Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, July 27, 1870, Image 5
ST alifEt3B NOTICF,B• it °tared rike3er. Inventor and Menoinfac Mier of the celebrated Iron Prams Piano, ball received the prise Medal of the World's Great Exhibition, Lon don, England. The highest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. Warerooms, rn Arch street. Established IBM. myl am wtfl See. Sleek & Co.'s brand, Square an Upright Pianos. Pianos to rent. J. E. GOULD, 28etvt • Flo. 923 Chestnut street. CITY BULLETIN. State of Thermometer This Day at , the rDnlletin OMee. MA. DL—....89 deg. ISM. 92 deg. 2P. M 91 deg • Weather clear. Wind Northwest. EXTENSIVE CONFL&GRATION Pennsylvania Steam Sugar Refinery in Ruins. OTHER PROPERTIES DAMAGED THE LOSSES AND INSURANCES Last evening, about a quarter before seven o'ClOck,the extensive building - at - the - northeast corner of Crowiland Race streets, Sixth Ward, known as the Pennsylvania Steam Sugar Re finery, and the property of Newhall, Rorie th Co., was discovered to be on fire. The re finery was purchased by the firm about 15 years ago,'after it had been used for thirty-five years in the same business. The buildings • have - lately . 'been •enlarged and- improved. - They extended 150 feet on Race street and 190 feet on Crown street. The Race street front was six stories in height, while the north ern half of 'Crown street front was seven stories, and ran back to the height of eight stories. The walls were of brick, and towered above all the other structures in the vicinity. This large building was stored to iteTtillest parity 'with raw sugar, and the refined article ready for shipment. Operations were con firmed night and day, one hundred and Sixty men working throughout the day, and thirty at •might. While: these thirty were in thy building last eVettiggi - alid scattered inthe va rious stories, the alarm was sounded that it was on fire, and directly out of the southeast ern windows, on the Race street front, dense volumes of smoke burst. The excitement at once became very great, and the firemen were soon moved, but before they reached the .ground, and _ere thehwerimaell Pm Upper_ stories bad gained the rower 'Mier, - the Itaee .street front was all on flre,and the flames were belching out of the windows with an appalling ar _ an d_ ze s ski tearang_acroms the street scorching the buildings opposite. The fire originated in the boiler-room on the ground floor, fronting on Race street, and,it is stated by a workman, was caused by the flames being forced out of the doors of the fire .chamber by a sudden draftand communicating with a lot of shavings. The fire spread to the packing-room on the same floor, and darted throughout the entire structure with great rapidity, fed as the flames were by the stuck of sugar, amounting to some two- thousand _hogsheads,_ stored on the first floor, both ou the Race and Crown street portions. The third and fourth floors were used fur the storage of the moulds necessary in the manu facture of relined ,sugar, and the fifth fiber for purifying purposes. In a half hour after the first discovery of the flames the entire structure was in volved. The flames were in every part of it, leaping through every window, the entire seven stories up, and rising hundreds of feet above the walls, throWinga lurid glare over the squares of dwellings for a great distance on every side. The heat was intense, and it was almost imnossible to approach within fifty feet of the burning building. The - _ - firemen - drew their hose upon - the roofs of the - buildings on the south side of Race street, and from these elevated positions directed stream; into the caldron of flame before. While they ate to be - credited with -great --courage -and - labor, the efforts of the firemen were all fun le in attempting to extinguish the flames in the refinery. Despite all the water thrown upon it, the fire did not end until everything in flammable was destroyed, the walls in ruins, and the refinery a smoking mass of debris. At hall-past eight o'clock, the Race street wall, which had been warped two feet out of plumb by the intense heat, felt with a terrible crash. A large number of firemen were hurl by falling bricks, but fortunately the precau tion having been taken to keep the street clear, no one was buried beneath the ruins. Semi after, the northern half of. the Crown street wall, (seven stories iu height,) fell outward, and as there were a number of men in this vicinity, a rumor fast spread that they had been buried beneath the crushed wall, but an in vestigation proved this report without founda tion. Thou the partition walls successively went down, with a dull, thundering noise, forcing into the - air clouds of sparks, which forcing tell in showers on neighboring roofs, startling the people beneath with the horrifying thought that they were to be burned out. A portion of the northern wall fell out upon the roots of a number of small dwellings beneath. Upon the top of a building about thirty feet from chi, wall, were a number of the Philadelphia Company's members. A number of them were injured, while two of them are cot expect- to live. The M ayor ordered the streets t roped off, so that no one might he injure'' I the falling of the remaining walk The tine owning this property is come of Gilbert FL, Frederick C. and liartisor 1: N ewl,all, and John.l. Boric. They pun ha, the building with the ground for 55(tt,0 1 . 1 0. pn - had added machinery and iinprovetne then' malting their value up to the tints of ; I lire about •‘,-,he.,,t oft Then. tie's safety bolt-rt. in th,!l , tibtrry, 1 and llariisen pattern... and it v ovei• t•., in the sow le astern hs•tien or tile bui AI • that the flames w'-re lirst , eon. The sth was very large, and was yesterday by large receipts of the raw - mab.rial firm was dying an immenseetc' !:, stock was valued :it .1.-100ttlii, the la: ger p. • - ton of which Was in puie - ,1 of .r.titilLg we have said, about tics employed within the retiner7-, and at !, one-lbird of that number were f 10V tf,i teamsters and stevedores. do :hat abOtiL hundred and sixty worlim,,n arc ...u,hl,-o; thrown out of employment. Ant a thin,: saved fu on; the burning building b;tt the rh , books, and the persons s,. , :uring : extreme risk of being The total loss Cu , tc •,, machinery is estimated at ]insurances. The insuranees aggregate s7ot u 01). of companies. as obtaizrol 1 . 1010 the agow I W. L. clierrerd & Co., is as 10110 or nrifniso. Putnam, liartford National, I tosion onliattan, York, . ......... PLowi.x. New lite.llllll (al, Nr,w York North British anti Mercantile, London and Edinburgh *Pennsylvania Fire, Pliiiadelphia.• • • London Liverpool and London awl Globe.. :Insurance Corlipany of North America, Philadelphia Bonne, New York Standard, New York.. ... . Bartford, Hartford Larval*, Now York lloyal, Liverpool Fulton, New York Niagara, New York Ainerican Fir 6, Philadelphia .Aggregate ON 31ACOINERY, FIXTUREH, ET( JEtna, N. Y. Guardian; N. S. Commonwealth, N. Y Springfield, :Mass National. Boston . :Bide B.:, Leather, B m .Ton Z\arrapansrtt, Providence thug' 0, do Norwi Corm , . , Fircmeier, Mutual, Newark. 2,sars Queen, Liverpool, England 10,000 North British and Mercantile, Liver pool, England. 20,000 Liverpool. London anti Globe 10,000 Fire Ins. Co. of County Philadelphia, Phila 5,000 Fire Ar.sociation, Phila . . .... ..... .. ... 5,000 'Onion Mutual 5,000. Reliances,ooo Ins. Co. of N. America . ' 5:000 Pennsylvania Fire . 5,000 Spring Garden, Philadelphia...-.......-- $5,000 Security, New York. 5,000 Phcenix, Hartford 10,000 Putnam, " 3,000 Eartiord, " ...„ clitio City, " ~... 5,000 International, New York.. 3,000 Home, " 2,500 Home, If 7,000 Mercantile, er 5,000 Buffalo F. & M., " 5,000 North American, " 5,000 Relief, gc 5,000 Sterling, New York 5,000 Phoenix, N. Y. 10,000 Market, N. Y 5,500 Washington, N. Y 5,000 Pacific, 'San Francisco 10,000 Union, " I 2,500 Howard, Baltimore 5,000 — Aggregate $220,000. Republic, New York • •$5,000 Corn Exchange, New York 5,000 North British and Mercantile, L. & E. 10,000 Queen s Liverpool i 5,000 Imperial, Liverpool 10,000 Royal, Liverpool . 4,000 Occidental, San Franci5c0............. 10,000 .1 , irernen's Fund, San Francisco 5,000 Union, San Francisco . 5,000 Providence Washington,Providence, 5,000 Western, Buffalo, N. Y .. 5,000 Buffalo City, N. Y 5,000 Firemen's Mutual, Newark ...... ..... 2,b00 People's, Trenton 2,500 Commerce, Albany 2,500 .Albany,City, ~ " ~......?..... ... . . ..... 5,000 Albany ,City,., City, '` 2,500 Merchants, Chicago . . 5,000 Republic, .‘ 5,000 Independent, Boston 10,000 Lycoming Co. M ut., Pa 5,000 Charter Oak, Hartford . 2,500 Horne, N II 5,000 North American, Hartford .. . 5,000 Connecticut 5,000 Norwich, Conn - ..... _ 2,500 Springfield F. & M., Mass . 2,500 People's, Worcester 5,000 National, Baltimore, 5,000 Merchrinteand Mechanics!, Baltimore 5,000 Maryland, Baltimore 5.000 Fame, Philadelphia 5,000 Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, Philadelphia American Fire, Philadelphia Mechanics' , ....... ...... .............., Franklin Lamar. New York Security, New York. on lard - r New York Humboldt, New York. Hanover, New York Home ? New York. Germania, New York. Resolute, New York international, -New York New Amsterdam, New York Atlantic, New York Excelsior, New York ' Tradesmen's, New York Importers' and Traders',New York Empire City, New York Irving, New York Globe, New York . Astor, New York - . Firemen's, New York. Ifetropolitan, New York American Fire, New York Niagara, New York Commercial, New York Manhattan, New York Columbia, New York ..... Aggregate, $350,000 - RECAPITULATION Buildings.. Machinery stock—.... The Alayor and Chief of Police were early nn_timground,.directing and assisting to keep the ground clear, so as to give the firemen full opportunity to work with efficiency. Ihe Damage to Surrounding Properties. The dwelling-house No. 215 Crown street, adjoining the sugar refinery on the north, was occupied. by Mrs. Campbell as a boarding house. This building was totally destroyed by the falling of the heavy wall of the refinery. No. 217 Crown street, residence of Mr. Henry Fox, was badly damaged, chiefly by water. The building at the N. W. corner of Fourth and Race streets, adjoining the:sugar-house, was occupied on the first floor by Williams, Waterall & Co., United States Paint works ; second floor by Ig. Koehler, entrance No. 204 North Fourth street; third story, empty; Mural and fifth stories by Altemus & photograph album manufacturers and book binders; No. 206 North Fourth street, Bomberger and Efierman, dealers in liquors; No. 208, store of Altemus & Co.; No. 212, :%E. Zurichy, lager beer voloon ; No. 214, M. Daily, matches; No. 216, William M. Tiel & Bro.. cabinet makers; No. 218, C. H. Battersdoi f, cutler; No. 220, C. Christman, baker; No. 222, H. Eggling, wines, liquors and cigars; No. 224, Thomas F. Brock, plumber ; No. 226. It Murphy & Sons, shoemakers' findings; No. '2B, C. Schwartz, tobacco ; No. 230, boarding house, kept by William Stcnii : No. 232, F. Brecht. brewer and saloon keeper ; S. Hinamelwiiglit, tailor. The above were all dania:.ted to a greater or les's degree by fire, Which was erminunicated to the hack parts fit' ;lie buildings, and Icy the immense quantity of water vt blob was thrown on them. The I Jamie Pare], under Captain McCusker, reit derekl cir cieut servic!e in all these buildinv-, and w ith tueir water-proof Covers saved nie. valmthle property trout destruction. Tit heal lest losers are Alt emus & Co and lire,. The first named firm are insured 1..1. "S,UN) and the last, naiiital for E-il,ooo. nsurances will fully cover the los.s. Im , nran:. i< divided between the Fire :1 ,, eiation Franklin Insurance Company. At one time it wa:; greatly feared [bat M Icey, Merrill & j'ha , liCtra's hoop aud,ps.fixture e;Aablistinteut, on hate ahoy' fourth, Mid " OripoS - fte the 'TetitK. - Cy, would fall a prey k, the names. The ill - U.11 , e heat !•corehed the building, and the on top of it t, , 01c tire from the beat, but a [nous t4upply of water played on the buil 2 iir;:, avett it trorn destruction. Uldncti Merg,a- thaler. flank-Louie manufacturers, soutliwt.d eorner Fourth adid Race streets. also near being hurnt out, the great heat seoreh,i,g :.he front of their store. ireinlllll acid Others Injured. While the lire was at its height, portion , . he wail=, cn ltaceaudCrown streets, foil, number et' firemen were )lO.re or less injured. Two of them, reported to belong to the O:TiS Hose Compaity, were reeek tnu the Pennsylvania Hospital. One °Obeli!, Wm. H. Cook, was much bruised about hody, and horned in the arms and legs. Ila,ry residing.in booth street, v. as tit.;3 rut in the head by falling bricks. 'file following named members of la delphiti (late liioyantensiugl Hose Company ere injured liy the fall of pieces of the Croy, n street wall James hi ortland, residing on Bainbridge sl., \ near Eighth. Frank Frit. , !, residing in the neighborhood Of South and Intl] atreeta. John I‘l urge, in Baker street, mar Eighth. .1\ iatthitts..,Ettre:. ding on Paul street, near Sixth. job» S. Smith, residing on Lybrand street, :nee: Frank Devlin, residence not ascertained. The only two of the alio% e who were liel ; ed • to be dangerously hurt were Frani: Fritz and Matthias Piney. They were carried to the. Neptune Hose House, 011 Crown street, o here they were carefully nursed until turauS were provided to remove them to the Penn sylvania Hospital. Samuel Gilpin, a member of the Neptune 31 use Company, was overcome by the heat, and W:t3 under medical 'treatment whet rust hr md rem with a prospect of recovery. 11'nt. yent, a.shingt on Bost. .170:1(i d L Law, 'Kb ty at i'rflli 4 4 I :7 $0 11.000 .2 ,5i JO 11,000 10,U'10 ..!. 5(1 I I r• 0 ;; Isu,~~Gi~ 10) ,091) 1,000 01 000 r Quo .PLULAri:ELPOtik:'-'..,EfikENOT.O.':..;:sybiAT*,.:.' , . l oEtlNE'sp.4 7 r,.! • 44i:f.4'_ , 4o.lo, ON STOCK 5,000 . 27,500 . 5,0 0 0 , 2.500 . 2,500 . 5.0c0 . 5 000 . 10.000 . 5,000 ~ 5,000 . 5,000 . 5,000 . 5,000 . 5;000 . 6,000 . 5,000 . 5,000 . 5,000 . 5,0110 . 5,000 5130,010 220,0u0 350,000 $700,000 snd Jefferson, was climbing over the w'' surrounding St. A.ugustine's church-yard,when Some bricks from - the top of the wall fell us him and hurt him severely. Frank Deemer, member of Tivoll Rose, leg broken by failing bricks. • George Lauer, Shiffier Hose, struck in the stomach by bricks from falling wall. Peter Benner, Shiftier Ilose,.leg broken. Win. Kane, residing at No. 616 Fitzwater street, badly bruised about the breast. James 'Myers, residing in Bremer's alley, below Vine, fell off a ladder, and was badly hurt. L. W. Sharpe Philadelphia Hose, injured in the hack, bead and legs. __ John Williams, Neptune Hose, was injured about the head by a ladder falling upon him. Dore Fires. During the great fire at the Pennsylvania Sugat Refinery last evening, a second al arm was sounded, proceeding ftom the„,,liquor es tablishment of Lazarus Moyn,at the southeast corner of Third and Wood streets, the roof of which was damaged by sparks from the large conflagration. This was soon extinguished, when the leather store of John H. Hulseman, No. 321 North Third street,was also discovered on fire. This establishment was- seriously damaged, mainly by water. - Insured for $5,000 in the Spring Garden Insurance Company. The store . of G. Dimon, No. 327 North Third street, importer of gigars, was also slightly damaged. Doings of the Firemen. We have received the following communi cation; PRILADELPHIA, Tuesday, July :Ai, 1870.—T0 Me Editor of the Evening Bulletin: DEAR SIR: At the tire of the Sugar House, on Race and Crown streets, this evening,.the , WashingyorA fire engine equipped members cut up and used for fuel, under their engine, some two thousand feet of selected oak and other tim ber I had placed in front of 166 North Fifth street, for building uses. - I have suffered a number of times to the ex tent of SW at a time, and feel that awrong is committed in this Way that bears heavily on builders, that the attention of the officers of the Fire Department should at least 'endeavor toprevent. Will you call attention to this in your arti cles favoring a Paid Fire Department, and much oblige yours, &c., JOHN CRUMP. THE FIRE LAST Thoirr.—The obliteration of large establishments like the Mill of John Dearie and the sugar - refinery of - Newhall; Bone & Co. is something to be set down not only as a loss to the people by whom the vari ous manufactures are carried on, but as an in direct, loss to the entire community. The an nihilation of any considerable_quantity of merchandise; by height ening 'tie'l.Value of what remains in market, increases its price to every consumer. Operatives are deprived of employment, while hundreds of stockholders ininsurance companies are made to feel the etlectS of the disaster in their diminished re ceipts in the shape of dividends. Within twelve hours more than a million wortlirof iiropertyhas'been wiped 7 onr - of existence by the demon fire. The ruins of the sugar warehouse are being visited to-day, vithstandin the extreme heat of the sun. ..),001) 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 by a. rwiltitude of people. A glance_ at the walls of this mammoth structure tells of the destructiveness of the flames, and of the diffi culty when they once gain , headway of cfr eumscribingtheir natural Course. Througl. the wall of the sugar refinery the falling of one of the big drums used in the production or sugar has punched a gaping hole as cleanly as a stick would punch allele through a paper kite. Sullenly and slowly, as if the element were sated with its vengeance, trailing ban ners of smoke are still rising above the ruin-. Through the sashless windows appeark the melancholy spectacle of balf-burned timber,. great panS crusheq, shapeless es so many ha' tered pots, great piles of brick. and elaborate and costly machinery now mingled with other debris in a state of chaos. The condition of the interior of Altemus &- Co.'s bindery and deposit room presents a-dis couraging spectacle. The loss to stock is prin cipally by water."- That instead of bang par tial the loss isn't total,is because of the prompt and sagaciously-directed'elforb; of Chief Mc- Cusker and his insurance patrol. Tha mischief attending such fires is the injury that they in flict upon regular trade. Merchandise Smoked or wetted, even though triflingly, finds its way to the auction TOOll3. Precisely to the extent of its quantity it inflicts injury upon regular trade. In the pi esent case, ihe stock of Al tenis & - Co:is more-oriess-wetted. It there fore cannot be put into the market in the regu lar way. To restore to its former condition this cica trix at Fourth and Race streets must necessa rily consume considerable time. To procure extensive machinery is the work of long la bor—often a longer time than to erect a build ing to receive it. The refinery , we presume, e ill be re-erected as soon as possible. Candor compels us to say that a hope is expressed by everybody in the vicinity that it will be built elsewhere, and that its present site will be de voted to other purposes. By few who saw the burning of last night, we think, will the occasion be soon forgotten. A more extensive or expensive piece of pyro technics is not often seen. The only one ex ceeding it in beauty, though not in size, was the result of the burning of French & Rich ards' drug house at Tenth and Market streets. Übe burning of the sugar house, as a spectacle, was fearfully beautiful. Against the back ground of the sky it traced out in lines of fiery gold, for squares around, every spire and pinnacle within its reach. High above it, through the smoke that lowered over all, like so inati tropical fire flies danced a myriad of sparks held upward in thej rarefied atmo sphere until they paled and fell. The roof be fore it sank in was a continuous array of flaming pennons, and when the grand crash came it seemed as if Polyphemus were present in person, and was stirring up again the fiery forges of tEtna. The police found eifficult,y in keelfing back the crowds; at this moment a cordon of them is necessary to limit the ad vance of the curious multitude. Eleven hundred thousand dollars have been wiprd out of existence within half a day, lik.• a sum upon a schoolboy's slate. Who's turf con es next Cnov DEB.—The heat to-day is rather mor tolerahle. , Though still among the ninetie it is tempered by a pleasant breeze. --t Signor Blitz is rusticating at Grotiu Mass. tSignor Blitz, Jr., having " felt lo bumps," and finding himself all right in poi n of coinage, will open out to-morrow night tbe Ocean House, Cape May. His success of course, beyond all question. —A gentleman living at Nineteenth ami Wallace streets tells us that last nignt, by the light of the sugar-house fire, he could see t,t read pr.nt from his second story window. —1 he business done by our committing magisi rates just now is very limited. Of civil husiness they have next to nothing. Itecordet Given spends his time in reading up the re views. Justice Kerr conies daily to the Ce nation wainlc for the purpose of ihrotigh tlie motions. —For refusing to allow to pass through Or , lire cordon, last night, nu unaccredited re i.c» ter of the the worthy lieutenant of the Fourth District is this morning visited with unmerited vituperation. The author of the attack is a new corner who, unprovided with a badge or other cre,ilentials, mitle,v(ook to ford-his way through a line that duty corn. 'wiled the lieutenant to preserve unbroken:- - I \'atermclons are in market. They bring pt iCe that may he set .down as stiff. Cantu lopes are growing plentiful. Really fine and Peaches cattle on this morning in small quaiolues. By Saturday next we shall - have not only these in their perfection, but sweet potatoes also. Horst: It.'nniiil.-TBOnne time during last night the dwelling of George F. Gordon, No. B`2l:i North Broad streUoyas entered hy thieves. The fiinii:y - aro al :elll - : frOnft.llo - - Sonie the neighbors discovered.that there was some thing wrong, and notified the police. The premises were 'bearched, but it could not be ascertained whether anything had-been stolen.. The house was then locked. up.. Further de velopments showed that the search waS not very effective. About four o'clock this morn ing, a negro, with a bundle, was seen to leave the house, having cut a panel out of a door. iii was pursued for some distance; hut suc ceeded escaping. ANOTHER. DlP,Allt.—Janms Dundon, aged 21 ;Vi , ars, another of theirien, who verb injured hy the fulling of the soafrold_atthe 011 refinery Breeze, died OA- tliornitig at ate J'Quresylvaitia Dow A 116ItilERY WASN'T- COMMITTED.— Lart evening , Lieut. Leech; of the Sixteenth District Police, was notified that Silver ware valued at several' hundred, .dollars, bad been stolen from a house•at the southeast corner of. Thirty-ninth and Chestnut streets. As an in ventory of the atiden - articles - was being made, the silver ware, nicely packed up, was found concealed under a•bush in the yard. It was supposed that the thieves would return during the night for• the plunder, and a close - watch was kept, but nobody turned up. TAPPING A TILIT.-L-j Win Kidd, aged 16 years, was arrested yesterday upon. the charge of having stolen $2O from the money-drawer of a trimming store on Haverford street, above Forty-finst. Ho was taketi liefore Alderman Randall, and was committed for a further hearing. ACCIDENT.—Frank Myers, driver of the Assistance Fire Company, while pushing on the back locker of the Company's hose car riage last evening, was badly injured by the tongue of the William Penn Hose carriage striking him. He was taken to his home, at Ninth and Brown streets. CAUGHT IN TAN ACT.—G eo. Smith, colored, was caught in the act of robbing the money drawer of a tavern on Amber street, above ork, yesterday afternoon. He only succeeded in getting eight cents. Alderman 'Heins com mitted him in default of $5OO bail. ANOTHER AOHIEVEMENT.—The most hand some private express wagon we have ever seen has just been built for Abe; well-known stationers, the Brothers Murphy,at the corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets. Whatever is undertaken by this enterprising young firm is not only done, but done , in the best possible manner. • The iron work of the vehicle has been plated with nickel- . —a plating having all the lustre of silver, with the, imperishability of . hammered steel. This work was done at the Star Nickel Plating Works, No. 425 Wal nut street, in this city, under the superintend ence of - Wm..F. Irwin,:Fsq. The task was a ponderous one. It is compensated for by the exceeding beauty of the work. The advan tage' of a surface nickel is; that to destroy it you must first destroy the metal behind it, and that what would ruin the brilliance of silver is without effect upon a surface washed in nickel. Under the vigorous and intelligent management of Mr. Irwin, the Star Nickel Works have been lifted into an important po sition in the list of the manufactures of Philadelphia. ANOTHER NEW YORK BAY EXQURSION.- The New York Bay Excursion, given by Beck's Band on Thursday last, was very suc ctesstul, and it has been determined .to,,lnive anotheron Monday next around New York Bay and down to Long Branch, landing at New York two hours. The excursionists leave Walnut street wharf at 74 A. M., pro ceed by rail to Amboy, and then take the .plendid steamboat William Cook. The trip around New York Bay and Staten Island is delightful , anthey_eryopriortn given_ for view Of the Inugnificent scenery which lines the steamer's course. The members of the hand furnish both promenade and dancing 50; for alady and gentleman, $4 50. Tick ets can he `procured at the aide of Beck's Band, 828 Market street; of Charles Brintzin holler, P:is Market street';'r Of Ens Renner, 501 Girard avenue; Ticket Office, 28 Chest nut 'street ; and at the wharf on the morning of the excursion. GRAND CARNIVAL AT ATLANTIS' The sojourners at Atlantic City are at no loss for amusements and pleasant entertain ments during this summer. The grand carnival and laff6Ydrerts ball of the seasbn will be given at the Sea View Excursion House, on Wednesday evening, August 3d. The arrangements for the affair are in -Large of competent gentlemen, and the capa cious and elegant ball-room of the Sea View may - be expected to present a very brilliant .‘retie. A SPEAKING LI.H.F__NEss..,-7Amang the moss faithful portraits of General Grant yet pro duced islt large half-length picture now ex Whited in the window of Turner & Brother. No SOB Chestnut street. It IS from the ease; of Lindeman. It is certainly the happiest effort- among-the most_ signal -successes--of th - artist in question. --As the picture-is-for--sale and the price but S 1 50, the opportunity to se( it at Turner's is likely to be of short duration The picture_ is oval,__ enclosed___in_a_masiivt. frame. NEM YORK BAY ExciAtstox.—The Liberty Silver Cornet Band's second grand excursion to New York Bay, around Staten Island and the Hudson river, will be given to-morrow 1 he excursionists will be allowed one hour in .New York City. CITY NOTICES. 'OW TO LOOK YOUNG—SIXTEEN.—Don't paint or use vile Bair Restorers, brit simply apply Hagan's Magnolia Balm upon your face,neck and hand, and use Lyon's Rathairon upon your hair. The Balm makes your complexion pearly, Butt and natural, and you can't tell what did it. It removes freckles, tarn sallowness, ring-marks, moth-patches, etc. ; and in place of a red, rustic face, you have the marble purity of a,. exquisite belle. It gives to middle age the bloom 0! perpetual youth. Add these effects to a splendid head ,c hair produced by the liathalren, and a lady hue dim her best in the way of adornment. Brothers will non - 'lifter sisters ly,..pen thew articles are around. Is IT 11.1 EDICINE 7—A friend of ours, who hails from one of the upper districts of South Carolina call. d at the Pick office, and, among other novelties, h• mentioned "Wolfe's Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps,' and stated ,as a fact, that in his section of the count], nearly all of the physicians, in certain cases, when the• deemed ardent spirits necessary to prolong or save life invariably used these "Schnapps," Justly regarding o as the only spirits that could be procured pure and u; • adulterated. Ile also stated that this medicine " Schnapps " was becoming the only beverage sold c, the great stage or railroad routes. He says those phi ,4ClallB who have used and analyzed it, state that diseases such (18 gt avel, gout, rheumatism, Ac., it is in comparable. A NEW EN T EllP.ll ISE.—The intensely ho weather of the past few weeks hes given rise to a ne, idea in di !nestle economy, r. e., that of bottling up ti; beat in self rToling cans for winter_use_ This., it .1. , la:med. would feud to moderate the temperature at th present time, and in view of the high rates w hi, h rut for e , it would otherwise Seem to be a desideratum. flu , ve hale no faith in the enterprise, and would ail V , Se ou renders to supply tb-mselves with good old-fas Mon luthracite, such as our fri, rids, Messrs. MITCHELL. WROTH. dispense at their popular depot, Norawa until. of Ni t.JI) And Girard avenue. They milts a art of the Denver 'Meadow Lehigh, which, for boo, hold use, Inns advent ogee over any other brand. N om the tune mid this is the place to procure your snap', for the winter. PtrALON's "VitALIA," , for , the hair, can It found averywhie.re. It Is clear, and has no f:edinien This woad, rfUr nrenarat PITALON's VIT AL IA !`AL ATION FOR THE HA lit. Poured on the hands, ra, eh no stain. It is, nevertheless, thou most offorti, utiele of its elan, ever advertised. sold by all druggi s t And fancy goods dealers, A NEW A DVERTISI :sfr; DODGE.—Every fiat a lady who uses fragrant S ozonoNT (opens her moot' d:e odvertises the ertiele. The state of hor teeth i,. ertith ate of its excellence. No spot darkens their en. Ace. no impurity clings to them, the cushions in whi, sot ore rosy ' and the breath that swells throat. hen! Ow yet as the breeze of Juno. " SPALDING'S Gtr r," useful in every house. LAMES can find every description of Corsi OPKIN6' }Well Start, Corset and Ladles' 'Wider frt,, :ent ittepo: turn, 1115 Chestnutstreet.,,, Corm's, Bunions, Inverted Nails, Skilipin treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 015 Chestnut str, Charges noxlerate. Erritior II xrs.—Messrs. C. Oakford Bon in the Continental Hotel, announce that they have CI - 4110d Illlotllol lot of those One Dollar Straw Hate. Tt. greatest bargains ever offered in America. OFF FOB Tlll StASIDE:- But before you go, call upon SLoAN, 806 Market of re. Pe bap tin in tin Ito vitriol) of Bathing Drosses, Oil Cap.. Straw Ito to, Leather Bolts, etc., fox' Ladies, Ocutleinin Misses 1114E40's and Children. . ' BOWE'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA G.INGEE —This article is now doomed indispensable in Ir. weatia , r, As a gentle and healthful st ntolant rtine, hue ; the peculiar form in which it t ls pr varvd by Air. Freder , ck Brown, at the northeast collar of-Fifth and Chestnut streets 'it is. at since donsoikirot and - pal atable - . ThrHO:who - destrn - inniting u voyagvs'uY hind or water should not be Without the °libellee. "TI'MENE9I(' BLINDNESS AND CATARRH tr(nted with the TAIIII,Bt success, by J. ISAAC 2, M. D. and Prot ehsor of Diseases of the Eye Mid Ear ( his spec i sit y ) the 'Medical College of Pennsylvenia,l2 years ex per 4 , , No; 805 Arclietreet. Testimonials can be Beet at his Obeli. The medical faculty are invited to ac. company their patients, as he has no secrets in his prac tice. Ariiiieini eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. LADIES going to the country or serviiile Bboutil procure ono of thooo Blegtait and choon Sundowno from ('`A If F6l , n Fri 4 and 836 Ohostnut i , T.I Is GI C; 6 Ltf t,' , 2l.tiTm.ll:NTl3 and drag gif.q.B ?) r', CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. ET Medical examiners in attendance and every facility for effecting insurance immediately and to any amount. Agents and all others having risks to place dealt with in the most Liberal manner. XI jy2s Otrp§ JAY COOKE & CO., Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro kers in this and other cities. IN2ERES7 ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND, SOLD IiELIABLE ,RAII,RikA L 9 NI ONDS 208 lIVEST- Pamphlets and full information given at our office. No. 114 S. Third Street, UNION PACIFIC) RAILROAD CO. Are obligations of the Union all Rail• road company, secured by all the lands which they received from the Government, amounting to About 12;600,-00-0Ticres. The total amount of the Land Grant Mort. a_e is 10 400 000. Between July 28, 1869, and July 1, 1870, the Union Pacific Railroad Co. sold 181,462 32.100 acres for $834,091 03, being an average price of $4 60 per acre. The Company have received $521,000 Land Grant Bonds in payment for land .old,and they have destroyed the $521,000 Buds and have reduced the amount of the donds to that extent. - The Union Pacific Railroad_ hold obligations of settlers amounting to $243,745 08, secured by the land purchased by them, which is ab3o pledged to the redemption of the •Land Grant Bonds. Should the sales of land continue as above the whole issue of Land Grant inds will be rep fired and cancelled within ten (10) years. The Union Pacific Railroad Dina Grant Bonds pay seven per cent. interest, April arid October. Bun for twenty 20) years. For sale at $785 each. SNOW 'HEN & BROTHER, i.ioutta irdsttt,.otre:rt, From. 404 to 530 Wal.nu.t, Street. ASSETS OVER $301000,000. WALTER I-I. TILDEN. . General Agept. 580 Walnut Street (Opposite Independence Square). (INANCLAL. Philadelphia, New York and Washington, Et.Itil.N]aEFLS, PH ILADELPHLIL; mh29-tf rp LAND GRANT BOND S 40 South Third St. ai39tl 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, COUPON OR REGISTERED, FREE OF IL S. TAX, IBSTIED DY THE Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min- nesota R. R. Co. We are still offering a limited quantity for sale AT 90 AND INTEREST. INTEREST PAYABLE MAY AND NOVEMBER. J. EDGAR THOMSON, CHALMEd L. FROST, Trußtees Thesc bonds have U) years to run, are convertible at ne option of the holder into the stock of the Comp am t par, and the payment of the principal is provided for shaking fund. The convertibility privilege at 'ached to these bonds cannot fall' to cause them at on Galant day to command a market price consid,-rably ,Love par. he greater part of the road is already completed, rtu ,tie balance of the work Is rapidly progressing. The present advanced condition and large earnings of he road Parraut us in unhesitatingly recommending hese bonds to investors as, in every respect, ap - Otibted security. United Mates Five-twenties, at present prices, only ru urn five per cent. interest, while these pay eight an'. .fle quarter per cent in Gold; and we regard the security qually Bond. The Company reserve the right without notice to Vance the price. HENRY CLEWS & CO., 32 Wall Street. New York. KURTZ & HOWARD, 'Philadelphia, ,BOWEN & FOX, " TOWNSEND WI!ELEN & CO., " DE HAVEN & DARKER BRON. y 6 Img LEHIGH CONVERTIBLE 6 Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Loan, Free from all Taxes We offer for sale e 1,760.000 of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's new First Mortgage Six Per (lent. Gold Sonde, free from all taxos,intorest due.tdareh And September, at NINETY (90) and interest in cur rency added to date of purchase. These bonds aroof a mortgage loan of e 2,000,000, dated October 6 1809. They have twenty-five OM years to run, and are convertible into stock at par until 1879 Principal and interest payable in gold. They are seem ed by a first mortgage on 5,000 acres 'of coal lands In the Wyoming Valley, near Wilitesbarre, al present producing at the rate of 200,000 tone of coal per annum, with works in progress which contemplate u large increase at an early petiod; and also upon valuable Beal Estate in this city, A sinking fund•of ten cents per ton upon all oal takes froicu these Mines Tor five years,Ond Of fifteen cunt. par lon thereaft4, is established, and The Fidelity, Insur ance, Trust and thtfe-Deposit-COMMiniA 'the TruStees under the mortgage, collect these Sums and invest them In these Bonds, agreeably to the provisions °kite Trust. For full particulars, copies of the mortP,age, apply to , _ _ W. IL NEWBOLD, SON & A.EE.YREIV, C. B. RORIE E. W. CLARK aic CO., JAY COOKE dir CO., DREXEL de. CO. iY 11 irriE W ANTS .ANTED-BY A YOUNG M AN, A aitunlio❑ nN Dookltettpor or Clorlt. nab had Bever A yens practical exp"ricu.cc. 11,0fc:rensoF 'Over , dddccau " V. 11,," luta Watt!. , B;;:;EHM.:0-.....•-' , -' , A- , L: NEW BUILDING, J. W. GILBOUGH & CO., Negotiate Loans, Buy and Set Government and other re- Securities. ' A pylicattura fur guOMBI address L-- FINANCIAL BANKERS, 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, 301mw f 174 NOTICE TO TRUSTEES AND EXECUTORS. The cheapest investment authorized brlaw aro the General Mortgage Bonds of the Pennslvanta R. R. Co. APPLY TO' - D. 0. WHARTON SMITH & 00., BANKEISS AND BROILERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. -- sr 51 Al ERTRESORTS:--7--- Cape Hay—Change of Proprietors. YorruerlY kept by AARON OA ItIVETSObi. fa how to he opened under new nuopices, under the nupen•lelon of W. S. MILLER( formerly Proprietor of Congress MID nal Superintended by WILLIAM. WIIITN,E Y. The Home rounnandA a fine view of the Ocean, arid be opened on the TWF,NTIETEI DAY OY JCL, NEXT.ae First-Class Faintly Hoarding' House. No Ear Attathod to the Howe, Tne table will be well supplied with all.the avrs.r lILLS and Datacs.cixe or THE SLAY 63, witliont Lb.! Entrees." _ _ • Stage - always In. roadinest to convey Guests to and from the Depot and Batnitig Grounds, free of Charge. IlfirThe Subscriber would reepectfully 'soilpft_r,ur patronage and -promisee spsre nu pains or - os me t. 4 make the NATIONAL a desirable home for Muse, who brb comfort end the boLtrit a Sea Air and 'Sea Bathing without the expenses or a fashionable hotel. -Terms-4114.0n per ve - vpii or $3 Otrper d Liberal arrangements will be male to large fain!..zes remaining from four to six wsoLs. Fur MAMA, &C.. imitirftit , . ~YILI,JADI WHITNEY, NATIONAL HALL. CAPE DLAY. N. J. C 40 , ngress Hal Z, CAPE MAY., N. J., Opens, June lot. ClooeN, October lot. TERMS.-tiS (Owl*, day .4mr . v) and Srpt(md,i , r. pet day July and ALlgtat. Tbt nevi - a Ing la LOW comOrtst Nark and Simon 'Bagger 'el fell nlllitlry BALA. and Or 3. F. CAKE, Proprietor. as,l6 Ia 2'2 2%; 29 4t Laulbt Chittena,ngroN, WHITE 14112LPIIEH 6PILINGS. Bladison county, New York. First-class Rotel and evorr requisite. now open. Drawing-room and Sleepin. ; • C•rd fr. m Hudson Riv. r Railroad Depot, New York, 8 A. M. and 6 P. 51., without change to Chittenango Btatlon, 12 miles east of Syracuse. For Illustrated thr culars, address as above, or C. R. OLIVER, 7 Ilnel...nsa street. N. Y. Ocean House, Cape May, N. J. The beet table on Cap.i Wand, numerous !tome-liite comforts. location walon MI yards of the beet battling on the beach. are the principal advantages possessed liy this first-class remit} hotel. No bar on the premises. LYCEITE & SAWYER, Proprietors. , •30- lm• UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CI'T'Y, N. J., Rill open for the re , ceptle,n of Gueatt or. SAIL' RDA June 25, with it Redoction of Twenty Per Cent. in t 23 Price of Board. 'Music under the direction of Prefeiiier M. F. Ai-dr-, Tempo, &2) per week. WI - Fond desiring to engnite roeme v. - 111 o l,tree2 .• BROWN de WOELPP ER. Proprietors, ATL‘NTIC CITY, Or E 27 RICHMOND ritreet,Melt:l4.l. telwem2ny LORETTO SPRINGS. Loretto Sprit)Ks, Cumbria Conuty, Will 1)0 opeurd c. the FirTli. of JULY. For Circulars and other information, addremi 1' 0. vt FRANCIS A. G113,60N8 Propr:vt.,f. tf SCHAUFLER'S HOTEL, ATLANTIC "Clinic . Thf•Lent. ler:atter' nu _(ho Island with an A No. 1 t nod the beat attention paid to its guests. Nighty find elieping chambers, with beds. etc.. onsurpa , s , d. ji , 27.2ni; ALuiti SCIIAUNLER, Proprietor._ UNITEUNITED STATESdi/TEL, FORNIEILLti D Sherman House, Gape Maud, The undepitctueLE n.6pect fully interim, the public that he has taken the above hotel, and will keep a plain: comfortable house, a good table. and the beet wines and liquors that he can procure. Price of Llurd, 617 00per week. Will opera July let. JEU.E 111.chaBIHN, iO2O chl AKIN'S ATLANTIC HOTEL, IV! CAPE MA Y, N. J. The new Atlantic is now open. • tny2s winding JOHN McMAKIN. Proprietor, DROAD-TOP MOUNTAIN Hu 1.1 _V Broad-Top, Huntingdon county, Pa. No w ape!, jyll W. T. PEARSON, Proprietor. . • MAK lN' S ATLANTIC HOTEL, CA PE MAY. Rebuilt billee Cm late lire, end. ready for Guests. Open during the year, is direCtl7 on the Sea-ishore, with the best Bathing Beach of ths Cape. Terms for the Summer: 6.3 50 per day, and 21 CO per week. Couch from the Depot, Free. No Bar. JOHN tIcMAKIN, Proprietor. my24-ti th 14310 PIANOS.T F - nq c+Tni STEINWAY & SONS' Grand Square and Upright_Pianos• ..3pcolla attention la cancel to their now PATENT UPRIGHT PIANOS . with Double Iron Framo, Patent Resonator, Tubular' Maul Frame Action. drc., which are matchloas in Toad and Touch, and unrivaled iu durability. , 7 CHAU LIFIS RI A.SILTS, WAIREROODIS, :Looe 0 IIt2,§TNTJT. sTRE'ET.: i jyltfrp§ -- . IPELTi—TEN v i ,gll4ll Sheathing Felt, Tor sale V(' UTEB, WDI GILT BON B I.lr, Waluut street.. -- ,