Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, June 27, 1870, Image 2
NEW PERIODICALS. Old and New, for July, begins with a paper, by Richard P. Hallowell, on the treatment of - the Qtrakers formerly In New England, in the day when stout old Cotton Mather relieved himself by saying: "In Quakerist4the 'sink of all heresies, we see the , vomit . cast:Rut inthe by-past ages by whel‘;•-ltetuiet i stathicers;" licked up again for a ',*bwilltigestictfi.." fiallowelPs estimate ritOrs i.adicalty,from that of Mather; he finds that - I'olOn despoti'mn over conscience is a thlpg of the Past ha Mtrasa chusetts, while the Quakerism of 1660, its free dom and liberty of opinion, is the accepted gospel of the 'Bay State to-day. Mrs. Julia Ward - Ile - We has - an article - on "Harrishure, , and How tO:Firld,H," being a short reeordpr • a shotttvisit to our capital, made by the fair orator in the reformatory and female- suffrage, interests :Wafter McLeod gets up a scientific jirkirne) ,- to' the other side of the moon;' but are not moon journeys a little stale, and is not ern dition'thu s sugared w fiction an acknowl edged bore?' "John Whopper, the Newsboy," Is for juvenile readers ; it purports to be a real narrative; but the editor of r this peri odical,. in his first conspicuous story, " The Man'ivithOut a Country," and since, brings into magazine ethics the new principle that it sjustillahle'Ad get up a hoax,for a moral pur pose—and we confess that we have no confi, dence in the gravest declarations made under his anthotity. Torncelli, in a paper en the American 131 shops and. Infallibility, insists that there are such fundamental differences be tweenC.theChurgli and the Ainerican ihrt,' that no peace between them is possible. These are specimens of Old anci-New,for. July; its almost oppressive Wealth-of. short. articles may be guessed. It reviews the literary,„ „ anti progres sive ideas of the .day. in its, "Examiner" and "Record." .H 1,4 poetry it'presents a good deal that is thin / r but has one exceptionally fine contribution ; Sarah Helen' *liftman, a: too seldom4reard nightingale, retrieves her own old, injuaitable gift of melody in some, elegiac verse'sportraitle . friend Edgari ; of I ' o e. The Magazine, under its new publishers,. Roberts Brothers,shows_more life anfftieCtban at &4'. Fowler & Moon's magazine, The American Exchange and Retiew, is always interesting and instructive, The June numher.has ex cellent papers on The British Social Science Congress of 1.869, Arrow-headed Letters and Literature, Yitality of Buried Vegetable Germs, Probabilities iu Scienee,and American History. The /?erieu,'.s ,Depattruent of Mining and Metallurgy is still in the editorial charge of IL S. Osborn, L.L. D., Professor of Mining and laetallurgylin_Lafayette_College,and is full and, suggestive. The Monetary and Insurance De partments, and those of Railways and. Trans: portatioh, Patenti,_Arts and Science,__ with abundant Noting and Commenting, present a complete exhibit of business movementss6ring the month. Thiblished at Fourth and Walnut streets. . 77te Transallmitie, the well-conducted 1? hilad elph ia—zelec tici—shoxv_s —now a __monthly: fornilvhickshOuld insure its rapid success. it is crisp, articulate, bright, and never fatiguing. Great attention is given to the selection of attractive stories. The ,July number has a large and far from bad woodent; illustrating a ballad called "The Elopement Door." " Loves of Famous Men," from Belgravia, " Robes pieue's Speckled Stockings," from -the Illus trated Magazine, and " Court Life at the Tuileries," from Chambers' Journal, may be indicated as agreeable. articles not fictitious, from amongst an unusually capacious table of contents. Every extract is scrupulously credited to its original source ; • and these sources are so various, amongst a class of good English ,periodicals hardly ever seen by our public,.tat the Transatlantic may be called a box in which a whole Arabia breathes.— Seventh and Chestnut streets. The American 'Engineer is a large quarto paper illustrated with clear and excejlent me chanical engravings: It exhibits a lafge:elass of the splendid industries df N. W. corner of FOurth and .Walnut streets. Number 1300, for the week ending One „25th, 1810,, and the two preceding weekly numbersof Littell's Living AgecOntain, among other articles of interest and value, The Origin of the English Nation, Part 111., from Macmillan's Magazine; Poetry and Poets of the Present Generation, translated for the LiviieAge from the Revue. des _Deux Momdes ; The Princess des tirsins, Illackisood's Maga zine; a review of the Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, by William Morris, Academy; The Velocity of Thought, Nature;_ -French Luna- , tics, Pall Mall Gazette; Among my Books, .Spectator; The Stature and Bulk of Man in the British Isles, Pall Mall Gazette; Limp People, Saturday Review; Madame Lafayette, St. .Pants; The Objects of Art, Fraser's Magazine ; Michael Faraday, St. Pants ; Crocodiles' Nests, Once a Heck; The. French Liberals and the Plebiscite, Saturday Review ; The bisturbaneesin Italy, Pall Mall Gazette; : Belgium, Saturday Revieiv ; Mr. Arnold on St. Paul, Syclator ; The Story of The Elation, complete, Macsallait'6 illagdzinc ; con tinuation of °" Against Time," by Charles Lever, and " Dorothy Fox," and numerous other articles. The next number (the first in July) begins a new volume, and is a good one with which to begin a subscription. There is no better means of keeping the mind in contact with the high est contemporary thought than the study of Littell's se'ections. The July number shows a new epoch in the enterprise of Sews 11's Chicago monthly, the Little Corporal, towards which, since it thrives on Philadelphia art, and represents the extinct Little Pilgrim, of Grace Greenwood, we have the kindest feelings. The present number comes, instead of in the old quarto form, as a very handsome _octavo of 32 pages, with a new en graving on the cover, well cut, by Lauder-• back, from a design by Bensell. A good frontis piece -cut, called "The New Suit," is from the same artist and !engraver. The number.begins new volume: . The Nurs'erij; for July, hies ,eregaiit euts.aud sparkling literary matter for very young read ers, all. compiled in a high and aristocratic taste. •• / • --A Louisville bny at Washington writes borne to his grandfather that Spotted Tail, after cooling the inside, of his • Stomach with r Grantyi creKtic''loVvereittlii3 teroperature of the outside. by gently fanning it with the extremity °flits nighest garment" (From the Saturday Review.] • LIONS AND LION-1111INTERS. Society is a little tired of lions, it must be optied ; but it is bard to imagine how society i§ to be „copied on without tbein. Dullness sits bebind s every , i , iiler in Rotten Royi;.' dom lingers in every boudoir; the ppettleist lip pat ts as the: seasdn -, gook pAwith widei' yawn ; Al's clear nite,mtist amuse orteSelf; but ,with 'sad•race likaeurs, rris not So easy to be amttled. , To keep theinerO spectresk of life - at , bay is the c eternal problem Of ;the Britishbos'tess; is a problem. witichlricreaies in difficulty every, . hoP l '. "'People' groans Lady X, "used to care for a good - dinner; but the finest wines_ and the most piquant sauces are wasted on the diner-out of to-day." To plan a dinner is as . hard as to•plan wcampaign.' The little head ache which a mistress of social strategy owns gaily as she closes the procession downstairs, is the weariness of a bard-.won,triumpb.,. Who will come and, who will not come; the- choice of proper' pe'ople to sit by one , another; the judicious • proportion of • beauties ; the - due' but sparing sprinkle' of wits.;-how to get the charming wife without, the sulky husband; cir thaehann ing husband without the tinbearable wife.; the: pressure of "people Who must be asked";; tbe angling-for- peolde,. whom "it, is no, good_ask-_ ing" ; the complication of refusals ' • the ridicu lous intereferences of• husbands; the piovoca tion of guests whose relatives die at the last Moment—these are: things which make' one Wonder, not at the little headache, but that the' beadacl;e is so little. It.is ' the same with the evening, that follows. Society becomes every . day more ebantic. It drifts from house to house, from_reception .to 'reception, from ball to balk, It bows to everybody, it speaks to everybody, and• it knows nobody. It crushes its way upstairs and downstairs; it loses itself in the'rnaelstiora of at-bomes; in the ,search for amusement it casts itself into ftumaces hot ter than that of the Three Children. But it, never finds' it. Boredom receives it at the top • of the: ':staircase ; ; 'dullness bands It -into' the carriage. And behind boredom and dullness 'wait, the eternal sileneeS. Face's that dread a wrinkle more than shame wrinkle' at the mieStion, "What is there to talk about " Talk is the law of so ciety; but bow is the poor Israel of Belgravia to make bricks without.straw ? In its•own dear little , bead it has nothing at all. It reads no thing but novels, and it forgets all thd novels it reads.; It is impossible to recollect more-than a &On tines in au evening the people ode Met ' the -evening before; - `The naughty- little attache:, with his naughty. , littla stories, has to go to his embassy at last. Even the " occa sional notes" where one got a hint or two in past seasons have become dry and unhelpful in this. It is terrible to simper from group to group, and find nobody to talk„ to, and nothing to talk about. With all the ,- buzz and rattle of life, the silences come nearer and nearer. Rebel against the lion as one likes, to the lion one comes at last. If he does nothing else,.he gives some shadow of aim and 'purpose to our nightly drift,. He gives a spasmodic kind of interest to our dull perpet ,ual dinners. He gives us something to talk to, and he gives us something to talk about. There is the problem of catching him. There is Me harser problem of using him. There is the worst problem of all, bow to get rid of him. But each ot _these problems has its own gentle excitement in the solution, and the British bostess•baS handled too many animals to feel afraid of any lion whom she has got fairly in band. But to get him fairly in hand is no easy. .matter.:—The-first-problem, a.S-we..have the problem of catching him. Lions of a cer tain sort can be picked up every day, but the .Lion of the Season is a rarer and more difficult animal. He must be wholly unknown, and to discover the,T a inknown requires the tact and ex perience of .very old hunter indeed. It re quires no ordinary—sagacity to know precisely where the African explorer who "went in" a couple of years' ago is likely to " come out." There was something more than poetic sym pathy in the certainty with which Lady Popjoy scented the coming epic in a young under graduate 'who had produced-nothing but blushes and blunders. The scholarlike dignitary who woke one morning and found himself heretical never imagined that his charm ing little patroness in Belgravia found out that he was going - Jo set the world on fire. But find out she did before the uncon scious cleric found it out himself, and her sea son was secure. Still the mere discovery is a very small part of the battle. There is the problem of bagging your lion'as well as of get ting first sight of him. The most terrible dif ficulty may arise with a lion who does,not wish to 'be lionind,and who standS, at bay against blandishuients and the appeal of society. Af ter all, there are benighted' beings who demur to being whirled through a London-season, crushing up and down n thousand hot stair cases, and bowing'to'a . thouSand people wboM they do 'not knot and who never 'wish to: Aee - them again. Even at the last moment a lion will sometimes, give his first social roar only to turn tail and 'run aWay. Mrs.-Persecute only caught her. Indian hero to see that;martial gentleman and his /Vic toria Cross disappear suddenly into the country and lose himself in a wilderness of country parsonages. He had ruined a prom ising season, simply to escape, the burden of leaving cards. Then, too, there are the diffi culties of rival parties, all on the watch to snatch up the noble beast one has had so much trouble to discover. When Lady Catchem made her great hit,- With the chieftain from Central Asia, the eilbrts of a couple of embas sies were concentrated on bringing him safe to BritiSh shores. It was a keen-sighted attache who firstheard of him at Bokhara,and watched over his path till he had him safe at Constanti nople. How he was brought up the Danube remains a mystery. Vienna and Paris have intercepted - nobler beasts before now ; but di plomacy and Lady. Catchein won at last; and tho,Oriental was sprung on the world at the very nick of time, in the teeth of a dozen envious lion-hunters: But the most provoking of all accidents springs ; from the nature of the animals themselves. Lions are strange erratic creatures, and apt to disappear into holes and corners If they are not properly looked after. The most original of French artists had been watched carefully for years, when, yielding to a mistaken ambition, he hung himself into the arms of a Lord Mayor, and made his -entry into English society through a course of city dinners. He was rescued indeed, just in time to save his life, if not his digestion, but be was useleis for social purposes:. The freshness of his lion-life was gone;' nobody would care, to stare at a Ufa:elle who had already been stared at for a fortnight by. aldermen and tallosk-chandlers. It requires an even loftier genius to know what to do. with your lidn'when you have caught him. A lion is 'shockingly apt to be have like other mile. It is' difficult, to get him on his hind legs. The poetic lion is per haps the least disappointing in this way ; if he is young, there is a chance of his persisting in drinking brandythroughout dinner, or quoting unquotable French anecdotes ; if he is old, he may, possibly prefer long .1 - lair to short, and, thick boots'to thin But even poets now and' then . 'decline 145 be leonine, and Chatter with all, the vacant grace of .diner-out. On. the other handy . your mere literary lion is gene rally loquacious and talks bosh. The philosophic Radical, for instance, who bursts upou every alternat.c,season with a couple; of hot pressed octavos, in which (with the help of a few French handbooks) all human knowledge is condensed into a short series of highly:read.: able paragraphivand --- every - moral — diflicillty - With which- the world- has- troubled itself is solved attlie shorteilt' notice, has a way, of rat, PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, MONDAY, JUNE tling over his own index which makes it ex 7. tremely difficult to dispose of_ him( l i The7l.ziger,- n nious mode of bmcketitigi; hildAiet'feen'; two deaf dowagers has t beett,,thedi but as yet ns, dowager has _.;;(leaf found ~„(leat • -enough to bear the situation more than. (Sheet The military lion sins in ; precisely the same way. Sometimes ,t ,is feebly jocose, sometimes he is feebly .senti 'in4ntal, but he never will be berole.:, „There -is_ rickgettiug him to fight his battles Oyer again in, ;Uncle Toby's fashion • lead tip'as'delicately as you may to the dreadful moment birth°, breach u ''of Borrioboolagha, he only shakes-his head'and says there were braver peoplethere , that flay, - than be. After all, the safest Of liana, as a per forming animal, is the leo kerelieus. What a pleasankshocki-for-instance, -one-'may.always'' get in Miss Progress's , intellectual drums; What a charming current of theterodeic Venn, what piquant littlescandals about _the Bench; what — Winiderful 'little anecdotes about this prelate's' last saying on a rail toad,_platform..- -or that ...prelate's,. jest at au evening party .I One wonders how it is that people with whom "bishopr, is a synonym for hy pocrite er fool take such a marvelous . interest in hishops t butoMissTingresS'ents short all wonder by turning on her leo hitretichs: ~Sonietiines it is: 'curate who ,has elaborately &provedthe' Thirty-nine Articlescand is making his Liege tiVe course, like a crab; back Ward through the office for thumbing of women. Sofrietiines it Is an Oxbridge'Don who:has sacrificed his, own necktie to a clerical fellowship,and noi takes his revenee ten the faith to which he - oWes his in come. Sometimes it is a. bishop who has trans lated thel3ible into Tabitia,n before - discovering'it to be 'a fiction. But,prelate ,or priest.,e;inrybody is, quite,sure of -" something-shocking," and Miss Friagresi alone watches the scene from her sofa, fat, forty and impassable. • Her drum is a success, and yet the special variety of the lion unorthodox on' Which she counts for, victory has Still to be - revealed. , Nolicid3r - takes the posture you want like e 13engalee, and that dis tinguished reformer of Indian religion, Contm-' drum Baboopanswers every string• his hostess pulls with a perfect adaptability. ,It is ainazing to compare his performances with the clumsier gambols of his western rivals. A flow of pietistic enthusiasm gilds the vagueness of ,his ,dogma; the Bible, instead of being vulgarly redriccd to arithinetic, ffisappears in a clond of Vedas ; a gentle pitiful shake.of the head ex presses the regret of the distinguished stranger over 'the blind.-antagonisms of Western faith; :there.' is something winning , in his tbthrow everything overhbaid, ge and'exchin- the con victions of Christendom for. the dreams of , a handful of Ilindoos. There is something ex- quisite in the perfect absurdity which expresSes itself with such an air of prophetic persuasion, in the delicious way in which the Shock is ad minister( d—not in' the coarse, concrete fashion of Occidental heretics, but with a gentle titila- Lion, which creeps through one's frame to the very Boger-tips. Unquestionably, if one is to try the leo howelicits, therels no lion like Co nundrum Baboo. . . Would only die at the end of the season, my dear!" Lady C.:'atchern's pious wish, unfortunately, seldom finds fulfilment, in spite of hot rooms and draughts, and:" crush " champagne. Lions neverseem to know when. to die, and it is very' bard indeed to - . per suade them that they are dead. The excitement of roaring through a season turns their brain. The missionary believes that mankind take a perennial interest in the sour ces of the Congo. The. reformer whom one shipped off in the autumn returns with a - fresh assortment of nostrums in the spring.' The poet paradewhis - sonnets , ;nthefraveler tells - thewor out story of his;sbipwreck; the heretic shudders at the peril of persecution, just as if there bad been no " last season," or as if there were no new lions to come. Sothetimes it is possible to • induce them to roar in other circles.. Long after a lion has ceased to be a sensation in town, his tail-lashingwill stir a good deal of ex citement in rural districts. A cunning lion will retreat gradually from Belgravia to Blooms bury, and still produce a very considerable ef fect in the metropolis of the North. :A good deal, too, may be done in the way of self-pres ervation by simply appearing in other characters. The leo wiles for instance, when the dash of his gallantry has ceased to stir the fair bosoms of the world, can still turn up with propriety at a missionary meeting, and thrill the fair bosoixis of Exeter Hall. Some times a heterodox lion, when all speculative interest in him is gone, will secure a second season by plunging into the Arches COurt. But, as a rule, revivals are simply failures. A lion has had his day when he has whisked through a season and its train of country visits. And,when a lion has had his day, the wise lion4nintress most, effectually secures her own repose by finding a match-for him. There are always elder sisters or cotton-spinning virgins fresh •from Manchester, or widows with a dash of romance, over whom the roaraf a lion exercises an incredible fascination. To - the end of - his - days - he will-be arlion. - at - hoMe; His spouse will encourage 'him to ramp upon the hearth-rug, and bring up a family of olive branches in admiration of , leo pater. His old stories, his worn-out adventures, his forgotten novel, his effete heresy, will always be fresh-and welcome to the partner of his home. Her awe, her subdued referenceS to the past, her air of reverential mystery, will in - litire, create, a cer tain vague atmosphere of wonder and regard in a world which has forgotten all his leonine exploits. He wilbbecome;at last the shadow of a lion ; but even to be:the shadow of a lion is better than not to be a lion at all. —The. July Galaxy borrows from a souce so old as the April London Art .Journal, the bigoted and wandering essay by Jarves on Art, Connoisseurs and Museums in America. When we find that Mr. Jarves, after much" fond ' patting: of„ ambitious, boy . artists like Vedder and Homer, and eulogies of two or three collections in Boston and New YOrk, has not a ward to say about the Pennsylvania Academy's unapproached collection, , nor. that of any of our fastidious and exclusive art-gal, leries in this City, and is densely unconscious of ROthermel, the only American colorist, of Richards, the only living realist in marine painting, and of Hamilton, our grand melo dramatic art-Poet—noticing all this wilful un;-, consciousness, We are instructed to observe how much virulence there may be in igno rance. =-M. Edwards has bought, for 20,000 francs, Regnault's sensation picture of the Paris Salon, this ; year, entitled "Salome." Of this etfzirt the; correspondent of the New York Nation says : " If it were the mere proof of a wager won, this extraordinary picture would certainly have, a meaning, for - it does prove that a rtian. with Command enough or brush can do just what he likes; that, he can. tbroW an orange drapery over a yellow background, and ding. a stratv-colored sunlight over a figure of pale, golden-tinted flesh—all these cOlors,' which .have the.-horrible--defect , of- A. 6 breeding-in-and inay. .be!- - thrust into bvillanous .-position, and yet ,the ..,picture- he.. that of a painter... But, after.all,.. when: it is achieved, what is the achievement worth ? - It is a'wager won, nothing more.' The achievements self is valueless, for .it belongs to the ,clitol of pu . disorder, of , decomposiqou, ' true' and real Revelutkniarv,;Nhool.' ~laltit'gu salt In all pm repreWirlt§,W,llittvilliasugbherspbere„ is represented byllochefort,Flourens and others;. -an_dutory:tuid.:.a_bustla—diaorder,i n_a Word.'_'. . .the,..,iive group's in bronze: which _are destined , to decorate the; exterior of the new ART hM M. ( o,pera / ., House, Paris, two are now completely gllt, ii d will'sOpu be,displayed. These groups, • placoiltbfiairt ikliglksq2ifithe facade, have been froin designs gy M. Gumery; they represent, one,'Lyrie Petry and the Muses, the other AT4ric Poetry accompanied by Fames. The other 'groups ' which surmount the new OPeralfonde, are Apollo, by M. Alme and the two 'figures of Pegasus, by M. ILequesne, which reSpectiyely crown the central gable and the extremities of the great wall of the stage, or rather thlg "filch surnionntS the prosce niiin;i4ikhin,'at,the line between the stage and the anditoriam. ..-,.:,-,-*Krau*ells -the-author of the great plc tare' of Ernancipa j tion deposited with the Phila delphia Leamte ,has been chosen:_ to finish the pictures which M. de Grouk left incomplete at Ypres and L Crallitit has been entrusted with . the'decorationS or the Salle du Christ, in the -Hotel de-Villei-atßrussels, so — fartioUs - iti • -; „ • 5 #"; . ..._.iI3I[X.ETUA:TIO - Til: I '.'l'.''' ROB 14 ttAtstat.l4 - r0r411,5 , . zgqtr.Na ..i.atoxEs?Ao•ADADIY, • T• ; 338,ani34(rSoitli Next' ferni‘tOnittiended SOiftVnlb Figth. jo3'4'n LAUbtrItIACHtS• •• • • ••- • CLASSICAL, 801ENTIPiu, t AND, OIOPIrdEAC,IAL AOADIC'SLY, I,I3ILII.I.BLIf.33IIfILDING, No, 308 e..TpSTH Street. A Primarlr i . gleinontoiy; and , Finishing. &hop', Worbuiton', No, 430 Olioidnot ptroot. ~;"~~Us P. RONDINELL.A., - .110.40E1R18.. OF Singing. Private 1e33030, 01.00031. Bosldopge 308 8. Thirteenth street.* . • • 41128.111 AN TELS:-.2‘i Of the latest and rnoet - beantlful designs', and 'another Slate work on hand br inada to order:- - Also, PEACH_ BOTTOM ROOFING SLATES, Factory and Salesroom, SIXTEENTH and IJALLOW HILL Streets, ' WILSON St JVILLEIR. frATCOWTOCE. &C. , • BUILDING HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. Machinists .._CarpeOters. erid•••Othei , ohaniest . Toolle. • - Binges -Scrawl', Locke, - Knives and Yorke, Spoons, ~ C offee ft., Stocks and Dien, Plug and Taper Tans, Universal and Scroll Ohncks, Plants in great, variety. All to be had at the Lowest Poeeible Prices At the' CHEAP-FOR.-CASH Hard ' ware Store Of. J. B. SHANNON; N 0.1009 Market Street. BUSINESIS CARDS. 11. P. & C. R. TAYLOR, Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. 641 and 643 North Ninth street Established 1821. - W.M. G. FLINAEWN-A-SON, HOESE AND SHIP PLUNDERS, if/ 171 No . 129 Walnut Street. -.JOSEPH WALTON & 00., CABINET MAKERS, -- —NO. 413- WALNUT STREET. Manufacturers of-fine furniture and of medium priced furniture of superior ANDy GOODS ON HAD MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, .3m,, for Banks, Offices and Stores, made to order. • • • JOSE PH 'WALTON, JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT. JOSE'PH L. SCOTT. JAMES L. WILSON, HOUSE PAINTER, 518 SOUTH NINTH STREET, Residence-522 South Ninth street. ap3o 1y 4p§ HE.NRY PHILLIPPI, VARPENTEB. AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 S&NSOM STREET, jelo-Iyry PRILADELPIIIA._ E B. WIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Oorninissioner of Deeds for the State of Pennsylvania 1 Illinois. - • • 96 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. anl9tfi OTTON SAIL DUCK OF' VERY 'f..J width, from 22 inches to 78 inches wide. ail numbers Tent and Awning Duck, raper-maker's Felting, Sail Twine, dm. JOHN . W. EV - ERMAN, j 026 No. 103 Church street City Stores. DRUGS. WHITE CASTILE SOAP—" CONTI."— 200 boxee now landing from bark Loronna, from Leghorn, and for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Importors, -N. F,. cur• Fourth and Race atroote. OL IV E OI L.—GENUINE TUSCAN 'Olive Oil In stonejais and Batiks, , landing front hark Lemma, from Leghorn, aroffor sale by - ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Importers, N. N. cor. Fourth atof Race streets. DITIEJBA.RB ROOT, OF EXTRA SUPE , 11) riot . quality, gentian Root, Carl,. Ammonia, just received, per 'lndefatigable, from London, and for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Importers, IC E. corner Fourth and'Race stroets. OCTRIO ACID:—L2O KEGS ' OF. C V Acid " Wino of Colchicuth, 'from . fresh root ; also from the seed. Simms Confiun; — ' Allen's; " For bale by . . ROBERT SBOEISI.A.KER & CO., Importers, N. E. Con Fourth and Race stroota ----- (AIL OF ALMONDS.-" ALLEN'S" GE'N; 011ie Oil of Almonds, essential and sweet. Also, "Allen's" Extracts of Abonito, Bel ladona , Gentian, Ilycweinrei, Tara:lleum , just ;received ih store. per I odetatigable,trdni London, and for sale hv ROBERT BIIOEIRAKER , & CO., • Inindrting Druggists, N. R. corner Fourth and Race streets. rAItADUATED MEASURE.—EiVGLISH Graduated Measures, warranted correct. Genuine " Wedgwood " Mortars. Just receiy,al front London per 13 teitmer Bellona. and for sale be ROBERT SHOEIBARER It CO., jcbw.f.in,2ot N.E.cor. Fourth and Race streets. J 111,13(1 GISTS wild, FLNI) A LAitGE .llLletock of Allon's MOdicinal Extracts and 011 Almonds, Rad. EMIL Opt., Carlo Add, Oozo'g Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars. dm,just landed from bark tioffunug, from London. 110 BERT STIOEMAKER A 00., Wholosalo Druggiate , N. Id. corner Fourth. and Bade streets: ' ' TIRUGGI3TB' ,BUNDELEB..— GRAD Cr- J., atoll, Mortar, Flu Tiles, Combs, Brasher( Mirrors. ff B Tweezers, Puoxed,liorn Scoops, Surgical lnstru• merits, Truseem Hard and, Soft Dabber Goods, Vied uasos, uases, Glass and Metal Syringed, &c., all at ''` Fire Elands" prices. , . BLIOWDEN•at BEOTIIEIt, apfe•tf 28 South Nighth street,. OA - SULLY. SOAP —l3 ENUINE Al - cl 3 VERY 410 soporior-200 boxes loot landed from bark Idea, and or eale by aojnm 131.10EBIAKEll. 00. Importlnr Ortureiata •N . olyraer Fourth and Raoo Orem,. • -- 'CfROCEIET~9,~'IS~iz?~EIb - ail;; SHERRY WINE.—A • VERYI3IIPERTOR and pure SPardsh.Sherry Wino at only SS 00 per gallon, lit ()GUSTY'S Beet lOnd Grocery, No, US South Second street, below Cheidnut. eILARETS.-EXTRA QUALITY TABLE J Clurets,.nt 84. 6 mad 537 per case of dozen bot tles—of recent importation—ln store and for We al COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South &mond street, below Chestnut. • • • - • • . CL A IF 0 NI A SALMON.-FRESH vo, Salmon fronalnlifornia ; o very choice article ; Tor sale at COUSTY'S Enid. , End Grocery. No. 118 South Second, street:, below Chestnut: _ • , QEA, MOSS NEW ARTICLE for food, very . choice awl deSciOne, at COUSTY'S. Cylkt That Grocery, No.llB Saab Second erect, ,below . Cheidnut: • _ 1%/IZITTQN 'HA , 'VERY CIiOICE 111. article of Drled litlnthin, equal, to the beet dried bed, ter bale at COURTY , Ft East End Grocery, No. 118 Beath Second 'Area. below (Moslem, • j - CrST RTIC,CEIVED'AN 6 IN - STORE l i ooo . caged of Champagne, stiarlrling.Catawba and Call; (Unita Wines, P,ort,liatleira, i3h/ri , ',.lani alga and Hants Crue Runi,ll.no .old Brandies Ala( Whiskies , ' \ V ho and Retail, .' P..l'. JORD .14, 220 Pear street, .Bolow Third and AVAlnut streets, and above ' , Doak • street... , ,•-• - - •• ' • • • - •'del•tf TOBDAN'S CELEBRATED PiffiIETCSNIO t./ Ale for Invidids,hunily floe, oto. • • • . The subscriber f now furnished with hip fall .Winter supply ortiffi high y.putritious and, wellAnown bever• age. Its whie , sim aft awl increasing non; LI 'ardor of physicians, fon invalids, Ilse of families, Sm.; commend it to the want - aim% ,con:sinners who Ty?nt etrictlY pure tirtibie lekoparqt rpm )e,bot...rnaterlplo, au,d,pa Pp the 1116ilt Cllroflll manlier for }lomat:Pp or.transpor. !Minn.! ()rarebit Mailiormtherwise promntly'sappliati, P. J.7JORDAZI,, .• • Wo• itear Street, ' • • 4 e , i , , : , below Thifrd nail Wriinut otroets. 27, 1870. FIPIANCIAL. LEHIGH CONVERTIBLE . 6 Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Loan, Free fron. , •all.Taxes. , :, A •'''coffer for tittle; if 1.750,01" of th Nalfind Raelgation'''company's ne n Firstllotigtige per 'cent: Gold tiondsofree I:rein ell taxealntarest duo March September, (90) Old interest -in addodto.dateof:paxr nee :Li , Thesabbittlei are of a mortgage 15iiti of f32,000,000,511ded's Oefohar 6_11)69. They have twenty-five (2.5) years to rut.'and are convertible into stock at par until 1879. Principal and interest payable in gold. • They are seem ad by a first mortgage on 5,600 acres of •• coal lands tu the WyOriting Valley; tear Wilke;bitire, at present producing at the rate of 200,000 tone of coal per annum, with works in progress which contemplate a large increase at an early period, and also upon valuable , -Real Rotate in this " A sinking fund,of ten Conte:per ton upon all eel taken from these minos for .Aye years, and of. Miter. et!fitee, per • ton thereafter Os eitablislied; and The Fidelity, hum. tame, Tiltst Safe Depesit 'Company y the ;Trustees tinder the rnortkago, collect theee minis and inVeit 'them in theseliti,, agreeably to 'the preetitichUrioTt ho Trust: For 'frilFyartictiltirs,"coples of the morri s agoiAo,, IL NEWBOLD; NON 4: `4IEBTISFIN,,' ate I I : ' L'• . ' •, t,, • • L rcOtinc .41; CO:, • • . • DREXEL , CO. •• - • jo Im§ ' • • • • ' , JAY COOKE & 'CO. ;Philladalp,da,'Ne and Washington,.- ; ,313A-INTKETtS;; • •,:, AND Denlere"in Government Seentities. Special attention g iven f o the rup u ltase and Salo of Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at fhe Board of Bro kers in this and other citie s . • ' INTEREST ALLDWED ON DEPOSITS, COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER ROGGHT AND SOLD IKE LIABLE RAILROAD BONDS*. FOR INVEST ' • Pamphiets and full informaiiiiii given, oi our office. NO. 114 S. Third Street, • • PIIIIADELPILIA. 'inh29-tf ry • 11, C.' WHARTON . SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, SUCCESSORS TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO Every department of Bantling bttaineets shall receive prompt attention, as heretofore. 4/not:Words of Stocks, Gold and Governmenta constantly received from our frienda, E. IL - AANDOLPH & 00.,N0w York, br ens PRIVATE WIRE. J. W. GILBOVGII.OO. S BANKERS, 42 SOUTti_THIRD STRgET I Negotiate Loans,. Buy. and Bel Government and other re liable Securities. ja3lmwfl94 UNION PACIFIC ItAILROAD-' LA-N-D GRANT COUPON JBOINTIDS, $l,OOO EACH, INTEREST APRIL AND OCTOBER, For Salo at $790 Each. They pay SEVEN (7) PER CENT. Interest, run for twenty (20) years, are secured by 12,000,0()0 acres of land, all lying within twenty (20) miles of the railroad. ' THE 'UNION- PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY RECEIVE THEIR LAND °RANT BONDS FOR T.EIEIR FACE, AND. ACCRUED INTEREST In payment of any of their lands. From July 28, 1869; 'to' date, the Company have received upwards of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars in cash and Land Grant Bonds inpayrnent for lands sold by them: . . Pamphlets giving full details of the laud can be obtained by application to' A C i f lIEVUT , i t) 11 )Di j • .1‘ 40 South Third St., PHILADIME9IIIII.,, sign! 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, FREE OF tr. s. TAX, OF THE Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min , nesota R. R. Co. A LIMITED QUANTITY FOR SALE AT 90 AND INTEREST. INTEREST PAYABLE MAY AND NOVEMBER. T. EDGAR THOMSON, ' CILSILLES L. FROST', Trustees These bonds have 50 years to ton, are convertible at the Option of the holder into. the otockuf the Company at par, and the payment of the , principal is provided for by a sinking laud. The greater port of the road is already completed, and shows largo earnings, and the balance of the ;work is ra pidly progressing. ' . , - We unhesitatingly recommend theeellcipde as the safest end best investment in-the market! I . United titans Vive-twenties, at present priees, only re turn the per cent. interest, while these ,pay eight.. and ono quarter per dent in Gold; 'and wo regard tho security eirmilly good.' Thin eompnuy reserve the right without notioa to ad , viiialb the price. ' HENRY CLEWS do - 00:, Bankers. 32 WAtill. STREET, Dr. lir., of TOWNSEND WRELEN & CO:, • - BOWEN & FOX', - - KURTZ & 110 WARD, - DARKER BROS. 84 CO., DE HAVEN & BliO4 inithapicaintu.. FIRANCIAL I 2 FUR SALE WillianitiiOrifiity 6 Per Ct, Bonds. , • r,f -FUEE 0 . 1 -0 TAX. I • At 85 and ,, Acerned Interest. Lops' -is in_ Coupon _lihnnit, ltiq'fikatPifYop3 ll nrelik Ist *tad , Sept.-Ist. .0 For./ urther avormatios apply .to P. S. PETERSON _ec CO., • • 39 SOUTH THIRD, STREET, _ • je24-1m . ' ; BEATERIS ANP ISTOYEN. PAXCOAST &AlAttliE mum AND viLut muzits; Plain and. Galvanized -2 • /, IVRIPUGHT. AIID CAST ' :1110 . N PIPE For Gas, Steam ',and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, [&• - uc\\Nvc.g\ — %t] Pipe ' of all 812e1E;6it and Fittd to Order. CARD: Having sold HENRY 13.PANCOAST and TRANOIS 7. MAULE(geptlemen In our employ for several years peat) the Stock,Oood Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL, ESTABLISHMENT., locanri 'at the corner of THIRD and PEAR 'streets, in this 'ens'. that branCh of our brut nees,..tpaetherwlth thaIotHEATINCLand 4ENTI4A _. T ING - PIIDLIO Mid PETVATE IllnarfEMS; both by STHAII,! and HOT WATER., 'all its varlet*, sylitinow will be carried on under the firm name of PAIRJOAST eit !ILA UDE,'at the-old - irtatidt-chd.wo commend them to the trade and busincia Public as being entirely competent to perform all work atlas! character. MORRIS,-TASKER & 00. PHILADELPHIA, EDGAR. L. THOMSON (SucceeFor to Sharp , * k Thono , oh), IRON-FOUNDER. STOVES, TIN .`..; F:D, EN•A M.ELLRP..a rul HEM/ Y HOLLOW-W.IBR OvlnEr—Zo9 Nprth SECORO ofroct: ronNmer...,ScAltil SECOND iind MIFFLIN rtrPotr, niy274 Tit in 4 - . Ph)laatlyisi.t THOMAII B. DIXON & SONS, No. Du CHESTNUT Street, Pbßadn., Oppoldin United States Atha, Mann I:Laurens of • 1111 . 114 M LOW DOWEL PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE And other GRATES, r - .• Tor Anthracite, Eittimittotui and Wood 11; AMMO. WARWAIIL FURNACES, Tor Wan:mini Publin and •Private Buildings . -REGII ERRS, VENTILATORS, •ND CHIMNEYCAVA, 00011. MO-RANGES, RATH-BOWERS WHOLZHA.LE and RETAIL NEW PUBLICATIONS - - _ "1:1 ND AY SC H 0 OL S OPER INTEN- Iira: Hart's tolniirabie addries, "flow to etlect a Library," at the Sabbath - School Emporium, t 7.43 Arch street. Philadelphia. IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN. THE ; " CAPE MAY DAILY WAVE," For the Fintonter of IS7O. Thelmbliraticn nf the fllxth Volume of the —DAILY WAVE' , will lie collifrierle.l on or about lily 111, AMA Will he continued until tientiquher It will present • tell day accurate and fall report; the. Hotel Arrival., and Local Ey.nta of this fanbionahlo resort. urtd willbn a paper not surpaised by any in Ills Business men will find the "DAILY WAVE" a mo,t athantautoua minima for advertising, the ratca fur are ea follows ; - One Inch space, 410 for the FP:mton. Earl. snbseauetit inch. e 5 for Ow tot , toOn. On 111 first page, tr 2 Per inch in tiAlitiOn to tho abov e C. A. ISTAGRATiI, Editor MIGRATII &GABRET: , OI , I, Publishera. jeW• 1.134 • • . IOTICE, The first volinne of ZELL'S_EINCYCLU- PEDIA is now complete and bound. Sub- scriptions taken;either For bound volumes or in numbers. Parties thinking of subscribing had better send in their-names at once, as the price of the work will unquestionably be :id- vanced to non-subscribers T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, 17 and 10 South Sixth Street;•Phila. jel•w s lrnl , • . THE NEW YORK STANDARD:). PUBLISHED BY JOHN RUSSELL YOUNG, NO. 34 PARK Rovr,',NE'ylr• YORK, Containing full and accurate Telegraphic News and Correspondence from. all parts of the world. TWO CENTS per single copy, or• Six Dollars per annum. For sale at TRENWITH I S BAZAAR' fil4 Chestnut street ` • CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY, 505 Chest nut street. ' ASSOCIATED NEWS • COMPANY, 10 south. Seventh street. CALLENDER, Third 'and. Walnut streets. WINCH, 605 Chestnut street. BOWV,N, corner Third and; Dock streets.' And other Philadelphia , Nor's Dealers. Advertisements received at the , olliae of the- MORNIIM POST. , • • m➢ 29 tt§ „ MILLUM,MX GOODS. G-.E 4 0..L:[..E.AT1E5 . :'&.'.."0.9.... No. 216 NOWIII o BIORLICHSTREET. NOTELTIENIN RIBBONS: CIIIDIVEASIDORICRENT OF FI ! fI!WEItS, LATEST STYLE OF UA 113 BONNET AND-1140Li FRAMES - , AT A ,Irizl/X , SUAIL/. PROFIIr. MM9 IirVINGAFICOLISV4.. A FIRST-CLASS •If 0 TEL. EUROPEAN Ji PLAN. Location 'unsurpassed, being near tinfoil , Square, Vellackts Theatre, and A. T. Stewart's nelv fit..P..,111A111•120 Propiletor. , ;1,,:,:;;;;; ! :!..,:;::1,7.: ... ; - : . ..,7,;;.;,;::,: - .;• ,,- ;:::, .i , '..1 , _, ~ i :,'_?1 , .7 .. :.. 9 .::,- ''',::;.,o,fS,:j!,',xC.r.:L.- .ff`t ' -igikiinitinti l / 4 • • ie.: Lunnu ROLLIN Is in Parts. • NAVOLEON has another attack of Theuttt-,, , 4 ;,;;.',. ' Tm (Ecurnenical donned:it is thought, will bit until next Easter. , I'mar is opposed to au amnesty - at present,as an act of ` weaTtyesa. - • BAHON D'ANATHAN has beón- entrusted with the formation of the new Belgian Cabinet. THE second cargo landed on the coast of Cuba 'bybtherUpton has been calitueed by the ,Spaniards . . • ' EX-QUEEN IsABELLA. signed, on Saturday, 'her abdication of the throne o( Spain in,favor of.. her son. . ••- - SATURNACTOUY • reports have been received by the French Governtnentof the crops in that country. 7" _ A FIRE at Mendota, 111., on Thursday, de ttmyed one block and half of another. Loss ,325.000. TnE greater portien of the village of Clifton Springs, Ontario county, IT. Y.,' was destroyed by fire on Saturday. ' • THE Red Stockings played the Marylands at Baltimore on Saturday, winning by a score of THE Little Bock 6'azette gives good accounts of the cotton and :corn. in. Arkansas. Near „Memphis the...crops are suffering from too much rain. - . S9nomolir STEmnEna, arrested at St. Louis on the charge of committing a $14,000 forgery on a Philadelphia. bank; haS been brought to this city for trial. LETTER from Denton, Texas, dated June giV6i'accounts" of Comanche depredations, and says the reports from all directions indi cate a general Indian war." • "A prim at 14ewark, N.J.. on Saturday, burned the stable attached to Sanford's Hotel, and partially, destroyed the Methodist Protest ant Church adjoining. Loss po,ooo. AN AGENT of • the Rotnschilas has taken ' $2,000,000 of the I percent. New York dock itordediate measures- for- the-im provement of the docks and piers in that, city are expected. - _ DANIEL MITCILELL, . lager „beer. „saloon , keeper, was fatally stabbed in New York, at two„ o'clock - yesterday morning, by some un known person. • - =TILE Fulton county Republican Convention met on Saturday, and resolved in favor of the nomination of John CesSna for Congressman, and S. p. Wishart for. Repi esentative. A nEt4.l , ..norr. affray took place in a harvest field, in Peoria county; Illinois, on Friday. Pistols, pitchforks, clubs and other weapons were used, and nine persons were dangerously if not fatally injured. _ ' . , • IT vistaed that white - re - audit will be as signed to the Ninth and. Tenth (colored) Cavalry Regiments, it being • necessary to.keep their number up' to the standard, and very .difficult to obtain enough colored recruits. United States Circuit Court, at Raleigh, North Carolina; - on'-Saturday, -the trial of General Sennett; .ex-Revenue Snper --visor,-charged with - oppresslorrii - termina4 - br the disagreement of the jury, and -he was dis charged. THE rooms of Se - or ;Castillo Treasurer of the Cuban Foreign Mission at St. George's Hotel,-New- York, were'• robbed "on -Saturday — of ...SSl:,soo';lnTregistered• - :Unite'd -- Statealicinds, and all the _private - correspondence of the_ bureau, • Twd - ridities are suspected of the theft.' GEN. Sit.Eni maxi's tour of inspection in the. Northwest, just conclnded, extended over 5000 miles. He was not Molested - by • - the Indians, having had a cavalry escort in the hostile sec tions. Ile found the (riendly Indians com mtmicative,--and-alLrifrom the -Goveniment, particillarly guns and ammuni tion to fight the Sioux. AT Lewiston, Me., the thermometer marked from 90 to 100 degrees on • Friday and Satur day. On Saturday, the thermometer at Bos ton reached 94, Wilmington, N. C.. 92, Chicago 112, at Albany 105, St. Louis 98, Madison, Wis., 08, and Cambrffige, lowa, 100. At Washing ton, yesterday, 05, New York 90. TnE Erie Railroad Company made regula tions on Friday, which prohibited the Morris and Essex trains from going through Bergen Tunnel. On Saturday, the Morris and Essex trains ran as usual, disregarding the prohibition: The Presidents of both roads were at the tun nel, and for a time violence was expected. Trouble is anticipated this week. Fort several months past thousands of dollars' worth of freight have been stolen from the cars of the' New York Central .Rallroad, and the , matter was given to the detectives for invest.- _ On Saturday they searched four ,1 houses in West Alb.any, and discovered.the mis sing goods—boots,.shoes, dry goods, hats, caps, furs, tobacco, ladies' writing desks, etc. A watchman named Stephen. Manahan was ar rested,,and made a full confession;implicating brakemen on freight trains. , TEE United States Land -Officers. of the Booneville, Springfield and Ironton districts of. 3lissouri, are in consultation at St.. Louis, re .,arding an order froni Washington for the oust !. • mg; of, all persons making entries under the Graduation law since March 3d, 1807, unless they make proof of settlement, or pay the dif ference in price. It appears that .1,000,000 .acres Missouri; which have been entered at 12 cents per acre, Without complying with the law,wili be thrown upon the market by this order.. - ; ;, ; • ; 31ExicaN advises by way of San Francisco report the surprise and capture, on May 25th, of Otraymas,' by a rebel force of Placldo Vega. They evacuated the place on the 29th, having -captured ~$llO,OOO .in customs money, two mules,.ieveral thousand muskets, forty tons of coal, and $50,000 worth of merchandise. The United States Consul protested against the seizure of thearms. It was thought that the expedition would march against San Blas, Mazatlan, and other places, in pursuance of a scheme to establish a Northwestern Mexican Republic. • Tim new; and extensive car-shops of the Beading Railroad Company, at Readi4; Penn sylvania, were burned early yesterday morning. The 'fire originated in "an oil and cotton-waste -closet". in the centre of the works, and was first: discoVered • by a watchman at three -o'clock.. The shops, except the boiler-house, were totally destroyed, with one hundred and . ten thousand feet of finished lumber, four pas senger cars, eighteen wooden coal cars and six - freight cars. The loss is estimated at from $lOO,- .000 to $115,000. Nearly.all the workmen em ployed, about three hundred in number, lose their tools. Incendiarisna is suspected.. , IN the YoUng Men's Christian Association Convention at Indianapolis, on Saturday, the second. thinday Noveniber Was selected 'for -oh servance aalay of prayer throughout the ; various assoelations. 'The employment of a traveling agent to, organize Association work in. the South was inithorized.' ' A resolution was .:adopted expressing concern. at the' persistent efforts to undermine and abelish, the civil laws for the'obserVance" of the Sabbith,inil impress ing on the young men the necessity of seeking • to maintain the,sancity,of the' day., The Ex • Ocutive Committee reported that there was . no necessity for action on the re.solnbion, in regard to a Woman's Assoeiation. It 'O W agreed to hold the_next_AnnualConvontionat Washing,. ----zton-thErtime-heing-leftto-thh-Exte,etitive--C-hutz mittee. F. V. Clayton, Mootreal4i J. 0.. Wood, 'of N. Y.; Hon. J. M. Harris,' of. New London, 'and Austin Abbott, of New York City, were appointed. Delegates to the Amster ttalLt Conference is Ausits next.' ring. •.~r~ y...r rr t •.•qi.S9 • 12, vrt.....{ • Itelfi VI E9WW l4B ll Reno or o ph a vening ulletin• • BOSTON Steamship Aaiun. Wiloy-25 bdts wash ; boards 10 boxesxolling ninalAndetviirti,-Ar trnan. Dillin ger &_Co;24 Lb:wattle .'1:1100' Anent, 02 hair 1 bag glue stock Adamsdn & Co:20 bdlsshovels Biddle Hardware Co:150 pkgs beds .1; -1 / 4 1t.11untlngt,20shabsi ; :gout: skid i BocklOus & C6;14 cs bide A oBainir; 33 cs 2.3 bales dry goods 5 rolls 12 tresses dry goods G Brewer & Cu; 25 rolls carpet-Boyd& Alrbi to; 5 pkas glassware' 8 Bon a bton ;13 es boottlund Shoos • Bunting,rborow & :•C0;75 belsytils - 25'boxca clothes pins PW - CanadY: hosts buckets Mbillspalls ..T II :Coyle & :COT; 200 empty •• kits Crowell & Nicholson; 92 bags wool Davis & Poulko; -28 bales 4 co - dry-goods-Dale Bros=& Co;-159 es boots- - and shoes A B-Darling & Co; 50bdls patlslic , Geo Poelkor, & Co" 30 boxes glass points It Felton • & Sibley: 21cs „boots & ShOell Graff ; Vatklns & Co_pei rolls por Harrington & Goodmatt_L 72 boxes nails Handy, Brenner & VOi 87 bdlit paper Hewlett; lOnderdenk S .0o; 42: boxe d nails • Heaton & Denckla; 64 bags saltpetre Jordan a Bro; 10 bay teddors W IL Jones; 169 cs furniture stookliChurn • & Gates; 31 Cif dry goods A IrLittle.& Co; bit bags linseed J T Lewis * Bro; 90 bales 11 es dry goods Lewis, Whar , ton & Go ; q 35 bells palls 30 buckets &c Lancaster & Joann; 32 cs dry goods Leland, Allen & Bates; 30 empty Mars 99 empty bbls 104 empty half do Wm Massey & Co; 12 rolls carpet(' McCallum & Sloan; 109 wood cots Nobiltt, Brown' Jr Vol:11,1)41es yarn , 'Nowell Manufacturing . oo; 200 slabs t,peltor Ogden & Chase; 100 tcs- haws orde_ ca boots and shoes , E 8 -Reeve; 64 boxes nails W Sowers; 11 bales tea J Shoening; 14 pkgs iron Stuart, Pe tersen dc Co; 109 bales wool 8 Scholia' (1 _, •21 half chests tea J Tiers & CO; 11 ca boots and shoes N Tilddn & Co. 10 es dry goods Coffin & Altemus; 112 bbls fish_ 2 half bbls do lor bbl do Kennedy, Stairs & , Co:61 bbls do L 3 half bids do 1 qr bbl do 85 boxes do 014 Crowell & Co:318 bbls ' do 7 half bbls de lor 131,1 do 4 kits do Crowell & Nichol-( son; 8:3 bbls do 84 half hbls do order; 25 bbls do Atwood, -Rank 44,0 o; 42 lobis-do Koons. Seliwarz & Co; 64 bbls do . SO half Mils do, Order; 25 bbls do 20 half bids do Harding &., . • - OALAIS4.Bchr F B 'Carver, 'Norwood-140,110 fen. spruce d0a1519,3255 feet Spruce timber , 23,500 laths T P. Galvin A: Os. - RIVIIIMENTS I V A IIMN STEAMERS. stura • , 7/8011 1 . 11011. _ Walt, _Paraguay London... New ._....:June- 4 Wisconsin -..:—.Liverpool...New York June 10 City of C0rt........Liverp001....New York.. June 13 Donau Southampton... New York 'June 14 ' Samaria. : • Liverpool... Now York via 11......Jun0 14 Belvet la. Ltverpool...New York .June 15 Idaho Liverpool... New York June 15 'Britannia • G lasgow...New York June 16 City of Paris- LiverpooL..New York June 16 Bremen Biemen...New . .. -June 16 Scandinavian -.Liverpool... Quebec June 16 TO DE • r • Etna: ' 4 ' • ' Nevi+ Rork-Liverpool via' ' June 23 H ammonia' New York...Hasatiurg-........—Junemt . Cuba ' New York... Liverpool .June 29 York-Livetpori......:... • lune 29 Sidon tan..York...Glasgow- June 26 Tarifa' .. New York... Liverpool..... ........ ....June 29 Columbia* ...... --Jowl 30 Hansa .-- .. New York.. Bremen .. . . tine SO Denmark.:-.......Naw York... Liverpool July 2 City of Paris New York.:.J.iverpool......_ July 2 Columbia New York...Glasgovr July 2 Alaska",.:.. • New York...Aspluwall July 5 Allemande. --New Yorkt..Ramburg July 5 _Russia.... org....LiverpooL. . -- July- 6 The steamers der ignated by an aateask (')carry the United States BOARD OF TRA.D.u. THOS. 0 HOOD. OHRISTIAN r . 11071}IiiN, Moritua Ctommirrils TIIOB. C. HAND.. 1, _ _ MARINE 131131,t-ETIN. PORT OF FBILADELPIIIII—Ju.ws 27 Bun luents,4 551 Bun Br ii!, 7 251 Elan WATER. 1 15 ARIIIY.ED ON SATURDAY. Steamer Mars, Grumley, 24 hours from Now York,with mire to I.Y Baird et . tichr Cornelia. days from Potomac Birer,with railroad tics to Jae L Howley & Co. ' • Sam B•F‘Carter, Norwood, -12 days from Calais, with lumber to T Y Galvin & Co. Liar E A Leonard, Barker, from. Goldsboro, with ice to Johnson k Co. Geo 8 Adams. Baker. from Boston, with mdse. CLEARED - ON t3ATUBDAY. Steamer Norman. Nickerson. Boston. Fi Winsor & Co Steamer Fauna. Freeman. New York. John Ir Oh!. Steamer Benefactor:Pennington, New Tork,J F Ohl. Steamer Franklin-. P ferson. -- Baltimore. A.Groves, Jr Steamer Contlidarns, Temple. Norfolk, C liaslam Co Sat Curtly Tiltowlionierti, Boston, J C Scott Jr Son Schr Isaac Carver. - bhute, Boston, do Schr A Ryerson. Boughton, Boston, Warren dr. Gregg Scam Listens. Alinn,-Beverly. Lennox & Burgess. -_ Schr Saritb, ColdiTEloston. -- We - stmoreland Coal Co. Sam BIM, Gray, Boston, PtilladelphlaCoal Co. • ...orresporidence Tfhe Philadelphia — Evenern -- ; Bulletin. BEADING. Jane M. 'WO. Thelollowing boats from thu Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as followe: Aaron & Catharine.wlth lumber to A H Deyaber; If J McAteer. grain to A G Cattail k Co; G AI k J A Bother, lumber to Norcross It Sheets. r. HAVBE - DE - GRACE: - June 25 The following .boato loft:this-morning in tow. laden and conaigned as fellows: - Barry & inniber - to - Patterson ".k Lippincott; 'Albert List. do - to Taylor _A:. Delta; Rufus Wiley.;.do,to New York; Reliance do to Trenton: J Ii Elan, do to Craig k Blanchard; John & Harry, do to It Woolverton; wm hi Floyd, do to Malone A - Co; M. A Strine, bark to Williams & Co; Sheriff Smith,coul to Chester. Pa; Mary Erma, coal to order;'cight Delaware and Hudson boats, coal to New York. - • . Ship Malabar (NG), at Singapore 6th ultimo loading _.(nr t his Ship Clifton. blattheirs - , -- frum Singapore - for 'Boston, pawed Aplier_2sth April. eddy Sea serpent, White, from New York Bth Feb. at San Francisco 25th inst. Steamer Tonawanda, Barrett, cleared at Sayannah 25th nat. for this null. Steamer Barry Wright, - • Follettdeared at New Or leans 2lat inst. for this port; iu ballast, Steamer St Laurent ( Fr), Lemarle. cleared at New York 25th inst. for Havre. Steamer Alistralie ( Br), Redderwick, cleared at New York 25th inst. for Glatigow. Steamer Rhein (NG), Meyer, cleared at New York 25th met. for Bremen. Steamer Oily of London. Tibbetts, affd Pennsylvania, Thompaun. cleared at New York 2,5 th hut for Liverpool. Steamer Columbia (Br), from Glasgow 11th instant, at New York viateroay. Steamer Geo Crow well, Clapp. at New Orleans 21st init. from New York. Dark Thomas Da!lett, Wicks, n days from Lagnayra, at New York 24th inst. Bark Charlotte. BULB, for this port, remained at Brie tol Ilth inst. loadidg. • • Bark Iloneta, Yates, froro'San Francisco, at Queens town 11th inst. . . Bark N Churchill, Hatfield, cleared at Cardiff DM inst. for United Mates. , Barkentine gaithlle, Stephens, hence at London 13th instant. Brig-Richmond, Potrero, hence at Trieste 7th just. via Gibraltar. Brig Kennebec. Minott, sailed from Pernannina 20th inst. for Canary Islands. Brig A H Curtis, Merriman, hence at Portland 24th instant. B Brig A Patterson, Pike, cleared at New York 25th inst. for Laguayra. • Schr T D AVllder, Holmes, cleared at Now York 25th inst. for Guantanamo. . Sofa . Clara, Muff ord, from JaoloonTille, at New York 25th that. Behr Percy. Coelendl, hence at Eastport 20th inst. Bahr Romp,...llliller, cleared at Eastport 16th instant tor this port • Schr D O Ourther, Robertson, hence at Richmond 24th instant. . Schr Sea queen,ltosebuck, hence at Belfast 16th Met, Schr Marian Gage, Wheaton ' sailed from Buckaport 23d inst. for this port, with ice. Bohr David Faust,Lord, was loading for this port. .Schr La Bella, from Gottf3nburg for this port, was off Shoreham 9th inst. . Schr S Grove. Weaver, from Boston, at Gardiner, Mc. 20tlf inst. . Sehr J 13 Clayton. Clayton, sailed from Gardiner, Ale. pal inst. for Itichntond, Va.. Senr P 1,1 Tusher, Allen, -at Boston 24th inst. - from Alexandria. .•. • • . Schr Jos Baymore, Burdge, 'cleared at Galveston Stk inst. for Boston. Schr Z Steelman, hence at Charleston yesterdaY. Bchr Samuel Grottier, Jr, hence for Lynn, before re ported towed into Now London full of water, after being ashore, was pumped out and caulked 23d Instant by the submarine diver Goo D Fuller. • A. C. BRYSON 8z CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO.„ A. C. BRYSON & CO., • A. C. BRYSON '& CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. 0. BRYSON & CO., 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 6Q7 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604-Jiyne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 'Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Uheatnut St. 4, 604 Jay . ne ti. (Bulletin &NMI Ptulatlellna) • • took and Jo A rint n•, • Book and Job Printers. , Book and Job Printors, Book Lind Job Printers, • Book and Job Printers, . • Book and Job Printers, Book, and Job. Printers, , Book and Job Printers, Workmen Wilful_ Prjees Low, Workmen Prides Low. Worki:aen,Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices'Low. Workmen - Skillful. Prices Low. Workthen2killful. - Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Loiv. WorkpiplllM ! _ Pk tilvz I:TWA TRIAL. Erica Low. GIVE, US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. - - GIVE USA TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL: GIVE US A TRIAL. QTY - 1„T ,A, TRIAL, F - 43-T5 ' * 4 • ' 1 1.7) Tv' a•T 11, T PititAMONDAY4U-NE 27 IB7U MEMORANDA PRINTINt*. ii AVGTIONe. EIALIM•F , t ht TIUMULS, 8030Nti AIIOTIONEMBS: iikis p tir o rtotg l inta ll rik t angrarLs TUrtfiDA1417 11 2: 1 44 8 .' 114111461014 lsiell!nig yeses ' Furalture sales at the Azalea Stirs KURT THURSDAY. • Saltiest Booldentses• recatre isHodolsil • _S_S iESJJAY, JUNE 28 1 At 12 o'clock noon. at. the Philadelphia Zzokatute. will Inclado- Peremptory Sale to clone a Partnership Account. 2100 shares Clarion and Allegheny. River Co. $lOOO let mortgage coupon loonds.,Juntutn Iron Mann; McAllen . ; Co. For 0 ber . lieconiits= • • 282 shares Central ational Bank: , 20 shares Kensington National Bank. 100 shares Buck Mountain Coal CO. I 100 shares Enterprise Insurance Co„ 00 shares Chester 'Valley Railroad Co. Btooo,,lst mortgage 7 per dent, Tremont.. Coal Co., Juno • and December. e3OOO CODROpilated mortgage -Huntingdon, and Broad ; Top Railroad. • - 0- shares Provident Life and Trust Co., . 400 shares New Creek Co, • " ' ' 10 shares National Bank of.tho„ Republic. is 100 shares Commonwealth Nathinal Batik. * S CO snares Girard. Tube Works abd Iron. Co. REAL ESTATE SALE, JUNE 72. Orphans' Court Sale--Estate of Ann Kelly and John Thnoney, dec'd—Two•sworty BRICK No. 019 Baker st.e ; , VERY DESIRABLE COTTAGE, Lafayette street. 43ape Island, N.J. :Noose Fontaine /1 rooms., Lot 93 by '2ou feet • - - MODERN , THREE-ST,ORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 818 North Sixteenth street. • . LOT, Sixteenth atreet, north of Tioga. : LOT, Sepviva atreet,'S.:W. of Lehigh avenue. MODERN TEREE•STORY BRICK DWELLING, Nineteenth street, between South and Shlppen. • • THREMSTOSY BRION. . DWELLING, , NO. 'lOl4 South Twelfth atreet, below Carpenter. • MODERNTFiREE-ST7YBuicg DWELLING,No. 2172 West Delancey Place Peremptory Sale—To ose a Partnership Account-, TRACT OF LAND, 100 acres, Woodward TownshiPi Clearfield county, Pa, tame Accbunt—TßACT OF LAND, 427 acres, 30 perches, adjoining the above, • ' VALUA)tLE SAW MILL. Hillsdale street, between Third and Fourth and Cherry and Race. TWO-STORY 'ROUGH-CAST DWELLING, Ridge road. poxborough: - - • •• - • - SIODERIS THREE-STORY BRICK BBSIDENOE, With sider - yard N05. , 1821 and 1023 North • Fifa street, above Oxford-, , with-it.Two-storyßrick 'Buildink in the. THREE-STORY - BRICK .-13TCBE. and DWELL• ING. No. 1003 South Eighth street, below Carpenter. THREE-STORY BRICK. DWELLING, ..No. 518 Powell street. between Fifth and Sixth and Spruce and . . 4. VALUABLE LO7B, ,Delaware street., south of. the Comden and Amboy Com pon 'surds; Camden .N VALUABLE BUSINESS RTAND-4fOUR-STORY BRICK BUILDING, known an the Treaty . . Rotel. No.. Ind.-. Beach; street,-between-Shackamaxon- and .Marl boron oh. MODERN THREE.STORY ' BRICK RESIDENCE, No. t 22 South Tenth street, below Lombard. POUR:SBIOD Ist Jnl9: . _ . VALUABLE .90AL YA8D,..11.. E. .corner- of Ninth and blaster sta. Sale by__.Order- of Heirs--FOURSTORY BRICK DWELLlNG,No.:l32oW.oodstreet..with-2 Thice-Story "frith Dwelling's in the rear on Pearl et. TIIREE-STORY - .BRIOR., DWELLING, - No: 252 North Fifteenth iitie — et;:abOye RaCe; 'LARGE and VALUABLE TOT:7U acres, German town avenue, Twelfth street, Thirteenth street, 'Park avenue and Allegheny avenue, Rising Sun, haying ex• tenftive fronts on five streets. • " . . • THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 3502 Market street, with 2 Three-story Brick Dwell ings in the rear on Ludlow st. • BUSINESS LOCIAtiON.;-24-STOBY BBIOS STOAP, and DWELLING, Ff. W. corner of Second and Prime streetit. with tbroshrick and frame dwellings on Prime street. Second Ward. 2 THEEE•STOR BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. 806 and tOLCuthnrine. et. WELL-SECURED GROUND RENT. 848 d year Sale No Lan Chestnut street . SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRRORS, PIANO, FORTE. FIRE • VELVET AND i/TIt.ER CARPETS. Arc. ; . ON - WEDNEbDAY MORNING. • Amer '4. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue. the entire Furni-r ture, comprising Walnutand - Mahogany Dining Room • - rurnituror superior Matioganyand - Wainut - Extenstori Dining Tables, very large and elegant Walnut - Buffet, - tine Dalian - marble Top and French -plate - "mirror barcl4 China and Glassware. Walnut Parlor-Furniture suite. Hew WalnurEscretotre 2 - large and fraialkome Walnut Bookcases. fine-toned -- 71 4 '•octave • Plano F,..rte. blade by Ernest Gabler, in rosewood case; French Plate Pier Mirrors, 3 suits fine Lace Curtains, 3 suits handsome Walnut Chamber Furniture, elegant Walnut Wardrobe,- line Hair and - Spring 'Matresses, tine Feather Beds, out side Showcase; large lot Bonnet Stands.- superior Re frigerator Gas-consuming and, other Stoves; Cooking Utc•naila. Ac.- - 'Also,superior tOUlnut - Setreiary, itifirß6idc4iiie — afid euit Cot age Chamber Furniture._ • • • Sate at the Auction iIIIOIIIN SUPERIOR IIOtiSEHOLIi. - -THRIVIRVIIE,, MIRRORS, FINN WINDOW CURTAINS, BOOK., CASES, BI'DEROAIDS. EINDDING,_:REFRIGE RATCRS, FINE CARPETS. MATTING, ON THURSDAY MORNING, , Juno 30, at 9 o'clock,at the Auction Rooms, cata, logne, a largnassortment of imperior Household Furnl. tnre.comprising—Handsome Walnut Parlor Furl:inure, covered with plush, reps and _hair cloth; Walnut and Cottage Chamber Suits, 2 large French Plate Mantel AiirrerO.IO:2VKIIICIM,..BI4IPI4IeB; suverior.Walnut Bookcases, 3 handsome Walnut and. Oak ,Sideboards. Walnut Wardrobes, Eitensban. Centre end Bouquet Tables. 3 suits fine Reps and Lane Window Curtains and Gilt Cornices, Hair, Husk and Straw Matresses, Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows,Uhina, Glassw are , Badge rators,iatoTes, 'large invoice Hardware , fine Carpets, Matting, &c.- PIANOS. Two Superior Rosewood Puma Fortes, made by Gould and nieclienbach, _ _ . MUSICAL BOXES AND. OPERA GLASSES. • Vt ry fine Musical Box, with Bell Attachment, playa ten Very fine Musical Box, plays six airs. . Two pair Ivory and Pearl Opera Glasses Pale No 1820 Arch street. ELEGANT F_URNITURE, &c. ON MONDAY MORNING, July 11, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1820 Arch street, by cata logue, the entire Furniture of a gentleman going to Europe comprising—Basswood .Parlor Suit, covered with crimson satin; Centre and Bouquet Tables', Bole , wood Piano : made by Burins & -Clark; elegant Mantel and Pier Mirrors, fine /ACC Curtains, Carved Gilt cor nices; fine Carved Swiss` Wooil Clock • and Ornaments, Walnut Ball Furniture,' Walnut Dining Room Furni ture, Extension 'Fable, China ,_Glass and Plated Ware, Secretary Bookcase, superior Walnut Chamber Furni ture, fine Spring and Flair Matresses, Bolsters and Pit lows; Wardrobe', mirror doors; elegant Axminster, Vel vet and ether Carpets, large Musical Box. handsome Sae Chandeliers, and Fixtures, small Fireproof Safe, made by Farrel &Herring; Kitchen Utensils, &c. - - - r?" Fiirnitnili . made by Moore & Campion. 11AV1A .270 -.M.A.11.V.F.A, All LUBIN itSliatti, 11 (Formerly with M. Thomas & Sons.) Store Nos. 48 and 60 North Sixth street. Orr Sales at Residences receive particular attention. i® Salee wt the Store -;,‘"reiv7ifil'Wier OUR SALE TO-MORROW MORNING IS WELL worthy the attendance of all that desire Jegruiture, Carpete, &0., 'as the catalogue embraces an excellent variety of everything , appertaining to housekeeping too numerous to mention in advertisement. --• . . Catalogues now.rpady. ,• Sale at the _Auction Itoorila. SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR, OHADIBER AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE ,ELEGANT MAN TEL MIRROR . PIER TAPESTRY' CARPETS, FIREPROOF SAFE. Ac. - ON TUESDAY MORNING. • _ . At 30 o'clock, at the auction rooms, a very large assort ment of enperfor Furniture, direct from manufacturers and housekeepers, including superior Green Reps Suits, seVeral Hair Cloth Suits; splendid Chamber Furniture, in snits and separate pieces,' Bookcases, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Lounges; 'Clhairii, IIIatTOSSOSi Office Desks and Tables, three superior Fireproofs, by Mar vin, Mailer and Lillie; a large quantity Secondhand Furniture, One Tapestry Carpets. &c. Ready for examination on Monday, with catalogues. Sale in Holly street, West Philadelphia. , • SUPERIOR • FURNITURE, Di s ASON & HA MIN CABINET ORGAN, FINg SICA.L BOX, HAND , SOME CARPETS, Ate. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, - • • '.'• At 10 o'clock, in Holly street, west of Forty-first and north' of •Lanbaster avenue, superior Walnut - Parlor' Snit, two Cottage Chamber f3uits, superior Cabinet ,Or gab, with five stops; fine toned Musical Box, Feather Beds, handsomOlapestry and Ingrain Carpets, L. ASELBRIDOE & ()0., AUCTION. L. ERRS. 'No. 808 111AIRILET etreet.above Fifth. . _ . LARGE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, drc.- - • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, June 29, at 10 o'clock, we will eeltby catalogue, &Dont 1000 packages of Boota and• Shoes, embracing a large assortment of first Maus city and Enetorn made goods, to which the. attention of city and country buyers te called. Open early on the morning of sale for examination. JOSEPH PENNEY, AUCTIONEER, N 0.1307 CHESENUT street The entire stock of 'FURNITURE in J. Penney's Warehouse will be sold at public %action, at his store, No. 1307 CHESTNUT street, at a tremendous sacrifice. Sale commences on .1 use 24. at 10 o'clook, and will be continued daily at the same hour. - - JOSEPH PENNEY, je24 tf§ Auctioneer. Bi" BABBITT .& CO., AUCTIONEERS, • CASH /MOTION HOUSE, • No. 230 MA BEET street, corner of Bank street " CLOSING SALE OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, NO TIONS, CLOTHING, FANCY GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, &0.. by catalogue, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, June 29, commencing at 10 o'clock. , CLOSING SALE , OF ROOTS, SHOES, STRAW GOODS, FLOWERS, &c., by cataloguo, UN THURSDAY MORNING, Juno 30, commencing at H o clock. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, , ' No. 422 Walnut street . . , . , THE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLIW. ' Iltoney advanced .n e e r rgi f ia s ja l e t et 2 w ilai t l"Vvnt r o e lit t mt Jewelry, Diamonds Gold and Silver Plate , and on all articles of value, for' any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND. JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. . . . . . , Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Fade English, American and Swiss Patent „Lever Watches ; Finn Gold Hunting Case and Open Face le. pine Watches; Flue Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, Ame rican and Swiss Patent Lever and Lopino Watches ; Doublet:fee° English-Quartier andetherWratohes,OLa— dieS' Fancy Watches, Diamond Breastpins, Finger Sings Ear Rings, Studs, Ste. Fine Gold Chains, Modal lions, Bracelets , Scarf Pins, ilreastpitui, Finger. Rings, Pencil Oases, and Jewelry generally, • FOR SALE—A large and valuable Fire-proof Chest, suitable for a Jeweller ; cost 8650, Also. several Lots in +South Camden, Fifth and Chest ant tittsxtte . !'...',=•4';l';'-;ii - ... '., , --.A.II.CTrONN;IILES.'i ;..'-4-..:r.-_:!':'.: BUCh t liEfULA.ll sbo O r rt ve 80en 0Snatikr, th Bala No. I3OA 01ttva street ' 81"814) :11NATe ° 0 1 i ti RPETT I _ I L. r P uN TUESDAy 2tl9lltfiriG, At hi o'clock, at- N0.13b0 Oliverstreet, above Coates. the entire' Household Fnrnituree, Carpets,. Oil Paintings, Bedding, China end GirwW,•&o ' - -; Maybe seen early - on the zooming of Sale at tics Auction Rooms, N 0.704 Chestnut street, • • SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND OTHER GOODS, _ Parties removingg or declining _housekeeping. ON. WEDNESDAY . MORNING, • June 29, at 10 o'clock, atthe auction rooms, by eaps. logue, an excellent assortment of Household Furn i ture, :including-Sti parlor Parlor and Climber Suits. Library and Dining Room Furniture ' • Bookcases. French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors fine Velvet, Brussels a 0 other Carnage, Cabinete. China and Glassware..l3edir and Bedding, Matresses. Walnut and Oak Extension Tables. Dining ROOM °hairs,' Kitchen Utensils, Office Table' and Desks. Plated Ware. Cutlery, &o. SUPERIOR FIREPROOF SAFES. made by Evans & ltissraan and others'. - ELEGANT M IRRORS , IN HANDSOME FRAMES. • Two Mante lirroni,76 by 66 inches. Pier Mirror, 122 by 30 inches, with Consol Table and two Cornices.-•• - - - - 'Pier A11•r0r,122 by 24 Ineles;wittiCensql, Table and two Corhitea. - • - - - • - = - Two Plot Mirrors, "14 by 26 ischee. , 'GREAT SALICIOF THE CENTRAL EXPRESS CO.'S UNCLAIMED PACKAGES. ON FRIDAY .and SATURDAY MORNINGS and - - FRIDAY EVENING. July 1 and 2, at the Auction Rooms, No: 704 Chestnut street, lrAl Unclaimed packages. sold , by order of the Central Express Co. • • riIHOMAJS . BIRCH SON, AUCTION. 1. BEM AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • No. 1110 CHESTNUT street, Rear entrance No: 1107 Ransom street. • - Household Furniture of every description received on Cons neat Sales of Furniture at . Dwellings attended to on the • most rwasonable terms. Sale at No. 1110:Chestnut street. ' PRIVATE COLLECTION OF. OIL PAINTINGS AND FRAMED ENGRAVINGS: ON TUESDAY MORNING. . . June 28, at 10 o'clock. at 'the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street. will be mold, the collection or a gentle. man removing from the city, comprising. about 100 Oil Paintings of various subjects, by American; English; Flemish, Italian and French artists. - • 'FRAMED ENGRAVINGS. ' Also, about 90 Framed ,Engravings and PhotogranllB.- ! They will be open for examination on Monday, with catalogues. PRIVATE - LIBRARY OFMISCELLANEOUS • BOOKS: ON 'WEDNESDAY, . June 29, at 3 o'clock P. M., at the, auction store, No. Ille Chestnut street. second story, will be sold, ularge collection of. Miscellaneous. Books Novels, Pamphlets, !Catalogues will be ready 9n Monday , • 13111V111511, DIDII3O,ROW & CO., ' ATTOTIONVEtS, N05..232 and 234 Market street. cornerof •Bank. _ CLOSING SPRING SALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SROICt, RATS OAPS, TRAVELING ._• . _ . ON-TUESDAY MORNING: -d June 28, at ID o'clocki on four months' credit, llMlnd ltm- Cases Itlen's,.boys' and youths' calf, kip and buff leather Boots: flue Grain - -Long Leg Dress Roots; Coxl .llress Boots; Balpotorals; kip, buff and polish • grain rogans; women a , misses' and children's calf, kid. goat, morocco and enamelled Balmorals; Congress •Gai ters: Lace Boots; Ankle Ties: Lasting Gaiters, Sup pers; Traveling Bags; Metallic Overshoes. Ac. • Also. berg° lot - of Sole Leather Cuttings r "dle'd" out of heel — stock; cutting blocks, Ace. CLOSING SALE DOMESTICH,razzion, GERMAN AND DRY GIDODs, ON THURSDAY MORNING, Jtaie SO, at 10 o'clock: on four months' credit. - T A. MCOLELLAND AUCTIONEER 1219 CHRSTNIJT Street. _ Personal attention given to Sales of Household F.nrniture at Dwellings. • • - Public Helot of Furniture at the Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and' Tnnrsday • sir For particulars see Public Ledger— /fir N. B.—A superior class of Furniture at Private INStiItANCB. INSURANCE COUPANY NORTIF==AMERICA. fire, — Marine - and - inland Insurarpe. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual. Capital - - $500,000 Assets, Jan. lst, 1870, $2,783,581 Losses Paid Since Organi zation, - - 823,000,000 Receipts of Premiums,69, $1,991,837 45 Interest from Investments, 1869, . . . . 114,696 74 $2,106,53419 Losses paid, 1869, $1,035,386 84 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. First Mortgage, on City Property.'.... 5766,450 United. States Government and other ,Loan Bonds • 1 ) 122 846 Railroad, ; Bank and Canal Stocks..... 5.5,708 Cash in. Bank ,and Office 247,620 Loanson Collateral 5ecurity.......... 32,558 Notes • Receivable, mostly Marine Premiums ' 321,944 Accrued Interest • 20,357 Premiums in cotirsti . Of tranqmission.. 85,198 Unsettled Marine Premiums.... 100,900 Real Estate, Office of bompany,Phila. 30,000 Total Assets Jan. 1, 1870, $2,783,581 DIRECTORS. AHTHHII. G. COFFIN, FRANCIS R. COPE. SA3IIIEL W. JONES, EDW.-H. TROTTHR, JOHN A. BROWN, EDW. B. CLARKE, CHAS. TAYLOR, • T. ,CHAIILTON , RESEW,- AllitltOßE WHITE • ALFRED D. JESSUP, Wg. WELSH, LOUIS 0. MADEIRA., S. BIOBBIS WALN, CHAS. W. CUSHMAN, JOHN MASON, ' CLEMENT A. GRISOOM, OHO. L. HARRISON, WM. BROCHIE. ARTHUR . - G. COFFIN, CHARLES PLATT, MATTHIAS MARIS, Secretary. C.H. I REEVES; Assistant Secretary. Certificates of Marine Insurance issued (when desired), payable at the Counting Rouse of Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co., London. fella th lam ly The Liverpool Loncl'oh and Globe Ins.• Co. Assets GOld $lB 4.06,000 Daly Receipis, - -, `' zo,ooo Premiums in 1869, $5,884,000 Losses in 1869, - 83,219,000 No. 6 MeiThants' DiThange, Philadelphia, •i. - ' ... ?",fer.',0 -4 'Vrt 4- .-T- 4,, .1 - •-••ti , .- - - . 4 4.„ ,, ..i1y-• , (.,....A.'.:4..1.• t rA• `,l* ' PRESIDENT. TICE•PBESIDEINIT. ANSITRAtiCitt dt , !%; ;I['.l', .1 r. .4 n 4,1 1829 °11144T" ' " 'PERPRIUAI4I IB7O FIRE INSMIANCRIOOMPAW' :OFFICk--135 . and 437, Chestnut ;3t • Assets on January- 1, 1870;" *2,525,'731 , Ckteltal... . .. ' ...,..., ...... ...... 1400.000 ;Accrued illir . ll;ii; .................... ... ... ... ...i....' ' ion= . INOOIIiE 'FOE( 11170.. - ' 'LOSSES PAID IN ' ~ . f#Blo,ooo. - ' • , 8 14492014 4 2 /ASSES /P 41121) SINCE' 1829 OYES ' - ,• e ; , $5,500,000. - . triPertetifal arid * Temporary' Eolities on idbet:*l Terms. The Company also issues policies upon. the Rents of all kinds of Dalldinas, Ground Rents and X ep. • The 01 PRAEKLDEr ~ has no DISPIITMAIX. DIE ORS. ' + _ iiiii L I Alfred G. Baiter, . . Alfred Witter, . . Samuel Grant; - Thomas Sparks, Geo. W. Ricluirds, , , Wm. 13; Grata., , Isaac low; ' - Thomas B. Ellie; '. George Sales ,- __ ,Gustarns 8; Benson: - , ALFRE G. RAKER, President. GEORGE PALES; Vice President. , JAB. W. XcALLISTER, Secretary. • ' THEODORE X. REGER,Astdstant Secretarr. • fe7 tdeX• , • FIRE ASSOCIATION - A , • op PHILADELPFiIiL Ineorparated " 1820. Offieo;.iu-No.-34 North 'Fifth Street. INSURE BIIILDINGS,_ HOUSEHOLD IFORNITURR ANDhrtritCHANDISIC GENERALLY FROM • LOSS BY TIRE. (In the city of Philadelphia , only.) ,,;;; • January 1.1870.. _ Assets, ifita. 9 157-2 9 78,2 25 • , TRUSTEES: • ' • William H. Hamilton. . Charles P. Bower, John Carrow ,, Peter Williamson, George I. Twny, . Jesse 'Llghtfoot, Joseph R. Lyndalt, - Robert nhoemaker Levi P. Coats, ' • Peter'Armbraater. Bamnel BPuht!*l)j'obeph' M.-H . Dickinson, " WM. H. HAMILTO N __, _President, SAMUEL SPARRe.wa., Vice President. WM, T. BUTLER,Recretanr. • • ' D ELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU. - RANGE COMPANY. Incorporated, by the Legiebt• late of Pennsylvaela, Me. IBce,B. E. ..0r1105.p . i. 1 71 ll ij i l e tiD h trld NyALNUT atrfet 5, MARINE INgURARCES OnNeese's, Oars and kre i ltht to ell Ra r, rim of the world. On goods bq ciinal, ND landlaa v alci al " B parts of the Union. c"Triall to all FIRE INSUR ANCES On Merehandise genefhll u 7; seslli B or B es,Mwed lugs, Houses, oto ASSETS OF THE COMPANY' November 1, 03200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties.... ... .. 10716,000 OD 100,000 United States Six . Per cent.. • Loan (lawful money) ' 107,760 00 50,000 United States Six Per Cent. • • 10an,.168L 60,00000 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per. • . Cent. Loan. 211050 00, too,ooo city of Philadelphia Six Per .. Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 900,925 N 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per • Cent. Loan—...— 102,00000 90,000. Penns Railroad First • - Mortgage Six Per Cont. Bonds... 19,420.00 . 25,000 Pennsylvania -Railroad. - Second - • . • Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 23,500 26 96,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad , Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad' gnat .. antee) .... ..... . "..... 80,000 State of Tennessee - Five_ Per Cent. Loam. . .. ... . . • rox State of Tenne s se e grx Fe . r , Cenr. Loan' 12,500.Pennsylvenia __Railroad • Com • paltry, 230, shares stock 5,000 North. Pennsylvania Railroad - Company:4oo shares stock - 1000 Philadelphia and Southern' Unit Steamship Company; 80 :shares stock. 7,000 00 246,900 Loans on Bond and - Mortgage, first liens on City Properties .146,900 1:61 el,zitAixt Par. Market value, 011,255X0 00 Cost, 81,215.629 27. - Real Estate... ' 86,000 00 Bills Receivable for Insurance made. 623,700 70 Balances due at Agencie - Pre- - miums on Marino Policies, Ac . crued Interest and other debts due the Company 65,097 98 Stock, Scrip, Ac.. of sundCor- • - porations, e 4,706. Es timated - valua.,—.— ......---- • 2,740 80 Cash in $168,318 88 Oaah in Drawer 972 26 169,291 14 Thom, O. Hand, DIREOTORts. Samuel E. Stokes, John O. Davis,William G. Boditon, . Edmund E. Sunder, ' Edward Darlington, Theophiltus Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, James Traquair, Edward Lafourcade, Henry Sloan, ' Jacob Riegel, Henry 0. Dallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jonea, James 0. 'Gaud, James B. M'Farland, William O. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyro, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer rd'llvain, Hugh Craig, H. Frank Robinson, John D. Taylor, ' . J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, George W.Bernadon, A .B.Berger, .! William O. Houston_,_ • • TD. T. Morgan. HOMAS O. HAND President. ' JOHN Cl. DAVIS,. Vice President. - HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. • HENRY BALL. Assistant Secretary, JEFFERSON FIRE INEKTILLITCE QOM ey PANT of. Phibidelphia.--Office,No. 21 North Fifth street, near Market street. , Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennrylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets. 0166,000. mar Insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Pnblio or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goode and Mer chandise, on favaable termg,..„ Ba. DIBELLE Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner John F. Belsterlin Adam .1. Glass, floury Troemnor, ' Henry Delany, Jacob Bchandem, John Elliott, Fredetick Doll, Christian rg D. Frick, e Barnual Miller , ' William D. G Ge a o ra_per.. Fort, WILLIAM ,McDAcilllL, President. ISRAEL PETERSON 'ice President, ' PHILIP A. OOLEMA.lll:l3earetary and Treasurer.. THE PENNSYLVAVIA.• FIRr, RANCE COMPANY. Incorporated WM—Charter Perpetual— No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite Independence S o scare: This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continuos •to insure' against loos or damage by fire on Public or Private • Buildings, oither permanently or for a limited time. • Also on ,Furnitiire, Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. The Capital, together with 'a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the niost carefu manlier, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of , loss.. , , DIRECTORS. , 11Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis, .T. Gillingham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr., A. (Imlay. ;1., SMITH, Jr., President, Secretary., • ' . - - Daniel Smith, Jr., Isaaolltzlehurst, Thomas Robins, John Deva9Ux, rranxim DANJE WILDIABI G. CRONVEL I _MHE COUNTY FIRE INSUB.A.NOIII COM. PANT.-oMae, No.llB South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. delphia," Incorporated by thoLegislotore of Penneylva. nia in 1.839, for indemnity againstloss or damage by Ore, exclusively. CHASTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in• sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &a., either per. momently Qr for a limited time' against loss or damage by fire, atfhe lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its easterners. Losses adjusted and told with all possible denateb. DIREOTORS: • (Than. J. Sutter, Andrew H. Miller, Fleury Budd, James N. Stone. John Horn,. Edwin L, Bogart, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr George MOOke, .Mark Devine. (R&M SJ. SUITER, President, . HENRY 13T.TDD: Ice President. BENJAMIITN.IIO/lOHLEY,Becratary.and 'Fromm UNITED - ). FIREMEN'S,INSTALANG. V vouPenY,cos riluduncLpme. ThißoompanT takes risks at the lowest rates 00110/AlSki with safety; and confines its THE exolusively to . , . FL= IRI3URAHOR'UtT HE OITY Of PHILADED • , 1 , VIIIA. , - _,, _..,. OFFICE—No:72O Aral greet. Fou r th mattonal Dank Bnildtni• , , lnmzer ow Thomas Jr Martin; ts , Henry W. Brenner, , , Jahn Hirst, Alberta'. King, Wm; W, A. Bolin, " ', Henri Hamm, ' j am „ m ongsn , , James V. - William Glonui ', .' ' • Char/es Judge, . 'James Jenner..., ,- , . . J. Henry Asitin, .... .. .., Alexander T. "Dickson',. • Hush Mulligan, Albert V. Eoberthi es *,,, ro liglp Fitzpatrick', ~ __' •_OI4N}LkDB.ANDIIIiiIiI, President. Wag. a.'Uor,7lC wrists. Wm. H. raw:N. Bee's% "LIA-IfflE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. .f.:-_ , 809 CHESTNUT STREET. , INCORPORATED PM. HuABTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL 8200000. 2.' FIRE Insuixexomf - 11XOLUSIVELT. Insures against Dom or Damage by Firm either by Pm' , . , , , Palttal. or Temporary Policies. ' nnatcredis. , . Oharletillobardmm, -Robert Poaroe,___ • wm. /t; Bbawn. .. '• ! ' John Kessler, Jr., William M. BeYfeF2,... Edward 11. Orno, John E. Smith, ' Charles Stokes, Nathan Hales. John W. Everman. ileing° A. WegiABLES jgordocal Braby. I _ HARDSON, fteahlenti WM. H. RHAwN. Vtoo- President. /44440 1 0 T. DIAAKOSAFP,IYOOratatie _ PPM IMES c{.. I`~i ~.~~ ~X~ 4; ir,,r , .11; 4') INBURANGE COMPANY NORTH 'AMERICAirI Flre*Him - and EtCORP,OBATED 2796. 011ARIF0,1 IrEAPICilit46; CAPITA 4..• • - _1500.000 ,Asarrs January Ist, 1870 • 4 WraB34lll 1(41116.0 R E 9 141. , 4111 ",rena- 311301 . 4 Lion; . . . 423;001 . Reeei of Preminins,l6B9, 4/091447745 Interest front Investment*, 1869, - . . 199614, 74 .Lo otoNnit imp Losses Dam. e 1, 9 3 4,Mr . EN' , -MENT ss . , STATE OF THE ASS ETS First Mortgage or, City Proverb- - $710:1150 00 'United States Government and other Lo an . Bonds. - .. 1,32!,340.00 ,_ - 11lailroadj Back-end ,SNES SO Cash itr.natilr and sm,0:10 fIC LOans on Collateral Security •82,500 Notes Receivable, mostly marine . • , t minma ' , 121444 W._ Accrued Interest ' 10,30700 ' Premiums in course of transmission.:.-.. ....... 85,193 CO Unsettled Marine Premiums. ' MOOD 00 Neal Estate, Office of Company, Philsder- • • 30,001 00 42,703,581, 00 - )TOES:. Arthur G. Coffin, Francis R. 00110$ Baronet W.'Jones, Edward 112 Trotter, John A - : - Brown, Edward EL Clarke, Charles Taylor, T. Charlton Ambrose White, , Alfred D. Joesup,i William Woleh, - - ! Louis 0. Madeira, B. Morris Wain, . Chas. W. Cushman: John Mason, - Clement A. Grisoom, Geo. L. Harrison, • .Wi lli am •Brocitie A . • • • RTNtlit 0. COFFIN, President. . , • OITA RLES PLATT, Vice Pres't. MARIO, SOCietali. • O. 11.11navas, Ase't neeretary. ." . , , Certificates; of Mar e Inenninee sated (when e sired), . payable at the Conntlng P&'eenra. Browny Shipley & Oei,.London. UOll rHE,BELL9.I4 OE , INEURANOE 0011.. .1 PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. Dmorporated in 1. Charter Perpetual:- Office, No 008 Walnut street. , • CApITAL 8.300,000. r Insures against leas or damage by FIRE, on HOURS, Stores and other Buildingn, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or SEI3 PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. &mots, December 1,186'1. 8401,872 411 • oinvestol in the following Securities, vi la - 7 - 7"' .First Mortgages on. City. Property. well. se 7 • cared. —....-8169,100 MI United States Goverrunent Loons. 82,000 00 ;Philadelphia City 6 per Cent. 75,061 n= • Warrants 6,036 76 " Pennsylrania_6o,ooo,ooo 6 Per 30,000 Penneylvania - Beilroad Bonds., Plmt.Mortgage mos og Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Peer • • Cont. Loan. „ 0,000 op Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cont. Mort.. • gage Bonds.-- 4 930 OS ' County Fire Insurance Company's Stock...—. 4,060 61. • Mechanics' Bank Stock... ..... . .. ...... 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Penneylivarai - Stork.'..... __19,000 06 'Union Mutual 'lnsurance Company '.5t00k.....: 190 06 Bellancelnsurance Company. of Philadelphia ' l2OO 06 Stock Dinh in Bank and on . ....... . ... 72 . 21 0 Worth at Par Worth of present market 8400.696 gg Thomas O. rua, Willia m pieser, 4 Samuel ham, , . H. L. C 1, - Wm. St, on, • . 1 Benj., W., ..agledr, i edwi c r i, , • 'Wet. Hanna, Secretar y HQ . HO • PHILADI3LPIILL.DOCOMbor 20,000 00 15,00000 4,87000 14,000 00 CHART ER ' PERPETUAL MUTUAL FIRE liiitiRAITCRCEISIRPANY ,OE GER- - - ' ..• OFFICE . NO. 4829 MAIN STREET, Take - Risks in, Philadelphia,Alontgoinery and Buckis counties:on the most favorable terms, upon DWellingu, Barns, -Merchaildise,- Furniture and_harming-Imple- meats, including Hay 'Grain. Straw, .stc‘., &e- ' Spencer Roberts, Nicicolas Rittenhouse, John Stallman, • Nathan L. Jones, _. Albert Ashmend, , James F. Langstroth. Joseph Handsberry. Chas. Weiss, Wm. Ashmead, M. D., Joseph Boucher, Abram Rex, ' Chas. Millman, - - ..Chas.AL-fitokes. SPENCER ROBERTS. President. CHAS. H. STOKES, Secretary and Treasurer. WM.H. LEHMAN, tny2B s to th . Assistant Secretary. 4241C,R_WAX`liATRE - INSITRANOIC•OO3I. PANY, inconiorated 1810.—Oharter-peoetaal. 0.810 WALW T street, above Third, PhiladelPhla. Having a large pail-up Capital_ Stook and Surplus in vested in sound and available securities, continue la insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandis e . vessels in port, and their cargoes and other .personal property. All losses liberally and `cargoes, adjusted. DEIIMOTORS. t xr Thomas B. Maris, Edmund G. Dutilh, John Welsh • ' Oharles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lew , John P. Wetherill, William ~ Paul. ' TII.OBIAB It II ALM? 0. 0 warvottn. Sear B. MA 'a . President. etary . . ' 81,852,100 01 - A NT ELBA 0 ITE .11+TZUBANOE COM. CIL PAPT.—OHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 811 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philada. Will insure againet Loss or Damage by Fire on Build- / Inge, either perpetually or for a limited time, Rousehobli Furniture and Norohandieegenerally. • • 2 Also, Keene Ineurance on Vessel", Oat ass sag Freights.. Inland Insurance to all parte of the DLREO Union,' William Esher, . Lew TORS. is Andearied.,, Wm. M. Baird John Ketchum , John R. Blackiston, J. F. Baum, . William F. Dean,. it Et John B. Heil, • Peter Sieger' Samuel H. Bothermei. ILLIAMSHER, President. WILLLiId DEAN, Vice President.' W. M. iherrnjieeretarr. Wit to the Security from Loos by Burglary, Bob. bery, rire or Accident. THE FIDELITY INSUBANCE I TRHST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, OF PIIPLADELPIIIA, NEW MARBCE _FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, - Nos. 329-331. Chestnut Street. Capita/ subscribed, $1,000,000; paid, $550,000 001IPON BONDSiSTOCES,SEOURITIES,FABITLY ELATE cam BENDS and VALUABLES of every 'description received for stale-keeping, under guaranteah at very moderate rates. ' . . . -- the Company nig° rent . MFRS TBSIBE THEIR, BURGLAR-PROOF. VAULTS, at, prices varying frora 15 to e 75 a year, according to size. An extra btu for Corporations and Bankers. Rooms aud desks adjoining vaults provided for Safe Renters. DEPOSITS OF MONEY RECEIVED ON INTER EST, at three per cent., payably by.frclieck; o Without to- Hee, and at four per cent., payable by check,. on ten days' notice. TRAVELERS , LETTERS' OF CREDIT furnished % available ut all parts of Europe. , , . INCOME COLLECTED and remitted for ono ro:ir et. • The Company act as EXECUTORS. A.D fitINISTRA TOES and GUARDIANS, and RECEIVE and EXE CUTE TRUSTS of every desoription, from the Courts, corporations and individuals. • B, BROWNE, President, 0. H. CLARK, Vico President. ROBERT PATTERsoN, Secretary 'tad Treasurer DIRECTORS. N. B. Browne, . Alexander Henri, Clarence H. Clark, Stephen A. Caldwell, John Welsh, - George P. Tyler, Charles Macalester, Henry C. Gibson, Edward W. Clark, J. Gillingham Fell, Henry Pra t McKean. , myl4 tu th ly THE' P,HI.LAD LPHIA TItISP SAFE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE COREANY, orricg AFD punGLAA-PROOF VAULTS IN THE PHILADELPHI A BANK BUILDING, ' No. 421 CHESTNUT STREET. rxr SAFE-KEEPING Of GOVERNMENT. Hopips sad other, , SEeuarruts, notnot.PLA.Ts;J.warttt.RY,and other ine.ta. AGLES, under epecial guarantee, at the laweet rates,. • . , The Company also Offer for Rent nt rates varying Traps; Is to 676 per annum, the renter alone holding the key,' SAIAIIL SAFES IN TIIR 41URGLAR-PROOVlrAllihTfii " ' affording absolute BEnttlarragainet FIRE, TtlitiaMtlyt., , ,,,,_ GLARY RDA ACCIDENT. All ilduciary obligations. ouch 17.8 TRt7Bll3‘ tlicilitrart.• SHIPS,' Elcttuircinsilirs; eta:,' will' ha `undellaken faithfully discharged. , • Oirculare,g lying full dot rw, arded o 4 ~ppltcaflon; Thomas Robins, Benjamin B. Ooraogys, Lewis R. Ashhurst, . August= Heaton, J. Livingston Erriugor. F. Ratchford Starr, R. P. McCullagh, Daniel Haddock, Jr., M.Lewis,Edwia . Edward Y. Townsend Ja m es L. Olagborn, :John D. Taylor, • Hon. Wm. A. Porter. ' • OFFIOERS. —Prtsideni—LEWlS-R.-ASIMUEST Vice President—J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER. 'Secretary and Treasurer—R. P. Mc° GLLAEII. - Ealicitor—RlOHAßD L. ASHRURST. - CHALIC.-LTOR - SALZ - 180 -- TONS - OL O j Cholli,An9At. ADOYto WORKMAN & 00.. 1331Y4titititaati. - • . . - -. .„. • , 'Of: - 3 ' .. ',7,., ,, ," c )..-, -;-.;,? .. .,.. 1 ... .'''kil.: 11Yfii~Rdli(c'I 1 , ,h.:.1 . 4': ":or7. , :,i,ti7:';'. s;'l,;'. ....44 , 01,872 a HMV:MORA. • . Thomas gato 0.. . Samuel Hastner ,- • James T. Young, Isaao.P. Baker, Christian - J. Homan, d- Samuel B. Thomas - , d Biter. NUB O. HILL, President. 22. 1869 . :" SAFE-DEPOSITS.- CAP.ITAI., $500,000: DIRECTORB fe2 we limi Jal-tu the II