NEW PERIODICALS. Harper's for July shows quivering in its breast ode of those Partition arrows which Justin McCarthy, just on retreating to England, seems to have shot at the whole band of American magazines. What Rarper's has to, how-as-its-share-of—this-parting -volley,-has _ volley,_ h a s 'little point. It is a triffing'brigand story, suggested by the affair of Marathon, called "Did She Dream it ?"—has ' too much feather and too little steel, but has the grace of being short. ; Other fiction is " Anteros," iby the `author of "Guy' Livingstone," and the be- r ginning of a continued tale called "The Old Love Againp by Annie Thomas. The first article' is by Eugene Lawrence,' on the ,Vau 'lois, whose bones "lie whitening on the - -Alpine- surnmits-cold V-among the iltustrattonS are some curious copies of Prints 'cOntenipo rary.ssiili the persecution. The neat article, also Embellished, is by Jacob Ablintt, on "The Ocean Steamer." Mr. Abbott :tqs speaks of • the glacial enemy which is supposed to have brought low the unhappy City' of Boston : ,THE •ARAILA.D.A, OF THE ICEBERGS. , ;.Tire GulCStream brings a:current; of warm water fifty miles wide and a thousand feetdeep and flowing at the ordinary rate of the carp rent of a river—from the tropical seas; and pours it :a 'vast expanding mass_ over and beyond the Banks of Newfoundland, - *here it turns off to the eastward, and finally loges itsel in the northern seas; while,,to.. the ,westward o it a counter-current coming dotvn from Baffin' Bay—a,current of nearly equal ;magnitude and force—pours into it a stream of, icebergs ice . floes, and,ice-cold water. The, effects oil thi.4 iconfluence are, beneath,the water; theaccuntui elation of vast'deposits of sand atid)rocky dObri.4 brought don by the ice, and , 'in the atmoi :sPliere'abeve an almost perpetual simeessimi fogs ~4pd; Mists and driViFig rains, accomf ,Pardod,liy gales and squalls, s and, every, other passibfe meteerological.counnotion. 1 1-IThe region- most disturbed by the conflict between'these opposing forces and teinpera ' tures is on the 'hither side of the' Atlantic, and affects chiefly the first half of the voyage ' - and the danger, more Over, is the at that season of the year „which would. on, other ac;. cqinits' be the - most convenient • and the Most agreeable time for making, the - ktiip—namely, in early months - of - summerw- -- The ice-floes breakup, and icebergs are detached from the great Greenland glaciers crowding but front the land, in the early summer of oho • season ; and as they iiquire,about a year fotateir twelve pr _ _Afteen hundred miles', voyage, !they do not -ireaclidliet track of the ocean. steamers until the early summer of the next. They drift very • ;'slavvlY at and melt very gradually under. • 'the feeble radiation of even Juneand-3 tdy suns in the: latitude of Labrador. Some portions . both of the floes and Of Wit icebergs .reach as far soutli as the Banks of Newfoundland, but fewl ' •go muck farther -south than this. Their adi, vance ceases here, partly because the force of the' curient by which they are brought down becotneS well-nigh exhausted, and partly be oause the masses of ice become by this time so diminished and so weakened by the increasing .heat, both of the latitude and the season, that they are easily beaten to pieces by the wavea and dissolved. Somethites; however,' moun6, tains of ice coupe down of such prodigiona size that itis long - before they entirely - disap ; , - - • pear. -- Captain Price informed us that on one of his voyageS he passed two,imniense icebergs, _aria on.biA,rettirn,voYage,,aft,er_sailing pearly fifte_eithundred miles to and fto, and making the usual stay in port, he passed them again. --- _ ..- They had drifted during the interim about forty tidies.- They had diminished somewhat ' in size, but they were of such =attitude still, and their forms - were so peculiar, that their identity could-not be mistaken. The ricblyLdecorated history of Frederick the great brings his hero to that_ most un righteous conquest of Silesia. N. S. Dodge Writes about walking-sticks and fans; let us see what we can learn about a somewhat ob scure industry, and the "nice conduct of a clouded cane": THE COMMERCE IN WALKING-STICKS Since 1851 commerce in 'ordinary walking : . sticks has more than quadrupled. In Ham burg, Berlin, and Vienna—the present central depots for export—the manufacture employs Many thousands of work-people. Its control is in the hands of the Jews. The MeyerS, members of one family of German-Hebrews, are at its head in Austria and Germany proper, and by management peculiar to their race have absorbed all competition. ,First gaining ae cendency,at home by the style and cheapness of-their-wares, they next assailed foreign mar-. kets.-- In - Bombay - they undersold the Chinese dealers. Scattering thin light bamboo rods along the overland route to India, the native productions in Egypt • and Arabia gave place to the more conve nient Viennese manufacture. The French oiicupation of Algiers introduced their grateful walking-sticks to the Moorish. gentry of North ern- Africa. Paris began to adopt them. 'Madrid; Naples;' and even London followed. They drove the English canes out of the Brazils, and on the western coast of South America, where Belgian manufactures had enjoyed immemorial 'monopoly, they found a demand which it taxed all their resources to supply. Curiously enough, California, in the use of the Viennese walkin&ane, preceded the Eastern States. Mine-explorers and gold diggers of the Sierra Nevada country gave ton to fashion in New York and Chicago. The importation of the Meyers' canes at the present time into the United States has swal '•owed up, like Aaron's serpent, all other. They are found everywhere. - No-:Jew clothes-man fails to keep them among his stock of goods. Light French ratans, heavy English erab-sticks, curiously carved Brussela thorns, and even the choice Alcasian orange -sticks, have disappeared. The Jew specialty aways succeeds, and the walking-stick, manufactured now 'for thirty years by the Meyers millionaires, furnishes no exception. lu the present manufacture of canes great quantities and varieties of materials are con sumed. There is scarcelygrass or shrub,reed or tree, that has not .been employod at one time or another. Thee black-thorn and crab, cherry tree and furze bush, sapling oak and Spanish reed (Artottio dome), are the favor ites. Then come supple-jacks and pimentoes; from the West Indies ; ratans and palms, from Java; white and biack bamboos, from Singa pore, and stems of the batnbusa—the gigantic grass of the tropics- 7 -from Borneo. All these must be cut at certain seasons, freed from various appendages, searched to discover de fects, assorted into sizes, and thoroughly rid of Moisture. A year's . seasoning is required for some woods, two for . . Others. ~ Then comes the curious process of manufacture. Twenty different handlings__-hardly_.__ inish the . Cheapest cane: The bark is to be removed after . water, or to be polished after . roasting it in ashes; excrescences are to be manipulated into points of beauty ; handles, straightened and nhattlis shaped; forms twisted and heads rasped; tops carved or mounted, surfaces charred and scraped, shanks smoothed or varnished, and bottoms shaped and ferruled. Woods, too, have to be studied, lest chemical applications that beautify one might ruin another kind. Some are Improved under subjection-to-intense heat, others destroyed. Malacca; canes have _ frequently to be colored-hr parts - so that - Stained and natural surfaces are not distinguishable ; heads and hoofs for handles are baked - to - retain their forms; tortoise-shell raspings are con- glomerate& by pressul e into ornamental shapes, and lithographic transfers, done by hand, are extensively used upon walking-sticks for the I'arisian infirket: There is so little saliency in the career of that still personage, Miss ,4ustin, that dire ex-' tremitien of, Padding are necessary „to the; anonyipoitirgen'tlemarreMployedlto_write_up: the four engravings which"-Harpers have se-; ,cured, and Which show Jane's face at thirty,hei, parsonage home at Steventou,Steventon'manor and the church at-Cawton.. Hamilton Busby scurries through a send running. article .on the"Turfin Aine'rica. George Hodder's remi-: niscences of his employer Thackeray, meek, almost servile, and quite refreshingly cockney ish Or Boswellish in tone, wore laid befoie out readers, some of thom,when•they first appeared in a Lodon publication ; but ,we_., never_ gale, this beautiful heart-warm scene of Thackeiay'n second departure for America. • 1 , THACKERAY'S On the morning of his departure for America, he was to start by an early train,,and when I arrivett(for it had 'been' previously arranged that I should see him before lie left) I found him in his study, and his two daughters in the dining-room—all in .a very tearfulcondition; and I do'not think lain far wrong ' in; saying tbat if eVer man's strength was overpbatered by woman's weakness, it was so upon this oeJ casion ; for Mr. Thackeray could not look at liis daughters: without betraying a moisture in his eyes, which in ! vain , strove to conceal: Nevertheless, lie was enabled to attend to several money transactions which it was, ,nec,essary 100 ;should arrange before l leaV ing; and to give me certain 'instructions about the four volumes of .his " Misceln lanies‘ the icourse ; of-publication, and f _which he begged me to watch in their passage through. the press, with a view to a , few foot- 1 notes that might be thought desirable. Then came the hour - for" parting! A cab was at the door, the luggage had' all been• properly posed:of,• and the servants• stood ,in the hall, to notify, by their looks; how much they regretted, their.master's departure. is the inol ment I have dreaded !" said Thackeray, as he enkered the dining-room• to embrace hiS danhters • and when he hastily desceruled the steps of the door he bicutthat they would .be at the window to • Cast oneJonging, lingering look ,behind: "Good-by," he murmured - in , a suppressed voice ' as•l followed him to the cab; "keep close behind me, and let me try to- jump in unseen." The instant the door of the vehicle was closed hehind him he threw:himself back into, :a: cor ner. and buried his face in, his hands.. !That w as the last I saw of Mr. Thackeray before.llo left London on his second visit .to the ,ITnited States ; and I think I .have, given Sufficient proof that, great as was his power of noising the shafts of ridicule at the' ViCe - S and follies of the' day, and coldly reserved as he sometimes was. in hiS demeanor, be was full:of that geptle4 tress of heart to - which his writings constantly .bear testimony; and 'it was 1:4 instinct to tad actuated by the: kindest imprdses which do honor to our common nature. The speeeli he made - at the fareWelrbariiinet , g,iven on occasion of this departure, repeated w ith all its Thackerayan breaks and accidents is-an - enjoyable- 'posthumous,, addition. Other articles are,.." Flirtation with the Modern Conk veniences," by .Mrs. Louise E. Furniss ; " Tlie Happy - Valley - ," - by - Constance F. - Woolson ;."A Flower-Piece," by Harriet Prescott -Spofford it he best poem here) ; " Riipert's Land and 14 l'eople," by' Rridolph B. Marcy, U. S. A;, and " James FenniMore Cooper," by Thomas C; Latto. " Easy Chair " agreeably supports Mr. Pechter _in .his melodramatic dies, _and rides down Mrs. Grundy. Completion of the India Telegraph. LoNnoN, June 23.—A banquet is now bet ire held here in honor of the completion of the telegraph line . ,to John Pander, Esq., No. iS Arlington street, London : Most heartily do I congratulate you and your askiciates - On"the completion - of the submarine telegraph lines between England and India ; and [ trust that within one year the cable from India to Australia and to China will have . been successfully submerged, and that in 1872 a cable will be laid from Califor nia to the Sandwich Islands, Japan and China, thus Completing telegraphic communication around the world. Cvalus V. FIELD. WASHINGTON, Thursday, June 23, 1.870. LONDON, June 23.—C. W. Field, Washing ton: Company is now assembling. Your mes 7 sage is six hours old. We mean to hurrah when - you - get your cable across the Pacific,, and .we mean to have you give us cheer. The Prince Of Wales will be present to-night. The press of India will telegraph to the press of New York as soon as the lines are clear. - ANDERSON. W.A.suiNGTori, Thursday, P. M.—Sir Jamo Anderson, London : Your message of this evening was received by me before five o'clock this afternoon. I. am to "dine withsoine'filendS this evening, when we will drink your health and wish prosperity to all anise:Aqui have con- tributed to another link in that' telegraph cable which will soon, be completed around the globe, and hope it will prove a blessing to all the na tions of the earth which it will bring into Com r munication with each other. Lo June 23.-Prestdent of the United States, IVaeltinylon : 1 feel sure you will re joice with me on the completion, this evening, or submarine and telegraphic communication between America, Great Britain and India: INTAsmwraiN, June 23,--To the -Prince of Wales: Your despatch of this evening is re ceived. • America and Great Britain' have rea son to feel gratified at the successful connec tion of the far East with them , by submarine cable. U. S. GRANT. Bominx, June 23.—T0 the President of the United States, Washington: The Viceroy of India for the first time speaks direct hy tele graph with the President of the United States. May the completion of this long line of uninterrupted communication be the emblem of lasting union between the eastern and western worlds. WASHINGTON, June 23.—The Viceroy of hicli,a : Your despatch of this date is received. 1 congratulate you upon the suecessfal con nection of your country with the balance of the world by telegraph, and — join you in the wish , for a lasting union between the eastern and western hemispheres. U. S. Ciamavr. Ix the Young Men's Christian Association Convention .at indtrapolis,. yesterday, Hon. C. C. Lathrop, of Is:ewark, and John D. Wheat, of Louisville, were_ announeettas the Conitnit: tee-on - AssociatiOn.- -- Addresses -were ; made-by- George 11. Stuart, and other delegates. A - --CharleSton • fire 7 engine 'refnsed-to 7do duty at a recent tire, and it Was found some misanthropist had packed the valves With Shingle nails., - —One-editor-in-Terre Haute,. Ind., was, so jubilant over the result of the Oregon 'election that he mortgaged his paper for seventeen dollars to buy beer for white voters of his town. —A clergyman of Springfield, Ohio, an -nounced in-Ins-pulpit-that-it his congregation didn't pay more attention to his bread-butter ingdhitn_ they - did to their. rihbondluttering, _he woulitliiimbly beg leave to 'dative to death in _the nearest ,cliiirch-yard. He thought that combining fashion with Christianity was a :ihockery.-21'. Y. Don. PHIL A. DELP 111 A EV ElsTI NG' BITIALATI4:IIII.II)A..y . , ',TuNE 24:ii37'04 CYRUS W. FIELD Piarzwu OF WALES JUME!IEMILN'TEL —The Lancers will be performed at the Pal-' nut to-night,, , with. the; full company in the, cast. The performance this evening will close, with ,the farce,Ls Jealops? Matinee to-: morrpw.,,, —:Ekt a-iirst-rate.Pefform-; ance_wilLbe_gis_en - ,_inzwhich =new! company, including 'the Kiralfy Troupe, will appear..! Oat, MOnday evening liext 'the bari lesque, li'obinscm,Grusge, will be, given. .Mati-, nee th-rnOrrow. —At FOX'fi to-night,ian extellent variety en= tertainment is offered, on which occasion the; Pastor Company, cpmprising John Mulligan, Tony PaStor, Noise' `SeYthour, the Broadway boys, and other good artists, will appear. Mati nee, to-morrow.. , • -:-;-Mme. , Zoe will give her farewell perform epeeist Duprez 13enedict's Seventh Street ) Opera Mouse _) to-morrow— evening,: .in the ,dramas, Flowers. of tlte Forest and Nita. This eveuing she will have a benefit, and Mr. C.; Henry ;, Franck, the ~tragedian, v4ll appear. Matinee to-Morrow. CITY BULLETIN.' , . -,City•Gouncils held a stated meeting yester-i day,afternoon., • ' • ' Select Bratieli received "a ,communication *fret:lithe Board - of HealtliS'askingler $50,000, to enable that body 'to take the proPerineasureS to prevent the spreaditig!of-the•relapsing fevers' ,and eare-for the PatientSalreadyda the Muni-; cipal'HOspital. Referred , to: the Committee on Health, f;The -Water,. Committee . reported an ordinance ° making . appropriation of ;$147,000: for engineworks. ,RoF-: borough ari &e., for water d for •,standifipp,'„ at ; Germantown., Agreed. t 0 ..: ,The Committee ,ou Schpolsre ported' an; cosdinanCe . authoriling the . , purchase ; .Of alve‘for ; 4601" tirtio'ses; street; abdve; Ivltith. ;Agreed 'to. Also, an 'Ordinatine .art :404111th:in- Of $30,00010r the ' eiedtion of a. newschool blinding on'Clierig - •• street, east bf • 'EleVenth ; and• for the extension•of the , North west Gram mar Belled. Agreed to.: Also, an -ordinance appropriating $30,000 for the erection of anew :school-building on Allen's lane,; Twenty-second Ward: Agreed_ to, :The. .Committee on Health, to. which was : .referred, the-- Ordinance. making an. extra appropriation :tif.410,000, to . the Board of Health, ;Made a. 114:flirt; recoin'- mending an increase of the amount to $30,000. After . ..a _variety_ of - motiorri, the or dinance finally passed, appropriating $lO,OOO to the Beard of Health. • ' ' . Common Branch passed a r4solution to close the - city offlees'at'-1 o'cleck P. 111., from July 1. to Septenffier 1. Also a • resoluthin that the. Directors elected; by. Councils to- represent the city in the Boardzof Directrirs of the Pennsyl vairiallailroad Company ;be requested to re port-to-Councils whether any, such-discrimina tion is made the • tariff -of - charges: for the carriage of freight.hy said -Compani to and from the West between Philadelphia and New York, as has been alleged, andif Iso„ the rea sons for'the same.- Also_ the hill - ;for the • ern-. ployment of an additional 'engineer for the Survey.Departinent,"at a. salary or' $lOO per month. ' Also the hill creating a loin .of $2,000,000, for the extension and 'let ..prove.ment of the. ; Park, rate ofsix per cent: per annrm; the 'principal to be payable in thirty, years ; • also; the retolu tion granting the National Telegraph Com pany •leave to erect poles and -wires on certain streets. - The Finance Committee : Pr e Sented a reablidibrij'eonesting the headS - Of :00:Various ' municipal departments' _to report s estjurates of the -expenses of their different departments for .1871. Agreed to. Also; an ordinance. appro priating ',55,000 for- the Payment Lot-damages - for the opening of - Cadwalader street, from Thompson to Master." - Agreed to., Also, an ordinance-appropriating $1,300,000 to - ,pay the - - interest on the funded debt of the city - _due on- July Ist. Agreed to. Also, an ordinance ap propriating.sl3o,s99 73 to pay the funded, debt 'of the city,'mataringJulylst; Agreed to. Abill from Select Council appropriating $30,000 for the erection of a new school-house in the Tenth Ward was concurred in. Alto,;an -or dinance appropriating.sll,2oo for the purchase of ground in the Second Ward for school pur poses. Also, an ordinance appropriating $20,- 000 for a new school-house in the Twenty , second Ward. A/so, an a ordinance appropria ting $147,000 for'the 'erection of `an' - engine, engine and boiler house, repairs to the reser voir, &c., at Roxbdrongla. - - Amended by adding to be taken out of a loan when created. The Committee on Election Divisions presented an ordinance dividing the foorth division of the Twenty-second Ward, and creating a new divi-• sion. Agreed to. ' • —Joseph Nies!, aged about forty-two years; was so badly beaten on Wednesday morning last, between one and two o'clock, that his life is endangered. yor some months past he had kept a lager beer saloon at` the northwest corner of Brown and Rachel streets, but having sold out and received his Money ; on; Tuesday last, hi the evening of that day he was treating all his customers and friends to beer in the sa loon. During the evening, - so far as could 'be ascertained,-he had a slight difficulty with two men,-but all had left, and theNiesl.* wLo lived in the house over the saloon s had re tired, and lie was abrint'closing, up when some one called from' the "out Side, • "Joe, 'open the door ;" lie did se,"and two • Men' entered' and asked him for beer, while - - a number of. others stood on the - opposite side of the . street; he replied that he had none, and -was immediately set upoir•and beaten badly about the head-by the two men who -came in; he went rip to bed afterwards, told his-wife of- the -occurrence; and Said be-could not tell who• did it • he was able:to 'Walk abut - that day until 'evening, whnri 2 be - became Vffiensible, and re-_ mained so uP to - late last night; when he' ap 7 'Oaredto; nave -- id - 'a - slight id - a slight degree' recovered • consciousness. ; Daniel Lfinipp; - and John Lumpp, his son, and a man named Bunz, were arrested last night ! and' confined /lithe Setrenth - District Station-honse - on suspicion of being concerned in the affair. The elder Lumpp states that 13unz, early in the evening, had a ; difficulty with Niesl, about a raft, and Bunz ;alleges that Daniel Lumpp and Niesl had , quarrel about some -,money that the. former, _owed. the, latter ; "that Lumpp ,went away, saying, "I'll fix you for that," and that when he (Bunz) was going home,the aon.of. Niesl acconapanying . him, he saw.ohn Lunipp l in the- market-house., This was a little after:one _o'clock on Wednesday :morning. Caspar Neisl, the son of the,injured man, a lad about 16 years of age,,states that when Bunzy called his-attention to the market - house, he saw a•young man standing there. and several othersbehind him. Caspar, after seeing Bunz to his door,- returned and- went to bed, his father saying he would come right up after him. At that time his father was well, and Caspar i'ilf - ther'atates that he kneiv.! nothing_of the occurrence until next morning, when his father appeared to be partially out of his mind, - talking strangely, -and-accusing his mother and sister of haviog cut his head off.- "Steekings, of Cincinnati, yes ter- --. played'a Match game of base-ball with the Keystones, of this city, on the grounds at Sev enteenth and 'Columbia avenue-__The_batting. on both sides was heavy, and until the close of the sixth inning the Keystones led the Red Stockings. The latter , subsequently obtained the advantage, and finally won by a score, of 37 to 26. Mrs. L - ynchaged forty-five years was rtin over on the Reading Railroad, opposite Mum- - yunk,_and- instantly killed, last evening. She had 'a boy in her . arms, who was 'carried.on the cow-catcher a distance of one thousand yards, and who escaped with slight injuries. - .cc , . 1:,: : ,. -:. 4 .! - ...: (.;L. f.:.. , 1 V :__ -R e 3 .~ d.~.~ :. f '~. =A , prptmgof UMW, P.To. A,!;QperatiKei 13ficiffiiyers this , Vityy was held last evening,l at the' : hill Umiak i'StrOpt, above Eighth, Will ham L. , Johnson. President, and Theeclore inAlcY; Secretary, '; Alarge utirriber or brick !aims were in attendance, It was stated that therp aboutthree- thousand housei now underway In•this'cityi and about two thousandi 1 1 1 .04'gol ) t , kfiggil'fetffiWfIfar — bandsat — tliel presnt time, Twin to the number of build ings''going 'im,,are , in. great demand, Jour- . ney,men bricklayers area , now -receiving, in this' city from' $4 to s's, per day: There: is also -a ^ •demand for - journeymen ini Brooklyn Mid 'N,esv, , Ydrk, .$fl- k• per day being . offered, to good kinds, From stateinents made' at, the meetinglast evening, it appears that all delinquent Members 'of, the Union over One, year in arrears will he liable to have their names forwarded'to all the local. Unions in the United States connected with the National: Bricklayers',..Association, and. no person ,in.arrears - will be able to get , work. There , are about, $1,500 anearages now due the Asso ciation. The Treasurer announced a balance in his hangs of $2,000. —The following Philadelphians were register-' ed at, the banking-house of Drexel, Hdes & Co., 3,'llue Scribe, Paris, for the weekending'' June 0, 1870 : Mr. and_Mrs. C. IL Brush, gr. Frank Ilaseltine Mrs. E. Fitch Smith, Miss Elizabeth P. Smith, Mr. H. G. Lippincott, Miss S. \r Lippincott, Miss E. A. Lippincott,. Mr. CharlesE. 'Machine, Mr. J. F.',Sterling, Mr. Bobert M. Hooper; ?Mr. R:`Di 'Hooper and tamilY,"llisa Annie 'McGregor, Mr.', Benjamin. Orne, Mrs: B.'Megargee,' Mr. Edward T. Steel,, Mr. Thomas Eakins, lift. !Mr. J`. l W. Claxton; Me. Orlando Creaiie, ,Dr. Marls ' Dr. C. IL Merklein; 'Mr. Edwin , L. Abbett, Mr. Thoinas E.'Allison, ,Mr. Roberti Norris, l!tir.,and' Mrs, W. P. wilstaa, Mi.. G. 'W. Johne.s,, Miss Josephine Johnes, Mr ..Wm, P.'tewis;3ll"3. BilmCkio; nap Jitstkey Mrs,', Louisa' P. Allen Mr. John 13. - English, Mr: and Mrs. James K. Kerr, Mr. John Harris, Mr:lL:Francis Wood, Mrs. IL F. Randolph, Miss. N. Wood. —A fire was' discovered in the clothing store kept by, Louie Bernstein, No. (114 Girard avenue, At 3 o'clock yesterdwafteraopn: Mrs. Bernstela, , With two of the children, was lying on the, bed in the second-story when the fire was discovered. She seized one of the children and'made her way out of the burning_building.' The otherommed Robert Bernstein, aged five years, was overcome by the' heat and smoke and failed to escape. - A - memberof the; Engine Company dashed ; into the house and brought out the child,' who- was somewhat burned and in convulsions froin the effects of the smoke. He was _carried by a policeman to a neighboring drug store, where he expired inn few minutes. The loss on the stock or - goods in the store is about ,53,000, on which there is `an' insuraoo of $l,OOO in the Hanover Insurance Company. The damage to the building will amount to about $BOO, In sured in the Fire 'Association. Josephine Gibbons was before Aldermin Kerr yesterday on the charge of receiving stolen -goods. - It was testified that on the 10th; 11th, 12th and 13th of May last the house of Mr: VfoOds, on Arch street, above Twenty-_ first, was robbed. some of the goads taken were traced to,the residence of the prisoner, on Eighteenth street, above Washington avenue; and others were found at pawnbrokers' offices. She was held in the sum of $BOO for a further hearing. , - 7 ,, George Andrews proprietor of a hotel ITo. 2424 Frankford road, took a dose of latitlanum by mistake, yesterday; and died froni its effects last evening. An inquest was held ,by Deputy Coroner Sees. J. D. Taylor, Clerk' of the Board of Building Inspectors, celebrated his Tith birth day yesterday. NEW JERSEY . 31ALTrEltS-. - DroWNED - Bopr'F'OOkn,— . -Coroner Render was, last evening,sent• for to take charge of the body of a young lad,aged about 15 years,found drowned, at; Kaighn's Point, by some parties who were fishing with a net. The, body 'was entirely denuded, and bad evidently been drowned while bathing. From appearance it, could not have been in the water over twenty four hours. He must have. belonged to Phila delphia, as no boy of that description has been missing from Cainden. He had a black flat topped ring 'on his finger. The body is in charge of the Coroner. FOURTH OF JULY.—After all no public ob servance of the Fourth of July will; be had in Camden this year: In fact there never has been, except such as a few associations and private individuals have given to it. This year there will be nothing, save the setting off of a few trackers, torpedoes and other small explo sives. Probably the Councilmen are waiting for the centennial celebration six years hence, for which occasion they will bottle up their patriotism in reservation for the grand explo sion on that day. BOA M A N'S -Ex c U BRION. -TO-MOITOW afternoon the first excursion of the season goeS dowri to Atlatiti& City, under the auspices of Alex. Boardman, and as it is for his benefit, and as he is a popular conductor on that road, jt•will.belargely'patronized. The occasion oPenint , of the Ocean Honse, of which Mr. Boardmaifls part proprietor this year. HOT WEATREII.—The weather yesterday was. ,so extremely , hot that several persons working .on buildings in Camden — had - to -- Eirrs pend operations during the hottest hours to prevent being overcome. To-day the beat is also intense: MISSING 133 Y FOUND.—The young lad, George. Ciaypole, who was missing from his borne at Day and Federal streets, night before last, was found in the cellar:of his home fast. asleep— CA3IDEN.—Abotit four hundred new build; ings will be erected in Camden this Year. Two hundred permits have already been given CARRIAGES. •; The Lightest and Neatest Finished • PARK PJEFstrarlinvis, BARD 113 CITES, CPARENCR 'COACHES.' PHYSICIANS' PHAETONS. And various other styles of Carriages are now offered h reduced prices by J. GEORGE LEFLER, SIXTH AND GIRARD AVENIIV, the 2114 ItEFRI GERA'I?OItS. '' Saverrs Patent` Combined Dining-Room Water Coolers and . Refrigerator: , It being made of m Cast Iron, Pore s { i: fain Lined,.; in Walnut Ors, does „ w t not ov im ro v is i t o u n n u an o t . as 0 or met] ............” , Please callAp4.oxamino. r.r. ' . , JACOB F • HAND, Jr Mr ,: Retail Depot; 620 MARKET Street, snyT•l4 hilly 2fit MOTELS. TIVVII 4O 4IG- . II QV Si E.; A FIRST-CLASS , HOTEL: EURO PEAN. PLAN. Locatioanueurpmded, being near Union Square, Vallack's 'Theatre, and A. T. fßowart's now VIII;I 3 IM ( f eb ANT TWELFTH 13T., NEW YORK. • , w Sin§ 013 i; P. MAUL° W, Proprietor. ie4 • - SPIRITEPTITICErniqTrNE'IIiatRELS . Spirits Turpentino now landing from Steamer . "Pio neer." from Wilmington, N. C., and for `salMby (MOH , RAN, RUSSELL R W., IN Chestnut Aa . re .. L... BERM MMi=M Air..JOHN ; ;DREW' S AR n. , 1311tE TILEATIIIII., ,;, !,,. t! • • Begina, at& ,tt:It.JOSMMAIVr t . Managee . ' A Gi.OBIOUS sitßibEsti t , ICHANOB OF BILL TIIIWEviciaNO P• TIT GRAND ThIPLE COMBINATION NOW! Giving the moat beautifni,Varled and;fl mailed entertaini moat ever NVitneeeed in Avarice. in Which the Leading, Stara el On. appearin their different opecialtiea. . • On Monda y Frlda _ next,lloDlN SON 011Utitn; or nark:Quilt iirat time to Phiiladohphla r Idlitinpo,i_Saterdm.,itt 2: _ L_ 3a234( . U . 7.41 146. T 811.11aCET , ,THEA,T,RE, y THIS (FOIDA.X) EVENING. June 24.. j BENEFIT ; Of' 'MIMS LOUISA' Isiooug. ' Grand eucee'ea of the Military Draina of .; - ; ' ; • k .; .• f.. THE. L_ANONES.; VICTOR . lligsollll.oY. OtIAMLICS WYNDIIAMJ ;ESTEL EVERNEY, MISS LOUISA MOORE. In Order tO coniroodate familiol3 ;;• , • ,LANOERSII , IIII4;WON, SATURDAY. - 'Doors open, at 13,k',Commence at ; o'clock. u ERZ' & BENEDICT'S OPERA.' D HOUSE, Seventlifitreet. below Arch. , The cooleet in'thecity, week of the engagement of Mlle. MARIE - ZOE: • Two' great Dramas' this week. "FLOWERS. OF THE FOREST," and • "NITA ." Benefit of Mile. Zoo, • Friday. evening, Juno 24: That fay.ortte.Traftedhin',: CKA JULY_ Rua NCK_will _memoir on t his occasion. • Matinee Sat urilay aL2.3o. v _ ..je2o-6t F OX'S AMERICAN THRATRE. ' ' IMMENSE 'ATTRACTION'. EVERY EVENING and 'SATURDAY AFTERNOON, • PASTOR'S NEW YORK fIOBBINATION. WITH FOX'S TRIPLE COMPANY.• The Beet Entertainment in the city. BROWNSTONE RESIDENCE FOR ,SALE No: 1904 ARCH STREET., • Elegant Brown-Stone Beeldence, throe stories , an tdansard roof ; very'commodions, furnished with ever, modern cobvtnitence and built in a very finperlor and manner.substantial 'Lot 26 feat front by MO test deep to Cuthbert street, on which is erected a handsomobrlck Stable and COach House. ' J. Si: GiThildEr & SONS; _ - ' • 763 WALNUT Street. /WM VOR SALE.4I),INE 8 • 1IET,(1809)- EU Modern Residence four-shily brick; thro 4 story' beck buildings, two . bat'll•roomit, Water closota, and all other conveniences. Lot runs tbrirugh to h...arttleY "strosr: Terms, toanit.' FRET). SYLVESTER, 24.680'1th Fourth: , je22 tf§ - dr FOR SALE OR RENT—THEitiA.ND -11314 seine three-story brick Residence§ Niith three-story, double back buildings; sitnate, No. 2122 Nine. street; has every modem convenience and improvement, leu mediate ; possession given. J. fd..011211.51EY BONS, 733 Walnut street. IrGERIYANTOWN.—FOR SALE , OR Rent,, several desirable Gera:lei:l44n Properties, pear Railroad Stations. Apply to EDWIN T. COX, je2.3-12t* • - Walnutstreet. FUR _SALE—TaR- DESERABLE Three-story Dwelling. with.threeottory back build-- ZtZ5 Spume street.: : With all modern improve znen Immediate possession. Terms easy. Also other Properties on West !Spruce street. Apply to COPP LICK .4:..JORDAli,_4.333Valnut street._ ' FOR SALE—GREEN STREET— 'AWL The handsome residence, marble, first story : feet front, with side yard. and lot 107 feet _deep. thruugh to:Brandywine street , N o.lliB. No. 1021 CLINTON STREET—Three-story divelling, with three-story double back btfililings. Lot 251x115 feet to street., CRESTNUT STREET—llantisome four-story resi dence, with large three-story back buildings. Lot 2d feet front by 235 feet deep, to Hansom street: Situate west of Eighteenth street.. • WEST LOGAN SC/CARE. SALE—The handsome feur-story brown stone 'rebid oncP reel front, - arid be vizor 'three-story double back buildings; situate Ito. -216 West Logan Num*. In perfect order, J. N 1.1 M. GIIIIIIEI ,k SONS. 733 Walnut street. MLINEW BROWN STONE HOUSES, Ebil. NOS. 1920, 2004 AND 2210'S PRUCE. STICE ETTOI4 .ALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MOST SUPERIOR MANNER, AND WITH. EVERY MODERN - CONVENIENCE. E. D. WARREN," V)I3 SPRUCE STREETI - APPLY BETWEEN _.2 AND 4 K. O'CLOC P. M. . - tnh2.stl • tel FOR SALE--STORY-STORIC BRIO Dwelling, With back buildings, and every modern convenience ' Janata N 0.1711. Filbert street ; lot 20 feet front by 117 feet deep to A 40 feet wide street. J. 31:- GUMMY & BONS, 7X3 Walnut street. _ el BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.= WE Xadi. have for sale, on attaylorms, fifteen mlnntes fvord the city, on the Germantown Railroad. an Elegant Seal- dente, beautiftilly and•complotely fitted out with all modern conveniences. • ~. . . . .. It has been occupied for two years as a b oaiding-ho agoi end has a good winter and enrerner Oatronage. .1. M. GUMMEI .tc BONS. 733 Walnut street . I,VEST -P I T.i-A-D E-L-P E R • v demlrable Buil(fing Lot for salo—Forty-tiret ntreet below. Pine. 60 by 160 feet. Only unimproved lot In tho block. .1. M. GUAIDIEY & Bona. 739 Walnut street. WEST SPRUCE ST REET.—F OR. SALE V- • —the Desirable Lot .of (}round No. 21412 -Spruce Onset. 22 feat front by l' , Ofeet deep to a street. .1. 31 GUICIFEY 80249,-23.3 Walunt-strett. 1521. TO LET The New Five-Story Store, No. is South Sixth Street and No. 9 neon. tur Street. Will rent the whole or mopnrate Room with or witant Steam Power. THEODORE hi EtMRGEE, - N 0.30 South Sixth Street. rtCHESTNUT STRIET.—FOR RENT the Valuable Store Protirty, No. 1026 Chestnut 6 str .et. J. N. GUMM.EIC.A: SUNS, 733 Walnut street. ~. FOP. .RENT, FURNISHED, THE ," Stone Mansion on the west bank of the Schnylkill, opposite Laurel Bill, adjoining toe Park; with nil modern improvements ; fine garden, lawn and stabling for 6 horses. For full particulars apply to GOPPUCK A: JORDAN, 433 Walnut street: • - in FOR RENT— FITRNISHED:,-- FOR eta four months or a year a handsome Residence with' every convenience, large lot of ground, and surrounded by old trees ; situnte on Walnut street, West Philadel phia. J. M. 61:ThIMEY & son d, 733 Walnut street, CHESTNUT STREET—FOR RENT, Eat the two Stores, Not. 1023 and 1027 Cheetnnt street, immediately in front of the Academy of Fine Arte. OUNIMEY 3c SONS, 733 Walnut street. eIWEST PHILADELPHIA—HAND. some modern cottage, with every convenience; and large lot of ground, southwest corner of Pine end Forty-first streets. J. GUAIDIRY & SONS, N 0.733 Walnut street. 411111' FOR RENT—LARGE DOUBLE Ida Store Propertv,Bouthwei4 cor. Market and Sixth rdreets. J. M. GUMMEY .4. SONS, 733 Walnut et. TO RENT—ROOMS OF ALL SIZESi fl it well lighted, bat table for light manufacturing bnlii• MPH. in building No. 712 Chestnut street. J -GUM BIEY 50148,733 Walnut street. J. FOR RENT.— HANDSOME COTTN EEL try place. with several acres of land, on Old York road, five minutes' walk from Oak Lane station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. FURNISHED COUNTRY SEAT, within two min, ides' walk from Haverford station. on tho Pennsylvanlll Central Railroad. J. M. ORMAIEY A SONS, 733 Vials nut street. FOR RENT—THE HANDSOME ziatour-story protairty,..No. 2S South Eighth street, corner of Jayue, nod tint above Chentuut street. J. El, GUMMEY 50N5,723 Walnut ntreet: TO. LET—SECOND-STORY.FRONT Boom 324 Cheetput street, 'about 20 .28 foets Suitable tor en °MCC or light briainess. iitls tf rp FARR & BROTREB, _- al . FOIL RENT-THE . VERY DESIRA tau Buz four-story brick Store ; situate No. 322 Mar- ket street. J. M. Gllllllllq7 3: SONS,No. 733 Walnut street. • TO RENT, POSSESSION JULY IEvr—THE First Floor and Cellar of the New' Stores, Noe. 112 and 114 North Ninth street, suitable for a hoodoo*, retail trade. Apply to WILLIAM H. BACON, je226t* 317 Walnut street. A P. H.LLDRETH. E. S. TAYLOR, mid:METH k TAYLOR, OKPE MAY REAL'ESTATE BROKERS, t Office, , Perrystreet, opposite Mansion street, CAPE MAY CITY, N.. J. Refer by special permission to ; E. C. Knight, William F. Potts, 'Matthew W. Baird and John 0. Bulr litt Esau., of Philadelphia; General William J, Sowell, of Camden, and J. F. Cake EHQ., of Gape May. N IL—Particular. attention given to tho renting of cottagee, &o. my3 CIREESESS MoOOLLITM, REAL ESTATI 7- 1 • AtIENTEV. ' • ,0111ce,Jackeon street, opposite Mansion street, Cape Island, N. J. Real Estate bought, and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the se a son will apply or addrefi4as abpve., !, • • Respectfully refer to Chas. A. Rubloein, Henry Bnnem Francis hicllvain, 4.ugusiu Merino • John Davis Rini W. W. Juvenal. feattl. ROBERT.H. LAEIBERTON'S YQIING LADIES' AOADEISIY,., • 8 and an,Boutli VIETKEZITII titre t - I~oxtterm commences Se 4 'rubor ° jold,tm CLASSICAL, ' SCIENTIFIC! AND 00.111.M.E80.1AL A ()ADZ ASSEMBLY BITILDINGS,..No.IOB S: , TENTII Street. ' A Primary, Elementary and Finishing School. Circultirs at Mi. Warburton's,'No. 439 Chestnut street. my 9 tf§ _ .4. REGARAY INSTITUTE, N 05.1527 AND 11529 Spruce Atroet, Philadelphia, will reopen ori TUESDAY, - September 20th. :I'm:gilt-is- tho -language of the family. a.d is constantly spoken imthe Institute. • 01041 to-0m- L. WHERVILLY , Principal. QIO. P. RONDLITE.LLA, TEAOHER OF Biagtng. Private lessonand elaiesoi. BeeMenge 13 808 . Thirteenth street.. sal-te ===t!2 4,*(ol;)ft,.pre . .A*;,_::•; FOR ,OWLE.; - T9 IRENT-.- EA UCATION H. Y. LAUPERBACH'S mulcAL. VrECIAL_ iVOTICES. iro. OFFICE , MAGNETIC IRON MIN. INV COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, SOUTIL - FOURTH STREET. • . PIIILADELPIITA, Juno 111th, MO, Notice le hereby given that all 4tocl!C in this Company on which Instalment, called; ,January lot and duo Fe bruary Bth lasr;and relinaltdfiß 'unpaid, is this day do °Wed fortetted'vand *lll bo 'Sold at , Public Auction on THURSDAY, July 21st 1870, at 12 M., at the Oitico of the Company. unless said instalment is paid on orTefore that-day-and-hour. ' ordet of the Doard of Directors HEN7EY ' JOSar . _Je2ltudzetJy2 . caldera. PEOIAL 'MEETING OF. THE crtnilnbus of the COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE . AS °CIA TION wilt be held at their Rooms, No. 421 Walnut , street, on SATURDAY, July 2d, 1810, at 12 \ .olOleck,lll', to cortstiltwitind 'take Maar:action, upon the qiiestioti of accepting and appror tug an act of Assembly, passed April 29111,A. 11,070, entitled " A.l urther sup plement to ' tin act entitled An act to incorporate the Corn Exchange of Philadelphia.approved twenty-second of January, ono thousand eight hundred and aixty tbreet!" confirming the by-laws adopted by the said cor poration.' now known 'by the name of the Commercial Exchange of Philadelphia. • . JUNE 14th, 1870. NATHAN BROOKE, President. WASHINGTON J. JACKSON, Secretary. Jolt -19t§' - - - 10UFFICIE OF THE AIVIYGD A I_,OLD MINING COMPANY Olf LAKE SUPERIOR, NO. 324 WALN STREET. , •,• ,'"". PlutarigLrista June 401,1373; • Notice is hereby given that nil stock. of the Ansygdaloid Mining COM pitny , or Lake tiituerior,oh which instalments are duo and unpaid, is hereby declared forfeited, and will he sold at public tsuctioU,'on WEDNEdDAY, July' 6t11,1870. at 12 o'clock, M., at thoollice of the Secretary of the corporation, according to.the Charter and By-law s, unless previously redeemed. . . DY Order of the Directors. M. 11, IiGEEMAN: 5(4 t §- Treasurer. The Company , claims the 'right to Lid on said Mock. NEINTA.N'S NEW FALST-CLASS DININU AND ICE CREAM SALOONS, 1018 smut; GARDEN Street. . Idealint aD honrs, with best of home-made broad ' HANDSOME LODGING-BOOMS A GENTLEMEN,' either with full dr partial board DIVIDEND NOTICES. tI S, I6NYAtriTVAIIIA, RAILROAD COM: PANT. TiIEASITREEI3 DEPA lint ENT. „ • • , 111,A DIM PIMA, /4,,, 1 4 / 4 3 , 3,1070. NOTICE 0 .STOOK,HOLOEftS, • 'Melton:A of Directtre have *hie day declared a acrid annual dividend of Five Per Cent. on the.oapital Stock of the Company, okate of National and State CRUM, ifayable in matt on and after Nay. 30, MO. • - Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends Can be bail at the Office of the Company, N0.'233 South THIRD street. ' . • The Office will beopened at 8 A: 111, and closed at 3 P. AI- from May 30th to June 3 , 1,, for the payment of Mei dendtl, and after that date fro t ik i to 3 P.M. • • (MIAS T. PIRTI I, tny4.Botrp • • • • . Treasurer. 'WANTS. IXTANI`ED--DUItING- SUALMEI3, V T bro. young man. a situation as tutor, of Gratis and Latin, .111 an academy or Atte - at9 ram - -rinsi•claß4 reforences •Isrlyeti: ' Adds out D.: Episcopal Acadonty, No 1314 Locust street. Philadelphia. jell-f t' -- eIACUINERY. ME.BRIOK & SONS , A - JAL SOUTHWRK . 7017N_pay, WASHINGTON Avenue, PhiladelPhia, MANUFACTORY fluall I:WANES—High and Low Preantre, Horizon , ertical, Begun. Oscillating, Blast and Cornish BOlLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Ttibrilar, &o, STEAM HAMMERS— N alimyth and Davy styles, and of m •ell sla. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Band, Brass, /to. BOOFSIron Frames, for covering with Slats or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Irow,for refineries, water, oil, dtc, GAB MACHINERY—finch as Retorts Bench Castings. Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Barrows, Valves, Governors, did. SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps; Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Burners, Washers and - ElovataTialag Filters, Sugar and Boas Black Cars, &c. Sole mannfacturetwof the followi smeclatti ten In Philadelphia and vicinity ,of ng Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Swam Engine. In the United Stites, of Weston's Patent Self-center. Ina and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ids' chino: a. I Glass Barton'. i iniliofetaiili On Alriltwall & WoniAell tienfirlfugal, • . Barton, Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Strahan'a Drill Grinding Beet: - Contractors for the design, erection and fitting tip of 80. fineriesfor working Sugar or Molasses. OPFER . A.ND YELLOW • METAL -Bbnathing:Brazierli Copper Nalb,Bolts and Ingot Copper, constantly_ on hand and for sale by HENRI WINBOII it Co.. No. South Wharvar . PERSONAL pnoFESSOR JOHN 13170HANA_N, M. D. can be conmilteil,per ;many or by letter in all d ie. eases. Patients can rely upon a sat-. npeeily, cud per. =anent cure: ad the l'r(ife.i4or preTar4 , , (Ind furnithes new. scientific and pi . ..tilts rrniedien ntw daily adapted to the wants of - the - patient. rritate 'offices in Colleen Build in§. N 0.514 PIN& street. Ofacti bouts from 7 A. MORTGAGES. $15.000, 543.°()°' 57 ' ()°°, - 65, t )00, $/.000, to int silt mortgage. jeld•t* J. H. MORRIS, 233 N. Tenth street. _. . . S 9 O 00 0 $15,000, SlO,OOO, A.ND OTHER r.i . . autos to invest on first -class city mort gage. R. R. JONES, 1624 Gt; 7t.r Wtilnnt. •triiet. SAFE DEPOSITS. Security from Loss by Bdrglary, Rob bery, Fire or Accident. THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST . AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, OF_ PIIILADELPHIAt /X NEW MARBLE FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, Nos. 329-331 Chestnut, Street. Capital subscribed, $1,000,000; paid, $550,000. COUPON, BONDS. STOCKS, SECURITIES,PAMILY PLATE COIN. DEEDS and VALUABLES of every description received . for sate•keeplug, under guarantee, at very moderate rates.. Tlia Company BO* rent SAFES INSIDE THEIR RURGLAR•PROOF VAULTS, at prices varying from 316 to en a year, according to eizo. An extra nix° for Corporations and Darikers. Rooms and desks adjoining vaults provided for i3iife Renters. 'DEPOSITS OF MONEY RECEIVED ON INTER EST, at three per cent., payably by 61 , 10 E :without no tice, and at four per cant., payable by check, on ten days'notice... .. TRAVELERS' LETTERS Ciif OREEirI: furnished, available In all yam of Europo. INCOME COLLECTED and remitto4 for one per ct The Companv art as EXECUTORS. ADMINISTRA TORS and GUARDIANS, and RECEIVE and EXE CUTE TRUSTS ot army rlrserirtion, from the Courts, corporations and indirlduals. N. B. BROWNE, President. ' C. It. CLARK, Vice President: ROBERT PATTERSON Secretary and Treasurer DIREOToItti: N. B. Browne,. . Alexander Henry, Clarence 11. Clark, Stephen A. Caldwell,. John Welsh, George F. Tyler, Charles Illacalecter, Henry a Gibson Edward W. Clark, J. Gillingham Fell, Henry .Pru tuy,l4 • tu tii 1y- THE PHILADELPHIA' , TEITS.T, SAFE . DEPOSIT AND 11(101113112114CE 610111CPANT, , OBFICB AND BDIZOLAH-PROOB.VAIILTS IN THE PRILADELPIII.A. 11Q. CIIIMNIIT pplacE.T. CAVIITAL, 8500,000.' PPM SAFE-KEEPING of.GOVERNMENT BONDS and other BEcuttrrlES, FAMILY PLATE, JEW/iLlty,and other VALu- ABLER under special guarantee, at the loweerrates: , The Oorripani also offerfor glint at rates varying from to .$76 per annum, the renter alone holding the key, SMALL SAFES IN xua, BUAGLAIt•PROOF VAULTS, affording absolute SECURITY against FIRE, THEFT ,11118, GLARY and ACCIDBIVT.• ' • • All fiduciary obligatlous, such as TRUSTS, GUARDIAN MIPS, EXP.CUTORSUIPS , , ete.,*ill be undertaken and faithfully discharged. Oirculars,giving fnlidetalls,forwarded on application. DIRBOTORS , •> ' Thomas Itobina, „, • Benjamin B. oome g ys, Lewis R. Ashburst, , Anguitus Heaton, J. Livintiston Erriuger. ' Ratchford Starr,' .11. P. 311cCitillagh,. • • 13:medal Haddock; Jr., , Edwin M. Lewis, _ , Edward. Y. Townsend .Tames L. Olaghorn, - John' D: Taylor, Ron , Weis. A. Porter. • i ()PVT . /ERB. • , • President—LEWII3BA_ASHEIIIRST Vice Presidint-z-1. LITINGSTON'IIIIRINGini Saretarn and Trectsui f er—R. P:McOfILLAGII. 6.oliefaer—aTi:lll.A., nit L.ASEIRREBT. 'GENTS' :Flt RNISTIING . GOODS. PATENrSH ULDEF,I.SpINCsffiRT MANVFACTOEY: Oideie foithimo delebhitod Bhirte supplied prortiPtlY • ,t. .bZief notice. GOntleinenos - iruinishingVoods -- Of late lily ea in full variety. wiNcitisThit& co 706 CHESTNUT.' th a tt fa wet thrtf DID ESS C• 0 .L M N OF TAB 1111114.411ELPIIIA EVIENIII46IIII6ItICTIN' FRIDAY, Jiiiid . 24. 1870. -ALL emit' uni cationsrfr, W 1 4 'E cel 0,0 ) In "znust.. be addressed.'" C'hess!Etlitei ofvErritto .l of - rart.tri" and should reach the ,oflice, at latest, on Thursday morning. All Problems must be aceompaniud ! by thesoltitioniind.: name 9t. the comnosei. - ' ' " - - The terms of the Friday's edition containing the Chess Column are $1 50 per year. D*EcToIIN-17,7, Open PRESS Ci.un.. z --607 Walnut street. Open daily ATIIENAWM—Sixth and Adelphi sta. Open MEACANTlLiLinitAiiiTenth`strki,•nbai Pflarket.. , Open'didly. - - GERMAN Otiun-rii.ourtil pad Cherry EltFeeta Open Wednei;day evenings. licituTzEx-HALLE-306 - New street. Open daily. Comis4;nciAL . tooliia:LThlid and Walritit.• Open daily.• 11/NlOl.l LEAGUE—Open dally Anow,ero to Correspondents. i! .7. L., Pik TA."—P,roblemi_r.cceived. "W. E. .P."--Problena At A little match has just been finished at the Press Club between Messrs. Elson and Sicken, the former giving the Knight. The final score gave seven games to Arr.Elson and live galines to Mr. Rieke% Cuitxovs ComomErici,—We find that Game No. 2474, published in Wilkes' Spirit, is identl cally the •same gapp published in cur column 118 No. 2474. BOW TO DEFEND WHEN RECEIVING THE KNIGHT, ContinNedirpm r!e I.7th, 1870.] , . NECOND.-KING'S OPENING. ,(Ritnove White's Queen's Knight.) 1. 'l' to K 4 PtoK4. ' 2. B to B 4 - P to Q 11 3! tn framing, these defeneetc Wahave selected those, in which the attack is confined to Its least complicated forms. The object of 2.'P to Q 13 3, it will be readily seen, is to form an iter mediate antrum of pawns. We will now con sider the various methods of procedure :) FIRST FORM. OF_ ATTACK.__-..__.____ 3. P to Q 4 ,P to.Q 4 4.. P-x Q, Pof (4)(B) x P L. B to Q Kt 5 (ch) (If he makes any other move the defence plays 5.. e JEC.S, easily developing his game.) 6. xl3 (ch) x 7. P - x - P r. -3r0. 7 ;: h. QtoIC 2 „, QtoIC 2 9. lit to It 3 • "` Kt to B 5 - 10. B to K 3 -ICt x B 11. P x Kt , 3, andcon tinue.presently with Q to B' 2, .11 to Q 3,&c., &c. 4. B to Kt 5- 5. Q to R 5 (Suppose— 5. Q to K 2 G. Qto 6 low with Kt to B 3.1 6. P xr (Again 6. B to .Tit -5- Q telit 3 7. Qto IL ' "P sP, Sze.) 6.. Q -to KIS • alenacing 6:Q x Kt P.) 7. Qx Q R - Px Q, (Better than B P x Q, as it keeps the pawint together.) • ' b.Bto.:KS . - ed by B ten' 2, &c. 4. B to 3 L. B .1' 6. Kt. to 113 7.CaiA1t..15 game. - SECOND FORM OF ATTACK.- Q to _K 2 P to Q,4 4.1110 Kt 3or (A) P x P . D. Q x P K Kt to B 3 t. QtoK2 BtoQ3 7. 1' to Q 4 Castles 8_ P P Bx P, Sze. 4. P x P 511 7. P to Q 3 ( If 7...1 ) to Q 4 H. Q x B x Kt P to K 7. B to Q 3, &O. THIRD FORM OF ATTACK. 3. littol33 P to Q 4 4. Px P (A) PxP L. Btoßt 5 (ch) or (a) Bto Q 2 B x 13 (chl QK.t x B, develop ing eaBtly. • • 5. B to Kt 3 BtoKtt (It is always good policy to exchange the at tacks _Knight whenit can be safely done.) 6. YtoQ3 K Kt to B 3, &c. 4. B to Kt 3 BtoQ3 5. P x P 1' to K 5 (5. QtoK2,' .• ..KKttoß3 7. P. to. Q 3 . Ca.stleg • .B..PxP ' ' Kt xK R, &C. .. FOURTH .FOltli OF ATTACK . . " 3.P.t0K84 PtoQ4 4. P x Q P Or (A) P x Q P 5. BtoKt 3 P to K 5. Good game. ' - 4. 13 to lit . . 3 P x.B P, threaten ing Q n. n41. t 3, 0 5 j ell) (If lit to 3, then P x P.)' , . 5. P x P• Q to If 3, with a 6. Q to R 5 tine game. • ' (To be continued week.) Problem No. 745. BY MR. SWAN.. - BLACK: ; , Z , Z4 4(1. / /// 4 / Z A A /34, 21" ,ff/A /ar.4 ‘• White to play- and mate in four movee. .End.lblame Mate No. 24. For previous moves, see Game No. 2480. BLACK V er,// r • / • 1 7 e 7 , Z4:;r 4 4.21 V NA a t „„ 4 A V ) , ogr White to piny and-mate 1x1616Y6n Ai' oves, --P-x P P Q to B 2, and fol- Q tii)B`3 St to. R , 3, follow (B) PxK P P x P B to K 2 KKttox3 3. Good (A) r xP Solution to No, 747. , WIIITE. BLACK; ' • " lit to 86, , . P 6,(ch), Itt X It' to ,0--)439vP • Solution to,End•paitto Mute N 0.16. ' IILAWK. 1. 11 to R3(ch) QtoK2 • 2. P x • x P'(0)! 3. Kxfß lito2l 4. B x 1 • •13 to 6.-Q to 13 &lob) - to Kt - 2 ---- (1:13 - to" - 13 6 (cli)' -- - Kos B 7. R to•K 7 (ch) • •IC to R'3 , • 8 Qto 13 . 4' (ch) Pto Kt 4! • ' Q x ICt (ch) . •IC to 4 • , 10. Q'to B B(c)''. to• 11.3 • I 11. It to K 6 (ch) II to Kt 2 12. Q B 6 (ch)r..-...-1 - K to Kt mg 13..13-tK e kK 8 (ch), and mates next move., . • Solution to End-Game Mate No. 17. wit ITE.• - ' 1?.T.40,K. • " 1. Qx P (eh) xQ . ' • 2. R to KR 4. (ch) Kt to, A ; a. R x Kt (ch) , foXesq ' 4. R to_Q 4 ROM g 5:11,"X u 7 Q to Q - 2' / 8. QRtoILR4 . QxP (oh) 7. It Q , ' Anything' • 8. it to R B , mate. * ()HEBB IN PHILADELPHIA. • Gantt; NO: 2480: ' Between Mr. Jacob Elson and ,Mr. Buck, or .the Chicago Club: , • (Scotch Gambit.) Wu. 13In. EL , BON,) • I3uex.) 1. PtoK4 P to K 4 2. K-Kt to 133 Q Ktto B 3 3. PtoQ 4, • 4 . P x.l" B to-Q B 4 Bto B 4 ~-. 5. Kt to Kt 5 K.t to R 3 1. G. Qtoßs' Qtoß3 7. Castles P to Q 3 8. P to-IC It 3 Kt to K 4 9. B to Kt 3 Q to Kt 3 ' 10. QxQ (Compulsory, to avoid 10. Kt x Q • (10:'R.P x Q is, stronger.) • • . PtoKI3 4• - Pto Q 6 (ch) • 12. K to It sq P x P 13. Kt to Q B 3 Kt to K 2 14. P toll 5 • Pto.K B 3 • 15. Kt to K 6 . B x Kt . 16. I.lx'B Kt to B .?. -17. B to B 4 Castles 18.QRtoB5q 'Ktoßsq - "" "" 2. Ii to Q KttoK4 21 0 . xKt .111" , x B 22.KttoR4 PtoQK.t3 23.PtoQKt4I BxP 24Rx•P , Kttoßsq (Played with bad judgmen). Be should have played- • ' 25. Kit to Bsq Bto B 4 „ 27. It to K Kt 3 It to B 7 28. P x P, winning.) , .• • : 2.5.KRx8 rlt • - R (0 .Thx B. • • ', 27. lit x P 'ICU) B 7' ' 28. Kt.toQ 5 B to•B 4 29. R to Q .Kt sq I'toKß4 80. It to Kt 8 (ch)_ K to ':R 2 • ` 31. - Kt It to B (eh) 32.KtoR 2 , Ptoßs 3'3. P to Kt 4 K to R 3 34. R to R 8 (ch) K to Kt 4 - 95 Kt to Kt 6 (?) or (A) (Missing a becond opportunity of winning 35,_R to B i (eh) SG. IC to R te 8 (eh) 37: K to It - 2, It to*ll7 (ch) Dravvti game.. 33. lit,to - Q 5 K. Kt 3 Mate in eleven moves. 'See End-" Game Mate No. 24. CtlEf3s NFNIT °FLY , INS Game No. 2481. Played in the 'New Orleans Chess Clab, he tween 31.e.ssrs..151.aurian andlieConnelL (Gutoco Piano.). wm.SrAuitilL.Ni.)ol. - 11:1kfcCoii - sier,t,.) 1. Pto K 4 P 1,6 4 2. Kt to K B 3 Kt to Q 11 3 :i. to . Q B 4 II to QB 4 4. P to Q II 3 P to Q 3 5. P to Q 4 x P 6. P x P • II to Q Kt 3 7-Castles- BtoK 5 - B 9. 1' x 13" Q to K B 3 10. 13 to Q Kt 5 Castles , 11. B x Kt P x B - 12. Pto Q.B. 4 - BtoQ R 4 -- Q to It 2. B to Q Kt 3 14. K It to Q sq P to Q B. 4 15. Pto Kt 4 K. to Q 2 16. P x - It P Bx BP 17. K to E. sq Kt to K'2 18.PtoK5 ..• QtoK.B 4- 19. Kt - to QP. 3 PtoQ 4" 20. to IT Kt sq' PtoK R 3 21. it-x Knit P KttoKKt3 . 22. Qltto K Kt sq . ' KtoK sq 23. QRtoK Kt 4 • BtoQ Kt 5 24. Kt to. Q Kt 5 P x Kt 25., Q x,Q, Kt P (ch) K. to Bsq „ 26. K xKt 'Q xB P (eh) 27. R to Kt 2 . • (27. K to Kt sq also come r s into consideration hero.) 271 P x It. 4 Q x IFC(ch) K to 29; Q to Q Kt 8g P to K Kt 4 30. QtoQ,l3gq ,IttoQKtsg (Giving up the pawn purposely. It is, how ever, of no utility.) 31. QxQßP(eb)` K.toKKt3 32. Q to Q B 2 (oh) I_C,to It 4 33. P to K R`4 Q to K R 6 (eh) (Very weak.) 34. K to Kt sg' KRtoQßgq 35.QtoKE, 7 RtoKß,sq 36. Q to Q 3 -, KRtoKKtsq 37.PxKKtP RxP - 38. It x R (eh) P x It 39. Qto K R (oh) KtoKt 5 40. Q to Q 7 (eh) K to It 5 41. B x Kt P (oh), and wins. HARDWARE, &C. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING 'HARDWARE. Machinists, Carpenters'.. anti_ other Me. ohanicst:ToOle...- Hinges,screws,: Locks, Halves land Forks; Spoons, Coffee &c., Stocks and. Dies., Plug and TaWar Taps, Universal and Scroll Chucks, Plants in great lariety. All to be had at the Lowest possible prices • , At the CHEAP-FOR-CASHI Herd. • were Store of J. B. SHANNON, • Iwo. 1009 91arlyet Street,. GROCEAXES, 1.1,4/113045, CHERRY' VERY SUPERIOR 10 and puro Spanish Sherry Wino at only 83 00 par gollgn ut CQUSTE'S East End Orocory, No.llB South Second street, below Chestnut. CLARETS. -EXTRA QUALITY TABLE Clarets, at $9, $6, $6 and $7 per case of dozen bot tles—of recent importation-1n store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South 8000nd street, below Chestnut._ • C A L.I F ORNIA SALMON.-FRESH Salmon from California ; a very choice article ; for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery., No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut. • • .SEA MOSS FARINE—A NEW. ARTICLE 13 for food, very choice and dolicions, at 00IISTY'S Eabt End grocery, I'lo.llB South Second street, below Ohaatnut. MUTI7ON HAMS.—A VERY CHOICE :article of Dried Hutton, equal to the' best dried beef, for:bale at COCSTY , S East End Grocery ,'No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut:- • • TIIST RIICEIVED AND IN , STORE. 1,000 . casei of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali WinestPort,Aladoira,liherrY,Jainaloa and Santa Cruz Rum, fine old Brandies and ‘Vilisklea,,Wholosalo apil Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear atroot, Below Third and Walnut atrests, and above ,Dock street. -- • ' - • del tf. JORDAN'S CELEBRATED P__CRE_MNIAI Ale Alo for InVulids, family use, etc. • The subscriber is now furnished with his lull Winter supply of hie highly nutritious and well-known hover- • agm Its wideepread - and Increasing MO, by order of physicians; for invalids,use of families, ,km, coruniond it to the attention of, alconsumers who want a. strictly pure article ; prepared from the beet materials, rind put' up in themost_careftdraummr_forlomause or transpor. ration.* °Monty mall or otherwise predict% TOW, • -No. =Tear street, • below Third end Wabitut streets,. del 1 PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, TIRTDAY. JUNE 24, 1870 " VCCEZ. -- lESCOS f roS• —:- 4t." ROMAN, SAXON,: NORMAN, ARIES. Sailing Wednesday and Saturday FROM LAC 1.1 PORT. - Prom Pine pit, • Wharf, Phila., at 10 A. M. Long Wharf. Boston. . at SP.M. • These Steamshipe..sail pinetually..•••Freight r4Fefof4 ihrejaht feiwartlattiz atigoists,ia.Nits For freight or passage ( Superfor - aseetnmodattonn ply to MERRY WINSOR St Co., 338 801 4 11 .DELAW4F,R.AVENU...,. ....• t... HILADELPHIA AND - SOUTFERN / :o ri i gtVo ° 7l 4 tiig b fkigiiElN T 4 COMPANY'S The YAZOO vrilf ea!! FOR NEW ORLEANS, direct, on—. The YAZOO will snit FROM. NEW ORLEANS, Via THROUGLI'B IL LS 01' LADING it as low " rates its yy nny ether route _ given to MOB [LEM A LYESTON. NDIANOLA, LAVAOOA and BRAZOS, and to ell points on the MISSISSIPPI. between NEW ORLEANS and `ST --- LOUIS. - ,te . RED,-RIVER, FREIGHTS. HE, SHIPPED at New Orleans withont chargir- of 'commis- BIOTIC • - . . . . _ . • . WEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA. The WYONING, will ,eall ECM SAYANNAH on tiaturday, Juno 2Ath Aar. • • The TONAWANDA will Hall 111 , 0lIfigAVANNAH on Saturday. June 2Ath • . • • - ITHROUGH DILLS OE LADING iven to - ll the prancipal towns in GEORGIA,ALABANA, FLORIDA, LOUISIANA; ARKANSAS and TEN N.MEE,' in connection' With thi, Central Railroad Of Georgia',Allant lc and Gulf Railroad and Florida Stearn.; ere, at as low.zate as by competing lines. • • • sEremmoNTELT LINE TOwilarrNOToN, N. 0. The PIONEER will sail ' FOR WILMINGTON on BATTUBPAY, July 2d.6 P. M.—returning, will Jean Wilmington; BA,TtittILe.Y,J lane • „ Connects with the Cape Pearltedmboitt,COM panyithe Wilmihgtou and Weldon and North Caroline_ Railroads, and the Wilmington and` Manchester Ball- . ' road to all interior points. • . 4 • Preightf, for COLUMBIA, B. C., arid AUGUBTAGa.. taken via WILMINGTON , at - as ' low' rates aa' by spy' other route. , • Insurance effected when requested by Shippere. - Bllle of Lading signed at Queen Street Wharf on or before daY of Galling. • ' WIC L. JAMES;. General Agent, n?Y3 l 't l 9. - 2 o. Mt South Thirdatreet. , HMADELPHIA., - EIGHMOND 4..t/D NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. wanouon 'FREIGHT • AIR -DINE, TO - THEI/ODTH . • AND WEST... L . • . • INCREASED FACILITIES AND,REFTCRD RATES FOR IWO.. STEAMERS LEAVE EVERY • WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 o'clk, Noon, from FIRST WiI&R.F, above MARKET Street. - • RETURNING, LEAVE RICH/40ND MONDAYSand TB U RSDANSr--nd--NORFOLIE---TUESDAYS—tmd- SA.TURDAYS. ; IFir.No Bine, ci..Eading-eigraed after 12 -o'clock -on. Sailing Day. THROUGH EATER to all pointe In North and Sotitb Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroads connecting at Portamenth,And to Lynchbttrg,'Va., Tennessee and the . West via Virginia. and Temnamee ; 4l4-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. • - Frelght HANDLED BUT ONCEMLAtakettatLOWER RATES. • THAN' ANY OTHER LUCE. • • - No charge for commission,draya,ge,oriiny expeneefor_ t rans team fer. f Sships/petite at loWtst r id "' " Freight received , DAILY: State-room accommodation for pamengers. • WILLLSEL P. CLYDE &G. No. 12 South Wharvee and Pier No 1 North Wharves. W. P.TORTEN,' Agent atßiclunond and City Point. ' T. P. CROWELL & 00., Agents at Norfolk F -- DELAWARE J.! • s AND BATirr4p - cAIvAL._ _• • • EXPRES/31fileitliiiiiir COMPANY. The eIfEAPEST-lind quxo KEST water commonica. tion between Philadelphia and New York., Steamers leave ' aily from First Wharf below MAR. §ET street, Philatielphia,', and ' foot of WALL street, IIit.OUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOUSE. ' Goods forwarded by all the Linetrrunuing enrol New York, North, East or Wed; free'of eatrunimaion. Freights meired Dail); and forwar,ded otraccotnmoda• flag 44rula. ' WM. P. CLYDE ;4004 ligental 12 South Delaware Avenue. SAIL; D AND, Agent, 119 Wall litmat, New York. EXPREBB—.LENE TO- ALRICAN , tria, Georgetown eaci Wmtblugten, D. 0., via Choi ' e and Delaware Canal, with connecttme at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Beth Iffantille, Dalton and the tionthwest. Steamers leave regularly then the first wharf * DOT ' Market etreet,,every Saturday atnoon: - Freight reoMved daily. WM. P. CLYDE at CO., No. 12 South Wharves and' Pier 1 North Wharval. HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & 00.. Agent/ at Alexandria. Va TVELAWAIIift "AND C.E~F,BAPEARE. =1.." STEAM TOW BOAT COMPAISTY:—Marget towed' between Philadelphia, BaltimpreiHavreile Grace, Del. aware City and intermediate .pointe. P; .CLYDE d: CO:, Agents; Gtipt. JOHN LATlGHLAN,l33ttek_Gfiice, 12 South Wharves , - • •aldbtt § FUR NEW YORK,. VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSURF: •TRANSPORTATION ROMPANY. DISPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES, Leavingdaily at 12 and 5 P.-M. .The eteam propellers of this Company will commence loading on the Bth of March.- --- . Through in twenty-four hours. - -- - - Goode forwardod to any _pointfreoof commilsions - -- Preights - taken bn accornurtalat B:Cferms Apply to WM. M. BAIRD & 0 0., Agente, mla4-tf• - 132 South Delaware avenue. ORTEt. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD —Freight Department.—Notice, to Shippors.—By Arrangementa recently perfected, this Company is en abled to offer unusual despatch in the _transportation of freight from Philadelphia to all points of the Lehigh, Mabanoy, Wyoming and Susquehanna. Valleys, and on the Catawlesa and Lrie,BallwaYs. Particular attention is asked to the new line through' the Susquehanna Valley, openin up the Northeastern portion-of , the- State - to g embr*ing the towns of Towanda, Athens, Waverly, and the counties of Bradford, Wyoming and Susquehanna. • It also of fers a short Mid speedy route to Buffalo and Rochester, interior and Southern New York, and all points in the, Northwest and Southwest and on the Great Lakes. Merchandise delivered at the Through Freight Depot, corner of Front and Noble streets, before &P.M., is dis tributed by Fast Freight Trains throughout. do Le -high, Mahanoy, Wyoming and Smquehanna Valleys early next day, and delivered at Rochester 'and Buffalo 'within forty-eight hours from date of shipment. • (Particulars in regard to Buffalo, Rochester4.interior . New York and Western. Freight may be obtained at the . office, No. 811 Chestnut street. L. C. KINSLER, Agent of P. W. & E.Line.] D. S. GRAFLY, Through Freight Agent, Front and Noble streets!. ELLI.E3 CLARK, -10 General Agent N. P. R. R. On . 'IXTHITE CASTILE SOAP—" CONTL"— v.v Wu boxes now lauding from bark Lorenna, from Leghorn, and for sale b e ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Importers,. . Isl . bor. Fourth and Race streets.", OLIVE OIL .—GENUINE TUSCAN Olive Oil in atone jars and flasks, landing from bark Loronna, fromliegliorn and for ealo by: ROBERTBIIOkMAR'ER dr, CO E. E. cor. Fourth and Race etreete., IDEUBARB ROOT„OF EXTRA ,RIEJPE JA rior quality, Gentian Root, Carb: Ammonia, just received, per Indefatigable, from London, and for sale by ROBERT BROBEL AR ER.Si 00., Importers, - • • N. E. corner Fourth aud . Raco &treats. ACID.--20 KEGS- OF CITRIO Add.—" Allou's '7-Wino of Colehieum, from fresh root ; also from the/med. Succus Oonium," For sale by • • ROBERT MOEMARRIt & CO., Importers, • N. E. tor. Fourth and Race streets, OIL OF ALMONDS.—" ALLEN'S GEN " nine Oil of Almonds. essential and sweet. - Also, "A Ben's " Extrpcto of Aconite liolladona, Gentian, Ilyo.cionii, Tara 7C1C11111; l!ke • • Pelt ' received .ia store, per Indefatigable, front Loti.lon , n,l for sale by ROBERT SHOEMAKER d: CO:4 , • . . • • lmporttng Druggists.. •. -V. E. corner Fourth and Race streets. z CARA DUA TED MEAS UR ES.—E NG L ISE I.JI Graduated Meaeuree warranted correct. Genuine .6 Wedgwood" Mortara. 'Juxt received frem •London per steamer Bellona, and for eatehv ' ' • • ROBERT 'SHOEMAKER & C0., , '" N. N. dor. Fourth and Race etreetd:, jaw ,fan, 26t GISTS WILL F illiddigrOApii.°,natTleodecOrda,itioxlliqrotelnpa:Attoll Almonds. itcitilizrflgoli Mortars. .tar i tA i i ii tt r ist s . tr an o d iti od m r ic m in b ß ar x h Wholseale D o ruggiste, 11. corner Fonrtb•and Bane streets. . - TIRITGGISTEP SUNDRIES. GRAD O. ates, Mortar, 'Pill:Tiles, Combs, Brusher:" fißrrers, Tweezers, Puff Boxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical Imam- Smuts, Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods, Vial stases, GISMO and Metal , Syringes, &o:,' all at '" First Hands!'prioesr SNOWDEN &BROTHER,* aid-ti - ,g 9 South Eighth street 'r4ASTILE SOAP '—GENUINE AND VERY ; 4 1..) maporior-200 boxoa just _landed from bark Idea, and or Bala by 11,011.DERT SHOHAIAICEk R 00- imoortbar, , Druggiata. N' E. rornor Fofirth and Bada erects OOPALDENT.A.LLINA. -- A SURER-MB article for cleaning the Tooth,destrcying animalcule which infest there;giving tone to the gums and loavint h feelinc of fragrance and perfect aleardineser id the Mouth. It may be used daily, and will, be found tc strengthen weak and bleeding gums, rhile the aroma and 414greiveness will rocounnond it to every- one. lie' Deg ciffoposed *Bit the assistance of the Dentist,-PhyalL piano and , Microscopist, it to confidently offered as a reliable substitute for the uncertain restos formerli.M minent Dentists; acquainted with ''the eons ituente pf the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothther fa prevent Itenureetra jA in m el l o s m T ple t i n ut i o N nt N . , 4 M p ad ot e h - ec on an ly .a br. 1 . • . , . • Broad and Spruce streets.' .aliy,and— ___-_ -- D. L, Steakhouse, Robert C. Davis, • Goo. C. Bower, • • Chas. Shivers, • , S M. MoColin S. C. Bunting Chas.ll. Eber e, James-N.-Marks - _--- -- - E. Bringhuret & ' 00., DYott & Co., H. H. Blair's Sons, Wyeth & Bro. Ferretti° by Braggists gem Prod. Browne, Ilassurd & Co., 0; B. Koony, &ease H. Kay, 0. IL Needles, T. J. littsband, Ambrom Smith, Edward-Parrish, - --- Wm. B. Webb, James L:Bisphfut, Hughes & Combo, - • - Henry A, Bower. DRUGS. Agri TISTit . LEM;' ‘VIDA , ..'"R .12.41._,D .RAILROAD....-m.0.1311112a, nt Line from Philadelphia 'to the Interior of FelWivaniarthe Schuylkill, tinegittehantia, Cumber land and Wyoming Valleys , the North,,Nottlswest• and ; the Catldise; Spring Arrangementof Passenger Trait's,: Mar 16; WO leaving the Company ' a Detit,Vhirteentb and Collin/ streets, Philadelpha'', of the following hours- . , 1110141 N ACCOMMODATIONAt7.SO A. M 'for • Reading and all Intermediate Stallone and Itlientown. Returning, leaves Reading at 4.35 P: s 51.. arriving In. Ph ilaphia at 9.25 P. M. • M Ofor Reading Labatt zr, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Pine GroveiTamagna, _Sunbum• .Williamsport, -Elmira,-Rochester,- Niagara" alit Carlislei - - barobersbar Hagerstown,'&c. • • Th 07.30 A. M. train connects at Heading with the East • Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentown,&e.,atui the 815 A. M. train connects with the 'Lebanon Valley train for Harrisburg Arc.; at Port Clinton' with Hatawissa R.' - It: trains for Williamsport; LocirHaVert: Elmira, &ct,l at .Hatrishurg with , Northern Central, Cumberland Val ley, and Schisyjkill and_Snsguehaana_trains-for North rimberLand;"Willisonsport. Yorh; Oharob rsburgiPints. ;rove der:AF ERNOON EXPELS/I.—Leaves Philadelphia • at, LSO P. M. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, &c., con necting with Reading and Uoltuabia Railroadtrafris for Columbia. Ac. _ _ • ~ • POTTSTOWN ACCOMMODATION....Leavee Potts-, town at 6.25 A. M.,stopping at the intermediate stations; arrives in•Philadelphta at 8.40 A; M. Returning 'leaves Philadelphia at 4 P.M 4arrives In Pottetown at 6.15 P.M. READING AND POTTBVLDLIII .ACCOMMODA TION.—Leave Pottsville at. SAO A. • M.: and 4.20 P. N. and Heading 1.50 A. M. and 6.55 P, M stowing at all. way statiops; arrive in , Philadelplsia at 10.20 A. hi. and . Retaining; leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M. arrives In .P.o rig adi at 7 5,5 P..M and at Potteville at 9.40 P. M. MPS NINO, 'EXPRESS,—Prains for Philadelphia leave Harrisbnig_at B.IOA, ff., and Pottsville at 9.00 Al., arriving in. Philadelphia at 1.00 P.M. - Afternoon Express trains leave Harrisburg at , 210-Pord o .and Potts vibe at 2.50 P o M.; arriving at Philadelphia at 7.90 Harrisburg AcCepinodation leaves Heading at till ;8.. 21., and Harilsbntg taller. M. Connecting at bead; lug with Afternoon Accommodation south at OM P. 111., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.25 P.M. r L , t • Market train, with a Passenger ,car attached leaves Philadelphia at 22.30 'noon for Reading and all Way Stations; leaves Pottsville at5AO ,A. M. connecting at Beading with accommodatio n train for Philadelphia and all' Way Stations . .•:...^:. • • All the above Mini run daily, Sundays excepted. — , Sunday trains leave Pottavilie„at 8 A. M. and Phila delphia at 3.151' .," M,; kayo Philadelphia for . Reading at 9.00 1 A returning from Beading at 4.25 P. M. • CHESTER 'VALLEY BAlLHOAD.—Passengeril . tor bowningtown and _intermediate points take the 7..80 A 51„ 12X and 4.00 P. M. rraltiofrOtla_Ptilladelphia,retnrn• in g from Dowr,iniitown at 6= A. Ma12.45 and 5.15 P.M 'PERK-10111EN RAILECA.D.-Paseengers ter fichweriks-• villa take 7.30 A.M., 12.30 and 4.00 P.M. trains for,Phila lelphia, retnrninit from Schwenksville at 8.05 A. M.; 12.45 n00n,,4.15 P. M. Sta ' ga linos'for various points In Pectinmen' Valky` connect:with traltui at Collegeville and Schwenkeville. . .• . .. . . 'BAlLROAD.—Passengere for Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M.' and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphia; returning from Mt. Pleasant at7.o) and 11.26. A. M. • NEW YORK EXPRESS BOB'PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9.N) A._hiLLand..6.oo._ TA.S and - 10.05 P. M. and connects at Harrisburg with , PetalrYlvanla and Northern Centralßailroad Rxprese Trains for Pitte: burgh, Chltago, Williamsport, Rimira, B altimore, 'AO. Returning, Express Tram leaves Efairiaberg on arrival Of Pennsylvania Express from Pittaburgh, at 6.36 A. M. and 860 A. 51., passing Reading at 7.23 A. M. and MAO A. M., arriving at New York at 12.05 noon and 2.16 P.M. Sleeping Cars accompany these trains through2betweerr jersev.City and, Pittalmrgh, withont: change, . Mailtrai&for New:York- eaves Harrisburg at 8.10 A. and.2so P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New Yorkat Noon: n t EICHUYLRILL VALLEY- RAILROAD—Tiraine leave ¢,30 and 11,30 A.M. and 6.611 P.M.. returning from Tamaqua at 8.36 A. 51... and 2.15 P. M. scatryLKlLL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD r-Trains leave , Auburn at 8.55 A.' M. for Pinogrove and _Harrisburg: land -:'at 12.06 noon for Pine grove, Tremont and Brookside; returning from liar risbtirg at '3.40 P M 4 from Brookside at 3.45 P. M. and from . Trement at 6.25 A .hf.and 5.06 P.M. • • , TICRETS, 4 -Through• first-class tickets and emigrant ticketsfe all the principal points in theNortit and West paid Canals. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and intermediate Stations,' good - for day • only., are sold b y" 'ffloraMgAcouturaodation, „Market Train, l2eading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. I Excursion TiCketii to'Philigielphia, good for day only. are sold at Pottsville and Intermediate Stations byßead. ng end/ Pottsville .anffi•Pottatotm Accommodation trains at reduced rates. - The following ticket's are obtainable only at the Office fS. Bradford, Treasurer...l7m 217 Smith Fourth street Philadelphia. or-of A. Nicolls, General Superintem 'lentil:Medina. • COMMlltiftlon Tickets* 26 per cent.,disconnt. between niy:toiting desired; for families and lines. Mileage Ticketa, g cod for 2.o o omilea,betweeniall points •. at $47 00 sack for famillea circa firms. Benson Tickets, for one, two.tbree. six, nine ' or twelve roontlis,fcrr holders only, to all Points. at reduced rates: • Clergymen residing on the line of the road will befttr sislaed with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare - Excuraion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal -*ions, good- for. Sithirday. Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be bad onty_at the,Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets.. • . . .FBEIGHT.—Croods of all descriptions -forwarded to all the above points from the Company's Ndw Freight ,Depot, Broad and Willowatreeta. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia ailt B eadi n g ~95 A. M., .12.30 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P. M., for , , Lebanon, illarrlsburg,Pottavlfte,-Port.Clinton, and all-peinta to yond. i Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all plarea pn the road and its branches at 5 A:51., and for the prin. nips] Stations only at BA P.lll, . _ B Dungan'allxpress will collect Baggage for all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot: Orders can be left at No. =.5 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets; ' ' - DIIII7ADEMPHIA, WILMINGTON—ATID IL, BALTIMORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Oom• mencing MONDAY, June 6th; 1870. Trains will bears Depot, corner Broad and Washington avenue,' as fol. lows 7 _ . . WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, atoppinpat all Regular Stations. Con necting . with Delaware Railroad Line at Clayton with Smyrna Branch Railroad and Maryland and Delaware R.R at 11 arrington with Junction and Brealivrateelt.R., at Seaford with Dorchester and Delaware Railroad, at Delmar with Eastern Shore Railroad and at Salkibur9 with Wicomica and Pocomoke Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN at 11.45 IC (Sundays etcepted l ,l'ot Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville and Havre do Grace. Connects at Wilming• ; EXPRESSn for New Castle. _ _ TRAIN at 4.00 P. M.(Sundays excepted),, for Baltimore and Washingtori,atopping at Cheator4 Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont , Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, Newark, , Elkton, • North East,' Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de .Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Etlgowood'Mnolia, Chase7a and Stemmer's Run. NIGHTEXPRESS at 11.30 P:•21. (daily) fat Baltimoie and Washington, stopping at Oh esteg, Lin wood, Claymont Wilmington , * Newark, Elkton North , East, PerrYville,,Havre de Grace. Perryman ' s end Mag nolia. passengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 11:45 A. B. Train. • , WILMINGTON TRAINS.--Stopiing at all Stations between Philadelphia andlVilinin on. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11. A. M. 3.10,5410 and 7.00 P,111._. The 3.00. P. M. train conneote with Delaware Railroad for Harrington andintennediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.45 and 8.10 A, M., 2.00,4.00mA 1.15 P. IC The B.lO'A. Al:train will not atop between Chester . andPhilealelphia.• Tho 7.15 P. M. train from Wilmington 'runs,. dailytellotherAccommndatiOnTraini Sundays excepted.. • Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 5.45 A. M. and 4.00 P. AL, will connect at Lamokin - Junction with the 740 A.M. and 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central B. E.' From. BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.--Leaves Baltimore 7.25 A. M. Way 151%11. 9.00 A. AL.,Exprese. 2.55 P. M. Express. 7.2.5. P. M.,'Ex_preae. • _ - SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMOILLeavee BALTIMORE at . /.25 P. M. Stopping at;Magnolia, Per rymen's,;Aberdeen,Havre-de-Grac.e Perryville,Charles town•North-East, Elkton. Newark. ' Stanton, Newport, Wilmington Claymont, Linwood and Cheater. • Through tickets to all points West, South, and South. west may be procured at the ticket i ottice;. era Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Booms and Berths in Sleeping Oars can bo. secured •dnring the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage checked at their reeldonce by the . Pinion Trans fer Company. -- H. Y. RENN&Y,'SnpI. IITTT4.ADICI,RECIA. , AND BEM RAIL. ROAD--SOM BIER TIME TABLE. 1 ' On and after MONDAY May 30, 1870, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will rnn an follows from Pennsylvania Railroad Taot, West Philadelphia ; Mail Train leavea Philadelphia. 10.70 P. M. "- Williamsport._, 8.00 A, M. " ' '" arrives at Erle.:. .-.„..'' 7.40 P. M. Erie Express leaves Philad elphia 10.50 A. IC Williamsport 8.15 P. M. " " arrives at Eris 7.25 A. M. Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia 7.50 A. M . 16 it " Williamsport— 6.00 P. M. u 0 arrives at Lock Haveza 7.20 P. M. Bald Eagle Shill leaves Williamsport, 2 1. Iff3o P. , " • " arrives at Leek Haven ' .45 P.. 111, . . EASTWARD. Mall Train leaves Erie —, 8.50 A. M, Williamsport 9.25 P.M. ! "" arrives at Philadelphia 6.20 A. M. ; Erie Express leaves Erie - 9.00 P. M. " " " Williamsport ' 8.15 A. 111. u u arrives at Philadelphia 5.30 P. M, Elmira Mail leaves Williamsport 9.45 A. M. 64 66 arrives at Philadelphia 9.50 P. M. B uffalo Express leaves Williamsport. 12.25 A.M. Harrisburg , 5.20 A.M. " " arrives atryhiladelphla. ' 9.25 A. M. Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock Haven 11.35 A. M. arrives at Williamsport 12.50 P. M. Bald Eagle Express leaves Lock Haven 9.35 P. M. arrives at Williainsport, 10.50 P. M. Express, Moil and Accommodation, east and west, connects at Corry and all went bound trains, and Mail and Accommodation east at Irvington with Oil Oreeff and Allegheny River Railroad. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Superintendent. .'PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE ii CENTRAL RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. • On and after MONDAY, April 4, WO, trains will run as follows • ` LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P. W. dc D. R. R., corner Broad street and Washington avenue, For PORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A. - M. and 4.30 P. M. 1 For OXFORD, at 7A. M., t. 3 ,0 P. M.,•and 7 P. M. For CHAIM'S FORD AND CHESTER CREEK R. at 7 A. M.,. 10 'A, M.., 2.30_ P.M., 4,30 P.M., and 7 Train leaving PhilaTlelphia ••at 7 A. M.Ccinneets at. POrt Deposit Ay ith - traiu. for Baltimore. - • _Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. 141.'and 4.30 P. M., leaving Oxford at 6.05 A. AI., and leaving Port De posit-at 9 '25 A:M.:Connect Chadd's FOrd Junction with the Wilmington and Readingg. Railroad. . . • TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA loitymPortDeposit at 9.25 A. DL-and:A.2s7l' bi - on - prrivpd , of , trains from - Baltimore. •' ' OXFORD . at 6.a5 A. M., 10,35 A. M. and 15 : 30 P. MI • CHAIM'S 'FORD iit.1.26 A. M., /2.0011 L, 7.30. P. Id 4.45 P. M. and 6.49 P. M. = • On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia for West Grove and intermediate stations at 8.00 A: Returning leave West Griteat 345 P. M. • Passengera,armalloweLto take s - wearing apparotonly_ as baggage, abd the Company will not be responsible for an- amount exceeding one hundred 'dollars, unless a specie/, contract is matht for the sumo. 11E.NEY WOOD, General SupOrintelient/ SEEM OR' ' NEW YORE.-THE CAMDEN F' AMBOY ' and' "PMLA OELPtIf TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S .L Si from Philadabfa tO Row York, and way - 14 60 5 i dinWal hnt At 6.80 A:;11., Accommodation and 2 P.. 31. Expretl9, via • Camden and Amboy, and at 8 A.M., EXPross_MaiLand 111., Accommodation via Camden and Jersey At 6 :M. for Amboy and intermediate stations. At 6.30 A. 1.1.. 2 and 3.30-P. M., for Freohold.. _ • . At 2.00 P. M. far Long Branch "andPOLiate on , New JorreY Southern Railroad. . . • At 8 and 10 AIM., 12 31,2,3.30 and 5.00 P. iff .4for, Trenton._ -A16.30,8 and 10 - A.111.4 )2 M., 2, 3.30,5, 6, 8 and 1/.30 P. 51. ---for Bordentown.Florencen,littrlinaton,Beverlraffd De , - lanco - and Riverton. __: • . ,• _ At 6.30 arid 10 A.. 51,12 Me, 5.30, 5,6,8 and 11.30P.M: for Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton, and Palmyra. At 1130 and 10 A. 6, 8 and - 11.30 P. M. for I Fish Bowie. , . ' ; Tho 11.30 P. M. Line leaves from foot :of Market greet by upper ferry- From Ketusington Depot: - . - At 730 A . 31, 2.80, 331 and 5.00 P.M. for Trenton and ; Bristol. And at 10.45 A. 31. and 31 P. , for Brbtool. At 7.30 A. 11., 240, and 5 P. M. for Morrisville and Tully town. At 7.30 and 10.46 A. 3L, 2.30. ssr and 5 . P.M. The Schenck's, • Eddington, Cornwelle, T orresdale :and llolmesbikrg Junction. _ A t 7, A. 31 "12.30. s.ldand 7.30 P.M., for ,linstleton,Holmes bitrg and Bolmesburg Junction. • _- • - At 7 and 19.45 A. 31 ., 12.30, 2.30. 5.14: 8 and. 7 . 3 0.P.,5 1 . for Tacony , Wissinomina, Bridesburg and Frankford. From Vest Philadelphia Depot via Ootmectink Railway: At 7.00 and. 9.30 A. M.. 12.45. 6.45, and 12 P. M. New York Express Lines and at 11.30 P. Emigrant',Lines` via Jersey City.- • At 7.00 and 9.30 A. 31., 12.45, 6.45, and , .12 .' or _ Trenton and Bristol. .1 At 12 P.M .(.N ight for Morri evil le,Tril I ytown, Sohenokhi, Eddington, Comwell s Torreedale, Holmesb Junction. Tacdny, W , issinoming, Bridesburg , Sunday Lines leave at 32 111 ( Noon.), 6,45 P. 31., .and 12 Night. - For Lines leavingEensingion D e pot, take thenars On third or:Fifth streets, at .ohestnut, at -halt an hour be- , fore denartnre: The Care of Marko Street Railway run direct lo West Philadelphia Denoll, Chestnut and Walnut within one acinans. • • • - ' BELVIDERE DELAWARE 'RAILROAD' LINES from Kensinpon Depot. At 7.30 A. ~ for Niagara Falls,. Buffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira,. It ma, - Owego,' Rochester, Binghampton Oswego, Syracuse, Great , Bend; Montroser.Wllkcsibarre. Schoeley'a Mountainc&c. • • At 7.30 A. 51. and . 3.30 'ff. for Saranton, Strands- burg,' Water Gap,' ,oßeliidare, • - Easton, Lam bertville. Flemington, Ac. The 3.30 P. M. Line con. necte direct with the train leaving EastOn.for Manch Chunk - ALlentown, Bethlehem, Ac. At4s P..M. from Kensington Depot,for Lambertillle and intermediate Stations. _ _ CAMDEN AND BIIRLINGToiI CO, AND. PEMpw . a! TON AND 151ORTSTOWN- AILROADS, from Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) • . At 7 and 10 A : 711. j, 2.15,3,30, 5 A 6.3o'P.M4and 'on Tlture , day and Saturday nights at 11.80 P. U- for Merchants ville,_Moorestown Dartford. Masonville, Haimmort and Blount Holly. ' At 7 A . 31., 2.111 and 6.30 P. M. for Lumberton and Med. At 7 and 10 A M., 1, 3-30 &5 P. M., for Smitinrille, Ewansville.Vinceptewn,Virtningham.atuLPemberton,-- • an. '. - A.731. andl and 3.30 P. • M., for CLewistown, Wrightetown, Cookstown, New Egypt, andEornam M.. 1 and 8.30 P. M. for Cream Ridge, Imlay.- toWn. Sharon and Rightstown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Paasengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty _ponds to-be--paid-for-extro,—The-Company—limit7thelr responsibility- for baggage to One •Dollar. per _pound.. and .will not be liable for any 'amount beyond ISNO, ex, cept by special contract. . Tickets sold and Baggage Checked direct throligh to Boston, Worcester, Springfleld,Hartforl, Nets nevem Providence, • Newjport, AlbanY,Troy,_Baratoo, Utica, Rome, Syracuse Rochester,Buffaio, liiagara Fails and Suspension Brid . . • . An additional Ti cket O ff ice Is located at No. 828 Chest- uttistreet, where tickets to New - York, and all impor tafft points North and East, may be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at this. Olfice. can have their bag gage checked from residences or ho!cit to destination,by Union Transfer Baggage Express: • Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 7 A fd.,l and 4P. J era°, City and Camden. At 8.30 and' 9,30 A. 12.30, 6 and 7 P.M.' and at 12 Night, via Jersey Cityand - West Pb _ • ' From Pier No. I, N. River, .at 63 A. 0 M. Acconuitbdso thin and 2 P. M. Express, _via Amboy and Camden. Jmie 16th. 1870. . GATZMER, Agent. N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. --,The short middle route to the Lehigh 'and WY oming Valleys, NOrthern Pennsylvania, Southern and , Interior Now York: Roehester, DWlttio, , Niagara Fate, the Great Lakes and the Dominion' of:Canada. r • • • •, SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. • Sixteen Daily Trains leave Paecenger Depot; coiner of „Berke 'and , American streets (Sundays 'excepted)i Be . . 7 A. 31.,'Acceinmodation.for Fort.lVashington andin-7 termediate points. 7.85 A. . Fast Line for Bethlehem and - ptinciptil stations on main lino of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with the Lehigh , Valley road for Easton,Altentownjffauch Chunk ,hlallanny City, Williamsport,Wilkesbarre:Pittaten, Towanda and ;Wa verly, connecting at Waverly,•with the. ERIE RAIL 'NVAY for-Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, Corry Chicago,'Sad Francisco, and all volute: in tho Great West. 8.25 A. AL, Accommodation for Doylestenrm, stoPping - tit all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove; Ilatborough, tc.vby this trait', take stage at Old :York toad. .:. • - - • - •1 , - • 9.45 A.M ~ Lehigh and Susquehanna Express, for Beth lehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Williamsport, White Raven, Wilk esbarre,Pittstons Scranton, Carbondale,via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad,' and Allen 'town, Easton. Hackettstown, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morrie and Essex Railroad to New York, via Lehigh Valley Railroad. 11 Accotnmodatibn for Fort Washington, stop ping at intermediate stations. , .30. an d At R....11:/...,A_ce.ammo dation to Rhin rttnn At 1.45 P. M., Lehigh Valley Express tar Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Plabatior City, Wliite Haven, Wilkesbarro, Pittston, and the Mahanoy Wyoming coal raglans. At 2.30 AccomModation for Doylestown, stop ;ping at all intermediate stations. At 3.20 P. /ff., Bethlehem Accommodation for Bethle hem, Easton, Allentown and Copiay, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, and Easton,. Allentown and Manch Chunk, via Lehigh and Snsiinehanna Railroad, ,At 4.15 P. M., Accommodation . for . Doylestown, stop- Ting at all intermediate stations.' At 5 P. M., Accommodation for Bethlehem, connecting iwitlfLehigh•Valley'Evoning Trait, . for- Easton, Allen ownM and auch Chunk. ' At 0.20 P.M., Accommodation 'for Lansdale, stopgin at all intermediate stations. At 8 and 112.0 p: .M.,.Accommodatlon for Fort Wash ington and Intermediate stations. Trains arrive in Philadelphia from Bethlehem at 8.55, ;10.35 A. M. 2.15,5.05 lind 8.25 i'. -111., making direct:con nection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Susquehanna drains froni.Easton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Williams port 3itthanoy City, Hazleton. Buffalo, and the West; , From Doylestown at 8.25 A. M., 4.40 and 7.05 P. M. From Lan Wale at 7.30,A. M.. • . From Fort Washington at 9.20, 11.20 A. H., and 3.10 9.45 P.M. . • • . , . 1 From Abln glen at 2.35, 4.55 and 6.45 P.ll-7 -- ON SUNDAYS. , Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0.30 A. M. / do. , do.- Doylestown at P. M. do. do. Fort Waahington at 830. A. M. and • Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 . - ! Doylestown for do., , • at 6.30 A. 111. Vort Washington do. at 9'30 A. -M. and 8.10 • • The Fifth and- Sixth 'Streets, and Second and Third Streets lines of City Passenger Cars run directly to and 'from the Depot. The Union line .rus within a short istance of tine Depot. n 1' -Tickets for Buffalo,: Niagara, Falls, Southern and Western New 'York and the West, ,may be, secured at the office, No.. 811 Cheetuut street. ' 1 Tickets Hold and baggage checked through to iprinci-- pat points at klann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Ex press office, No. 105 Smith Fifth street, • ELLIS CLANK, General Agent. NATEST CHESTER AND PHILADEL VV PHU RAILROAD COMPANY. • On atid after MONDAY, April 4,1d70, thaws will leave :the Depot, THIRY Y4'lllBl andCIANSTNOT,.aa fol lows: . .. FROM PHILADELPHIA. 645 A. 111 . .. for B O. Junction stops at all stations. 7.15 A. Al. for West Cheater, stops at all'atations west of Media( except. Greenwood). connecting at B. 0: Junc• . Hon for Oxford, Kennett, Port Deposlt,and all stations on the P. and B. C. R. R. . 9.90 A. Id.for West Chester stops at all stations. 'll.5O'A. 51. for B. C. Junctionatops at all stations. ;2.30 P. M. for Wekt Chester stops at all stations, 4Y 9.11)P, N. for B. C. Jfinction stops at all stations. 4.45 P. 31. for West Chester stops at all stations west of - Medta ( except Greenwood), connecting at B: o..Junc ) tion ibrOxford,Kennett,Port.Deposit,and all stations 1 on the .P..& 13 -C. R.ll. . 6.30 P. M. for B. 0. Junction. This train' commences 1 running on and after Juno let, 1870, stopping at all stations. . , 1:1.55 P.M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 11.30 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. FOR PHILADELPHIA. 15.25 A. M. from B. C. Junction stops at all stations. ' 6.30 A. M. from West Chester stops at alt stations. 3.40 A. 31 . trout West Chester stops at all stations be tween W. C. and Media ( except Greenwood), connect ing at 11.'0. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port De posit, and all stations on the P. & B. 0. R.R.. .15 A. Dl.ll'olll B. C. Junction stops nt all stations. 10.00 A. N. from West Chaster Stops at all stations. 1.05 P. 111 :from B. C.. Junction stops tit ill StAtiollB. 11.5.5 P.M', from West Chester stops at all stations. 1.55 P. Dl. from West Chester stops at ell RtittiOUrij . con necting at 8.0 Junction for Oxford, Kennett,'Port Deposit, and all stati o ns on tip P. tB. C. R. It. , 6.55 P. Dl. from W est Chester stops at all stations, con ! nailing tit D. C. Junction with P &B. 0. IL: R. OOP, M. from B. C. Junction. Tills train commences running on and after Juno Ist, 1870, stopping at all ! stations. 1 ON SUNDAYS. . 5.05 A. 111. for West Chester stops at all a tations,connect- I in 013. 0, Junction with P.& B. 0. It. It. ' g. 30 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 7.30 A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. 4.50 P. M. from West Chewer stops at all stations, con necting at B. C. Junction with P. A( B. 0.11. It. W. C. WHEELER, Superintendent.' , . CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after MON DAY,llday lethi 1870, trains will leave Viuo Street Ferry as follow: FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Mail . 8.00 A. M -Preigist, with Patatengor Car -.....-9.18 A Al.- Atlantic Accommodation 8.15 P.M RTUANING—LEAVE ATLANTIC. Mail - - 4.00 P. DI Freight • • I .30 A. 111 Atlautic AccoMmodat ion ' 6.00 A. M LOCAL TRAINS LICAV El • Fur Haddonfield. —.10.15 A. M., 2.00 P.M. and 6.00 P; M For Atco and Informodiato Stations, - , '_ _. 10.18 .04 . 41[16.00 - Pill ItETtIuNING—LE AVE .7.15 A. M., .1.00 P. M. and 15.15 P. id 0.22 A. 111. and 12.12 Noun Mul4loolold Atco . • - ON stiiilAits.. Leave Vine Street Ferry at 8.00 A. M. Leave Atlantic (Sty at 4.00 P. M. The Union Tratiefor Company,No. 620 Chestnut kraut, Continental:intel, will call-for- and-chock- baggage,. to thedinat fen. Tickets Hike on snb . Adltitional ticket 'alike' have boon located itt. No. 828 Chestnut street (Continental Hob.l hint Niaritet Arcot. D.ll. MUNDX, Atout ICRAsrELERS' GUIDEs t.u , .1.44i.LYJ31A, MAIS T W 1. AND NORRISTOWN • RAILROAD tlidlt .TABLE. On and-after. .110NDAN4nna8t-1870' • FOR GERMANTOWN. Lave PHILADELPHIA. 6,7,, 8, 945, 111..12i A. 1.00 '154/5,` 83-1, 81 • Leave GERIVIANTOWN, 6, 6.56 t 734,,8, 8.20, 9 , HN, .11/. 00.' 12 A. M. 1,2 . ," LOO, 431, 8, 83-6,`6 , 6 K; 8 ... ir4-he g. 20 boleti Train, rtnd3,l4 rand 64 Up Trams, will not stop omthe , Germantown Branch,. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 94; A.. M. Leave GERAIAN,TOWN at 834, A. Ai. 1,3, 6, and 9U, P. M. • • ;;.' r OttlEtrNllT HILL RAILROAD. - • Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,8, 10, and 12,A. M. 2,3'x; 511,7, 9.00 and 11. P. M. Leave CHESTNUT HILL 7.10,8,9.40, and 11.40, A. ra 1.40, 3,40,8.40,8A0,8.40, and 10.40.1'.1 ON SUNDAYS. - - • Letive PPILA DELPHIA at ski, A. M. 2,and 7,P. M." Leave CHESTNUTIIII.J.Lat 1.60., A • M. 1.2•403 5.40. and` Pa*.tinkerktidAitki6.66,9 ..4.211. and 630 P.M. Trains , . from :Gettnantown, will make close ' connection/ with'? Trains for New York at Intersection Station. • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,7.16,9, and 11.4, A. M. , 3 ? 4 34; 5, 11,4_033.i. 9.013, 10 'and MI, " ' • Leave NORRISTOWN SN, 6.26, 7, IN, 8.60, and 11,.A.. M. 14,3,44.,84.4,8,and . ON SUNDAYS. - , Leave PHILADELPHIA at 9, A. M. 2 J4, - 4,' . ( 9 1 d. 7 %" Leave NORRISTOWN, at 7, A.M. 1, ni,ati4l. p, • FOIr MANAYUNK. Leave Plifladelphia': 6. 7%, 9 'and 11.00 A. 31 : 1 35 . ,3' : '434, 0, 0 %_.1.041&05, 10 and 117.0 P. m. , • Leave Manny - ink 6, 6.514 7.% 8.10, 914 and 1131,A. hi,; and to P. M. . , • • . • ON SUNDAYS. ' • Leave Philadelphia 9A: M., 136, 4 and 734 P. P.M. Leave Pdanayunk_._• 73 , ,i A. 31., 634.and.934 P. P.M. ;• . • - • _ rL aiguTu RAILROAD LeaVePhfladelpliia : 'SP. M. , • Leave Plymouth : 634 A. M. VON Train. from Norristown Will not ova at .6.forree's,l'otts Landine, Domino or Schur's Lane.. The. 5 P. M. Trairefrom Philadelphia mop Only at &heal • Lane, Wissahickon,Manayunk, Green Tree' and Conslro hoeleen. . . • , , Paesengers taking the' 7.00, pms A. M. and IN Trains from Ninth . and . Green streets - will make close connections with the Trains -.for New York atNlnterset-', tion.Station. The 9.% .sl2and 5 P.M:Trains from New York con nect with the Lewend 8:00 P.' M. Trains' from German town to Ninth and, Green streets. , • ; , S. WILSON, General Superintendent. lE,zuzsy - Lv.,wl4. cENTRAL,, Aire- ROAD.—After . 8 P. M.,SIINDAIt,4une 12th, 18 . M. The • haino of the' Pennsylvania Central ' Bailrotin leave the Depot - At Thirty-first and Market streets,which' is reached directly by the care of the Market Street Banger Railway, the lain ear connecting with each: train , • leaving Frontimdlliarket street thirty minutes before Its departure: Those of the , Cheintrat' and 'Walnut Streets Railway runt within one Eqll9X(tof the Depot: • Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on, , application at the.. Ticket Office, Northweet_eernerof allath Aud.,Oheittrint-.- - etrlfetii: and af tile - Depot. • , • , , Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and"deliver Baggage at the Depot. .Orders lett at N 0.901 Chestnut street, No. 116 Market street; will receivesitz tendon TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, Mail Train. _ . at 8.00 , r Paoli Accotn. 12.59, and 7.10 P. M. 11,00 A.M. Harrisburg 2.30 P.m. ; Lancaster Accom. ' at 4.10 P. Parksburg Train. - • • 'atßM P, L Chfcinnati Express. • -- at 8.00 Erie Mail and,Pittaburgh Express ..,st 10.30 P.M. , Way Passenger ' at 11.30 P M.' Erie Mail leaves daily : , except Sunday, running on night to Williamsport only. On SandaYnlght, Passengers will leave Philadelphia at . Pittsburgh Emirate: leaving on Saturday 'night ' runs only to Harrisburg. • • • Cincinnati ExPreas leaves daily, , All 'othbr ..trains !4._aTlLesit't Sunday Wern Accommodation Trairirtins ascii* Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured tutd' ; ' , baggage delivered by 5.00 P.-M.. at 116 , 1darketstreeti Sunday Train No ~ 1 . leaves Philadelph la 8.40 A. M.; , arrives at Paoli 9.40'.0 M: ~Sundayl, T rain No: 2 Teigyea . aftv:4o'l . l hi:: arrives' dtiPtioll 7.40 P: M. Suadny Train No. kleaves Paoli at 0.50 A. U.; arrives at Philadelpbia at S.lO ,A. DI, Sunday - 'l'rain. No. 2 le:iv - es-Paoli at 4.60 P. M.; arrives at Philadelphia at6;io P3l TBAINS,ARIIIVE AT DEPOT. 1 . 9114 : Oineirmati Ez rites..gt3.lOA„or..i Philadelphie..Exprese..„,' ~at 6.30 A. Erie Mini - at 6130 A. M. Paoli Accommodation .. ... 8,20 A. M. and. 6.40. ,„- Paricalmg .. . .... .. ; Buffalo xprteq ”at 9.36 A. East Li e • • • • ' • at 9.3641. At .0. Lancaster Trafa at Um Al; ALT, rio creep t ..t, .. . . ... at 6.10 P bock Havenand Elmira Express at 9.40 P.M.„.+ Pacific ' • at 12.20 Pi Mr .. ~. at 9.40 P. , 217 Per t Mrther information, apply to str • Joa,bl llcke Agent, vol . pitesuoi. • - . FRANCIS FllNltittleket. Agent, 3,lslfarltat etreet.• ' BAXUELIi. WALLACE, Tice t Agent at tbe Depot:, The renneylvanla'Ritilroad Company '10Ill•not assume any riot for Baggage, eicept for - Wearing apparel, and rl limit. their reeponaibility,,to- .One : Xintrired. Pedlataiki , value. All Baggage expeaning that amount in be at the risk of thee*ney, unless talt.imYbY °OM' oOsi tract; - • '.. . J: bATT,' , General. ACIA Superintendent. AltooSna,CraK W'X .E A. l-1: 1t A D'l3' COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, June - 1., • Leave Philadelphia, Foot, of Market street (lOupele, Ferry) at . t • - - • • • - 8.00 A Mail, -for Cape May,Brldgeton,Saleint-M111.4--. ville.T - Tinelandi Swedesboro and lutertaediate etatiops. • --11,45-A4-711--Woodbur-y-Accommedation. 3.15 P. M. Mail; for tape May, Millyille, Vineland and way stations below Glassboro. - •, • 3.30 P, lit., Passenger, for Bridgeton,, Salem, SWedett boro. and all intermediate stations. SUNDAY 'TRAINS FOR CAPE MAY. • ••' Last Beat leaves Market ' , Street Wharf (Tipper Side) at 7.15 A. El.;,lleturnitig leaves CApe May at 5.10 P. M. 5.45 P. M., - Accommodation. Woodbury, Glassboro, Clayton, Swedesboro and way Accommo dation.. • ' , Commutation tickets at reduced rates between Phila. • delphia and all stations. ' Cape May Season Tickets good for four months from date of purchase, Annual tickets, .9100. ' ' Freight train leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 o'CloCk, Freight received. in Philadelplila at eecond covered , wharf below Walnut street. • • Freight delivered at N 0.228 S. Delaware avenue. , • , w - ILUAvd , 3,§EVTElAL.Superintendebt., ,MIA.I3T FREIGHT LIRE, PIANOILTIC PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD,. to, Wilitesbarre, - i hiahanoy City Mount Carmel Centralia and ahlpoiato on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches.' ' By new arrangements, perfected this day; this road Is enabled to give increased despatch .to merchandthe Oen- • signed to the•above-named points. . . Goods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, • S. E. cor: Front and Noble streets. -Befar 29 - 1 • Xj..-Wl ll - reach Wllkesbarre Illounttlarrael. c - Mahaney.eity, api I d the other stations n Btahanoy and Wyoming valley obetera •, M. the tmcceedfng day. • • • • 11.1.1418 , CLARK, Anft2e. I , • E.EGN.CNoT.It's.. • IN THE 'DISTRICT COURT OTI TU uNITErt STATES IN .AND FOR-THE E(4BTHEN, DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. • , • • . . • In the matter of the estate o :and. T HOIIAS b'ABLEV:( cot-partnere, itradinft. se BA- ;RED & PARLEY, Bankrupts, you pill hereby stake i'totico that it third General Meeting 'of the Creditors ' ',o(fse Id Bankrupt(' w ill be held at the office of WILLIAM.: iMeMIDEARL,Esqi,one of the Begistern in Bankruptcy,; for maid District,No. 419 Walnut St ~In,the city of Phila., Iphia. on FRIDAY, the Bth day . of July, A. D. WO,. at ' 3P. 111..', for the.purpotga; named in the Twenty-eighthf: 'Section of thollankrupt Act of Marolel, 184., and Oat • I have filed my final accounts ae assignee of said estate, in said Court, and that on the 19th der of September 'next l - aliall apply to cold Court for the sett'moat-ofi my said accounts Mid fora discharge from all liabilities'. as assignee of said estate, according to the proviaiona of said seetlon. • (3EO. .1. HENE.EL . _ • Assignee. To the Creditors °Bile sat i Bankrupts.. jo24:iyit2t§. TN THECOURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 for the City and County of Philadelphia.--Aueigned • estate of the. PLNNSYLVANIA BUILDING AND - SAYING FUND, A StiOCLATIMN, NO. 3.—Tho Auditor.. appointed Py th e Court to audit nettle and ad,ist 'the second and final account of , P.ETLR KOl-11.1.1AA5,• Aa. I gnat. of theyIPHINeNSYLVANIA BUILDING ANT) SAVING FUND ,ASSOOIATIO.N, NO. 3, and to report dietributiOotlhe bulanco - in'.the hands M. the - Ac." lr - countnntr, will moot the parties Intercstod. for the :Diu , . pose of his.- appointment. on NVEDNNSDAV, July 6,' 1870,ut 11 o'clecit A ~ 1 1.,itt his office, No. 1,38 South Sixth street, in the city of Tthiladelphia. je24-f 'wet§ .'JAM 1..8 .W. LATTA, Auditor. [STATE OF ALEXANDER , ' LYONS; 12A Deeased,"--Letteis of • administration ution the en pin( of ALEXANDER. ONS, deceased, beon granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to the estate arc reitnestod to make payment, and those lowing elaimO against the sainawill tyres, nt them to - JOHN S. ;KENNELLY , Adininistrator, No. 235 Queen - street, or tu his attorney, R.s•SLIARKEIY, Nu. 619 Walnut 'street. jel7-f 6t* ! N OTIC.E.— LE TT Eifi*: . 'll; STA E AEI to the catatc of GUSTAV 141 N lit. It, 5.1 D lute I • •, Of the city of Philadelph'ii. &T.:mod, lowing been granted to the undersigned. all Porsoll4 indebt•itl to said ,estat a will please make payment, rani those haring claims are requested to present thoir itooontns, without delay, to FRANKLIN C. JONES, Sole Executor, r 103-Ifit. • ' Nit. 1207 Race street. • 'N OT.IC.E TO CREDITORS--NOTICE hereby pii•en that John D. 'fustin, of the cotintr of Montgomery end State of Pennsylvania,' produce dealer (doing buoine(3a in tho city of Philadelphia) has this Icy „lune 22, 1870, made an assignment to the under signed of all his 'state And property for the - benefit of lots creditors. without preference. All persons indebted will make payment, and theta haying claims will pre sent Omni to ' • • W. E. FLOYD, Assignee, 33 and 35 South Water street, Philada., TN THE ORPHANS' COURTWOR THE I, City and County of Philadelphia.—Eetate of , WIL. • Li A 211 'WILSON, ea., ilecetteeti.—The Auditor appointetli hy. the Court to' audit, moult, and inljuat'the eiuppletnen to ry-acennti tof WILLIAIit 'WILSON. .1 Ft AdMirail. trawl of the @tante of WILLIAM WILSON,.Bn,,, cooled, milt° nialutiliatribution of thebalance. in the' hands-n/ the accountant; will _rneet the parties-infer. ' eated, for the purpostio of bit appointment, oil TUBS- DAY .lane 2.4tti, 1110, attn . ; o'clock-P. M:,.ftt hie office; F No.lo Law Itnileing, Walnut ,att:oet, in Nue city , of Philadolpiiiii. . _ - w ISt* ..THE.. . . City and County of Philadelphia—Estate of CARO LINE Vl. BRADY. it Illinor.—The Auditor appointed by the , Court to audit, nettle and adjust the account of B. M. HARRIS. Guardian of. the perion and estato•, . of CAROLINE M. BRADY, a Minor, and to report ilWributton of the balabce In the hands of Cho' 'areTtintaint;'' will meet the parties interested for the tot r pores . t lea ppotm en L Auu_WED.NESD _J _ osio !' clock A. M. ' at his 011101. NO. 2, second floor, Led our 'Building, In the city of ..1111011Mth P. WiliTE*- f Ut§ Auditor,