littleness into which they have
The 'only possible explanation of this de
praved braving of public sentiment is the un
dying vanity of the man. It is that charac
teristic vanity which Mr. Davis displayed
during the whole war. The same wretched,
lunatic conceit yet binds his eyes, keeps him
a " superfluous laggard on the stage." and
makes the poor tinselled wretch insensible of
the vastness of the public contempt into
which he has fallen.
If Mr. Jefferson Davis was a man of sense
he mig,ht see how far he was ruined and ties
-1 ised in the Sbuth ; and if he was a man Of
any dignity, sooner than have returned to a
land which stands the living and reproachful
witness of his folly and degradation, and be
calling public attention to himself, as he is
doing to-day, he would prefer to have died in
the coldest embraces of a foreign country, the
narrowest home of exile. Can he not know,
realize that his career is finished, absolutely
tinished on the face of this earth? It is the
great man who knows when his career is en
ded, when the last stake of fortune is gone,
and nothing remains but the decency
of death. Jefinrsou Davis may not
avoid — notoriety ; this should cling to
him; hut let hiM not.„nilatake attolnioA•
which-he secures off his reappearance among'
the wrecked fortunes of the South as fame.
He conies back not as an apparition in heroic
robes among the scenes of .former greatness ;
not as a figure adorned with misfortune, and
with kindly sorrow on his brow, the imper
sonation of a lost cause ; there is no ghostly
grandeur—it is the evil genius of the war
come back to us with the putrid finger of
decay, and the dead phosphorescent gleam
of the tomb for lth ornament. If thus
to draw public attention back to his
shrunken greatness;
if thus to torture
the imagination that would willingly
close its eyes on the past; if thus to revisit the
land where the bones of tens of thousands of
his countrymen, which lie had put under the
harrow, have not yet mingled with the clay,
and still stare from the shallow trenches of
the battle-field—if this be fame, if this be
greatness, it this be the honorable satisfaction
of an exile, then was the return of Jofterson
Davis to America a well-chosix one, and his
present career ,, Of-self.exhibitiou,isoble:
einployment ; otherwise, the black and darnna
We stalk of an evil spirit back to the-seenea
its iniquities and crimes. -•-
The wretched man rests under a peculiar
accumulation of guilt. Condemned in the
North as ,a traitor, he is yet also condemned
in the South even by these who would have
been glad to have stood'' , fellow-traitor" with
him; as the spoiler of the cause- he espoused-p
and, holding_these - doubt& titleS to iniaMY, 9. 1 1.
which hititory has given but few examples,
he yet ventures to return to a country in no
e.xtreniity of which be can go without some
accusation to face or some reproaches to eis.
counter. It is AO adventfire ,oither of ilisilao
vanity or hardened insolence.
—The reporter of a Salt Lake newspaper
believes that he, has made himself famous by
"interviewing" George Vran'eis Train. The
dialogue occupies several Columns. Mx. Train;
as usual, spoke a great deal withciAt
anything: _ ...
, _
Triumph of the Dingle at New l'Ork tee.
The Tribune says. •
The Queen's Cup is not to be taken back to
England by the Cambria. She made a gallant
-eflort yesterday to reclaim it,' bat i t is not to
be re-won with the ease and dash with vrhich
it was taken in the ,memorable" contest of,
nineteen years ago, when the result Was •an
pounced in the open eonfession, Which seerned
to do the British soul good:."First-the
America-; second—not hing;" — lnto - the ra.c.t; - o
yesterday the best yachts of the' New Yogr
Club. entered with a spirit which was. 'cotriphl
entary to - therrEnglislicontestant;: and tue.
winner herself, though broken with long seri.
vice in the war and with age, came forward to
do her best to retain the trophy of her former
victory. The Cambria had just :triumphed in
along andelosely-contested race over one of
the Swiftest schooners of the Nets York - Sq rid&
ton and one of the must daring sailors ,of -the
club.. There was reason, therefore,----for
trusting the issue, and to put forth every 'ef
fort on the part -of American yachtsmen to
win the race and maintain their right., to ,
the cup. • „ _ .
Propitions weather - and winds eombind
with this strong spirit of rivalry to produce
one 'of -the. quickest 'raced'`bit record. The
win4:Ong yattit, the Magic ; made the run to
and around the light-ship and therfce to the
stake-boat in the Narrows in 3 • hours, 33
minutes, and 54 seconds. The America, which
ensue in fourth, was fifteen minutes behind;
while the Cambria,' marked eighth in
the contest, was 27 minutes, I.3...seconda
behind the winner. "Her late contestant, the
Dauntless, was only one minute and twenty:
three seconds behind. the Magic, and beat the
qambria's time by twenty-tour minutes, forty
seconds. The contest was spirited throughout,
and-the Beene in the' bay picturesque beyond
description. No-race of 'the' kind in - New --
York harbor has ever been witnessed by such
DlllllbsrA as on steamers at sea and from the
adjacent shores watched this international
contest. • •
—Savannah liar eentNorth a half-grown
gator, twelve feet long.
—Peter Cartwright 7 is still able to preach oc
—Soule of- tho North Carolina - pap - ers art)
printed nith blue ink.
—Miss Ingelow is writing a story for
children, the scene of which is laid in Florida.
—A young colored woman in Beloit, Wis.",
has taken a - contract to paint a house. • . ,
—A Vermont lady found a .bigrattlesuake
coiled under her pillow, one morning
—Napoleon bragged so much about the
little boy's baptism Of lire that it was quit&
natural to . send him back to Font-ate-blow
—Rondout (N. T.) young ladies are oreaniz,:
ing a society tor the encouragement of
loon who desire to marry: • -•
young.ladies"- and-a pig havebeen:
running a loot-racent Belvit. The pig -won",
and the ladies lost their pork steaks.
—A sweet Ohagirl xvent for her nialigner
with a revolver, and lodged three balls in his
corpus, before he could take it all back.
—What with the chassepot andi-the
leer and the baptism of fire, the French ar.uy
cannot be said to be deticientin weepin's
—As a good diet for young men who are
practising of mornings to take - part in rowing
races, we recommend the early rows potato.
—A swimming school in Frankfort-on-the
Main announcesiu English:.-geiwimming in—
structions given by a teacher of botlfsexes.',_
—The Omen's Cup yacht • race proves the
Dauntless to be the fastest vessel afloat. She
was only beaten by Magic.
—The Journal o.lll , lel's laments over the
French defeat bound as if Napoleon had got,
nothing by his attempted invasion of Prussia
but some Pline Whine.
—A New Orleans paper. has discovered that
self-destruction implies a suspension of the
love of life for the time, at least, during which
the act of suicide is committed!'
—The French enamellers guarantee "per
manent beauty" for 500 francs. It takes a
month, during which the patient "must iaot
think of washing nor even blow her nose"
—A resident of East Bridgewater, Mass:,
finds apples on his trees roasted by the intense:
heat of the sun, during the past few days, to
the depth of half an inch!
—The library of the British Museum now
contains 1,000,000 volumes, and is doubling
itself every fifteen years. it is overwhelming
to think of the amount of trash accumulating.
—A Frenchman offered a bet that Berlin
would be captured before the llith inst.
Fritz does not like being bantered, and pro
poses preore rari (,Poi.l is French for
bet, and sounds just like Paris!)
—A newspaper philosopher says very truly,
there are only, two classes who really enjoy
the watering places—the rich who have cot
rages of their own, arid the very healthy %rim
can sleep anywhere and digest anything.
—The rain which has been wanting in Eng
land and France as well as in the United
titates this summer, has all gone to Russia,
Lai pt and Asia 3linor, where it ha's fallen in
extraordinary amounts.
—A female factory operative of Waterville,
Me., died a short time since from the use of
jute switches. Thu autopsy revealed the fact
that the skull had been perforate by vermin,
and the brain partially eaten away.
—The story that an English capitalist is ne
gotiating for the purchase of the Milwaukoo
elevatorS --- arose4rom: the circumstance of - a.
gentleman's dropping in at a restaurant- and
asking for "'alt dozen hoister,s."
—A dry-goods dealer in Michigan recently,
invented a tire-escape, and, singular enough,
Hite Dr. Guillotine, was himself the first to test
its practical-utility ; but the result was note the.
same, for it proved his savior.
—A wild-cat attempted to rake a baby out of.
itz; cradle in a cabin near Mankato, Mina, but'
a little blackqutd-tan dog attacked' the cata
mount, and fought it until the mother came in..
and drove the wild beast out with a brand of:
—A man and young lady in Chicago .quar—
reled over the ownership of a small dorg,amt:.
each seizing a leg nearly enforced King Solo
mon's celebrated decision in the infant! ea4e,...
when an officer arrestedi both.
ll'dmvifi's ./...iteihi! has
Salle law excluded women from the throne.or.
France—' The Kingdom of France being, too.:
noble to be governed by m'woturtm,' - eS it Said.
Accordingly, the history of France , shows. our.;
iong line of royal mistresses riving in sermet,
for mischief; while More Zinglumd
points to the reigns of Elizabeth Mad Anne
and Victoria to show how usefully h*C./Illatl,
may sit upon a throne." . .
w—The Leader gives tho following aoranuat of
a misfortune which it Asserts. hamlet, ed to a
gentleman at -Long : .Branch the et/JET day::
Auioug the persons at Long Urancli is the
family of Blank, aradical Baptist, of New
Jersey. Mr. Blank says of himself that re
cently, one morning, he took wtiat he thought
was, a train for Now YOrk, but .whon he.
Stopped be found himself in re crowd,.monding
towards he knew ircit _whore. What was his
pious amazement to beholeTt, soon. after he en,
toted the groundS, a' group of pretty-looking.'
horses running as fast p:s over they.coulclalong,.
a round road. tine was'ahead of the rest, .an ,
the time was 1.80.
,no never was so surprised
in' is life. It to.'ust hare licen the .r.9.9es;`„,
Everybody coiyitiscrates: Mr, Bla