Irt/ SIMMS_ NOTICES. Conrad Meyer. Inventor and,llanatnt• furor of tho celebrated Iron Pramo Piano, has recelvet , the prize Modal of the Great }lnhibition , Lon. don, England. The highest prizes awarded when ano Wherever exhibltod. Warorooms,l22 Arch street. llstablishod 1823. myletnivtti BULLETIN. !State of Thermometer This Day at the - Bulletin °Woe. • A.X.—...9odes, 12 81—...95 deg. 2P. M...:.93 der Weather clear. Wind Southwest. • ItAIHONTHE RICHMOND WHISKY D MULCT. —This morning about 1 o'clock Revenue Officers Clark, Brooks, Herr, Ghegan and Johnson, and Deputy United States Marshals Murray, Eldridge, Beale and Gregory, accompanied by six other officers, started outfor a raid on the illicit distilleries in the Richmond district. The expedition was kept a profound secret, and the early hour at which it was made ren dered it quite successful. The officers first visited the "Swamp," which is the appellation by which a small sec tion back of Salmon and Richmond streets is known. There two stills, with worms and -other appurtenances, were seized. The stills were in operation and the two men who were 'working them fell into the hands of the raid ing party. At a place further west on Salmon street, known as " Moiney's," two stills and worms, —seven and a half barrels of whisky and six hogsheads_ of molasses were securCd. The raid was continued around the neighbor hood, but no more valuable property was found. In various places hogsheads of mash were discovered and were destroyed. The number of hogsheads so disposed of was about niThey net. 1 property seized was safely brought away, and was turned over to the possession of the U. S. Marshal. Ths men who were arrested were locked up to await a hearing before the U. S. Commis sioner. SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT POINT BREEZE.— The Pennsylvania Oil Company are engaged in erecting an extensive tank and still at their works, located in close proximity to the Point Breeze Gas Works. This morning the sup ports of the scafiblding around the tank gave way, and the workmen were precipitated a distance of thirty feet. James Manson was so badly injured that his recovery is considered extremely doubtful. Edward Agins was seriously bruised all over the body. John Manson had an arm and a leg broken. Hugh Morgan bad au arm broken and was taherwise injured. The sufferers were all conveyed to the Penn sylvania Hospital. The three first•named board at the house of John Kearne,y,at Thirty-first street and Gray's Ferry road. Morgan resides on Morrow street, near Christian. A ROBBERY FRUSTRATED.—This morning, about one o'clock, Policeman Keightley; who is stationed at Harrowgate, learned that a narty of men intended robbing the houses of Mr.— Simonton and Mr. J. P. Harris, in that vicinity. The fellows did make their ap pearance and were ordered away. Pistols were then drawn and threats were made to shoot any oue who interfered with them. At this time Keightley and . a irumber of citizens made . ..their appearance. The _-depredators, about ten in number, then-ran and were nur. sued_for about a. mile. .Onewas capt,nred. He gave his name as Alexander Clark. He was taken before Aldernian Smarm and was held in $5OO bail for trial. PRIZE GOBLET ST6LEN;.•‘=-The - hall- of the Harmonie Musical Society, in the second story of the building at the southwest corner of Fifth aud:Calio whill streets, was entered some time dunng Friday night. The glass door ofa closet. was broken open and a large silver prize goblet—a gift from the Washington - San gerbund—was stolen. _Nothing else was dis turbed. The stolen goblet cost about $2OO. The goblet was recovered this morning by Detective Levy, itr Fairmount-Parki-near-Gi rard avenue bridge, where it had been buried by the thief, who was arrested and locked up - for- a-hearing. • ASSAULT WITH. A BUTCHER KNIFE.—Caro , line Berger,A German woman, has been em ployed as a dinuestic' in - the house of 'Louis Gross, No. 810 North Twenty-sixth street. Last week Mrs. Gross took into her service an - This., it seemx,-Carolino not like. Late last night she quarreled with the-Irish woman, and..-attempted to stab her with a butcher knife. She was arrested, taken before Alderman Pancoast and, xdaced under .5800 bail to answer the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. MALICIOUS MISCHIEF.-Wm. French and a friend went into a tavern on Bdttonwood street, near Nineteenth . street, yesterday. Drinks were called for, but were refused. Then the men went into the street and stoned the house. Nearly every window was broken. A man who was in the tavern was seriously injured by being struck on the side of the head by one of the flying missiles. French was arrested, but his companion escaped. The prisoner was committed by Alderman Pan , coast. BEAT HIS WIFE AND DAUGFITER.—Owen liialwani, residing at No. 2-11 hi Callowhill street, was before Alderman Paucoast this morning on the charge of assault and battery. It is alleged that he struck his daughter in the side with a rule, and when his wife interfered he struck her on the side of the head. It is said that he has been in the habit of abusing his family. He was held in S6OO bail to answer at court. A PuGNAcrous WOMAN.—Neliy Gibson wa:4 locked up in the Third District Police. Station on Saturday night. During the night :another Was put into the same cell. Kelly Was' of in a good humor. She pitched into her fellow prisoner and beat her pretty beverely. This morning she had a hearing before Ald. Carpenter and was committed on the charge of assault and battery. Tut: DEAT.—David W. Seott,aged 2l years, -residiniv.. on Cotton street, in INT anayunk, died :at five o'clock this morning from the effects of heat. - Michael Conner. a resident of No. 2538 Lee street, neat Huntingdon, died suddenly this morning. Samuel Rogers, aged 5 years,was overcome by the heat, at Broad and Hamilton streets, this morning. He was conveyed to hi,. home Igo. 181:. Winslow street. FALL OF seaffold erected for repairs to the roof of the foundry of Mor gan & Orr, on Callowhill street below Thir teenth, fell this morning about half past nine o'clock. There were three men on it at the time. One of them,uatnettJesseWontlenkirlt. was seriously injured about the 'head. He was taken to his home, No. 1:31T Wood street 'The others escaped without injury. A DounLi , : AssAuf.T.—Frank Roche, re siding on Centre Hireet, in Germantown, was ; , I rested yesterday for assaulting a woman He then tinned upon Policeman Goodfellow and beat him, C nt ring his face in a severe man ber. Roche had a hearing before Alderman (=cod, and was held. in $2,000 bail. Itct INo CHlLDREN.—Margaret aged 1 5 Years, residing at No. tilt) Baker street. was arrested yesterday, by Policeman Kensil. It L, alleged that she has been in the habit of stopit lig ehiltiren and taking from them Looney with 'Which they lied been sent to F4oll', to make 'purchases. She will have a hearing at the ettuttal Station. FELL, Fnom A SHED.—Wilson McConoghy, residing at No. tiOf; Capitol street, went on to D back shed at his house hia . night to enjoy. ;my breeze will& might sprmg up. He fell :• , .41cep and rolled ott into the yard. He was Mulsed. Mi. BOY li.-C61.11 plaihts have been made re-: l:riy : in regard I t o - the bad conduct of boyS • .14.) congregate at, Oakdale Park, ana amuse -mselves tariouS wayS." Yesterday the -Jice arrested 'several juveniles 'who were f' tail ug in a:game of base bail. Qi nutty Accionwr.—Miehael Dugan. aged ars,Was severely hurtled by the explesion o. .me loose powder in a quarry, near the is of Schuylkill, this morning Be was n to his home in Cedar street, Manayunk. I)or.;.—Francis Bausch, aged :V . : seriously bittcu in tin. fare by. ,tr. l inl; aud Thompson strorts, this y.;:bout 1 t o'clock. Hu was V. i:Y2I 1 iv;rents Are t.-1, =ME RIOTOUS Cormucx.—John McMullin was arrested on Saturday afternoon for behaving badly, and attempting to get up a riot at Engel & Wolf's farm. He was held in $l,OOO bail by Alderman Allison. - BOARDING-HOUSE ROBBERY. Chris. Hess who has been boarding at the house of J. G. Houser, No. 106 North Fifth street, left on Saturday, and about the same time two coats belonging to other parties disappeared. MORE SWIMMERS ARRESTED.—During yes terday the Harbor Police arrested six Juve niles who were indulging in a swim in the Schuylkill, below the Wire Bridge. INSULTING FEIFIALES.—TweIye colored men were arrested, yesterday, on Palethorp street, for insulting females on the street. They were committed by Ald. Burns. ASSAULTING A PoLicaniA.w.—John Grass has been committed by Alderman Bonsai! for assaulting Policeman Ryan,of the Seventeenth District. MAD Doos.—During yesterday morning mad dogs were shot at Broad and Chestnut streets, and on Sansom street above Seventh. The King of Bonny. Some time since we noticed the arrival in Liverpool of kissable majesty, George Pepple, King of Bonny, accompanied by his brother, "Prince" Charles. The King put up at a third-rate temperance coffee-house in Liver pool, and in due time he was " interviewed" if yr-one' of the local-reporters,-who_found_ _the _ King as dark as ebony, and came away with a very small opinion of African royalty in point of politeness, dignity, or even bare civility at all times and in all places. The King, however, was perfect mas ter of one part of the business of diplomacy—concealment. He curtly de clined to afford any information as to his probable stay in this country—where he received some slight education a few _years: ago—his " general object in coming - here, Or any other particulaas which it might be supposed that *so potent a personage_ would be willing to convey to the public. Not that the monarch was at •all difficult of access, or that be had in his English hostelry Surrounded himself with any of those courtly barriers in dicative of the divinity that cloth hedge a king. The reporter, on applying . at the royal resi dence pro tent., and askilig whether "the king" was disengaged, was told to "go up stairs and into the front room on the first land ing; you'll find - hindinrthere. Nobody's with him.' Having been bred, however, in strictly monarchical principles, the reporter hesitated to intrude on the royal solitude unannounced, and having hinted his diffidence, a buxom chambermaid led the way, and undertook the 'duties of lord ''eliarn berlaim , The courtly franc- : than was performed in this wise. The buxom lass burst into the royal sanctum without cer emony, and finding the King curled up on the sofa, in a post-prandial snooze, seized him .roughly by the shoulder, shook him vigor- Gusly, and shouted in his ear, " George ! eorge ! Here's a gentleman "—emphasis on the word gentleman—" here's a gentleman come to see you." The admirer of monarchi cal institutions was amazed at this mode of saluting the sleeping impersonation of' monarchy, and dreadinr , the royal wrath _ when awakened, ' the interviewer nimbly skipped hack oat of the room, and awaited the royal pleasure on the staircase, but within earshot. The second _summons, was. less yeverential than the first. " Come, George, get up quick; a gentleman - Whitifig to see pan." Then a gruff guttural voice was heard to yawn and exclaim, " 'Wait ing to see me ! What does he want to see in! for'? Who-is he?- What does he want?" ut tered the voice. - "Here is his card," said the lady Chamberlain, and bouncing out as uncere- • moniously as she had bounced into the room, she added, in a had stage whisper to the interviewer, - " - You're - to go in. It's--all right," ..accompanying- this cheering remark with what was the nearest 'approach to a friendly jog. Enter the reporter to find the king still curled up on the sofa. He slowly uncurled himself. autrstill more slowly pulled on his boots. But he did not uncurl-himself in conversation, though perfectly acquainted with the English language. He spoke in mo --no:4llablesrat long,,intervals,.only in answer to questions, and with a most curiously-search ing look, which it might be impolite to call cunning, - -betweert-each , --question._,,The. rer porter began to feel that he was himself beiug interviewed, and cutting the audience as short --as -=he-,possibly- _ OSMO away, w tl his reportorial heart cast down, and acknowledging defeat. We hear from another source that the young king's object in coming to England was to get influential neople to interfere in the war at Bonny between Oko Jumbo and Ja Ja, the continuance of which was sadly detrimental to King George's authority, even among his own subjects. No public notice, however, has been taken of the king's presence in England, and whether he has been successful in his mission or not is uncertain. But one thing is quite certain, and that is, that he has started on his return to his disturbed kingdom, taking his departure in the African royal mail steam er Biafra, Captain G. H. Corbett. The king was accompanied by his brother, " Prince Charles," and a colored aide-de-camp, whose chief care seemed to be bestowed on two little English dogs, a King Charles spaniel and a Skye terrier, which his royal master is trans porting to tropical climes. All three Africans appeared to he quite young men, and not very striking specimens of their race. They were dressed in ordinary—very ordinary—English costumes, and they did not appear to have ieen outfitted by fashionable tailors.—Eare ten ilnil. . An Interesting Discovery in Aix-La-Clio pelle. During the operations consequent on the undeitaking of the restoration of the Cathe dral of Aix-la-Chapelle the foundation stone was accidentally lighted upon.and upon lifting this a chest was discovered, wherein the mos' interesting documents were found, which had been placed there on the foundation of the ca thedral or chapel of the Emperor Charlemagne. •According to this, it appears with certainty that the name of Aachen (the German nate :or Aix-la-Chapeilllt is of pure German origin. and not, as has hitherto been credited, tit rived from the Roman equo, or evhn front the Roman name Anisgranum. In thi , document it is precisely stated : " This place shall be called Aachen." At the saint, iime, the history,written on parchment and in monks' letters, is related in the following man ner: In the year of our Lord 708, the•heir ap parent. to the Eronch — throne, the - son ':ot . (, who was but three year , of age, suddenly vanished from the courtyard of the then hunting castle, where he had been playing. After the child lied been sought for in vain within Hie Walls, the King sent men in all directions through the lorests, but .0] to no purpose. The servants of the King returned one after another without having found any trace of the child The sorrow of the parents, as well as of di.• whole of the courtiers, was very great, sine • the child seemed to be irrevocably lost. A , . however, the last troop of . searchers mad. !heir way through a thicket in the depth 0, lie forest and came to a clear place , they die .:evered infallible traces of a human being (in original the expression is somewhat mere drastic). "Bailor cried the searchers, "her , the youngster must be." They thereupon • (mbed every mat thiclot horhood, and "behold'" says the chronicle. there under a wild rose bush lay the child in a sweet slumber." The happy finders now, half drunk with joy, hastened to he castle and laid the young Prince at the feet of the King. Highly rejoiced, he caused the wonderful manner of his finding to be related,and then resolved to go ou the next day to the place where the rase-bush was and see the traces by Which he was found for him• self. Early next 'morning the Emperor, with a great number of knights and gentlemen,-be• Snlea Ids counsellors, - Alouinitis ' • Paulus,, Dia torus and Equihard, proceeded to the place They found the traces, and -made a circle. round them, in the middle 1 01 which stood the King.. He then declared_ that would' build a chapel on this spot, and that it should forever bear the name of Aachen, in honor of this discovery. In order, however,. that no part of this wonder might be forgot-; ten, the restored son, who hitherto had boon; called Carlmann, should bear the name of Pepin. He next allotted the rose-bush for the garden of the royal mother; but after his and his wife's demise his sous were to= give ' it, ..:it . consecrated place Where it .!:t.ailtl grow and bloom through thousands PHILADELPHIA EVENING ; BULLETIN; MONDAY,' JULY 25; 1870/ of years. Bildesheim is the. place where Louis the Pious, the only remaining son, planted the rose on the foupdation of tee cathedral: Charlemagne iii Vested Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) with extraordinary privi leges. Its citizens were in the whole empire free from personal and nillitary'servitle, im prisonment end tribute. Aix-la-Chapelle also possessed the right of asylum ; its air made all men free, even those who were under the bau of the empire. All competent` judges, who have read this document are convinced of its genuineness.--Frankfort Correspondence Chi cago Republican. HOW TO LOOK YOUNG-43LXTRER.,—.DOn't paint or use vile Hair Restorers, but simply apply agan's Magnolia Balm upon your face, neok and hands, and use ALyon's Rtithairon upon your hair. The Balm makes your complexion dearly, soft and natural, and you can't tell *hat did it. It removes freckles, tan sallowness, ring-marks, moth-patches, etc. ; and in place of a red, rustic face, you have the marble parity of an exquisite belle, It gives to .middle age the bloom of perpetual youth. Add these effects to a splendid head of hair produced by the Eatbairon, and a lady has done her best in the way of adornment: Brothers will have no spinster sisters when these articles are around; A NEW ENTEBPRISE.—The intensely hot weather of the past few weeks has given rise to a new idea in domestic economy, i. e., that of bottling up the heat in self•sealing cans for winter use. This, it is claimed, would tend tomoderate the temperature at the present time, and in view of the high rates which rule for coal would otherwise seem to he a desideratum. But weihave no faith in the enterprise, and would advise our re - eiders - to supply themselves - vitt' good old-fashioned Anthracite such as our friends, Messrs. Bitrcusta. & WROTH, dispense at their popular depot, Northeast corner of Ninth and Girard avenue. They make a spe cialty of the Beaver Meadow Lehigh, which, for house hold use, has advantaaes over any other brand. Now is the time and this is the place to procure your supplies for the winter. I.IINItIvALLED YET.—" Blood will tell!" say the horse fanciers, in estimating the endurance of a fine animal ; stud the motto is a good one, outside of the sporting world. A pure article—lntrinsically good— must distance all competition, .eventually. The - sitcom of T:DOT.PIIO WOLFE'S Aromatic Schiedam Eichexpps has induced tl manufacture of an hundred imitations ; but in the unrivalled sale of his manufacture,:while others have achieved. if at all, but a scanty success. may be found the public appreciation of a pure and wholesome beverage. . , PnALoN's "VITALIA," for the hair, can be found everywhere. It is clear, and has no sediment. This wonderful preparation is PIIALON 7 S VITAIJA, OR SALVATION FOR THE HAIR. Poured on tho hands,. it lens es no stain. It is, nevertheless, the most effective article of its clash _ever advertised. Sold by all druggifits and fancy goods dealers. . . A Ely ADVERTISING 'DODGE.—EVeTy time a lad y . whe uses tragranfS ozonoNT orens - lier mouth. 141. e. ;idvertises the article. The state of her teeth is it certificate of its excellence. No spot darkens their stir tans. 00 impurity clings to them, the cushions in which hey are tiet are rosy, and the breath that swells through them is sweet as the breeze of June. SrAt.nrso.GLl:g useful in every house. • . , . LAniEs can find every description of Corsets at IiOPKINS . Hoop SOO, Corset and Ladles' Under-gar ment Emperium, 1115 Chestnut street. OFF FOR THE SEASIDE.— But before you go, call upon SLoA: , i, F.SO6 Market street F. has an infinite variety of Bathing Dresses, Oil Caps Straw Bats. Leather Belts, etc., for Ladies, Gentlemen Misses, Masten and Children. CORNS, Bunions, inverted Nails, sidllfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 916 Cileatuut street. Cbarges moderate. STRAW HATS.—Messrs. C. Oakford & Sons in the Continental Hotel, announce that they have re wired another lot of those One Dollar Straw Etats. The greatest bargains ever offered in America. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER: —This .article is now deemed indispensable -in hot weather. : As a gentle and healthful' stimulant ginger has no rival ; and hi the pechliar ham in Which it is pre, pared by Mr.-Frederick Brown at -thermetheast corner of Fifth andChegtnutstreets, is at once convenient and palatable. Those who design making voyages ny land or water should not be without the essence. DEAFNESS, .BLINPNEBB AND —__-CATARRH treated with the utmost success. by J - . ISAAC. 111. p and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear (his speci alty) in thelledicel College of Pennsylvaniti,l2 years ex perience. No. 845 Arch street. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty- are invited to ac company their patients, as he has no secrete in his pram tick.. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No-charge for examination. SuncicAL iNSTIIIMIENTS and dragguits sundries. Ml'Ef c cooit; - - - No 124 South Front street. above Walnut. Underwriters' Sale. (.0 CASES_RLEACIfIiNG POWDERS. ON WEDNESt — lll - 011 - Nlik7G . at ]1 o clock, en Bare street wharf, will be Pohl, for ac count of Underwriters— re Benching Powt'ers. damaged on voyage o in:tCort t ion per ship wroaw. J. E. CALDWELL & CO. JEWELERS, 5 4 1.. 902 Chestnut Street, etrt. Have just received by Steamer another large supply o the CELEBRATED COPENHAGEN WATCHES, Especially maoufacturtal for thoir sales by haying the moat convenient ;JirrangetriontOr and &fling, and furnished at a very moderate cost. Also, our full line of CITY 140TICE3. - - LADIES going to the country or seaside shunid precure one of those Elegant and cheap tinniowne from CIAKFUILD and n'it;QhetnutEstro_et SxoWt -, EN & BROTHER, 29 Suottr-Etobtb street AIfICSION MALES WATCHES. JEWELRY. GOLD MEDAL WATCHES. EKEG-REN. These Watches are distinguished as excelling in Quality, Style and Accuracy, Geneva, English and AillerlCAU FINE GOLD WATCHES Rtllo.le Ton f•keepers. in every - variety of finish an price. direct from the Manufaaurcrs, with nowt au Lot styles of Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, &c., TIMERS - FOR - TIME TURF. tuv3l to tfrpt INSURANCE. • THE PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE—No. 111 South FOURTH St. Organized to promote Lite Insurance among members of the SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Good ribks of any do ie•uNnution solicited. • Policies already issued exceeding • TEN 111 ILLIONS 01P DOLLARS: This is a PHILADELPHIA COMPANY, and entitled tc. the special confidence of the community. Perfect Security. Low Rates. • small Expenses. Purely Mutual. . • LOS' Rate of Mortality. These conditions enable a company to give advanto4 e which cannot be surpassed. polish* issued on the Non-Forfeiture Plan. .Statistfcs show that the average mortality of Friends is nearly 7.6 per cent. less than that of the general popu- LOyV RATE it aMOHTALITY CHEAP INSHRANtIE IN A MUTUAL COMPANY . tel22/t4 s 26trpb UOTT()N.-20 IS ALEt3~Ii SEA Boa Leland Cotton in Moro and for onto by coon- RAN. RUBSICLI, & C0..111 ebetittint :CASICS .STRICTLY PRIME V Charleston Eke landing and for Halt' br EDW. U. UW I,lf, V ,1G bouth Front tit root, 13AttPE'riNGS. &i 4134-01...413 Premium has gone, up. CARPETS must follow. Buy your goods before the rise in prices. R. L. KNIGHT Sr SON 1222 - I t CHESTNUT STREET. .PLULADELPHIA. jy23 2trp§ BOOTS AND SHOES. BARTLETT FINE CUSTO It I-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, MADE ON OUR tIEPROVED LASTS, nsuring Comfort, Beauty and Durability. 83 South Sixth Street, ABOVE CIIIESTAIIIT. delB-m w f lyre .SELY:SEWL - Trip — TA)t,s... THE , VALVE JAR 1 • YOB SALE BY A. H. PRANCISCATS , & - CO,, • 513 MARKET STREET. Read what the New York independent says : " We have examined this new Jar and are satisfied It 1. nearly perfection attained, and will till a want long fel by fatuities and those who preserve fruit and vegetables. This we believe to bo the only perfect se4f-staltng Jar made, and any one can use it." jeld m w f Xmrpg WINES, LIQUORS, dr.U. KEYSTONE PURE WHEAT WHISKY, Distilled from the Grain By T. J. MARTIN & CO., KEYSTONE DISTILLERY, NORTHWEST CORNER OF Twelfth and Washington Streets. STORE, No. 150 North Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, • To whmn rt may . CCM' r7l --All.theleading medical authorities recognMe the calm, of diffusive fitiDlulitilts. Numerous eininerit physhMtus and surgeons miglit'be named who have advocated their smployment .in the treatment of a large class of dig orders. No Dispensary is consider . ed conitffeb., without them. They are prescribed in all public and private Hospitals, and administered by all bedside practitioners. Alcoholic Liquors Pure. But the ditheu The pungent aroma of the fusel oil and biting acids present in all of them can be scented as the glass is raised to the - lips. The nauseous flavor of these active poisons is perceptible to the palate, and a burning sen sation in thootomach attests their existence when the noxious draught has gone down. Paralysis, idiocy, in sanity and death aro the pernicious fruits of such pota tions. Medical science asks for a pure stimulant to rise an a specific, which, while it diffusea itzelf through the sys tem more rapidly than any other known agent, is brought into direct and active contact with the seat W disease. It is the property of the stimulant to diffuse and by the aid of its peculiar nutritious component parts to invigorate, regulate. counteract and restore. and it h. by the happy union of the principle of activity with the principles of invigoration and restoration that enables MIRE WIIISKT To accomplish bonetiemi nasnitH. Having great experience in the distilling of Whiskies, and the largest and best equipped establishment of lie kind in the country, supplied with the latest Improve meets hi apparatus for cleansing Whisky of fusel oil and ther impuritio by strict personal supervision the proprietors of Keystone Wheat Whisky A re enabled to offer a Pure Whisky Distilled from WHEAT, and, being made from the grain, postiesges all its Nutritious Qualities, , mad can be relied upon to be strictly as represented. having been examined thoroughly by the leading .inahtical chemists of this city, whose certificates of its purity and fitness for medical purposes are appended. invite examination. and any who would COBVIIIe , themselves we ask a rigid analysis. T. J. MARTIN & CO. N. D.—Notice that the caps and cork are brandee, with our inmate. to prevent counterfeiting, For sale by all 'respectable Druggists. Price per bottle, 81 0). Orders sent to No. DOU N. FRONT street will receive prompt attention. • - CHEMICAL LATIC/HATORY, NOS 103 and 112 Arch id PHILADELPHIA. March 19, MAL T. J. Martin & Co., Phrlodelphia. Pa. Gent lemen:-1 have made a careful examination of th. Key stouelNre Wheat Whisky, and found it to be a per. tem 1-pure•article, midge tirel y_ft,e from 'fusel 011 • anti other IHIUrk/US substances. Its purity, and its pleasani and agreeable flavor, render it particularlY valuable for medicinal purposes. Yours truly, CHEMICAL LABORATOEY, No. Walnut street. PHILADELPHIA, March 17,1870. messm T. J. Martin ,t• Go., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen:—The sample of Keystone. l'nro Wheal Whisky, submitted to me for analysis, I find to be pure. and, us such, I highly recommend it,for medicinal .pt ;mse,i. Respectfully, etc., WM. BRUCKNEn, Aiinlyt. and Consult. Chemist. LuxnlcAr LABORAToRY, N 0.417 Walnut street, Prin.kinmritia „April 5, 1870. Mrx4m T. J. Martin ¢ Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen : 1 have made an analysis of the xamel of Keystone Pure Whisky, sent by you for examination, and find it entirely free from fusel oil or any other dole tenons matterii, and I consider it applicable to any use for which pure whisky may be desired. Respectfully, CILAS. M. CRESSON. Sold Wholesale by FRENCH. RICH. AIMS CO.. N. W. corner TENTH and 31 A EH ET streets. lelB b Btg: )itoi3rN.,-457 - . BARE .1K RLS -OSIN NOW landinerom mit onor Pioneer'," from Winning. on.N. 0. and for onto by COCHRAN, RUBaßlib CO.,' 131 Chootiivit streot. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO: D -- Medical examiners in attendance and every facility for effecting insurance immediately, and to any amount. Agents and all others having risks to place dealt with in the most liberal manner. J. W. GILBOVGII #5O CO., 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities, la3lm w 1111 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE' TONDS, COUPON OR REGISTERED, FMEE OF V. N. TAX, - . • • Burlington ; Cedar Rapids and Min nesota R. R. Co. We are still offering a limited quantity for sale AT 90 AND INTEREST. INTEREST PAYABLE MAY AND NOVEMBER. J. EDGAR THOMSON, 1 T u tee CIIABLEd L. FROST, r a A. These bonds have 50 year. to run, tire convertible at Die option of the holder Into the stock of the Company at par, and the payment of the principal is provided for ov a einkinjr hind. The convertibility privilege at• Cached to tift•ae hods - vitmot rause-them tit no distant day to command a Arnarket price considerably above par. The greater part of the road it already completed, and the balance ut the work it rapidly prOgreMitrig. The prei- t advanced condition mod large earnings of the road a arrant mi in unhesitatingly recommending these bonds to investors as, in every reepectoin un doubted eeenrity. United States Five-twentlea, at Pratient prices, only re. Tarn' tiv - eper - cent. - . interest, W h i le . thew- Pa-Y an one natterper cent in Gold; and We regard thwaet.iirltY good. ' The Company reserve the right - without notice to ad vance t h e _price. - - - HENRY CLEWS & CO., 32 Wall Street. New York: KURTZ & - HOWARD, • - .Philadelphia. BOW EN _FOX, 46 TOWNSEND WHELEN & CO., DE HAVEN & BRO., • 66 BARKER BROS. /14 CO*, 66 iv 6 'mg NOTICE _O_TRUSTEES AN D EXECUTORS., The cheapest investment authorized by law are the General Mortgage Bonds of the Pennsylvania It. It. Co. APPLY TO D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. iy_ - JAY COOKE & CO,, Philadelphia, New York and Washington, AND Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale of iionds and !stocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro. xers in this and other cities. IN2 ERESI ALLOW ED ON DEPOSITS. COLL EC TIONS MA D E ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD tiELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST- Pamphlets and full Information given at our office. No. 114 S. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. miabtf UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. LA - ND GRANT BOND S Are obligations of the Union Pacific Rail road Company, ' secured by all_ the lauds , WhiCh ihe • ireeeiv'eafroin the Government, amounting to. about 12,000,000 acres. The total amount of the Land Grant Mortgage is $10,400,000. - Between July 28, 1869, and July 1, 1870, the Union Pacific Railroad Co. sold 181,462 32.100 acres for $834,091 03, being an average price of $4 60 per acre. The Company have received $521,00 Land Grant Bonds in payment for laud sold,and they have destroyed the $521,000 Bonds and have reduced the amount of the Bends to that extent. The Unloo Pacific Railroad hold obligations of settlers amounting to $243,715' 08, secured by the land purchased by them, which is also pledged to the redemption of the Land Grant Bonds. Should the sales of land. continue as above the whole issue of Land Grant Bands will be rek ired and cancelled within ten (10) years. The Union Pacific Railroad Land Grant Bonds pay seven per cent. interest, April and .octobeit, Run: for twenty . '2O )..Yea rs.. For saleut $785 each. F. A. GENTII Ikvi ) 40 South Third St. ap9tt c i 7,000 AND 11,000 TO JNVEST 8 000 7 upon tlortgnge, A p ply to A, TITLE% —lo, l tl Noltt Fir,ttivttect, jy22.30 REMOVAL From 404_ to 530 Ws Ihnoat Stre€4. ASSETS OVER $30,000,000: WALTER H. TILDEN, General. Agent. NEW BUILDING, 530 Walnut Street (Opposite Independence Square): fiIiANCIAL. BANKERS, FINANCIAL. LE :1 : 6 Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Loan, Free Prom all Taxes. We offer for sale 81.760400 of the Lehigh Coal. and Navigation Company's now First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds, free (realist' taxesanterest due fdarch and September, at NINETY (90) and interest, in cur rency added to date of purchase. These bonds are of a mortgage loan of e2,ooo"dated October 6 1869. They have twentylve 1251 year. to run; and are convertible into stock at par Matti l&L Principal and interest payable in gold. They aro secured by a tint mortgage on 15,60() acres of coal lands in ti c i t o Wyoming Valley, near Wilk barn), at . . present prodti ng at the Otte of VAX!) tons aI par annum, with works in progress wh ea emplate large increase at an early period, and also upon valuable Beal Estate in this city. A sinking fund of ten cents per ton upon all oal taunt from these mines for five years. and of fifteen crux per ton thereafter, is established, and The FidelitY, Insur ance, Trust and . _Safe Deposit . Company the Trustees under the mortgage, collect Muse sums and invest them in these Bonds, agreeably to the previsions on he Trust. For full particulars, copies of the mortsiage, Its. apply to w. H. pirEvrnoLo. SON 411 c C. 41c 111.-BottlE, • - • V— W. CLARK A . JAY 'COOKE & CO., ' DREXEL do CO. ty .1 I Iwl PAPER TIANGIN6S Paper Hangings at _Right Prices. Wholesale and Retail. • .JOHN H. LONGSTRETH, No. 12 North Third Street, Phila. Paw Hunt in the City er Country. A New Preventive for Damp. Walla . - Guaranteed. rpi S 3131i:11. It ES' ORTS. - Cape 3lay—Change of . Proprietors. NATIONALHALL. Formai! . ly kept by AARON GA R.RETtiON,I, now to be I:word-upl.r new atilipic'Tw, wider the anprrcision of B. MlLLl:Blinn:tier)) Proprietor vi Corigrta4 Ilall) arta SiLpert metaled by ‘VILLI %lit WHITNEY. Th.. Howie command's a tine v et w of tb. Orefin. and 'Lti ill TWENTIETH._DAY- OP--J NEXT, a. R . . Illoarq!nir Sense. RatAuar7ext to the Tto.table will lw all Inf.- SraiTAILNI TSALA atilt Db.Lit - .I.CLEh or THE SKA6OS, 1410Htli the ."Entrets." Stage ft:WftYll in rendine.ot to ronvey Oceats to and from the. Depot and !Mining Grounds, f r.e of charge.• Subscriber-..--could re.peetfitilY lour pot roinige (ITO provll , , , t f , l xpqr , rep,/ or exp v tor. to make the NATIONAL , a desirable home for who comfort and the I.wretit of Sea Air and Sea I,lllthlns without the expenses of a-fashionable Te rs, 19-4311 5.00 fir4. 7 *Tk — o - re. Sa - 40 - oTie-r - disy; Liberal arrangements will be made to large familial o. ft io mg from four to mix weeks. lioctua. .kr...addre-sa— WILLIAM WHITNEY, je )0- tf NATIONAL lIALL. CAFE HA Y. N. J. Congress CAPE MAY. N. J.. Opens, June Ist. Closes, October Ist. TERMS-13 it mr day Juno and September. et a per day July and August. • The new• VI Ing is now completed. Mark and Simon Ilassler's full Military Baud and Or cheetra of at pieces. Applications for Rooms, address J. F. CAKE, Proprietor. thpl6 19 22 Id 29 s e«1 t:41115 Chittenan 4T4:1 9 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Madixon count•, New York. Virat , claaa Hotel ard (IV,ri requialto, now open. Ilrawine•room and Sleeping C.rx tri.ux Hudson Riv. r Railroad Depot, New York. ett S A. M. and O M., without change to Chittenautto Station , 1. miles east olSiracuse. Nor Illuatrxted• Otr culun4, aildreax as above, or C. H. 01,IVE1t, 7 Rceknusta xtn•et, N. V. _ie29:lnlL Ocean House, Cape May, N. J. The best table on Cape Island, numerous homedthe comfort', location within W yards of the hest bathing oia the beach, are the principal advantages possessed by this fir't•cluss fatally hotel. No bur on the promise... LYCLTTE & SAWYER, Proprietors. UNITED STATES HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Will open for tho reception of Guests on SATURDA. Juno 25, with itteduction or Twenty Per Cent. In Us Price of Board. Music under the direction of Professor M. F. Alcido. Terms, 49D per week. Persons desiring to,ongage rcionThewill address BROWN WOELPPER, ProprletorS, ATLANTIC CITY, Or N 0.82 7. RICHMOND Street, Phihntelphfit. jel w s m2m§ LORETTO - SPRINGS. Loretto Springs, Cambria County, Pa., Will be opened on the FIFTH of JULY. For Circulars and other infertnatieu, address P. O. as above. FRANCIS A. GIBBONS, Proprietor. iy) SCH AUFLER'S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The best loeatioti on the Island with an A No. I table, I and the boot attention paid to to guests. Nighty fine e koning chambers, with beds, etc" nnoutpassed. joii7-21o§ ALOIS SOLIAUFLER, Proprietor. -- Q U.MINIEKEOAEDIN Gr' AT " BIS tro P -13 thorpe." A, few choice roomy can be had during the month of A linnet. One of the most pleasant and health lul localities in the State. Apply to AIRS. ANAIILE, iris Gt§. i.illishopthorpe," Bethlehem, Pa. - rED 'STATE* HOTEL, FORMERLY Sherman llonSe, Cape Islencl. The undersigned respectfully informs the public that ho has taken the ebeve hotel, iihd will keep a plain, comfortable 1101150, a good table. and the best wines and liquors that he can procure. Price of board, 917 50 per week. Will open July lot. JERE Main:MlN, MO Int§• Agent. _________—_-__ A 4 (MAKIN'S ATLANTIC? HOTEL, _al. CAPE MAY, N. J. • - The new Atlantic is now open. tify2.s wfm3m§ JOHN M or. cMAKIN. Propriet. _ - L)IlOAD-TO P MOUNTAIN ITO ITS E— l) Broad-Top: Buntingdon , county. Pa• Now open . _jyll lm* , i. 1. W. T. PEARSON: Proprietor. _. Afr 'MAK I N' S ATLANTIC -11 'OTEI4, - .111 CAPE MAY, Rebuilt since the late tire, tied ready for-Guests.e Open during the , year. Ia directly on the Sea-Shore; with the beet Bathing Beach of the .Ca p e. _:__Termfof the Summer: - `93 50 -pOr- day, .ancl .621 00 per week. cMAK Coeteh from the Depot, Free. portilltialtir IN, Proprietor. 11113 , 244 u th's3m6 WANTED --BY A YOUNG MAN, A Hitutatou al3 - Ito°kite:4ll)er or (Mork.' Has . had " several yoare nraotioal experuniCta. Rafutelloon givqn Addrola •• 13... this Oftv.;%). .1021.r9 MriMl WANTS.