==M AMUSEMENTS. -At' the Waltint' Stebet Theatre, - `to-night, ;KO Guilty will be repeated with an excellent• catt., the Arch, this evenlbg, Mr. Eiiimett will give his farewell performance in Fritz. k the Chestnut Street 'Theatre,. a, ,lniscol-, laneous pefortnance will he'•giien'i the full company will appear. Mr. 1). L. Morris will personate The Dutchman on file, litliniii;-zzaticrAligAintlesques;:::TheiT.liaiil and the Nagpie,-9.nd Dora Bella, will be pre sented: , , --At Fox's, to-night, a large company of for eign artists, - under the management of Prof. Risley, will appear. —At Carneross & Dixey's .Eleventh Street Opera Ho,tige a first-elsss minstrel entertain ment wilnd given this evening: • ---The exhibition Of MacEvoy's Efibernicon and varieties will' close this evening at Duprez & Benedict's Opera House. —The beautiful and popular Pilgrim paint ings will - be exhibited for the last time in this city, this evening, at Concert Hall.. The Pil grim has been on exhibition over three months, and it has met with marked success. —Mr. Thomas IVhiflin,Miss Blanche Gallon and others, 'will give a ballad concert at Musical Fund Hall this evening. NEW PIIBLICATIONS "The' Men who Advertise:" George P. ltoweli:& Co., the experienced and energetic agent, haS prefixed to - his "American -News paper hate 7 Dook"- and "Newspaper Direc tory" a Cork:illation with the above title, which sets, forth, by example and precept of the strongest kind, the advantageB of newspaper publicity. No business man, who should once k, _ _ _ 23111111 _ . remain blind to the necessity of advertising in our fast times. It consists of an account of successful advertisers, together With hints - on the method of advertising, and . adVocates the newspaper as - the — mily - le:gitimate ' -advertising " The - "-Rate-Bookn shows the ad vertising rates of leading American news.. papers, arranged with an index for . the conve nience of advertisers. The Directory has ac curate lists of all the' newspapers and periodi cals 4nlhe United tStates, Territories, and: Do- minion of Canada, together with a description of the towns in which they are published. The three departments are combined in one large octavo volume of Sit? pages, printed on fine tinted book paper, and handsomely bound in cloth. From Peningten we receive the 1870 edi- tiou of " Paris-biatnant," one of the series of " diamond_gnide 7 books " prepared by Adolphe Joanne. and published by Hachette, Paris. In this petty treasure, as in the vial of attar-of-_, rose, is condensed the matter belonging to - whole-acres of guide-books of the grosser sort. - - Tlielietlest - proviticial - Whtredifierlb - ShOW - flie. capital to his daughters, or an intelligent for eigner who will not willingly examine _the French city on other than French authority, has - here,-in a book -the size of a, lady's hand, the most complete historical and descriptive_ -stitivaryTthe-mostAelieate , -vignettes,=andAlieT , clearest map; attainable anywhere. • At the well-knoWn library-bookstore of MeSSrS. Penington & Son subScriptions may be, entered.for a beautiful edition, in quarto, of Lamartine's Histoire de la Revolution Fran caise, in French. This classic work is beauti fully printed in 100-page numberS, and forms :in admirable study for those interested -at once, in hiisfory and in the acquisition of Frene.h. The -editor and printer is M. Alexandre Dercourt, one - of the employes of the Congressional Printing Office .at Washington. We are much pleased to see the elegancies of French typogra phy so fairly planted on our soil. Messrs. Penington likewise send us a spe cimen number of Lei CourrierdesDeux-Mondes, a Paris weekly which embraces the interests of FraTtee_and_the_continent,witli fall-corninuni cated news from North and South America. Their own Bulletin Bibliographique, with price-lists of recent Paris boas, is ready for Alin]; and Bossange's C«talogue of French Papers and Serials is out for 1869, with sub scription-price here as well as in France. Appleton's Journal, monthly part, N 0.14, i s received. Its admirable selections iu literature, science and art are continued. Portraits of celebrities, copies from the finest paintings, besides a fine: steel engraving, adorn the letter- press, which includes "The Lady of the Ice," by the author of "The Dodge Club," "The 'Three Brothers," by Nis. Oliphant, &c. An interesting illustrated paper, descriptive of Booth's as the best American theatre, and a very pretty poem, by (;race Appleton, "The River," are to be noted in the latter portion. The supplements give, among other things, in stalments of Dickens's "Edwin Drood," and TroHope's "Ralph the Heir." The American Arch i ect and Thal derif' deer itai, for May, contains a fine lithographic engraNing of the new Second Presbyterian 'Church of Philadelphia, at Twenty-first and Walnut streets,, from • the drawing of the architect, Mr. Henry A. Sims. The design is _au exquisite specimen of pointed Lombard - Gothic. Lest we should forget it we mention in this place, though not strictly the proper one, that the architectural detail of this edifice is progressing in the true artistic spirit, and that we were watching the other day, in the ateliers of Struthers &• Sons, the corn-, pletion of one of the interior capitals, of the highest beauty. 'Messrs. Struthers & Sons have discovered the old truth, as old as architecture, that the way to get.intelligent work is to trust something to the intelligence of the artificer. in this case a Young sculptor, 'with no data given butt the necessary dimensions, was elaborating a cap of superb florid Gothic, covered with birds and geraniums and lily-bells, with a skill and art feeling Worthy of him who made the appren tice's column in Roslyn. We believe that Messrs. Struthers & Sons have in several in stances had the luck to discover and develoi high native genius in their young assistants. Published by Lintbot 0:: Flea, .328 Wahm street. IS LW PERIODICALS far itteir burrow's from Dor6's sketch-hook, tilled among the Pyrenees and in • • >ipain, the illustrations 'for an article On that last stronghold oithe picturesque, the country of • Charles V. and lsabella.—Mr. Abbott's paper on . Thunder Showers is illUstrau:d from Hachette's Librairie de Muceilreil.—The pictures from , Macgregor the canoe-roya.get's last hook, "The Rol, Roy on the Jordan," embellish a good ityriopHis of that thoroughly agreeabl,. it ilwrary. —" Frederick the Great" is continued Witu ali its flashy. German designs; so that, by•the 'pet tilliar means so thoro s ughly in their, ,poVver, the harpers contrive,wltbnut 'touch actualeipense„ o briog •• out ,-,So cinbeilishecl that, iftlt.",•. were - equally .adorned Ntt ith AAmericanitiork,l•We-. could not afford . t o buy.--Gond Arbericatt articles are "The Running Turtin America,"" American Wine," tull Gen. • Marcy's .4 g Border 'Reminiscences." Manty's new theory. :of the -- Gall - Stf•earri; with diagrams, is of great interest. The only sustained story is Mr. Lawrence's "Antetos." :--The Easy Chair is pleasant, indulgent and sarcastic over art exhibitions and the . McFar land trial, and, though less profound than sometimes, keeps up that urbanity that" is - so useful in giving a tone to. American j urnal ism. The pieceineal departments are well filled.--Recelved from T. 8., Peterson 46, Bros. The Galaxy is thinner than usual, but Mr. Charles lieade's story, stronger than-ever this month, is a team' in itself. Justin McCarthy's paper on American • Men and Englishmen, tlidugh palpably 'Written `in the -penny-a-line way, reveals a goodnature and Civil tolerance that is really very pretty; indeed, after all the English writers of greater pretensions who have -attempted: the - ticklish - task - of smoothing.the American eagle's feathers, we don't know when that sharp bird has been more •deftly and less servilely touched. Mr. Thurlow, Weed, the first politician who has struck. the rich vein of canvassing through the •medium of the magazines, keeps himself gracefully before the public in "Early incidents of the Rebellion." J. S. Black has "Senator Wilson and Edwin " The_most_v_igorous.Lstory„after .*Charles Reade's,is Mrs. Harding Havis's." Two Women." The number altogether, though not too heavy ballasted, keeps well before the breeze. • • PUBLICATIONS OF THE WEEK. By J. B. LIPPINCOTT & .-The :Manor Farm; -By V.-7Phillpotts. • 12mo, pp. 135. Illustrations. By CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGEB. Reminiscences of George La Baz. By A. • B` Burrell. 12mo, pp. 111. Portrait. By T.-B. PETERSON & BROTHERS.' - Consitelo' , '•(a nOvel); • BY -- George :Sand. Translated from the French by Fayette • Robinson. 12mo, pp. 527. • By PETER F. CUNNINGHAM.. Beech Bluff. By Fannie Warner. -12 mo, pp. 332. By LINDSAY & BLAKISTON. • Hufeland's Art of Prolonging Life. By Erasmus M.. D. 12mo, pp. 298. (sewed;) By COLLINS, Pr. _..The Wild Huntsman. From the German of. Gottfried August Biirger, by Charles J. Lukens, Bvo pp. 20. (s'w'd.) By theAuzirold'hiladel - pliTa. • - Alboin -and Rosamond. (Poems.) By .Robert-Burtou.__Rodney,.. : ll...S. N._ By HeitrEn & BROTHERS. Miss Van K,ortland.• (A novel.) By the - author-- of J.!_My_ Daughter. Elinor. Bvo,_ * pp. 180. . _ Christianity and Greek Philosophy. By B. Crokei';D. D. - Svc>, pp. 524. Hand:Book of the Sulphur Cure. ByWm. - =• - - - ---- - -. - JT - Flaggi.-1 - 21n0r. - pp,99, - (s l w'd - .) --- 7 - -i By LE - 1A.61.1) - T & Hour. Hammer and. Anvil. A novel. By Fred crick Speilhao•en. 12mo pp 091. By Lontml. Five Thousand a Year. By Edward Mitchell._ 12mo, pp. 125 (s'w'd). By LEE & SHEPARD. Life and Alone. 12mo, pp. 407. Young Shipbuilders. (Elm Island Stories). • - -Elijah .Kellogg. —l2ma r _ Illustrations. By B. B. RUSSELL. For sale by John Dainty. The Life of George Peabody. By Phebe A. Hanafor - d - . -- 12ino, pp. 308. Portrait and Illustrations. CITY BULLETIN. —The new boat-house of the Malta and Vesper clubs was dedicated yesterday afternoon. A large company and the Liberty Cornet Band were present: , The new boat-house.is two sto, ries in height, and built of granite, after the style of French cottages, having a slate roof and overhanging eaves. It cost $l,OOO. There are. two veratidahri to the building, one over looking the Schuylkill, and the other the river road. The boats are honsed_on the lower floor, there being two apartments, one for the VeSper and the other for the Malta Club. There are also two rooms on the second floor, hand somely furnished and separated from each other. They are known as parlors or reception rooms. —The Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F. re assembled yesterday, and charters were granted to new lodges at Harrisonville, Fulton county; lola, Columbia county; Lehman, Luzerne county ; Claysburg; Blair county ; Quakertown, Bucks county ; Petrolenin Centre, Venaugo county, and McAllisterville, Juniata county. The Grand Master announced his ap pointments for the ensuing year, which were as •ollows : Urand Conductor, Jacob N. Camp relh Esq. ; Grand Marshal, Francis M. Rea; ;rand Guardian, John Taylor, and Grand [erald, L. F. Bailey. A Constitution was Ldopted for the Rebekah - Degree Lodges. The evised Constitution and By-laws were finally ulopted. The remainder of the day was occu ded with the reception and consideration of reports of standing committees. —A. N. Spangler, Esq., has been presented with a beautiful tea service, comprising seven pieces, by the officers of the Northern Home for Friendless Children and Associated Soldiers' IA Sailors' OrphanS' Institute._.. The oomph rent is well deserve(i. For several years pas Mr. Spangler has labored assiduously on be half of the institution, and the great success at tending the anniversary meetings and other celebrations is due, in a great measure, to his -valuable services. —John Meggan, aged 11 years, was run over by a train of coalcars and killed, yester day afternoon, about 4 o'clock, on Washington venue, above Thirteenth. The boy is said to have been on the train, and fell oft He re sided with his parents at 1310 Temple street. —‘Chandler W. Moody, .a lad of nine years; whose residence is on 'Ninth street, below Mif flin, Was accidentally knocked down by a colored man who was pursuing a runaway mule. The little fellow had a leg broke. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. —Colonel Ezekiel J. Young, an old and well-known resident of the districtof South wark, died on Wednesday evening last, after a short illness. I.le was for a-number of years, prior to the consolidation, a collector of taxes. —Seventy-nine persons signedthe pledg6 ant . the temperance meeting held in the Court of Common-Pleas' room, last evening. CAMDEN GOSSIP. ----Jogati ard, the man charged with ing robbed and murdered John Wady, at Gloucester, on Sunday last, is still in custody, and ye - sterday afternoon a - thorough irivestiga: lion of the circumstances attending the case was cox ii by B. S. Jenkins, Esii. the prosecuting Attorney. A large amount of evi dence was taken on both sides, but the InveF ligation has not been completed. —The foundation walls of the new inO, twilit in the courthouse square, Camden, have been laid. • • 7,2t.t;,.t.vrt,1•wk.t:1-,J:-.0e1,,::,,f.t,.,-y,;.-,i,:.,c1 PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, SATURDAY, MAY , 2i, 1870. Tito season fOrstraivberrYAstiviiis is ,rato idly appioaching, and the ladies of Camden are making preparations for them. They will be held in most of the churches, as usual, tbe..pro.• reeds to be appropriated to vaious charitable purposes —Odd Fellowship in Camden is in a piospoi , out; condition, Most of.. the. Lialiges. ,receiving ;weekly additions to their membership.. , —There ; is an active and lively spirit exhib ited in real estate operations in Camden at the present thaw. —As an evidence of-the Progress of building operations in Camden, various streets are al thost blocked up with material. . . . . . rivalry is tieing.exhibited- in the ca detship vacancy in the First New Jersey dis trict. Exanaination early in June. • . - -:—This morning the river' and, the. city of Camden were covered, by a, dense fog. 10t. FOR. - SHERIFF, 1810, F. T. WA LTON. bject to the decision of tho Republican Clonvottion mylOtjels CC? 1870. 1870. SHERIFF, WILLIAM. R. LEEDS. , Subject to Republican Rules, nty6 rpti4 For Representative 15th District, SAMUEL D. STROOK. — Frutriect - to the ruiew.a-the-Ropublican-Party— rnyl4 ltre AmEincitpr ACADEMY Or MUSIC. The . annual meeting of the Stockholders of the - AME- - RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC will be held in the FOYER of the Academy, ON MONDAY, JUNE WI, 1870, at 4. o'clock P. A/ The annual reports wilfbe submitted, an election held for tiveli•o . Dtrectors, and 'Action' taken on . the Supple ment to the Charter, approred April 6th, 1870. • wont s Ni , 7t NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS.. OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR 01:ALL OUTiTANDING • OR DELINQUENT TAXES NO. 11 STATE ROUSE DO W __ CIIE6TNUT Street, PhiladOlpiaß. The undersigned having been appointed by the Re ceiver of -Taxes, COLLECTOR,O.F. ALL. OUT2TARD IN G TAXES due to the City of Philadelphia- hereby gives notice that the Registers and other books of fieiin quent Ta xes Rave - been placed in - : his - handslo r -- pr out pt ca 14clieil, and ail persons_ initelited to the city for over due taxes are required to make immediate. settlement of tbe Pomo - ritt hig-office oar to. the-WardDeputy-Collector. The-act of ..AssemblY aPproyed , _fdarch 23, oar, pro vides, "That said collections shall be lnatle immediately either,oat art& personal or real estate of such delinquent Owner, when ver the same may Le fOund,and for sueb purpose he shall be add is hereby invested with full and absolute authority to /city and sell either the personal or rtal estate asaid.twiler.! _ _ _ toecOn - OdinY4llltY,'therefcire; to notify - all - "citizens City of-PlailadelpldalorNaxes that, - unless the same be paid at this Mike, or to the Deputy Collectnrof the Ward. ON OR BEFORH THE lsv DAY OF JULY, 3570, I. shall, in pursuance of the aforementioned act of AnsemblY, file Itens• against the Real Estate on it ItiCh such taxes have been assessed, and preceed to - have the same sold t and that, in t . trihnr pursuaii66 - Of said act, and under such proceedings, nil proper costs and the penalties imposed by law will be levied and collected from the proceeds of such _ It will be perceived, on reference to the act aforesaid, thatthe duty. to collect such taxes promptly is it made in,perats re,MI& iliffrifFittd - tvill"Tire — inime , diate attention. JOHN L. HILL, nur to the 3t§ 117, PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. MINING COMPANY —The Annual Meeting of he Stockholders of the Philadelphia and Boston Mining Company, will be held at the office of the Com pany, No. 324 'Walnut street, Philadelphla,ol FRIDAY , June 3d,-1870 , at I o'clock, P. for the election of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may legally come before the meeting. M.H. HOFFMAN, Secretary. 18714, • EI?EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY.— Tlie Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Empire Copper Company will be held at the Office of the Oumpany, No 324 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on FRIDAY , lows 3d, 1870, at 12 o'clock „noon. for the elec tion of Directors, and the 1 ransaction of Snell other busi ness as may legally come before the meeting. M. H. HOFFMAN, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, May 1870. mylB to :Wl§ ayb PHILADELPHIA, MAY STH, 1870. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the 111 A NDAN MINING COMPANY (of Lake Buperior,l will he held at their Office, Ne. 324 Walnut street, on 1 URSDA Y, the 26th of May, 1870, at 19:o'clock, for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other 1 / 1 181- 111918. B. A. HOOPES, m y2O tiny26§ Secretary... UNOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA, GERM ANTOWN and NORRISTOWN R ATLROAD COMPANY bo held in Room •No. 21, Philadelphia Exchange, on THURSDAY, the 9th day of June nett, et 12 o'clock M., for the consideration of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of PentisYlva- Ma, entitled " An Act to authorize the Philadelphia, GermantoWn amtNorristoinin Railroad Company to in crease its capital stock," approved the 29th day of March, 1870. By order of the Board of Managers. , my2tje9§ A. E. DOUGHERTti Secretary„ NOTICE.--A Cif!: il l y of the COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE will he held at the hall, No. 421 Walnut street, on THURSDAY, May 26th, 1870, at 12 o'clock M. , to take final acton on a Supplement to no Act to Incorporate the Commercial • Exchange of Philadelphia, and to Revise. the By• Lawn. NATHAN BROOKE, President. WAKILINGTOII . JACKSON. Secretary. my 11-12t§ 07 , OFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND COMPAN Y. No. 324 Walnut atreet. • MIILADELPHIA, May 5th,1870. The Stated Annual Meetina of the Stockholders of the Metalline Land Company will be held at the Mice of the Company on MONDAY, June 6th proximo, at 12 o'clock, M M. 11. HOFFMAN, inyYtje6§ Clerk. -AMYGDALOID MINING COM PANY OF LAKE SUPERIOR. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Amyg deloid Mining Company. of Lake Superior, will be bola et the 011 ice of the • Company, No. 324 Walnut street. Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, June -Int. 1870, at 12 o'clock, nom', for - the election of Directors, and the transaction of such other business an may legally como baton° the meeting Eu.. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 10, 1870. The Annul Meetings of the 'Stockholders of the iLtna Mining Company (of Lake Saran tor) will he held at their idl.ce, No. 224 Walnut tlreet. on TUESDAY . , the:Mit day of May, 1870, at 12 o'clock. for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other lin.anett. B.A. HOOVES, Secretary. rc?, HONEY BROOK .COAL DOM, PANY'S OFFICE. NO.2O9WALNITT STREET. Philadelphia: - A Speeial Meeting of Stoekhowr s t o ac. cept or reject a supplement to the Charter enacted by the Legislature of Pemetylvanin,• approved by the Gov ernor A pril 0,1870, and for the transaction of other busi ness, will be held at this (Mice, on THURSDAY 28th inst., at 12 o'clock M. By order of the Board of Directors. B. MckIENEY, Setretary . , May 11, 1870. myl2t26§ . PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY. • PlittAiummirn. Fifth Mo. 10,18'70. A speeial meeting of the stockholders of the Provident Life and Truk Company will be held at the ollice, No. 111 Sduth Fourth street, on WHIM DAY, 24th instant, at 12 o'clock WI,. to Who. action on. tho subject of in ereashie the capital Walt ht said Company , By order of the Board of Directors. Attest,-ROWLAND PABRY_, Actuary. SAMUELIi: dII7PYFY - President:- POLITICAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES, N OT [(3 E. PHILADELPIIIA., May 14 Troasurer and Secretary Collectnr of Drlinquent No. 11 STATE 1.10 USE ROWS (Second floor, back. ) PIIILADELPIITA, ➢lay 16, 1870 1 to rw.3l§ my10•to21F: THE ANNUAL MEETING 01" THE 1 Sloclitioldure of the BLOOMSBURG I ItUN COM: PA NY will be lieldnt the Onnipany 'a ogles. No. 122 liirco street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, Mai' 25th, WO, for the - purpose of electing Directors, and transacting other business tay7-14t* Wei. E. B. BAKER, BecretAry and Treasnrer. KEYSTONE CVAII 3 7A:IsTY.- ur.D" '. • • ' • PHILADELPHIA, May 10, 1810. An adjourned xnqatirm of the Stockholdera of ill° Key. Mono Zinc Company will bo huhl at the Oleo of the (umpany,t 223 Walnut titreet i on T HSI) AY, the 21th instunt, itt.l2 . 9'eloc4 Us :;•-':9h o Alt T110811'30N:t myll t Secrotary . • 00 4ZPiNV. 2 -41 N Lyral. journed mooting a thamombers ot the .Librerr Company of Philadelphia will' , l3o held on WHIM NS , the 25th 'Kay. at 12 111.i.t0 receive the Report of the Joint. Committee appointed at a meeting October 21, bee. and to Mho action thereon; and oleo to s oonelder.th.e . question of the ficeeptinee'ot Aetut Aseembly,' 'ap proved February 2341, .187 . 01 relative to the Ridgwar Brooch of; tkip'.RhiltulalPilla.ltbrarr, to n tiOot:lzonurf!dc4ol4l4 r t? i tho,, Charter ; of the cola , BY order of the Board of • Directeiral _ my 3 tu . s.t2s§,,. ~ - 4 W ll,blittl Wllllll&N,lziee'r... DIVIDEND .NOTICES. • UOFFICE CI A. WISS A. ROAD COMPANY, Ncs. - 424-WALNUT The Board of Directors Compan y ]flay tiav 6 e th at . In t ; il of iL tre g jO r tn li p lA an ' Ostend a Ditidend of Three and a flalfper Omit.on ac count of the dividends to ho paid the Preferrod'Stock. holders, payable on anal after the TM inst.t , to those serails' ' to whose' names the stock standsat the close of the transfer books. , • • . The transfer books of the preferrei stock wlll be closed on the 14th, nod reopened on the2M last. . ' iny7-s to to 24 • CILItOY. Treasurer.: U7GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Mao N. E. Corner kevoutn anti Chestnut streets. PHILADELPHIA, May 14th, 1370. • DIVIDEND NO. 34. Tho Directors of thin Company have declared a Divi• dead of FIVE DOLLARS per share. payable to the Stockholders, on and after the 16th inst., clear of all _„. ALFRED S. OILLI9TV, Mi=M OFFICE OF VIE :IRWIN PETRO LRCM OIL, COMPANY, NO. 218;i WALNUT STREET, Room 18, PHILADELPHIA, Ma- 17, 1870. - The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State taxes, payable to the Stockholders on and after June Ist proximo. upon their returning to this of fice their stock certificates of date prior to Mar 12, 186 d. and receiving in exchange it erefor certificates repre senting the capital stock us roduced on - that-day. ' The Transfer Books will close May 25th, and re-open June 113 t. nn 18 6C" M. B. ISBItY . , Treasurer. UPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANN, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PIIILADRLPITIA, PA.. May 3,1370. NOTICE THSTOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of. National and State taxes, pnyable,in Powers of and after May 30, Po7o. Blank Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends 'can lieffiad at the Office of the Company, No. 238 South -TllUtHstreat._ - Thu Office will be opened ati - A - . 7 ll7iiiid closed - at - 3 - . N. from May 30th to June 3d. for tbopayment of Dirl- donde; and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. my 4 6Altry,6 ft-BROW-N4T-ONYRESIDENGRA , FOR: . SALE, ~• No. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Residence, three stories : an Mansard roof ; very commodionil furnished with evory modern convenience, and built in a very - superior and substantial manner ' Lot 26 foot front by 160 feet deep to euilibert street, on which is erected ,a handsome brick Sfeblo.and Coach House..' - -. • J. Ilt. - GITM I (IiCY k SONS, mh2s tf rpi 733 WALNUT Street, JAS. TRAQU,AIR, a FOR SALE AT•WOODBURY, N.J.— ':.A well finished and convenient new 235-story frame dwelling.len rooms; barn, chicken-house. hog pen, Neve 'al actes 01 land, fruits, &c., dm.; near station; easy of PCCPREI tti this city. Apply to AVEBSTER,IO--Nortli Fifth street. tny2l s,tn,th 3t§ (41.1:51ANTOSVN.—FOR SALE OR k.sii Lo. pp mines No. l-nt Price streot, Germantown; home in good order vplen4ant nelghbornood, and within e minutes' walk of the Depot. Apply to J. E. CARPENTER, 242 Smith Third ctreet. m 321-61 .1 - t. H STKLET=FORSAI PI- OP - TO piqit.7. T handsome Four-story_ _Brick-Rest. dome and let of Ground, No. 2040 Arch street, 20 feet frentund 115 feet deep. to a tive-feet•wide alley, of which it has the privilege= House comModious and weil arrunged„_.withall, the_m_dern_improvosnent.s. 65.tC0 trini remain on mortgage. PosSession can be given, with the deed or lease - 'Apnly to JOHN B. COLAHAN, m y2l a it •3ts 52-1 Walnut street. sYRING LAKE—CHESTNUT nil BILL, Fit IL A DELP lA—VO It SALE— Ten minutes' walk from Depot, ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT. LAWN OF NEARLY NINE ACRES, adorned with ehoiceshrubbery abundance of .exergroen, fruit and ;Lade treep ;rrostlealthy locatrou*:l , l6w6 for forty oonnt Moder n-poiated-stouelit , lllol7 Etas, water. ; ice and spring houses; never fa ilipa spring of piirei , t water. LAKE FOR BOATING. all atoclied with Mountain Trout, Carp, .fre Beautiful cascade with Wl=osBl'oll of rapids-through the meadow Apply to toy 21n to th ',45.:".00;-:-DWELLING HOUSE. ON Pine street, near 'Thi•d, No. 253. home tiate WiffSe3fFlon. D. T. PRATT, - 108 South Fourth street.. . .na2.1.f3 fill_W3t'- 05., A SUPERIOR DWELLING ON Twentieth street, below C hest nut...N0..111, in good -nrrtrrycrith-atlinoderwronserrieuces. - Early VoStivtisrori. 0. T. PRATT, 108 South Fourth street. tn:i2lentw3t" _ maGER. A N'T OWN—CORNER HIGH AND MORTON STREETS. TWO -NEW POINTED-STONE ENGLISH-ROOF 11(JUSES.turnished with every modern convenience and built in the beet mnner. Apply to my-4,w stf THOS. A. oUM IS EY, 711 Walnut street. in CHESTNUT HILL-FOR SALE AT AN INVESTAVENT PI3IOE, A enmmer and whaler residence. vritli heater, WWI w ater, lull) six_acros._of_viiioatilu_land,..ucar_theuiepot_t 'stable - and keeeri-lithise, ice•lionso crud jalantr , of sbadu ; fruit and vegetables. J. E. ATITCIIELL, myl7 18 21* 310 York avenue. EtFOR SALE, RENT OR EXCHANGE —The very ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, Sitnated on the York road and County line, adjoining City line station. N. P.R. R.; built by Thomas Mott and lately owned by Joseph F. Page. This property was built without regard to oost, and is too well known to need further description. It J. DOBBINS, myl9 3t* Ledger Building. .E 1 FOR SALE-734 PINE STREET— . 'Desirable modern residence, three story, with three-story back buildings. Lot. 23 by 130 to 30-foot street On a most beautiful neighborhood, overlooking gratin& of Pennsylvania Hospital. Large, airy, well lighted apartments. Flue 'saloon, parlor, large con servatory. In complete repair Only ec,ooo cash wanted. FRED. SYLVESTER, 200 South ➢not th street_ myl.o tfs ' EaBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. —WE have for sale, on easy terms, fifteen minutes from the city; on the Germantown Railroad. an Elegant Resi dence, beautifully and completely fitted out with all Modern conveniences. It has been occupied for two years ass boarding-house, and has a good winter and summer patronage. J. M. GUMMEY & 50NE.,73;3 Walnut street . ;q FOR SALE—FOUR-STORY BRICK LEL Dwelling, with back buildings, and every modern convenience' situate No. 171 1 Filbert street ; lot 20 feet trout by 117 feet deep to a 40 feet wide street. J. M. cOIMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut street. NEW• BROWN STONE HOUSES, Wit NOS. 1920, 2004 AND 2010 SPRUCE STREET FOR .ALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MORT SUPERIOR MANNER. AND WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. E. B. WARREN, 2013 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 .AND 4 O'CLOCK P. M. mh2stf WEST PHILADELPHIA— H AND- L • some modern cottage, with every convenience, and large lot/of ground, southwest corner of Pine end -Forty-first streets. J. GUMMEY & SONS, N 0.733 Walnut street. M.. rt.IIOFFIVIAN, SocrotarY myl6-tilljeF FOR SALE. FOR SALE ter,. FUR BALI:, AT A GREAT BAR gain—Forty aces of very fertile Land, adjoining a growing town upon the bilFsissippi river, in Minnesota. This land is elevated and healthy, and commands a charming.view of one of the most beautiful landscape sceneries Mali the West. It Is situate within a few min utes' walk of Teetotlice, Stores, ..Hotels, Schools and (:Lurches and in a country entirely free from miasmas and rapacious landlords. Por further particulars, ad dress N., No. 1100 Chestnut sheet, Philada. F°RSALE—VALUABLE COAL, IRON and hemlock timberlands in Elk county, Pa., near Philadelphia mind Erie Railroad. Apply to B. A. HOOPES, 324 Walnut street. my2l•tf§ P . ÜBLIC SALE—BEATI ,BIT FUL ILD- U INII Site at Haddonfield New - Jersey. 111. -- Thomns & Sops , sale, Nay 29th, at Philadelphia Exchange, at 12 o'clock. Choice lot on Mill street, one square from railroad station; 06 acresovith large shade trees,-- Six daily trains each way from Vine street wharf. mylli 9t7 ri j OR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A DE -12 of ruble Let, on North Broad street. A fine location, ft) by :00 Met deep to a street : Nioolson pave. meat front. curb and paved in rear. Will be exchanged for impro% oil aoperty. Apply to COPPIJCK & .JOR• _DAN, 933 'Walnut street. liQERCFIANTVJLLEiv. J.—BUILDING 111 sites for side, fire minutes' walk front Welwood Station, THIRTY MINETES FROM FRONT AND MARKET STREETS, • Philadelphia. Fare la the Annual Ticket, 8 chi. per trip. Addreee J. W. TO RIMY, . . niy7 No. 127 Obeidnut street,Philadelphia rip° CAPITALISTS AND BITILDERS. -A Tor sale—k large end rapidly-improving LOT NORTH BROAD STREET, between Norrle end Dia mond ; , 523 feet deep to THIRTEENTH STREET, inter liected by:PARK AVENUE FOUR FRONTS. - A PPIY m-322 altentnutLst r eot, PAIN'EING. 7.-7, CE 771--:•°•-•,,,, - , IBAP 'PAINTING.- /100 ibR of the Peon', Tartan? lis -pCniAras"mlal coating $12.G0) ..71,`ova',1 1 , and vrome lo u n v o t r. For, partiocularß, COST TA I /‘ Th . INarirsaot:trig. Belgarixalas° . ____........ww!„612.0... inyl2 th atU au - • The New Five-Story•Store, No. is South. Sixth Street and No. 9 Deem ' 20 by 173 feet. Apply to , THEODOIII3 bIEGABOEIC, a_p2l-tfi N 0.20 Sohtb Nixth Street,_ tin TO RENT.--A IiANDSOME FU RN- S ished residence with acres of land. near. German town. Replete with e cenventeuces, Apply. to < • . i • J. H. MITCHELL. • myl9th sto • • 14 North Fifth street. TO RENT— ar DWELLING, with Thirteen Rooms ; ?aide, &c.. at Fieber'e Lane ,Ststiou, Germantown tallroad. PosseeeloW.JtinClet., Apply .at 191 North second street.__ • lt" e a FOR RENT—A VERY DESIRA.BLAA SU Cottage, at Long Branch, with sixteen rooms, completely furnished , and every eenvellieuce, eituated 15n the Ocean, below the Stetson House. Rent till August tgli,, 81,40.—f0r the whole hummer. $2,010. Apply at ml2l a to th 6t" 1623 WALNUT street. On HANDSOME COTTAGE FOR mit Bent.--The'Parsonage adjoining the "Darby Level" Presbyterian Church, near Darby, will be rented low to a good tenant.. Apply to Dr. P. J. HOOPES, Ii lapwing ; or to S. DUCKY, iny2le to thtt* 1211 Market street. CTO LET—HOUSE . .1313 PINE ST. .Apply at 1328 Spruce street. tuy2o 12t. F o 11E 1 • DUUIME Jlia Store Preporte, southwest car. Marjtet and Sixth streets. J. M. GUMMY ,P SONS, 733 Walnut et. frj 'GERMANTOWN.—TO RENT—ONE J6l: . of the most desirable properties on West Tulpo 1100km-street, for ono ortwo years,__with furniture for four nwmthe. I'. & E. 11-. - WILLIA MSON,— ruy2o-2t* No. 7to Arch street. Treasurer FOlt BENT—A VURNISFIED SOH -4:1 in er residence, corner Mattlialtitreet and Itclisan avenue,tierntautown. Inquire on thb remises. my2o-3t! 2 A U - 13tr RN .—TO RENT,—THE Iditkline old country residence of the late Sarah Emlen Cresson,on the old Front street road,ationt Imile from Frank ford: a few miniutss' walk from the Franford care, and one-half mile walk from the Episcopal Flospi tal haying sixteen rooms shaded by trees over ono hundred years' old. The fruit and 'vegetable garden ad retired in rendition. Fora largo Omits', ltdmtly far. %lard: -- At - aluvrren tfo r t estammer-or-i t m ear,--A poly Yl2 -. 6t -•' • 221 South Woad street • • in TO RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS ltki , — . Marble Yard, 3: E. eerner of Fifteenth and Fede ral streets ; also. • the three-story Dwelling adjoining. Immediate piowedion. Apply to ANNIE KYLE,. on gnat lees. - 6 - FOR. 'RENT-THE 'LARGE-FOUR: illstory store propert_y.. Nu, 322 MR .r) fl J. M. UDIMEI.-6: SONS, ,33 Walout street.- • MI FOR RENT FOR THE SEASON.— MI Delightful ret.itlence on the Pennsylvania Railroad, only 10 yards from Station. Fine double 1101140 WOO, 11 rooms. About 2 acres. Neat lawn - good Ktretillng; beau. •tiful country: reasonable rent. 111.1f1). SYLVESTER, 23. k? South Fourth street. my. 1.6 . MARK ET STREET . STOR E.—To rent for 'n term of years; tho*Fite-story Stare . 322 Market street. J. M. CLUMItIEY'Jt SONS, 733 Walnut street. TO BENT--F URN ISH ED Oft UN- Ati9 furnlshed—a handsome double Residence, with ex tra conveniences. situate on Forty-first, below Pine, West Philadelphia.. Lot. with choice shrubbery. J. DI. GUNNY'S & SONS, 133 Walnut street. 16 TO RENT—A HANDSOME FUR NIMBI) Country Residence, with 4 acres of ground, blanheitn street, GeOnautown. three utinahNe walk from Wayne Station. ..A Itinds fruit. line lawn, stable for horses and COW/T, with all and every improve• meld. Apply to COPPUCK & JORDAN, 433 'Walnut street. . - FOR RENT.— HANDSOME COLIN try place, with ii,vorallicres of kind, OVI Old York road. tivenituntete-yortlk - from Oak - Lano — station, on - the North Petinfwltunia Ritilrowt, FUENTNIIIED COUNTRY SEAT, within two min-. ntele walk from ilaverforri station,on-the Peuttnylvartle Central Railroad._ J. M. GUMMEY 6:- SONS - , 713 Witt- • nut Htrelft. TO RENT—ROOMS: OP ALL SIZES, sta liglited,suitabla for light trinnufacturinabust fn building No. 712 Chestnut street. J. M. GUM MEY fi EONS. 1.3 Walnut street. fel, FOR RENT—THE HANDSOME La tour-story properly, No 28 South Eighth street, corner of Jorno, -and first above Cheidnut street. J. DI. GUALMEY .4 SONS, 733 Walnut street. fff - TO LET--SECOND;ST 011 --- Y 77- PEDNT 1t00rn.324 Chestriut street, about 20 x 23 feet.. - !Suitable for an office or light business. jal6 ti ro • FARR & BROTHER" .fr, FOR SALE—WEST LOGAN 243--Fonr-story brown stone resi dence, with three story double back buildings. Lot 24 feet front by 144 feet deep No. WY! CLINTON STREET—Three-story with throe-story double buck buildings, Lot 2Dx115 feet to ti CHESTNIM 7 STREET—Tiandsome four-story real. (knee. with large three-044Y back bnildings. Lot 23 feet front by 2i5 feet deep, to Siansom street, ,fitlytate weitrorEigliteentlredreer ARCH STREET—llandsome four-story brick resi dence, 22 feet front, with — ore:l%Y convenience. N. W. corner Twentieth street" A RCH STREET—Handsome modern four-story brick residence,with fitree•etory double back buildings. Is xtra con% eniences end in perfect order: W..F4 of Eighteenth street, south side. .1. AI. GLIMBIEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. J. R. PRICE, On Ole Premises: T 0 RENT— THE SECOND-STORY Booing, or Officer, of No. 42 South Third street.lnquire on first floor. e to th A P-.-111.1,DRETEL 8. HILDRETH' Jr TAYLOR, CAPE MAY REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Office, Perry street, opposite Mansion street, 'ALA PL . Refer by special permission to: - Knight; William F. Potts. Matthew W. Baird and John C. Bul litt, Fags., of Philadelphia: General W intim J. Sewell, Of Camden, and J. F. Cake, Ea() of Cape May. N. B.—Particular attention given to tue rentlag of cottages, &c. my 3 tong' CREESE & M cCOLLIIM, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Ofnce,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, daps Island, N. J. Neal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the 600/3011 will aPPIJ or addres6 as above. Respectfully refer to Chas. A. Rut:doom, lient7 Ma= Franciallvoin, Augusta Merino, John Davis n W. feB• . 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 601 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 807 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 807 Clieetnut St. St 604 Jayne St. 607 Chettnat St. a 604 Jayno St. (Bulletin ButMini P Phi l adelphia,) Book a d .70rs, Book and Job Printers. Book and Job Printers; Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Viinteis, - Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Workmen Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low :Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. Price FI Low. ,_Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen 13k1 Prices Low. GIVE US A TRIAL. (JIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. . GIVE USA TRIAL. • GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US - A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. - GIVE US A TRIAL. . DRUG GINSTS WILL FIND A LARGE stock of Allon's Medicinal Extracts and 011 Almonds, Bad. Mei. Opt., Citric Acid, Ooze's Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars. &c., Just anded - from bark Hoffnnug, from London. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggists. N. E. corner Fourth, and Itamedreetd—.... • TNRUG GISTS' SUITD RIEB. GRAD (7- L/ ates, Mortar ,Plll Tilos, Combs, Brusher: Mirrors, Tweezers, Puff Boxes,lforn Scoops, Surgical Instru ments Trusses, Hard and Soft Rubber Goods Vial Oases, and Metal Syringes, - &0., all 'First Hands" prices. SNOWDEN &BROTHER, Jogi•tf 23 SoutbEighth street. CASTILE SOAP —GENITINEAND VERY superior-200 boxes just landed from bark Idoa, and Druggists. sale by corner OEMAKER tacoO., Importing Druggists. N. E. Fourth and streets. §HEATHING ELT.—TEN FILM& E 8 English Sheathing Felt for oslo by ?ETCH ILIGHT & 1301;18.116 Walnut otroati TO RENT PRINTINt.. A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON ec, , CO:, A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., littUtia. GRAND V,OCAL AND INS= ITINTAL a behalf of the 00NOHOLOGIOALSEOTION OF TIIII ' • ACADEMY Or NATURAL SOINNOES, • At the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On THURSDAY EVENING, May 20th, 1870. ITho follow uished 'added* haye been engaged; IRS. SUSAN °ALTON KEMAL nu% raprano. I MISS CAROLINE: Mi.CA F FREY ' Contralto. 4 SlEll GElttiU NO SOCIETY, Full Cherus 4 . And the GERMANIA 0 ROB ESTE& , • (Embracing Forty Perrormere A / Thewhole underpto . Direction or H 4, Yr / 14 1/Akt IE2I'ICH ' For Programme See Posters and Small Rills. Tirkets Sl each ( with , secured 'seets),. to he bad at. - Qould's Plann-ronme,923 Onoetnut street, and at the Academy otAatural scionees,corner Broaa and Samara • 'Woos. „ Hyman ihn§ hN RISVJOHN DB,BW'I3 NTH .1/,1 1 us THEATRE. Begins 8 &AAA ' TIIIB, SATURDAY, EVENING, May 21,1&Q, air 2411 and Last. Reprewatatfan of DIR. JUN. K. EMMETT. FRITZ, TEE EMIGRANT, Is Charles Gaylor'a Great Drama of PEITZ, OUR COUSIN GERMAN.' • - ....... EMMETT' FRITZ IN iTli SOMA,- DA $;-&o. MONDAY—OvaI EDT AND DRAMA. SEATS SECURED SIX DAYS IN ADVAHO, CH" i NUT STREET Tilla.TßE: -7 JOHN STETSON Defame and Manager JAMES PILGRIM • Antingandeltaro ma n kgar ADSLPIII THEATRE, ROSTON, • .. ADEI, PHI THEATRE ROSTON. . . STAR CIIIIIIIIIAT IO el. . • .• -I. . - STAR COMBINATION. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTER-t .NOON, In BOrleanne. Grand Ballot, Immense 01io Entertain ment, Farm*. to .I,y tho • BEST TALENT IN AKERIOA. BEST TALENT IN A hIERICA. Family Matinee overt SATURDAY. W.ALNUT STREET—TO•EAT,H,B O THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, May2l, SIXTH MIGHT OF' THE ROMANTIC MILITARY DRAMA, in four acts, by Watts Phillips Esq., (Milted •• - - • . NOT CoUII NT i.TY. ' __ • TRE"YOUNG V O LU NT EER CORPS," *. _. AND BECK'S' PHILADELPHIA BAND, No.l, • , AL Me. BAXTER'S 7.OUAYE DRUM CORPS, • AREPESPECIALLY ENOAORD. MAC E VOY'S 131.F.rN ICON. LAST WEEK FAR A • CRE.A.P. Excultswisurct IRELAND.. • , • Throu#lt in tiro hours; Every over/init. - at '8 o'clock, at the seventh 'Street Opera Comm, visiting' alt the places of beauty in the Emerald Isle. rirst Cabin only bnconts. • • The new Hallo% Davie $ Co.',, Square Grand Octagon Piano Is from tin. warerooms of Itedtit Id, Phelps & tlo.. Chestnut stroot • 111,ATINEE SATURDAY 1‘1 17 .41 1 1e (3- -.1 B I T MATE srN : Ol - I. I I I OIIOGIETY will to . a CONCERT - 4D Tlit11181)&17 EVENING, Mal 141;`;t1 which occaaios, they %till introduce tannic of the most Wooten ed Alenters,connlnting of a Cantata or Metelehte n great Battle Scene of Fischer; Original Comp• eitions by the patron of the Society, Franz Abt, with trtmeintions and ,uraptal lona by nor townsman, Janice N Beck; alm,liolon. Trion. ,Quartettes and Quintettes Belle. Graned, Hamby, Gould, och en, Untton. The , ahointinder tho direction of Ur: ..di. Tay "Mr. 11. G. I ltundercriamst. Tickets , , e Leror sale at W. U. Boner & Co.'s. No. 1102 Fluotnut xtreet. tny2o-6to BEDE! THE PILGRIM. 11 110 EXHIBITIONS GIVEN. A Church took the Second liqnont on -Ph uilolay orening - . and waA so crowded that many were terms) swat% WONDERFUL BUT MERITED SUCCESS., Bring your friend. and-pity us another abut before we Every Evening at 8, atiirdav afrd Wednesday 2t - CONCERT HALL. USICA.T, FUND 11 A :BENEFIT DIATINEt to the members of the Orchestra having sw-leted at the Sentzilassler .Matinees will be 471 , 0110 n SATURDAY, May 21st, at 4 o'clock. The Or chestra will comprise forty-lies-performers-•••Admlssfou fifty cents. - - All orstatandln big to - former - Matinee* wfll not hold rood for this occasion. Tickets for sale at . the principal ithiric Stores. , myl2,lt .Q.TRAN GEMS - IN - - -P-11 [LAD ELPITTA. aught to visit the PILGRIM. It is the most widely known find highly endorsed moral, meritorious stud to lieow, Exhibition - in the world. CONCERT - BAJA.. Every Evetillilla rid Saturday- and Wednesday at 2.30 P.M. DUPRE.Z BENT DICT'S . OPERA. 110USF.. Seventh street. below. Arch. Fore Short 1 , 1%4011 Only, commencing MONDAY. May Z. and-eack night until further notice, First appearance in.thin city of - ALLEN A PETTENGILL'd SENSATION MINIS 'FUELS...JOHNNY ALLEN and efIARLES PETTEN. GILL and_tittir.GREAT_STAIL.TRULIPE—c-ompriaing - =fwelyfY Thontgltll _ L I GRIM —2 30 P. M., AND. 8 EVE, To-day. Go ! Go!! !! ! House full anirerers- • POI' born - . Moral and religious. Concert 11411. It§ 1 U N ( 41 ' 1 7N 1 !AIP — MTI )B ' N 3lss LA ,aAL a:irl. ..•E.VlNt , ,lia , f. the honor to announce that they will rive on SATURDAY EVEN ING. May 21st. i. BALLAD CONCERT, in sr bich many Ballads, both, old and new. willbe_riven_ for-the first-timodu Philadelphia: Tickets - nt Boner's, 1102 `Chestnut street. Reserved earilii el. Aiiiiiiiisloll Ur cents. Yurther particulars will he an. .nounc,o,_ • VOX'S AMERICAN THEATRE, — -- I' It. Y0X....... . -....... ....Manager nue( Proprlefor. MONILA Y - EVENING. Nov lOth,.avol daring the rook, Professor Risley's Troup-. Lawrence Troupe, Your PrltoP•r Danseuse, Frank A. Chaffing. Over ILO Artists the same evening. A latlnec on tiaturday at 2 o'clock. NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA IIOUBS• 'IRE FAMILY RESORT. CAKIWILOSS 4* DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. J. L. OARNOROSS, Manager. IVIAULEi-BROTHERAkADO., 2500 South Street. 1870 P . PAT M I SIN Z I A A U Es l tB. 1870. CRONE SELECTION MI OY CHIGAN CORE PINE FOR PATTERNS. 1870. 8 71WE A M 1 : 1 ( Nag ) . 987 O. LARGE STOOK, 1870• Ifigicto FLOORING. 1870. CAROLINA FLOOh.ING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' ABO FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. tTEE, 8 1870. RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. , w ALAI UT BOARDS AND 18 , 7 n 1610....,PLANK. - I 1.1.. vr ALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED NOR UAB BUILDER I S NET HAM, &O. ita O. UINDERTAKERS' LUMBER. NDEF TAKERS' LUMBER BE R. wA NUT AND PINE. QNED POPLAR. . -1870 1870. " . e!t BIM:BONED CHERRY. • ASH. WHITE OAK HICKORY A PLANK ND BOARDS. L 6 7 g k u.zuttiLLNA SCANTLING .IB7O Iv. NORW AY INA A. T. SILLS. SCANTLING. 1.6/OU.N.D/aiSHINGLES. 1870. . t'EDAR SHINGLES. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LAPOE ABBOIIVAENT. FOR SALE LOW. PLASTERING STERING LATH. 167 U. PLASTERING LATH. 1.870. LATH. BIATILE BR2O6OTHER S CO., 0 BORTH TREET. bA \ V Air .6 PLANING MILL, DICKERSON STREET WHARF. Particular attention given to Flooring, Fencing and Surfacing., Hard and soft wood. r2S Dw' WESTER & TREGO. YELLOW PINE LIIMBER.—ORDERS tor cargoes of every description Sawed Lumber toted at short notice—qnality subject to inspection Apply to EDW . H. ROWLEY.IB South Wharves. A MERRUIT FIRE INSURANCE OOM. zi.PANY, jn . cmciratod 1810.;--Charter. pemigtual. Tie:-ala-W-A-b/WIL-Ntreet,above Third Pld, ladelphia, Raving a large pail-up Capital; Sfgarlitrd Surplus in• vested' in sound aud availablo becgritfee, continue to Insure on dwellings stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other _personal property. .&11 losses liberallyand promptly adßisted. DIRECTORS. Thomas B. Maris, ICdmund G. Dutilh, John Welsh, . . • Charles W. Poultuoy, - Patrick Brady, Israel Morris John T. Lode, John P. Wen:Grill, William Paul. - TI7ONAS R. MARIS. President. AVIIIIIIT 0; ORAINVoItD. Secretary. - :6"--Abilll-77114 617RANORI -- COMPAN - Y 1 NU". r 800 CHESTNUT STREET. ) LECORPORATE CAPIT A L HARTER PERPETUAL. 920,00. FIRE I.wsunerioal icx,oLusrvinLy. insttrasagainst Loss or Damage by Fire either by Pee. , petnal or Temporary Policies. . DiancTons. Charles Richardson, Robert Pearce, Wm: R'. Rhawnj 1 'John Ktssisr, Jr., W U ... lm bl • Sertort. Edward B. Orno, ' • John N. Smith, Charles Stokes, Nathan Mlles. • . John W.Eserman t George A. Went: , Mordecai Busby, CHARLES ICHARDBON,ProaIdea, WM. II: Rif A WR , Vice-Preeident. ILLIADII3I, BLANCHARD,oto Botarf. avl tit LIJRIBEIG. 1870. I SURADICE ,_ __l RELIGIOUS , .• The PresbyleilisTicGclnaralltAlomodilay. - Assembly . reconvened at 3- P.-111., and was opened with prayer by Rev... Elias C. Bea dle, D. D., of Philadelphia. The Stated Clerk, Dr. Hatfield, reported that he had answered, the telegram received ) at the morning session from Rev. Dr; 1 411lott in the words of Psalm 92, verses 12, 145. Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke, D. D., from the Committee on Foreign Correspondence, , re- ported back the list of delegates to this. body from foreign bodies. (This list has already. been published.) Also, a congratulatory'rese lotion on the opening of correspondence with the Irish Presbyterian OhureliTand - one of con dolence on ,the death of Dr. Dill, an Irish uele gate to this Assembly. Rev. William - Adams, D. D. of New - York, offered a preamble and: - Rrefiolutlens, 4setting - t forth the importance of Christian union, and ,providing for the appointment of a committee of five ministers and four elders of this As sembly,tooonfer 'with a similar committee (if one, shall be appointed) by •the AssemblY , of the Southern Presbyterian Chinch, now in session in the city of Louisville, with respect to Open ing a friendly , -- correspondence between ,the Northern and SouthemiTreabyterlan Chinches, and with a view to the furtherance of the object contemplated, reaffirming_the " Concur rent Declaration" of the two 'Assemblies which met last year in the eity of ,New York, via.: ''.That _no rule or 'fpi•deeilent which does's not stand approved by - both bodies shall' be of any authority in the reunited body." Rev. William P. Breed, of Philadelphia, pre .sented a memorial from the Presbyterian toric_al Society, setting' forth the necessity of 'a fire-proof building for ' the preservation of their valuable hooks, papers, Sze. - On ' motion of Dr. Breed, a resolution was adopted re commending the churches to contribute money for that_purpose,_ and _providing__ that such contpiniionis 8101.* eOurstedrjas fund authorized by the last As sembly. A letter was received from J. W. Platt resign ing his position as Director of the Western They °logical Seminary. Itev,-Dr.--McCosh, : j."-resident__ of__Princeton__ College, presented.. a conainutii6ition,_ setting forth that the increased number Of students at that college required , the erection of a new set of rooms, which, in honor Of the now consum mated u nion of the two branches of the Presby terian Church, would be known . as “fteutnen Ball," and inYiting • the _Assembly- t° .attend the laying of the foundation-stone on the 27th inst. On motion of lion. William Strong, Justice U. S. Supreme Court, the Moderator was au thorized to appoint a committee of twenty members to,atterid on that occasion. Dr. licCosh subsequently .extemled a cordial invitation to all other members of the Assem bly to.beTpresent..l: 1 • . Dr. M. W. Jacobus presented the following programme for the reception of reports of Wards and committees - of the -- , -- church; which- -was agreed. to : • May 24—Committee un Conference with AMerican Board of Commissioners of Foreign -Missions. and Committee on Church. Erection-. MaY 25—Comtnittee on FOreign NISSiOns. May 26—Committee on ftome Missions and Publication Committee. May 31—Committee on Freedmen. A resolution to observe the first week in January uext as one of prayer -. -for the cons,er sion-oVtbe world was referreil_to the C'eminit: tee ori-Edite_ation.- The report of the Treasurer - of - the Trustees of the General Assembly was received and re ferred to the Finance Committee. Dr. Adams, of New York, asked- to be ex cused from service - as - chairman -- of - the Com natee on Tueolug,ical Seniinaries, but As sembly refused to excuse. hitu, and then ad jouruedimith prayer by Dr. Booth.. SUNDAY APPOINTMENTS --The following-appointments of - ministers 14, fill tbe - varlous pulpits of our city churches to morrow - were announced -yester - _ dav afternoon at the close of the session : First Presbyterian Church, Wachingtou Square—Rev. James slcCosh...D. D., 101 A. XL; .13.ay . Wm. Arnot, D. D.,4 P. 31.; JR or. Wm. Adams, D. D., 8 P. M. Second Presbyterian Church, Twenty-first and Walnut streets—Rev. G. L. Prentiss. D. D. to, A. M.; Ittyr. H. J. Vandyke, D. D., 8 P. hI. . - Third Presbyterian Church, Pine, above Fourth street—Rev. P. H. Fowler, D. Itli - ._12;ltur::11; -- A..1`.;elson, - :P. - D.. A.P. Fourth Presbyterian Church, Lombard and Twelfth streets Itev. „M. Blackburn, lo; A. M. Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Arch above Tenth street—Rev. Henry Darling, D. D., 101 A.. IL ; Rev. T. L.,Cuyler,D.D., 8 P. M. SiNtlr Presbyterian Church, Spruce below Sixth street—Bev. J. A. Priest, 101 A. M.: Rev. 8.. H. FoWier, 8 P M Seventh Church; Broad above Chestnut street—Rev. Dr. Heck - Man, 101 A. M.; Rey. Professor Millie, 4 P. M. Tenth Church, Twelfth and Walnut streets —Bey. William Adams, 1.01 A. N.; Rev. Dr. Mq..eod, 31 P. M. , Green Hill Presbyterian Church; Girard avenue above Sixteenth street—Rey. S. T. Spear, DD., 101 A. Id.; Rev. G. N. Boardman, D.D., 8 P. M. Olivet Presbyterian Church, Twenty-second and Mt. Vernon 'streets—Rev. W. T. Sprole, DD., 101 A. ; Rey. W. C. Adams, D.D., 8 P.M. Spring Garden Church, Eleventh, above Spnng Garden street—Rev. George E. Rays, ltti A. M. Rev. C. L. Thompson, BP. M. Alexander Church, Nineteenth and Green streets—Rev. Cyrus Dickson, D. I)., 101 A. M.; Rev. Wm. M. Blackburn, BP. M. • Princeton Church, West Philadelphia—Rev. M. W. Jacobus, D. D., 101 A. M. ; Rev. A. A. E. Taylor, tl I'. M. • . Bethany Church, Twenty-second and Bain bridge streets—Rev. T. L. Cuyler, D. D., 101 A. M.; Rev. William Arnot, D. D., 8 P. M. - . _ North Tenth Street Presbyterian Church, Tenth street, below Girard avenue—Bev. Wm. Irvin, 8 P. M. • Central .(N. presbyteriatt burcli,Vra.nk, lin and Thompson etreets---IlmV. Walter D. D., 101 A. M. ; Bev. J. B. Kenneday, 8 P • Kensington Presbyterian Church, Frankford Roakahove Girard avenue, Rey. William 0. Johnstone's—Rev. David Ingliss, 101 A. M.; Rev. Thomas Lowrie, ai P. M. Calvary Presbyterian Church,Locust street, below Sixteenth—Rev. R. W. Patter:on, D. D., 10i A. M.; Rev. John Edmunds, D. 1)., 8 P. M. Central Presbyterian Church, Eighth and Cherry streets—ltev. Howard Crosby, 10i A. M.; Rev. Dr. MacLeod, 8 P. M. OxforitChurch, Broad and Oxford streets— ReV. John Edmunds. D. D., JO A. M.: Rev. Howard Crosby, D. D.; 73 P. M. First Chmth, Northern Liberties, Button.; woad street;, below Sixtkßev. Charles Haw, ley, D. D., 101 A. M. Union Presbyterian Church, Thirteenth street, below Spruce—Bev. S. V. McCorkell, 10i A. M.; Rev. Mr. Louden, 4 P.M. Trinity Presbyterian ..Churcli,s; Frankfort( read and Cambridge street—Rev. Mr. Kerr, Easton, 10,1 A. M.; Rev. A. Broadhead, India, 7 P. M. Fourth United Presbyterian - Church, Lom bard street, above Nineteenth—Rey. ,Tames Alexander, D. D., 10i A. M.; to be supplied. German Street Presbyterian Church, Ger man street, below Third—lTo be supplied], 1.1.4 A. M.; S. P. M. • " Presbyterian Church,-sixteenth and tiansourefeeetster; T.THill,•loi 'l\l4'Refv - , - James Baird, ;HP. M. Frankford Presbyterian Church—Rev. J., B. Kennedity, 1.0 i• A. IC Trinity Reformed Church, Seventh and Oxford streets . 7-I(ey. William Wisner, D. D., Reformed Presbyterian Churcb, Eighteenth and Filbert streets---Rev: Mr. Marshall 101 A. Rey, Mr. Millicau, 4 P: M.. ' • . Nazareth Methodist Episcopal Church, • Thirteenth and Race streets—Rev. Alfred Nevin,. D. D., 101 A. M.; Rev. A. B. Cross, 71 , 4 • • - Out 'Strict Pretibyterian west? . / of bitty-ninth street—Rev. Wut.a.r. bud 101 A. M.; Rev.. Walter Clark, D. D., BP. M. Woodlands' Presbyterian Church, Pine, near Forty-second street—Rev. L. H. Reid, 101 A. M.; Rev, it, C. Galbraith, Jr., 8 P. M. Fifth Reformed Presbyterian Church, York ,street—Rev. , j. B. Dunn, 10/4.M.; Rev. Alex ander M er f ean,*3f `, • ' " efoimell'Clturch, Tenth and Filbert streets -Rev. A. A. E. Taylor, 101 A. M.; ti o pe sup piled, S P. M. - Clinton Street Presbyterian Church, Tenth and Clinton streets—Rev. Joel Parker, 101 A. Ae`f:lTenrY narlink,•,• 4 /- First Presbyterian Church - . Mantua, Thirty fifth and Bridge streets—Rev. Charles. E. Knox, D. D., 101 A. 31.; Rev. E. Warner, 8 P. M. Greenwith Street Presbyterian Church, Tbirtiatul Greenwich streets—Rev. A. G. Ru liffson tit 71 P. M. • South . Presbyterian, Third and Redwood streets—Rev. A. Brodhead, at 10 A. M.; Prof. Nourse at 71 P. M. Christ Refernied Church, Sixteenth and Green , streets—Rev. William • ;ILi. West,. 104. Tabernacle Baptist Church, Eighteenth and Chestnut streets—Rev. William C. Schofield, 101 A. M.; Rev. Charles E. Cook, 8 P,. M. Foreign • Ministers.—Thp delegates to the General -Asseifibly , from the Presbyterian Churches in England, Scotland and Ireland will occupy the following pulpits to-morrow: • Rev. William Arnot:—Morning, Dr. Wylie's, Broad and Spruce; afternoon, Dr. Jdlinson's, WashingtonSotiare; evening, Bethany,Twen ty-second andßainbridgei, Rev. Dr. McLeod Morning, Rev. Mr. !jams', Germantown; evening, Rev. Dr. Reed's, Eighth:and Cherry. Rev. Dr. Edmond—Morning, Rev. Mr. Rob-, bins's, Broad and 'Oxford;; afternoon,:ReV, Dr. Boardman's, Walnut and Twelfth streets ; evening,. Rev. .Dr. Humphrey's, Locust and Fifteenth street's. Rev. Prof. -Blaikle,' D. D.—Morning, Rev. Dr. Breed's Spruce and'Sei7enteenth ; after noon._lle_v_Air. Ifellook's-,Penn_figinire; eren.- ing..Rer.Dr. Willits's, Eighteenth and. Arch. Rev. Prof. "Watts, D. D.—Morning, Wek roinster Presbyterian Church, Broad and Fitz water. The Episcopal Convention. After the close of.our report yesterday, a re _-_-soliftiOn was offered requatWthe — BiSiforrto "adiipt the praYer for the ConkreSs - i.if the States' to the Legislature of the State,which the Mover thought equally requiredpraying for. Objection was Made on the ground that the Bishop had no power to do as the . resolution suggested. 4 ;clerical member t thought that the ,praver for .:the- "President of the United:. States and all others in authority " included members of the Legislature. After some dis, cussion, the resolution was laid on the table. Rev. Dr. Drum ()tiered a resolution to the effect that the Convention declare it to be the right of a rector to preside at all parochial meetings. . Ilaresuggested that some of the -church charters provide Otherwise. Ile in- Winced St. Andrew's Church charter, in which the Rector is not permitted to preside at 'meet ings of the • vestry. The resolution was dis cussed—by Dr.. Rudder, WelSh, and . others, and was reported to the Committee on Canons, to which was added hey, S. E. Apple- gate and MeSSts. R. R. Montgomery and-John Bohlen. The Committee'on the Episcopal Residence reported that the building they bad purchased cost $20,000, and•that the entire cost of house repairs and furbiture, with the extinguishment of the ground rent, was $37,612:29: The pAy= merit of the whole amount had been provided fOr„atid.the committee NaS. discharged. Dr. Paddock offered a resolution that. the Bishop appoint twelve clergymen to present the cause of missions four times annually in those parishes in which collections' are not Made. Adopted. Adjourned mine die. LocaLand_General. THE Rev. William McElwee has resigned the pastoral charge of the Fifteenth Presbyte rum Church, alas day. THE anniversary exercises of Princeton Theologl cal !Send nary - have - recently been con cluded. The number of students in attend ance last sear was 117. THE Sabbath afternoon union prayer-meet ing will he held to-morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock, at Liberty liall,Lonabardstreet,above Seventh. THE New Street Lutheran Church (Rev, R. flutter) had a narrow escape from destruction by tire, yesterday, and it was only saved by the extraordinary exertions of the firemen. —Tames„...Lisk, _of Illinois,_has ac cepted the unanimous call Of the Second-Bap tist Church, of Germantown, and will enter upon his duties on the first Sabbath in June. nu; regular Baptists are mere numerous in Virginia than any other State. There they have 764 churches and 107,584 members. In Georgia they report a greater number of churches than in Virginia, but a less member ship by 4,124. THE Rt. Rev. Bishop Stevens recently ad ministered the rite of confirmation at. the fol lowing places : St. Philip's, 29; The Covenant, 20; The Holy Apostles, 35 ; St. John's, Norris town, 13; St.. Martin's, Marcus Hook, 6; St. Paul's, Chester, 28. Fitom the annual report of the forte-sixth anniversw of the New York Bible Society, held recently, it appears that 148,810 families have been visited during the year, of whom 7,062 were destitute of the Bible, and 4,181 re fused to receive one. A COLLECTION will be taken up in St.. - fohn's Catholic Church to-morrow to defray the ex penses of repairing the beautiful stained win doWS, which were so badly damaged , by the recent Lail-storm. The windows will now be protected by wire screens. A 31 OVEM ENT is on foot in New York to raise $lOOOO for the erection of a Foundling Asylum, to be tinder the care of the Sister'• of the House of the Good Shepherd. Many pro minent merchants, Protestants as well as Catholics, have eontributvl • THE vestry of the Church of the Messiah (Episcopal), late St. Andrew's Mission Chapel, have taken up all eligible lot in the vicinity of their 'present place of worship, and have de -tei mined to'enter upon the work of collection of funds and building a new church imthedi ately. THE!General Baptigt Association 'is now ap proaching the close of the third quarter of the associational year ' and will need . nearly fourteen thousand dollars by the Ist, of July to meet liabilities, and nearly seven thousand dollars to close up the year without debt. The Associations meeting in June are urged not to forget the Home Mission Society. THE American Foreign and Christian trilion held its twenty-third anniversary in New York on thil 10th lust. The annual report stated that during the past year-the Society bad received and accounted for the sum of 95. Missions , have-been--planted and sustained in Italy, Hungary, Greece, • France, Spain, Northern and Central Mexico, and in Chile, and the success attending the labors of thb missionaries there have exceeded the most sanguine Lopes;.of the well-wishers of the SO ciety. ON the evening of the tith inst. the recogni tion services of the Beth Eden Baptist Church were held in their new edifice, Broad and Spruce streets. The devotional services were conducted by the Moderator of the Council, Rev. Mr. Goodno, of Blockley, and Rev. Dr. D. H. Miller. of Elizabeth N..,J. The sermon Was preached by Rev.P. 5, Henson, D. D.; the hand of fellowship was extended to the pas tor, Rev. Dr. Smith, representing the Church, by Rev. Dr. G. D. Boardman, .additional• re marks,being-mado-hy Ca5t1e,13.13,•,- and the charge to the church by 'Rev. .Charles Reyser. alio congregation Was large, and the services were appropriate•aud impresSiVe. A very liberal response Was made to a call for materiataid. The pastor led off with , $2,000, and a number of others with $l,OOO and $5OO. The footing up was abOut $lO,OOO. • IN the Southern Methodist 'Convention, at Memphis, .Tenn., on the 14th inst.,, the follow ing report of the committee im the union pro posal of the Northern Methodists was adopted: Resolved, That if this "dlidingiiitihed commis sion were fully clothed with authority to treat .._.::.. ...,' 4.. ....:Hi.1•.r.::..;,:•_:,:" :_..f.. , •..t., , .1.• . .1...... , . ..,..::;:.....).::'.....:::...: y... , .,.... ::-...,.:.._,..',...:-. - .:::'..r.,.),..: , .; ;.., , ,r.." -. .:.. , ... ,. ..:„..: , ..:.: '. , ,.. i.0.::..-:t....1 . .,.......: - ...,......... - .. i..: .P:rtitJAD:o.pii-J:i.itx..-..:...:.p,v:.F.:.N'."1-:_cx.•:l-,170•:.1:Vi;-$1,1_()::.•:SATIJ...li,..,P-A.-...T••'..1.M:A:Y.2.1..'.18.i.re.._ 11 of Lu for ninon, t s the judgment thist - 1 t onf`es ence that '..the true interests • Of, the - - Church-of Christ .. require and . demand the maintenance of our separate and distinct or- Ranization. Regoived, That we tender to the 4 ev. Bishop R. S. Janes and Rev. W.L.Har ris, members of the commission 'at present .with Elsa etir regards as *brethren beloved in the Lord; and express our sincere desire that the day may soon come when proper Chris- j tian sentiments and fraternal relations of the two great branches of the Northern and South ern M ethodist Episcopal Chur h shall.be per- ; manently established. Ti ...11s General Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church has been I session In Bal timore since May 6th. A memorial to abolish! the probationary state in the church was pre- ' sented and referred. A committee of five was appointed to consider the question of 'a union . between,the Methodist Protestant Church and ~MethodistEpiseopal Church South. A fra ternal letter from the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, signed by llishopN Janes, Scott,,Simpson,, and others; was presented: 'The letter stated that they were app,ointed a commission to 'treat with corninhiSicinis frotri any other, Metho dist, 'Church'' desirous or union with their Chtirclictind expressman desire to meet such commission from the Methodist' Protestant Church. The letter was referred. The present actual worth Of the book - Concern is 'shown to be $7,166 . 82, an increase 'SI,IOO daring the past year.! After a lengthy discussion the re port-of the Judiciary Committee disapproving of. "re-baptisms' was: adopted. The item of the report, leaving theViestion of probation Aliii 7 OburCheS,was also' adopted. , Ann anniversaries, of the National Baptist Societies will be held in this city next week,in the First Baptist Church, cornerof.Broad and , Arch streets. , The following is the order: Monday.. May 23.—American. Baptist His Society, Rev. Howard. Malcom, D. D., President, at 7i-o'clock P. M. Report and ad dresses. This meeting will he. held in the Church at Broad and Spruce, streets. Prof. Osgood; of the Crozer . Theological Seminary;_ , • . Tuesday May '24.--.Ainerican - Baptist Mis sionary Society,,'Rev. Anderson, LL. D.. President; at 10 o'clock.A. M., and continue session during the day and evening:' Annual sermon by Rev. Dr; W. - W. Everts,of Chicago. This and the following meetings will be held ' at Broad and Arch streets. 'Wedziesday.,MaV difd -71?-iifelon- Bible Societ3i,- Hon. D.M. Wilson, President, at 9 o'clodk A. M. Wednesday, May American Baptist ,Publicatioh Society, Wm. Phelps; Esq., Pre sid.ent, at 103 o'clock A. M., and continue in session during the day and evening. Annual sermon,at beginning-of first session, by Rev.j. D. Fulton,-Of Boston."Subject--"The World's Need of a Baptist Literature." Thursday,May 26.—American Baptist Home Mission Society, Hon..T. M. Hoyt, President, at TO o'clock, and remain in session during the forenoon and afternoon. Thursday: May. 26, Evening.—A General Meeting at Horticultural Hall, to quicken and increase an enthusiastic interest in denomina tional enterprises. Short and pointed - ad dresses will be made. NORTH P.E.NI;,'SYLVANIA RA.ILRO_AU. —Freight Bcpartment.—Not ice to. Shippers.—By arrangements recently perfected, this Company is en abled to offer unusual despatch in the' transportation of freight from Philadelphia to all poluts_of_the:_.Lehigh - ... Mahe noY ;Wroming ansf Sesquelatuna P and on tleCatawlssa andiltrie Railways, Particular attention is ass ed to the now Hne7 through the Susquehanna Valley, opening up the Northattatorn portion of the State to Philadelphia, embracing - the towns of Towanda. Athens. WaverlY, and the counties of Bradford. Wyoming and Susquehanna. It Man of fers &short and speedy route to Buffalo and Rochester. interior-and Southern New York. and all points im the Northwest and Southwestand on the. Great. Lakes. ltierelinnilise &livered at ttie Through Freight Depot; corner of Front and Noble streets, before 5 P. M.. is i 115.... -tributed by-Fast , - FrsightTrains - throughout ' . th - ‘• lie high. Malsanoy—Wyoming -and Susquehanna early next day. anddelivered nertochester and Buffalo' within fort y•eight hours from date ofsitioment. - (Particulars-in -regard to Buffalo,—Rochester, interior New*York and Western Freight may be . ohmitied at the office: No $ll Chestnut street. L. C. KINSLER, Agent of E. Line.) _ Through Freight Agent, Front and Noble streets. ELLIS CLARK. m Ylet - . General Agentil._l3._lt._Co___ FUR B OBTO N .--BTEAM SHIP LIN .is DLREOT.BATLING FROM EACH PORT EVERT- ' Wednegday - anitSattitday. . FROM PINE STREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. :- -- AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA. I FROM BOs7oll. 10 A. M. 3 P, M. ARIES, Wednesday, May 4 SAXON,Weduesday.hlay 4 ROMAN, Saturday, " 71NORMAN, Saturday," 7 SAXON, Wednesday " 11 ARIES, Wednesday, " 11 NORMAN, Saturday," ICROMAN. Saturday, " 14 ARIES. IN Ninesday, , " 18SAXON,Wednesday," • 14 ROMAN, Saturday, " 21`NORMAN, Saturday " 21 SAXON. Wednesday " 251 ARIES, Wednesday, " 25 NORMA N.,Saturday, "' 23.R1151AN, Saturday, " 28 Thege Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day. . Freight forwarded to all points in New England. ' For Freight or Passae (superior accommodations ) apply to HE KEY WINSOR & CO., 338 South Delaware avenue. nZADMIPH . t"a - - A.. NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. - - . - - - THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. _ _ INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED RATES _ FOR 1870. ' STEADIERS LEAVE EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ,at 12 o'clk, Noon, from FIRST WHARF, K above MARET Street. from_ RETURNING, LEAVE RICHMOND . MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. - . . Illr' ng No Bills y of Lading signed after 12 o'clock on ai lia. THRO D UGH RATES to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portamenth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. Frel ht HANDLED itliT . ONOEani, taken at LOWER RATER THAN ANY OTHER L I N E. - - - - - No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense for transfer. Steamships insure at lowest rates. - Freight received DAILY. State-room accommodations for passengers. WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent atßicbmond and City Point. T. P. CROWELL & CO., Agents at Norfolk PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. Thr ACHILLES will sail for NEW ORLEANS, direct, on Thurcday, May 26, at 8 A. M. The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Slay. ---, The TONAWANDA will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday. May 218 t. at o'clock A. 111, - The WYOMING will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday, May 2ist. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. 0.,0n Friday; May 20, at 6 A. M. Through Wills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all, points South and West. BILLS of LADINP SIGNED at- QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight or _passage, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, MO South Third street. FOR NEW YORK VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN - CANAL. . _ _ The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communion-- lien between Philadelphia and Now York. • Steamers leave daily from First Wharf below DI AR NET street,- Philadelphia, and foot of WALL street, New York. • - THROUGH TN TWENTY-FOUR.HOUP.S. Goods forwarded by all the LIMP running out of New York, North, East or West, free of commission. Freights received Deily and forwarded on accommoda ting terms. CLYDE & CO., Agents, 12 South Deliiivare Avenue. JAS. HAND. Agent, Ha Wall Street, New York. NEW EXPRESS LINE TO • ALEXAN drIa, Georgetown and Washington, 1). 0„ via Ghee• awake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex. andria from the most direct route for LTnchltrg, Brie tol, RDOXViIIe, nistrville; Dalton and the Southwest. ' Steamers leave regularly from the Shit wharf alloy. Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. P.OLYDP: No. 12 South Wharves and Pier 1 north NVharves. . HYDE & TYLER,Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & CO.. Agents at Alexandria. Va DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE nEABI TO W-BOAT COMPANY. , —Berge4 towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Del aware City and intermediate points. W111.:,P. CLYDE & CO.' Agouti; Capt. JOHN LAUGHLIN, Sup't. Office, 12 South Wharves, Phila delphia. .apll tf FUR NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE AND RARLTAN CANAL. SWIFTSURIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DISPATCH AND SWIFTSORE Leaving daily at 12 and 6 P: ht. The steam propellers of this Company will commonce lording on the Bth of 'March. trough in twenty-four hours. , • • . • Cootie forwarded to any point free of commissions.,, --Freights taken on aseommodating-terins; ---- ,ipply to WH.; Si. BAIRD dc CO., Agents,' .132. South Delaware avenue. • , A),„ HORSEMANSHIP. —4THE PHILA s DELPHIA BIDING sottooLc No. 3338 Mat: eiffieet, is open *daily for , Ladles and qentlemon. It is the largest, best lighted and heated establishment in tho city. The horses are thoroughly broken for the most thvid, An Aiternoon_glass for. Young Ladles at- . tendlog school, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and an Evening Class for Gentlemen. Horses thoroughly trained for the saddle.. Horses., taken to livery._ Hand-. somo carriages to hire. Storage for wagons and sleighs, SETH 011AIGE, Prosrietorc _ SHIPPERS' GUIDE. EXPRESS- STEA NFRO--,:T--COMPAI4T INSTRUCTION . S. REAL 'ESTATE SALES; eg PUBLIC SALE'B ORDNt- e . lifelni.- , -Estat.of ()Midi:Thee Simon,' &it eatted:-. 1 - - '1 banns & bong,- Anctioneers.,• On• Tuesday, Mai 24th', le7o, at .12 o'clock„ noon, will ho sold,nt.public sale, at the - Philadelphia Lxchange,,thefellotaing describe , / pro perties.viz .: No. 1; Lot—Jackkon st.,llrenty'sixth Ward. All that.tract or land. marked No. 1 on the plan, Teton-' ty-sixth Ward. city' of . ;'commencing, on the uorth'slde of J ackson Street,lllB fent east of Twenty_ ninth street ; thence extending along 'Jackson strneCitiz feet ; thence northward about $3 feet ; thence northwest wardly 181 feet. more or less : thence sonihward aboht 160 feet to the place of beginning. 1}02a.--The alcove tract 11/18 q, front 0f•162 feet on Jack son ntreet, and is Part of a large tract of about 7 acres. 21 perches, which large tract:is subject to a ,groun I rent of AT, Pennsylvania currency, per annunt,to the Swed ish illeretsCh ;• • , -• • • • r N 0,2.1-Largo lot,S . E. coiner Twenty-ninth and Jack: kW at reet6,Twen ty'-srxth Ward.- Alt that tract Orland. rahrktd No. 2 on the 'Plan,' TWontg-sixth •• Ward, - corn mencing att he S. P. corner of . Twonty-hinth and Jack son streets ; thence extending' along Jackson street, 162 feet; thence southward - 100 feet ; thence westward 32 feet ; theme sent n*ard about 130 feet to a 40 . feet wide street, proposed to be, opened • thence wegtward aiosig the Pomo 120 feet to the east elite of Twenty•ninth street ; thence northward ' . about 1.0 'feet to the ,place of he- Nota.--Tbehbove hal 3 fronts-IEO. feet on Twenty ninth, IS2 feet on J'aclison, and 130 feet on a4O feet wide street, end Is tart of a largo tract of aboutl acres, 21 vrehes, which large tract is subject to a' ground rent of .f 7 , ,l'ennsY Ivan la currency, per annum, to the owed bill Lot lieran Church. No. 3.—Large lot; -Twenty-ninth street, Twenty-sixth Ward. All that -tract of hind; marked No. 3 on the Plan, Twent y-sixthWard,commencing at the southwest corner of T wenty-ninth, and a 40 feet wide .street; pro posed to be open street eyee extending ivestward along said 40 feet wide 224 feet.; thence southward about .80 feet; thence eastward 21 feet lthence southward 100 feet to the north side of Wolf street ;, thence eastward along the same 62feet ; thence northward 100 feet ; thence eastward 45 feet ;thence southward 20 feet: thence east ward 100 feet to the west side of Twenty -ninth street thence northward along the same 100 feet to the place et beginning. Ncern.—The-above--lias 3 fronts :-228 1 feet- on a4O feet feet aide street, 100 feet on Twenty-ninth street, and- 62 feet do Wolf street, and is part of a large tract of about 7 acres 21 perches,, which large , tract is subset to a gronnd rent of .t 7, Pennsylvania currency, per annum,to the ha Luthetan Chunch. . - IC - a - Plans at the Auction , tam, ; And also at the Ex- Change on the day of Pale., • No. 41—Ground Rent—.92s6o a year.—All that yearly ground. rent of *l5 fO4, issuing - out of all that lot of ground with the two-story brick house thereon erected, situate on the north side of !tarp street, First Ward. lis feet inches west of Eighth street: containing in front .on Eery street 13 feet, and in depth northwardat right angles,With Farp street 40 feet 6 inches; "sorn----The-- above- ground-rent hs---welleeenred-and 'punctually paid. No . linntird - street, First Ward All that lot of ground and two story brick house thereon erected. situate on the south sideof Lin nard street, First Ward, 100 feet east of Ninth street containing in front on Llnuard street 12 feet. and In depth at -right- right angles with -Linnard street 48 feet 6 Inches to a 3 feet wide alley leading into another 3 feet wide alley leading into Linnard El reet, c!fl_which_said lot has the free and orii_rarin use am fins kprivile e. N;B7.—Handsome 6 Tivo-storyNion,- becon. a ee road 'Olney; Twenty-second Ward. -- Ail.' that atone - rotuzli-castmatisiOri, two stories and 'attics, and' two story back buildings and lot of ground, marked No. I on Plan-at Olney, situate on the northwesterly side of the Now Second street. turnpike and northeasterly side of Linden avenue, in the Twenty-seconds Ward, of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front on New Second street turnpike 100 feet, and in depth running . along Linden avenue 325 feet.lo4 inches.. The mansion is well built.;,is shunt 40 feet front.; .haaball .ceutre,. saloon parlor, dining and Fitting rooms and kitchens on first floor; 7 chambers, some large and handsome .• pump in kitchen and in barn, heaters, good water, lee house, barn and stable, shrubbery, trees, good shale, &c., unit in all rescedis is a fineyroperty. in a beam iful :till im proving section of the city. A ysenger railway is now in progress tow and the place. - - No. 7.—Country place. three- ory stone dwelling, 10 Acres, Maple_ and ..Linden._avenues.-_,Olney -.All _that ' tract of lend. marked N 0.2 on the Plan, with the sub stantial three-story atone dwelling. with two-story back buildings, at Olney, in the Twenty-second Ward; be ginning at a corner in the middle of ,Staple and Linden avenin.s.; theme along the middle of IlLiplo avenue • north 9 degrees 45 minutes; east 96-101.1 perches to nt corner; thence north degrees 16 minutes, west 1194400 perches to a corner.; thence north') degrees. 45 minu•es, east 30 30-1(0 perches ton corner ; thence south SO degrees -30 reit utes-,- euet-42-perclies - tovreorrierrtiteifee - soitt Iry degrees SO minutes, east 240-1 W perches to a corner: thence south 22 degrees 30 minutes, west 1550-10 U perches to u corner: the. ce south 9 decnets-45 minutes, west 26 perelief.-1 e a- cortiert thence sinttli - SfrdegreelOmihima, west 66 flu perches to the northeasterly stile of Linden -avenue ; thence-by the same north_s4_degrees 30 minutes. west 448-100 perches to the southeasterly line of Syca more al. enue ; t hello otiong_• the same south .35 degrees:lo '_minutes, vest 2 42 1041 perches to the middle of Linden avenue; thence along the same mirth 51 degrees 31; immures, west 242-lath perches to the northwesterly line of Sycstuore avenue;. thence still along the middle of pad Linden avenue *north SO degrees 15 minutes, west -17-B.llt perches to the - place of beginning.. - NOTE.—The above tract has large front on. three .avenues,-Linden, Sy= ora - end Mapie avenuesTln `.beautituill and rapidly improving neighborhood, and !could he divided - into nandsome - buildintr lots: pa , ;- Fencer railway in Rrogress towards it. There is. .a large quantity of fine bricks-lay on thistract.. No. A.- Large and Valuable Lot. 2I acres. Olney, All thattriler of land. Olney, in the 'rwooty second Ward , beginning at u corner Intim middle of 111 apple and e eu avenues ;-{hence running along 'the:middle , of tin- Men avente south 4J dog: 1411411 i:, enst IT 4-10 perches to a corner ; thsnco south M deg. 60 nib], east 42 42 100 per , dies to the southeasterly line of Sycamore avenue: - thence by Alm same south 35 deg. - 40 unit., west - 44 - 100 perches to thAniddle Of the road leadingto Frankfort( ; thencealong the middlb of said Frankfurd road north G 3 -deg.-52 min :west 1.20-Ic4l- nereltes necorner 4 l-therice along the DI iddle of Aimple avenue north 9 deg. 45 min., east 40 1-10 nerchesid the place of beginning ; containing bout-t wo acres 69 perches. San7E—The above has three fronts on _Maple, .L inden and Sycamore avenues ; in a rapidly - improving neigh both cod, and may be advantageously divided into build- 'nu lots. A you.senger railway IR now in progress to nnrds it. Plans of property at the Auction Store__ Terin—Cai.ll on the execution of the deed 6:100 Store.__. raid at the time of Fah.. 311. THOMAS d: SONS, Auctioneers, 81)16 30 null, 21 130 and 141 S. Fourth street. P Li() M SALE, UN PREMISES. ' tl3 ' Ll—Thomas . d Sons, Auctioneers.—Very elegant •country:seut, Melt Si 01) .titableirtnd coactFhouse.2 , acres,„ known est' Beechwood," at the Jenkintown station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, residence of W. G. ,Rent. Req. On Saturday, May 21st, 1870, at 4 o'clock P. tha , gokhat-puhltazate,- ou-tha-preniktes,=all that= elegant country•seat, 20 acres, known as" Beechwood," situate at the Jenkintown station, on the North Penn- , lvania Railroad, 40 minutes by rail from the depot. The iMpiovements are an elegant three-story stone man sion, handsomely papered and painted throughout; has large ball, parlor, dining-room, libran , 2 kitchens,with large store-room attached, and two china closets on the first floor.with hot and cold water ;5 chambers and store- I room. bath anti water-closets on the second door; four chambers and 2 large closets on the third floor; gas ti Pee, turtmec, 2 cooking ranges. bell coils. large water lank. large porch, two-story frame laundry. with tubs, hot and cold water, rage,r. 2clianthers over lanndry ;mlt cellar, ac. ;.stone stable and coach-house, coachman's 'room. lottnes, room„cow-bouse, green-house, ice-house I filled). with provision vault. smoke-house, chicken house end out-buildings ; large vegetable garden, planted 1 , young orcbsto of choice fruit trees, in frill beiiring, small fruits, abundance of old shade trees, ever greens, c.; large and 'handsome lawn, underground drainage ; inclosed in from on Greenwood avenue by a blli,tahl bit stone wall and a spruce lie I ge, and on the southwest by a high board fenceand a locust hedge. The Jenkintown station, on the North Pennsylvania Rail road. is at the font of the lawn, about 300 yards from the front door, and shot tint by a beautiful woods. Half M 1 mile from Jenkintown, where there are churches, schools, stores. &c. Situation high, commanding a beau tiful view of the country for miles around. • See Photog.ranh at the Auction Rooms. Terms-820,000 may remain on mortgage. Immediate Possession. ELEGANT FURNITURE, HORSES, S,FAIiM INGING UTENSILS. &c.-7.'he entire Ilonsenold Furni ture. Horses. Cows, Farming Utensils..te., may be had by the purchaser of the place at a valuation. Mae be examined during the week from Wednesday until Saturday, inclusive. • Trains leave depot' f the North Pennsylvania Rail road for Jenkintown at 7.30. 8.45 and 10.45 A. 31., 1.15. 2.15, 4.15, 8.110 and 11.30. P M. Returning have Jenkintown for Philadelphia at 6.58, 8.01, 8.51, 10.02 A. M., 2.30, 3.00. 0,14, 034 and 8.49 - M. THOMAS a; SONS, Auctioneers , ap2B my 7 14 21 132 and 11l South Fourth street. EXEC 'UT° R'S SALE.-ESTATE VI fly J.. P. Crozer, deceased.—Thomas & Sons, Ana tualefle Handsome Modern Three-story Brink Resi dences, Nos, 18412 and 2014 Chestnut street, east of Tw ent) • first street. Orr - Tuesday. May 24th, 1870, at 12 ,'duel:, noon, M ill be sold at public, sale, at the Phila delphia Exeloyige. the following deseribe4 properties, I.—All that handsome nioaletri t hrimstoty brick inessuage,v ith sin ry hack building and lot situate on the south shli - lef Chestnut streA. ems) et Twenty•fir?:t street, No. 2042; containing in front on Chestnut' street 50 feet, and extending in depth 120 . including half of a-I tcet wide alloy. The house is well built. and has all the modern couvenlallMlS: parlor. dmidig room and kitchen on th first fluor; 2 chambers. room and library on the second floor; gas, bath, water closet, furnace, cooking range, B,:c. _ . Poss.ession let october, Clear of all hmumbratice. Terms cash. • No. 2.—A1l flint handsome ino tern - throe-story brick inesstin7el, with three story back buitditag ILIA! of ground ' , situate on LIM BMW! tilde of CiTHtliat street, Ito- Joining Cite aleive•being N 0.2014; containing in front on •Chustitut street 20 feet, and in depth 1V felt, including hall of saki ullry. The dhouse hue all the modern cen• evidences: parlor, dining-room and kitchen on the lirst• their; .2 chambers, .mitting-roNit and litirary on the sound fh.or gas, ' , Wit, hot and c old waterovater closet, tin nage. cooltitig range. ,tic. 1'1.5,1144011 loth March. 1071. Clear of all ingumbrance. Terms Ca.ll. • Ity ender of S. it. CI:OZER. F.x"eittor. 31. TIIO3EAS S. SONS, Auctlosinere, invl2 l 4 21 • • 130 ,t; 131 Smith Fourth street. F i t . EXECIYIO It& F SALE O istitaittim Morris, deceased.—Tllolll3B ,t SMIS, Anetioneers.—ltintittess Local ion .—Ticreo•story brick' ILwelling,No.lilt filbert street. wee:t If Ninth street, On Tuesday. Dlny 2411 i, 1010. at 12 n'elqck. noon, will he sOld at public Sale. at the Philitdolahin Exelititge, that three-story brick messunge, critic tWo•fitorY 1 . 1 ;(11i building and lot of ground, riititate en the north side of• Filbert street. west of Ninth:ooot, No. Olt ; containing in front cu Filbert street 18 feet, including a 3 feet wide alley• and extending •in depth 00 foot; The house has rOmns en first fluor, gas, Sc. fQr Cleat* of all •Itetnritiratice. . • . Tema-1110f coati. Immediate • By order of ANTHONY P. [ORRIS, Executor. 131011 LAS & SONS. Auctlopeera t rtp to tits i 41439 acid 1 11•SOut lirtii.frai'atreet. _ . - 10 -- REAL ESTATE.—TIIO3IAB & SONS' Sale.-- Very Valuable Business - Four-etery ' lirown.stono Store, No. 67 North 'Third street, eolith of Arch etreet. On Tuesday, May 24th, Ib7o,- at. 12 o'clock noon, will be. Hold at, public '4ale,'"at the all , that very valuable fon r-etory brown-steno' store and lot ' of ground:Minato on the eastaide of Third street, south of Arch street, No.b7 ; co h tainhig in .front On Third street 20 feet innd extending in'depth• 127 ' feet, more or lens. The building. is well built. and: is situate in the `meet valuable square on Third etreet. • 'Perms — s23;oo may rrlnairt On Mortgage. Immediate poem:whin. . THOMAS At SONS, Auctioneers, my 7 14 21 . l3O and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE SALES. 1"1, 1 1ILIU 6ALE.,—TIIOMAS &ISONS, C . Aiictinneers.—Large and Stainable known as-Latioell's Machine Works, No. 956 'Beach street, Sixteenth Ward. On Tuesday, May 24, 1870, at 12 o'clock; noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Piffle dolphin Exchange:No.l.—Aß that lot ot gronnil,with the Improvements thereon erected, situate on the westerly side of Bench street, in the Sixteenth Ward, of the city of Philadelphia commencing at a point in the Westerly lino of the said Beech street. at the (Beaune( of 250 feet ' southward from the south aide of Laurel street ; thence extending westwardly on a line at tight , angles to the said Beach street 160 feet 73; inches to the southeasterly side of Cohockaink 'Creek Canal; thence extending southwesterly along the southeasterly side of the said enhockeink Oreek Canal 61 feet 33; inches to a point In the line of the said canal (said point being situated at the distance of 208 feet 9 Inches westwardly from the said Beach street 1 ; • thence on the same line 14 feet 93; inches to a point; thence stilbalong the southeasterly sido o r the vain canal and following the courseß thereof 38 feet 7, 7 .; inches to a point; thence eastwardlv along a line at right angles to the said Bench street 236 feet lac inches to thelvesterly line of said Beach greet; and thence ex tending northw tinily along the western line of the said Beach street 63 feet to the place of ' beginning. Part of the lot is subject to a yearly4zround rent of sh°o.• Term-Two-thirds of the :purchase money may re-. main. The improvements are a large brick building, part two and three stor felt high. with frnmo slieb' in the rear. Immedtate Possession. •Keys at No. 1053 North Dela ware avenue. • No. 2.—Modern three-story Brick Residence, No. 1737 Vise street, wept of Seventeenth street, ovorlooking-ho gan Pouare.—All that modern threelstory brick met- . suage, with twceatory back building and.,lokot ground, situate on the. north aide of Vino stroet t second house east of E ghteenth street, No. 1737 ; containing in front on Vine street 20 feet, and extending in depth 125 feet to an 18-feet wide alley. The house has parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor ; gas introduced. bath, hot and cold water, bell-calls, furnace, cooking-range, . . Terms—s6.ooo may remain on mortgage. Possession let of t"eptember. The above overlooks Logan Square, and is situate in a very desirablemeighborhood. . - 316:3.4Peremptory sale by Order of heirs. Estate of John Schw etas, deceased. 239-9tory ..Franlo N 0.815 North b street, above Brown street, with a Frame Stable in rear on Orchard street. All that 214? story frame nicest:lngo and lot of ground, situate on the east side of :Fifth street, N 0.816 ;containing in front. on Fifth street 10 feet, and: in. length thence eastward,keep the same breadth, 17 feet deep ; then continuing 1 foot wider on the south lines,t which makes 17 feet . wide, at the distance of 17 feet from the front lino ;) then con. tinning 17 feet wide 113 feet to o 20feet Wide alley, which makes 130 feet deep from Fifth street to said alley. The said 1 foot in width 17 feet deep being given with 2 feet fruit the adjoining lot on the south, 17 feet deep, for a 3 feet vide alley, for the free use and privilege of the said -- forautt - tlidlornif the sun Gadd - 0; thgaboveilescribuitleti— now in:posseesion.ofldartin Deck ; the said Martib his heirs and assigns, having the right to build over - and under the said alley the whole depth of 17 feet. Also, a frame stable in the rear on Orchard street. Subject to a yearly ground rent 01 $3l (silrer.l Immediate possession.. No. 4.—Frame Dwellings and large Lot, N 05.3611 and 43613 North Broad street; extending through to German _town_avenne__All_thosehiessuagen_and_the lot of.gronnd_ _therennto_belo_nging.aituatelon the east side of Broad street. 6.53 feet Th; inches north of ThTga street . ; the tot oil Br itl: feet:"thud — dkletllitg - in . depth 94 feet 9% inches on the north line, tend 102 feet 1134 inches on the south line, end thence still keeping the same bresdth at right angles with the Germantown road. 94 feet 9% inches on the north line, and 102 feet 11.? i in ches on the south line to Germantown road, The im provements are 2 two-story frame dwellings. fronting on. Broad street, and a frame carpenter shop and frame stable and wagon-house in the rear, on Germantown 097 Clear of all menmtireenco Terns--S; 2,o(Stmay remain od mortgage. No s.—Larks and valuable Let, Columbia avenue, west 00 - Ireful street; IS7"feerfront. All that very desi rable lot of Freund, situate on the north side of Colum bia avenneabout 31 feet east of Fifteenth street; con la in ?rent oil Columbia avenuelB6 feet 834 inches, and extending In depth on the east line 139 feet 4 inch -n tea point - ` thence• extending- senthwesterly 231 feet Sy inches to Columbia avenue ,--forming a triangular lot. See plan at the Auction ROOIIIP. to. 6.--Business nand—Three-story Brick-Storn'and Dwelling and Blacksmith Shop,-S. W. corner of Sixth and Master streets, CO. feet front. All :that .three story brick store and dwelling and blackmail shop and lot of gratiod, situate at the southwest corner of Sixth and Mester streets-t- the lot containing—in-front, on Sixth .strecifil_feet, and extending In depth 04 feet. No. 7 2L oryltltirshiell r idreitt - Moore Street. Tremont avenue. Norristown. PennsylVa. ma. All that 234• Story Brick Double House and lot of ground, fronting on ,Slarsball• and Moore streets and Tremont avenue, o n Pennsylvania' ;- the'tot containing in front on Nurahall - street 100 feet, and In depth 200 feet. The housecuntainab rooms andubserva.-, tot 1•; cellar under the whole; there Is a vegetable garden, dab pond, spring of water, fruit anti shiulo trees—Trains connifunlcatete 12 times a die. Terms—Half cash. Inunedinto possession. M. THOMAS 3: :SONS. Auctioneers, nrs 5 14 21 139 and 141 South Fourth street. j PUBLIC SALE:—THOMAS-ft Lila. Auctioneers.—Eleuthome.Moderit. Mansion with - stablnand-Coachhouse,2Wayne Arrentte and Seymotr • street, Gerniantown.Twenty. second Ward.267fost front, 213 feet deep; 2 fronts, On Tuesday ,Mas 12 - o'clock „noon, will be sold at public Bale,. at . the Phila delphia Exchange, 'all that handsome ecanmocliomt stone mansion and lot of ground, situate at the corner of e Wayn avi nue end Seymour street, Germantown, Twcnty.-isecond'Ward :tbe lot, containing, in front on. - Wayne arenne 2G7 feet. and extending in depth 218 feet. The bowie - contains 17 rooms large parlor,bay trhidowa. commodiousthanthers, ry and - well v end! ated ; gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, &o.; carriage-house, stable, wagon •bouse. tee-house, chtckettintime vegeta ble garden. The grounds are beautifully laid out, ever greens choice shade and ft nit-trees, shrubbery ,-grt-pe .--rinemimod. sprinvaretrytte t,Gottrenient,to churcHe3 and F chortle and about 7 minutes' walk from ‘Vayne Station. Terms—Half ea mil. May be examined. Innnediate possession. M. THOMAS Jr: SONS, A tictiondora rr‘v7 14 21 139 and 1-tt SautliYourtil street trof4 _REAL OM. AnS & SONS' Ara Sale.-31odern three•story briok Residence. No. 71t, N erth 7weetieth street, above Leates street. On Tficklay, 31 ny 31, 1570. at 12 o'cl-ck. noon, will be sold at 'public sale, at the Philadelphia 11xeliange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the l'Vefit side of I wentieth street, above Coates street, No. 716 ; containingin front on Twentieth street 20feet, and ex tending in depth 125 feet: It is finished in the' best manner,with all the modern improvements; hanasombly pnpered • has gns,. bath . , water-closet, hot and cold Subject to a mortgage of 66,260, due in three years from Ist of January, 1e70.. Immediate possession. Keys, at the (Alice of Caldwell & Breuil, 272 South Fourth street. M. THOMAS SONS. A nctlnwprs. myl2 14 21 12.9 and 141 South Fourth street EXECUTOR'S SALE.—ESTATE OF J. P. Crozer, deceased. Thomas & Sow!, AM:- t ioneers.—Handsome mralertf three-story brick reel deuce, No. 2531 -Spring Carden strcet, west of Tuentoth street.,-On Tuesday, May 24th, 1670, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick mestmage end lot of ground, situate on the nin lii side of Spring Garden street, west of Twen tieth street, No. 203] ; containing in front on Spring Garden street 20 feet, 011 , 1 extending in depth 114 feet, including a four feet wide alloy, with the privilege thereof The house is well built and In excellent repair; has parlor. dining-room and two k Unions on first floor ; two chambers. sitting-room and library on second door, and four rooms on the third ; gas introduced, bath. hot and cold water. furnace, cooking-range, &c. Possession 13th of September. KO. Pa' Clear of all incumbrance. . . MMila=l M. THOMAS t SONS, Auctionenrs, inyl2 14 21 139 and 1 tit S. Fourth street • EXECUTORS' SALE.—ESTATE OF Mrs. N. 0. Bache, deceased.—Thornas .4 • Sons. Auctioneers. Very l'aluable Three-story Brick nesi. dence, No. 1621 Clii,stnut street. west of Sixteenth street, 40 by 110 feet. OP Tuesday, May 24th, ISM, at 12 o'clock, noun, will he sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that very valuable three-story brick rues silage and lot of ground. situate on the HUM In side of Chestnut sit eet, 'trek of Six teettt It street, No. 1,121 ; con. wining in front on Chestnut street 20 feet, and extending iu depth 161) feet to a ai feet wide street. '1 ertos cash. Immediate posseesion. M. THOMAS ,t; SONS, Auctioneers, niy7 14 21 1311 and 11l S. Fourth street. froi, REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Residence. S. E. corner of Twenty -second au& Ito tint Vernon streets. on Tnesday ay 115t,P,70, at 12 o'clock .noonAcill be sold - al sato, lit the - Philailel plda , Exchange. till that modern three-story brick-inessintme.with three-story back ild,ug nod lot of ground, situate at the Southeast corner of Twouty -second nod Mount 'Vernon streets; coutclniug in front on !Roma Vernon street la foot, and inc, in.do pi It el; feet to a street. It has parlor. dillil/g,01.11111111.1 kltcisra ou.lllo first fluor; gas, bath,hot and cold water. foresee, cooking-range, .6c, I limo diate possession Subject to a mortgage of May ho examined 'llly day prel, ion. to *tie. M. THOMAS ,t SOnS, Auctioneers, my 12 . 1421 139 and 1 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE,.—TiIo M AS & SONS' sak.—llatobwolte 'Modern Rot. itlence and large lot • Venn Imo meet, OR/VP Twenty-first street, Twenty •lirst Ward..-Oti Tnesday. May 31, 1870, at 12 o'clock, neon, will he sold at public bale; 11. t illll change, all t handsome mo,lern double stone rumen rist) residruite. with the lot of ground - th erennto to; lot ging, situato on the north 811111 or Vu r natigo street, at the distancs of Ilk) feet wm.tward from To entV first Fire el, itt the Twouty Hest Want. •.,1 [lv, city of Phil idol phis ;them-0 estioalinit westward along Vonattgo stroet Ito feet; thence northward, 11 , 1 in. Ivo-collet with Iswenty-bear 011 eel, and crossing a 411 foot wile street ennui Pacific stroot, 295 loot, more or loss, to a point; hence sentheastcrly, recrossing Pacific street, foot, more or lcsv. to 11 PO bit at the distance of MU feet west • ward from TWI to y • first sty ; thence sonthwara „ filo. pnr e llrl lclih Twenty-first street. 183 Met 10'; Malley G. the place of beginning. The tit kill building is 3s by 34 feet, with back loolditig 29 (tot deep ; has lam, hall, parlor, library. dining-0 Din, pantry and 2 kitchons on the ih'it floors chutitbers. bath-room !knit wittor , closet On Iho second ltoor,aint 4 chambers and ha - 2e store-roam on I he [bird ; large Reynolds furitscc, 2 ranges, gas, hot and cold " water, platmfilass ilk windows, .. 1 0%; WRila grOllIllIS ore ii , kll(6umoly ill,- prOV Vti, with 01101/ 1 rot:sand oholco shrubbery. Toms aCconarnialoting. ht. TIIOIIIA.S At SONS, Auctioneers, ~ , nlyl9 21 28 . 130 and 141, South Fourth str , itt. :IR PUBLIC . SALE.—THOMAS & SONS, mailAuctionivrw. swam. Threm story Brick Livery `Roble No. 206 Smith Elavop thstreeLl_ below Walnut 5tre01,15536 feet front. On Tuesde.v• 3BIY 31, 11370, at'l2 o'clock,l/ win, wilt' -bo- sold lit public the Philadelphia icchnnge, all that valuabla throe toory brick stablo and lot of ground, situate on tho west nide of Eleventh street. south of Walnut street, No. 206 ; the lot containing in front on Eleventh street 55 feta 6 11101tes. and tixteutling• to depth along Zonobia street 62 feet., The stablo props-heel( front, stood [timpani:tit and the 'oonvOriienties ; has 'accommodations for about 200 horfios pod 1110 On rrlnaes.' • , • • Tprin4-4/10,CO0n1ny remain oninortgage lintineiliatO 0,40141t0n:7 ' •' . • .111, THOMAS SONS, A uctioneers, 1141921 28 , • 139 and 141 S. Fourth shoot. ft FAL ESTATE SALES; 1; F. ON THIS PREM . - isva---71aanaa Scsona, kinitiain , araiefy . 110;aiirit Country :e a t Mauston, (leniency's Dense, Stehle' and :Coach llQUFlt—known4B "Malvern eight and moanr, e ," acres, Bustleton. 9 wenty-third Want, live minutes' walk from' the Denot of llohnesburg and Enstietcin Bail-- road, ton miles from the city ; Residence of .J; T.'Way, Ent. Oh Saturday, May 2 9 th. IS7o,at four o'clock E 111. - . `will be sold, at - public sale, on the premises, all that ele gant country seat known as Malvern ' formerly the country re.idenee of John Farm a n, Esti, Bustieton,• Twenty-third Ward. The improvements are a large stonornansiOn, with all the modern conveniences; gar dener shouso, stable, coach house slid ice house.; la rge grapery under glass, yielding an average orono thousand 'pounds annually of toreign grapes; white and black of the best Varieties' Hamburg. Muscat, &c. The grounds are laid in English style, shaded with tine old trees, large and beautiful evetgreens. Itnd ornamented, with . hedges, 110W - un& tie and 'slinibberk. Nature and art combined have rendered it a spot of rare beauty... Large vegetable'. garden, 'astiaragu-bed. mi. abundance of fruit of all descriptions" large and small, and excel lent water. Convenient to stores, schools and churches: The g rounds of the Episcopal Church adjoin the property. The situation is' high and healthy, commanding an extensive view of the surrounding ccentiY. , a3 - Immediate possession. Terms-41alf cash. .• ' Xri'" Femme desiring to view the property will take the one o'clock train from Kensington Repot .'for , ton . A person will be in attendance daily to show the premtes.. N. THOMAS & - SONS, - Auctioneers= mylll 21 Vi 139 and 141 South Fourth street. LJU ,ALL TELE . . ses.;LTtiointis St Sons; Auctioneers.—Very 'Valua ble Business Stand.—Hotel known as " Markley's,". Broad street and Germantown road ; 4 acres, 555 feet front on Broad street and Germantown avenue. extend- Big through to Fifteenth street-5 fronts. On 'Wednes day afternoon, Juno 1,1870, at 4 o'clockovill be sold at public sale, on the premises, all that large and valuable lot tit gtound and the improvements therram erected, actuate on the west sole of Broad street. corner •of Ger mantowb road, 25(Lfeet_235_Inches.front on -Broad street, 315 feet Of.incluni on Germantown avenue, 93 feet 33a inches on Butt , r street, 431 feet on Fifteenth street, and 395 feet 8 inches on Erie avenue, ( which Is MO fest wide) —5 fronts. • The Improvements are a 234-story stone and brick hotel and dwelling, has bar, three rooms and kitchen on first floor ; fly e on the second,aud two atties; there is a largo verandah, which commands an extended view down Broad. street ; fiame stable and extensive shedding : a number of old shade trees, 8:c.• This is a welbestabliebed stand, and is considered the best 'road hotel in Philadelphia; and' having five , fronts, is very valuable tor building purpos s. TheLgorznantown Pas,- Benner railway cars pass the place everttwentyminutes. Terms oney Immediate Possession. • • Will be sold according to a plan. which may be had at thteMictlon,enoms-r- Will shovn.by.the owner and. occupant lie:Jacob Markley. -. THOMAS Jr SONS, Auctioneers;. myl9 21 23 30- 139 and 141 *South Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE—THOMAS Si; SONS, rol4l -Auctioneers.—Randootne Pointed Stone Residence and Large Lot, Chestnut Avenue, adjoining the .Epfeco pal-Church. Chestnut Hill. On Tunditv, May 31, IBM, at - 12..e'd - oett,tioeill SoLd - Lft - public sale at fhe PhfiadetphitrElxchrnge;-tell-that-lot on the southeasterly • side of t. bestial t area tie, 'at fhb lI'S triune of 4to foot north; easterly Irma the northeasterly side of the 'Perkiemen Turnpike read, Chestnut Bill, in the Twenty.secend Ward 'of the City-of Philadelphia ; containing in front en Chestnut avenue 89 feet .114 inches, and extending in depth southeast wardl v of that width. on the northeast wardly side thereof He feet B'.,`•fi' inches, and on the south westwardly thereat 201 feet r,.i.incites, with au outlet on a. 12. feet .w e reet. , The: wet lifig..m.l) uilt .of painted.. stone • has parlor, with bay. windpvttlibrary,"dining reem.'two' kite - hole and two pantries en the first fiber, and nine chambers on the second anti third floors ;:la well supplied with closeta, and has heater, range, gas, bath. hot and cold water, ,te ; piazza extending nernort the whole front. and a S111111(01' on , in the rear • . M. THOMAS - & SONS, Auctioneers... 139 and 111 South Foarth street. MEE r- . 1. REAL ESTATE:-T HOM. AS • &, -- S ON S' ea ry Elegant Residence and largo Lot, No. 3503 Spruce street, 100 feet front. 176 feet deep to Irving street. On Tuesday May Xis t. isio, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public:sale or the Plidadelphia - Exchange, all that handsome modern three-story messurige and lot of groupd ,sit nate on the north Spruce Street,west _oflbirtl.nn [lb Cute et, No. 3e0:1 ; the lot. containing in front on tlpruce street 100 feet, and eft - eliding in depth 173 feetro - Irving - street; -- The home hrhrick - ronglFeast; - with hollow walls stripped inside, in excellent repair, and basall the modern CODTCliienCeS ; lies 2 parlors with folding dome. library. breakfast -room, 2 kitebens and large-hall-ontlio-tirst-iloorovith-pOrchettfront and rear 5 commodious and communicating ehambers and Aiath room on the second-floor ; 4 rooms on the third-floor,and 2 rooms in the tower Outs gas throughoutTlielrealfsaiot: und cod water, water-closet. furnace, cookine-range,. &e. The gromfds are planted with, fine Old shadmtrites, shrubbery. &e. Stone wall and iron fence in front. Clear of all itimunbrance. Terms -One-third cash. Immediate possession. May be examined any day provioutto sale. PC-THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneers.- myl9 21 23 139 and 141 South Fourth etreptL ItEAL'ESTATE. 3 =T-H OISIASk SONS'' -WE sale.-I^_ Modern Three-story-Brick Dwellinga.Nos. 2031, 5033, 2035. 711;1, 2030, 2041.2013,2015, 2047,2049,20 5 1 and 2070 (Minna street, north of Nowa street. Twenty eighth Ward.. On Tuesday. May"3lst. 1370, at 12 o'clock; noon .-tre ill 4.,e-sold -at puhlic t-thir"Philitdelphia Exchange. all .those modern_ tl ' iree , story.brick entities, -with three-story bac" bantling and lot of ground. situate on the suet side of Unman street, north of Norris street. lr , bs, 2031.2033; 2035; 20371 a 139. 2011.2043, • 2045. 2947. 2049. 2051 and 2073 ; each containing in front OM Canute street 17 feet, and extending tu depth-73 feet; ,- The ,- houses - have the modern conTeniences_; . parlor. dining room and kitchen on the first floor ; gas, bath, hot and 4:014 waterilurnaca, cooking ,ra use. &a,- Each subject to a mortgage of f•t , 2,C00. 11-Kir. They will 1w sold separately,giving the purchaser the choice. . )Si. THOMAS & SONS, kiictinneers, my 19 21 23 139 and 111 South Fourth street;,_ aTA'IE-:-.1.110MA5 . 8.7, SONS' Sil .17.. le.—Business stand. Three-story Brick ti.v ern and Dwelling. S. E. corner of Twelfth and Cantina str , cb , . below eiirpenter street . On Tuesdiiy. May , 31, IeTU, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be •uold at public 81110 nt the Phila del phin Exchange. ill that rbluablo three-, story brick rnetlanage,and lot of ground, situate at. the. S. E. corner of Twain and Cantillaatreeta ; containing: in front on 'twelfth strect 16 feet, and extending In depth along Camilla street 73-foot, wide alley. The house contain . 6 10 'rootue ; hag gas, bath, bet and, cold water, water-Motet, cooking - range.. &c. Terror 3iuif-cnslr—'Cki:rnf-tslt inanmhrnnc _= panneilime possession. May be examined. 3.1.T110111AS s EONS, Auctioneers,' niyl9 21 23 139 and 141 South Fourth_ etreot. 'A REAL ESTATE.— THOMAS ez SONS' Lad. Salo.—Dandsome Modern Thren-story. Hiowit stone Residence, Nu. '2,901 uth Third street, at m * Sumo s , Suo street.—On Tues. . ay M it, 1870; at 12 e'eloott-,, noon. will he sold at. n ti Ste sale, nt the Philadelphia, Exehango, all that handsome modern three-story brown stone noo.sunge, with three-story press-brielch ,ck build ing and tot of ground, situate on tho west silo of Third street. above Spruce streot, No. 1841; contaitting in 'font un 1 bird street to feet. measuring from the middle of the partition walls botween this and the messuae.e . to tho Fotith land to the north, and evtendiug in depth 1811 foot 81. i inches to PAIIIgIIIIIIO3 court. The house has' all the modern convemeneus. 1 emus--811124 , 0 ma v remain on mortgage. : Immediate Posses4lon. Koys nt the Auction Rooins. M. THOMAS & SCOTS, &net loneors, re v 1 a 21.2 c . MI and 111 South Fourth street. t 1; ISAL T hf AS & SONS, Anctioneers.—Brick factory, - Nos. 1316 and 1317 Wallace street, curt of Broad street. On Tuesday, May 31,1970. at 12 o'clock oloon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that brick factory httild lug and lot of ground. situate on the north side of. Wal lace street. between Midge avenue and Broad street, Nos. 1319 and 1317 ; the lot contain front on Wallace treet 36 teet , nittl extending in dilpth averaging about 64 feet G Inches ; has gam, water, underground drainage, .5; c ltrmediate posses ion of lower 09ry ; second story Ist May. Tem Ins— $3,P00 now rein in on mortgage. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneerg,•, 139 and 141 S. Fourth strPot. my 1g 21 2', LEGAL NOTICES. VTA.TE OF SA ILA H EM - LEN -- CAESSON; deceine(l.—Letto s Testementaty having been grunted to the s 04( . 11111,13 upon the estate of SARAH LEN CRESSON. deceased:ell persons having chums or ((emends atm hilt the eqate Of said decedent will make hhown the sews to them without deity and those in drhted to the CO ate will malt e , Imyment to EMLEN CRESSON, 10?9 Spruce street : WI 41.3.A.Ni I'.CRES SON, '224 South Itrostl (lft CLIARLES C. OKESSON, 1013Cliesthot gtrect, Meeliton:: or to their Attorney, Olen. 1.. 'A Slll%lEATl.:is:tWillnut t.tr(eti ap'lo-13,:t•* _ . . I 1.1.1 M .; O ESTAMENTABX H ON TE . .I.J :Estate of GEORGE W. BENNE D.S. lato or filo city of Philadelphia. tkoeased, having lcen granted to the underdone , ' 1.5 t tho Register of Willst for the city and county of philudelphia, permit. , indebted tootr those hay ela hes or demands amtim.t . the name, ur• re. titiogi'd to brew. thorn without delak to EDWIN 11. - FIT LEN.. it North Water street. myl.l s STATE OF A. E. BURTON, I)eceasu(l.--Lettera of Admitti-tration having 104111 grOOfrii to tho nilltri.l'itlerS noon tit- Estitto of ELIZA E. HUHTHN,iii.coa f edom having claluta or do the of ,aid decedent will tirtko l:uo\c II tho f,lllllO to ilicto fiEfi. W. Itl IIIIIE. 1 E/INVAH I; Hiller" ' • k Fv . (clitupi JOHN C. ItOoNHILE„ ' • • !IN \Valuta no,ot, I IN 7 'ELE I) I— I C'r UOIJILT OF THE UNITIF.I/ t 4 T.vrEs. FOB TIIE IASTE RN DI 11111JT P NSY 1.,V.‘ NI —' , WIT,LrAn \V. APS LEY of Phllad..lphh, a Bankrupt. hating wditloned ' for hi. 111,4.111%w, 21 1112 2 1 2 1 2 111:: 1. 2 1 ,2 1/itOrtl will Ire hold JUN le. Sill, 1:.70. at 2 ..Cc10..1: I. 1)1. lu.fore Itegnuer .11c3111 1 11A1 , 1,, .No 120 Wa . lnift" rore..t. Phliadol plan, Ono thy ....auuo.d ion of the Bankrupt may by, finiebed, .1 o f ita , oinu leunirea by . r a o . 11011.4 ;net 2 4 01 the Ref ai ronizr..ss tran.atcted, Beizibler al:+0 •Iher the bankrupt hail 1 2 111,1 . 11/ 1121 2 1] U 1 10 1 1 211/1 3 . 2 A heal I tn. , ,‘ ill al+o hold rn WET - IN Espxy Jung th, en ur t ,u Pi, Fidel ;dila,. at 11) o'clouk A , when parties infer...lord utay show caner' agAlint th,..lioeharee. , futi fiA.Dw ALA 1.. 1. DER, .111i1.."0,111111 t.eal of the said Court at Nuy 12, - (1,--\V : FOX. Clerk. t rpf —W M.-3111'1f.\1: , ltnelfor. tur11,21.233(` FOR (Ay and Conn6' orPhiledel ph to—Estate or REV. .1 A - 111ES SEDDON, dccensd...—The Auditor appointed by 010 C o urt audit, settle ittut Adjust the firttt 110, 111111 t ilf—J.%-MES'SED.DON--nod JOILN SED DON , ',el:Mori - I nil triteteot named in tioi hut will end les amal,tat-REV. J.\ ES SUDDON, time:wed. multi - report (Retribution orthe balance in the kends of UM— itreountenteWill I/hoot tho partiea.ititereAt...l, f...r the .purposes of his appointment, on THURSDAY, May, 2d. P7O, n 23- . i o'clock, P. M., at office. No. ak; IVCAL ett hington Sttuttro, In the city of Philadelphia. • (AARE:4OIi BURDEN, Auditor._ myl4•e to tlibt* QEA. ISLTA,ND COTI'O.N.-20 BALES OF Hen lelnud cotton in for saki by €OOll - RUSSELL $; CO.,lii Clireflint street,