Daily evening bulletin. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1856-1870, May 14, 1870, Image 1
DDING INVITATIONS EN graved In the newest and beet manner. LOUIS D cA, Stationer and Eugravaif No. 1033 Chea.nnt street. . spn-theto-tf VARTLI CLOSET CO.'S DRY—r-E-A-RTH PJ coramcwles and apparatus , for'.flxod closets at Wti. O. 13.110AD11',1221 Market street. Freodotn front risk to health and from offence ; economy of a valuable fer tiliser secured by uso of the d earth s • stein.. a ,29tr4 • BIRCH -- BOYEII.-On thn 13th of May, at the hon so uf Mr. Adolph Proskauer, No. 222 Mouth, Third street, by the Bor. A. A. WUlits, Mr. Berman Block. of Merseburg, Prussia. to Mina Adelaide if. Boyor, of Phil adelphia. JACKSOB--SIM-PSON.-00 Wednesday evoninft,Kar llth, at their residence ,_No. 1025 Morris street, by the Itev. W. J. - Paxson, 31r. Joseph. A. Jackson to Miss Ithodu Sttopunt, both of Wu city. § lIMNBON.—On the 13th 'natant, Alexander Demon, lit the 76th year of his ono. - harOlatitirtraird - rrlrofida et the Wally are to ottead his funeral. from his We realtlence. No. 1026 -yroce street, on Monday, the 16th Instant, et 3 o'clock P. M. Intettnent at tho Woodlands. • . 11A BIG tl.—On-the-12th-inst., JolorW. Harris, In the ear-ot-his-eg The relatives and (Geniis arerespectfully invited to attend the ft mild, from Ida late residence, N 0.3195 Lo east street. on blouday, the 18th inst.. at 2 o'clock. In terment at Laurel 11111, H (10, TER.—% hi the morning of the 14th Inst., Samuel Hunter, in the 42r1 year of Ids age. trim limit, will be given of the tnneni I. • Pllll LIPS —On the 13th inst., Anion Phillips In the nsth ear him age; ills t °taffeta and friends' are respectfully 16*ft-tat-to - -- attend tilatuneral - ; - fromirt slate residence; 5111 Marshall Arco. on Tuesday. 17th inst.. at o'clock P. M. Fu neral services in Green Street M. E. Church, at 3 o clock. precisely.. P O 1 LLI PS.—On Frilsor evening, 13th inst., Mrs. Ann Phillipe.intheB9thyearof her age. The relatives and friends of the fatally are respectfully incited te attend her funeral, from the resideuce of her son, John P. Phillips. Green Tree, Cheater conuty, on Tuesday morning. 17th inst., at 10 o'clock. Train leaves Depot, West Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock A. M. THOMPSON —On the morning of May 12th, Ellen. wife of Benjamin P. Thompson, and eldest daughter of Price I. and Margaret It Patton. The relatives and friends of the family are' invited to attend- the-funeral. from the- residence of tier parents, Nu. 31S North Fifth stream, above Brown, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock P. 31. IntrArment at Woodlands. - WA LEES —Suddenly, on the evening of the 12th inst., Mr, Barbara A. Walker, relict of the late Matthew Walker. The friends of the family are invited to attend her fu neral. from her late trAi.denCP, No. 1224 Spring Garden street, on Monday afternoon neat, 16th inst., at 1 o'clotik, at gerther_notjec 0171iG.:4);The inorning of the 19th instant, Edwin Young, lu the 734 year of his srh The relatives end frienee are invited to attend the fu neret, from his hit° residence, No. 1910 Wallace street, on Tuesday afternoon next. nt 3 o'clock. 0,41 - EYRE - & - re - mTELL ------ 141 "fik -1 II lIA.VE TO-DAY ANOTH 1 ER 04 U., OPENING. OP LLAMA LACE JACKET/4. LLAMA LACE PANCHETTES, LLAMA LACE PEW FROUS. - DOCKET 'ANEROID — 'BAROMETERS, I. for !Dem.+, ring twigbts, marked fo feat a will " 1,1 11(1o.s. Priro. 12 50. W. Y. 111cALLISTE11. No. Chestnu t street. A.so. ef; era! xii.4.9rtspent of. Nat Isinlatlcitl and Cipti ,al rpts. zo 214 -6t rp§ LEHIGH COAL, ► olssys vu hand at . CLARKSON'S Yazd, 2100 Market street: roys 3ttmyl2 at§ lARECMi-NO-TiIL;KS PARTY COLORS. LIGHT KID GLOVES For Gentlemen. A Fresh and Most Beautiful Assortment at TriT 818 & 820 Chestnut St -A N A M A Boys' Clothing. 818 & 820 Chestnut St. Our READY-MADE CLOTHING Is as fine as CUSTOM WORK. Elegant Spring Goods Unequalled Stylishness and Beauty. ut, MUTUAL Fire_lnanrance Company of Philadelphia, No. 701 Arch Street. • co 7 a 13trp§ LYPTCE TRE - TiUMMISI3rON: 1:13 OF FAIRMOUNT FAUN. PIIILADELPIILA, May 4, Ib7o. PARE. CART:MGR STMVICIE TARIFF OF 'FARES : I. For a single trip to George's Hill, and re turn 2. For a round trip to George's Hill, and re turn .ad cents. 3. For a single triple Belmont Mansion, by way of George's Hill when ?Odd is eompleted)...4o cents. 4. For a round trip to Belmont Mansion,and re• turn ' 60 cents. Passengers have the privilege to pay for the round trip andlake tickets for their return trip l'rom George's Hill or lichnont Mansion, which - may be used on any day. a. 'rickets, good for any day or trip, can be obtaine4 • at the following'prices: For five Sound trips to George's Hill $2 00 For five round tripe to Belmont Mansion... 2 00 6. Carriages are proyloed, in addition to those making the regular tripovhich can be engaged by the hour, at the following rates : - When used by one person, per hour, or less time ' ad When used by two persons, per hour or lees time 1 75 3111(125 cants far each additional person, who may origin filly engage tho carriage. Ile - vacant'seat In a carriage thus engaged shall be used by any ono not of the original Party except by their express consent. - - Pub , lished for the information of the public, by order of the Committee on Superintendence of Police. DAVID F. FOLEY, my 6 f s 8t rp§ • Secretary Purk Commission. NATATORIUM AND PHYSICAL I / 2 INSTITUTE, . • BROAD street; below WALNUT. SWIMMING 81.11100 L FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND' CHI RLDEN. OPEN FROM a A. M. TILL 10 P. M. WATER CHANGING CONSTANTLY. • An Oven and comfortable temperature maintained by the use of steam boilers. - Polito and competent instructors alWays in attend ance. Persons taught to swim in FROM SIX. TO TEN LEO. SONS. NOTICE.—The Gymnastic Departnient is reopened, the diarnagedby the late storm being fully, repaired. For terms, private lessons, ha., At., send or address for a eirculsr, myl9.2trp§ - J. A. PAYNE & BRO. !up. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 10, 1870. 'The. Annual Bleotinct of the Stockholders of the /Etna Mining CoinpanY fof Lake Supei ior) will be held at their office,No. 324 Walnut street. on TUESDAY, the.:ilst-day ofol ay, 3870. at 12-o'clocki - for - the election of Directors, anit thotransaction of other hilliness. .--ntyl.taray9l7—, THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY of the Ponneylvania Industrial HOMO for Blind Women will ha hold in the Central , Presbyterian Church, Eighth and Cherry streets, on 'MONDAY EVENING. tho lath instant. at tiwtrter 'before eight o'clock. Addromme will ho made by Rev. Drs. Henson, flutter, Brood and others. myl • TEACHERS, PARENTS, -BUY Volcoto for the " awl pro s9o s t in Your ((loads. It§ . . • • . , . . . . . . . • ~ , s . , . • ' - . C:' , , ~ • , ~,., , : -. ~.•,,,, ‘ .. ,.. f .. ~, s , , i ,: ,7 ' : —. 1.7 ~.,' Cr:, ~. : .. . , . , ( , I . , - -.-. ..•71 , - 417 - -,.. 7- . :.---= -,,, --1.-e.---7 ,tlgler - A .., - ; • a .;_-_,.,_ ... . . . . . ......... • , l'k- , - ::-'1'.•7 , . ...----". y;'''----.,•:. L---- ,--- 1 - i-- - - - - - :-• • . , .•- - , ... , - ~.,- _ - .- __ : - '74 i vi'... - -..;4 . 7. ~„ „ . . ... . .. • . . .. . '-`' - - --- 4 ". - ' ' - .•'-- ' - --- . -, -• '- . . • •, . --- '7 - -', - .'', -, , - r - -.'•••• •., 1 ~..' ; ~•. -, • : f -,, . :, . - NO. 28. DIED. Clothing Boys. 'S, B.A:. irookis, SPECIAL NOTICES. N 0 'V 110 AMERICAN ACADEMY. OF MUSIC. Purt./.OBLPUIA, MAy 14th, /870. The annual meeting of the St:K*ll6ler. of 'thei_AME.-__ RICAN — ACADEMY OF Mika will be held in the FOYER of the Academy, . . ON . 1110N1 It, JUNE 6th, 1870, at , W o'clock P. The annual reports will be submitted - , au election held for twelve m Directors; and action taken ou the SuaDle . , tee to the Charter, approved April Sth, 1810. inyli tfl UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL OVANIA, VAOULTY-OF -ARTS, - May 7 ilB7O.- The etated_publie_exorninetione- oftho—SENloll CL - ASS for DEGIIEEo will be held daily (except SAT. ti/IDAYS) from May Bth to Afar 26th. from 4 to ti o'clock N. IrRANCIS A. JACKSON, my7l6trp§ Secretary. THE ACADITT — MkTHF — FTNTEV.fCf'ir, haring been Injured by ' the recent itorru, the Exhibition of the life nixed Painting of -SHERIDAN'S RIDE in postponed for a few - clays. r nrylOtfrg _ [O. SERGIO L WARD OF THE UNl vetsitY Hospital le now open for the reception of patient* Apply Ninth street, below Locnet. from II to 3, to aply-tn eiterlt PROP. W. PAINE. LIEBIG'S COMPANY'S EXTB — ACT of Meat secures great economy and convenience frictousekneplug and excellence in cooking None genuine without the signature of Baron Lietilg, the inventor. and of Dr. Max Von Pettenkofer. delegate. ja2d-w adf J. MILLE BONB.lB3BroaderaY, BLY• L? PURE MEDICINES. TOILET RE QUISITES Aro) DELICIOUS SODA WATER AT BARES'Si IWO ARCH STREET. - - - u --CEDAR CHESTS AND FUR, BOXES ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. • N. THALHEIMER, my:Hu - Me 207 CALLOWIIILL .cr _HOWARD HOSPITAL, ' NOS. 1518 1 .1-rD 7 and 1520 Lombard fitrect, Dispensary Department. --Mtdioalireatmont mad medicine furnished aratuf,tomds tiro poor. DIVIDEND - NOTICES - . - GIPARD FIRE AND MARINE u.r.D , INSURANCE COMPANY, Oftioe N. E. Corner Seventh und Etreets. - l'Ap....4plat:ala, May 14th, 160 . DIVIICkND 110. 24. The Directors of thl.4 CompaDy have doctored a Dirt dead of FIVE DOLLARS per share. payable, to the r•tockholders, on and after the • 16th inot:. clear of all taxes-- -ALFRED- F,- --- In) 140 to th Tre..ur,r. RELEGIOUS - NOTICEB; IX.III us. .ORE, IV.IL t.S.O LI, L7' to-rourrow,in the Ffrit Reformed Chnrch l corner of Seventh - and Miring Garden etreets, at lei A. M.,and 74: PM. Evening-_,n Nuture's Emblems, '• Refl." (IV tin CLEMENT'S CHURCH, TWEN 'Opal and 41,6rtr sfreets. Service (cilorkl) and • rtp ,t •:itn n mow es/mg-USa A I tide 5t 41,1045- •ests - ivill lie ff... lt FIRST M . il ORAVIAN eIIRC U-corner- Franklin and Wood streets. Rev. J. H. K mower, Rector. Service To-morrow at. 1034 A. M. and 7 4 5, P v w Pastor, wittprcacfi — to-niorrovr in the Third Re twined Church. Tenth An.l Filbert gtreets. Set - rine at IC.: 'o'clock A. X. And 8 o'clock P. 31. lt.‘" W IL LIT8;13;D.; WILL - 10x - Fic7i 'in the_ Brat Arch Street Presbyterian Church.- te-roorroir at 10% A. M. and Rev. George-MlN crave. D. D., at b P. M. it. SECONI) REF OR 31 ED' CH URCET, Seventh street. above - Brown.—tim. Isaac . Hartley. Pasterov ill preach to-morrow I Sunday), at day s A. M. and 7M P. M. a O tta. " . • .-- • t. , Broad street, todovr Areh.—Preaehinz. Sunda'', Lr Rer. Jas. Neill, atlol, A. M., and Ber. C. H. Payne at 7 P. M. Strangers Invited. it. " li7E ESBYTEBIAN t I vty Church. Nineteenth and titreet4,—Nev, Paidur. Sirvices t., worn, w. at tdi: A. M. Cgs. D1.21..1 J. 11:111111\ Spruce etreet, below Sixth. Itev. J. P. Conker paptor, will preach at 10.li A. M. and 6 o'clock P. H Strangeracordially inritrd. It. C Tit AL__ ESI.II7.P.A.tiAN ur Chinch, Eighth and Cherry etreetm—Rev. A. Revd. L. 1).; Patitor, will preach to-morrow (Sabbath) morning. at •'clock., and In the evening' at 8 o'clock. .11* urn' CLINTON STREET CHURCH, Tetith street. below Spruce.—Rev. Samuel Miller Baseman, of Princeton, will preach to-morrow at IC% A. M.,and Rev. Dr. W West Arch street Church, at BP. M. All persons cordially invited. owe BETH-EpEN BAPTIST CHURCH, Broad and brace streets. Rey. J. Wheaton npth, D. D., will preach Sunday morning and irrening, The children of the Southern Home. of this city, will sing in the evening, with other services, in celebration of their Anniversaer. /t" IuaNORTII. PRESBYTERIAN CHURC H, Sixth strvet, above Green.—Service to-morrow !( :•obbath) morning at Id); and evening at 8 o'clock, bi the Pastor elect, . - - - REV. R. S. AGNEW Strangers welcome. 110. FLORAL ANNIVERSARY.—TEIE k ifty-third Anniversary of the St. John's M. E. Sunday School will be held in the Church, Third sited': bow George, on TUESDAY EVENING, 17th inst., et 8 o'clock. odresses, offevitiqs end choice singing by the school. Admission, Mats l 5 cents, children 15 cents. [u. THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chucch, 'Washington Sonare.,-=-Rev, Herrick J ohnsou. D. D., Pastor, will preach tocruorrovr at 105 ii A. Id, • The Anniversary of the Sabbath Schoiihelll he held at 4 . Al. Addresses by the raster and General 111 IL Gregory. No evening aervicea. lt• u. SERMON BEFORE THE GREAT Western Division, No. 334, lions of Temperance, To-morrow Evening, in the Western 51". E. Church, Twentieth street, below Walnut, by t Pastor, Rev. J. Cook. Morning service by the Pastor. Also, Sun. v.,,ph,-, 0 1 mlo• , eln monti n•• in of , • lt• I]&. , V 13 I_ I. 114 b• JA. A.% Church, Locnst street, above Fifteenth. Rev. Dr. Humphrey, Pastor; Anniversary Sunday. Sermon by the Pastor in the morning. Ths anniversary exercises the Funday-schotil at 336 P. 151. St - the Church: Aub , dref sea by Rev. A. A. Willits and the Pastor. tio evening service. 4r.D, THE SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF "TUE PENNSYLVANIA INDUSTRIAL ROME FOR BLIND IVOiIiEN" will he held on MON DAY EVENINt4, tool infanta, before.B P. M., at t hO.Centtal.Prebbyteriati - Church, -Eighth -and -Cherry %tracts. The public are particularly intjtud. Addreamos hr se% eraloiere%men. mvl4 1111,0 AL) ,S VD. P.; r DIS 31% RIAN Church.—Preachinci to-morrow by the Pastor, Dew. Dr. Stryker. Second anniversary amnion iu the morning at Di% o'clock, " Forward," with special application' to the Presbyterian Church at the present time._la the evening at o'clock. Strangers welcome,t." . _ .1 . •,61J1 A la request, will speak of the condition of the women of India, NEXT TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, lu Lecture Room of Rev. J. A. If oney'a Church, Powelton avenue, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth 'decide; and WEDNESDAY, P. IR. at o'clock, in the Church, of the Atonement Sovenleenth and Summer streets. clot lumen and all intereeted iu Nifidiol2B specially rayl4 A UNION PRAYER-MEETING will be held in the First Presbyterian. Church, ashington Square, on Wednesday evening next, 18th Inst., at 8 o'clo , k, preparatory to the meeting of the General Assembly, at which it is expected a number of the Foreign Delegates and many of the Commissioners will be present. Pastors are requested to-givebotice next Sabbath of this A SPECIAL MEETINGOF the Sunday School Association of MONDAY (Amish in Philadelphia. will be held on EVENTNO'next,lilay 16th, at 8 O'clock, in the Lecture Room of Bt. Phillip's, Oliurch, Vine street, below Eighth. The Subject • " How can the Sunday School be made attractive without a loss or Spiritual Power," will be discussed by Rev. J. Blake Falkner, Rey. Percy Browne, and others. znyll 2t SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' Uinstituto, under the direction of the Pennsylvania -- Flute Sabbath School Association, in the Tabernacle Demist Church. Chestnut street, west_ 01El ktgentla t 11l ONDAY - EVENINGT - Biay - maiftol commune g .at 734 - o'clock. The Missionary Work of tho Sund • School, Nelson Kingsbury, Esq. Discussion, on the same subject, , To be opened by Re v% David Spencer Abraham buttn, Esq., and John Wsrminaker, Esq., followed by th- an di. nee in five-minute addresses. iv . 'RETAILING AT 'wnoLgszilili pricer—daddlary, liarnoms aid Homo, Gear - of iiitlitaq, at KNICASS', .No. 1128 Market• etreet.— Big • horso in the door . • • , ~• - '‘ • JAS. TRAQVAIR, Treasurer snd Secretsry .1510NIGY .TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIABIONDS, WATCHES, . I. JEWELRY, PLATE, CLOTHING, ao., at JONES Jc C0.:15 OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of Third and Gaakill Weeds, Below Lombard._ N .13. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, 'JEWELRY, GUNS, Ao., , • - (1 , WARBII TON'S-IMPROVED, YEN oft Mated and easy-fitting Dresellatalpatented) in all the approved faahlone of the omen. Qtteetnut street next dootto th Feet-Offloe.. . . - oc6-tfrp HUBIN EBB -ESTABLISHED 1830.-401117YLEB ARMSTRONG, Undortake.re i 1527 Germantown avonuo and Fifth et. D. 11.-6curtnir.a. lataklyrAr'STS:2l:KbiettioNG TOP Y " BARTLEV I ,,KID GLOVE) ) 11 - 10 86 r A. dr J. B. BIIIITHOLOMEIW, • ,01)30 if EP§ importers, 231 r. ElllflTllstreet. POLITICAL NOTIICES: us THE A.I4I4IYAIVIEETINd_Or_THE 11EPIIBILICAE1 INEENCIBLEA . an i6x.o av r . ASSEMBLY BUILDING,' -Southweetcorneref-TEIVIII-and OftESTNllTStreetai On 2"I7IH , DAE EVENING, liftiy 17,11170, at 8 o'clock, To elect an Executive Committee to serve the meninx year. ' All aqtVe membera of the ingenization'ire invited to erticip By order of the Executive Committee. HENRY C. HAWKINS, Secretary.. • PHILADELPIIIA,.Mai 70p MO. ful.. For 'Representative 16th D.lstficf, SAMUEL D. STROCK.. . Enbiect to.the rules of tho Republican Puny. . myl4 HORTICULTURAL. .141 LARGE LIMA BEANS, VALEN TINE Beans. Sugar Cons, Evergreen Cern, Long tango Carrots, French Sugar -Beet, Mengel 'Wurzel, Bata Bags _ and all et).er..Eeelle. for planting during this. ntenth._ Iresh and gOnuine, at DEICER'S fleud• Ware __house, 714 Chestnut street.-- --myllatu24 lar, TOMATO, EGG PLANT, PEPPER; „W.._ owl Sweet Potato Plants, of the beet varieties, al PRICE R'S Seed Warehouse, 714 Chestnut at. mylts tu2t XI FLOWERS ! kLO WERto: !—T WEN. TY-FIVE choice. free-blooming varieties of ewer So-eds for one dollar. Now is the lime to sow 11. A.:DREER. 714 Chestnut street. . mrl4sitn2t§ 1.5 GLADIOLUS 'B ULBS.---N °DUNG can equal* in beauty of colon a bud of these beau. 1 u flowering bulbs. Now is the time to plant. 'Assort ments frtm one to five dollars per dozen. ff. A. DREER, - mylie tiat§ N 0.714 Chestnut street. AGRICULTURAL: BAND LA WN-M W ERS—THE Superiority of the - Philadelphia machine over all others is vr e LI known. - No. I cuts 15 inches wide, price $26 00. N 0.2 cuts 20 inches wide, pri. e 836 00.- We - have also - the Built's - Newer at - 825;nud - the Swift's House Machin°, the superior merits of which is well Down, price 05220. We warrant every machine to giro entire satisfaction, .rod when required will send a man to put them In ope ration. ROBERT MUST. Jn., rl2 r,§ 922 and 924 Market street above Ninth REAL ESTATE SALE col : , PUBLIC t3ALE-015 THE PEE Wig —Janne% -A, Freeman, Auctioneer —Hand- - .otne Modern Residence,No. 1123 Mount Vernon street. On Thursday morning , May Ind, at 10 o'elock,WilF be sold at pnblic gale on the prey lees, all that certain three-story brick rneeop*gQ,..with Jim-three-story brick back buildings and the lot of ground on-which it is erected. situate.. on the _north side .of Mount Vernon greet (No. IIM) containing in front 17 feet, and in depth 120 feet to a3O feet wide street. Hai all the modem con cenienres, gas, range, het and cold crater, hivh, water closce,.underdrain, sillooniparlor t marble mantels, - It is in eteellent rendition. • . -Butt the_purehaaw- mon ey-way- - -pemaln-. - Immediate possession.- elillSO to be paid when ill - a...i11-aped? is stru ck oft. JAMES A, Fll.F.E.MAN,Anettoneer,• tn7l43t - ' Store 4.22 Walnut street AUCTION SALES; V • I - SATE OF "\_CEOICE ALDERNEY CATTLE, r HORSES, _FAEMING___LMPLE lix ra,- TYATIIYI) TENSILS, Arc. May 17, at OAK FARM; the residence of .10SEPII F. PAGE, Eck .; City Lane station, North Pennsylvania Railroad.' Commencing at 12 o'clock M. precisely, will.besold,vrithout reserve, the entire . herd of pure bred A lderneys. imported,and bred from imported stock, c ump rising ebont TWENTY HEM), and including seven imported prize Cows and the im ported prize-Rull St..Malo,r Dion old, -believed be one of the finest animals of the kind in the country. U Furtherparticulars in catalogues. • • ALFRED. M. BERKNKSS, Auctioneer, 132 tr Ninth and Banyan streets. MISCELLANEOUb. IJFADQCARTERt44 FOE EXTRACTING LI TEETH WITH PEES NITROUS. OXIDE ' GA "ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN." Dr. F. R. THOMAS, formerly operator at the Colton Dental Rooms, devotes his entire practice Gotha painlese extraction of teeth. Office, 9ll Walnut st. mhs,lyrp¢. TREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTHWASH,— It ia the most pleasant. cheapest and beet dentifrice extant. Warranted free from injurious ingredients. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth ! Invigorates and Soothes the Gums ! Purifies and Perfume!. the Breath Prevents Accumulation of Tartar! Cleansee and Purifies Artificial Teeth I Is a Superior Article for Children I Sold by all Druggsts. A. SO, Proprietor, Loh] IT§ Ninth and F i lb ert streets, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF THE DOG-OATCHERSI Muszle4, Collars and amine for Market TRUMAN , No. 8.35( Eight ThirtY -flee l street, be Ninth. FOR MARKING NAMES ON CLOTH ing we furnish to. order small 'Stencil Plates, with brush and iuk. Also, larger sines for store and factory ties. TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 883 (Eight Thirty-five) Market street. below Ninth. XVIRE - DISH CLOTHS OR SCOURERS, vT for cletinsing bolters, pans, and other cooking utensils. are durable afid more efficient than sand or fishes. Hotels, restaurants and housekeepers. will ftnd them a desirable article to put into the hands of their seullit us. For sale by TRUMAN & SHAW.' No. 836 Eight, Thirty•flya) Barket street, below Ninth. 520.000 sis,opo, $lO,OOO AND SEVE . ral wawa of 61,000; to loan at par on mortgage if city property. S. KING-STUB McOAY, 49 S%alniifetreet. = • • - -myl44t*. U3I.INIER BOARDING HOUSE SCHENCK'S STATION. MRS. DUPREE ban taken the new, splendidly fitted p bou so.by Dr. Schenck, and intends keepingAtflai l:lag home. The roman are large and airy, with gas, .ot and cold water, and all conveniences: Those wish ng to keep carriage and horees will find stabling, piendid driven aid a healthy neighborhood. tayl4 3t" VRESH CHARCOAL BISCUIT FOR r DYSPEPSIA: • BARD'S FOOD for infanta, just Imported. Select Rio Tapioca, with directions for nee. Genuine Bermuda Arrowroot, and other Dietetics,' for sole by JAMES T. $.lll NN, S. W. cor. Broad and Spruce. op 9tf rp§ JIDBILADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAND -1 AGE INSTITUTE, 14 North Ninth street. above Market. B. 0. EVERETT'S TRUSS positively. cures Ruptures. Cheap 'Trusses. Elastic Belts, Stockings., mapporteiwStioulder Braces, - Crutches. IdUjipepeorietl, Pile Tiandaren. Ladies attended to by Mrs. E. lyllyrp D.EILSONB IN WANT OF MONEY, WHO I object visiting the Public Pawnbrokers. can obtain liberol loans upon DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEW. ELNY, SILVER PLATE, LIVE POLICIES, and Aber VALUABLES. Private. Parlor exclusively for ladies. No Pawnbrokers' signs. Licensed by the Mayor. South Ninth street, near Spruce street. Private loru3e. ' ' lny_2lrn rp" MARK LNG WITH INDELIBLE INK Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, Atm lit. A. TORREY. 1800 'Filbert ' T SAM) NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER, N. E. 1 corner Third and Bpruceetreets, only ono square below the Exchange.,' , $250 000 to loan, in large or small amounts, on diamonds, ell,. r plate,• watches, jewelry and all goods of vain°. Office hours from BA. M. to 7 P. N. Ism Established for the last forty years. Ad vances made in large amounts at the lowest • market rates. WATCHES THAT HAVE HITH- liirto failed to give satisfaction, put in good order. Particular attention paid to .Flue Watch• es, Cbronome ers, etc, by skilful workmen. lluOcal_Boxes_repaired.-1 FARR dc BROTHER, • Importers of Watebea t 924 Chestnut street, below nurth. _J. VOR- SALA AT , REMARKABLY LOW' PYLABES. • • mrirturPY SA TURDAY, MAY 14; 1870: Disastrous Fire at Petroleum Centre-- , Loss SS,OOO to . $lO,OOO. We take the following particulars of the fire at Petroleum Centre from the Record of the 11th: About half-past twelve o'clock Wednesday, as oil tank containing about MO barrels of oil, and located about half way up McCray Rill, above the Hyde and Egbert farm, was struck by lightning and set on tire, resulting in a dis -astrous-contlagration,--The--tank-was-a--cov-- ered one, and burned for about fifteen min utes before exploding, every one 'supposing it contained but little oil and that no particular• damage; would be done, in xvhich it seems they Were mistaken; the result being disastrous in the extreme. As soon as the tank exploded the burning, oil, ran down the hill, taking everyteing in its Course,andonly ceasing when its force was spent, despite the etlorts of the bystanders to stay its progress. __The tank was connected with the Mount Moriah well McCray farm, and contained MO barrels of oil, which was totally destroyed. jointly owned by Jas. Sr - 11 (Cray and N. If: Pay Ile. Just below the tank was a small dwelling house, owned by Jas. S. McCray, • which was destroyed. Below this the following buildings and wells were 'destroyed. Engine house of Burlington Well ;' dwelling house owned and occupied by Mr. Stevens' ; office of Maple Shade Oil Comnany ; engine house of Coquette well; dwelling houses ofJohn. Theobolt, Mr. _ Greenwell and Mr,Stantford. _The house__ of. Wm. Pugh Vas torwlown in order to stay the priagress_oLthe_fitunes;Abereby-savin,r , several. other dwelling'houses. From this point the burnining oil ran into' he ditch by • the road side, thence across the reed towards Oil Creek, at which point a dam-was constructed and its further_progress stayed: , The loss is estimated at between $8,000; and -Two Georgia lawyers delivered • most seitrobi rig armitilents with ravolvora last week. lOnd will survive, but he•ivill be a (nipple. PRANCE. . The Reatilde toneptette3r--Ite History from the Inception of she .Plot—lin tended Action mid ?deans and Weapons ot the Conestirstoirs. PAIIIB, May 1, 1870.—The political powder barrel on which we have been 'sitting for sorne — time — neafir — exphYded - la - st - FridaY7 During the day a report that the Emperor had been tired at disturbed the public mind and the Bourse fell. I knew for a fact that no such attempt bad been made, although for two days past tho authorities bad been on the look out for a " dangerous" man who bad arrived from England. The departure of DI. Ledru Bonin for London, affboughl i an incident of a trivial nature, was stillicie t to arouse the suspicions of _the_s_biorseyed agents . of the Prefecture. , They believed that he vas cognizant of some coming event with which he did not wish to be e tangled. and they took their precautions_a c— cordingly. The London police forwarded in formation that a man had quitted the English metropolis with the intention of assassinating the emperor. Ile entered Paris and remained here for two or three days-without detection. Friday evening it wag 'reported that aniarran merli; bls , description bad passed-the night with - 011 e sountireitithe Biittee des_Moulins quarter.? He . was immediately arrested, and forwarded to Mazes. M. Bernier, the ',Tugs d'lnstruction; who has been so roughly handled by certain portions of the; press, with re spect to the . supposed ccomplot--de dared to be unfounded, except in his own imagination, but -which -I have long since told you really does exist—proceeded to in- . terrogate tbeprisoner. He ts a deserter from the beventh infantry, only twenty-two years of age, - named Beauri. On being searched there was c found in his possession a six-bar reled revolvei, loaded; a letter, bearing the London post mark, signed Gustave Flotireni, containing minute directions, and 100 francs, which Beauri had received the, same morning to facilitate his -escape hr the event of his having been successful. In consequence of his revelaticius_the_police_at_once _arrested three persons in the neighborhood of the Boulevard du Prince Eugene. At the house of one of them, a large case, con taining cartridges and bombs, was dis covered, together with' bottles filled with an explosive substance, supposed to be picrate of potassium, and a receipt for making picrate concealed with other papers in two busts of Lamartine and Garibaldi. At Belle -ville ttie police attempted - to - arrest another in - Alividual,:who shouted: .‘-f Helpl-brothereithey arrest a republican!" and the agents were im mediately surrounded by roughs who suc ceeded in rescuing the prisoner. - In all there have been about forty captures effected; amongst them are several of the chiefs of the Sociite Internationale. A conductor Of the Northern ItAilway has been arrested, eharged -with-having accepted - for transmission froni— . Belginni a large quantity of revolvers ordered from a gunsmith at Liege by French republi can refugees. It is believed; however, that the ronductor is - not - implicated - in the plot: The Emperorand the Beporters. [ - Paris Coe. of the Journal do Harrej —Lunderstand that. the „Emperor this week summoned M. Pietri to his cabinet and or dered him to get an exact report, taken . -:in_ short-hand, - of everything said at the public meetings during the plebncitary period. The Prefect of Police next day sent for-M. La --gache, the director of reporters at the Legis lative hody,and, after mentioning the Empe ror's desire, begged--himsto-convolm-all-his men, so asto come to an understanding with them, and to add'one or two More, when ne cessary, to accompany the Commissary of Police at each meeting. M. Lagache did not. like 1 - o show any I -repugnance,— but • would not venture to make such a proposal from himself to his subordinates ; so it was decided that a meeting should be called, and that the appli cation should be addressed to them as coming' from the Minister of thp Interior. All the gentlemen convoked met at the_ Legislative Chamber, where the Chef da Cabinet of M. Chevandier de Valdrome was in waiting. On his telling them what they were wanted to do, he met with unanimous refusal. They in trenched themselves behind their quality of stenographers in the Chamber, and declared that they could not, be under the superin tendence of the Prefect of Police. All re monstrances were found unavailing, and so the matter rests, The Plot of 1852--The Pelnce.President First in Danger, (From the Parte Steele, MY Yesterday's plot reminds us of a forgotten incident of the debut of the present ripme. In the autumn of 1852 the President of the Repub lic went on a provincial tour to give the rustics an opportunity .. of showing their imperialist feeling. The reception bad been - so far chilly, when, suddenly, the telegraph apprised the country that an infernal machine had been discovered at Marseilles, and that the "Savior cif Society" had been providentially saved by the vigilance of the police. The announce ment prodnced a good impression. The machine was minutely described. The timid began once more to tremble. _The Presiden tial tour was henceforth triumphant. The police announced the arrest of the chief cul prit and an individual named Gaillard. Ho was formally , examined and it was given out ;bat he would shortly be brought to trial. The Presidential tour came tort close. The Senate ',reclaimed the President " Emperor," the people ratified the nomination by eight mil ions of voted, and the plot vanished into thin air. The infernal machine man, the conspire or and his acComplices, disappeared and have never been beard of since. , Amromume OIL FIRE. THE SPANISH ININBRISONITIL , • The Sipleetion ft Deinninded—.• Wining. 'and Peitz" Ifurpene• trable.—Slionspoindier, and .lgissonesere..... 11.ellfideris Forillterarent. . [Madrid Corroopnndencu Courrior do Berenice.) L_Complaintaare'maile on-all siderelativei-to ; the prolongation oftbe provisional rigime,and' the selection of a king is called, for who may give confidence and prosperity to the.country. 'the Regent is_fully disposed. to give sattillec 7 . don to public opinion, and he has manifested his desire to the Cabinet. ' Prim resolved the communication coldly, premised to act in -ad cordance with it, but remains impenetrable in his intentions. He had a long conference with, !his colleagues a day or two ago. and went -twice' to 'confer with -- IBartbal Stir - rand 'Some thirty Progiessists tiave' decided 'on • 'proposing , Espartero , in case the , partisans,.of , Mompeasier. - should. -inake-anr attempt—candidate 7 A committee has been forined iu support of the former with a . view to gaining- adherents:- A project is spoken of to accord to the Regent the prerogatives of Chief of State,' or. to torm a Directory, at the head of which would be placed Serrano, Prim and Topete. .Public n - 1 Opinios anxious for a definite solution. The stay-at-Granada of - M: - Echegaray, --- lginister Public Worksovlio has at last returned to tlihi,city, gave rise to a very decided clianifes.. tation..- While he was being serenaded some student's collected under his windows and'ac companied the execution of the moreeauz' with 1 biases. Some arrests were made. 2Theyoung iagarnuilins.of the streets ran about the town shouting: "A Muerto los .Judios!" "_Viva Dios!" Viva la Virgenr They . diired: thus to protest against theattacks on the Catholic religion by this member or the Cabinet. The Minister considered himself called upon to give, at the Alhambra, some explanation as to his words; but, the neople exhibiting symp toms of using violence .against him, he was obliged to withdrew secretly.. :On Easter Sun day the -population assembled in front of his hotel and compelled him to legve the balcony by - cries of " Vivo la Religion G'atoJuu."' °rte log .zitektasy los Judios ." The police was obliged to interfere to disperse the crowd. At the bancitiet given him by the municipality, the table was placed in the form of a cross, and all the disbesserved up were laid in a way to represent the same .sigu. Thejournals state that from five to twelve months salary is due to the -clergy. -,ln order .to provide - for - their daily necessities_they.a.re.obliged_..to-- have re-. Bourse to charity,- or to - auguient the price of 'their masses. . Criticisms of Mir. Disraeli's Last Novel. The Evening. Standard says of Mr. Disraell'S new novel that it is a political 'one. it treats of tbe cur "rent political teples:;.deals, under an .i'aiiilY-peifetrable veil, with prominent pont' clans and dames du grand nionde..lts hero may, he easily mistaken for; or identified - ..with.a young nobleman whose secession from the 'Church -of Englaial - some' time ago ex cited a. great social '• interest. There is no difficulty in. fastening,,a, .presnmable: -identity -upon. five, out of - sirof the charao ters intredneed these_,volames but so far es_weerin discover; on a hasty' perusal of the sheets, the resemblance to individuals is rather because the right honorable author, with wide exnerience of men and mannerkr,' has drawn from life—as a great artist, while copying the leading lineaments of his Model, awl areeling that may not be -so readily traced in his subject: To speak broadly, " Lothair" is a novel of the - Sibyl" class. There is throughout., it a curious mixture of religion, politics, Fenian: ism, fashionable society; - Romanist intrigue ,and telling aphorisms. Nothing of the ori ginal -verve of Mr. Disra.eli's. style has been lost, by the lapse of years. Fresh as " Coningsby," vigorous as " Vivian Grey " tender as " Henrietta Temple," en thralling as " Tancred;"ktimorons. as any of his former works, "Lothair," apart .from the interest attaching to it on account of the posi tion of its author, Would be the literary suc cess of the season. In one of its chapters Lo their is represented-as returning home, musing upon a .lady, while considerable speculation religion,the churches, the solar system, the cosniical 'order, the purpose of creation, and the destiny of matt was maintained" in his progress to his hotel. The Observer says : "Lon,quin post intervallum, the author of Coningsby' and ' Vivian Grey' has launched another bark upon the crowded waters of fiction, Stories were current as to Its pelitical character, and some of Mr. .etemporary legislators must have telt not a little nervous when it was boldly an nounced that they were to form the central group in a picture which was sure to be tell ing and graphic. But politics—or at all events home politics—MeDisraeli altogether abjured.- Neither by any stretch can the story be held to have an autobiographical significance, as some of the prognosticators would have had us believe. Lothair' is a medley—with hardly - any plot to speak of—of hunt ton, Feniauism, Jesuitism, Garibaldi-ism, 'Mary Anne,! and the Asian_Mystery, which comes-to-the front triumphantly in the third volume. As a story it can hardly be said. to take shape at all. As a series of brilliantsketelies of character, with occasional digressions into abstract and specu lative topics; Lothair' need not fear com parison with the most sparkling of its author's previous works." IIIJE COAL TRADE. ,The Weekly, Statement. The Mauch Chunk Goat Gazette says: There was transported last week over both railroads and canal 111,691 tons, against 123,- 926 17 tons last week—a decrease of 12,235 17 tons. The Trade • While there is still 'a very large quantity of coal being shipped, the trade cannot be called as brisk as it has been for some time. In a few cases orders have been countermanded. • The' only real demand - comes froni turnaces and manufactories. At Philadelphia; the stock has been much reduced, and consumers, who have been waiting for Schuylkill to go to work, have given up in despair, and are ordering largely from Lehigh and Wyoming. Schuylkill Weldon. In Schuylkill the position of affairs remains the same as last week. if we accept a little skirmish betwetin the County President of the W. B. A. and the Anthracite Board of ;Trade, there has been no indication of life through out the region for a week. Since the celebra-, tion at St. Clair the miners have been leaving . in great numbers, and,it is said, nearlY two thirds Of the men are away from. home.' Northumberland county a few small operators _have_resumed_work —ln a recently-published book, called "The Poetry of the Period," the author, Mr. Alfred Austin, is very severe in his' criticisms upon Walt Whitman and, his "grotesque,, ungrammatical and repulsive rhapsodies. Re quotes this paesage . " All these states compact —every square Mile of those. Mates without excepting a Particle. • O land! 0 all so dear to me—whatyou. are (wherever it is) I hem's, apart - of - Mit whatever it is ! • flouthward, then, Igo screaming, with wings, slowly , nrorrob along the coasts of Ifiorlda ) 1 and then remarkgl confess I think the pictum not an, inaccurate one. Mr. Walt Whitman screamingi and . with wings slowly flapping, realizes my notion of him in his po ,etical condition—his gull of Mississippi., as op posed 'the 'swan Of;Avon—as perfectly as languago - could• well present -it to Lei." . .-An Indians 'female preacher lies • beal marr,ying a couple and kissing tlio bridegroom. PRICE - THatE 'GEM 111 01Sair niegiont,'" anquettat She- newel ilLowdeory - or Aiiri• Remark* of 6lhe Ameriooo glifolater wolf oof iho oo Ilnwlfsh r Wrhse....fho '/Ase Effacti r IM On Apr/130th a banquet was _givenby -President- of - the -1 4iyal - A - Calfon4 of Artat r Burlington }louse, in London. After the regular toasts, .Prosperity th# . lEfititocl Srate.p and the health of the , American" Minister wanproposelt. • , . Itemorks of DKr:. Efot*ov, •7‘t ; Mr. lilotley r in replying, said/: I waik . • big over some desp,:stChe.;" this morning;" and one or them was dated .London Anti! .arid`is written by thosenvoy of a certain' sicieredited_at this Court. —Bid-lest be -- thought to be about rta violate your , sanised rules, I hasten to say that -the. date, . wasp apt; April 39,11310; but Arbil IQ, .15157andthat - tilkes: lie nblns omaey of Atnerina atlimb epoch+ being; &Iv bay the, •least, rather limitei:P. • Welly, - this - Envoy, too, was invited -to., ,tst great dinner, and them , were assembled the illustrioa4 ' mitt itiff. - England--Eoyal prindes, great - rib:deaf:den, atidil Church dignitaries , the - '..chbishop .oV - York,-1 afterwards Cardinal-Wobey,•foreutOstsamengl#-- them and-even, before the,dinner the, Envoy:, Was kind enough to make thia, gOeidly pany a speecl—sin oration. in' Latinwhieh;' he says, lasted a good hour; and-which hews calls a most copious, and loving diseciunte. He professes, himself, to;, have been ; I ex- • ceedingly pleased with his own laerformande —but' whether the company thus detained." from their banqnet by this very; 'elaba-'s' rate, whet were equally - . 'Chastised , ideas not appear. The dinner was then despidolted, • and immediately after dinner what does net the Secretary ottlais same gentleman do 'bat begin to play upon the flute, the organ; and the harpischord for an hour and a half; • atuf.-s heptoo, was exceedingly pleased with Ns owls r performance, and says that he bore hinaffelf7,, most bravely and was listened to with pro found a.ttentiotiL Whether_these_prandialinS*'-' ceedings of termer Republican .r.nvoys hero' , are exactly examples to be imitated may :be doubted. Rather, I am inclined to consider them as warnings, and therefore, without an3r intention of inflicting upon you a coPicuis and' loving discourse, whether in Latin or the ver nacular, I wish only to thank you most truly,. but briefly, for the privilege you have ,acs. corded me= of feasting my eyes on the tri numbs of - British- - genius which' wallS, and of listening to the lips of those" whose eloquence delights us to-night, al it has e 'so often commanded die applause,of distenine - Senates--the admiration •of the world: The names and the chief Works •eV - your great artists, from the times ' of; Henry- V ll.' down to our day, which is so rich in artistic genius that Idanots' dare to , name any brightparticularstar - aanorig splendid and 'numerous galaxy, are ,fa,,, minas as household words in my own country and lam sure that Americans like'West - and' Copleyy Gilbert Stuart, Stuart Newton,fWashs 4 i ngton Allston, and ;Leslie, as , well- as, Allow ; great sculptors and Painters of our oyziday whose names, for the ffame reason, I do not:. - enumerate; have found generous recognition here.' The commonwealth of art is a true'Re--i puldie„ wheramen ot genius of all classes:aro,- = fellow-citizens. „ ' ' Reniairks of In the Course of his remarks, Mr. Dickens'': 8 1/9k' as follows efs.the artist, the late Mts -Maclise. For many years I was one of the -; two most intinaate friends and most constant companions of the late lir. Maclise...Or his genius in his chosen art I will venture to say' ' nothing here,-but of his prodigious fertility pr , wind and wonderful.wealth ot.intellect Itnay ; confidently assort that they would have made , him, had he been so minded, at least as great a writer as he was a 'painter. The . " gentlest and most modest of men , the. r freest as to his generous appreciatiOn:4 of young aspirants,, and. the, frankest and i .i largest-hearted as to his peers, incapable ~ sordid or ignoble- thought,-gallantly sustaining---' thdignity of his vocation without- one grainu of elf-assertion, wholesomely natural at.the last as at the first, " in wit a man, in sympathy. a child," no artist, of whatsoever denomi t uft-, , tion t I make bold to say, ever went to his rest-, leaving a golden memory more pine front' dross, or having devoted - himself: with a truer: t Chivalry to the art-goddess, 'whom, he w,or , i shipped.. • -Om-- ! THE FRENCH ELECTIONS. _ _ Ignorance of the Frenchlfeattafttrjr.: 7(1 The Paris correspondent, of the 1 40440n:a Times writes of the Plebiscite before the ,vote "It is fulfilling its useless work of parking:, the peasants to tho utmost , and' agitating 'the"' workmen. When it is said- to , theni that..thetw. Emperor wants again their_ recognition_.andhl confirmation of his authority, 440 , Y answer,: not inadvisedly, Why does;he want it He said to be still quiet at the Tuileries'' In some'` places they say, Why ask us such things ?- • We have senedeputies to settle such= matters. ,. with the Emperor, and if, he. does nett , like them he can ask, us to send him, other ones.' But these bits of rural whi dom are too rare, and the dominant feeling of the French peasantry is now an utter amaze-- • ment at what is going on and a vain attempt - r to understand what it means. I dined 801X113 1 , days ago in the house of the mayor of a' be - rough of about three thousand inhabitantAf" who told me that he could not dispel a -fedl-' ing in the mind of the peasants that they, werwr called upon to vote about the, Pope ,and. the„ Council; however, some of the most crafty of r them derided their neighbors 'and Said'tchthe ' mayor that they knew* well'what'they were t 6 vote about, to wit, the publicists, ar learned word forjournalistze'•. .3 .; The Assassina tion liheAlt• The bombs that it is. claimed were toilavee been-lately used-in the attempt - to. - assassinate' the Emperor Napoleon'ttre thus described: • To use a homely comparison, theyare muffins or teacakes ? with a. depreasion or.hol low iu the centre of each side, and the, poinfs. sticking out round the ciretnuference, to which. the handle is also fixed. A vortical , section , shows nearly the form of a dumb-bell,. with, -rivetting—bolt r which--bolds-together-the-two ry -- halves, passing through the centre. The cast iron of which they are made is of excellent' ,quality. It had been thrice melted, ' and upon this is based a supposition that the clandestine manufacturers had made use of old cast-iron in preference to pig-iron, or which the purchase might have attracted, notice or have led to their being traced. The moulds must have been the work of every t skillful band, eupplied with excellent tools. The grooves for the passage of the pegs or nails are aLso" very well wrought. In suart, the conspirators seem to - have` bad at their p Osal an rexp ert - fro nfound er a - good mould r maker, and somebody skillful in the adjust," ment of such engines. The papersi.foundshow%, that a chemist was engaged in the phie,, the smith's -work is bad ;- the Volts are slitah"as could be bought at any shop, but tbit 4 a7re c . badly inserted; the .nails are.commott,:andept broken with a hammer ; the •bandlet)with" which,the shell was to be thrown is more ill-made„ and tod"small to admit ore - thmithree fingers of any ordinary man's 'hand. • Owing to thee' deficiency in thhao - ros - pe - etiOlie Joaded,,would be dangerous tO handlesekronelt• HO that it is siiiiiiosedtheT inteution was to throw them from windows." . ' -Whenever the Emperor of Russia has the de/irium tremens,. and that happens, unfortw natelv, rather otten, he helieves_to _see las ghost of his`fathor Nicholas and labors under -) the terrible delusion that he s, poitioned ford perial father. His groans and shrieks on seek) neebsions are said to be horrible be9oultdin l4 suriptiou •ç -