6r '`' „ 4 " r " c' s - „ass:6'4:a ~.„...2%,.. - - _ as_ ...... ..... - 1. ....f.. - :-- ~...._ , . s. isa. 7 he t Is r". 01 71 ,-- r ri .s -- -,-... c•-• -- - .. -, - -..- -- - - - - - , e t ...***----s-•.....`"+" ~ , c. - - "i'r ---- '"'"""'" 1 " --** " * " . ''''' " . ..e PHI LADELP HIA EVENIN G BULLETIN. 1410 N D Y, Art A Y 23. 1870. ART It titilllns ,t kINAAVIAL WINES, LIQUORS, ArC": - t NEW pragnootcA Ls. this pertinacious lover. He procured his arrest •s 'Ve lie 1.1 be cOmpleted,andY gulated iu sect' a as a Itinatic and incarceration in an asylum. n ant, that one of OA kmr will set out be ; wee released and iminellittely• 167101111, e Athenceitnalu'ite Mace of the Sa,lonoll LEHIGH CONVERTIBLE IKE Ics'r oN V. The ift/anfic presents for. June a particularly •Recentlyrim Pittahurghto atcinnatti, and re mmeneed ink, f0r 4 520,000 damages. HI ad- 1.. t. ,speaks thus of th Mr. A i T. Stewait's amid- T.:eddy f ionable number, beginning vssiha share c°. 110 m Pan , visem pleadl LP* he was atot, assail s but 'w I 14 ' 31 ' mirectilig e A ltmuzum's -spelling, turn • 6,Per Cent First,Mortgage Gold Lop PU A 13,E WHE T WHISKY of Bayard Taylor's story, "Joseph "and buf espoony " ued had tindeed 'a new, disease-La a %inch makes Yron out of Yvon, we copy its ni Th i e n Pr int o t! pri m e a to n r ill o er f . these ' els baying ma , , ' , ~. , V i all foe to "that tremendous historival allegory invert' , considerede _ma mconv ui nces , ~ . , , „ , , - Friend," which gives one very much the'feeltng reeseetis'ng triebomtma."-whateyer that may be. ' 1 1 1 ' , .. and dangers incident to th , common method . . F re e f r om - A n pores 1 t wistillf.d. front the Grain i , , t nhich no less famous a paiuter than 151... of a rade ay trip unto the eoun ,- emit shoWs His eisansell'advances an amusing plea-aver tiY f ' bp e von, laro Y De che's own pup io ns cons hitherto adopted of navigating the Ohio; and , I 3 • By ti diet, ,If Li, man make vieletit love, hash aril ' Ad I/1 the bucolic sentiment &lonely insetded by descended to roduce for Mr Stewart of New uen being infl ted by a love of philanthropy and t - we &for for solo 51.770,000 of the 'Lehigh Coal and ' he sent betbre a police Magistrate •• if ',me l bas 13 - ' ' d s're of being serviceable to the public, has t T J . pa,ipition cb..„,,, , ,,,,.. First atolosseo Six Pe ot • MARTIN & 0., modem notions. s ln the nextpaper the art„ . ' . Yolk -and, vie trust, at an enormous price, e 1 tent, Gold Bende,froo Crony all taxosanterest title starch , omen bim mad, Laetrile acts aceordiegly. he ' be,cue the agonies of its bringing , forth de' REYSTONE DISTILLERY, critic of the London bee/racy oticat, P. G. should 'halm a straight waistcoat." ''The &Ili- serve an immense return. taken great Palma° render the accomreoda -1 and Sepleniber, at NINETY ibui and interest In t ur • It i s designed to. Lions on board the Boats as agreeable and , ~re n cy 'xidded to ditto of pm. Isiso Barnerton, appears for the first time before an casty would be to dmw the line. --- - - Arectican p.blic, in " Drives from a French Twelfth and Washihg - ton Streets - . NORTHWEST CORNER OF does so fulsomely. It represents, a gi g antic No danger need be apprehended from the Ofes et v e r b o u V " Tik:s m i u k t o t k ,t' o n'l i i ;s l in n y i n f s e o 2 rsi '°°°- st;:r l4 .l t V L Farm:" it is a slightly commonplace recital of LETTER Eitou-roirrsvit.GE. . =DI aDd ara convert's le into eitock at par until 1879 light eof the'Arberican Republic givlngbae'hand enemy, as every person on board will be under Principal and intert st payable in gold. the disinteament of an old Roman settlement I Correepondence of the Philada Evening Bulletin.) to "ha Sagesse ;" at chaegels- are expelling evil cover, made proof against title or . musket balls, • They are at cued by a fi rst mortgage on ti 600 acres of co el lauds in tl.o wromine 1 . mll , ll at'* , Wil , ' STORE near Stint a o thekind which has beers Porrsvitax, May 9 1, 1870.-It was ex_ passions, sanguinary traces 'on earth retire sent theti the , and . convenient port holes for . finng . oti. , t of. kkatai to at entoallELPlllA, PA. 5 present prodttcing at the IMO Dr 10 0 000 tone of emil per- .. ..... .. i effected frequently, all over France, and 'WY, pected that the result of the vote on tbe eight-. past;.black, white, and even red, men 1 - a a . r/ 1 t i 0 , ./ l c i t ie boat b s a i r . cOurea , nate sm , eaCes. Pilo. ioU North Front Street hug. Increase hi 'nn skirl) astiodaoet aloe ellen ‘sleshis imencan publi are jubilant; hoz des of European emigrants c ie./ ig pound a , also, a number of good annum, with wolks lit erostoak A Idyll yontemplate a and which to the distant 1 c hour question wotild be made public this morn- hrrive and find Virtue triumphant; the Amea i- muskets, and • ;trimly supplied with necessary inevitably scents much like the last one; no ing ; but, for sante unexplained reason, it is ran livers are personified, together with Peace, animunition l strongly manned 'with choice r teal,EV,MBlntli.i", , itY , . .. i A ilibiiirig iiinii tic ten cents poi ten apse kok e0)11 I aiman Te tt horn tt may eont, n 7 — very striking, atclaeologind discovery in this still nithheld.' It iris' announced that the Labor, the statue of Washington, and procla- hands, and the masters of appoved know ha co advocat i ed t h eir Trent theee mines fur flt n 6'loll suit Dr nitres k I•Idd par All the leading medical authorities recognize the valet. inetance t ro ve Is the wading leader, although committee to count the votes would meet in Illations of the glean of the United States /edge. ton Hari IMPS', IS 0 , 01 1 ,5%1 1 %m aril VW' ri‘tohlY. in tor of dill naive stimulants. Numerous ' enduerit ph ale no are going forth to time four corners of the maid. . A separate c.ibin from that designed for the . avec, Trost and Bahl li i visa g‘pelputiv mo ri Helves and surgeons tniplit las nano ft I the narrative very pleasant.-A truly fine r'r s amaqua yesto day, but the Anthracite Mold- unite the mertrage, Collect Omen slime aMI infest them t moles went hi tho ticatment w o l f a larks clans of dia 13ad and stupid as all tiles s things are We re- men is partitioned off in each boat tot ac paper on , Ilaalitt, the essaYlst,-Irastvn with ea•, the official °i • gen of the miners, published of tho Pt not enders Nu Dispensary is considered complete without 'dr - I 1 - Y li d tl ' •bt t cognise slid, sal aag, en me ipm t commollating lathes on their passage. Con- in,Ac newts, aaresabu to tat , pria awns . Tor full sartamins, eopite of the aim toge, et o„ Horn. 'the y am pre ecrib.4 In all public and private the labor and minuteness of one. of. Hazlita'S t`l ' anotwordabout 't Those' 118 11101111., sass a i . what on earth can be meant by the grim hole Veniences rue consuuctel on board each boat, iippis to It. e pit Os , 11116 (01111»istc red by all bedelde practitionera. own earl}• efloits in art-is by 11. T. Tucker- mho pretend to know say the minds are all vs Meta like Nemesis rises from the; rave en so as to -lender landing unnek•essaly, as it nut the dI Mc idly has beon to obt chi '7 W. U. NEWBOLD, SON ei Acurstm, man.-" French and English Illustrated Maga- voting no, n hile the laboi ars vote aye-the rea- 0111 ' left ? This pcntentons production would might, at times, be attended with danger. eines," by Eugene Benson, calls the roll of the son being that the foimei, in ninety-nine cases not call for notice, if the fame'of M. Yvon were Rules and Regulations for maintaining order c , 4 . n. moult; Alcoholic Liquoi'S Pure. „not coneerned and its vast dauensions and pi o- on board, and for the good tnanagement, of the E. w. cLA nu ji„ cc, , rile sunken! aroma of the Neel oil and lilting acids P designers of Paris and London, with in a hundred, work by contract and stop when- • • • 13orits;andTables, accuratele calettlated,• Of the nuinent position did not challenge the eyes. JAY COOKE tik co., rm.. IN in all of them can be ill Catgol ag the glans jg an occasional good word for a talented en- ever they please, but the tette). work, and are me n silt a. co academic correctness, D ' h Id rates of F reightage for passengets, and cart lime raised Wilke Ma The nauseous flavor of them activo ny b i ( ni l l. l l 7 l: n u t i i :i f a li tilf,, t e i n i ti e o . ): D nl t ui l ai li mi l i e g: t i.ti i ii: tl .d i t i , 7 ,,,,, p .tn llr e t i t rp o ~ eta r xitu i ii !y ol n .b , :et ti r iii ,:r ef og y ns i tv i hn s e gravr, like Pisan or SWaim ; ,Mr.-Benson for paid, by the day The former work from oto p tinted heartlessly, fiigidly inspired, conven- of Letters to and from Pittsburgh to Cincin- no tt n it h rEEL A Cato . the first time gives mouth to a tendency, quite 8 bouts, under the present system, and the rat Matti also a Table of the evict time of the arra - --- tumid, boastful an yet emit in sentiment, bele • 5 ' • , ' - - Allegory culminates: would It were the last of val and departure . to and from the tutlerent, 5 , t x 1 1,3 1 4,1 4 1) aud di • ath isto the pi tuitions Mutts of sucle pots, pronounced emote; artists, but unknown yet to tel. 10. if successful, the eight-hour system is 2o S AND 1881'S _ .111MICIII SCIPtiVe 11,4(11 for a pure stimulant to use /Ws Us kind! There is more of Art, more of the places on the Ohio, between from and join nalism, for lower mg a few conventional to go into effect June 1, and is to, be general Curennnalti, may be seen on boaid each Boat. human heart, more truth in the tritest picture Passengers will be supplied with provisions and ds who have received quite enougt throughout the five anthracite counties. It is tlemlg° ' - a -here of an Italian oraan-guirider than in this a . Pp,•i ilii. Which, Whim(' it d 111 Us 9 1 iIK If through tho eys ot ed-and the repor t seems . to comp from liquors of all kinds, of the first quality, at the libations of printer s' ink,-Gil best, for run "elm' mops daub by one of the most eminent Bo u ght, Sold and Exchanged on most ttni more rapidly than any other known agent, is reliable sources-that the Philadelphia Coal instance and oven John Leech ---andlser. h artists." most reasonable rates possible. Petsons de- liberal terms. • brought Into direct and artle . confect with the seat of ' ' Company will adopt the system on Mondaystrong of working their passage will be admit- die, sec It 19 this prop, My of the stfinfilant to dines . doing justice to great inventors hue Du next, paying the basis of '69. As an offset to -Of Vibeit's spirited pictme, in 'the same finding themselves, iemselves, subject, however, to and by the aid of Its p t ullar nutritious comment nt parts Mauner, Walker, Leighton, lieeue. Ma Ben- \S lush, Heim & Goodwill, of Shamokin, an- Salon, the Alkentonn th inks "it is easy to see fed on 1 time same order and directions lions the master ' to ito Isolate, regulate. e ntel-it t not restore, and it let by the happy union of the print I ple of activity whit the son seems to us rather over-excited upon the nounce -that they will resume work at bow M. G. Vibeit, in his 1 Gulliver, foilemt•nt of the Boats, as the rest of the working hands ' i n sulat i ons tb the p al l s Gu id e, w hi c h with all the same time, on the new or $2, 50 basis, attache au Sol Cl coral par. l'ArmZe,' At,. et the Beare erew. _ _ _ GOLD principles of invigorotion and restorittliM that enables a their men bavina agreed to work at that. (2,871), bas ignored the vetitable history in An Ok .1 ICE of IN'. PA "I' twi ll I e kept t PURE-WHISKY ---- .1 L • A I .l a their consummate clevernesame often move minor points and shown things which, al- The war is ben; vagoionsly can led on, vin- , i'dtsbmgh, Lagston, and (7)minnotte, is here ';'s To accomplish beneficial riseults and spidery.--=Ml's.. Stowe is comfortably fluent c ip a lly in the columns of the local Meta -the though not out of place, are not in Swift. It , • Bought and Sold at Market Rates. pet sons oesirous of hating then property le- linking great experience in, the distilling of Whiskies, - and ganulons in her " Oldtown Fireside men confining themselves to genetalities like . matters not that thus is so. Het° is Gulliver steed may apply. The rates of insurance trill - and the I irgest and b.• et equipped establishment of its Stosiesll' Patton, the high latest of the people the following from this morning's -sdrithu actte bound, sleeping, lying on the mound, and sur- be modelate. i n ountry, supplied with the latest improve rounded by the'Lehputian host, soldiers, lords, COUPONS CASHED. L ao oMe r ime apparatus for su p p • 41)41, g Whisky of Noel eil and n i l Mondoi : Pot Fieight or passage apply at the Insur in simplifsing for them the philosophy of is- other he penile, by strict personal imperviiiiun. the "bL MMIT -limiTs, May se f aisslo ____Ed4 o , soo saseis,_pri s a _conaman ers_en sines t th , ets d erg-and 1• a anctaCtlise - or - to - thesMsster - on - bowd -- - -- ssaserlet^rs - st ----4 " --- tory," treats a the Correspondence of -' -- N - 4 ---- )° - . arumtw : bummit Hill is not staived out yet, He is the object of their operations, past, Pre- ' " ' • • J soon Ms. Ens. ne)stone Wheat VlVlsisky • Icon I.; the English governess to whom we and thank God we have not commenced, eat- sent and to come; for they have entwined and Pittsbum•eh, October 14, 170,3. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS owe so much gives us inure of her Sensible and ma the corn bread yet that has been'talked bond him, limb by limb, with the strongest fixed these firmly and with can- _ Pure Whisky most unusual study et the Siamese king and.,about. Did God create men to be starved and pack-threads, PROPOSALIs. ci ushed down to the lowest state of misery 9 ping 'knots to pegs that ate driven deep into lawyer'James has a timely paper, worthy oflo I: OP OSA L S FOR ANTHRACITE grain, pm semes all as No, butlot e our neighbor as you desire our the eat tb, anti secured there ; by means of a COAL FOR TIIE NAVY. -- 0 11 1 - Jaggels" in Great E•rPretati on", on .'t 'he se lf, The ma st pa t tee the men are tale, going buge Lilliputian crane they hoist out of his 1. Nutritious Qualities Logic of Marriage and Murder." 'The Book on five months, but the geneial strike coin- belt a pistol ; one man, oter-valiant, it wouli a a ...MEL AD or s,qI3I • PALESSIT AND ithenerrneo, , and ena be rthed upon to lor oa t + ily as rep r ciie n t e d, hal in& hero examine cl thoroughly by • the leadinai Notices are slight and airy, for tlie season. nienced on the 15. of Febniary, and since seem, has mounted the monster, and guides VS rkeIIiNGTON, May 23, 1670. ) OW Young Folks holds its own for Jane, that all eflorts have been tried to make a split the tackle of the crane which will deprive'him Sealed Proposals, for I urnailung Anthracite snob that chemists of this city. whomcertificate, ig certificates of f between the, miners and laborers, but that of the weapon ; others heave and pull at' the Coal for the Navy, to be delivered during the Bought and Sold on Commission Only, purity and hint/it, for rucclical purism are appended with good embellishments, and a variety game is played out. We have seen that we levers, Another group consult about the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871, will be V. c Invite cxamintalon. and any who would convince which is really surprising when we consider can work together much better than devided, nature of his watch; a very learned man received at this Bureau until 10 A. M., June a till illhl IV lS 11i_ ask a rigid analysis the monotony, the want of wide-spreading DI- and rye are determined to do so. Keep your 1118 1870. ties into its _'„interior; for they have - • . . Accounts received and Interest allowed Nlt -N c tie , that th e e , p T ,tad l ; II " TIN A ll° trk are brands; These proposals mast no endorsed, ” Pro- on daily balances subject to with Our nom to prt Yt et Want. rf. iting, tetest, in the juvenile mind, to nhich it ass, heat ts in good order brothers. in prison Davis raised-beaten kuows bow I-tbe glass and posals for Anthalcite Coal for steamers' use." F . r sal. to• all ra etctabic JD I ug,-Iste peals. Besides Mts. Whitney's story "We dual so that a soldier feels one of the engines' • starved our gallant soldiers in prison when , .The oiler must be for the delivery of 10,000 cheek at sight. PH e per bottle 6'l rel Ord. rs sent to No s Ifar N FlinhT street will mauve fighting against slavery, but our army was de- co ;-wheels ; neveitbeless, while prying, another tons, of 2,240 pounds. pre Jape attuntiot Girls "-which seems quite as novel and termmed to conquer the field, and they did. champion grips last the hilt of his naked sword. ' The coal must be of the best Buck Mountain A ,_....... r.' ICIDINSICAL 14.11.152ATORT,NCIS 11,1611 d 112 Arch At. sparkling as "Faith Gaitney "-there me : So we miners and laborers are determined to Gulliver's breast - pin is borne by a gigantic or Black Beat, or of a kind equal to them in Pathan' tram .111arc_ticifhls70_. Reasons why the Cow tinned her Head fight this battle and Win the day, if it will take guardsman, with whom a Immo of the size of all respectsasthich equality will be determined , ' i • • APJ,-rs T J Jim pn if co pm sostoska by a Board appointed by the Secretary of the , I ' C, nth mi n-1 hat IN re oh. a c ar eful e x a m i n Atio n o f the away, by Mrs. A. M. Diaz; Trotty's ,Comps- us until neat February to do it. We have Lilliputian life, and wearing a wonderful bet- Nav after the reception of the bid. The 's i , a la. } trofie Pule vi to at Whielo . and found it to be a per t. city pure areal. , and eatircly fr•e from foe '+l oil a n d sitter), a Postscript to the " Trott Book," by been trampled upon until our ribs are sore, but met, converses eagerly. With theseawho clue- Y 5 name of the coal proposed to be, furnished other injurious subytaucce lie purity, and Its pleasant Will SlllaMlttO it no more. A. B. C. " ter under _Gullivei's shadow, are many more must be stated sn the ofier. It is to be de- amidgteeabl. tiara., render It particularly valuable for indi( nod y eremite. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; Little Sorrows, by To which the operators res Pond with the figures, all illustiating incidents, all capitallY livered in lumps of a suitable siTe 1 fOi naval - Malian Douglas; . Brave-Bops,-by Boys, by Major Tray- following exhibit, float the pay roils of a painted. In front, apart from the crowd, steamers, clean, of uniform quality, selected, 40 South Third St., your. truly, F. A. GENTH „. „„., , . CIIFIIICAL LAEORATOI4I ot(y TS, yr Willi street. erse ; How Edgar Left Home, by J. T. brow- colliery south of the Broad II (MITA - ons an - mighty of limb and presencesgorg,emrslsr - cladT flee Lem impurities, unmixed, of-which the - PillT ATiErerreaM, malt 17, IFICI------ bridge ; Bertie's Pioneering, by Helen C. working the smaller veins, which is taken as an is the Commander-m-chief, conversing with contractor will be required to furnish stick' air T J Martin i as., PAttrid,rptin. Pa d ‘ 11 b t I b b evi epee as wi . e saus actory,ant esu ject PHILADELIPIRIA., Gentli in. n -The earm le of Keystone Pore Wheat Weeks; Our Menagerie-Ants, by. T. Wallia- average colliery, though north of the mountain the high priest-so we read it, There are other groups, which we need not describe. to such inspection as to quality and quantity, sestr w hi, hy, pt glanit tea to m e for anal> A I and to bo pure• • n Business Himsel gbison, I ess for f, by Mary B s and On the Mammoth Vein the wages made B. were from 10 to 15 per cent. higher. The first The small figures are capitally wrought, bill- a.. 4 the B ' d nreau may irect. The coal mnat, in all respects, be satisfaet ry t the to o e pec . rs,_ _ _ mid, as am b. I highly rtemettnend I LA, or unalicinal par poc.e.s, RI spec. tinily , e t c ., WM .11 BRUCKNER. Harris: Mendbag the Neff, - by Lily Nelson; or April wages were about $.l pee week and liantlyTainted and diverse in character; -there who ho will ha li h ° ve t e rig tot peremptory rejec- MY - COOKE - -& CO 1 Anal F tlind C4llsnltChcllll4 e ) If Wishes were Horses, by Ruth Chesterfield, ten cents per wagon lower than the attes paid are several cleverly-conceived incidents; many bon 6 Cal Xi reAT LA BeIIATORS , Ne 411 Wainni street, and A Lily's Word, by Lucy Larcom. The on the $3 basis : of them, indeed, could tint well be better; but The price must be for coal delivered at the Philadelphia, New York and Washinat n PUMA ~ PI NITA, Aprils, WO MONTH OF APRIL-20 DAYS. the figure of Gulliveris bad, poorly executed, Philadelphia Navy-yard or League Island,and -° , Mel., c T .. 1 Marna dr Co , Platade Pkia P Young Folks is, we are pretty certain, unique co ntlt teen - I have made an analysis 'or a l be temple Gangway men, highest - - $llB 64 and without spiiit or humorous charac- Placed In carts provided by the Government 13.A:INTIKES, of Keystone Pure V. hinto .atnt by you fir examination, in any country, for gaiety, brightness, cum- on the Navy-yard wharf on board of vessels sad find it entire 1 ) freo from fusel nil er any other dela Gan lowest gaay men,- - - 84 03 terization." . • orlon.) maw run and I consider it applicable to any nee at such points within six miles not the said radeship and instructiveness. Miners working in breasts, highest -b0 00 -Edward L. Henry is just finishing an in- Navy yard as may be designated by the AND for which pi re whisky may he desired Res t *, t fully , CH AS M CRESSON Putnam's, for June, begins with a traveler's Miners working in breasts, lowest - 70 00 terior view in an old house at Philadelphia, Bureau ; and all deliveries aforesaid must be at hold Wholescslet by FOENCII. KlCK reverie, "Donn the Danube," by Ltncoin's old Miners a orkiug at days wages, averaged 56 54 "Graham Park, The subject is worked up the contractor's risk anti expense, and with- Dealers in Government Securities. 1 ARDF4 et co.. at. W. corner 'IIESITIA and One hundred and thirty men employed. with careful attention to the vai ious details of out any extrachargo of any kind. NIA IliFiErr streets. friend,Col. John, Bay ; then there are "Birds Special attention given to tho Purchase and Salo of selPtt f lres - In July, Iboo, when the wages were paid at quaint furniture, and the fl i n Proposals will likewise be received far the a ntes the , , of the North," by Pies 't P. A. Chadbourne ; an advance of 15 per cenL on the $3 basis, picturesque costumes of the olden times. (Mill/erg of :3000 tons Ot the same quantity of Bonds and etocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro- rOtli.E T -.BbOlis „ -&v. "The Tale of a Comet," (coucluded,) by Edw. which fixed miners' wages at $l4; inside The :commissioners appointed lay the. . coal, to be delivered in the port of N • ew Yoek kers in Ws and other cities. _ - on board of vessels, or at the navy-yard-there;' Spencer; "The Outlook for our English Lite- laborms, $l2, and outside labelers at $ll, and Queen to supervise the Crystal Palace Exhiba as at Philadelphia, under the same con INTEBES7 ALLOTVEDOAr DEPOSITS. i t , . lO cents per wagon advance on coal, the tol-- COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. - i l ' .4 ,0 i, (t) r rehire ,":by by Prof. J. M. Hoppin , " A Woman's non, in 1851, are now making active arrange- dawns. _GDLD_AND SILVER LOUGHT AND SOLD 1 __________---,_ --, lowing wages were made at the same colliery: Right," by Mrs. M. C. Ames , " Fulfilment, ' meats fel another grand International Exbibi- Any demurrage or other charges to which ' • seer c OLI IhRI FOR MI Y-26 DAYS. non next year. It is said to be in contempla- the Bureau may reef bjected from delay in RELIABLE RAILROADS ONDS FOR INVEST by Mary L. Ritter; "Shall We have a More 1 Gangv, ay men, contract holiest - $123 00 7 , tion to make these displays permanept in the prompt delivey the coal by the con- iikIENT ss ',,, C. F. FIUMPP, .----\\ Readable Bible ?" by J. B, Bittinger ;"A I 4/ t( " lowest, - 00 00 t t e • um , or, at least, to open them et ea y yeah tractors, will be deducted from their bills. Incase of failure to deliver the coal's) proper pamphlets and full informationgiven at oar office. e>" r IMAMS ....1114 St., ; , d , p .r . :'% ' ° 's PHILADA. : 7ls Domestic Romance;' "On Time;" "Quaker. - The exhibition annually of all classes of quantity (not exceeding 500 tons per day), or 0 , ..oI- es, Quirks," by Mis a F. s liat row i s " The ExhAtion -s a s s •Le t, floods, However, is iegarded as impracticable. proper quality, and at the proper time and NO. 114 S. Third Street, . 04 ,. $ Mallllrac taxer vs --• ____ aml Irmortsr of ; a W as , a cs of the Academy, by Eugene Benson, " Dinnei tudeedaso general has becomeabe interest in Places. tbe Bin s eau reserves the right to pur- PHIL E Elm. t' ..". Cit; " POCKET-BOOKS - - such matte] s that it is asserted to be impossible dbabe forthwith at tbe contractor's risk l anc ex- TOM tf rp vs. Bullies and Tucks, ' by Louisa Palmer _ nenso that a hich may seem necessary to sun- - to procure a single building large enough for - • - - - Smites; "Proportional Representation," byplv the demiency Rosewood a Ladies' A Gents' 0 card 4) r ana e 's \ the display of all kinds of articles produced b y isintT rna Satchels and I gy p..,.' I David Dudley Field , " The Coming of the illank toms a Mier & I , guarantee, c., an Mahogany ; difiment nations. Hence there will be classiti- be furnished on application to the Bu stamina. s Travelling Bags, I Prog ra m' / Dawn;" "Editorial Notes," containing some cation, so that only articles of a defined class, reau mv23 in 4td Intl" - i in all • styles ' 434 •"' . a of Pat•ke G oda in's best wisdom; "Literature as determined by the commissioners, will be se, at Home," by R. H. Stoddat d, and "lateiature, admitted in any one year. The present de- SOFA BLD rata' fini size is to begin in May and keep open till Oc- ILI tlSlDUksgsm..ltl:oE9 Science and Art Abroad," by Chas ton T ober. Lewis. Littell's Living Age, No. 1355, for the week ending May 21, 1870. contains, among other articles, The English Bible, from the Quarterly Beriew '• A Sub-Way in Central Africa, Athe ?U jThe Parson of the Nineteenth Century as shown in Fiction, Spectator; Philosophers at Play, Mac.Millan'B Magazine; The Crisis in France, Pall Mall Gazette; Literati and Lite ratuli, Britannia; The Poet Moore and his Wife, Belgravia; Rome in Winter, Temple Bar; The End of the Paraguayan Experiment, .gspectator, etc. A Hopeless Lover: Prince de Broglie took a tutor for his children in a young man, N. Henri Teulat. He gave great satisfaction. Prince Auguste de Broglie's children swept away prizes at the public schools, and Teulat was regarded with esteem and friendship. In 18137 a change came over these relations. One day Prince Auguste, who had long been ill with consump tion, was ordered by his physicians to go to 'Vice. Be insisted upon knowing the whole truth about his condition. When the doctors told him he was a doomed mail and that a so journ at Nice would but pro)diiglife a few months, he refused to quit Paris, preferring to die at home and among kindred and friends. The melancholy '`intelligence was • broken to 'his wife. Sobbing, she retired to her chamber to write letters to her family announcing the imminent catastrophe. While she was so engaged her chamber door opened ; she turned, and, seeing it was only M. • -Teulat, she continued to write. Suddenly she felt a kiss upon her cheek-M.Teulat was.kiss ing her! . Slie sprang to her feet to ring fin:. ser vants to extrude the insolent fellow (an earth worm enamored of a star!) but he fell at her feet, implored fOrgiVeness, and begged her not to create a scandal. She granted his request; but at confession the director of her con science, a Jesuit father, ordered her to tell litu' 11USband what bad occurred. She did so. M. Teulat expressed such deep contrition Prince Auguste pardoned him, and -When he died gave him an affectionate shake bands. 11. Teubit remained in the house as tutor. Over head and ears in love with the Princess, he was at last unable to refrain from declaring it again. Hier answer was his dis- i with wirinkleii, and her Lair is very thin. missal. Onee out of the -house,_ho seemed .! ._ _—An Indiana man ekes nut revenge by : unable to hvo without sight, Of her. -lie dogged ehargi lig. /O s cl'ildre.P' hoard Nvben they come ---, ter continually ; he followed ber when she ,4 r "' afarth'ristt-him°- went out shopping ; he passed nights under her h her -4-A San • yranctsco mart making ten knife has been arrested i the trivial accident window, be - ran After her carriage, add one day - . CIT I R itla comiian ot ' leaped into it by surprise, to he astonished to lati ^ edectually prevented her find by the Princess's side her father, count -1 3 — eisalnilla il Wan:: • husband's return to her bed and board, by Be . wrote her letter after selling the bed. It was huge and heavy, of a letter, -eighteen or twenty pages long, full hid eou s style, :blue e red, yellow and gold. of amorous - protestations and the usual "soft, I —A Kentucky lady was attacked on her' ___TionSe6E,(3" ' WWI W hielt ----- JOVerft — fili — theil wAy to mark - et:by a,,lfuge gray ,eagte, and.was letters; She appealed at last to her brother-in- : able to vanquish WM only afterta severe fight, - .law, Prinee Bayxnond' de Broglie, to rid her of in which she was badly torn by his talons; . Miners working in breasts, highest, 103 88 lowest. 84 19 -Inside-laborers, week, highest,:_.- —61.3-18 L lowest, 59 87 Outside laborers, week, highest, 64 56 44 44 " lowest, - - 53 16 Miners by the week, $lO 10, averaged, 67 10 Contrast thii with the figures 'of 10 years ago, when there was no W. B. 4., and strikes were few and far between. To this table the present, or $ . 2 50, basis is appended: 1859. Laborers, outside, per Week, " inside, " Miners, 1860. Laborers, outside, per week, " inside, - lfineis, 1861. Laborers,inside.begun at $4 25 and rose to $4 50 " outside, " 500 " " 525 'L _OOO " " 650 OPERATORS' BASIS. Outside laborers, per week, - - - $9 00 " " " - - - .10 00 Miners, ➢livers, With thirty per cent. reduction in contract w talc When we remember that the price of nearly everything is down to very nearly what it was In 1860, it certainly looks as if the operators have rather the best of the argument. I will sum up the situation with an extract from the Monitor, the concluding paragraph of which /contains an argument I have never heard advanced by any other authority : "flow long the lock will continue, is hard to say ale operators.seeth to be firth aud we are certain that the men were never so firm as at present. They are leaving this region by hun dreds, and in fact there are but few men left who are not working. We see the Miner's Journal and other papers antagonistic to labor, trying to show that when the Schuylkill regions are it work again, the markets will soon be glutted. " That may be, but they must remember, that Imzerne and the Lehigh are enabled to send the present supply of coal to the market, be cause they have the labor of the Schuylkill alien; When they return lame the supply from that region will fall oil; so that Lhe evil will not be so bad as they wouldpersuade us." The unemployed miners seem to pass their thne in abusing the Miner's Journal and writing poetry for the Monitor; the' first, because the Jounuit abuses their leaders, and the , latter, I suppose, because it is in them and trust. 'come out; but a friendly critic would, I think, fin- Test to them the ancient proverb : ." Are sator ultra rrepifiwo.” Wtco. —A correspondent declares that Eng&nie ih growinio, visihly ,old. Her face is thrrolved - - $4 50 - - - 550 - - -t; 50 The folloWing classification has been adopted for the exhibition of 1871: 1. Paintings of all kinds, in oil,water-colors, enamel, porcelain, etc. 2. Sculpture—in marble, wood, stone, terra cotta, metal, ivory, etc. 3. Engraving, lithography, photography, ph otoscul pture. • 4. Architectural designs and models. 5. Tapestries, embroideries, laces; etc.-, shown for their fine arts, not as manufac tureS. 0. Designs for decorative manufactures. 7. Copies of old pictures, enamels, repro ductions in plastet, electrotypes of line ancient s orks of art. 11. SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS AND DISCOVER IES OF ALL KINDS. ' 111. MANUFACTURES. - 12 00 1: Pottery, including that used in building, earthen Ware, stone ware, porcelain, parian, etc.; with machinery and processes for prepara tion of such manufactures. 2: Wool and worsted fabrics, with the raw product and machinery for manufactures of the same:- 3. Educational—schOOl buildhigs, fitting's; furniture, books, maps, globes, appliances for physical training, including toys and games.' specimens and illitstrations of modes of teach ing fine arts, :natUral history and physical _ . science. Mr. Beckwith has been already appointed; on the part of . the United States, the commissioner at this exhibition. —We hear of the (leant, at sea, on his passage Il'om Et rope, of Mr: Thoinas Jefferson Bryan, tormerlfof-this.city.. Mr.- Bryan was a well known patron of the fine arts, and brought. to this country the valuable collection of paintings which was known as the Bryan Gallery. The following advertisement, copied for the Pittsburgh Chronicle, b a friend, from the Pittsburgh Gazette, of October 14, 1'793, curi ously illustrated the then state of affairs in this section of the country, as well as the great re volution steam has made in the Mode of travel: Two Boats for the present will set out from Pittsburgh for Cincinnatti and return to Pitts burgh in the_following manner: Jfirst Boat will leave Pittsburgh on Monday nest, the ' eight o'cloekTie morning, and return to. PittBbuegh so as to be. ready, to sail again in four weeks from the above date. Second Boat will leave Pittsburgh on Mon day, the sth of November next, and return to Pittsburgh in four weeks as above. And so oir regularly, each • Boat performing - the - voyagerterand - from Tittstkurgh-to-01011-F -natti once in every four. weeks. . • Two Boats, in addition to the aboVe, will 1. FINE AIITS BOATING ON THE OHIO. Ohio Packet Boats WM. PARSON'S IMPROVED PATENT SOFA BED makes a handsome Sofa and comfortable Bed, with Spring Mattress attached. Those wishing to economize room should call and examine them at the extensive first-class Furniture Warerooms of Farson & Son, No. 228 S. Second 'Street. Alib, WM. F A }ISBN'S PATENT EXTENSION= TABLE FAbTENING. Every table should have them on. They hold the leaves firmly together when pulled about the room. mhlT3m§ -------- A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON 4i CO., • 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. ' 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604. Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. Si 604 Jayne St. 607 Clientrlnt St. &_604 Jayne• St. _ 407 Chestnut St. A 604 Jay . no St. Pulablphia) Building • orinters, Book all Job Priuterc Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers ) 11300 k and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Workmen Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Priam Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE 118 ATRIAL. • GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE ITS A TRIAL. . . BAICER & "CO's I!UTII I 3CbD .J Liver 011; genuine hid tierfeetlif sweet dud painta ble. Recommended by the btgit the: land EPtablit3llCll 1880. 'Citrate alai gnesia,:4, polvdoro, Opinin,Sii patina bet t belesaie agency foi the celebrated H Jai,' Itoelt. Con grew, Water. . : SOHN 0.-TSAKIIR. 00.. 718 Market street. Philadelphia. - -- „ - , QPIRITS ':TURPENTINE; ROSIN ' 'AND kTY - TA11 . .-;;Sail bbla: Spirits' Turpentine; oi2 bbln. now Vintinia Rosin; 207 bbln. No' 2 Ronk.; 1150 bble, ,' Wil ihingtnny'? Tar.,landinw from r 14: r'-pioneer4" and for oak b )p, R.ROWLBY, 16 SO iill Fro ptrout. mylo J. W. G-LLBOUGOUL Jr. CO., BANKERS, 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities. ialmwtl3l D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. SUCCESSORS TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. • Every department of Banking business Olen receive prompt n er or y o tton L og heretofore. Quotation, of ro lloc o lt4t ; friends, E. O. rt r ANDIMPIi n & COY., received hr our PRIVATE WIRE. Jazi-IY, • CHOICE= INVESTMENTS.. 935,000, $lB,OOO, 815.000, $5,000 Mortgages of nnexceptinnable character on Properties centrally situated, for sale by inyl7 6a 'E. R. JONES, 707 WALNUT Street:, ICE COMPANY. 1€370. - .1870. - ~ KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Established 1832. Incorporated 1864 Office,-'4BWalnut Street,-. PHILADELPHIA. North Penn'a R. It. Offices Pins Street Wharf, and lllaster At. Schuylkill. • Indit e AND real and Wit- No. 48.33 Main street', low street: Germantown. Willow St; Wharf, • No. 21 N. Second et., Delaware avenue. 'Branch Camdeti,M...l., 22d dr, Hamilton ste. and Ninth et. Itlrld Wash-• Cape May, Now ..Ter ington. avenue. Depots. k Hu y. W bolesale and Retail Dealers band Sltippers of EASTERN ICE. send your orders to any of the above offices For prices, see cards.' , FOR SALE. • YARNS FOR SALE. Cotton and Worßtod Yornß, all nninborif. Cotton Taini , Vonti; two, — tlirOo fournlyion — ocoß; - onTno Ins . and in Fikoins. ,iAleo, Chain and .hatinot Warps, Cotton and Wool ~,, t , „ pi _ . 4F • 41°60f 11 67 ULBY'tltropt,B e ootod, inh4.s3mt • ' . . rpOLISEI IN POWDER. TIIIC Bun .1 for cloanoing Stlyor and'Platod Brine, Jowolry:ote., vor toatiofatturop.i , - - • . FARR & BROTHER' , mhl tfrp 824 OW:stout otreot.bolow Fourth. 011 SALE CITEAP—A LARGE \VAL ful2lsoo2mtjng-hottso Peek ? ? .Addreoe " J . : 1 13 3 3;2 k" ""' EDWIN H. FITLEH &00., Cordage Manufacturers and, Healers in Hemp, 23 N. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue - - PHILADELPHIA. • EDWIN n. PITLEE. CONEAD F. CLOTHIER tatclIAEL WEAVER. OEO. n. A. ERLER. WEAVER 8c .00., _ Rope and Twine Dlanufaelurers and ' Dealers la Hemp and Snip Chandler 7, 29 North WATER. • 2 North ,WHARVES.. op]. tO H. P. et C. U. TAYLOR, Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, 641 and 641. North Ninth 'street Established 1821. WM. G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND. SHIP PLUMBEUS, No. 129 Walnut Street. iy7iy§ JOSEPH WALTON 86 CO., CABINET t . . • CABINET MAKERS, - - ---'-=--. NO. 413 WALNUT STREET.- • '- Manufacturers of fine furniture and Of medium priced tantalite of odor,sup uality. • GOODS ON RAND AND MADE TO ORDER. , Counters, Desk-work, Ac,, for Banks °tap and Stores,, made to order, JOSE Pll WA LTON, 10S. W. LIPPINCOTT. JOSEPH. L., SCOTT. J9.MES . L. WILSON,, • ROUSE PAINTER, 618 SWIT NINTH STII.II;ET, Residendo-621 &Mtn Ninth stroot. , ROO ly 40, 111.3 is 11,Y , I'O4l4,lPP', • - . . NO. 1024'EUNSOM STILENT, PHI.LAD.LLP,III.A. jolo-Iyrp 11 B. WIGHT, , • A TT LAW ORNRY-AT•, eonimiseioner ofDeeols for the State of Pennsylvania in Minot's. 96 Madison street' Ro. U, Chicago . , nlinois. - - s,„j_width,. from 22 inches to 76 In OTT 0 SAIL DUCK OF EVERY Oboe who ell numbers Tent and Awning, Duck, PontramAkyr'ev-TmelrthaSaill Twine, &o. ; Sa2s • No. 102 Church street City Storni, mi lmtt BUILDING AND .1110LISEHEEPING HARDWARE. Machinists, Carpenters and , other 'Me— . . .... „,chanics7 Tools. Stngel. - Screws; Locks . Knives and fferlcit; SpoOns, Geffen Mills, Sic., Stocks and Dies, Plug and Taper Tape,. Universal and Scroll Obucksi-Plavies in groat variety, All to be had at the Lowest Possible Prices At the CIiIEAP-FORI)CASS Hard ware Store of J. 13: SHANNON No. 1009 Market Street.. deB-11 ).. Pit IL A.DELPII IA 11 - AItI)WAREISzO. TELZOMA Pill IC TuE infaAlbility ;disetissiOn in the CEettment cal Council is to close June 29. COMMISSIONER DELANO says that beer stamps may be t cancelled according, to the old method.' , ESPARTERO, it is said, has reconsidered his decision, and is willing to accept the Spanish )sing of St. Marie Canal is regarded by the London ObAezrtei' an - act - of stddied unfriendliness. THE cl RED CLOUD, JOlDlRichard, and twenty-five Sioux left Fort Fetterman yesterday, on their way to Warpington. . • • Ax Indian outbriak is reported to be immi nent in the Red River district. This and the arrest.of Rlel's soldiers in Canada causes great excitement 'at Fort Garry: • AN express train jumped from the track of the•rorkW,ayne and Chicago Railroad, near Lucas, Ohio; on Saturday night. A man Who was 4, stealing a ride" was killed, and the engi neer and fireman were badly injured. A MASS meeting in - favor-of removing the national capital is to be held at. St." Louis, on June 20. Governors 'Palmer, of Illinois, and Butler, of Nebraska, and ex-SenatArs Hender son and Brown are expected to address it. Izr Cincinnati, during -the year ending 31arch 1, 1870, the deaths have numbered one in 091, of the population, the total -for the year being 3,740. Aceording to the last census, the proportion of deaths In the 'whole country was one In 45" . . TIFIRTY soldiers of the sapper :corps, said to 'have been . harshly treated by their sergeant, deserted from West Pnhj on Thursday; - after receiving their month's pay. • Fifty dollars re ward is Offered for the recapture of each, and parties ,of soldiers and citizens • are out in . ursuit. • JuE4teE IloNVE; of "the WYoniing Supreme Court, has finally refused the applica tion of Davis and others for a receiver of the, Union Pacific Railroad, Inilding among other reasons - that tiokko i nd tendered by the Railroad - . Company is ample security. N .0 leer o ~t e ansas._ ac lc Rai road telegraphs to headquarters, at Chicago, that a large party of the railroad laborers refuse to work unless arms are given them for defence against the Indians. lie asks 500 stand of arms be sent out, for the_tneu,the road to be responsible for them. A SAN' Dosrrx - ctrdeSpatch says - that - Cabral -- Is gaining adherents in the interior, the people believing that annexation to the United States , is a hoax. IRA - Ottlihr•advices to April 20th state that 'the Sandwich Island Legislature was opened en that day. Count Von Beust, an Austrian of, Beer, and soma the Austrian, Premier, died on that day. ' - - TIIE Republicans in. Richmond, Va., nomi mated_theircltylicket: on_Sattirday. It is headed by_George___Caboon for. Mayor, and L. ChandlerforAitornerybeAeition:willAake= place on Thursday. THE proceedings and decision of the UpShur (2ourt Martial have been referred to General -Bolles, Solicitor of-the-Navy Department, for examination. tirr7Saturday-,-Judge •3leltengranted the injunction against the en dorsement of the Blue Ridge Railroad bond's by the _State._....Xlfe__ease _seas_ argued for two days: Is the.. - SentberM3lethotlist - Efliscop'al - Con= 'vention, on Saturday, a resolution for the elec tion of an additional bishop was adoptffd, by a - vote of 110 to 102.: Dr. - J. C. Trenner was then . elected Bishop on the third ballot. GOLDSTELV & pawn shop, at Wash ington, was robbed on Friday morning of $lO,- 000 worth of goods.. On Friday evening de . lectives arrested one of the burglars, and the • stolen goods were recovered. • • Dm - Central Pacific Railroad Company have purchased the California Pacific Railroad, and • Willhalielio — sseaSinfliWitinniftfiat Eiiirhored in San Francisco that the Union and Central Pacific Railroads will also consolidate. AT St. Lou* on Saturday, suit was began against Hillman, one of ex-Treasurer Susisky's bondsmen, for. $60,000. The other bondsmen have agreed to pay their proportion of the bond, but Hillman refuses to pay his, on the ground that high officials knew of Surisky's defalca --tiorr-months-before-it=was-published. - IN the Southern Presbyterian General As sembly at Louisville, on Saturday, the annual report on publications was made, showing 44,- 500 volumes ,- comprising 12,900,000 pages were printed during the year. The list includes 21,- zOO catechisms. A proposition for a great Presbyterian University was referred. THE revolution in Venezuela has triumphed, Gen. Blanco having captured the capital on • April 27th. In the assault, the city was greatly damaged by artillery, and 500 men were kille On hearing of the event, President Monagas surrendered, and was released on parole. Blanco has been proclaimed President. A CHICAGO despatch says that an agent of Riel, named Perreau, arrived there on Satur day, it is believed for consultation with Gen. O'Neill. The Chicago Fenian are represented to discountenance any Red river movement, regarding it as foolhardy and dangerous. It is stated, however, that O'Neill is bent on a lied river • movement, and that 1,000 equipped }'enians, from California, are to join him. Ise the Tennessee Senate, on Saturday, a re port was made, stating the affairs of the Ten nessee and Pacific, East Tennessee and West ern North Carolina, and Knoxville and Charles ton Railroads were not encouraging. Bonds were issued illegally to the East Tennessee . Road, and those furnished the Knoxville and Charleston were unlawfully sold below par. Legislation is asked to protect the State from loss. IN the Reformed PresbYteria.aGeneral Synod t Cincinnati,:an Saturday, the. Committee on -Signs - of the Times made - a - report, which was adopted. 'Among - the mournful signs reported -are the qcumenical .Council. and the Bible .questions; "also, those relating to the Sabbath, and marriage; and the prevalence of corruption among the people and in the Government. It is therefore recommended that the first Thurs day in January be' oliserved as a day of fasting. The subject of union with the United Presby terian Church is the special order for to-day. THE lIA'ITIEN REPUBLIC. More Light the Son Domingo Job-..A. French Debt of ii,24,000.000---Daper Money in Hayti. PouT AU PRINCE, May 11—United States Minister Basset has waited upon Saget to in form himofli (daily of 'the ratification of the :Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The President replied with eulogistic remarks on the Presidont and Con -7g-ress of the United States, - and 'Said that -the people of Hayti would feel much cleiSer allied to the United States on account of the Amend xu ent. The conspirators who'weic' captured at Go naives haveheen tried by court-martial. The decision of the court has not yet been _made 'known, but it is expected that some of them will be shot: All is quiet there now, and the - course -of-the-governmentis-giving--universal satisfaction. An attempt to_ return to a specie basis is .nbouVbeing made, and a liberal-loan is offered by European capitailsts•-to assist the government in their endeavor. The return to specie payment is becoming of the most vital importance, owing -to the enormous amount. of counterfeit currency which IS , afloat here,* the whole country having been flooded wit _ --it from the United States ali3.uca, be • sides a largo amount made berg,- whicif-ti3uds to retard business very much. A. perfect ,panic exists on this account at Cape Hayden, as the maidritY of the .people are unable to diEdinguish the good from the - bad, and con sequently refuse to take paper money at all, and much coffee and other produce brought to market is 1 taltent, shack zby s thel - pountry people.' The' government • has ittnoit onp a.counnission to ,make..inquiries into this matter, and ' the ' authorities are making searches for the counterftsit paper. The been overhauled, and all bad money found has been burned, causing heavy loosest° many whohavertaken 4t ire good:faith—Mho-refusal= of all paper had become so mineral that the government issued TI , decree, " under ,the drum." to the effect that, in case 'any person should refits° to receive lit ,paytnertt for his wares such money as the government. had' de clared good, such , person should be arrested , and severely punished. But even with litielt is frequently necessary to call the assistance of a soldier to enable housekeepers to hay their marketing. Two presses have been dis covered and destroyed by the authoritibs, and large quantities of fraudulent paper are found in the (streets every morning. • . , The commission to investigate__the claims against the Salnave government have' cdn. Out! ed their labors, and report debtotio the amount of $1,000,000 gold, and $80,000,000 pa per, of which the present government assumes the responsibility. In view of the annexation'scheme, which is not thought very highly of by Haytiens gene= rally, the subject of the French debt is now being discussed. In 1843, under President Boyer, Hayti, eoMpriFing the whole island, agreed, in consideration of the acknowledg ment of Haytien independence by France, to pay that government 120,000,000 francs, and from that year to the present time Hayti alone IS paying the debt, depending, of course, on being reinaborsed - by San - Domingo with one-halt of the amount in - cash or territory. Besides this San Domingo is indebted to. Hayti for 820,00 0 in gold, loaned to Cabral by the Garrard Government, and 10,000 gold, loaned by Salnave to Baez for the purpose of aiding Cabral and Baez in putting down any rebellion on the frontier, and are to l3e' found recorded in the "grand livre - ""ist ttavtr. ' The Haytiens contend that the whole island is Hayti, and that they have never recognized the independence of San Domingo,-and that their constitution, troth 1804 to, the present time, has always provided that on no account, should any integral part of it be alienated,anci that, in ease-the-United - States anuea - th - e so called Republic of San Domingo, flayti must be remunerated. 'IMPORTATIONS. ' - Reported for the i'hiladelphia Evening Bulletin. Ali E.C1130. PR—Brig Volaut. Oarrieou-429 hhd,e molar...see Barri . nett & Co. itIOVERLENTM 01 OCEAN 'EADIVIIIS. atiltoi - 'auk IoE. DATE. C. of New York-Liverpool...New York April 30 Britannia _ Glaiigow...New York May 3 Melag Star Havre-New York... May 4 N. American Liverpool... Quebec May 6 Berlin lioutharnnton-Baltimore May 7 t;. of Belttroore..l.iverpool...New York via ll_ May 7 The Queen Liverpool.-New - York - May 7 Aleppo_ ......... __Liverpool...New York via B Stay 10 Binavia Liverpool...NOW York May 10 Main_ Southampton... New York May 10 TO DEPART. . - . A Ilemaunia." —New York-Hamlwg-. -........May 24 The Queen New York... Liverpool Slay 2i Col,a. New York... Liverpool May 25 Idaho , New - York , :Liverpool.-......-May 2.5 Caledonia . .....- __New York...Glaogow. May 25 Aeliiller Philadelphia... New Orleans . .. : . May 26 =Sintiriria....- - - -- - ,,,- -New'Yorkz. - tilverpool--- -- --- Marry -slienouri• New York...Havana_ May .2i Bremen. Now York-Bremen - May 26 Lafayette.. New York...Havre ........ . . -.'..::...--BLity-26- City of Paris New Yorli-Liverpool May Zr. vi Bataa - - ...:--- . ..,.1iew Yorkt-Liverpool May% Europa New York....Glusgow--...:m.11ay.23 NV yoming - • - Philadelvbia...Savannah May 26. O. Wagbington...New York... New Orleans May 29 •---Bilr - -Theicreamerirdevignataid - by -- anifaaterlfik (`rearry --- t he United States Malls.. Apr) ore JOAN O. A3I S. C. B. DITIIBOIWW, MONTIILY COMMITTEE T G. GILLESPIE. MARINE =BULLETIN.- PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-MATM it/N 114485.4 47 Sim :ETB.7 ]BI Hum WATE2..9 14 ARRIVED YEBTEBDAI Steamer Fetifta, Freomata, 24 hours frUnt New York, with rodte to John F Stuato ,, r M MaFFey, Smith, 24 hours from New York rmke to IV B Baird lc Co. . . . . 'lark Venus air). Suundert, 45 diyi from Antwerp, with petroleum bbls to --Conninge, Bark Imperatior (Br). * Heard, 23 clays from Pernam buco. In bulla.4t to A g Damon. Urfa Volant I firli OFirrison - ,12 days from - Arecibo, Pn. with lliigalltert.l9 Ilairie, ileyl S Co. ARRI VRD ON SATURDAY. _ - - Steamer New - York J ones, • from Georgetown.-wf melee. to.W Clyde k. Co.. Steamer Beverly. Pieroe. 2,1 hours from Now York, wit noise to W P Clyde k Co. 1.-. mer Chester, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with ma.r ea W P Clyde 6: Co. Steamer F Franklin. Pierson, 13 hours from Balt! more. with gilds* to A Groms.Jr.- NtPumer C Plerrepont, ShropAlire. 24 hours from New York. with mdse to \% 11. Baird S Co. t 4 teamer Sarah Jones, 24 hours from New York, with suttee to W 11 Baird & Co. . . _ Sea Train Ackworth. Wheatley, 3 days from Wico mico River, With wood to Wra.T Conquest. itchy Victoria, Bound. 4 days from Wicomico River, with wood to Wm T Conquest. hchr_J:3ll. -- Clayjon. -4 1`homas, I days from . Frederica. Del. with grain to - jatTL — llewleT Fehr Wm Townsend, Lingo, I day from Fre6rica. Del. with wood to Jos L Bewley Co. Seta' Wm F Washirutton. Langford. 3 days from Con cont. Pel. with wood'to Wm T Conquest. Schr Nuncio. Ellis •3 days from Is anticoke River. Del, lumber to Jae L Bewley .1c Co. Schr Cool Dryden. Townsend. 4 days from Pocomoke, 31d. with railroad ties to Jas L Bewley ‘ tc Co. • Schr Vernon, Sawyer, from Chester. Tug Fairy queen. Wilson, front Havre de Grace, with a tow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. Tug Hudson, Nicholson. from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W P Chile & Co. CLEARED ON SATURDAY. Steamer Empire. Hunter, Richmond and Norfolk. W P Clyde /1 . . Co. Steamer Geo H Stout, Ford. iB r getown and Alexan dria, W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Hunter, Harding, Providenc.e. D S Stetson&Co. Steamer Roman. Baker. Boston. II Winter fi Co. Steamer Volunteer. Jones. New York, John F Ohl. Steanier Bristol. Wallace. New York. W P Clyde St Ce . Steamer N L Claw. /ler. Baltimore. AGroves, Jr. Schr Webster ./larnard, Turner, St Johns, PR. john Mason & Co. Tug Mos Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W P Clyde & Co. Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew,lJayre de Grace, with a tow of bargee, W P Clyde & Co. . LEWES. DEL.. May 21-9.35 AM. Passed In last night, schr Sl' Ball. 1, era to sea last night. ship Saranak, three brigs from above and seta June Flanagan. Left this Akl for Philadelphia, bark Aberdeen. Coining in below, a helm brig. In harbor—Schr Alice B Gardner, from Porto Rico, welting orders. Wind WSW. Thermometer 80. 350 P9l—Passed in' this afternoon, a bark unknown. Left tor Philadelphia at 2.30 PM.. schr Alice B Gardner. No vessel in the harbor. Wiud SE. Thermometer 82. HAVRE DE. GRACE. May 21. Tho following boats left this morning in tow, ladon and consigned as follows: Mary & W illie, lumber to Watson Malone & Son; J P Packer. Chattanooga and Robt Foust, do to Taylor & Betts; Gen Meade, do to Norcross & Sheets,• Maggie & Jennie and A F,Goodman, do to Mciicain & Bush; John [thine, do to R Woolverton; Chas - .Hobart, do to Dodge .t.Co;_ Cassie. do to Craig &•Blanchard; Star, do to Chester; Juniata. oats to Hoffman & Kennedy. -- MEMORANDA . - - Ship Grey Eagle, Cotlin, cleared at Rio Janeiro 20th inst. for Mystic, Conn Ship IllackJlawk , Crowell, from New York 20th Jan. at San Francisco 21st inst. • Ship Fleetwing, Thatcher, from Now York 21st Jan. at San Francisco 21st inst. t Ship Gov Morton. Dowland,salled from San Francisco 21st inst. for Plicenix Island. • Sbip Bolivia ( Br), Mercer, sailed from Shanghae 7th ult. for New York. Ship Galatia, Crowell, sailed from Iloilo 12th March for New'York. Steamer 'Wyoming, Teal, sailed from Bayannah 21st Inst. for this port, Steamer - Do Seto, Morton, at NoW OriJans 21st instant from New York • Steamer Sherman, Crowell, from New Orleans 14th, at Now York 21st inst. Steamer Demi , Chauncey, Maury, cleared at N York 21st inst. for Aspinwall. Steamer Java, Cook, from New York 11th, at Liver pool 21st inst Steamers Europa, from Glasgow, , and Main, from Bre men. at Now Yorit yesterday. Bari Don usto. Dyer, hence at St Mary's,Ga. sth lust. Brigrannon, Sawyer, hence at Salem 19th inst. Briti,Masomberi emiledfrom Richmond lOill his . foy-Wiltnington, Del. via Osborne's. Brig Lavrts Clark, Bartlett, hence at St Thomas Bth ' - Inst:via'Port Spain. Brig Nellie Moire, Merryman, sailed from St Thomas 2,1 inst for Mayaguez. Schr . Summorville (Br), Sandford, hence at Demerara .24th ult. and remained 9th inst. to return. Behr d li Sharp, Webb, sailed from Charloeton 21st inst. for this port • ' Schr R Btillwinklo, for this port, cleared at Savannah 2lst lust: . SeimMary A Harmon, Parker. from St John, NB, for this port, at Holmes' llole"ADI AM - 20th Mete Seim A' D Scull, 15 . , days from Havana, at I , 7ew ; York 21iitTest. , Schrs Ramon de, Ajuira; Mcßride; Saralte; Smith, I Banks; J S W - ilden. Crowell; DI It Carlisle. Potter, and , Reading Railroad No. 44, Trainor, hence mt Provisienco '2oli, inst. Schr Mary M Mifflin, Briggs, from Warren, at Bristol ! 20111 lust, for this port, after ,going on the railway to , paint 11111 i repair. . Schr Hannah Blackman, Jones, sailed from Warren ! 2001 Met for this port: --- Schr Emily A Bartlo, Smith, at Baltimore 20th instant $ frein Boston. - . — e ht-searsvilleoll r -ase,.-at--Portland4Btll-- 14 Inst-from- Portsmouth, to load for Philadelphia. I -Sohn :Sarah- J. Bright, Shaw; E II Atwood, Brown; ; ' I! Willard - :Phillips, Burners:. B, Bateman; Dick.; Williams, Corkin and Marietta Steelman. Stoelmaa, l from Boston for tlas port; Joseph R Cake,Entlicott, from P anAD ELI" ItIA EvkNIMWttIMLEVIN,YI , IOIki .411V2i,11814. FRI' in for do• Ituth'itholy. , Shaw, rtrro Rath fordo. at Botruee'ri 8010 nth inst. The Ruth Shaw sailed again. MA 'RINIC misoELLANv. Hark It 0 W Dodge, Byrnmeei from Havana via Nassau far Bremen. before- r , portad at Faval,tn distress, wxs discharging 2d. Midi basins been adtnittod pratique. A Purvey tad "pen told on her, which reported that the vi-bbel MIR hi teen of extensive rep tiro, w hid; coal I not be made at Fayal and she would probably be bold and the cargo tranehipped, 7 - 7 Fehr ft 0 Whejittm-if.-nbinsore . ,frermElryabetliport.at Newport-10lb, IrPparts' that oh 'Thimiday evening . , off Deaver Tail, carried away foremast and main tommuit in a squall. - SfII!'PEILS~ '= t3OIDLr --___-_ fag PCP Et la S TON. `steamship Etna Direct ROMAN, NORMA.Niv . - ARIES. Sailing Wednesday and Saturday ii . FROM EACH POET.- 1 From Pine St. Wharf. 'Palle., at 10 A. X. Long. Wharf, Boston. - at 31'. ML. These Steamships sail punctually. Freighe +v.:duel every day. , - ' Freight forwarded to aftpoints lit Nev' Ensfaind . For freight or passage (superior accommodations) ap ply to. DENIM WIMMOM & CO., SSA SOUTU DELAWARE AVENUE. FOR O TEXAS . PORTS. • THE STEAMSHIP ACHILLES NEW ORLEANS, DIRECT, On Thipirsday,-May 2.6th, - at 8 A. )ii.' Through Bilis of Lading given, in connection with Alorgan'S lines from New Orleans to Mobile, Galveston, Indianola, Lavacca and Brazos, at as low rates as by any other route. Through Bills of Lading also given to all points on flie.lllississippi River, between New Orleans and St. 613 M. in.colutectio 11w ith and T .New-Oileang- PacicetQompAii3 ._ Forfurther information, apply to WM. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street. NORTH PENNSYL VA:NT& -RAILROAD —Freight Department—Notice to flhippera.—By arrangements recently - • perfected, this: Company is en abled to offer unusual despatch in the transportation of freight from Philadelphia to all points of the Lehigh, Mahoney, Wyoming aed Susquehanna Valleys, and on ii e CatliNllo,a and Erie Railway's. Particular attention Is ass ed to the new line through the Stivinehanna Valley, opening up the Northeastern portion of the State to Philadelphia, embracing the °Wilk , : of Tow andA,Athens, Waverly.. and the counties of Bratifi,rd. Wyoming and- Susquehanna. It also of fers short and speedy route todfuffalo- and Rochester, interior and Southern New York, and all points •in the Northwest and Southwest and on the Great Lakes. Merchandise delivered at the Through Freight Depot, corner of Front and Noble streets, befsefo 5 P. M. is, dis tributed by Fast Freight Traine-etbroughont the Le high, Mahanoy, Wyoming and Susquehanna' Valleys early next day, and delivered at Rochester and Buffalo -within forty-eight hours from date of shipment. (Partici:liars in 'regard to Buffalo, Rochester. interidr New York and Western Freight may he obtained at the office. 811 Chestnut street..:L;C.rICINBLER, Agent of Pt W. & E. Line.] , D. S. GRAFLY, Through Frelght Agent, Front and Noble streefg,_ • ' - 'ELLIS MARK , mylo Derieral Agent N B. It. Co . pHILADELPILI4 • - •R3HH3SOND _=A. L NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. ' ICHROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. INCREASED FACIT.FIiES•ANH REDUCED BATES - NOR WO. STEAEIERS LEAVE . - EvEny WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY_, _at rz o . clk,Nßop,frota JILBSY.WHABF, above - ?IfARKETEIiett.. z - • - - RE rti HETET; LEAVE RICHMOND 'MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. • IW.No Bills of _Lading _ signed after. ]2 o'clock on flailing Day. THROUGH RATES to all points in North and South - Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting st Portsmouth, and. taLynchhettrg,Va., - Tenneseee and the 'Neat via Virginia and Tennessee - Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. FrOght HANDLEDBII'ioNCE,a_n_d taken at LOWER SAT F . THAN ANTOTHER LIN E . - No charge for comudasiori. drayage, or any eApennefor transfer. „- Steamships 'net:Licit loWest rata. Freight received DAILY. State-room accommodations for passengers. WILLIAM. P: CLYDE It pU No. - 12 South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wbartes W. P. PORTER,-Agent atßichmand and City Point. T. P. CROWELL de CO., Agents at Norfolk pH IL.AD ELPHIA. AND SOIIIIIIKEIN MAIL STEAbI SHIP-COMPANY/St. -lIEGULAF %INES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The ACHILLES will tail , for NEW ORLEANS, direct. on•Thurrday; May 26; at 8 A. M. - The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via Flacons, Slay. —. The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH or Saturday, May 28th. at 8 o'clock A. St. • The 'FONAWANDA from SAVANNAH on Saturday, May 2 8th. The PIONEER will sail for WELIIINGTON,I2.O.,on Saturday. June 4th, at 6 A. M. Through hills of lading signed, and passage tickets cold to all points South and Watt. SILLS of LADING SIGNED at , QUEEN BT. WHARF. For freight or ypaaassage,apply to • WILLIAM L.',7AMES, General Agent, • • 130 South Third street. F R -- " " - -E-W—YORIC—ArIA—DELA-WA-RE AND RARITAN CANAL. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communion- Oen between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from First Wharf beIow.MAR KET street, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL street. New York.' THROUGH IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the Lines running out of New York North, East or West, free of commission. Freights received Daily ana forwarded on accommoda ting terms. WM. F. CLYDE & CO., Agents, 12 Sputh Delaware Avenue. JAS. HAND, Agent. 119 Wall Street, Now York. XTEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXAN dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. C., via Oboe igeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex ,ndria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Brie tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf abov llarket street, every Saturday at noon. }height received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., No. la South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves. HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & CO.; Agents at Alexandria. Ye DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE STEAM TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Del aware City and intermediate points. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. Agents ;' Capt. JOHN LAUGHLIN Sup't Office, 12 South Wharves, Phtia dolphin. apll if g FUR FEW' YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSCRE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, DISPATCH AND.SWIFTSURE LINES, Leasing daily at 12 and 5 P. M. The deem propellers of this Company will commence loading on the Bth of March. Through in twenty-four hours. Goode forwarded to any point free of commissions. Freights taken on aecommodatingterms. Apply to . Wll.l. M. BAIRD & CO, Agents, mh4•tf 132 South Delaware avenue. REACHINERY,J.RON, IRON FENCE.— The undersigned are prepared to execute orders for ENGLISH LEON FENCE, of the best make. The moat sightly and the moat economical fence that can be used. !Specimen panels of various styles of this fence may be seen at our office. mh9 3ml IVIETLETCS & SONS, ' SOUTHWARK:FOUNDRY, • 480 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizon tal, Vortical, Beam w Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping BOlLERS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, &o. STEAM HAMMERS—Nasmyth and Davy styles, and of all sizes. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, .to. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for, refineries, water, oil, &c. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings, Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and Charcoal Barrows Valves, Governors, &c. SUGAR. MACHINERY—Such as VacutneTatts and Pumps, Defecators, Bone Black Fitton, Burners , Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bons Black Cars, &O. Solo manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphia andvicinity,of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. • In the United States, of Weston's Patent Solf•center. ing and lifolf-lialaricbsg Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma. thine. Glass & Barton's Improvement on Aspinwall & Wooliloy'S Centrifugal. Bartel's Patent•Wronght•lron Retort Lid. , Strahan's Drill Grinding -Beat. Contractors for the ilestgaorectioni tn il.fitting_up_otltOL I flnerlesfer working Sugar in . . Molasses. • nOZPER . ..AND)_ , YE O LLW. METAL SheatiOngb•Brollihoti Clo Poor Nails, Bolts and Ingot Ooptlor, , obnatantly_ on hand - and for salo-by WINBOII & 00.• No. 832 Bontb,Whardop. S. mAgorq titans. ' acnizq F. anraar. ? MEE - UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATI'EN _L WON td their stock of OeltlT which, with the prepnretiongiven by us, we think can not ho excelled by anyether - upal„ • office. Franklin institute tholdita, - Na:is al.eventh. street. _ 13t ,BI B BEIZAIT JalOtf Arch ree ; T.A.IINALL St TUMBLE, 147 South Front street COAL AND WOOD. SEATERS" £NS STOVES. PANCOAST&MAULE _ • THIRD AND PEAS STRIEiETS, ' - Plain and Galvanized WBOUGHT___IIIiD_AASTALRON____PLPE • • for Gasi Stein? and Water. • . . FITTINGS BRASS WORK, TOOLS, , BOILER TUBES.. • Heating by Steam anti Hot Water, - • • Pipe of all Sizes Cut and Fitted to Order. • • CARD. . Having sold HENRY B. PANCIOAST and FRANCIS I. AULE(gentlen ) egin our employ for several years past) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures of our RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAR etreets, in this city, that branch of our busi ness, together with that of HEATING and VENTILA TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS, ,both by-- STEAM 'and HOT WATER, in all its various systems will be carried on under the firm name of PANCOAST A MAULE, at the old stand, and we re cominend them to the trade AO business Public - se - being entirely competent to perform all work of thatch _ aracter. MORRIS, TANKER & CO. PHILADELPHIA, Jai:1.22,1870. trthl2-tf -AlfT H 0 M$ 0 N' S. LONDON HITUB, ever, or European Ranges, for families, hotels L or_public.institutiona in_twentp..differentsizes_ 11-111 P - Also, Philadelphia- Ranges ., Hot Air Furnaces Portable Heaters, Low down Grates, Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew-bolo Plates, Broilers Oookins Stoves. etc. . EDGAR L. THOMPSON, Successor to SHARPE & THOMSON, no29nt w f ftmt? . No. 269 North Second street. THOMAS S. DIXON & SONb, Late AndrewsALDlxo nt m.g t CIIESTNIIT Street, Pritiadn., Opposite United States Mint. - - anticaotnrers of LOW-DOWN, PARLOR, CHAMBER, OFFICE, And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fir ALSO. WARM-AIR FURNACES, for Warming Public and Private Buildings REGISTERS, FENTIGATONS, AND 011imNEy OAP% 000HIN0-EANGES, BATH-EOELEBS WHOLESALE and SET - AUCTION SALES. JAMES A - . FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, N 0.422 Walnut Orem,. REAL ESTATE SALE,MAY 25. This sale, on WEDNESDAY, -at 12 o'clock,-.noon - at- the Er hangs, will include -35 ACRES, HART LANE.—Valuable. square of ground, intersected by Twenty-secoud, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth; Twenty=sigth Twenty- . seventh, Cumberland and Iltmtingdon streets',ffiwenty eighth Ward,,anderlaid with a large .ttoposlt of brick particulars and plautrat the - store. -- Extr ec tars' 'Absolute Sale. Estate o f Abraham Tilton', dec'd. Nos. 2.33,26.5 and 237 S. THIRD ST.—Valuable business properties-3 large four-story brick office buildings, be low Walnut street, lot 54 by,l9o..feet to Levant st..teet. 423:000 mayi remain. - • --- • AND NO. 1003 CIIkIdTIAN STREET.—Two - thremstory brick dwellings _and. 10t,16x100 feet ta:Pirnly sitr_eet.. Orphans'-Court Sale.--Estate lohn-Ede' ceased. - NO. 621 VINE STREET.—Modern threMstory brick residence. with back buildings, Opposite Franklin square. Lot 17x90 feet. Three-quarters of the purChase money may remain . - ----NO. 710 BROAD STREET.—Tica three:story brick 'dwellings and lot, I7xby Orphans, Orphan, Court Sale. - Estate ttf Et ezabetic.Finnegaa,creetasect, . MOOIII STbEET.—Threa . 3.story brick looses and lot 40x46.i.f. feet.sonth of Fitz Water and West.ofJunipur streets. Orphans' Court, Sale. Estate of Jolin Mcrae-. TILSIT ACRES and Itnpraeamentri, ••.' Blackwood town road. Mt. Ephraim, near Gloucester, N. J. particle/ars in catalogues, now ready aft/go A yr , tiya Eters. • ORPHANS' COURT' SALE, on the Prembees.—E j uate of Gott/sib Kolb, deceased. Property - , Wester street, Germantown. On Thursday afternoon, May 20tle, 1070, at 4 o'clock, on the premises, will he sold : Stone House, Stable, Barre, and large lot 100 by 235 feet, Wester street formerly Mny a lane, near Main street, Gertuantown. Clear of encumbrance. Sale.Peremptery . , ORPTIANS'.COGRT' SALE, Ott the premises:— Estate of Janet Ealiatrayt.' dec'd., Stone and frame. dwellings. Creshcim lane, Germantown. On Thursday afternoon. May 26, 1870, at 3 o'clock, on the premises, will be sold a two and a half story stone dwelling. two-story frame house, frame stable and lot. 02 by 160 feet. Uresheim lane,n ear Carpenter street, Mt. - Airy. .Clear of encum brance. Sale absolute. Peremptory 5a10—N0.422 Walnut street: SUPERIOR LATELES AND TOOLS, PLATFORM _ . SCALES. GRINDSTON E, &c ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 24, at 10 o'clock, at the. Auction .Store, three No - 1 Fox - Lathes. with Toole complete. A Iso, large Grindstone, Scales, dm. irzr Sale peerukpicry, on account of whom it may con . MA_RTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, N 0.704 CHESTNUT street. above Seventh __ Sale No. 1806 Coates street. ELEGANT EBONY ' DRAWING ROOM SUIT, HANDSOME WALNUT CHAMBER FURNITURE, FINE FRENCH PLATE MANTEL AND OVAL MIRRORS. HANDSOME ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS. SPRING MATRESSES, CUT GLASS WARE, FINE PLATED WARE. 4:e. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 24, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1806 Coates street, by catalogue, the entire handsome Household Furniture, Ac. Hey be seen early on the morning of sale. Sale at the Auction Rooms. No. lot Chestnut street, . - - - SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MIRRORS, FIREPROOF SAFES, PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, BOOKCASES, CARPETS, dc. ON WEDNESDAY . MORNING, May 25, at 10 o'clock, at the . a.uction rooms, No. 704 Chestnut street, by catalogue, a large and excellent as sortment of Household Furniture, including Handsome Parlor and Chamber Suits,new and secondhand; French Plate Mirrors, three superior Fireproof Safes, made by Farrel & Herring; two Lillie Fire and Burglar Safes, Walnut Bookcases, Office Tables and Desks. Showcases, Mairesses. Bedding, China and Glassware. Plated Ware, due Brussels and Ingrain Carnets, Lace Curtains, &c. FIREPROOF - - Also, at 1.2 o'clock, three superior Fireproof Safes, made by . Farrel Jr, Herring,in good order; large Burglar proof Safe,made , by Lillie; e mail Fire and Burglar-proof Safe, made by Lillie. SHOWCASES. Also, three handsome Counter and Upright Show oases. . . WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS. &c. Alen, the entire. set - of Tools and materials of a Watch maker; Turning Lathe, Universal Lathe, dce. QCOTT': ART GALLERY AND AUCTION i•,.) COMMISSION BALES ROOMS, B. SCOTT, Jo., Auctioneer. 1117 CHESTNUT street, Girard Row. Fnrnitnre Sales every Tuesday and• Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Particular attention paid to ont-ddor sales at mode. rate rates. • 411429 STILL .ANOTHER .GREAT FURNITURE SALE. We have received 'instructions from Messrs. EMIG. 510 ND & CO., of N0..45 South. Second Street. owing to a dissolution of the long established firin,,to offer at public sale their enormous stock of hue Furniture, amounting to $50,000. ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, May 25 and 20,at 10 o'clock ,A-. M. each day,_ , Particulars hereafter. THOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTION . REES END. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street, Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. Household Furniture of every description received on Consignment. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the most reasonalise terms. Ylxocutors , Salo No. 2003 Pino Strict SUPERIOR WALNUT AND MAIDGGANy PARLOR, CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, TWO LARGE FRENcii. PLATE MANTEL MIR- BoRS,BRUsSELs AND OTHER CARPETS. lIAIR MATRISSES, FINE SILVER PLATED WARE, EAsT INDIA'AND FRENCH CHINA, COOKING UTENSILS, &a. ON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 25, nt 10 o'clock, nt No. 2003 Pine street, \Mil be sold, by order of - Executom the entire Houbehold Fur niture, tto • , Catalogues now ready M the auction titoro illaY.lo Been early on the morning of Bale BY BARRITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, CASH AUCTION HOUSE, 1 46 .220h1 A RRET street. cornor of Bank street PEREMPTORY SALE OF 600 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, cAps, Sic, BY OATALOGUE. ALSO. 200 CASES NEW STYLE STRAW GOODS, 411TIFICTIAL FLOWERS, &c. ON THURSDAY MANING, May 26, commencing at 10 o'clock. THE PRINCTPALSio.*EY ES—TAITLISH KENT, 54E. coiner of SIXTH and BAOE_fritreets. Money,advanced on Merchandiso generally—Watchos, - 30101ty - i - Ditinaitida, --- (l6l4 — tilitt - Silver -- Plattromd Liu all articles of value_, for 'any length of time agreed on. WATCITELAND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE • SALE. Fino' Gold - }faintingCato' Double Bottom and Opon_ Face Engilah, Ann:di= and Swiss - Patent Lover- Watches Golddlunting OM and. 0 pen Face Lo• pine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and offer Watches; Fine Bacot. Rtintlnit Caw and Open Face English, Atm .rican and 'Swiss .Patont' Lover and Lopino ,Watches ; Double Casa English, Quattior and other Watches_,. La• dies' Fancy Watches,' Diamond Breastpins, Finger R.lnge,_Ear_Rings;l3AutK &c..rFino Gold Chains, Modal .l_ nit calf DIinT,TD - e - Blug. Pencil CllBos_, and Jowelry'renerally - FOR' BALE—A large tudvahtablo' - Flra-nroof . Cheat, suitable for a .terellop ; cost 19610. Also, eavoral /iota ltk South UanEni, Fifth and Moat nut aro% " AtiCIIOII I I3AL • I IVE'VHOMASi& AUOT N0i1.r132 SoUtta:llUßTßittinetoj BALDS OF STOCKS AND BEAL EnAmx. Public Sales sit the Pltiladidpbll4lsketialigitierstrii 11JESDALat 12 o'clock.. - ; 110 * .FttriritUrie' isles at ' tht;•'Anitron tiOn4‘ll 3 / 4 1181IF' 4 THCBSDAT..,; - • • . , . 110" noiiitiCeiversinechil attention. • . . ; SIOCKSLLOANS. ' 24, • ' • ' At 12 o'clock noon. at. the Phibtdolphia Exchanie, For account °Crimp], it may concern.— ..---300.-eltaresCharlestort--41.triing4and-----Mantitaettiring - Company. • • • • - • - • Aelogneee e. • 3000 shares Permay/vanta and California Gold Alining • Company. ItOO•shares Connecticut Mining Co. t 2700 ahares Story Centre Oil lOW Arras NM" 'London Copper Min i ng CO. 4400 whir Brand ywine and PMl's Ol (10. • • • For Other Accounts— - • 100 shares Shamokin •Valley and Pottsville Railroad. 210 aharee Bear Mountain anti Franklin eked Co. - 0100 ehares Union. Mining Co. (gold and elver) of Nov ada. ' 400 shares Glitter ; Oil Co.. 7eh area astern Market Co.' •• 5 shares West-Philadelphia Bank, 60 shares First National Bank. $lOOO Schuylkill Navigation Boat and Car Loan, 1853. 4 shares Phil's and Southern Mail Steamship Co. ' 810,000 Stoonehanna Canal,6 per cent. • 141 shares Camden and Atlaut lc proferred. • • 00 sliar,s Philadelphia Exchange Co. ' 10 eharei. Horticultural Ball. • - 20 shares Philad'a Petroleum Storage Co. sloot bond Philad'a: Petroleum Storage Co.i interest 7 30 per cent. $2OOO Ist mortgage t• per cent. bonds Columbus and Indianapolis Central Railway • $2OOO 2il mortgage 7 per cent. do do do do $lOOO income 7 per cent bonds C'olumbus and Indiana Central Railway Co. 20 shares (old) Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Co. ehares Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike road. C entree Western National Bank. 4 shares Kensington National Bank. 500 ehares Monut Fair Oil Co / share Philadelphia Library Co. 200 shares Keystone Zinc Co. REAL ESTATE SALE, MAY 24, Will Include— Executers' Sale—Estate cf John P. Clrozer, deed -2 HANDSOME MODERN TRUER-STORY BRICK RESIDENC Els, Nos. 2042 and 2014 Chestnut street. They have the modern conveniences. Same E. tate— El ANDSCME MODERN THREE STORY BRICK RESIDENtIE, N 0.2031 Spring Garden street, BEM all themodern eonveniencee. - - - - - Sale by Order of Beirs—Estate of Christoribei Simon, deed—LARGE LOT, Jackson street, east of To en ty-nint Twenty-sixth Ward-162 feet front. Same Estate—LAßGE LOT, B. E. corner , of Twenty ninth and Jackson sin ets--180 feet front. Same Estate—LAßGE LOT. S. W. corner of Twenty ninth lino a4O feet Wide street-228 feetfronr. Estate—TWO-STORY BRICILAWELLING, Linnard street, east of Ninth. Seine Estate—GROIIND RENT. 825 60 a year. Same Estate—RA NDSOME STONE MANSION and Out-buildings, at Olney, on the New Second Street turnpike, Twenty-second Ward-1000 feet front,326 feet deep. Same Estate—COUNTRY PLACTR—STONE DWELL /NG and 10 acres, 17 perches, Olney, Twenty-second Ward. Has fronts on three avenues—valuable for build ing sites. Same Estate—VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, 236. ACRES, Maple and Linden avimue, Olney, Twenty second Ward. , Exoc-utnrs' ae— a e of Susanna Morris doc BUSINESS LOCATION—THREE-STORY 'BRICK DA ELLING. No. 911 Filbert at. _ . . FRAME DWELLINGS and LARGE LOT, Noe. un and 36i3 North Brond ntreet, extending through to Gor• inai , town avenue. LABGE and VALUABLE LOT, Columbia aventto, , west of Broad stiost—ln feet front. _ _ BRICK RESIDENCE, Marshall street, Retire street, and Tremont avenue, Norristown, Pa. Peremptory Sale by Order of Heire—Estate of John Schweles i deed-2'I•STORY ;MARE p MAIN°, No. 813 North Fifth 'st street ;" above - Brown , 'whit •IC Frame Stable in the rear on Orchard et. BUSINESS STAND—THREE-STORY BRICE STORE and DWELLING and. BLACKSMITH SHOP, S. W. corner of bisth and Ratter streets-30 feat front. -.LARGE and VALUABLE -BUILDING, known as LtindeliNi3lachine,W_orks,n.No.-.„933,1ican1i--etroet. teen th Ward. 310DERN 'THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No 1737 - Vino street. Overloeks Logan Square. - MODERN THREE-STORY' BRICK RESIDENCE.' . - N0..522. North Eleventh street-, above Brown -2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos.' 810 and 921 Inquirer street, in the rear of the above. - VERY- VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND-ME,. STORY - BRO WN=:ITONE - STOR.IO, - -NOT.s7th Third street. below A rch THREE-STORY pluox. STORE and DWELLING, No. 2115 Enteral. et. - - HANDSOME -110DERNAIESIDENCE, - with Stable and Coach House, Wayne avenue and Seymour street, Germantown, 287 Yeet front:'2lB feet deep-2 fronts. ' ...Executors'. Sale-Estate of Alre. o.llache, deo'd- VERY VALITAISLE,.THREE , STORY BRICK RESI DEN CE. No. 1624 Uhestain street-a, by 150 feet. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1509 - Pine street.' Immediate - possession. . VALUABLE BUILDING LOT Oi ACRES, Village of Haddonfield. Canidn -.variety, New Jersey. GENTEEL FOUR•STORY BRICK STORE and DW ELLIN G, No. 16:17 Lombard et, VALUABLE THEOLOGICAL AND 11.ISCELLA..- . NEOUS BOOKS. -- - ON - TUESDAY AFTERNOON, - May 2,1, at 4 o'clock- Vxteniiwo Sale itt . the Auction IloCnis SUPERIOR- H OUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, OFFICE DESKS AND TABLES, HAIR lIIATRESSES, FEATHER, PHIN A. AND - GLASSIVARE'.IIOOCASEi,.. REFRIGERATORS. STOVES. COUNTERS, VEL VET. BRUSSELS AND OTHER'CARPETS, MAT TING, Sc., Ac. - ON THURSDAY MORNING. - _ May - 2E, - at 9 - O'clock, atthe Auction Zooms. by cats'• logne, a large assortment of superior Household Furni ture. itc., Ac. Sale No. 1341 Lombard street SUPERIOR PUBNUPMZE, PIANO, PIER ?ARBOR, FOE BRUSSELS, CARPETS, &c. - - ON MONDAY MORNING. May 30, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, the superior Furni. tare, compriaing—Walnut Parlor Furniture, covered with hair cloth; Walnut Etagere, French Plate Mirror back;-Piano,Clik Exlensictu—Dining_Th_ble.AMlnit and_ Glassware, Walnut and Oak Cottage Chamber Furni ture, fine Feather Bode, Hair Matrasses, Painted Book. case, Walnut Office Table. line Brussels and Imperial Carpets, Refrigerator, Cooking Utensils, &c. Sole N 0.1419 Nerth Thizteenth street, above Maeter. SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR, PINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE PIER 111111110 R, FINE BRUSSELS, IMPERIAL AND OTHER CARPETS, MORNING, ON TUESDAY MORNING, May 31, at 10 o clock. the. Superior Furniture, by cata logue. comprising—Walnut Parlor Furniture. covered with hair cloth; Walnut Centre and Bouquet Tables, Tennessee marble tops; Walnut Etagere, tine French plate Pier Mirror, gilt frame; Walnut Extension Dining 'fable, China and Glassware. Walnut and Reps Sitting Room Furniture, Walnut and Cottage Chamber Furni ture. Mahogany Wardrobe, three fine Venetian Blinds, French style; Eno Brussels, Imperial and other Carpets, Cooking Utensils, &c.. May be examined on the morning of sale at 8 o'clock. Sale No. MS Spruce street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE MIRRORS, VELVET CARPETS, See. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. June 1, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1338 Spruce street, by mita; logue, the entire Walnut and Mahogany Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, Walnut Contra and Bouquet Tables, Extension Dining Table, Ci ina, Glass and Plated Ware,French Plata Maistel Dlirrors,imperior Wainut Bookcase, line Hair Matreases. Velvet, Brussels and other Carpets, Canton Matting a largo assortment of excellent Kitchen Utensils, Refrigerator. &c. DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, (Formerly with M. Thomas & Sons.) Store Nos. 48 and 80 North Sixth street. OEr Sales at Residences receive particular attention. glir Sales at the Store every Tuesday. • CARD. Our sale at the Rooms to-morrow morning la largo anil attractive. The 'goods may be examined by catalogue, this morning. sale at the Auction Rooms _ . . . SUPERIOR PARLOR AND CHAMBER FITRNI TURE, PIANO, MIRROR, BOOKCASES, FINE TAPESTRY CARPETS. FIREPROOF, &e. ON TUESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'cloak at the Auction Rooms, including superior Parlor Suits, in Plush, Reps and Halr Cloth; handsome Chamber Suits, Walnut Wardrobes, Cabinet and Seers -tury Bookcase' ' Rosewood Piano, French Plato Mirror. Bouquet and Centro Tables, Antique Case Drawers, Lounges,new Matreesos, largo Fireproof Safe, flue et Tapestr Carps Sic,. Also, urge Platform Scales. - ALSO, • - - Elegant Crimson Terry Parlor Snit, made by V°!mar Also, Stock of Housekeeping Articles. Solo No. 1327 Jefferson street . . SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. ELEGANP ROSEWOOD STECK PIANO. FINE .lIAIR MATRESSES, FINE TA. PESTRY CARPETS CHINA, GLASSWARE, &c. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • at 10 o'clock, at No. 1327 Jefferson stz oet, by catalogue, the entire superior Purlor, Pining Room and Chamber .Furniture,- superior. Mahogany_ Secretary • Bookcase,. Wardrobes, elegant seven. octave Rosewood Piano, by F tech; French Mantel Clock, fine Rlinds,Curled Hair Heiresses, fine Beds, superior Refrigerator. Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets, Matting, Cooking Utensils, dm. BUNTING, DURBOROW 85 C 0.,.. • AUCTIONEERS, Noe. 232 and 234 Market 'street. corner of Bank. SALE OF 2(00 CASES BOOTS, SHOES:TRAVEL INC BAGS, HATS STRAW GOODS, &c., ON TUESDAY MORNINO, May 24, at 10 o'clock, on four months' crodit, inelud thy- Citees Men's, boys' and youths' calf, kip and buff leather Boots. lino Grain 'bong Log Dress Boots; Oon• arose Boas; 'Thilmorals; kip, buft and—polish Tirognns; wc mon 'B, miIOIPS' 'and children's calf, kid, goat, morocco true onamelletillalmorals; Oongreor Gai ters: Lace 'Boots; Ankle Tice: Lasting Gaiters, Slip pers; Traveling Bags; Metallic Ovorallocli; &c.. LARGE BALE 010 DRITISII, .FRENOR. GERMAN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, ON TRTIRSDAY MORNING. • Mtty 10, at 10 o'clock, ou iat four ntoha , credit. • LARGE, SALE OP' CARPETINGS, MO ROLLS WHITE, RED. CHECK AND FANCY MAT TINOS, 0/.14 CLOTHS, &c, • • -UN FM - DAT - MORNING, May M. 'at II o'clock; on four montba' credit, about 200 pieces Ingrain, Yebctian, Lit Romp, Cottago and Rag Carpetinga, Canton Mattinge, Qil Cloths, T.' A. MoCLELLAND; 'AUCTIONEER, , 1218: CHESTNUT Street. .16 - yersonal atkiutlos eves to Sales of ,Housohold Iture - at nwolltnits; • ear Publio Sales of Furniture at the Auction Rooma, 1219 Chestnut street, very. Monday and 'ruureday, • Mr For_partioulare see - Public Ledger. $ N. .13.—A superior ohm of k'urniture at Private Sale. . '.! (A011 t Ak'''' ll4ll "wisAßLt&tz '•'001' MIFFLIN AND:.4I4 TLIZBDA.Of.,IIO.I74ZUKOX rt A . O AT 12 O'CLOCK, ANOOR The undorsignedtakl4igneee In ,trust fug the nand% of - the crodilors of the Freedom Iron And Steel Comp tag. wall aell at public auction, at LIM 'Alan ti "M"Clinaff• in 'Berry ioWnglitp, Mifflin totinty; on ' Tuesday', top t-WiltUzl_RiknhAttLef_ 6l 34.,-A,,,D.1874.0.t.42,40 • • : _ The following proparty„pf the said Company. cow. prbing about tbirtduinetthaussed(39,ooolhores °MAAR', in Milli n and fluntingdnn counting, Ponnsylvanig w blob they,, are erected extensive 'dent works, thr charcoal Mgt fa ro gets' in use, and MI6 (1 rtliguited. unmerons Chops and buildings, to wit; . The property known as the Frerodotti.Tron•and BOe - Wotits. in alimin county, Pennsylvania, comprising two lined, ed and eighty-nine (2107nereo Orland. One (11 chartnal blast furnate, Ileseemnr sneer sonvert ing house. hammer . shop,- rail .and plato atonal forge, tiro mill, water- power' bloomer) ' Oaat-ets works, foundry and machine shops, old forge. mai* Shop, carpenter shi , p, store with warehouses attached. menvion bongo, offices, Ai dwelling houses, faint ntrmgri saw mill, lime kiln, btables and other' balldingeorlitils stationary engines, machinery, fixtures, tools, ments, hornet, uud mules, in all one handred aniroola eluding twelve, teams of six mules each), with wogrionsk and harness complete. • • • • • Aleoptbout 405,000 bushels of charcoal, about 1,000 tom, of iron ore, about 2,001' tons of cinder, a quantity of Usio4: stone: together with a large quantity of matorint bionitri riot's stages of manufactpre. Also, tlle property known as the Greenwood Ore Bait*. in Union township. Ilititincounty, containing .91 atlrea of land, with 20 dwelling - houses and stables. •Abo, the property known as the Wenk's Saw Mill kW the same county, containing 2,31.2. acres, of land, rims. mill and all tho mechinery and appurtenances , theroof, - - With two small tracts of land in Lorrr township,glititia connty, containing about ono acre 'more or less, each,- known as • the Cunningham awl Ryan' lotsi With: kWO,I small trade' of land, containing about one acre and.ono fourth of an acre, respectivoly, known as the !loannina' _ lot, end the Stroup House and lot, in Union township, Mifflin county. Also, about 17,400 acres of unseated lands, county. Also, the right to take ore on thi. Muthershaugh farm, in Decatur township, Mi ffl in county, at a royalty of 25. cents perton. Also, the property known as the Stroup Ore Rank, in Union township, Mifflin county; containing about I%' acres • . . , This last named property is subject to rnortgag, given to secure bond for R10)90, bearing Internet at • *, rate of six per cent per annum, from July 23; 1l 3. ' •. Together with about 90q Acts's of land,jkllnnt_ingdow. county, known tr as the Greenifoil - F - ornace trantcwith d • charcoal blest furnaces, known as the Greenwood,Far% naces, with engines and fixtures, with mausion-honso, 17 st.bles, carpet ter shop,' blackimith 'shop, 821 Mg houses, offices and store, one grist mill,, with stable and buildings of every •destript-. thin :,with horses andmules,in all-143 anitnale,-inolud-, lug 16 teems of 6 mules or horses each, with wagons add' harness complete, farm s to ck andimplements, toolsendli stock, railrood,and ore cars. .., . . Also, the property-know nas the illontoo-Ftirtiaeoi eta Barre. township, Huntingdon county, containing about. 179 acres of land, with 9 dwelling houses: stables', ca r ;. , penter shop, smith shop, store and office building. . Also, about 17,200 acres of land, In Huntinido? county (of which 637 Acres are seated and,partly im-. proved ) Also, the woodficnt for coaling, estimated at -81 EPS cords. %he foregoing properties will be sold in . ono parcel, rie. lot,subject to the payment of the mortgages- now exists, lug against the property. ' One ot them bearing date; F, b.l, 1867, sliest to Wig, tar Borris, James T. , Young- and Enoch fiewis,intrasti to secure bonds of the company, payable on the 413 t,. February, DX, with interest thereon, at 6 per cent, pee annum, payable semi-annually ou the filet dart , Oft August and February. The principal of. which debt hi 8600.090, and on above, interest wee paid.up, to the first day . of , February, 'kW.' The other mortgage Is dot d December I, 1868,held by , Henry SY insor.Wistar Morrie and E: 0. Biddle in trust to, secure bonds of the company,payable on the dn day-or daor DecemberslBB3, with interest tuereon at - 6 peroent. per annum, pay able'semtannually, on that - nit days of Janie' end December; on this there is duo for priacipal, X300,- 000, with interest from Dec, 1,1869. Barthe purchasers will boat !Welty to inserta claim in theirdeed,..e:coluding_any_personaLliability debts thms secured. and agreeing to lati'mare than a cif.guitierithatfiubli mortgages e.:tists rani are ho purchnsere- will be required to , pay, in addltlatii to the amount of their bid, the'deht dna for wood leave, ( about 52J104.1), and the ' amount' due by 'the 'assignees' or paid by them